hi there students wear and tear so wear and tear talks about the damage caused to something by normal ordinary use so if you buy a pair of shoes they're going to last you probably a couple of years or a year um until they completely wear out so wear and tear this is damag to something um resulting from normal use normal use of something so many things have a guarantee but that guarantee excludes normal wear and tear um because using it it the the object becomes uh Le less perfect um for example um a hammer I quite like the hammer example if you use a hammer then there are repeated impacts Bang Bang Bang by using the hammer and even when it's properly cared for and the it's properly used eventually perhaps over time it will wear out I don't I think a hammer would take a lot of years to wear out but it it certainly is possible and and this is the idea this is the stress um of uh Norm of normal life yeah of normal usage yeah using something in the um in the approved way using it properly um uh servicing it doing all of the things it needs but it things still suffer from wear and tear loss or damage or depreciation resulting from ordinary use of something or ordinary exposure so I don't know what um what how long does um a house last well a normal house has wear and tear it depends on the quality it depends on the quality of building um and are uh you you can some things you can repair yeah and the house you can rep repair it um okay so this is talking but uh the longevity of something okay so um wear and tear normal usage the damage that happens to an object when you use it so for example the seats on of a car take a lot of wear and tear um we also use this wear and tear is also for depreciation depreciation is the process of losing value and wear and tear this word phrase wear and tear is often used to talk uh in accounting because um you buy you buy a machine or you buy something and it has a specific life and over time you can depreciate uh this machine or this this thing because of wear and tear because uh if it costs you ,000 in last 10 years then it the item loses £1 P of value every year and this is this you can use depreciation as where and tear okay so where and tear damage from ordinary use uh loss injury or stress in the course or in the course of of of normal use yeah damage that incurs occurs inevitably from something deterioration from using something where and the decrease of an an of the value of an asset due uh due to use or perhaps obsolescence as well um yeah wear and tear it refers to something being broken down over time yeah it's something slowly falls apart after ordinary use and this is the idea of wear and tear the gradual deterioration o o of a thing mechanical wear in a machine yeah a machine doesn't last forever and that's the point wear and tear um eventually it will gradually deteriorate uh until it's no longer use no no longer good um or when you uh rent a a a flat then um normal wear and tear can be expected yeah and that's what something that the landlord would will have to think about about it's damage to components which they go to as they go towards the end of their normal working lives yeah this is wear and tear um I guess you could H uh the uh wear and te wear and tear that has occurred to my body over the years yeah it's just usage of my body and my body even repairs itself but it still suffers from wear and te okay so yeah damage or change caused when something is being uh used normally um okay so formality wear and tear I think I'm going to give this A5 in formality I think use absolutely anywhere and then as to origin well um where to wear down um from protog Germanic was janana to to clothes but to uh to or um yes to to wear out to um uh wear wear down um and then tear to tear to break as well so enough if you enjoyed the video give it a rating subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon bye for now wear and tear