MC Beth top 50 quotes the play begins with the witch's forboding spell they discuss their plan to meet McBeth then chant fair is foul and foul is fair moving to Forest King Duncan receives a report of a battle where Brave McBeth has fought furiously to defend his country the sergeant describes McBeth disdaining Fortune with his brandished steel which smoked with bloody execution Duncan also finds out he was betrayed by a high-ranking nobleman the th of cordor he orders that he be executed and awards his title to McBeth with what he hath lost Noble McBeth hath won the weird sisters appear to McBeth and Bano and pronounce all hail McBeth that shalt be king Hereafter Bano then interrupts asking the witches to speak then to me and they tell him Thou shalt get Kings though thou be none meaning his sons will become Kings but he will not the witches disappear and Bano warns McBeth but is strange and often times to win us to our harm the instruments of Darkness tell us truths MC Beth and Banquo arrive at Forest and Duncan Praises mcbeth's loyalty with I have begun to plant thee and will labor to make thee full of growing before announcing his son Malcolm will be next in line to the throne McBeth steps aside in frustration and States Stars hide your fires let not light see my black and deep desires hinting at his treasonous thoughts MC Beth writes to Lady McBeth in in vaness sharing the news of the witches and his promotion lady McBeth reasons that McBeth is too full of the milk of human kindness she then calls on the powers of Darkness to come and unsex me here and fill me from the crown to the toe top full of irest cruelty McBeth arrives at inv vaness and Lady McBeth urges him to look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under it Duncan and the other THS also arrive at the castle with Duncan pronouncing this Castle had a pleasant seat before lady McBeth welcomes them in later McBeth anxiously reasons that his plan to murder Duncan is over ambitious with I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent but only vating ambition but lady McBeth enters and furiously mocks his lack of resolve claiming when thou Durst do it then you are a man MC Beth agrees to kill Duncan that evening alone MC Beth sees a vision of a floating dagger and questions is this a dagger which I see before me the handle toward my hand it seems to lead him in the direction of Duncan's bed chamber and McBeth exits to kill the king soon after lady McBeth enters is and her confidence is knocked by a sound hark peace it was the owl that shrieked MC Beth returns from the murder holding the bloody daggers and Lady McBeth States infirm of purpose give me the daggers since McBeth refuses to return to smear the servants with the king's blood as she exits McBeth laments will all great Neptune's ocean wash this Blood clean from my hand a knocking at the gate wakes the drunken Porter who stumbles on stage in imagining if a man were Porter of Hellgate he should have old turning the key he opens the door to McDuff and Lennox soon after McDuff goes to waake Duncan and Returns exclaiming the King's death in horror horror horror MC Beth skillfully reveals he has murdered the servants after seeing Duncan with his silver skin laced with his golden blood the th's exit to make a plan and Donal Bane tells Malcolm the daggers in men's Smiles they near in blood the nearer bloody they both agree to flee Scotland separately after MC Beth is crowned King vano appears on stage and comments on the weird sister's prophecy that myself should be the root and father of Many Kings seemingly tempted by the prospect MC Beth arrives and asks him if he will attend his banquet in the evening Bano agrees stating he will return after going riding with his son fance after Banquo exits McBeth is indignant about the witch's prophecy for Banquo stating upon my head they placed a fruitless crown and put a baron scepter in my grip he meets with two murderers whom he convinces to murder Banquo and fance next lady MC Beth enters seeming dissatisfied in norts had all spent where our desire is got without content as McBeth arrives they discuss their security on the throne with McBeth seemingly paranoid about plots as lady McBeth urges him to leave it he rages oh full of scorpions is my mind dear wife outside the castle the murderers kill Bano however fance escapes with Bano crying fly good fance fly fly fly thou mayest Revenge with his last breath McBeth hears the news as the banquet commences he returns to the table and then sees a vision of banquo's ghost and s before the other guests thou canst not say I did it never Shake thy gory locks at me the ghost exits and Lady McBeth attempts to calm McBeth by asking are you a man but as the ghost returns McBeth becomes more and more unhinged lady McBeth calls an end to the banquet and McBeth decides he will go back to the weird sisters commen saying I am in blood stepped in so far that should I Wade no more return were as tedious as to go over soon after the witches gather and prepare a spell around their cauldron chanting Double Double Toil and Trouble as McBeth approaches one utters by the pricking of my thumbs Something Wicked This Way Comes McBeth commands them to predict his future and they conjure three apparitions an armored head warns McBeth to beware McDuff the second a bloody child States none of woman born shall harm McBeth next a crowned child holding a tree appears and tells him McBeth shall never be vanquished until great Burnham Wood to high Dunson and Hill shall come against him finally McBeth demands to hear about banquo's prophecy and he sees a show of eight Kings followed by Bano The Witches vanish and lenx arrives to inform McBeth that McDuff has fled Scotland McBeth is furious and orders seize upon F give to the edge of the sword his wife his babes and all Unfortunate Souls that trace him in his line at mcduff's Castle in F lady McDuff and her son have a tender conversation before the murderers arrive before they are killed she laments I am in this Earthly world where to do harm is often laudable and to do good sometime accounted dangerous Folly in England McDuff meets with Malcolm and the pair discussed the the state of their country with Malcolm who says of Scotland it weeps it bleeds and each new day a gash is added to her wounds he decides to test mcduff's loyalty by pretending to have poor character in lines such as I should pour the sweet milk of Concord into hell McDuff passes the test by crying out his love for Scotland Ross then enters and informs McDuff that his family have been murdered McDuff is distraught questioning what all my pretty chickens and their Dam at one Fell Swoop Malcolm assures him Revenge will cure his loss and they agree to invade Scotland with help from the English Lord cwood back at dunin lady McBeth is observed sleepwalking holding a candle and attempting to clean a spot of blood off her hand in out damn spot out I say elsewhere in the castle McBeth is told of the forces massing against him and of Lady mcbeth's illness which he asked they cure her of that can th not minister to a mind diseased outside the castle by Burnham Wood Malcolm orders the soldiers to let every Soldier Hue him down a bow and bear it before him while inside McBeth is told that lady McBeth is dead he utters A desperate Soliloquy de crying that life's but a walking Shadow as they prepare for battle The Assault on the castle begins and McBeth slays the young son of of cwood in combat claiming hope in the witch's prophecies in but swords I smile at weapons laugh to scorn brandished by man that's of a woman born but soon McDuff enters and reveals he was from his mother's womb untimely ripped despite this McBeth refuses to yield and returns before my body I throw my warlike Shield they fight and McDuff kills McBeth Malcolm enters the castle with the other fs and soldiers and McDuff presents him with the head of McBeth Malcolm pronounces Scotland is free and tells his THS and Kinsmen henceforth be Earls the first that ever Scotland in such an honor named he labels MC Beth and Lady McBeth as a dead Butcher and his fiend-like Queen before exiting to be crowned at scone