Hallelujah shalom shalom hallelujah hallelujah all praise to the most high yahusha Yahweh of Abraham ISAC and yashar amen ready to get back into the word of Yahweh all right we're going to be studying about the the Covenant and we're going to go to the book of uh Leviticus chapter 26 beginning at verse one all the way down to verse 46 although I don't think we're going to complete old chapter today we'll see how far we can go all right you got your scriptures all right verse one it says you shall make you no Idols nor graving image neither rear you up a standing image neither shall ye set up an image of stone in your land to bow down unto it for I am yahwah ELO yakim hallelujah amen so Moses wrote the first five books of the scriptures called the the law the Torah and Moses is a Hebrew Israelite of the Seed of Abraham of the tribe of Levi and so the scriptures from the Old Testament to the New Testament are written to the chosen people the 12 tribes of the children of yasharel that are scattered abroad and so that's the context of the scriptures you have to keep the scriptures in in context otherwise you take them out of context that's why people are deceived and that's why you have all these different religions so verse one again says you shall make no idols or nor nor Graven image so who is ye who is he talking to who is Moses writing this to he's writing this to the 12 tribes of the children of Israel that's who the law and the Covenant is for is not to anybody and everybody else and I have to say that because people from everywhere especially all these different religions they read the scriptures and they think it's about their religion especially Judaism and and and Christianity but Islam got their own scripture but still the Covenant is with the chosen people the 12 tribes of Israel that's who the Covenant is with and so that's who the scriptures is referring to when it says ye it's talking to the 12 tribes of Israel and nobody else nobody else is a part of the Covenant the people don't want to hear that oh we gra no you're not you're not grafted in so this only pertains to the 12 tribes of yesel it says ye shall make you no Idols nor Graven image and so that's what all the religions every last one of the religions have Graven idols and Graven image and the most high is telling us that the children of Israel we should have no no Idols nor Graven image but we didn't listen we didn't pay attention we didn't obey his Commandments his laws and statutes he said neither R you up a standing image neither shall you set up any image of stone in your land to bow down unto it for I am Yahweh ELO yakam and so this is a a law this is a statute this is a commandment this is part of the Covenant for the children of Israel we have to still do this obey this commandment obey this statute obey this law it was relevant then and it's relevant now it hasn't changed and it's never going to change and so if you are Israelite whether you know it or not particularly if you know it don't have any Idols or graven images no standing image don't be wearing no crosses around your neck don't be bowing down to any wood image or stone image the that that you're not going to it's not going to be well with you if you do that Hallelujah the most high gave us the laws statutes and Commandments for a reason for a purpose to serve him to worship Him in spirit and in truth and so if you worshiping these Idols your name will be blotted out of the book of life and you won't make it into the Kingdom of Heaven let's go to verse two you shall guard my sabbaths and reverence My Sanctuary I am Yahweh Hallelujah and so he said we should guard his Sabbath every seven days is a Sabbath unto the most high according to the lunar calendar of of the the of the moon it's really called a month but it's been interpreted moon but every Sabbath seven days is the Sabbath he said guard the Sabbath and I know a lot of us are just coming into the knowledge about the Sabbath a lot of us thought Saturday was the Sabbath I know I did but that's okay the most high is waking us up so we don't know everything that we need to know we learning as we go Allelujah and so we try to keep the Sabbath according to the lunar calendar and then he says reverence My Sanctuary I am Yahweh so because we're scattered now we don't have a physical tabernac or a physical Sanctuary to to to go worship the most high and that's okay because y yahusha already said that it's not the place it's not about the mountain or the temple he yah uh yah Yahweh is looking for the true worshippers to worship Him in spirit and in truth he said he dwells in us our body is the temple our body is the sanctuary and we have have to reverence the most high in our in our body h Hallelujah he said I am Yahweh and so that's what we have to do and so we are the church we are the assembly and so wherever we go the most high is there Hallelujah and so we can reverence him anywhere praise him anywhere give him glory give him thanks Hallelujah anywhere praise yahwah all right Leviticus chapter 