you hi this is AJ Hoge director of the effortless English club welcome to our new set of lessons these are called the power English lessons the reason they're called power English is because in these lessons we're going to do two things number one you're going to learn English of course as always we have the mini stories which are our favorite lessons for most of our members but the content the the focus the topics in these lessons are going to be focused on the psychology of learning and the psychology of success now these ideas they're not just my ideas in fact they come from a lot of other people they come from people like Tony Robbins who's a famous success coach Robert Anton Wilson Joe Vitale Robert Kiyosaki Alan Watts so I've taken a lot of ideas from a lot of different people about this this topic of the psychology of success and the reason that we're going to talk about this in these lessons is that in my experience most English students struggle and fail because of psychology not because of methods not because of teachers those things are important but you know Tony Robbins talks about the fact that psychology is 80% of success and I think he's right based on my experience with many many English students psychology is 80% of success so 20% are the methods you use to study 20% are the schools you go to the teachers you have the books you use those are important we talk a lot about them but the other 80% is psychology your motivation your emotions how you manage your time all of these things are in fact much much more important what I saw in my classes were that the enthusiastic students the energetic students the optimistic students always learned much faster they succeeded the ones who failed the ones who dropped out and cool the ones who struggled had the opposite mentality they had a very negative mentality their motivation was low they tended to be pessimistic they felt that they weren't good at English they had ideas that English was very tough very difficult they struggled there they didn't have enthusiasm for English they didn't love English so in these lessons we're gonna talk about how can you manage your emotions how can you develop that strong powerful enthusiastic attitude towards English how can you maintain it so that you don't get bored so then in fact you get stronger and stronger with English and your psychology gets stronger and you succeed you reach your goals you speak fluently effortlessly so among teachers English teachers language teachers this topic is called non linguistic factors non linguistic factors so what non linguistic factors means is things that are not related to language learning directly when we talk about language learning research when we talk about the the best methods to use when you learn English those are linguistic factors right they're related to the language non linguistic factors means not related to the language this has nothing to do with English it's more about psychology motivation for example is a non linguistic factor so that all it really means is just emotional factors and there are actually many research studies about this topic dr. stephen krashen down in Los Angeles probably again the expert in language acquisition language learning has done many studies and he has also looked at many studies and he's found that non linguistic factors are equally or in fact more important than the linguistic factors to determine who is successful ultimately what that means is that things like your emotions things like the European group the community that you belong to your feelings about English are as important or more important than the methods you're using to learn English so how are we going to do this how are we going to learn well one of the things we have to do is create a daily English ritual you need to engage your physiology that means you need to engage and use your body you need to engage and use your subconscious that's how you start to affect and strengthen your psychology so we have to strengthen our psychology what does that mean really it means affecting your body and your mind at the same time so that you actually feel better your emotions are happier while you're learning English and I know this is the opposite of what you learned in school you probably didn't feel very happy when you were sitting in your English classes but when you're learning with effortless English it's very important for you to feel happy for your body to feel good for your mind to feel good for you to emotionally enjoy the process of learning English of course it's just more fun you're gonna like it a lot better but the other benefit is that you actually will learn faster you'll improve your grammar faster you'll improve your pronunciation faster you'll remember vocabulary words better longer and faster when you feel good so there's a very practical reason for doing this too so we're gonna talk a lot in detail in these lessons about how to do this but just right now during this introduction let's talk a little bit about a daily plan something you could do immediately right now today to start improving your success with English by changing your psychology so here's a little ritual a little plan you can follow every day to start improving to start feeling better and therefore improve your motivation and to learn English faster and faster and faster better and better and better and it's very simple so the first thing you're gonna do is when you get up in the morning the first