Minecraft is not scary except maybe for that guy so I installed from the fog a mod that adds Herobrine back to Minecraft and they also added the cave dweller Slender the these creepy eyes whatever they are and loads of other mods that make the game harder and scarier and all I want to do is survive 100 days in hardcore usually I'm pretty confident when I do this but I don't know much about these mods I don't know what can hurt me and I don't know how many times I'm going to get jump scared like even these what are what are these guys some random flies at least they're not scary but I I should probably avoid getting distracted I I need to get rid of sorry sheep but I I'm going to need wool tonight and and this is what we're doing and of course I need iron but I can't go underground because down there lurs the cave dweller and he's pretty creepy and pretty fast so I'm going to avoid him at all costs or at the very least I want decent armor before I have to face him anyway if I get rid of you okay I'm telling you right now I did not mine this tree all right and look at it it's disappearing so straight away creepy things are happening I came from over there yeah this is why I don't like this anyway we've we've got three wall we can make wooden leggings are you kidding me why would I not want to make wooden leggings let's do that oh yes not going to protect me from the cave dweller but better than nothing I've got a bed now I need to get some food I'd love to go down there but look how scary it is it's so dark there's just red eyes in there oh man why did I do this look I've just Silhouettes I don't like this one but if I could spots mine I would have grabbed it but but yeah I'm staying away and instead I'm I'm going to get myself full wooden armor cuz you know what why not it's pretty cheap and it offers at least some protection I also need some stone for a furnace that I can turn to a smoker and cook some food we've got food it's gone dark so I'm going to get some sleep and hopefully be okay I did also see for a split second while I was in bed that there was two moons that is that is very very weird indeed anyway day one survived we've got some random things here and and more here as well what am I going to do with the wait can I hold on a second we can get cobblestone or we could just break a block yeah rocks you're kind of just pointless to me oh my goodness are you friend off oh my goodness I just went down to half Health okay I was I think the wood armor saved me that I didn't know if if VI was going to attack me thankfully I'm still alive and even the forest is a scary place in broad daylight and whilst I continue exploring I'd also like to thank Netflix for sponsoring this video yes Netflix i' I it the big time now did you know that Netflix is more than just a go-to spot for movies and series because they also have 80 mobile games included with the membership so what I'll do right now is walk you through how to access games on the Netflix app it's super easy and I've got a guide that makes it even simpler on iOS from the home screen of the app swipe down to find the mobile games row scroll through the games until you find what you want to play then tap on the game you want and then up get game and you can now play games right from your Netflix app also right now GTA the trilogy The Definitive Edition is now available exclusively on Netflix games it's the classic GTA experience with the Hees and convenience of Netflix it's the same GTA we all love with enhanced features for an even better experience it's gaming Made Simple with no extra fees and no extra ads and so there you go thank you once again to Netflix for sponsoring this video and I shall continue to see what I can find there's more food over there but there is also a bear so I just have to be very my good goodness you're a very pale Pig you need to get more sun you're even worse okay well never mind just very eerie in these fights I don't know if it's because of the Mist what have we got here what what is this I think I'm going to be saying that a lot why am I going down it's not going to end well is it well you know what day two what's what's what is it to lose got to check this look how dark it is how am I supposed to see anything at least I've got some coal that's you know that's something then I can make sticks and I can make torches and at least suppress the darkness a little bit see no wayon I just see mobs I got I lied I found iron right let's just box myself in keep it nice and safe there's at least eight pieces here as well which is perfect and there's more up there there's a bit of lapis I think I'll get it but before that I can see a guy with a a shiny boat I don't want to go near it I'll do some smelting craft a shield and then break what on Earth is that you know what you know what I'm just going to stay in here can I sleep please tell me I can sleep nope it's not night time yet please tell me he's going to go I don't want him to come up here what oh my goodness M gracious how do I get him out of here oh my good is he gone oh I haven't been jump scared in a long time ladies and gentlemen flipping NE I don't know why I'm putting myself oh my goodness it's just gone really dark is that because that's gone up okay I thought yeah if I wasn't on edge before now I am all right let's put this on Wow right I'm going back is the coast clear now are we are we all right is anybody else I just I think we're good I think we're good right I'm going to oh man my heart raced that I did not oh now I'm getting shot okay well I'm sure we'll be okay I've just got to deal with this fell over here way less menacing than herob why did I think you know I could have done 100 days of anything and I decided to do from the fog if you haven't noticed I apparently I jump scare easily right I'm I don't want to go C anymore guys oh this a creep you know what I can deal with it what on Earth there's another one okay it's just the way first they walk creepily and then they just blow blew up even though I wasn't near him I don't like how dark is I know I don't like anything I'm leaving see you later all right the lapis I'll come back some other day that guy really does hurt when it hits me is it dark outside as well maybe I can sleep now okay at least I can sleep I just hear lots of ambient noises and footsteps it's really I don't like it at all there's this other guy above me defeated and let's get out of here my goodness me right we'll just build up with gravel whatever I can hear birds tweeting lovely just lovely oh no oh no okay I was ready for it this time all right are we good I was more ready for it this time I need to stop looking at him all right if I see Herobrine I've got a just not look in his Direction cuz then he seems to come towards me it's so foggy as well look at the Mist it's very strange anyway right now I have just one goal and that is to find a structure that's going to help me gear up because I really do not want to go back into the caves again not anytime soon anyway there is some cool light down here I kind of want to see what it's about maybe water cave is the answer I can go on this magma it's very very dark down here let's get some light yeah I don't know because probably whatever's out there can also swim as well I know the cave dweller can if I were into him I am in trouble and not to mention Herobrine as well who is going to get stronger as the days progress and the time in the world continues it really is Lovely Isn't It Anyway this looks like a more interesting place Reon if I climb this mountain I'll be able to get a much better view there's also plenty of coal up here which is Handy anything else just a spider look at his legs my goodness I just don't like not being able to see what's at the end of the cave it oh it's a big one as well well it feels like a big one it's in reality it's not but there is plenty of coal which is nice as you can see torches are going to be very very important which is why I need to get so much coal if I run out of torches yeah the game gets pretty terrified I'm just glad I made this bed on day one so was it worth it well to be honest I can't see much because of all the fog but look at how cute these are they're like dogs of some sort you want a bone come on we've got a oh this is such a cool dog all right this changes everything I knew I kept those bones for a reason although the last time I had Herobrine in a world yeah it didn't end too well for my dog dog sit whoa dog move oh no oh no if you kill my dog herrine that's it end of the road hero is absolutely fine it's one of those dogs that apparently just got be killed he just killed my dog and we found our first structure okay though at least we're making some progress I don't know what it is oh you kidding me why did why did what on Earth why am I being what am I being hit with it really looked like a nice inviting structure now just been hit by some projecti where are they coming from I'm just getting blind is it the pumpkins or something I I don't know something's here oh wait is it these the walls what are you doing where what on Earth what are you going on with your eyes my goodness mate dog why did you do something my ax is just broke lovely I have the one useless dog that exists in Minecraft at least I've got rid of him why didn't you help I don't know what he's even down here where they're all coming from but you know I don't want to stick around and find out instead I found another structure this one has to be better is it a village please be a village it's a village you know what we're living here now this is our new home all right come on Pho orever you want to be cold I don't know this is where we live I love your floor by the way good sir look this entire building and anything to runck bread all right nice well that's better than nothing I'm also going to switch beds cuz I kind of like the yellow one better there's books in there I think it's worth did I see something there I don't I'm I'm probably seeing things anyway books in here fantastic let's go and grab some I need I need another Axe really oh look at there even ones with UPG can I get him what have we got in here prop one oh nice and what else here efficiency one that's cool and paper in a chest I'm not going to need paper at the moment I know eventually for a lightra I will but I feel like that's a long long way off right now I'm just looking for iron maybe diamonds bread y can't can't say no to that ah okay that's another piece brilliant we've got two more bread a bucket and torches actually quite useful not normally but is this time oh nice there ender pearls lapis gold these villagers really must hate me oh wow okay what is this it's a necklace so I can actually put it on right here and it increases the length of invincibility it's also a parkour puzzle I'm not going to say no to this there better be some good loot at the end oh nice let's go ahead and grab that and I walk right past iron okay this is starting to become very worthwhile going to get myself a new axxe crafted and I also need to keep my eye out for an anvil if possible more emeralds more bread and I am also going to sleep I mean I kind of feel safe up here I don't want this Village to get destroyed by whatever scary things come out at night though and the parkour