26 verse 3 Leviticus 26 and three it says if you walk in my statues and guard my Commandments and do them so again the mo the most high he gave us this these laws and statutes and Commandments to serve him to worship Him in spirit and in truth to know him he has a standard we can't just do whatever we want to do he said if you walk in my statues that means they they're becoming a habit with you wherever you go you you walking in the statues whatever you're doing you're walking in the statues you're guarding the Commandment it's a it's a daily thing it's it's a lifestyle and you live this way all day every day thinking about the most high yahusha said uh seek first the kingdom and so that's what this is talking about if you walk in my statutes and guard my Commandments you're seeking first the kingdom you seeking first the most high Yahweh he said love uh you should not have any other God before me and so that's what we do all day every day talk about the most high live for the most high Yahweh and worship him in spirit and in truth hallelujah that's what we're supposed to be doing as as his chosen people as the 12 tribes of Israel even though we're scattered especially the southern Kingdom of Judah we're scattered into all the nations on the face of the Earth we have to continue to worship the most high wherever we are even in this captivity it don't matter where you are what you're doing because wherever you are whatever you're doing the most high is there also so you can worship Him in spirit and in truth hallelujah Leviticus chap 26 verse4 Leviticus 26:4 then I will give you rain in due season and the land shall yield her increase and the Trees of the field shall yield their fruit and so the most high he set down stipulations he set down uh obligations responsibilities it's it's you can't just do what you want to do that it's not going to work like that it's conditions these are the conditions of worshiping the most high walking in the in the the spirit walk Walking in the Rua and I'm still learning these new words in in Hebrew so you have to excuse me if I Stumble over them a little bit he said then I will give you rain in due season he's going to W bless us watch over us even in our captivity because we're already messed up we're already in our captivity and so it all these the Covenant is twofold and so even though we messed up the most high stuck with us he he had to do what he had to do he had to scatter us and we're going to get into all of that but I have to bring it out now he had to scatter us because we didn't do what he said for us to do but now that we're in our captivity and we're waking up he will still do what he said he would do if we keep his LW statutes and commandment and so now that we're waking up this is what y yahusha was saying that we uh he didn't come to destroy the law but to fulfill so now we can keep the law because of Grace we got Grace to keep the law Hallelujah if we mess up we can ask for forgiveness but we strive to keep the law Hallelujah then will I give you rain and due season and the land shall yield her increase and the Trees of the field shall yield their fruit and so even in our captivity the most high can watch over us and keep us like he kept Joseph Joseph didn't mess up he just told he blab he told everybody about his business about his dreams and stuff but all things the scripture say all things work together for good so it all worked out for the good but Joseph had to go through a whole lot because of that but like I said again it all worked for the good even for us even in our captivity everything is working out for our good it may not seem like it sometimes especially when we have these difficult times and trials and tribulations but all things are working together for our good but for it for it to work together for our good we have to make an effort continuously to to serve the most high in righteousness in faith in love Hallelujah and when we mess up when we fall short when we sin fall on our face and repent Hallelujah and he said I will give you rain and due season and so even though we're in our captivity he'll still make sure that we have what we need Hallelujah let's go to Leviticus chapter 26 verse 5 Leviticus 26:5 and your threshing shall last till the time of the Great Harvest and the grape Harvest shall last till the time of the sewing and you shall eat your bread until you have enough and shall dwell in your land safely Hallelujah so this was the condition for us to stay in the in the in the promised land in the land of Canan that the most high had given us that if we did all the Commandments and laws and statutes oh we would be still in our land to this day but obviously we didn't do that but still his laws statutes and Commandments are still relevant even to this day and so even though we did not do it we still have to keep them and so this is still relevant if we start keeping them even now he will still bless us and make sure that we have enough because as time goes draws near to the end for the time of yahusha to