part of this plan this daily plan you want to get into a peak emotional state Peak means top for example the top of a mountain we talked about a top of a mountain the very top we call the peak so we're saying a peak emotional state means a top emotional state or top emotional feeling means you want to feel great not just good you want to feel really great it's the first thing you need to do before you listen to any English lessons before you study you want to first be sure that you feel great how can you do it well it's really easy I recommend for example using music and I actually do this myself in the morning most mornings I will put on some great exciting music that I love jump around act like a crazy person and get myself feeling energetic and happy do that first before you listen so move your body smile we're gonna talk about this more in detail in later lessons but just for now every morning when you get up first put on some music some energetic happy music that you like smile move around do that for maybe 5 minutes maybe 10 minutes then when you're feeling really great your body's moving you feel like you have energy you're happy then start your English lessons the first thing you want to listen to is the main article the main audio that's how you're going to use these lessons so the first thing is listen to the main talk and you can read this as well the first time if you cannot understand easily you can read the transcript and listen at the same time do this perhaps two times a day starting with the main story and reading use a dictionary if you need to to look up new words next listen to the vocabulary so in the vocabulary again I will discuss the of some of the difficult words that I used and again you can read the transcript of that vocabulary lesson there's always a transcript you can read if you can't understand my speaking if I'm too fast then read at the same time it's okay next you'll listen to the mini story and the mini story is the most important lesson the mini story is designed for deep learning in the mini story I'm going to ask a lot of very easy questions while I tell a story in fact I really ask the story I don't tell the story why am I doing this students ask me well why are the question so easy well the questions are supposed to be easy because I want you to answer fast and automatically I want you to train your brain teach your brain to answer very quickly I don't want you to translate from your language to English or from English to your language it's a bad habit it'll make you speak very slowly I want you to just answer quickly automatically very fast so that's why I ask so many questions like questions again again again again again very easy your job answer the questions quickly you can answer with only one or two words it's ok short answers are fine you don't need to answer with a big long sentence in fact short is better so that's the the order that you're going to follow you're gonna listen to the main article first one or two times you can read as well if you need to then you're going to listen to the vocabulary one or two times each day and then finally you're going to listen to the mini-story one or two times or more you can also read the transcript for the mini story in the beginning now another important point when you're listening to these lessons do not study them don't struggle to memorize just relax and listen if necessary you can read as well as I said if you need to but relax you're not trying to memorize anything just let it come in let the English come into your ears and into your eyes don't think about it don't analyze it do not think about grammar the mini stories will help you learn grammar subconsciously so don't don't interrupt that process by trying to analyze it don't think about grammar rules you want to learn like a native speaker and that means you're going to learn the patterns of English in these many stories you might not be able to explain them just like native speakers usually cannot explain grammar rules but that's okay you want to be able to use them correctly that's the important part so again you want to relax do not study do not think about grammar rules do not try to translate just relax and listen that's why we call it effortless English it should be effortless you should be smiling relaxed and just listening now another important point you want to move your body while you're listening to the lessons this will keep your energy high so what do I mean by that well a really easy way to do this is just to walk you've got an iPod you've got the your earphones in listen to the lessons while you go for a walk you can do two things at one time you exercise you improve your body and you listen to English lessons and improve your mind at the same time if you're sitting in a train and then maybe you just stretch your body a little bit if you're in your car you can move a little bit you can move around in your seat if you're at your house you can go crazy you can jump around you can exercise very strongly you can go to the gym do something with your body while you're listening to the lessons it will keep your energy high it will keep you feeling better you'll actually learn faster by doing that and finally a very very important point you need to use our deep learning method that means you listen to each lesson set for one week or more so for example this introduction it got three parts there's a main lecture a main talk there's a vocabulary section and