Transcript for:
How Muscle Growth Works: Key Principles and Processes

step two is finished and you're recovered and adapted don't worry we'll figure out how you can tell when you are you hit step one again and over and over and over we do this and like little steps up huge Chinese temple woud on mountain or some shit like that but as you climb the temple steps you get more and more jacked which I guess would make the climbing more difficult cuz you finish the steps you're like 380 with 0% body something I typically walk around [Music] at hey folks Dr Mike here for Renaissance periodization and I want to talk to you about how muscle growth works Works in a way that's pretty simple so that we can get an understanding for the process not the crazy chemistry and Physiology we might dive into that eventually if you guys are interested but kind of the grand scheme that if you know this grand scheme of how muscle growth works as a process you can do two things pretty well make sure that your program that you're doing checks all the right boxes and make sure that your program or your approach to any kind of the recovery stuff doesn't check any of the boxes we don't want checking so just keeps you right on the straight and narrow like if you aliens came to Earth and they're like how does this highway system thing work they just explain to them we see the cars get on and they all go in One Direction and they get off when they need to and they loot back around and you explain the process of how Highway Works aliens and be like okay yeah that makes sense and then potentially if they figure out how to drive a car they could get on the road and do their thing so for muscle growth why am they making such a fundamental basic video quite frankly a lot of people just get this wrong like crazy or wildly misunderstand understand so in any case P.S for those of you new to the channel I'm Dr Mike Israel I guess how you read my name I don't know I'm impersonating this guy it's my first day on the job he's uh unattractive looking and well I got a lot of surgery to look like this well here I am how did it am I un attractive comment below I'm a professor of exercise and Sport Science I'm a competitive bodybuilder in Brazilian J Grappler and I want to teach you guys about how to train and eat and all that stuff so you can get jacked and lean and sexy the sexy part I just know from Theory so so at its very core muscle growth is a two-step process step one is you do training and that training stimulates the growth processes if it's hard training it works even better so step one train hard to activate the muscle growth Pathways the chemical sequence of events that actually leads to muscle growth but that activation switch isn't enough to grow muscle we need part two step two step two is to allow for recovery and adaptation to take place over the course of well at least several hours and usually several days such that you put the plan into motion and then the plan goes you stimulate the gains with hard training because you don't actually put on muscle in the gym and then you have to rest and be easy and not take that muscle and train it hard again for at least some time until it heals it's recovered it's grown a little bit or a lot of bit and then you repeat that process again so it's step one stimulate step step two recover and adapt when step two is finished and you're recovered and adapted don't worry we'll figure out how you can tell when you are you hit step one again stimulate and over and over and over we do this and like little steps up a huge Chinese temple woud on mountain or some shit like that some uh Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon ass shit you uh climb up but as you climb the temple steps because it's stimulus and Recovery adaptation you get more and more jacked which I guess would make the climbing more difficult cuz you finish the steps you're like 380 with 0% body fat something I typically walk around at now there is a term for this phenomenon that's expanded out of these two steps these two steps are combined into one phenomenon one principle of training called Sr stimulus recovery adaptation you got to stimulate and you got to give time for both recovery and adaptation and generally those two things can be lumped into one step because they happen at a very similar time scale that doesn't mean the same but it means very similar and a lot of the stuff that helps recovery helps adaptation not all of it but a huge huge huge commonality there and the structure ends up coding for What's called the session rest session Paradigm in sport Science you don't just like kind of train and then kind of not and then kind of train then kind of not most people who get into pretty serious training end up doing this thing where they train hard when they understand that's time to wake up that's time to go do it and then they just don't train for some amount of time until they really get their mojo back and then they train hard again so you have session rest session rest session rest that's the Paradigm that unfolds it is a necessary Paradigm because something very special happens when we're training hard that cannot happen at its best rate when we are recovering and resting and relaxing and growing and also that resting and relaxing recovering growing can't happen during hard training because how the hell do you relax during hard training it's a psychological and physical impossibility so because we have these two very different things that play with each other we have to make sure we sequence them one after another one after another that is the