Transcript for:
How to Start a Successful YouTube Channel in 2021

in the last 12 months one of my youtube channels has brought in over 184 000 what's going on guys my name is franklin and i've built multiple successful youtube channels and in this free course i'm going to show you how to start and build a successful youtube channel and business in 2021 and beyond from scratch for complete beginners this is going to be a step-by-step a to z uncensored free tutorial so if you ever wondered how to actually start a successful youtube channel and you want to do it or you've thought about it this is the video for you and i'm going to show you exactly how to do it step by step now why should you watch this video why is this the best video for you in 2021 well i've i reached hundreds and millions of people every single year on youtube one of my channels has done 184 000 just in ad revenue in the last 12 months and i know how to get hundreds and thousands of views and get my videos to the top for some of the hardest keywords on youtube and more importantly i understand the youtube system i know how it works i've been on youtube for many years now and i've mastered it i know exactly what to do to start and grow a successful youtube channel that you can turn into a successful business that makes you money online and what i'm going to do in this completely free tutorial i'm going to share with you all of my secrets every single secret i know i'm going to pull back the curtains and share all of my secrets with you on how i started and growing successful youtube channels and how you can do exactly the same and i'm going to share the secrets that i've used to get millions and millions of views online that have turned into income for me now this is going to be 100 free for you to watch i'm not here to sell you a course on this topic so you can watch this right now for free there's going to be no pitch i'm going to give you everything you need to know in this completely free course tutorial on youtube now there's a big question that i get asked all the time and let's get this out of the way before we move on do you need money to start a youtube channel no you don't need money i'm going to show you how to do this for free you don't need any money to actually go and do this you don't need any flash gear or anything like that and i'm going to show you how to start a youtube without spending any money and more importantly do you need to show your face online no you also don't need to show your face you can if you want it depends what niche you're in but no you don't have to show your face in most cases when doing youtube and that's the best thing about youtube now it's evolved into this platform where you can do content without actually showing your face so let's jump into this free course i really can't wait for this i'm super excited i want to show you all of my secrets on how to start and grow a successful youtube channel in 2021 but before we jump into this guys make sure you drop a like on this video i've put a lot of effort into this video i'm super excited this is stuff that i usually don't really share but i want to share it with you guys to help you understand youtube and understand how it works so you can go and start your own youtube channel so make sure you hit that like button because a lot of effort has gone into this video for you guys and it's completely free for you to watch so let's jump into this course and get started and show you exactly what you need to do alright guys so let's jump into this we're going to actually do this in phases not necessarily steps because there's multiple steps to every single phase now keep in mind i'm not going to be filling this with fluff i'm going to show you exactly what you need to know and what actually works this is important because i want to get you through this as fast as possible so you can go and get started the first step is niche research now this single-handedly is probably one of the most important things because there's some niches you just can't work in and there's some things that just don't exactly work depending on your kind of attitude towards this type of business and how this all works so i'm going to give you some cold hard truths here before we get started one of the biggest mistakes probably the biggest mistakes is doing youtube just because other people make money you might see your favorite youtuber make a lot of money and you think oh i'm going to start a youtube channel to make some money that's the wrong way to do it you actually have to enjoy it most successful youtube channels start from in just doing content based on stuff they like they don't actually do it for the money the money comes later you turn it into a business later if you are one of those people that wants to do youtube just to specifically make money um and you will make money later on but you know you just think oh it's easy and stuff then this probably isn't going to be for you because you need to actually treat youtube as a real business later on but first you need to actually focus on getting traffic and enjoying it first okay because otherwise if you don't enjoy it it's going to be just like a job that you don't like okay so you actually need to be enjoying it if you look at some of my videos here these are videos um when i started my youtube channel right five years ago this is one of my channels i um i just went out and did content that i enjoyed doing okay i wasn't trying to specifically make money from my channel now so what do you actually do so do content on what you enjoy but research before you do anything it's