return some things going to start happening and it's going to be a time of of testing a time of tribulation a time of troubles and uh we have have to be closer to the most high than ever before that's why we got to continue to walk in faith Walk In Love walk in walk in the spirit walk in the ruha cadesh and love one another we can't be bickering and backbiting and envying and all that kind of stuff that are that that won't go well with us that would hinder the most high from blessing us he said and you shall eat your bread until you have enough and and shall dwell in your land safely where we're in the land of our captivity but he'll watch over us while we are in captivity to keep us safe if we keep his laws statutes and Commandments as he has prescribed for us hallelujah let's go to Leviticus 26 verse 6 Leviticus 26: 6 and I will give peace in the land laying down with not with nothing to fear in the Sabbath of life though evil be a part of the Land There is no sword to bring into the land Hallelujah and so the most high will bring us peace if we obey the laws statutes and Commandments that's what he's saying you won't have anything to fear long as we serving the most high he said we'll have a Sabbath we'll have a day of rest Hallelujah a Shabbat of life and that's what it's all about he he want to give us that Eternal rest Hallelujah Everlasting Light that's your B of life that's everlasting light though evil be a part of the Land There is no sword to bring into the land and so when we say the most high we got to understand that we're going to have some hard times we're going to have some troubles but he yahusha told us don't fear any of those things don't fear those that can kill the body but fear him that will after he kill the body he can cast both soul and body into hell into the Lake of Fire and so we can't worry about this lifetime everything in this lifetime is temporary everything the the the good times the bad times and everything in between the most important thing is to serve the most high with all our heart soul strength and mind and everything else will take care of itself yahusha said why you worrying about this and that tomorrow will take care of itself what you put on and what you going to eat e don't don't worry about that that's why he says seek first the kingdom keeping the laws statutes and Commandments of the most high live one day at a time quit trying to live your whole life in in for the whole year right now tomorrow and next week and next month and next year and all your goals plans and dreams what you going to do yeah the most high allow it but we got to live from day to day Hallelujah Leviticus 26 verse 7 Leviticus 26 and 7 and ye shall Chase your enemies and they shall fall Before You by The Sword so this is what was supposed to happen with our enemies if we had stayed in our land if we had obeyed the most high until now our enemies wouldn't have had a chance against us but you know what happened that's why we're scattered we didn't do what the most high told us to do and so our enemies have had their way with us they've taken us and shook us like a rag doll do did whatever they wanted to do to us and the most high allowed it because he he warned us he gave us his laws the statutes and Commandments he said look if y'all obey me you're going to have the good but if you don't oh the sword is coming after you and so the sword came after us and that's why we're in the land of our captivity today Hallelujah but the most high is still good his mercies are Everlasting Hallelujah Leviticus chap 26 verse 8 Leviticus 26 and 8 and five of you shall chase a hundred and a hundred of you shall put 10,000 to flight and your enemy shall fall Before You by The Sword Hallelujah again this is what was supposed to happen if we had have stayed in the land and continued to to serve the most high with all our heart soul strength and mind and love our neighbor as ourself Hallelujah and keeping all the Commandments laws and statutes and keeping the Sabbath in the Covenant but you know we got into self selfishness thinking it's about us doing what we want to do and so the most high had to scatter us but even though we're in the land of our captivity the most high yahusha is soon to return and when he returns oh it's going to be payback time and so that's why we got to keep the laws statutes and Commandments to still until right now because when he comes back he's coming back for for a church that's ready to go when he come back you can't be getting ready you got to be already ready Hallelujah you got to have oil in your lamp you can't be like hold up wait a minute let me go back no it's too late and so because when he comes back it's time for battle because we're going to have to do some battle he said Judah is going to have to fight and so cuz we got to go take our land back and we got to take the whole earth and so this is what's going to happen because this word is still relevant it doesn't change he says and five of you shall chase a 100 we're going to do that and 100 of you