fun fundamental way how all training design begins now on the margins there's a lot of variation in there you can train Ultra hard and then you need plenty of rest and then you recover and grow a ton you completely heal or heal enough to go again and then you go again it could be four five or six days after you trained very good results like that you don't train too often but you train so hard that you stimulate a crapload of gains on the other hand you can train pretty hard but with a not so voluminous session just not a lot of stuff maybe 30 minutes of working out or 45 as opposed to an hour an hour and a half and then you stimulate robust but the amount of adaptation you stimulate isn't as much and the recovery doesn't take as long so you can have harder workouts less often with plenty of time between to rest and recover and adapt or you could have workouts that are very hard but not as voluminous not as much of them you could call them less hard from a how much stuff you have to do perspective smaller workouts that occur more frequently still time to rest between all of them you're not just training all the time but it ends up being because the workouts that were not as difficult that were not as large didn't require as much time to get all the gains from them and to recover you can do them more frequently and get actually very similar results and a lot of the results in between on the margins are are very very similar indeed so do you have to train chest six times a week for it to grow the most or is two times a week the best well it's actually the two lead to very very similar gains as long as your two time a week chest workouts are pretty gnarly and have lots of all kinds of chest movements in them and if you're training chest six times a week maybe it's like two sets each time not a ton of stimulus but also not a huge recovery demand so you can restimulate every day of the week similar growth is from occurs from all of them in either one of those scenarios and however you lay out your training you are trying to avoid one of two states you don't want to get into either of these two states the first state you don't want to get into is if you're trying to train hard again after resting recovering from some time when you're clearly not recovered yet how would you know that huge sign and there are two of them actually first big sign is your strength is still down if you leg pressed on Monday and you want to leg press again on Wednesday but you leg press again on Wednesday and your quads are tired and you can feel it and you can't hit the same number of reps that you did on Monday you're not recovered yet your strength is down how are you supposed to stimulate the newest best gains possible if you're stimulating from uh an underdog position you're not even recovered enough to do a great job in training look training is all about pushing the body well G is kind of close to its limits and if you can't even get very close to its limits oh man like you might not gain a whole lot of muscle you're better off taking a longer time to rest or next week doing a shorter session on Monday so that you can recover very robustly on Wednesday and have your strength be at normal or even slightly higher than normal levels that's awesome but if your strength is down substantially and whatever it is you're doing in the gym that day it's the message is not getting through nearly as much as it could it's a loss in efficiency and another way to tell that you're not recovered is that you're still sore so if you have delayed onset muscle soreness in your biceps and you have to train them again that happens every now and again it's not a big deal but if it happens consistently that means that the very processes that are supposed to recover you have not come to fruition yet they haven't completed yet it's like your parents take you to Chuck-E-Cheese and like it'll be the time of your life and you're like amazing and just when you're having your first slice of pizza it's it first bite is in your mouth and you're sitting across the table from Chester E cheese the the in Mouse character the whole thing whoever the guy in there is probably a chain smoking 55-year old man and you're just having an unreal time and you're just like yes I hope this never ends and your parents just yank you out and you're on the freeway you're crying you got pizza crust oil on your hands and just memories of Chuck-E-Cheese and how amazing he was for those several minutes damn you Mom and Dad why did you pull me away like that well that's how your muscles feel when you beat them up and get them nice and sore and they're absorbing nutrients and growing and you're like hey guess what muscles they're like we get to say it Chuck-E-Cheese longer like nope you got to go and get trained again they're in the car your muscles are crying you guys know the story already so if your strength is down probably not a good idea to train again for muscle growth if you're still sore like you really feel it probably not a good idea to train again so whatever training frequency you pick has to be a slightly more expanded in that case however you can make the opposite mistake so mistake number two that you can make is being already well recovered but uh you're not training again yet for some reason now look there's a buffer zone if you are as strong as you've ever been and totally not sore for one or two extra days after your workout you just heal really completely and have a really amazing next workout and the scales balance out if you train just after you barely got your strength back and barely healed from