Transcript for:
Understanding Diabetes: Type 1 vs. Type 2

hey guys nurse Mike here and welcome to now before we get today's lecture started please remember to access your free quiz and preview our cool Nifty new study guides not here on YouTube click the link right up here at any time during this video all right guys let's begin today we're wrapping up type 1 versus type 2 diabetes which I call diet trees since this blood is turned to mud from that thick sugar and over time this high sugar destroys the vital organs and blood vessels leading to kidney failure nerve damage blindness and even high blood pressure now to clarify DM is for diabetes malius not for direct message so guys it doesn't go down in the DM and it's not the same as diabetes insipidus guys di is a diuresing peeing problem not a sugar problem now for patho Basics as you know blood sugar naturally increases when we eat the pancreas releases insulin from the beta cells and also enzymes to help break down food for fuel so remember insulin puts sugar and potassium into the cell making our hungry cells really happy now when we give insulin both sugar and potassium decrease in the blood since it's going into the cell now if we don't have food then the pancreas has a backup plan it releases glucagon hormone to break down stored glucose AKA glycogen in the liver which increases sugar in the blood glycogen is kind of like a glucose brick wall so remember GL glucagon means glucose gone out of the liver into the bloodstream which increases blood sugar so again when blood sugar is high like after you eat insulin is released and when blood sugar is low like when you exercise or forget to eat glucagon is released so in diabetes insulin is the problem here guys type one we have none since the body has killed its own pancreas it produces no insulin and people are born with it it's an autoimmune disease so type one you can pass on to your son since it's genetical and these patients are insulin dependent for life big key word now in type two remember few insulin receptors work since the problem is you your diet and lifestyle the highend sugars and sitting seditary lifestyle we're talking junk food like sodas white breads and sweets which eventually leads to obesity and our cells now are lazy and overused the insulin receptor sites are like an overused Keyhole they basically been worn out and now just ignore the insulin this is called insulin resistance so just think in type two the cells are through they quit responding now the risk factors for developing diabetes guys in type one there are none since it's mostly genetical you can pass it on to your son and in type two the problem is you your diet and a little bit of genetics so we screen for metabolic syndrome which increases the risk of not only diabetes but also heart disease and stroke broke now this is big on exams in the en click so we use the acronym bowl for metabolic syndrome so guys three or more criteria means we have metabolic syndrome so B for blood pressure meds and high BP over 130 cystolic our next B is for blood sugar medications or high blood sugar over key word here guys write this down 100 fasting over 100 fasting O is for obesity big key words here guys waist size over 35 for females and over 45 for males and lastly L is for lipids that are high this is not good we're talking high cholesterol panel write these numbers down 200 150 and 100 all should be low except the hdls are happy lipids that one should be over 40 now guys if these numbers are off it could mean metabolic syndrome and this contributes to insulin resistance in type two where the cells are through again like an overused lock the cells stop responding from the overuse of insulin now I can already see questions coming up on your exam and enclex so I recommend writing this bow memory trick out at least 15 times the week of your exam now to help you here's a common practice question which clients are most at risk for developing metabolic syndrome a 35-year-old male with triglycerides of 140 nope guys the triglycerides are under 150 so so that's okay how about option number two 48-year-old female with a fasting blood glucose of 105 guys yes fasting sugars over 100 metabolic syndrome option three 55-year-old female with a waist size of 40 in oh yes over 35 waist and a 28-year-old male with a blood pressure of 135 over 85 guys yes the S stolic pressure is over 30 lastly A 42-year-old female with high hdls of 5 5 Guys no those are the only lipids that should be high over 140 just think the high lipids for HDL now speaking of type two technically not a cause but a very particular sign of insulin resistance key word write this down brownish or dark thickening on the neck and armpits or even hyperpigmentation and skin tags this is what's called acanthosis nigricans now as far as diagnosing diabetes the top three must know labs for the enlex that you will get tested on guys write these down number one normal glucose must be 70 to 115 number two fasting glucose less than 100 and third hemoglobin A1c must be less than 6.5 those are big enlex key numbers there write those down now as you know the A1C test is our long 2 to 3 month sugar audit and it's best used to see if patient paat s are being compliant with controlling their blood sugars the long term so remember below six is controlled and fixed and over 6.5 we got to revise so review diet and exercise compliance for our type two problem basically the U problem and with type one insulin compliance always on the enlex now the most deadly is low sugar under 70 called hypoglycemia since it causes brain death so we say hypog Li the brain will die now all the other numbers on this chart just help diagnose the severity of diabetes but are not highly tested on the en click and speaking of something that's not highly tested a little side note here the gtt or glucose tolerance test is when we give an 8 O drink of syrupy glucose to see if insulin is doing its job by putting the sugar into the cell if it's not then the sugar will go high but guys that's not usually tested on the enlex directly now signs and symptoms and causes of high sugar or hypoglycemia just think the blood is turned to Mud so the body tries to get rid of all this thick syrup with the three PS first P for polyurea a lot of urine basically the body tries to urinate it out now polydipsia is a lot of drinking fluid the body tries to dilute all that Sugar now third is polyphasia which is excess hunger as cells starve thanks for watching for our full video and new quiz Bank click right up here to access your free trial and please consider subscribing to our YouTube channel last but not least a big thanks to our team of experts helping us make these great videos all right guys see you next time