just continues till I reach the top get some cold and oh look at this can deflect okay this kind of looks like it could be useful I only have a wooden helmet at the moment so it's it's probably better than that it's actually way better it does an entire extra armor Point okay fantastic you know what call me crazy but I think I'm not too far away from being ready to go caving again and probably get even more what on Earth has happened to my eyes is that what I look like when I put on the helmet yeah this is this is absolutely awful that's the scariest thing I've seen today and I have seen some pretty scary things oh my goodness I just realized free Iron I'm oh my goodness you know what else I just realized I'm being watched maybe the Golem has a guardian I didn't know about that I do not like that I just see Herobrine in the background I think we got away instead I'll just collect some food oh my it keeps moving as well you know what come on then bring it on I'm ready for you is he gone I think so if this is what he's doing on day five I hate to think what he's going to be doing on day 50 anyway I can now get rid of this fell there we go did he drop some iron he did what on Earth is attack whoa what is going on with that villager look at his eyes what on Earth right what have I got here I need to I need to slow him down right you get in there right what on Earth has happened what are you doing bro your eyes all right just look at me all right what is going on I'm going to have to get rid of you but this is this is not what I wanted to do all right but we can't I've started a raid what is going on guys I'm sorry it was Herobrine okay he's really messing with me I don't know I you know what I'd rather go in the caves at this point what is going on with your eyes why are they so googly like seriously look at him he's probably giving me the side eye there now they're both giving me the side eye all right you know what just just get out the boat I've got to deal with this look at the way you guys run as well you even I mean it's cool animations I guess but I'm really not ready for this on day five my goodness du your eyebrows he's got his Angry Eyebrows on okay okay you know what I'm I'm getting out of here I'm sorry Village I came I took all your stuff and then killed your only guardian and started a raid maybe I am the real monster here and there's another structure you know what anything's better than where I've just been but I do need to get some food the Harvest Moon Rises better crop growth rates okay that's that's good where is this moon what happened to you is that my dog a you're tur to have full on Wolf at night that's crazy we lose some weight I don't like the way there two moons I mean that's just creepy know I don't like the way it's dark who is that what is he doing go to sleep es be go to sleep go to sleep please sleep please sleep that's all I ask just sleep sleep sleep sleep okay I don't know who it is get out get out of get out of the chat and run leave everything behind okay I don't know what I saw I really don't know and I don't want to know oh you're normal again maybe you're only useful at night anyway all I know is I need to just stay well away from anyone like that if he comes after me then it is without a doubt the end of s sp737 although my food is over there I left my bed over there I do kind of need to go over there what is that look at the size of that fish wow it's like a I don't know what it is okay SB be brave whatever it is I'm sure you can outsmart it let's just get blocks so we can build if we need to but that ladies and gentlemen is a prime example of why I am sleeping every night I I stay awake for 2 seconds and look what happens is that a green pig I'm sorry I could understand the other calls why have we got a green pig I have no idea but he looks really cool I kind of want to eat him who an elephant you know it's cool to see something that's that's kind of big and scary but not too I I think they do attack you if you attack them so I ain't going to that and yes it's it has started raining which makes things even worse in my opinion I don't know what comes out in the in the rain storms but importantly I want to know what's down here what on Earth wait can we attack okay I don't know why I couldn't see them before in the last one but this time I can actually see what's attacking me okay well let's let's let's deal with them then they're really not that bad at all are they also I'm pretty sure my helmet is actually deflected all they turn to look at you when you hit them interesting I think I've dealt with them all but there's more down there I I don't know what's going on here why is there so many down there okay I can okay there look wait what is down here okay we've got a corridor maybe I can just maybe I can get through this as long as there's nothing else down here I don't I don't mind I can deal with these okay I've made it to the top of the tower which was a waste of time apparently seems like all the good stuff is down at the bottom where it's dark and scary of course it is just going to craft a few more torches running a little bit low okay there is there is something here Golden Apple okay I don't know what the dust does I'll take suspicious stew that looks very useful yeah take it back about there being nothing useful in it clearly there is which means I'm going to keep going down lower okay there's a lot of stuff down you know should we just should we just run for it how far down does this go I don't I don't know what I'm doing spider okay you know why am I scared it's just a spider deal with spiders it's everything else that's probably down here that I don't like like random rooms like this what's the point of it had an axe break which is annoying cuz it it it was an iron one con to the clock it's the middle of the night I I should probably get some sleep then cuz I don't trust what's up there at night don't really like what's down here but at least I know I can survive it and there probably some loot down here to be had a Smite book a name tag what a waste of time and I'm back outside again all that for amazely golden apple and at this point I'm going to grab a bit more food it's you again right come on then Shields up that's it what you got that's right okay I can't hit you is that it's really and you're not going to leave me I think we just outplayed him there he's going to have to get stronger if he wants to defeat me okay I don't know I nearly fell down there but anyway I'm going to continue exploring and see what I can find what on Earth is that is that a whale I should probably avoid these guys attack you or anything only one way to find out I'm going in go on then big fella okay wait do you just not attack okay I feel evil either way okay he's following me now I'm sorry but yeah either way it was a pretty cool thing to see and I've made it to land whether that's a good thing or not I don't know cuz it's generally not as safe but land is the best place to find some very very cool stuff also apparently I lost my dog I well we'll be okay I know I shouldn't go in I know I'll probably die but this cave does look cool look at it uh what am I doing I'm going down oh wait opens up wow look at the size of this I why is there a random redstone torch that's usually a sign of Herobrine not a sign I want to see and the cave dwellers is down here okay well that was terrible as I was saying the cave dweller is down here as well I I just don't like the fact that I cannot see through the darkness what I do know is I should be able to safely get some sleep and I'm going to smelt this little bit of iron to make an iron pick I hate it I really you just turn around and he's there I knew he was nearby I saw the torch I hate this game I really do and why why am I still getting scared I don't know and the worst is still yet to come although despite that this cave does look insane just on edge cuz I know that at some point that cave Dell is going to come out and then he is very deadly so I should probably make sure I have plenty of cooked food and then we delve deeper I just want to try and get some diamonds it's just the fact that it's so dark but it looks like a promising bit of cave I'm really just a Sitting Duck down here aren't it I'm going to craft some more torches and we found diamonds fantastic okay I can't see thing put a torch down it's be grab these it's just is it just one please be two I do feel like at this point I'm overstaying my wel welcome underwater is always a good place to find diamonds but it's not looking too good down here and if I'm not careful I'm going to Dr wow it is Pitch Black if I take that torch out I'm definitely not a fan of that I'll just grab a little bit of Vine this makes caving feel like the first time I ever played Minecraft I think it's the darkness the fact that I just don't know what's going to appear down there yeah it's it's pretty stressful but I'm almost out I've got a lot of iron and I could leave I could leave happy with what I've got or I could risk everything and check out this part of the cave which could have more diamonds it's got to be worth it hasn't it another red Stone touch are you kidding me okay well we know who's going to be down there is night time can I sleep tonight oh I've got a lunar event stopping me from sleeping tonight I don't like that one bit that means I have to survive whatever comes out at night and the moon the two moons should I say are completely red that means that a lot more things are going to spawn I don't know what else is going to spawn what I do know is I can probably stay alive if I'm on the ice what is that are they just some eyes oh oh my good they are so creepy and there he is what's he doing where's he going why is he just looking at me then going to the forest why is he light around him I feel safe on the ice cuz I know I can move fast but it doesn't mean that there aren't creepy things lurking in the shadows found a ruined portal it's definitely worth visiting we got night vision goggles no way do the waa that's insane oh that's a game changer ladies and gentlemen that is an ABS absolute Game Changer suddenly I don't feel so scared to go into the forest at night I know what's out there I found some Ender I think I'm going to try and get some pearls I'm mainly Herobrine's there I'm mainly worried about is that is that Herobrine over there no it's not I'm mainly worried about the man from the fog he appeared the other night if he appears again and starts chasing after me I am in massive trouble all in all that's been a pretty successful night because I'm still alive and oh my goodness look at least I've got some goggles on now but they look very weird anyway well that's good although I've completely lost that cave I was going to go down so I'm going to try try and find a new one can't say no to an emerald and I could go into this cave here I go down and I can I can see everything it's it's not exactly that scary is it and so since I want this video to be a challenge since I want to be a little bit terrified goodbye goggles you got me through that night but I ain't keeping you I want to peer into a cave and feel like I'm playing Minecraft again for the very first time trees with no leaves that's never a good sign as well as Redstone torches