soreness yeah you're not going to have the greatest workout ever but it'll be good enough and because now it's so frequent because it's right after that session healed then you get more sessions in the week and you have amazing results just the same what you don't want to do is legitimately wait three or four plus days after your strength is already back to normal and your sorus is healed to train that muscle group again now you can if you want totally you will not get your best results like that somebody could come up to you in the gym and be like what you train today and you're like yeah man just came in to do some cardio I didn't want to hit anything I'm kind of kind of still recovering they're like okay so you like your chest is sore and and tired you're like d man chest feels strong man and I'm not sore at all you're like okay so you just kind of just healed you're going to hit tomorrow like no man I healed three days ago you're like okay why aren you training your chest right now there should be a compelling answer there so a lot of times people will train you know they'll really want their forarms to come up and get bigger and they'll train forarms once a week you can bash the dog shit out of your forums that's right I'm talking Scott are we allowed to mention these website names or we getting canned for this maybe we'll addit that out go to all your favorite adult film sites but use weights on your hands you guys I'm not teaching you but you teach me how to do this I follow you guys for this kind of stuff your forearms might get sore for a day and a half two days if it's your first time doing it and they might get tired and your strength might be down for two or three days but if you train forums once a week I could ask you the question of like why did you spend five days with your forarms totally healed totally strong totally not sore totally ready to hit another robust muscle growth stimulus great workout to begin recovering again why why did you just wait instead there's not really a good answer there so here's the real Secret Sauce to building muscle stimulate when your strength returns back to normal or even a little higher than normal and when you're no longer sore and you feel fresh and really good pretty soon after that that day a day later maybe two days later usually a day or so hit it again hit another kind of workout doesn't have to be the same one that hits that same muscle group and that is the fundamental logical core of training deviate in any direction from that and you will get worse gains you'll still get some decent gains maybe some good ones too but not the best gains that you are capable of getting under the circumstances now these are the two steps that make muscle grow the most stimulate recover and adapt that's the most direct underpinning theoretical construct for how muscle growth training actually gets you jacked but there are at least a few other factors to talk about that are kind of um underlying factors that feed into these that support these things there are at least two of them that are in their own category because that's how important they are here they are you can apply them to whatever extent you can and they magnify or reduce how much actual results how much muscle you get from applying that training resting training resting process the first one is eating believe it or not you may be crazy if I told you this but muscle is made of stuff and if you don't eat the stuff from the outside world your body can't magically make stuff out of nothing that violates at least a few laws of thermodynamics last I checked the physics textbook so you should be getting enough of a certain number and kind of nutrients and if you download my nutrition app it'll I'm just kidding I'll save you guys that shit we'll talk about it in a little bit really it's three very important things and everything else matters but to a much smaller extent one is eating enough protein your body needs enough protein to have the excess amount of protein to do the luxury building of muscle that's extra than your body needs to survive your body doesn't like really want to build a ton of muscle it doesn't really care because as long as it's keeping you upright it's totally fine so extra muscle than you're genetically supposed to have by training is kind of bonus so your body has to be look look if we're going to do bonus shit we have to have bonus money lying around money and in this case the currency is amino acids the building blocks of protein so you have to eat plenty of protein how much we got tons of videos on that but something like a gram per pound of body weight per day so if you weigh 150 pounds like 150 grams of protein is with some wiggle room in there up and down is a really good start if you eat much less than that your body literally doesn't have the raw materials to build as much muscle as it can that's like you're building a SC scraper in Manhattan and uh the Foreman's like so when are we going to build it you're like fucking hit it now fellas let's do it you know what I'm saying 20 20 29 we got a build date we got to we got to open like gu this there's no glass and steel though on the premises what are we supposed to build out of you're like there's a couple beams here get get get go get going chop chop and they're like we need 10 times more glass and steel I think is supposed to be 110 stories and you're like sorry you know I didn't uh didn't buy the protein cookies at the fucking store today so you got to eat plenty of protein otherwise you're literally just not supplying the physical raw materials to build muscle and