important to actually do some research because a lot of people go out there and start channels without doing any research and they fail miserably and they never get they never pass like 100 views even they don't even get a subscriber so it's very important to research first and this is what i mean take a specific something that you're interested in like i'm not going to tell you to go and start a channel on something that you've never done before or you're not interested in because it's going to suck for you so let's say for example you like fishing and yes and you think hey i want to start a fishing youtube channel yes you would obviously need to show your face on this but i'll show you niches where you don't need to show your face like for example i'm not showing you my face right now but instead of just going out and saying hey i'm going to start a fishing channel you need to actually look at what's getting the most views in this niche so what i recommend you do is just research the niche that you want to be in so obviously do something to enjoy and find what's getting the most views and what's popping off so for example in the first fishing niche fishing catch and cook is is popping off there's lots and lots of views in this particular natural keyword now obviously you're not going to go out and get all of these views and i'm going to show you how to actually get views and penetrate into this specific uh into these like into youtube okay so don't worry about all the views and stuff like that we're going to talk about that later on in this free course i'm just showing you how to actually go out and pick a niche now the next one will be fishing bait challenge this is something that pops off and people search it and it gets a lot of views so don't just go hey i'm going to go do videos on fishing you need to actually plan out the type of content that you want to do and try and stick to this type of content another example is the gaming niche the gaming niche is very very saturated it's very saturated niche is quite hard to penetrate this niche however if i went to something like call of duty gameplay right we have this guy here apollo 432 all he does is upload gameplay he doesn't have any sound or anything and doesn't show his face doesn't even talk yet he gets thousands of views per day okay so this is a little net so this is like battlefield 5 conquest gameplay no commentary his little niches no commentary so you need to go and see what's working uh in the in in your niche and then we've got warzone gameplay as well this is what people are posting in the warzone gameplay um section right so you need to not copy what people are doing but you need to know what people are doing and what's working to actually be successful on youtube you need to know what's working at the moment now another one is modern warfare our best modern warfare class setups this is something that gets a lot of views and a lot of people do content based on this okay you really need to focus on stuff that's getting views because this is going to be how you grow and i know that sounds very basic and generic but a lot of people mess this up and they don't get it right and they can never penetrate into these niches or they can never get views or subscribers because they don't understand what's actually working and what's getting views so it's important to understand what viewers want in the specific niche that you're going to go and now i can tell you what niche to go on because like i said do something you enjoy like a hobby that you're already into okay that's very important now the next step is choosing a name now this is important as well um like really if if you're going to blow up and people like you then your name doesn't really matter too much but you do want to make it one or two words try not to make it any longer than that so if we go to like the fishing niche you'll see blacktip h ybs youngbloods fishing mad miller wilson cavi john b we've got all of these short catchy easy names don't have fishing with james 75438765 um usa right you want to have a nice clean catchy name if we go to the gaming niche we have um 7 emd we have is this gaming yeah we have seidman reacts we have swag we have very simple clean names same with warzone here this one here apollo 432 i would try stay away from putting numbers in but it doesn't really matter you can if you want as long as it's short i recommend keeping your name short my one is franklin hatchet if i actually search my name franklin hatchet now it's important to actually remember as well that content is going to start showing up for your name so you want to actually choose a name that doesn't already have a lot of content based around your name and people don't already have your name if there's 300 franklin hatchets then obviously i wouldn't have had that name because it's going to be hard because there's going to be lots of other people however you can become an authority in your niche anyway now here's an example of a name that i created this is a channel that i created as a test a case study maxed is the name because um what the videos were uploading were videos based on maxed out graphics on pc so this beautiful game um we actually got 51 000 views on this one but we did um on this case study it's a simple name maxed it's about maxed out graphics on pc now to get a good youtube name just go into youtube name generator spend one or two days putting in um just a seed name so generate this is just an example i wouldn't recommend doing gaming but you've got um chroma gaming a gamaholic [Music] nation gaming you know just put