shall put 10,000 we're going to do that Hallelujah that's why the word is still relevant even now Hallelujah even though we didn't keep it it's still relevant and your enemies shall fall Before You by The Sword they're going to run and hide but they can't hide wherever they run wherever they try to hide we're gonna find them take them out Hallelujah Glory Leviticus chap 26 verse 9 Leviticus 26 and9 for I will have respect unto you and make you fruitful and multiply you and establish my Covenant with you Hallelujah and so this is what the most high said and this is what he mean he has respect unto the children of Israel we are his chosen people we are the apple of his eye he love us more than he love anybody else on the face of the Earth we are his chosen people his chosen vessel he has respect unto us he said he will make us fruitful and multiply multiply us and establish his Covenant with us hallelujah forever it's an everlasting Covenant never going to change and again although we messed up it's still relevant the Covenant is still relevant and the most high is still going to bless us you see though we messed up the most high keeps his word he keeps his promises Hallelujah so that's what the thing that we have to understand the most high knew all about what we going to do knows what kind of people we are how we was going to mess up but that's why he's giving us chance and chance and chance again to get it right Hallelujah to repent the scripture says be zous to repent Hallelujah yahusha is knocking at the door of our heart he want to come in and suck with us hallelujah let's go to Leviticus chapter 26 verse 10 Leviticus 26 and 10 and and you shall eat the old Supply and clear out the old because of the new Hallelujah and so the most high is going to always ensure that we have plenty everything that we want and everything that we need the scripture says I've not never I have not seen the righteous forsaken or receed begging bread and so the most high he keeps his word he's faithful and just he's not going to break his word and so that's why he had to punish us when we didn't obey he said okay and we're going to get into that because that's part of the Covenant is conditional if you do the Covenant oh it's going to be great it's going to be wonderful it's going to be awesome so you scratch your head so why did we mess up cuz we stupid we we ignorant we want to do we looking at the world and think they got it better we're looking at the Joneses think they is it's greener on the other side they got a king can we we we want a king we already had a king we already had everything we needed everything we wanted same thing in the Garden of Eden we already had everything the devil ly to e e believe in every word talking about you can be like God we was already like God your your eyes will be open you won't really die lying and Eve believed it and then she told Adam and Adam like uh well Adam knew he sin he knew what he did and he listened to Eve anyway and that's how we are as a people the most high gave us his word The Living Word the tree of life and we still want to eat from that tree of knowledge of Good and Evil we that's why we got to repent every day and walk in the in the truth hallelujah and resist the devil and he will flee he say you shall eat the old Supply and clear out the old because of the new because the most high is going to provide for us but we got to be walking in his ways it's laws statutes and Commandments we can't be doing our own thing it ain't our thing you can't do what you want to do it's the most High's thing if you want eternal life you got to do what the most high said if you don't want eternal life all right go ahead and do what you want to do it's your thing uh Leviticus 26 And1 Leviticus 26 and11 and I will set my Tabernacle among you and my soul shall not abore you and so the most high he told us look I love y'all y'all my people a't nothing I would do I would not do for you I go to hell and back for you and he did and he said I will set my Tabernacle among you he want to live among his people he've always wanted to do that he was trying to do that in the wilderness until we messed up and act crazy and so he still plan on doing that his word does not change he's the same yesterday today and forever he still want to live among his people the 12 tribes of the children of Israel because of the Covenant that he made with Abraham Isaac and yashar and so he still want to live among us hallelujah he said my soul shall not upore you and so even though we've messed up and he's punished us he still love us and so we have to learn to love the Lord the love you YW and fear Yahweh Hallelujah love him and fear him we have to do both we can't just say love him and don't fear him we can't just say we fear Him and don't love him we got to love him and fear him at the same time to keep his laws statutes and Commandments and I think that's been one of our main problem we'll say we love him but we don't want to keep the Commandments we don't fear Him and then we say we fear Him