there's a mini story well those three you want to listen to those three every day for seven days you want that repetition repetitions very important you want it to go deeply into your brain just one times not enough even if it's very easy for you if you listen you understand everything it's simple still follow the deep learning method still listen to the whole set for one week or more on the other hand if it seems very difficult listen longer two weeks is okay doesn't matter the point is you want it to go very deeply into your brain which means you want it to be almost effortless it's just going to go into your brain and eventually just come out without you thinking and that requires deep learning it requires a lot of repetition so that's kind of your basic plan for using these lessons again first you're going to get into a peak stage you're going to get excited you're going to jump around you're going to listen to music you're gonna feel great then you're going to listen to the the main lecture the main audio one or two times then you're gonna listen to the vocabulary one or two times then you're going to listen to the mini-story one two three four or five times every day and remember relax feel good and enjoy the lessons while you listen okay that is it for our main section for this introduction next is the vocabulary I'll see you next time bye bye hello welcome to the vocabulary for the introduction to power lessons let's start okay let's talk about a first word is linguistic linguistic linguistic means related to language or about language it's an adjective so linguistic factors I mentioned linguistic factors a factor is an element for example it's a piece of something so linguistic factors means elements about language elements related to language or even more simply things things related to language and then in this talk I talk about non linguistic factors of course non means not it's negative so non linguistic factors means things not about language things not related to language so in the talk I'm talking about for example two different things one are emotional factors emotional elements emotional things and then the other is linguistic factors so for example study method that's a linguistic factor it's connected to language learning very directly it's a linguistic factor it's a language related thing on the other hand emotion is not directly related is not directly connected to language learning at least most people don't think so so it's a non linguistic factor alright great so that's linguistic and factor let's talk about next subconscious I mentioned the word subconscious sometimes you hear the word unconscious is another synonym for that but subconscious means something that is under your normal thinking so for example if you're quite hungry suddenly you find that you're hungry but you're busy you're thinking about something else you're reading a book but kind of under you're thinking you have this idea I'm hungry I'm hungry I'm hungry it's not a conscious thought it's not a strong direct thought it's not at the top of your brain he sub means under or below so it's kind of in the the bottom the back of your brain this sort of quiet small voice or this quiet small thought it's that subconscious so I mentioned that you want to engage your subconscious to engage means to use to use or to it's like turn on so to turn on your subconscious to use your subconscious to engage your subconscious it means you want to use those emotions that are in the back of your brain or the bottom of your brain you want to use that quiet voice you want to use those strong emotions that are kind of in the back because they're very powerful so engage your subconscious means use those it means choose to use them in a powerful way I also talked about engaging your physiology physiology physiology means related to the body it's related to the word physical physical means body something that is connected to your body or in your body and not your brain not your mind its body and physiology again is a similar idea physiology means what is happening in your body it's the system in your body it's the parts of your body so again fizzy I'll engage your physiology means use your body right engages turn on or use physiology body so engage your physiology engage your body use the parts of your body use the systems in your body that's what that means all right great next let's talk about the word peak so peak I mentioned in the main story peak means top now often we use this to describe for example a mountain the very top of a mountain we say it's the peak the mountain peak or the peak of the mountain it's the very top part we also use it in the phrase peak performance of course performance means a performing or doing something peak means top so it means doing something in a top way in the very best way sometimes we use this with sports so he is a peak performance athlete he's a top performing athlete he's the very best performing athlete so that's again peak meaning top very top or sometimes meaning best okay so peak meaning top so emotional state I talked about peak emotional state so top or best peak emotional of course feelings and state state means kind of your situation or experience so an emotional state means it's the general emotional feeling you have right now so I might say I'm in an angry emotional state that means it's kind of a long term idea means generally for some time I feel angry now this is a very formal kind of academic