something in hunt gaming logic gaming just put something in and what you want to do is you want to spend two or three days or one day or whatever just going through these name generators and kind of mixing things up together and something will pop and you will um something will pop in your mind and it'll click and you'll be like okay that's the name i want to run okay i can't tell you what name to do you need to do this until you find the name that clicks and here's another youtube name generator now the next thing is starting your youtube channel that's very simple to do this stuff is pretty basic so i'll go through it quickly with you is go to go to google and put in youtube account and go to youtube account here i think or create your youtube account and you first want to create a youtube account so put in your name and your username now and your yeah your gmail now this is not your youtube name okay this is just the name of your google account i'm not going to take you through the process because i already have one but just go through and do the process of starting a google account this is just a google account this is not a youtube account at this point of time now once you actually start your google account you want to go to youtube okay and what you want to do is you want to go to youtube and you want to go to sign in and then sign in using your google account and then what it's going to do is it's going to ask you to put in your youtube name your username and then it will start your youtube channel for you okay and then your youtube channel will be linked to the google account that you've created and make sure you set up all the right um security and all that sort of stuff and then you're ready to go now once your youtube channel was started there's a few things you want to do number one you want to go and get a banner either create a banner or you can pay people to make a banner for you so for example you can get banners for like four five fifteen dollars twenty dollars i think this is a new zealand dollar so it'll be cheaper in the us dollars so go to and put in youtube banner and you can get people to make a youtube banner for you this one here i paid like ten dollars for it this maxed one right here um now i did say that you don't have to spend any money you don't have to spend any money you could easily go and create a banner yourself by simply going to websites like and you can find images to just upload when you're starting it doesn't need to be flash like this is a lot it doesn't need to be flash just upload something can you can actually use these images for free okay so that's quite important to do but it doesn't need to be flash when you're starting that's one of the biggest mistakes people do they spend so much time on editing their youtube channels and making them look like and look nice and all that sort of stuff you don't have any subscribers yet you don't have any views you need to start getting content out now the next thing you want to do is you want to um go to your youtube channel okay and we'll take you through a few steps and what you need to do so customize your channel if you um click customize your channel you can go and um do a youtube trailer and all that sort of stuff um but you don't really need to worry about this right now because you won't have any content you can put in some basic information so you can put in a channel description i recommend you do this because it tells youtube what your channel is about um and then you can put in your social links if you like so what this does is this will um show the social links up here sorry about that the social links up here on the right okay and to edit your banner you just click on the little photo icon here now next step we need to do is very important on how to set up your channel so um you're going to have nothing here right so don't worry about creating playlists or anything like that you don't need to worry about that when you're starting you want to go to here and you want to i think go let me just find it real quick just in case i can't remember you want to go to youtube studio i think and you want to go down to settings and you want to go to channel and yeah so what you want to do is you want to first of all set your country of residence this is very important you need to do this and second of all you need to put in keywords so for example if your channel is about phishing put in phishing keywords and stuff like that this is important and it's actually something a lot of people don't do youtube doesn't know what to do with your youtube channel doesn't know where to push you unless you tell them so this is what you need to do some advanced settings you need to do is you need to set this to set this channel not for kids okay because if you set it for kids there's heaps of restrictions and stuff like that obviously if your content is for kids then you have to make sure that that you sit that it is for kids but mine is not for kids and then um nothing else in here you need to do so just go and set up all the basic information and that's it don't worry about doing anything else you don't need to make anything flash or anything like that you just need to set up some basic information all right guys so now let's move on to phase two okay so you've you've gone and started a channel in a niche now you need to think of content ideas and like you need to actually put quite a bit of effort into thinking of content ideas because that's what's going to make or break your channel you need to do the right content ideas to get the right traffic to your channel so what i'm going