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Computational Complexity
Jul 19, 2024
Computational Complexity
Key Questions
Time complexity:
How much time is needed to finish?
Space complexity:
How much space is needed for computation?
Big O Notation
Standard way to discuss the worst-case time and space requirements of an algorithm.
Other notations: Big Theta (θ), Big Omega (Ω), etc.
Focuses on the worst-case scenario.
Examples of Big O
Linear Search:
Searching for a number in an unordered list.
Worst-case: Number is at the end.
Time complexity: Linear (O(n)).
Importance of Input Size (n)
Big O becomes relevant as input size grows large.
Constants and multiplicative factors are often ignored.
Common Big O Notation
Constant time.
O(log n):
Logarithmic time.
Linear time.
Quadratic time.
Cubic time.
O(2^n), O(3^n), etc.:
Exponential time.
Factorial time.
Variations: O(√n), O(log log n), etc.
Properties of Big O
Ignores constants and less dominant terms.
Focuses on the most significant term as n approaches infinity.
Examples and Cases
Constant Time (O(1)):
Adding a constant, simple mathematical operations.
Loop fixed to non-n values.
Linear Time (O(n)):
Looping through all elements exactly once.
Slight variations (incrementing by a constant such as 3).
Quadratic Time (O(n^2)):
Nested loops iterating over elements multiple times.
Adjusting loop values to show complexity.
Logarithmic Time (O(log n)):
Binary search algorithm.
Cutting the input size by half every iteration.
More Complex Examples:
Multiple nested loops and how they contribute to overall complexity.
Various combinations of loop structures and their time complexities.
Classic Algorithms:
Exponential (O(2^n)):
Finding all subsets of a set.
Factorial (O(n!)):
Finding all permutations of a string.
Merge Sort (O(n log n)):
Efficient sorting algorithm.
Nested Loops (O(n*m)):
Iterating over a 2D array.
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