here's the thing you could be training hard as fuck you could be recovering like a maniac just everything you live in a fucking I don't know like a fucking steam room SAA combination where people massage their feet other things get massaged you only sit in a bedet Scott video guy can you imagine never having to get up to defecate or urinate you're just like a bedet is a super comfortable chair that you kind of Professor X style float around in Paradise Paradise you could do all that if you don't have enough protein coming in you could get very underwhelming gains or technically speaking if you under protein enough no gains at all that would be terrible here's another thing under that category of eating more food calories just straight up food your body can absolutely take protein that you eat and a portion of to muscle growth but if your body is an insufficient number of calories coming in it's going to take most of that protein and just burn it for energy and for Vital functions if your body has to make a selection but between okay do we feed the neurons that are literally the brain or do we feed your skeletal muscles for extra inch on your biceps they make that decision very quickly and it's the same way every single time your muscles get the middle finger and your brain gets thank God its neurons maintained so you want a decent level of calories to be able to grow muscle now how many calories do you need exactly 2,951 and it's the same number for everyone all right that was great see you guys next time no wait wait that's total lie what you want is enough calories in most cases to at least maintain your body weight or even increase your body weight Slowly by oh something like a third of a pound to a whole pound every week on average so you have to collect averages and stuff the RP diet coach app uh that we do promote because it's our app does all of that for you but and it'll also determine your calories for you and tell you but you can run the math yourself and it's really straightforward so if you're a really big person you might need 4,500 or 5,000 calories a day to gain that little bit of weight that you need to optimize the process or at least maintain it if you're a really teeny person you may need a thousand calories a day and that's plenty enough for you to grow muscle can you grow muscle if you eat so few calories that you're losing weight yes if you're losing it slowly you can still gain some muscle especially if you're like a new beginner to this whole thing a couple of other um you know unusual situations for most folks their best muscle growth will be at a slight Surplus so for many people that's an extra oh 250 to 500 calories per day than they normally eat and then you ask the question of calories of what and that's my third part of that whole uh uh eating situation is mostly healthy food now I didn't do not mean all healthy food if you eat a cookie your muscles do just melt off your body unless that cookie had like salmonella in it and then absolutely that will happen but typically 75 or something like that 75% 3/4 of most of your food should be like from good healthy sources what does that mean that means veggies fruits whole grains lean proteins healthy fats things like nuts nut Butters avocados olive oil things like that the kind of stuff you see in healthy food Tik Tock reels it's not rocket science we have tons of videos on the RP Channel about what healthy food is doesn't have to be all healthy food you can have an ice cream cone here and there as long as your protein is good and it's mostly healthy food you're good to go so if you have enough protein plenty of calories at least uh in most cases just a little bit more calories than you need to maintain your weight and you get mostly uh your healthy food that way into your body and a little bit of junk is totally fine then you are checking that huge green check boox of eating and here's the emotional part of this all that hard training and super dedicated recovery you're doing is Multiplied in its effect because you're supplying the process it's a little bit of a tragedy when you see someone just crushing it in the gym and their diet is so bad or so inconsistent that they barely get any gains it's like but that you're paying for nothing it's like going to Chipotle ordering a burrito poking your fork at it and throwing it away someone's like that wasn't good you want another one you're like no I got I got a really good experience out of this right I'm met Chipotle I took a picture on Instagram I told my friends it's great like you know you're supposed to be eating a burrito y get the fuck the fuck out of here oh shit I just spent fucking $11 on seemingly nothing that same thing can absolutely happen to a very similar extent if you train hard as nails and you screw up you're eating and let me put this in one last way eating well is not like oh well yeah but it's not one of those it's like yeah this has to happen this must happen in order to fuel that process and the better it happens the more for the same level of effort in the gym you grow the more most muscle and you guys are probably trying to grow muscle that's probably why you're watching this video so I just want to cut you the real de number two underlying factor that we have to mention is rest relaxation and sleep aka the recovery process enough sleep which means generally for most people 7 to nine hours a night or tons of videos on the specifics of how much sleep you need the way you know you're not getting enough sleep is if your eyes are groggy through the day and you need caffeine to stay awake you can