to do in this video in this section sorry is show you right now how to go and get content ideas so what you want to do is you want to open a google document you can do this for free by typing google documents into google okay and i'm going to just show you how i write down content ideas to give you ideas of what i do now i do when i go for content ideas i don't put too much thought into the titles right now and all that sort of stuff i just go and get ideas and then i tweak the titles and stuff later on optimize the videos to get traffic so let's i'm going to use different niches for um for this okay so let's say i'm fishing niche i'm gonna go and put in fishing and um for this example fishing catch and cook and i'm gonna go and see what other people are doing now what i'm gonna do first is i'm actually gonna show you a bad example of um an idea now i i'm this is nothing against this person i just think that he could do his title and ideas a bit better so let's say you want to do a um a catch and cook on stone crab claws okay this is what i would be doing um it's quite important the title is quite important but you can edit that later on right so let me post it in here what i would do is i would take out the vlog number 19. no one really cares about that no one cares no no one no one really cares okay so i'm gonna go how to catch and cook huge stone crab claws and 15 minutes and then if you want you can put vlog number 019 at the end that's what i would put the vlog number or i would um not put the vlog number at all okay but you can see that that's a completely different title and and video ideas so just like that that's what i would do okay how to catch and cook huge stone crab claws in 15 minutes vlog number 19 if that's what you want to put in you can see the the difference here it's more clickable straight away then we have this one here easy chili crab catch and cook well i i don't even i need to think a bit more of that but you can see it's terrible like no offense this guy but he's he's not going to get many views with this okay i would do something like um best catch and cook um chili crab recipe for beginners or something right like i like you need to really get people to actually go and click okay so anyway that's kind of what i do i i i don't want you to do mistakes like those guys so simply just go and see what people are doing and see if you and for four ideas okay so i'm not we're not going to optimize titles or anything here okay i'm just um i'm just showing you ideas so what i would do is i would go um catch and cook okay so video idea catch uh need to do catch and cook video that's all i write down okay i don't do my titles now i just showed this title as an example of what not to do so need to do catch and cook video and then what i would do is i would go and do a catch and cook video and i would put down some maybe catch and cook crab maybe catch and cook snapper maybe catch and cook trout so you do need to kind of narrow your video down a little bit so now i've got some video ideas i can go and do one on catch and cook crab catch and cook snapper catch and cook trout okay so that's all i do is write down random ideas it doesn't need to be clean uh the next one is the fishing bait challenge so i'm like okay cool i'm gonna do a video on fishing bait challenge okay um so now please don't get confused with this stuff okay these are just ideas i showed you this as an example of not what to do with your titles we will focus more on this as we actually do video optimization in the next phase so fishing bait challenge maybe snail bait maybe small fish bait maybe big fish bait um okay i would go and see what other people were doing so these guys did um these guys did grocery store challenge big bait challenge um like you do you see why these channels are successful compared to what i just showed you before like that chilly one these are successful because they're doing good content ideas okay so that's how you get your content ideas go and see what other people are doing write down ideas on what you can do and then you've got the gaming niche as well so i'll get rid of that you know no commentaries but let's take the gaming niche is a bit easier because you just play games and you upload your game content it's you don't necessarily have to think of a constructive idea this one here top five most overpowered classes you can go and do the same as that set up your own classes so just go out there and put your ideas down on paper don't just randomly go and do any sort of video here's another one so then the stock market um well what i actually wanted to show you with this one is this guy doesn't have his face on cam either so you don't need to have your face on camera um so for example how to invest in stocks so i would do stocks how to invest in stocks for beginners and 2021. cool i'm going to do a video on that or best way to invest in stocks step by step or you know three top ways to invest in stocks now keep in mind that i don't use these for titles or anything i'm just writing down the ideas and then i edit the titles when i get to the video optimization okay so it's very simple just go out and see what other people are doing and write down ideas and then as you go with as we optimize videos the next phase you can start to do the titles and stuff just get the video done i actually do the optimization first but that's just because the way i do it but if you're doing a video channel on something that you already know and enjoy you should ideas should naturally come to you anyway now the next thing is what to record with simple your mobile