yep I know exactly who's been here and there's a cave right by but does it go anywhere it looks like it does what are you what on Earth it's like a termite get him I can't see wait how am I supposed to do this I got wait how am I supposed to do this wait if I get attacked I'm not going to be able to see and if I can't see that is going to be a very very big problem what on Earth I just see some eyes at the end of a corridor that's not what you want to see maybe I prefer being blind also what is this cockroach Wing fragment okay I don't think I'm going to keep it there's more I look at him like who are you I I just don't like it and that's why I throw away the night vision goggles cuz it's better to not know what it is there's a lot more iron down here let me put a torch down just to be safe and what have we got here a little settleman and Anvil is actually going to be very very useful a bed anything in the chest a bit of fish I'm not I'm not going to actually have any of it but what I'm going to do is I'm going to just get it cooking just uh just to make sure there we go that's good what's in here o more iron gold as well very useful let's get that in the blast furnace and I wonder what happened to the guy who's camp sight this was is he still alive we don't know or did something happen to him is he now lurking these caves who knows all know it's night time so I'm going to sleep in his bed and I'm also going to smell all this iron whilst I'm here as well as cook all my food then I'm going to add a few torches I just don't like the fact that I look across and I see nothing but darkness and the fact there's so much coal down here is actually very useful cuz I have run out of it it's usually while mining that I let my guard down and I don't want that to happen crazy how Darkness just completely changes the way you play Minecraft all of a sudden I'm having to constantly craft torches which which means I'm having to constantly mine Coal also going to use this iron to craft a chest plate that's going to give me more armor points I hear a noise I don't know what it is but I don't want to stick around here so I'm going to gather up the blast furnace grab my crafting table and take my food with me and then we go lower into this Darkness what is this candle another of these places anything good here just deep slate this time and a diamond pickaxe okay that is very useful indeed I'll also take the coal and another smoker but I wonder who lived here this is a very very strange cave full of mysteries and full of questions there's another one with another diamond pick and then just random thing sugar nothing in there what what is what's going on Wow it goes even deeper we're like at a Ravine and I want to go lower so yep I'm risking it ladies and gentlemen oh lapis well that worked out didn't it as I was saying I'm risking it and I'm digging down and it is also night time again so I'm going to get some sleep I've just come to magma where am I Diamonds oh br brilliant there's at least two here I can hear lava so if I can just get to it then I can collect obsidian perfect what is that noise what was that I have no idea but it's stopped for now I just feel like I'm not alone down here all I need is four obsidian and I can craft this and get protection on my armor I keep hearing that noise go off what is it you know what I'm heading up to go and find out what is this is this what it is okay don't do this to me lava please wonder if I can mine it and then that's that's that I have no idea what I'm seeing what I do know though is that it's night time and at this point I need more diamonds so I'm just going to continue doing a bit of strip mining that's more found perfect with that I can get a diamond sword which will probably be very helpful it also has sharpness on it and I've stumbled on a bit of a cave kind of better cuz there's lava everywhere so I can see a bit more I don't like these things wait did do these hurt you I don't even know that was super weird and yes the caves that look like this that kind of Scar me cuz you just have no idea what's ahead at least there's more diamonds I can get a diamond chest plate I'll be very very happy I'm also collecting up any bits of gold that I see for golden apples later on another of these little bases with gold and a new iron axe kind of needed that and a dungeon fantastic come on game give me something amazing gold okay that's good aqua affinity I like that and this is fire aspect that means I can get fire aspect to level three if I want to that's pretty useful although before that I'll need a lot of levels and a fire aspect two book speaking of levels I should M up the spawner oh what what have I just stumbled across here I'm not sure I want to find it oh this is getting a little hairy I just hate the fact that all I see is oh it's him behind me as well white eyes I see this little Camp here maybe this is a little safe spot just Cobble deep slate I don't know what I'm going to do with that coal a diamond axe okay and my shield just broke okay this is definitely the time to run let's just get the torch in my off hand I need to make another one and I need to make it fast there we go put that there more gold in here look at all that raw gold blocks as well and a brand new envil too I'm going to make a little safe spot so I can use this moment to try and upgrade my stuff just a little bit more prop two chest plate sharpness 2 sword with a few more levels I can make it sharpness three why do I why do I get scared every time but the reason I've come back down here I just feel like it's going to be a great place for diamonds what on Earth is that I don't even want to know what that is that is one creepy looking thing you know there could be all the diamonds in the world down here but I don't think it means I want to stay oh I've just been fall down a hole okay you're safe SB just just watch yourself in everything's good music disc of all things I don't know how that what on Earth where did you come from oh it's the worm guy no leave me alone what are you doing here actually we're all right wait what on Earth is it I really don't know but you can get out of here I just want to go to sleep what is that it's some sort of rock monster Friend or Foe it seems all right the longer I stay in this cave the less I like it to be honest with you I'm definitely not ready to meet something like the cave dweller I think it's probably my best interest if I can mine out and I can also afford sharpness three which is nice but not nice enough to make me want to stay I'm out the beautiful sunshine now I can peacefully smelt my gold get prot two leggings and start mining trees so I can get some apples so far it's going pretty well got six apples and I have more than enough gold now as well to craft them and I'm going to keep chopping trees till I have a few more pillagers pillagers in the forest I'm not going to worry about them I'm just just going to avoid 13 apples is a great position to be in and there's a couple more apples dotted about which I'll keep for good measure beautiful rain here O'Brien come on then yeah we know what you're going to do now that's it I'm just not looking forward to the later phases where he does more than just teleport at me killer wh not get in the water with them cuz I do eat penguins what is this wow what a cave and I can see a diamond down there okay I've got to go for it I've got nothing to lose so I i' better go and get it I still I've got nothing to lose other than my life I just run to here mine it up and there's some presents over there well I can't say no to that either diamond oh my goodness there's a lot of diamonds in there there anything else I just want see that's why I'm trying to be careful anything there no nothing all right let's just hide behind it there what on Earth it's not a chest I thought it was a chest what are you okay he's got um teeth let's get rid of him there we go we got rid of the chest that was a weird situation what is he wearing his head it's like a CLE now the real question is can I find even more diamonds down there I mean it looks promising doesn't it there's a lot of these around these little things and pro three oh my goodness all right new plan we make a diamond chest plate and we make it prop three that is very very helpful and then exploration can continue I don't know what this is but it just seems to be a random deposit of some sort of rock so I'll leave it alone and instead see if the caves go lower which it doesn't seem to in this direction but I've yet to check down here another Diamond fantastic in fact there was two here there's still plenty more to explore over here is it just me or is Herobrine infecting oh it's herobrine himself and the mobs as well have been infected yeah it seems to be more and more of them you know this is the kind of place that the cave dweller would be I mean yes we've got herob bran here we know that he's luring yeah and the cave dweller is one guy that I just don't want to run into because he's very fast very creepy looking and very powerful just seem to be finding these little campsites every what we got here gloves I feel like somebody's watching me but I'm just going to put them on all right can I put them on my hands apparently not I can hear other ambient noises as well and it goes into a water cave let's do it it's actually a water cave that leads to the surface you know maybe not such a bad idea because things were getting a little bit dicey down there what do we have here just a nice little sh and what's inside anything a barrel I mean extra bread you can't say no an apple oh I kind of like that and that's about it not too interesting another cave and another pair of eyes and even more diamonds I can just feel like something bad is going to happen like it's a combination of the ambient noises and just how big and dark this cave is wow that's a big cave what is this spawner a red one what's it spawn okay okay okay I had to ask didn't I I just had to ask and I'm poisoned now wow I'm going to use some gold to repair my helmet and then we go in we get rid of you from there the rest is easy it seems that there is no red spawner anymore there is a creep ah head and then does this drop something I don't even want that there flippers here could be worth grabbing and equipping aha another Diamond another of those red spawners I wonder if I can mine it and the answer is apparently no the longer I spend on it the more stuff I find which is pretty good so I I I can't complain but I also just cannot wait to leave this could get me looting four that could be useful it's him I've been expecting you big fella bring it on then come on then oh I good okay did I get him I had all those gapples the sword did the business in the shield oh okay it came out of nowhere but the cave dweller has been defeated and he he might have looked like he wasn't that scary oh found some diamonds as well that you know that's a deserved reward yes he might have looked like he wasn't dangerous or scary but here's a clip of the MS Creator getting absolutely destroyed by one I just made sure I was very very well prepared before I ran into him another diamond and you know what at this point I think I'm pretty happy to leave I've got full diamond armor I've got five diamonds got