probably sleep longer sleep is critical because sleep it's probably the most anabolic muscle growing thing you will do that actually grows the most muscle especially you're eating enough food sleep just is what the time you grow muscle and every single part of your body recovers in a huge Ultra complete way just would not occur if you never got any sleep even if you relaxing wrestling all time sleep is a non-negotiable again similar to eating you like um back when I was an undergrad I would train really hard I would eat okay and I would sleep very poorly and if I could teleport back in time first of all i' bitch slap the fuck out of myself clear across the lecture hall but when my older version of me or earlier version got up maybe was still alive I'd be like you better start getting sleep you little bitch or I'm gonna come back and do that shit again but harder zap and I disappear off into the ether and my old self is like okay we have message received Jesus Christ also is that me in the future God I lost all my hair fuck I sure hope I'm getting late at least the answer is I don't get late training for muscle growth is never going to be the same so in any case enough sleep is a big deal regular relaxation probably one to two hours a day at least I don't want to say at least and have you guys quit your jobs and go it's not it is the more the better but a core of one to two hours a day usually at the end of the day where you can really just woo on relax watch some bullshit Netflix crap have a few snacks really chill on the couch take a walk with a significant other take a walk and listen to emo because you know you'll never have a significant other and the emo gives you emotions that you typically can't feel in real life because no one talks to you uh shit like that anything that relaxes the living crap out of you not just fun so scrolling Doom scrolling does not uh count debating Uh Russian troll accounts doesn't count you got to do something relaxing for a few hours a day and that's huge in actually dropping that fatigue so you can come back strong as shit for your next training session that's a big deal and lastly this one's a tough one as the little stress as you can realistically manage now look you got a job you got pets you got a significant other which is a lot of stress you don't have a significant other which is a lot of stress and either way you slice it work school blah blah blah traffic you know like you're G to have to fucking live your life and do your shit understood we're not all professional athletes me included and we've got shit to do I got to do this and fucking record the shit talk you guys think I like doing this I fucking hate this shit I hate being on camera hate being social hate the sound of my own voice I'm just full of hate but I do it anyway because uh somebody gets paid Scott who gets paid off of this Nick Shaw CEO uh of RP he says that eventually if I do this long enough I can see my family he's a nice man he's so reasonable in any case yes do your work do what you got to do I'm not saying quit your job but there's a difference between necessary stress and extra stress so if you're driving to go to work yelling at people um their commutes because they don't understand the laws of the road gives you extra stress maybe if you can chill out you can save that yelling for yelling at the weights at the gym which actually gets you jacked or at least scares the weights enough that they feel lighter when you lift them so as little extra ST as you can imagine which can mean that you know it could be good stress or bad stress in a sense if you're really serious about muscle growth and you go out with your friends Friday and Saturday every week because you're young and that's what you fucking do amazing God bless you but if your friends are like hey man Thursday night you want to fucking go out and get drunk and get crazy and go dancing maybe if you're really serious about muscle growth a couple weeks couple months you could be like you know what fellas I'm just going to catch you on Friday Saturday I don't need any extra even if it's positive it's going to Tire me the fuck out it's going to make my workouts not as productive so I don't want to do it and obviously negative stress uh things that are experiences the stress you out there aren't that fun is also something you want to minimize in your life one of the really core things about hanging out with professional athletes and I've been in a few locker rooms in my day some of that a couple of those lawsuits are still pending my lawyer says don't uh don't enter the state of California until anyway um professional athletes are really interesting people because you almost expect them to be like super ey the tiger and they are in the gym and then one thing that really baffled me when I first started interacting with professional athletes is a lot of them not all but a lot of them are so chilled out the rest of the day they like kind of barely do anything and they're really easy at just not getting roused up or like they're just like whatever they're chill and they just play video games they talk to their friends they just sit on the couch they eat they recover that's a fucking big deal they're not trying to go out and get extra stress in their life and some of them when they do have extra stress it affects the process big time they are bodybuilders who have done not done well as shows because they had like emotional girl drama they're on the fucking phone yelling at people all the goddamn time I told you Cynthia never again click shit like that and that drains you so as little