phone look you don't need a flash camera you don't need a gopro you don't need to flash anything when you're starting you don't need flash gear you don't need to spend money on anything you've probably got a mobile phone that takes video use it that's it that's all you need if you want to put a selfie stick on it tape it tough you stick to it with a bit of tape seriously you don't need to spend much money if we go to my channel my first videos um check this out in the future terrible sound terrible quality terrible everything look at this one it's not even in hd i look terrible um this is with my phone okay this is with my phone these are my first videos it doesn't matter just get content out if your content's not out there you're not going to grow okay so forget all the camera stuff you can buy nice cameras you can buy better cameras as you progress and when you actually start making money from your youtube channel remember this isn't a business set you're just doing it for fun then you're going to turn it into a business super simple the next thing how to edit your videos for free so first of all if you want to actually record these screen of these screens you can use something like obs broadcaster software find a tutorial on how to use that or you can use this which is what i use this is called screenflow but this costs money so that's how you can record your screen if you want to actually edit your videos for free you can use open shot this is a free video editor that you can use to edit your videos on your computer and there's lots of other ones as well just go on google and google free video editors and you can find them for free now the next thing is how to do free thumbnails all you do is go to a website called templates i'll put in youtube this is free to use youtube thumbnail and you can edit youtube thumbnails okay in here you can go and use some of these templates and you can simply edit them very simple to do if i click on this i can go and edit this here you know put a fish image of a fish here whatever you want so i can edit all of this okay very simple to do so that's the that that's that's the second phase okay um is to just go and get some ideas ready now remember you're not optimizing your videos yet we're not doing titles or anything like that i just want to show you a bad title here for an example but just go and get some ideas ready get some content ready depending on what niche you're in then we can work on optimizing the videos for the specific topic now i do want to mention that obviously as you do your ideas you'll probably come up with some basic titles anyway like for example how to invest in stock in stocks for beginners is pretty much the title anyway we would just need to do a little bit of editing really depends on the niche you're in and stuff like that okay but i'll show you in the other phases on how to actually start to edit titles and optimize videos so now let's move on to the next phase all right guys this is going to be one of the most important phases and this is how youtube works if you don't understand this then you probably won't grow on youtube okay and i'm going to tell you some of my secrets there so the first one is understanding how to get traffic what we need to understand is there's a few main traffic sources on youtube okay and i'll explain to you exactly what they are right now so the first one is search traffic and i'll explain to you what that is real quick so you can understand exactly what that is search traffic is when someone goes into the search bar of youtube for example and we put in catch and cook and then our video would show up here okay that is what search traffic is so i get a lot of search traffic because my videos show up when people search a specific keyword that's what search traffic is but the best traffic that you want to actually get is browse and search traffic let me explain to you oh sorry suggested traffic let me explain to you what that is first of all browse traffic is when someone goes to the home page like this and they see your video here and they click on it this is the best way to get new subscribers okay and suggested traffic is when i click on a video and then there's videos on the right here this is videos getting suggested to me and then we have other youtube features and then channel pages this one down here is where people view our videos from our channel now i'm going to tell you something crazy here the best traffic is browse and suggested but when you're starting your channel forget about these don't even bother and i'll tell you why in a second you will get some suggested and browse traffic but try not to focus on it and i'll tell you why in a second it's very important to understand this but first of all what i want to do is i want to tell you about the three to seven day rule so how youtube works is they when someone clicks your video they want to show people more of your content so what i what i mean by this is um if i go to yeah if i go to youtube here you'll see that youtube has shown me a video from my other channel um because i watched a video from my other channel before it's showing me this video here because i watched a video from this person before it's showing me a video here because i've watched a video from this person now what happens is if people watch your video but then they don't watch any of your new videos or any of your other videos in three to seven days three days at the max youtube stops showing your videos to that person your future videos your current videos because youtube thinks they're not interested anymore now the problem is