all these tools the cave dwell has been defeated you know what more could I want well I suppose another Diamond never hurt anybody other than that I am definitely ready to go back to the surface and it's a thunderstorm outside why do I feel like that's going to be bad what are you oh wow with these flippers I move so fast in water well that is very nice I can't say this storm is great always makes me feel like something bad's going to happen what is this a little little seat what is this this kind of placees never look good at the best of times never mind in the middle of a thunderstorm is anybody in there why is there a creeper sneaking up on me okay what do we got going on we've got to go underground there's not really anything that exciting to steal anything in the Attic just a lot of red P what is this can't say I'm a fan but it's it's better than being out there what are you I don't even know what I'm seeing now what are you okay why do every time I open a door there's something behind it well at least there's nothing behind this one let's just go up here anything in the Attic okay let's just go back down maybe there's something more interesting underground what does it say super strength I've been working on a potion to give me strength in be n of well-known potion made from the powder of Blaze I'll be testing on a local villager tonight okay well let's uh let's see is this is this what's going on he's what on Earth is that is this you doc okay I just left my sword in there as well some somebody open up please let me out I can't get out now oh I'm sorry I'm going to have to put you down mate oh get back in here okay how am I now trapped in here you're going to have to let me out thank you and then if I just swim and then break down the door we're out and we're leaving strange places experiment went wrong I'd rather be out here in the middle of the night at least it stop raining that's better than nothing and I can explore the spooky woods well you know what I should just do I should just go to sleep why why I put myself through this that's much better beautiful broad oh of course mate matey boy over there though isn't he just always watching you see he has no idea that I've seen him I know where you are I'm not sticking around to say hello I am sailing the Seven Seas still going to face slender later on in the video yeah this is not going to be fun plus the night dweller or man from the fog or whatever is that I saw earlier on all in all Herobrine and the cave dweller are probably the least scary things of this mob pack what on Earth is that coming into view it's pretty massive whatever it is there's lots of banners on it what okay that's just a bird never and there's lots of banners on it too should we we just okay it's just gone dark very very quick I'd better to go to sleep I think I found the entrance to this place what does it say at the front I don't know but I can see these guys look at their eyes as well the way they run over okay I will press this it opens up can we do it again oh we can get rid of the pillagers and see what lies in here I should also get rid of these spawners that'll help won't it and what do we have upstairs diamonds that's what we've got upstairs and I believe this is something that you can pick up and you can put items in it yes the sack okay that's going to be very very useful cuz I'm constantly running out of space but not anymore also why is there a ravager in here and I have not got my sword handed is there a ravager there as well what is this there is what are you doing start what where am I is zling trapped I'm very confused but I'm I'm just going to have to get rid of some of you guys oh my goodness there's good stuff here nugget of experience what's this do I think I'll right click and see oh it just gives you XP why is there a slime trapped in there can we get him out he's just a tiny slime in there now and oh I can get totems oh this is wait he used the totem you're kidding me and why have I just lost all my health he used us a totem but not the totem that could save my life later on I don't know where all the Vex are spawning from there's so many like creatures in the cages too the villagers have been Herobrine oh dear that's not good and all the vexes are really driving me crazy they are will not leave me alone oh here we go yep I've been kicked out and I mean if nothing else I've got a totem now so maybe just maybe I'm ready to take on the night although it is basically pitch black out I can't say I'm a massive fan but I want to see the night dweller although the sun is rising looks like there was no sign of him that night don't worry I'll try again tomorrow night and not only do I want to find him but I want to defeat him the same way that I did to the cave dweller oh my goodness there another massive structure not the same place that I've just been to either this one's even bigger and I have no idea what it is doesn't really seem to be much here actually but considering how absolutely massive it is you'd expect it to be something I just have to find it I just have to find it what have we got in here o books the most noteworthy one is feather falling four and strength now that could actually be useful for the battle that's going to happen tonight well I kind of hope it's going to happen tonight part of me doesn't part of me doesn't and I think that's this place fully explored so I'm going to wait on this mountain for night to fall the darkness is descending so let's head into the woods to find this guy and all you can see is two eyes you just don't know what it's going to be all I do know is that it's not the man that I'm looking for what is this up here oh it's a massive Village perfect I can seek Refuge here as I lie and wait for the mysterious man and yet another night has passed and I'm actually quite low on pork chops so I shall spend the day rectifying that oh my goodness what on Earth just happened there all I wanted was a pig what on Earth is going on you can't do anything in this game nowadays and I wonder if you can eat gorill no I I can't do it just look at him I just feel evil pigs on the other hand Herobrine or not no problem well here we go again it's getting tonight nice to get a bit more food and the hunt can continue and I then spent the next three nights exploring and searching for this man to appear until this happened it's him oh my goodness is I'm not right Gap upb gapple up brace yourselves now for a fight let's get some torches down come on then buddy bring it on here he is I don't know what kind of damage he does but he hasn't landed okay now he has landed a hit all right we've got people shooting us I tell you what I'm winning this come on then man to man you want a bit of a fist you're not so tough now are you actually he's actually not that bad I can take him all day can I run from him is he faster than me I I don't know if he's faster than me okay maybe he is faster than me I don't like the the noise that he's making but oh he's piece of cake come on then okay now actually is he gone oh I should have defeated him he's run away well at least I know that the night dweller can also not handle me I keep calling him the night dwell he's actually called The Man from the fog but yeah we handled him anyway that's the main thing and that's why I got myself some good armor feel like next my goal should be to try and face slender although that is probably also a very scary proposition another interesting looking building let's check it out what's inside oh well these books I could always do with books what about okay it's a door more books up here we've got these two more experience as well always useful and a random villager up here hey buddy what what are you doing at the top oh gaple nice that's good and slow falling I mean I don't really need the slow falling but there's a couple of sharpness twos you know what that means sharpness three and sharpness four and I can put de strier on my boots well that's been a nice little find and I know that the Slender Forest will generate in Plains biomes which is why I'm kind of hanging around in this area in the hopes that I stumble across one and everything that comes with it I've made it to another Village which is good because I have been starting to run a little low on food so turn these hay bals into bread will boost me up nicely and I can also get a bit of extra beef as well look at how cool this build is wow I love what you got going on in here mate especially since I can take some free food as well and not to mention all the coal and what on Earth is that what is it coming into view oh wow look at the size of it it's an actual building this is well worth exploring I feel like it's lded with traps there's one of them spawners in the middle well we know what's going to happen when I get too close can I oh it's coming here we go and I've got mining fatigue oh this is not good thank goodness you guys are attacking each other that really makes life easier for me that's it you you do that i' yeah I'm kind of a little bit hurt what does this say I found this Mighty maze on my travels so apparently once I'm in which I am didn't expect it to bring me down like this there's five levers for me to try and find on this first level not to mention all the weird noises coming from down here what is that I don't even want to know there is a button here I have no idea what's going to happen if I press but let's let's find out okay wait did I get strength oh that's useful can I get it multiple times oh okay that that could be very handy although I move really really slow when I get it as well wonder if I can swim my way through this Gap yes I can but I can't get through there I'm guessing something is in here I okay it's those fellas if you get too near they will grab you I don't have any projectiles and that's what I need only an idiot would come down here and not bring a bow hopefully I can find oh hold on a second I don't know what I just got splashed with weakness great but there's string down here and if I can find one more piece I can make a bow although those guys don't look too friendly down there I can't really I could get through here with water let's deal with you only dropped a bone could have done with more arrows it turns out I can get through if I crouch underneath fantastic oh man there's a spawner down here okay there's a lot of them let's get a torch down just like playing Santa time but I can't break the spawner unfortunately but I have at least got some slowness arrows definitely need water to get through that Gap this really is a very strange place isn't it and here we have one of the worst spawners fantastic here we go let's just get back this way there's really nowhere for me to go and I'm kind of weak okay let's um let's just eat we don't have to use a gapple but let's eat up and I am also now in a position I was going to say where I can craft a boat I've just realized I can't break this now well this is a problem that only has one way to fix slowly but surely break it there we go we're in and I can water booket through this bit I don't know where the mobs have gone unless they all poison themselves which would be nice anyway we carry on and I can now use this opportunity to grab a bit of string and make the bow and I might regret