Question 1
How is pain defined according to the International Association for the Study of Pain?
Question 2
Which neuropeptides are part of the endogenous opioid system that helps in inhibiting pain?
Question 3
What process involves neurons in the limbic system when processing pain?
Question 4
Which class of medication blocks Cox enzymes and reduces prostaglandin production?
Question 5
Which neurotransmitters are involved in the Descending Inhibitory Pathway that promotes the release of endogenous opioids?
Question 6
Which clinical syndrome involves damage to one side of the spinal cord affecting touch and pain differently on each side of the body below the lesion?
Question 7
What is the term for pain arising from stimuli that normally wouldn’t provoke pain?
Question 8
Which pathway carries impulses for localized, sharp pain?
Question 9
What is the effect of Peripheral Chemicals like Glutamate and Substance P on pain signal transmission?
Question 10
What happens in central sensitization in terms of pain perception?
Question 11
What type of fibers are associated with sharp, stabbing pain and conduct signals at approximately 15 m/s?
Question 12
Which medication blocks calcium channels to inhibit neurotransmitter release and is used for pain management?
Question 13
Which type of pain receptor responds to a combination of mechanical, thermal, and chemical stimuli?
Question 14
What type of pain is characterized by a duration of more than three months and often occurs without clear underlying cause?
Question 15
In the Pain Gate Theory, rubbing an injured area helps reduce pain by stimulating which receptors?