they also do that for subscribers so if you have subscribers and that and that subscriber doesn't watch any of your videos in seven days or more then youtube is going to stop promoting your videos to those subscribers when your videos go live and i know this is true because i've tested it over the years that's how youtube works so it's very important that you stay consistent and you post videos every three to seven days seven days at the max you need to be posting every three to seven days because if you don't what's going to happen is youtube is going to stop promoting your content to people who have already seen your content okay that's very important the more content you get out the better now the best traffic sources when starting are when starting i say not not forever is search traffic and i'm going to tell you why in a second because we can actually get search traffic we can control the type of search traffic we get we can't control browse traffic and we can't control suggested traffic okay um but so search traffic is the best and i'll talk about that when we actually get into the optimizing phase of this um course i'll explain to you why that's the best for a new channel okay just focus on search traffic very important now the um this is something that um i want to explain so youtube is terrible with small channels okay they what they do is they essentially keep you in a hole so they keep you away from everybody else and i'll explain to you how that works right now so when i go to youtube here um you'll notice that on the front page it's p this guy i'm actually subscribed to but you'll notice that it's mostly videos with lots of views okay if i click on this one here um on the right side it's videos with lots of views the trouble with youtube is they only really recommend um you know you only get browsed and suggested of videos that have lots of views because youtube's only going to push videos that get lots of views because they make money from the advertising okay so the thing is when you first start your channel this is how it works okay um let's i'll explain to you how it works you are going to get suggested but it's only going to happen when someone's on a video that also has low views like 100 views there will be videos on the right there will be some that have lots of views but they so you might one with like a million maybe 100k but then you're more likely to have videos with a hundred views 200 views so what i'm saying is your videos are only going to get suggested and brow sorry suggested views from videos that have low view counts what youtube does is it works in levels so when you um first start your channel it's going to be like this and you're not going to get much traffic and then it's going to once you hit like a hundred subscribers then you get a little bit more traffic then you hit a thousand then you get a little bit more traffic and then you hit ten thousand and it's like a whole nother level and you start to get heaps of traffic then you hit a hundred thousand subscribers and you start to get even more views and it goes through the roof because it works in levels the bigger you become the more youtube promotes you but you when you start your channel you're gonna be stuck in what we call a whole and it's gonna be extremely hard to get out of this okay um so this channel that i have here um 200 views 73 200 views we got lucky with this because the game came out it was trending but it's it takes a long time to get that first viral or get a lot of that traffic so what you need to actually be doing when you start and and do this you need to focus on search traffic for long tail keywords so i'm going to explain to you exactly how to do that in the next phase on optimizing your videos for search traffic because what i'll show you here actually on my channel what i did is i focused on specific things that um you know people were searching for so how to increase blog traffic for free this is something people search for how to build backlinks that get ranked in google this is something that people search for but not a lot of people search for and what this stuff did it is it brought me in a trickle of subscribers every single day and it's very very slow at the start but then it starts to build up and it starts to get a snowball effect how to make money on tumblr how to do keyword research now a lot of these views here they only came once these videos started getting suggested from my other viral videos that i have now so it's extremely slow at the start but if you keep going at it you can keep building up your channel and what happens is you then you start to get pushed okay youtube does not push small channels so what you need to do is build up your channel subscribers and views by doing search traffic only okay so what i'm going to do in the next video is i'm going to actually explain to you how to optimize your video for easy keywords so you can actually go and get search traffic for your videos so let's move on to next video and we'll talk about optimizing your video to get search traffic to start to grow your channel then once you start to grow you'll start to get lots of browse and suggested traffic which is the best for getting lots of subscribers and potentially going viral all right guys so this is uh phase four and this is pretty important i'm going to take you through ranking and traffic factors and optimizing your video for search traffic and finding the right keywords and stuff now remember in the last section um just before i said we're going to focus on youtube search the reason is is because this is the best traffic