extra stress because if you really care about muscle growth you understand that the processes of stress cause a degradation of the processes of muscle growth is really is up to you to figure out okay how much just yelling at my Uber driver for arriving five minutes late get me in real life nothing and he's upset and I'm upset no one wins I could just rate him I rate every Uber driver I'm ever in one star because I'm I'm a kind of motherfucker that thinks like you can always do better right dress for the job you want not the one you have so I just give everyone one star but in any case if you just didn't yell at your Uber driver you would be able to save some emotional energy lower your stress and grow more muscle so that'll be even better right so those are huge eating and then rest relaxation SL sleep AK the recovery process in general is really really big that's about it as far as the processes of muscle growth works now if you apply this process how much muscle you get out of it because everything I talked about so far is under your Direct Control you control how much you train and how often and how hard you control what goes into your body eating wise at least when Scott the video guys around I have mostly of control of what goes into my body but in any case I'm should shut up now because he's right over there he gets very testy if I talk about him he doesn't fucking like it you control at the end of the day to a large extent how much rest and recovery and sleep that you get here are some things you don't control but maybe have some modum of control around them usually not really these are things that just have to happen or things that are conditions that kind of determine how much muscle you grow at any one given time the first is hormones like you can't just go like this and your testosterone goes up it doesn't doesn't work like that um how much do hormones matter well one of the main not the only but one of the main reasons why men are more jacked than women on average is that men have more testosterone by a factor of like 40 or some shit like that and so like yeah it's tough when you don't have hardly any testosterone to gain a ton of muscle you can gain plenty but not as much as you would if you have lots of testosterone and another one is okay well that's just genetic differences uh what about if we inject the testosterone ah now you're asking the right questions enhanced versus natural you guys have been on the internet for shit this apparently you're on the internet right now and if you look at people who are on tons of steroids I wouldn't know any versus people who are drug-free there are very big differences in how much muscle that one has gained versus the other because that stuff absolutely matters now it doesn't replace any of those other factors it just augments them over time so if you like start doing a crapload of steroids and someone's like dude I noticed you don't sleep what's up with that you're like man fuck sleep bro I don't need that shit I'm on Trend you're like they don't they don't think I think if you're on trend the more sleep you get the better that's correct so if you're enhanced or if you have more testosterone just because you're male the harder you train the better you recover the more you eat to a point of course so the higher quality your diet is all that stuff the better your sleep is magnifies your results it's all an additive and a multiplicative process it's not either or so these things don't trade each other out that's first hormones they're a big deal so sometimes people will be like man this motherfucker is just preaching the basics like I get it like rest and eat and train but like that doesn't explain your results you huge weird headed YouTube freak agreed hormones are a big part of that but they're a big part that the icing on the cake that rusts on top of that look sometimes it's a lot of icing you know you know one of those cakes is a half icing half cake that's me but uh it's sure a shit important to stack as many of those things together as possible next another determinant of how far you go in your muscle growth Journey at any given time here is real talk it's genetics right and genetics actually more important than hormones in most cases right so if you have like Nigerian super person guy um Sometimes some people are just built better right and they start lifting weights and they just shit just happens where some people have like Harry Potter genetics where they live for a couple months and they're like I think my bicep maybe got sore once and maybe grew a little bit and you're like look kid pick up racket ball or some shit like that no kidding that's at the extremes and everyone's somewhere in between but genetics are a big deal and some people who you think know things about training and know the process they just are really really good genetics and they're on well a ton of hormones and they eat plenty and they sleep okay and they don't know the details but like th those are such important factors so genetics is a big deal genetics in this conversation we've had a few videos we're going to be making some more about how genetics uh has a role in the actual results but genetics even codes how you respond to hormones so if you have a high level of naturally produced testosterone but your genetics for the sensitivity of your muscle cells to testosterone is poor you could have like all the signs of high testosterone like higher blood pressure receding hairline but you're not jacked and people are like but you don't have low testosterone you get it tested it's very high the doctor's like