this but from there I can also put Power three on it although that does mean I have to spend ages mining this okay they just fall I was hoping that it would break well instead I'll uh I'll just m it with my fist and it's done finally I'm never placing that down again the crafting table can stay there the chicken will guard it and I need to get back to searching for these five levers I'm sure they can't be too hard to find look at that a diamond and more iron and I've also found the first lever fantastic now to check one of the other areas another chest with a spawner what on Earth is that okay I have what just happened to me that was that just that did make my hair stand on end a little bit but we're okay nothing bad happened really it was just all a bit strange well this looks nicer yeah a bit a bit more space and another lever so that's two down three to go my goodness this be about 70 of them all stuck there well it certainly makes my life easier better be something good after all of these in the end it didn't seem worth it now that I've got the bow I think I can handle whatever's down here I've just got to keep my distance okay I don't really want to poke my head too much if a crocodile gets hold of me it's very difficult to escape okay I'm not actually hitting it like that and I can see a lever down there okay I need to get to that put a torch down so more things don't spawn and then we get these bad boys are they stuck oh this could be perfect if they're stuck down there we can oh yes I think he is stuck oh there's a few of them okay hopefully he is cuz otherwise I'm in trouble is that all of them okay there just one left I can flick lever number three and get some good loot too I can't see anything else in here and I can't see a way to get out other than crawl into here and flick in the trapo this is another section I haven't been to before what have we got in here this is a cool looking room I shouldn't have just jump straight in like that it's got diamonds it's got obsidian and most importantly a lever plus a looting two s maybe that's going to be handy I think I'll take it with me or is there a way through here if I can yeah if I can sneak under here I can all we have is just rows and rows of pressure plates I don't know what these do do we just go for it okay they burn me um we made it across what is at the end some sort of bookcase room okay what was that all about they just came out of nowhere let's let's deal with them I said I'm fine you're in there I'm in here they've been dealt with now what am I looking for in here I'm guessing a lever that's what you'd expect to be in here anyway or a power three book that means I can get a power four bow which would be handy but it looks like there isn't a lever anywhere what's that all about okay I was wrong there was one above the chest I just had to venture through and I think at this point I have clicked all five I don't know what happens next but I shall get back to the main area and see I don't think this was here before I've done quite a bit of exploring I don't remember this Gap okay this is new maybe this is what the Le has opened up is there an easy way down do I MLG it I'll just gracefully go down cuz I don't want to really I don't know what's down here put it that way wow look at this oh the snakes are out eh yeah it does look very cool down here I can see over there that there's okay well there there's things guarding it but there is chests as well with okay some nice stuff let's use it all up I'm actually going to get rid of The Shield put this totem here cuz there's another totem in there as we said there really is good stuff down and it just continues into here what is this who is this the farer of the labyrinth okay okay um I didn't know you were going to be here thankfully you're extremely slow and I can just keep critting you out oh now I getting shot in the back I just lost a lot of Health there let's just gapple up I've worked out I can hold him back with water and then just keep hitting him there we go we got him fantastic water stps for the win what's in this oh wow this is some beautiful loot here that was all pretty productive I'm going to have to leave those two things here I don't know how I escape now because I can't mind my way out I think I'm just going to have to Tower it okay well this has got me back up to here and from here yeah I can just build up there it's beautiful to be outside again and I can now continue in my hunt for Slender well this is a nice little find another of those pouches I mean what's in it isn't exactly exciting but the pouch itself will be very very useful I've also just realized they're called sacks not pouches oh my go well what is he do oh I forgot about him I forgot he was still in this world stalking me all of the time anyway my steak has been cooked so I can continue searching I'm no expert but this doesn't look like a biome that I have been what does this say leave me alone can I can I get these oh what do I get for that a slender app okay Tim okay okay I why am I I can't Sprint okay this is not good let's um let's just keep moving okay is he gone okay why do I instantly just lose all of my hunger by the way the message is quite clear leave him alone I'm not going to though okay he didn't appear he did appear let see we're all right we're all right get that one yes I got two nice oh okay why is it just gone really dark and started raining I have no idea is he behind me I can't even see where is he he is behind me there's two of them what why is there two of them are you kidding me one is bad enough never mind two anyway I'm just going to continue searching for these notes but it's now pouring it down it's dark every time he appears I lose all my Hunger so I can't Sprint this is not fun at all oh no here we go he didn't appear we go oh he's there can I hit him no I can't oh it's even worse when I can't hit him does eating work okay I can Sprint a little bit I'm finding quite a few I don't know if this is a certain amount we got a name tag nice okay if I just kind of get it and move he's still there okay never mind never mind that doesn't work oh okay parkour spe that's it go back on yourself give him the loop the loop I think we lost him at least I hope we lost him what is this hidden in the depths oh we got ancient debris from that okay that's good it's going to be here though don't know where but I just know somewhere problem is this guy's probably not the only thing lurking out here as well and it's the fact that I just can't see anything that makes it awful oh wait if I leave the Slender Forest I can see a what was that I just see things moving I'm going to try and go to sleep okay that makes things a lot easier to see and I'm going back in ladies and gentlemen okay it just starts raining again straight away okay let's try and get more notes and we can get gapples from this actually which is good just don't like the fact that where is he get back can I hit him it seems to be going backwards as I knock him I don't know if I I want to try and defeat him if I can but I don't know if he is if it's even possible there's another one nice I don't know what the Slender apples do by the way can I eat a slender Apple he's here oh okay I didn't know there's a massive drop there I don't think he came down with me did he let's e this slender Apple see what happens oh it gives you you good hunger at least stop every time okay you know I can't there's no point of me trying to hit him I just got to run when I see him oh wait I'm out and I'm back in I've got to keep getting these notes I don't know if there's a certain amount oh there's a creeper okay well that's not good oh there's loads of stuff okay there's a lot of mobs I'm actually starting to lose a bit of Health as well and I can't regen because he keeps putting my Hunger down oh he's hitting me a lot now where is he get away from me okay I'm just holding the totem that's a safe safe move get away wa never have I ever been so close to death I think I need to try and get some gapples down me that's probably the only way out of this that's it eat them I really thought I was done for then okay I I to be honest I am starting to really not enjoy this just his Thunder going off just the way that you do there he is so every time I get a note he comes after me more and more and he seems to be getting more and more aggressive as well I was really aggressive before I'm in water can he get me in water or am I safe looks like I'm safe especially with my flippers I think at this point I need to try and get out of here it's not a place I want to be but if I see a note I'm getting it oh wait are we out will he follow me out he will follow me out I didn't think he would okay let's move we're good is he gone he's gone the Slender Forest is one very very spooky place can we sleep to get rid of this thunderstorm we can okay that's fantastic and you know what is interesting I can go back towards the forest I could grab a note wait can I do it from here I want the gapple he's here hello oh well I can see you broad down you know so scary when it's not dark mate oh there's quite a few on the edge I mean I can't say no to grabbing them like Slender apples just look cool oh but I've made it thunder again now this is where it's going to be interesed because I can sleep again and it becomes day 56 then I I thought I was her then I go back in make it to thunderstorm and go back to sleep I mean this is just a way to get the days going which has zero use unless you're trying to do a 100 days challenge like me and trying to survive the whole lot but yeah I'd rather not do it that way I'd rather it be more exciting also these trees seem to be merging with this one can we is it going to appear I oh he was taking damage and he just disappeared oh it would have been great if he died but maybe that's the way to defeat him put a load of blocks and watch him suffocate you know what I've got to try it cuz I can't hit him but maybe I can trap him in some blocks and defeat him that way so we've got a note right here we're not actually in the Slender Forest which makes life easier so we can place blocks all the way around this is either going to work really well and be amazing or he's going to escape and I'm going to regret everything but it's all down we'll go ahead grab that is he in I hear him but I don't see him so it kind of worked cuz he stopped him from spawning and I've just G to the Slender Forest let me get out of there but yeah it didn't defeat him that's a shame anyway we will now continue exploring because I have the next place that I want to go now that I faced Slenderman Herobrine the man from the fog the cave dweller I've gone up against the mall and lived to tell the tale the rhinoceros on the other no I'm just kidding I ain't doing that no instead we're going to go somewhere that I've never been before we are going to go to the ather but before that I think I'm going to go to sleep cuz I'm just sick of there being mobs everywhere but yeah I've never played the aether mod before which is kind of crazy considering how popular it is and there's a few scary things added to it as well just to make it a little bit more terrifying I also seem to have come to another slender for right I don't want it to thunderstorm again so instead