when you're starting forget about browsing suggested because you're going to get most of that as your channel grows now sometimes new channels go viral and they do get browsers and suggested but honestly 99 of the time that's just luck there's no skill to that so before we get into that we need to understand what click-through rate is okay click-through rate is how is how many impressions you get and how many people actually click through this is one of the main factors to getting a viral video on youtube so this video here this click-through rate is around about 10 and it's been increasing over time now the thing is you're not going to have any click-through rate when your channel starts nothing zero so that's why you actually need to go out and do search traffic the reason is search traffic click-through rate is a lot higher so it's better for your channel when you're starting and it makes your channel look good and then what happens is actually a lot of the times when you go and do these videos for little search traffic they can go viral um in a month or two or or even in a few days if you get a high click-through rate and search traffic is a higher click-through rate because people are searching for something so they're more inclined to click now another ranking factor is watch time how long a person watches your video for and you can see all the stats in your channel once you start to get your information now there's no specific click-through rate or watch time that's going to make your video go viral and get views once again it's just luck it just depends there's hundreds of ranking factors it depends on how many likes you get how many views you get as well but like i said when you've got a fresh channel you're not going to have all this data so youtube is not going to push your videos so what we need to do is we need to focus on search traffic but search traffic gives us the highest video retention and watch time and it gives us the best click through rates okay and we build up that data and we tell youtube that people are watching our stuff and they start to eventually promote our content our new content and we build up subscribers okay so the first thing we're going to do is talk about keywords and and kind of stuff to rank for so let's say for example let's get rid of all of this uh this stuff here um this stuff here and let's say hey we want to do a video a catch and cook on trout okay what i typically do on a brand new channel is i'm not going to go and just do a video catch and cook on trout what i'm going to do is i'm going to do a video on how to catch and cook trout okay and cook um rainbow trout okay so how to um catch and cook rainbow trout and i'm going to scroll down and see what type of views these videos have so you see that a lot of these videos have two million seventy five thousand but i scroll down and i see a video of thirteen thousand three years old so i could potentially get some um get ranked because this doesn't have a lot of views we scroll down 1.8 k i don't care if i rank first i don't want to rank first i just want to rank in like the top 10. so that's a good sign for me so yeah 1.8 1.8 and then these ones a little bit more i don't care if this gets a lot of traffic because i just want high converting traffic that's going to click on my video so how to catch and cook trout and then we can do something like how to catch and cook trout fast oh fast okay and that's that video is actually a little bit higher which is good and then we also have some more um down here 1.8 yeah so i think um catch and cook rainbow trout will be good i always like to put how to or um something like best way to do it or something like that but what youtube does is it actually gives you suggestions on so how to catch and cook on what people are actually searching for okay so try and do some stuff on people that are searching for now another thing you can actually do is you can use a tool a couple of tools for example this one here called vid iq or tubebuddy and you can install these on youtube and i've done it here if i put in how to catch and cook rainbow trout and i have tubebuddy installed and i got a show keyword score it's going to tell me if i can rank for this okay so search volume is pretty good competition is good so i would like it to be in the green but it doesn't really matter as long as it's in the yellow it's pretty good so this is a tool that you can use you don't really have to use these tools but they are pretty good tools that's tubebuddy and vidiq and here's an example of vidiq here as you can see it actually tells me what i rank for as well so here's some of the um tags here tags are very important um see this one here um thorton this one here we'll just see so this is something that people probably not many people search for but i rank at the top okay and it's all look there's no hardly any volume but it doesn't matter because as long as i get two or three clicks per day or per week to get that click-through rate up that's all i really want okay so um the the takeaway here is to do videos based on don't just go do a video catch and cook do a video for so focus on a specific keyword so here's this is what i mean how to catch and cook rainbow trout i'm going to do how to catch and cook rainbow trout quickly okay this is going to be my main focus keyword so i'm going to copy this and i'm going to go focus keyword is how to catch and cook rainbow trout quickly then i'm going to copy this again and i'm going to now create a title out of it how to and i'll put in brackets on barbecue okay so this is the title that i'm going