you don't need trt that's for sure and you're like damnn it your genetics could be such that you're very low sensitiv to testosterone you could have the other side of the genetic coin where you don't produce a ton of testosterone your doctors actually say you're technically hypogonadal your testosterone is like 250 nanograms per deser liter which is just below the 300 cut off of what's considered mostly normal in most cases but you're like pretty fucking jacked people like how the hell does that work you just have a crazy Androgen sensitivity in your muscle cells when they expose to testosterone they're like fellas drop everything you're doing and grow and that's what the cells do that is hugely genetic which is why a lot of people will take exogenous hormones like they'll get on trt or they'll you know get on their local drug dealer trt and just get steroids I don't know what it Scott the video Guy where people get steroids behind the dumpster at the GNC yeah that's that's where I get mine so uh JK um some people take a bunch of steroids and not much will happen or something will happen but it's not very obvious that they grew a ton of muscle and you're like what and it's because a lot of times their own genetics for response to the Androgen hormones specifically testosterone and all of its related hormones that are all the steroids uh is just not that great when you have other people who will take like a little bitty something a little little pill of anavar or something they just boom they'll blow up and you're like how and it's because of their genetics genetics is a big deal and at the end of the day you don't choose your genetics yet hopefully we can change that in some time but until we can change our genes you just have to do the best will you have and apply that process and don't look at people who have good genetics that are not doing a good job with sleep or training or something else and be like what can I learn from them you can learn from them that you can have really great gifts and just piss them away you don't have to look into this much further lastly the last factor that can magnify your results is the biggest factor that can magnify your results by far and it's time it just takes time applying your serious hard training and recovery and eating to gain a lot of muscle one of I get two questions very often when I'm out and about traveling and stuff going through walking through airports sitting on airplanes talking to people I get two really common questions one of them is a little bit elcer uh as to how anyone's learning anything from this and the other one is actually a very good question that really does hint at what's going on sometimes people will like observe that obviously I'm a little bit more muscular than average and they'll ask the question of how many days a week do you train or how many times a week do you train like I say whatever like six to eight depending on on the situation and uh oh interesting and I I don't know what they think they're learning from that uh do they want to be this jacked yes you might have to train that much but sure shit not going to happen in a couple of a couple of weeks of training that's not going to happen but other people ask another question a much more pertinent question they go how long have you been at this for and then I go yeah 25 years and they're like okay they learned something very very important to get really your best level of jacked it's not weeks it's not months it's a year now in months you can do some really cool transformation but in years is where you slab on real pounds of beef so you take all the stuff that we've talked about so far making sure you are training hard making sure you are resting well making sure that your next training session is an appropriate time just after you finished recovering from the last one being consistent with that then kind of more or less out of your hands hormones and genetics but what is in your hands completely as time because time is only measured when you're consistent when you're consistently training your measurement clock of time starts to wind up for you and that time measures how that clock measures how much time you spent actually gaining muscle and because muscle growth happens very slowly if you run that clock for a few weeks cool shit happens but then not much for a few months much cooler shit happens you train for a few years you'll really see what your body's capable of you'll finally become more muscular then finally that one girl in college who never sat next to you cuz maybe you smell maybe you didn't uh she might talk to you even and remark about how big your arms are beginning a whirlwind Affair that ends in Romeo and Juliet style tandem suicide I got fucked up real quick in any case if you're interested in training that automatically chooses how much of training how hard the training is and times your training out doses it out through the week exactly to fit your recovery the RP hypertrophy app does that for you for like a dollar a day and if you're interested in getting that entire diet situation completely sorted for you the RP diet coach app is also just a click away it costs even less than the hypertrophy app and it will do all that stuff for you do you have to get the apps no fuck no no you can do this all by yourself just with a paper and pencil just like grandpa taught you but if you want download our apps they do get me paid and Scott the video guy has a really really nasty several types of drug addiction that cost money please support Scott's habits buy stuff click on things see you guys next time