I'm going to go in this direction and the goal is to head to the nether you see to get to the Aether we need glowstone to make a portal in a water bucket and where did you find glow stone yep you guessed it in the nether so that's why we're going there as you can see in this sack we have three obsidian but I need seven more on top of that I'm really going to need to collect some more food I don't want to be eating golden apples just so I can Sprint no instead pigs can be on the menu and I will need to craft a new smoker I think I threw it out for some reason good thing they're literally one of the easiest things to get in the world and now with a few pork chops to my name the hump for lava can continue and I'll make sure to collect more food as I travel as well operation fine lava has been successful and I might as well make a portal the quick way with a bucket yep it doesn't get any easier than that I actually don't think I have a way to light it so we're going to have to do the oldfashioned light it with lava strategy where I placed loads of wood which has successfully happened extremely fast okay the nether what do we oh of well of course we're just over a lava pit that you know that just makes complete sense what on Earth Is that around me I'm going back I don't want to see that okay I don't want to fall in lava I admit maybe that reaction was a little extreme but I'm going to just get myself more there's a whale there again wow that's close to the sh did they eat squid wait did he just suck him in his mouth no way anyway I've sorted another bottle out I think I just need more food I've got one pork chop we're just in the worst place for it maybe this shipwreck can help me oh I can look at all the carrots and potatoes I you know I'll take the wheat as well cuz bread could be handy but of course the main attraction of carrots because I can use that to craft golden ones and these 10 pork chops I completely forgot that I had okay you know we're not actually not looking too bad for food we'll be fine we've got bread we've got pork and seagull oh no it just dropped me feathers never mind and herob Bri oh go you know what you don't scare me anymore mate that's right okay I don't know why you have to do that to me anyway let's just set up the baked potato feel a little bit better prepared this time I'm going in got my totem in hand so if I if I fall in the lava I'll see you know what I knew something like this would happen this is why I was afraid all right let's let's just go up here where can I go have I got a pearl still let's go for it Pearl over there that's it that'll get me out I guess being near the lava is not good what those obsidian pillars are right we came for GL it's so dark here man he's just chasing me right you know what you want to you want to fight come on then oh here you are you're stuck right bring it on is that all it took two hits just annoying on anything although it looked like he got stuck on land so that's good news I'm now going to have to use this time to get another end Pearl because pears are just handy to have what are those things they're like giant waspy mosquitoes and now they're coming for me look guys okay what are you doing get off me I don't like this one bit okay we got r one and now the Ender's angry as well get in the boat what are you doing get out of here the Ender's in the boat these weird mosquitoes have been defeated oh this is a nightmare I just came here for glowstone instead I got a creepy dark nether that does at the very least contain some glow stone so we don't have to worry we just have to get Mining and I don't really know if there's any reason for me to stay around here we got got another Pearl maybe if I found a fortress it could be useful for me to go to the end I don't know but in my opinion that's just something I should worry about later on because right now I'm going to the AER doing that means getting across this lava to that portal hoping that one I was about to say one of those weird stringy things doesn't do that to me okay we I mean we can't get out now can I I don't know why fire only hurts me some of the time and not all of the time it's a bit of a weird one right he's probably going to come out again this time I'll be ready for him there's actually two yeah this is going to be a nightmare isn't it getting back over there got rid of them both in that time everything burnt up good you I've got a lot of wood isn't it it's just going to have to be a bit of speed bridging isn't it before they before they can get me okay just about run out but we're good if i' had over 80 Blocks left I definitely didn't nearly run out and it's nice to be back here I I you know I took this place for granted so we need to put down some glowstone in the shape of a nether portal I've never done this before but I've seen countless videos of people doing it whether it's a meme or not so I think that's how it works let's get some sleep before we do it else and then I think if I put water in it does work okay finally we're finally going to do this I've never experienced that okay you might have but I never have and what will meet me on the other side I have absolutely no I dear we're here hostile Paradise well this looks kind of nice hello sheep see you later okay that was not nice to me wait if I fall down there do I die I don't think there's any coming back from the void what is that a floating whale very very interesting and very very strange indeed now I need to try and remember where this ather portal is and I see a black void inside there so I want to go and check it out I also like the way the land is connected by Cloud Bridges that's kind of cool if got to remember guys I've not really seen much of this mod and I've never played it so I'm I'm quite enjoying this I don't know if Herobrine can come here I don't exactly know what scary things are lurking in these kind of dark spaces apparently torches okay straight away I I don't know what I'm being hit by what see you know it's just stuff like this like what is happening to me no idea it seems to be wearing off as long as it wears sorry I didn't mean to do that fly okay I was just hitting everything but yeah I don't know what kind kind of things are looking I can't go into a dark room of what is this you a cow do do you drop food don't try and don't fly off oh you do okay well that's you know that's something good and there's another one here they're actually very very cool aren interesting the Torches can't be placed that that is very strange there's sheep that float yeah you know what the more I see of this place the crazier it gets are those cloud guys nice they're looking at me like they're not nice okay that's one way to nearly die I do I have water I need to be clutched can I place water well at least we can place something oh yes s be watch out for the cloud man hello the cloud men are dangerous all right just don't get hit by them all right cuz we don't want to get flung off again but really I want to try and get across that bridge there is also some structure just at the top of here what exactly is it I have no idea is this a cloud that I can build on I think it is nice I can I can use it can I okay we're good we're good we're good we're not we're not dead I thought I was going to fall through to the void then I got to be more careful than just jumping on things really nearly haven't I really okay what is that tornado it seems like there's more scary things here can I just hit it okay I can just get caught up in it wait will you take me upwards no okay what are you we've got rabbits let's just build up let's not mess around let's just build up to the top and see what it is I really love these they're really cool and at this point I have no idea what this is but let's go in okay okay okay that's hilarious chests that aren't really chest how much health have you got mate are you okay you got a lot of Health what oh wait has he dropped some stuff a golden Dart can I use this I don't think so and are all chests like this I know some of them are actually nice what are you not going easy on me eh all right well I'll I'll show you well okay you've got a lot of Health do you drop anything a Victory Medal well isn't that great don't I just love Victory medals ambrosian torch wait is this a torch I can use here it is okay there's just a lot of these guys spawning now you know what I'm just going to move away cuz they do pack a bit of a punch I don't even know if I need to hit them maybe I'm just okay I'm low I'm low I'm low I'm low I'm too art oh no there's another one stop spawning all of you please eat your golden carrots okay well we're totem now all right well that's not great you know what if I leave what if I just okay go go go Gob there's loads of them now they they're coming in the Swarms just look at them all what is the big idea what what have you guys got against me probably a few things let's let's just get down here oh not the cloud guys oh they're going to knock me off now this place is kind of stressful let's go and get that totem in and head somewhere else you know what I'd like to take one of these cloud guys on see if I can defeat it hit it with a few will you put me down I'm in the middle of something here as I was saying I'd like to try and defeat you over there Nemesis can't miss from here oh yes we got him what does he drop anything wait did he drop those cool Cloud blocks yes is this is this it the best block ever very cool very cool indeed is that water down there okay I'm just going to go back through here and it is night time what is looking at me over there is it him it is him can we get him in I imagine if I could send him to the ather that would be so cool anyway I'm just going to go to sleep have another look around here just see if there's anything interesting I just don't want to go too far from my portal cuz I don't want to get trapped here and not know how to get back there's definitely plenty PL of cool structures around to explore and these flying pigs pigs with wings really bringing the same when pigs fly to life what I want to know is if you punch them off a cliff do they fly down we've got flying pigs ladies and gentlemen I can't believe it it's one of the coolest things ever apparently in that building those mobs that I was fighting are called Valkyries and if you defeat 10 of them and get 10 Victory medals you can fight the valkyrie Queen which on defeating will give you a key and give you some very very OP armor I think I've got to go back to finish the job I'm not interested in all this stuff just want to make sure I've got plenty of totems and I'm actually going to head back through this portal and set up a little area to upgrade my helmet and my boots I had to craft new ones of them but I've got 45 levels in a lot of books so if I go ahead and grab a loot of jungle wood it's a lot harder to mine wood in the a that's why I'm I'm I'm here but yeah now that I've got those I can build this and get some much better upgrades and at this point I think I'm as ready as I'll ever be so let's go and see if I can defeat the valkyrie queen and I know I left this place in Terror last time but this time I'm feeling much more confident that I could successfully do one needs to be done now I can only guess that I accidentally got rid