Exploring Partial Differential Equations

Aug 7, 2024

Partial Differential Equations and Functional Analysis Lecture Notes


  • Instructor: Giovanni Bella Teenie
  • Course Overview: Focus on partial differential equations (PDEs) and functional analysis.
  • Course Structure:
    • Part 1: Special types of PDEs
    • Part 2: Functional analysis

Part 1: Special Types of PDEs


  • Topics covered include:
    • First-order PDEs (linear and non-linear)
    • Second-order PDEs (focusing on Laplacian)
    • Heat Equation (parabolic PDE)
    • Wave Equation (hyperbolic PDE)

First-Order PDEs

  1. Definition: A PDE in the form of a function U of time T and space X.

    • Equation: [ U_t + B \cdot abla U = 0 ]
    • U: scalar function
    • B: constant vector
    • This is known as a linear transport equation.
  2. Properties:

    • Homogeneous: Right-hand side is zero.
    • Linear: Derivatives appear linearly.
    • First Order: Only first derivatives of U are present.

Existence, Uniqueness, and Regularity of Solutions

  • Key Problems to Address:
    1. Finding special explicit solutions (e.g., radial or time-independent solutions).
    2. Establishing existence of solutions within a defined class.
    3. Ensuring uniqueness of solutions (smaller function class often helps).
    4. Determining regularity of solutions (often solutions are smoother than expected).

Initial Value Problem

  • Considerations when imposing boundary conditions.
  • A common problem setup with boundary condition given on a hyperplane:
    • [ U_t + B \cdot abla U = 0 \text{ in } t > 0, x \in \mathbb{R}^n ]
    • [ U(0, x) = U_{bar}(x) \text{ on } \Sigma ]

Part 2: Functional Analysis

  • Focus: Study of properties in Hilbert and Banach spaces.
  • Mention of Fourier transforms as a potential topic of interest.
  • Suggested Books:
    • Evans, Partial Differential Equations
    • Brezis, Functional Analysis and Partial Differential Equations

Remarks and Further Concepts

  1. Smoothness of Solutions: The smoothness of U is directly related to the smoothness of the initial conditions.
  2. Transversality: The vector B must be non-tangent to the hyperplane for certain procedures to work.
  3. Characteristics Method: A powerful method to solve PDEs, especially first-order linear PDEs.
    • Involves relating systems of ordinary differential equations to the PDE being solved.


  • The course will explore the methods of characteristics and their application to solving PDEs, along with the necessary functional analysis background to tackle more complex problems.
  • Emphasis on questions and clarifications during the course.