or intellectual way to say I am angry okay so this is a little bit more formal kind of English but again an emotional state it's it's a general emotional feeling and it has a little bit of the idea of a long time so a peak emotional state a top or best emotional state it means feeling very good for a while right say I am in a peak emotional state I'm feeling very good for some time okay now that is the vocabulary lesson for the introduction to power of course if there are other words you did not understand you can use the text use the transcript and a dictionary and you know just find the word in your dictionary and write it on the text and you can learn more vocabulary that way it's very difficult for me to guess exactly which words you know in which words you don't know because every student is different so I will cover some of the main words the words I think are quite important but if there are other words you don't know just use the text and a dictionary and write the meaning on the text it's fine okay I will see you next for the mini-story thanks and see you again soon hi this is AJ Hoge welcome to the mini-story for introduction to power English let's get started in the mini story I will tell a kind of strange funny stupid story usually actually I will ask the story means I will ask a lot of questions the reason I ask these questions is to get a lot of repetition so that the grammar structure the grammar pattern will go into your brain deeply because you're getting again and again and again you don't need to think about it just relax listen to the story answer the questions quickly if you need to you can pause your iPod pause your computer and answer the questions or if it's too fast just listen you don't have to speak speaking is optional if you can do it if you want to answer the questions great shout them out if you don't if it's too difficult or you're in a train with other people it's fine just listen and relax it's okay too okay let's start there was a beautiful woman named Sophie Sophie had to play Tiger Woods in golf in just one month who had to play Tiger Woods in golf in just one month well Sophie Sophie had to play Tiger Woods in golf in just one month what kind of woman was Sophie Sophie was a beautiful woman who did she have to play Tiger Woods she had to play Tiger Woods who had to play Tiger Woods Sophie Sophie had to play Tiger Woods in tennis right no no no not in tennis in golf Sophie had to play Tiger Woods in golf when did Sophie have to play Tiger Woods in golf in one month sophie had to play Tiger Woods in golf in just one month was Sophie worried or was Sophie happy well Sophie was worried why was she worried well because Tiger Woods is the number one golfer in the world and Sophie was not good was Sophie a good golfer no no Sophie was a terrible golfer in fact was Tiger Woods a good golfer oh yes of course Tiger Woods was a great golfer and he still is a great golfer so Sophie went to Japan where did she go Japan Sophie went to Japan who went to Japan that's right Sophie Sophie went to Japan why did she go to Japan well to find a golf coach of course she went to Japan to find a golf coach where did she go to find a golf coach to Japan she went to Japan to find a golf coach to find what a golf coach she went to Japan to find a golf coach she found the coach named Yoda what was the coach's name Yoda the coach's name was Yoda was the coach's name Bob no the coach's name was not Bob the coach's name was Yoda whose name was Yoda well the coach's name was Yoda what was Yoda Yoda was a golf coach he said I can help you learn golf Sophie he said if you use your subconscious you will become a golf master what did notice a he said if you use your subconscious you will become a golf master what did Sophie need to use her sub-conscious Yoda said if you use your subconscious you will become a golf master so if she used her subconscious what would she become a golf master he said if you use your subconscious you'll become a golf master would she become a tennis master or would she become a golf master if she used her subconscious well if she used her subconscious of course she would become a golf master what did she have to use her subconscious she had to use her subconscious to become a golf master who said this to Sophie Yoda Yoda said this to Sophie What did he say he said if you use your subconscious you will become a golf master so Sophie tried to use her subconscious she closed her eyes every time she played golf Yoda said use your subconscious close your eyes unfortunately it didn't work did Sophie become a golf master no she didn't she did not every time she hit the ball it went into the trees did Sophie try to use her subconscious yes she did she tried to use her subconscious she closed her eyes and tried to use her subconscious when she tried to use her subconscious was she successful no she wasn't she was not successful when she tried to use her subconscious every time she hit the ball it went into the woods into the trees haha poor Sophie so Sophie went to Hawaii who went to Hawaii Yoda not Yoda Sophie Sophie went to Hawaii why did she go to Hawaii to find another golf coach why did she go to find another golf coach did Tiger Woods go to Hawaii no no no Tiger Woods didn't go to Hawaii where did Tiger Woods go South Carolina Tiger Woods went to South Carolina where did Sophie go she went to Hawaii why did Tiger Woods go to South Carolina well to find a coach he also wanted a golf