of my One Medal so they don't fight yet okay they're friendly they they fight with honor unless you start attacking them and then it's a proper battle but if you really you know got some some strafes about you okay but there way loads of them spawn just don't hit the other one yeah and then you get the medal we got one and we do the same to you so you know I kind of feel evil really I'm I'm not very nice to him M as long as I only Attack One at once this should be very doable I mean look they do a lot of damage but I've defeated worse things in my time I want to know what happens if you if you go like this can you wait can you place boats you tell you can place boats right of course you can you just can't put them in a boat okay the developers aren't stupid and so far I'm up to six medals make that seven 8 9 and 10 now I want the valkyrie Queen where is she cuz I want the OP armor I there's an opening it there you are okay well I've got your 10 medals but just give me a moment I'm just going to cook some food I like the way that we don't just go to battle straight away more of a jewel than a battle there you go what I I wish to fight you there you go I've given you the medals okay here BR what are you doing there of all things now is a bad time I didn't know he could get here can we do it now you have a lot of Health okay well Vel Queen let's okay you do a lot of damage all right well we've got to be got to be smart about this we've taken out some of health and I've got plenty of gapples so I should use them and she it's all about aim when she flies towards me okay well there's a new there's a new attack forget it it's not a bad aim there's more to it but yeah When She Flies towards me just got oh there we go oh can we hit those back at her oh that would be really good if we can and we do more damage it's all about those straps though ladies and gentlemen look at this one of the combos yeah that's right also just realized I've got down to basically no Health another gapple let's do it okay half a heart all right you know what this ain't going so easy why is a tree just grown in the corner that's more to the point oh well there goes the first totem let's just get a gapple down and let's get oh okay I need to just be more skilled at Le put that totem in okay good we're all fine it seems to be getting a little bit better as time go oh I feel like I've got you in an epic combo now I've got to remember to eat that's how battles are won and lost almost at a quarter Health okay that that thing needs to go away I've got down to half a heart again come onb don't pop a totem just get that gapple up and then go again does do a lot of damage every time she hits you and another tot's gone okay you know what I think I can do this without the final totem oh someone's broken piece of AR this is bad now a piece of AR is broken oh get that tot down yes B okay good good good keep moving I think maybe a helmet broke but I could be wrong I wasn't paying attention now I need to make sure I don't get hit at all I'm so close to the Finish but I'm very weak as well come on yes we did it dethroned and we have got the silver key this is a secret compartment and opened and here's the key we put it in we've got all the good stuff a valkyrie helmet Valkyrie boots leggings invisibility cloak I don't know how we put that on it seems this is basically the equivalent of diamond armor which is very nice indeed the lightning sword looks like it could be so useful and gummy gummy sweats they give you so much hunger wow I should have say so much saturation either way that's very cool can we mine out of here oh we can as well well I have to say defeating a boss in the ather that was pretty good I may come back because it is pretty easy to get here just with a glowstone portal but I also wouldn't mind getting back home are you kidding me one of these slimes follow me I can't go anywhere now anyway as I was saying I'd like to get back home to add protection to this helmet then I can remove this portal and keep exploring what have we got here I've just been exploring the hills finding lots of coal and there's some sort of very cool looking structure up ahead and according to the advancement it's the ancient mines cast behind and enter what does that mean it's him it's two wait wait what whoa whoa there's only meant to be one of you apparently he can now duplicate himself can I just mine in I can okay here we are what on Earth is going on over there what are they mining what are they doing do I really want to do this of course I want to do this okay what are we prepared everything maybe a bow will be smart can we just sneak around oh well that didn't work let's instead just go around this way it's also kind of dark down it you think you'll mind if I just wander past he old buddy oh he's gone I hear a noise what's in here coal I really need the iron but I guess I'll take it what's going on now it's just mining thin air wait thought it's going dark outside let me go up to him again what is going on here oh there's a way down okay it's gone dark I'll go to sleep and then I'll go down I'm going to sleep outside tonight that feels safer to me all right down the ladder we go please tell me there's water there is water there okay what have we got at the bottom here I just don't like the fact I can hear a lot of footsteps it's very unnerving it's somewhere around what's going on in here there's a lot of silverfish Herobrine silverfish there's everything down here oh nuggets of experience nice I kind of just want to keep going down deeper and deep look how far it goes there's not really any easy way down here I'm thinking if we just use a few blocks we've got a water bucket if we need to do like an MLG or anything we I mean we why don't we just do it you know I'm S sp737 I can do an MLG and this oh okay you know why did I just jump straight in well guys here I am let's just try and disable some spawners there is a what on Earth is this place wow I didn't think it was going to be this big it is literally crawl in with SP okay don't come up here guys all right we're just going to block it so that they can't I did not expect to see that when I came down here you assume that this means that there is a lot of amazing loot down here so there's only one way to find out what's in here okay oh okay there's a lot of good stuff in there I'm just going to take the hits from you I can I can do it anything there I want to know what that who okay I'm getting a little bit crowded I want to know what that orange thing is a a lava bottle what sorry break some spawners good XP there's even more loot right here oh look at it diamonds as well kind of want to test out the lightning oh the lightning sword is insane be SMY d spiders a honeyed apple that's kind of cool I think I shall eat it you sure you want to do this yeah that's right feel like the good stuff is somewhere around here I just don't know what it is I mean the load Stone's kind of cool but is it really just a throne I guess it could be I mean whichever way you look at it it's a very cool build I mean look at even the chains hanging from the top and I haven't even explored all the little rooms as well oh there's stuff in there I don't know what the the red particles are anything good obsidian pressure plates they just look cool and gold bars instead of iron ones yes and maybe up here there's much more to see I don't see any other way out okay I've not been through here what are you like a what are you please tell me I guess we'll never know but there is more to explore around here more spawners more diamonds and a brand new envil it actually appears to connect to a brand new cave which is quite cool you know who I'd like to see in this cave maybe for a little rematch the cave dweller this time I can use the lightning sword I see a very large and very eerie cave I mean that doesn't doesn't gone away has it oh and does it just connect up to the big cave oh no wait is this his own place what is this is it a m shot it look looks really epic I don't know why but this just doesn't look like normal Minecraft it must be but it just doesn't look like it what do we got down here I think I should use this opportunity to see if I can add a little something to it oh yeah a bit of sharp what is that noise it wasn't just you oh it's it's one of those it's okay let's get all these by the way and I do think that if I use the tools that I've got here I should be able to deal with the cave dweller you know it's striking with lightning and all that good stuff there's also a random spawner here it one those red I don't like those they're just so much effort I suppose if I use my bow it's it's not too bad oh there was diamonds there was herob I've just seen so much here all right in that case prepare to be lightning cuz I want to get these diamonds maybe a dark little cave but I can go to sleep and then continue exploring this massive Eerie cave like I'm hoping to find diamonds but most of all I'm hoping to run into cave dwell I'm up for this okay well we got the diamonds we got a good rade of them too but where is the guy that's really scary oh my goodness that was a lot of creepers and now that I have no totems left it's probably in my best interest to grab an iron ingot and make a new new shield and whilst I'm at it I also have an Unbreaking three book which should make it last a lot longer another Diamond not bad make that four it's him my Nemesis most people go the other way but not s sp737 I've battled you once and beating you and I'll do it again mate yeah I see you you see me okay why did I make it a charge creeper that was not the smartest move in the world come on then here he comes this is it ladies and gentlemen now we got the reach okay let's do it yeah get smited that's right bit of lightning never okay don't get me in a corner that's not what oh the lightning sword destroyed him SP is what are you doing I did just see Herobrine right I'm I'm not seeing things I feel like this is the kind of sword that Herobrine would have but yes I've now proved once and for all that SP sp737 is now the master of these caves and so on that note I I think I'm ready to get out of here why is it always raining after you go caving at least I can sleep to get rid of it and I think now I'd like to try and beat the game and see what scary things are involved with that I've barely scratched the surface of what's in the Nether and I've not even begun to see what's going to be in the end so the first step to that is to make another portal I of course didn't bring the obsidian with me I still only have three pieces so it's now operation find a lava lake and this gives me cooked food it's amazing well when the cow's are attacking me the that cow is doing a lot of damage you know I'm I'm going to die to a cow like not something I thought I would ever say by the way why is it drop lav oh my boots broke and oh my leggings are nearly going to break that explains a lot and so I should probably get them repaired ever feel like you're being watched guys yeah he doesn't know but I see that's so weird I could have sworn there was somebody watching me anyway less of that I've got to try and find some lava I am not having much success finding this lava like I have found a village and okay well apparently I've