Understanding Abstraction in Programming

Oct 5, 2024

Lecture on Abstraction

Introduction to Abstraction

  • Abstraction Definition: Managing complexity by focusing on relevant concepts and omitting unnecessary details.

Example of Abstraction in Daily Life

  • Basketball Game Summary:
    • High-level summary: "The Warriors won by 10 points."
    • Detailed actions: Descriptions of player actions (e.g., Steph Curry's muscle movements).
  • Purpose: Avoid overwhelming detail; keep focus on relevant information.

Abstraction in Computer Science

  • Procedural Abstraction:
    • Define steps of a program without detailing each step's internal processes.
    • Example: Writing high-level instructions instead of detailed muscle movements in the "Hokey Pokey" dance.

Levels of Abstraction

  • In Programming (e.g., Karel Program):
    • High-level: "Move" command in Karel.
    • Low-level: Translates to Assembly language, then to Machine code (binary).
  • Purpose: Simplify programming by abstracting complex operations and providing high-level commands.

Historical Context and Progress

  • Early programming (e.g., Roller Coaster Tycoon) done in low-level Assembly.
  • Modern programming languages offer higher levels of abstraction.

Key Quote on Abstraction

  • John Guttag: "Preserving information relevant in a given context and forgetting information that is irrelevant."

Practical Application: Functions

  • Functions as Abstractions:
    • Simplify complex operations (e.g., "Build Tower" function in Karel).
    • Abstract away detailed steps, focusing on high-level operations.
    • Multiple functions can achieve the same result, showing flexibility.


  • Abstraction as a Skill:
    • Essential for managing complexity in computer science.
    • Focuses on high-level ideas to efficiently "get the job done."
  • Continued Learning: Abstraction is a key concept that will be explored further throughout the course.