him but then we don't show him that we love him yahusha said if you love me keep my Commandments Hallelujah Leviticus chapter 26 verse 12 Leviticus 26 and 12 and I will walk among you and will be your Elohim and you shall be my people hallelujah the most high he want to walk among us he want to be with us he want to be intimate with us hallelujah now we if you an adult and you married and you know about intimate but the intimate with the most high the the adult experience between a man and woman ain't got nothing on intimacy with the most high that's why he calling the most man he take you to Heights and and places and Hallelujah it ain't got nothing to do nothing can compare to the most high for what he has in store for us hallelujah I have not seen ear have not heard what the most high has in store for his people I will walk among you and will be your Elohim and you shall be my people if you only know how these folks that's ruling over us live how much more above all that we the way that we live at least the most of us some of us caught up in in in in our enemies Shen nanigans and doing what they doing and having what they have but even the the the best of all these people that's ruling over us all this stuff none none of their stuff can compare to what the most high has in store for us it's a 100 times more than what they have and they have a lot but still the most high what he got for us it can't be compared to Hallelujah and so it just behooves us to continue to walk to be steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of Yahweh loving one another loving his his his his words his laws statutes and Commandments walking in faith Walking In Love Hallelujah the most high got a lot in store for us we got to be patient we got to endure until the end we can't get get be tired get weary and wello sometime it get rough but we can't we can't say oh I'm tired no you got to get back up and keep going hallelujah praise him that's why the scripture said Rejoice do it again and and again and again Rejoice over and over Hallelujah Leviticus 26 and13 Leviticus 26 and 13 I am Yahweh Elo Elo yakam which brought you forth out of the land of MRA that ye should not be their bond men and I have broken the bands of your yoke and made you go upright Hallelujah and so this is what the most high has done for us his people he brought us out of Egypt Hallelujah and made us his people he broke that yoke of off of our neck to make us stand up UPR right that we shouldn't be their bond men he chose us before the foundation of the world he wrote Our named in the book of life before the foundation of the world Hallelujah we have to worship him we don't have an option we don't have an excuse we don't have any we have to worship the most high worship Him in spirit and in truth all times every all day every day that's that's all we supposed to be doing that's all we going to be doing in the Kingdom go read Revelations chapter 4 that's all we're going to be doing praising and worshiping the most high in spirit and in truth ain't nothing like it you better get used to doing it now cuz that's all we're going to be doing in the Kingdom Hallelujah and so he's letting us know why he how much he love us and how much he cared for us and that's why he sent his son yahusha to die for our sins to be the perpetuation for our sins to be the Passover Lamb for the children of yesel he paid the price he said well I got a redeemer and so he sent his son to redeem all of the 12 tribes of Israel and so there is nothing that he won't do for for us but we got to trust in him and Obey him that's why I said we got to love him and we got to fear Him Hallelujah Leviticus chap 26 verse4 Leviticus 26 and4 but if ye will not hearken unto me and will not do all these Commandments hallelujah oh this is the condition and so this is the Covenant and this is what the most high is talking us about it's the condition if you do what's right oh it's going to be cake and ice cream everything you can ever dream of life going to be sweet milk and honey hi Hallelujah this will be a glorious time but if you don't owe it's going to be hell to pay and that's what it's been but we going to I'm not going to hold you long because this is a long chapter and that's only verse 14 we got to verse 46 but we getting ready to get into the conditions about what the most high has said to us if we don't if we do not hearken unto me what he's going to do you don't want to miss it you probably read it it's all right but you don't want to miss out because he he put it in writing so that we'll know everything had to be written down so that we would know there ain't no excuse you can't say I didn't know everybody is going to hear everybody's going to know everybody going to have a chance to serve the most high all of the 12 tribes of the children of Israel Hallelujah so yeah we're going to pick it up next time I'm not sure I think we may do it tomorrow or or next week sometime uh back in Leviticus chapter 26 verse4 so thank you for listening see you next time shalom