found something a bit bigger than a village as well but anyway the reason I highlighted the village is because sometimes I think you can get obsidian in the blacksmiths well no we can get in the blacksmith chest of other types of villagers but I don't know if it includes this one anyway it just goes dark so fast doesn't it although it started raining at the perfect time cuz now oh he's just behind the tree I'm not going to sleep and having him watch me while I sleep I'm going around the corner but yeah going to sleep has nicely stop that rain if I have slept just a few seconds earlier it could have been worse and look at this a little camp at the bottom I wonder if there's something useful down there maybe that's worth checking out load of pillages not what I was thinking was going to be useful okay and he just completely crunched my health everything just seems to be taking off so much of my heart which as you can imagine is not a good thing is this the same okay this is is this a different village or just a a chest on its own I really can't tell but it was nice to find a couple of diamonds although I seem to have lost that massive Castle place I don't know where it went only I could lose something that big in a forest you're kidding me how have I ended up in a slender fight right don't touch the notes as me don't be tempted you know when you feel like you've just been going in One Direction but you end up going in circles it's strange i' I've left it already that's good I was about to get that note as well but I'm not going to do anyway well we're back with the rain anyway and the Thunder aha there it is a wolf if only I had bones I I just haven't gotten it could have had my second wolf for the night although it's got to be did somebody just oh get him boys that's it that's it as a team actually get him in the back we got some bones come on two bones you earn these one B oh look at this he's lying down as well they lie down oh that's great but you lie down I'm going to go to sleep because I don't really want the to be mobs spawning like this all right come on boy we're going up here I don't know what happened to my last dog it just completely disappeared what wait have I been to one of these before oh it's a villager home okay it's a friendly place that makes a change a friendly place with all sorts o lots of cool stuff yeah can't say no to the XP nuggets man's a lot 45 I mean it only gets you a couple of levels but it's still better than nothing and there's not too much more to see here but with that operation fine lava can continue and at least i' I've got a little friend to come with me now whoa what's going on get back get away from me no oh he I didn't even get to name him and he died already that's it no more pets in this video I am just going to try and go to the nether still not founding lava but I found something better a ruined portal one way or another this will allow me to go to the Nether and there's a load of iron in here too so I'll remove the cry obsidian and then I can complete the portal light it with a fire charge and head through and I have of course got to remember that I don't have a totem it's very dark down here what is that okay it's just a a purple sword now the mission is to try and find a fortress which will be a challenge because it is very very dark but on a positive note I do have a looting two gold sword which means I can get loads of Ender pears and once I've got rid of this fell I should have all the pears that I need and now to travel the land in search of that Fortress and these obsidian pillars could actually be quite useful but it will be as long as that guy doesn't reach me because now I don't have to go back to my original one instead when I'm done I can build a new portal somewhere else I found one perfect going to get the Looting sword handy then I can hopefully find some Blaze but it it is very dark I also like the fact that the Fortress has gold bars everywhere it adds a nice bit of color to it also successfully found the blazes and my sword just broke so no more looting but I already got seven and this eth one will be perfect somewhere around here should be a good spot to build a portal but my only issue now is I need a way to light it so I'm going to build it right here lose the water take some lava and then get the wood to set on fire that's been mission accomplished got the old Subspace bubble I can craft some eyes throw them and it looks like this is the direction of the stronghold well on my travels across I still haven't come to the stronghold yet but I found this I don't know how I go inside it but ooh it looks very fancy and there is the front door surprised but oh it's the illusion my I hate the illusion I still do not know how to fight it to this day let me just get my lightning sword ready that ought to get you see you never know which is the real one okay well lightning soon finds it though that's right set you on fire you can't get away now can you what is this he was number one it doesn't look like it's very useful is it a helmet or something well it looks cool if nothing else okay I should probably deal with you guys all right guys apparently I'm I'm burning the house down there's not too much of interest just some random loot so I'll leave leave this place to burn down and continue heading towards the stronghold I'm now very close to it based on where the eyes going in fact right about here is the spot we're in fantastic and I like this torch it looks very cool although it's still very very dark I hate going underground in this m pack now I just got to try and track down the portal room oh wait I've already done it I think yes we just saw it there oh I like the chest as well let's deal with you and try and not summon a million of you guys we'll get rid of that why why is the stronghold generation different you never normally get two entrances into a portal room very strange there's no eyes I have used all five however we have loads more here don't you worry I can get them all down and it is ready we are I think we've got the bow we've got the arrows we've got the sword of lightning let's do it I don't know what's going to be through it I number one you know what we're not using this this this number one thing it's not as good as the helmet that I've got here so I should stick to what I know anyway through we go straight away this is going to be tricky because I can't oh my goodness look who's here what's he doing I have no clue all I know know is that he is in the dimension lurking around it's also going to be very hard not to look at Enderman it's so dark so I'm just going to shoot the pillars to get this done as quickly as possible oh no it's him what are you doing here no way you're here well I'll face you once I'll face you again this time I Won't Let You Escape either you think you could just I don't like this Herobrine's here the night dwellers here what else am I going to find anyway that's the last of the pillar's gotten rid of so let's P down and get busy so that we can finish the job yes with lightning and going to blow a bed up in its face as well that ought to do some damage and with that ladies and gentlemen I have defeated it all with the lining it looked epic and now I'm going to explore this place a bit more to see if I can find an n city oh my goodness those goty I don't know what they are but they look like they're going to get me killed and what on Earth is that I have no idea but what I do know is I'm going to need a lot of blocks so I'm going to make a load of slabs and get busy bridging hopefully not to my Doom well I've made it and I still can't see anything I don't think there's anything in it I think it's just a cool place to explore and that'll there does look like an n city doesn't look like one with an electro annoying I don't know what these little things are they're like they're very strange that's all I know but I shall head in see what loot they've got and these are like literal Ender Chest are they purple a chest or something they look kind of cool Crystal hard wait is this going to increase my health oh it does it gives me an extra five that's amazing can't say no oh well he's still here but yeah I can't say no to extra health I'm now going to have to go and search for another one that actually has the Electra this one looks a bit more promising it's actually generated inside one of these massive Mounds it's so weird but as long as I can get the elytra I don't mind it looks like I can I just can't really get in through the front door so instead it's the old fashion method of float your way up mission accomplished just got to get past this fellow which you know no Pro I don't know where he went is he up there ah you can't escape mate it's no use let's get these this is going to help so much and a prop for you know what that's that's got to go now this helmet is better still don't know why I can't put gloves on in the glov slot but now I can fly back and try and find an End gateway to L where is that in Gateway there wow I was literally just up there as well this is perfect so all fall into place I can get through grab the egg and get home and of course it's dark and raining it's always dark and raining and on top of that I have no bed cuz I use it to blow up the Ender Dragon so yeah I'm going to get some wood and try and stay alive until I can find some sheep to make a bed well I have found one unfortunately it's a hero prime one hold on I can make some shears it's going to do some hits I don't think it'll do much damage though yeah it can't be that bad sh you that's right not so tough now are you and then I'm going to have to get rid of you and it's multiplying what's going on that's it blow them all up and there's my friend he saw what happened to his sheep and when I Shar it only dropped one wo you kidding me well at least there's another one over here let's get you and we got what we need I can make the bed he is very active tonight I keep seeing him loads and now I can sleep where it's safe at the bottom of the ocean at this point my main goal is to get gunpowder and also sugar cane perfect I can craft some firework rockets and explore the world much easier some sort of giant tree or something over there and also L little place there might be gunpowder inside you never know another of these sacks well that's handy really lets me free up more inventory space looting too I can add that to my sword although the there's sadly no gunpowder up here I'm also over encumbered must be because I'm carrying too many sacks I'll just have to put one of them down sorry I can't take them all two sacks is all my tiny muscles can carry but yeah this place is very cool with gunpowder okay that's perfect because now I can make a lot more rockets and explore the world even more I found a village I can run sack for food because I'd run out at this point as the sun sets I'm not really finding anything new just structures that I've already seen however I feel like I've kind of beaten from the fog now because anytime there's any danger whether that's heroBrine man from the fog or something else I can just fly up and away and I'm completely safe yes the elytra changes everything and as I wake up it is now day 100 and so that ladies and gentlemen was 100 days in Minecraft from the fog