Steps to Grow Sweet Peas Successfully

Sep 7, 2024

How to Grow Sweet Peas


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  • Overview of the process of growing sweet peas.

Steps to Grow Sweet Peas

Step 1: Purchase Seeds

  • Buy sweet pea seeds from garden stores.

Step 2: Moisten Seeds

  • Moisten seeds overnight to soften the hard coating.
  • Use a shallow plastic container and paper towel:
    • Cut paper towel to fit the container's bottom.
    • Pour in enough water to dampen the paper towel.
    • Place seeds on the paper towel without submerging them.
    • Cover with cling film and leave in a warm place overnight.

Step 3: Prepare Seed Tray

  • Fill a seed tray with compost.
  • Lightly press compost to remove air.

Step 4: Water the Compost

  • Water before adding seeds to prevent washing them away.

Step 5: Plant Seeds

  • Place one seed in each compartment of the seed tray.

Step 6: Cover Seeds

  • Cover seeds with a thin layer of compost.
  • Press down to remove air around the seeds.
  • Always plant more seeds than needed to account for possible failures.

Step 7: Germination

  • Keep warm and watered; seeds should germinate in about 7 days.

Step 8: Encourage Growth

  • When plants are 10-15 cm tall, pinch out the growing tip to encourage side shoots.

Step 9: Planting Outdoors

  • Sweet peas need plenty of sunshine; choose a south-facing area.

Step 10: Prepare the Hole

  • Dig a small hole for planting.
  • Fill with compost to improve poor soil.

Step 11: Cover with Topsoil

  • After filling with compost, cover it with topsoil.

Step 12: Build Support

  • Create a wigwam using 4 canes to support sweet peas (can grow up to 8 feet).
    • Place canes in a square pattern (30 cm apart) and tie tops together.
    • Plant sweet peas inside the canes, 2 per cane.

Step 13: Watering

  • Water thoroughly after planting.

Step 14: Initial Support

  • When sweet peas are about 30 cm tall, tie garden twine around the canes for support.
    • Ensure all plants are inside the support.

Step 15: Additional Support

  • When plants reach 60 cm, add more garden twine for additional support.
    • Keep plants inside the twine.

Step 16: Ongoing Care

  • Keep plants well-watered and add support as they grow.

Final Notes

  • After about 10 weeks, the first flowers will appear, providing beauty and a sweet smell in the garden.
  • Thank you for watching; for more gardening information, visit the website.