coach he found an army golf coach the army golf coach said you must run 30 miles every day did Tiger Woods close his eyes when he played golf no no he didn't try to use his subconscious Tiger Woods ran 30 miles every day he did not try to use his subconscious Sophie had tried to use her subconscious Tiger Woods did not so Sophie went to Hawaii and she found a surfing golf coach named Farley what kind of golf coach did she find a surfing golf coach who found a surfing golf coach Sophie Sophie found a surfing golf coach he said if you practice and surf every day you will always succeed what did she have to do she had to practice golf while surfing did she have to practice golf and surfing at the same time or at different times at the same time she had to practice golf while surfing at the same time as surfing so she got on the surfboard she was surfing and she was trying to play golf at the same time who was trying to practice golf while surfing Tiger Woods no not Tiger Woods Sophie Sophie was trying to surf while playing golf she was trying to play golf while surfing was she successful no unfortunately not she got very wet but she did not improve was Sophie successful practicing golf and surfing no she wasn't she fell into the water every time every time she got wet she was still a terrible golfer was Tiger Woods still a terrible golfer no of course not Tiger Woods it was still a great golfer the best golfer so who was still a terrible golfer Sophie Sophie was still a terrible golfer she had tried to use her subconscious and she failed she had tried to surf and play golf and she had failed now she was very worried only one more week to play Tiger Woods she went to San Diego why did she go to San Diego well of course she went to San Diego to find another golf coach why did she go to find another golf coach she went to Tony Robbins who was Tony Robbins Tony Robbins was a peak performance coach was he a peak performance coach or did he teach people to do things badly of course he was a peak performance coach he taught people to do things very well who was a peak performance coach Tony Robbins Tony Robbins was a peak performance coach was Sophie a peak performance coach no she wasn't Sophie was a terrible golfer Tony Robbins was a peak performance coach so if he said help me Tony help me Tony said if you engage your physiology you will be a master what did he say he said if you engage your physiology you will be a master did Tony want her to use her mind her brain no no he said if you engage your physiology you will be a master your body did he want her to use her body very well or did he want her to use her mind her brain very well he wanted her to use her body her physiology he said if you engage your physiology if you use your body you will be a master who wanted Sophie to engage her physiology Tony Robbins Tony Robbins wanted Sophie to engage her physiology Tony Robbins one and Sophie to use her body correctly in a peak performance way Tony taught her to get into a peak state did he teach her to feel bad no now he taught her the opposite he taught her to get into a peak emotional state he taught her to feel really great was she in a peak emotional state or a bad emotional state she was in a peak emotional state a top emotional state she felt top great wonderful best who was in a peak emotional state Sophie Sophie was in a peak emotional state then Tony said now practice golf did Sophie practice golf while she was in a peak emotional state yes exactly Sophie practice golf while she was in a peak emotional state did she practice golf at the same time that she was in a peak emotional state yes at the same time she practiced golf while she was in a peak emotional state she improved very quickly finally the day came Sophy played Tiger Woods Tiger was very tired he looked very tired but Sophie was in a peak emotional state during the whole game finally at the end of the game Sophie won she beat Tiger Woods Tiger cried haha Sophie you're the best now he wrote a check to Sophie for 85 million dollars how much money did Tiger give Sophie 85 million dollars he wrote a check for 85 million dollars he gave Sophie 85 million dollars how much did Sophie earn she earned 85 million dollars did Tiger Woods earn 85 million dollars or lose 85 million dollars Tiger lost 85 million dollars was Tiger happy no he wasn't tiger cried and cried he was very sad was Tiger in a peak emotional state no Tiger was in a terrible emotional state he was sad he was depressed he was in a very bad emotional state how about Sophie was Sophie in a great top peak emotional state oh yes she was in a top great fantastic peak emotional state she was happy she was excited and now she was rich okay that is the end of the mini-story for the introduction to power English again listen to this mini story once or twice every day for seven days or more the questions the repetition will help you effortlessly learn the vocabulary and you'll be learning grammar too it's kind of a secret grammar method don't think about the grammar please do not think about it just relax listen to the questions answer the questions and every day you'll start to learn these basic patterns of English again and again and again more deeply each day so again listen to this lesson every day for seven days or more if you get bored move your body jump up and down feel better and then start again okay I will see you next time bye bye these lessons are sold only on our website effortless English