Introduction to ReactJS

Jul 15, 2024

ReactJS Introduction and Basics

About ReactJS

  • React: A JavaScript library (not a framework) for building user interfaces, particularly for web applications.
  • Components: The core building blocks in React. These are self-contained, reusable pieces of code (like Legos).
  • JSX: JavaScript XML, a syntax extension that allows writing HTML-like code within JavaScript files.
  • Virtual DOM: A lightweight version of the real DOM. React uses this to track changes and update only the specific parts of the real DOM, improving performance.


  • JavaScript: Knowledge of arrays, classes, objects, and ES6 features like arrow functions is necessary.
  • HTML & CSS: Basic understanding since React components involve rendering HTML elements and applying styles.

Installation and Setup

  1. Download Node.js from
    • Node.js is a backend JavaScript runtime environment.
    • We need it mainly for the node package manager (npm).
  2. Install Node.js and follow the setup instructions (Next, accept license, etc.).
  3. Text Editor: Recommended is Visual Studio Code (download from
  4. Create Project Folder: Using VS Code, create a project folder (e.g., website).
  5. Command Prompt/Terminal: Open within VS Code or use your system's default.
  6. Initialize Project:
    • Run: npm create vite@latest to set up a new project using Vite (modern development server replacing Create React App).
    • Follow prompts to name the project (e.g., my-react-app), choose React, and select either TypeScript or JavaScript.
    • Commands to run:
      • cd my-react-app (navigate to project directory)
      • npm install (install dependencies)
      • npm run dev (start the development server)
  7. Server Address: The development server will be available at a provided address (e.g., http://localhost:3000).

Project Structure

  • node_modules: Contains external libraries and packages.
  • public: Holds public assets like images, fonts, etc., available via URL but not bundled in the final output.
  • src: Main folder where majority of the time is spent.
    • assets: Similar to public assets but bundled into the output.
    • Main Files:
      • main.jsx: Main JavaScript file that imports and includes components.
      • App.jsx: Root component that ties other components together.
      • CSS files: app.css for component-specific styles and index.css for global styles.
    • index.html: Entry point with a <div id="root"></div> where React components are rendered.