Notes on Introduction to Python Course

Jul 30, 2024

Python Course Overview

Introduction to Python

  • New Python course covering basic installation.
  • Explore fundamental programming concepts of Python.
  • Targeted at students starting their programming journey.
  • Post-course, opportunities in:
    • College placements
    • Competitive coding
    • Web development (Django)
    • AI, Machine Learning, Data Science


  • Laptop
  • Excitement to learn

Importance of Python

  • Python is widely used in big companies:
    • Google
    • YouTube
    • Instagram
    • Netflix
    • Uber

Installation Process

  1. For Windows:
    • Visit
    • Download Python installer and run the .exe file.
    • Install PyScripter as Python IDE.
  2. For Mac:
    • Visit JetBrains and install PyCharm.
    • Create a new project in PyCharm.

Writing and Running Code

  1. Basic example: printing "Hello World".
  2. Code comments (highlighted lines are comments).
  3. Use print() function with parentheses.
  4. String creation:
    • Use double/single quotes: "Hello World" or 'Hello World'.
  5. Saving code in .py files, e.g.,

Python Syntax and Functions

Key Points

  • Variables: Store values using simple assignments.
  • Common Variable Types: Strings, Integers, Booleans.
  • Functions: Reusable code blocks defined using def keyword.
    • Example:
      def print_sum(first, second=4):
          print(first + second)

Input and Output

  • Taking user inputs using input() function.
  • Outputting results using print() function.

Control Structures

If-Else Statements

  • Structure for decision-making based on conditions:
    • If: Execute block if condition is true.
    • Elif: Check another condition if the previous is false.
    • Else: Execute if no conditions are met.


  1. While Loop: Repeats a block as long as a condition is true.
  2. For Loop: Iterates over a sequence (like lists, strings).
  • Example of a for loop:
    for i in range(5):

Data Structures in Python

  1. Lists: Ordered collections that support duplicate items.
    • Operations: append(), insert(), remove() etc.
  2. Tuples: Immutable collections of ordered items.
  3. Sets: Unique unordered collections.
  4. Dictionaries: Key-value pairs.
    • Accessing values: dict_name['key'].

Functions and Modules

User-defined Functions

  • Defined using def.
  • Example:
def greet(name):
    print("Hello, " + name)
  • Importing modules for additional functionality (e.g., import math).


  • Topics discussed indicate a solid foundation to start learning Python.
  • Encouragement to explore advanced topics: OOP, file handling, Django, etc.
  • Comments welcomed for requested video topics.