to use okay cool and then what i would usually do is put some tags in the description but i'll explain to you how to do that in a second what i want to do is show you something um just before we go to upload the video if i go to here and i go to um how to invest literally youtube tells us what to do content on okay and stocks for beginners for beginners new zealand how to invest in stocks new zealand how to invest in stocks for teenagers right youtube gives us ideas okay it tells us what to go and what people are actually searching for so how to invest in stocks on iphone it tells us everything okay another idea for the trout one is you could do how to catch and cook rainbow truck quickly in new york right there's lots of different variations that you can do okay so the next step is we need to actually upload this video and optimize it to youtube i'm trying to keep this as quick as possible but as thorough as possible so go and install tubebuddy or vid iq you will need one of these and i'm going to go to here and i'm just going to go to upload a video i don't even know if i can upload one on this youtube this is our ad this is our ad account okay so the title i'm going to it's uploading the video i'm going to take my title here and i'm going to copy this title here and i'm going to put it into here now the next thing is your is your video description okay make this between 200 to 500 words long 300 words is usually what i do but what you want to do in the first section is your main keyword which is how to catch and cook rainbow trout i'm going to show you how to catch and cook rainbow trout and i'll tell you why if i go to here and i go catch and cook see it's got it in here rainbow trout it highlights the word the reason is is because youtube takes the word from the first sentence you don't actually have to put the keyword in and all intact but it takes words from the first sentence this is a major um ranking factor okay i'm going to show you how to catch and cook trout quickly on the bbq then you're going to go down and you're going to put more information right so blah blah blah catch trout in this lake you don't have to keep putting how to catch rainbow trout put things like trout in this lake um catch trout you know like do a good description if you go and look at my videos um so this one here we did a very very good description and we had our keywords in the description or this description isn't very you should probably should do another another couple of sentences but this is the kind of stuff we're doing we've got cyberpunk 2017 2077 um we have off-roading we have um cyberpunk gameplay and badlands so you want to do a description this is very important okay once you've done your description you want to upload your thumbnail that's very easy to do then you want to go down to tags and you want to put in your tags so the first tag will be my main keyword how to catch and cook rainbow trout okay um add tag then i'm going to put how to catch and cook trout you just want to put variations okay and then catch and cook trout and this this keyword tool will actually give you ideas as well how to catch and cook trout camping and then what i'll do what i would actually do is i'll go camping i'm going to go up here and instead of having barbecue i'm going to put in camping only if your video is about that but you can you can kind of optimize as you go okay so you get the point i'm going to put um trout catch and cook with the tags i don't specifically um put like i don't really put much thought into it i just put variations of my main keyword okay and then down here we've got trout fishing we'll put in we'll put in rainbow trout we'll put in catch and cook as well we probably won't we won't rank for these ones but it's still good to have them there um but as long as my main long keyword is in there and how to catch and cook trout catch and cook trout camping and you know some long variations and then once it's uploaded all you do is you go to next and you follow the steps and then you make your video public okay and this is how i go out and and do it but the most important thing is is to really focus on search traffic when you're a brand new channel okay and slowly build up your subscriber base and slowly build up that click through rate and slowly build up your your um subscriber retention and your retention or watch time and then overall your channels going to grow and you're going to start to get traffic now if you want to actually make money from your youtube channel you need to have a thousand subscribers and you need to get 4 000 watch time it does take some time but keep posting content every three days at the you know you should be doing it every kind of two to three days seven days at the latest try to post as much content as you can i do know that if you are doing this outside of a job you know you have a job you probably won't be able to do content every single week but just try and get as much content out as you can optimize the title for specific for long tail search keywords optimize your description and then put in your tags as your channel gets more authority what happens is it becomes easier to rank for harder keywords over time and what i'll do is i'll leave links in the description for the tools that i mentioned in this video if you want some more to our tutorials on how to make money online how to grow online how to grow your business i will leave some videos up on the screen make sure you subscribe smash that like button tap that notification bell and this was a free course on how to start and grow a youtube channel using my strategy