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Steps to Grow Sweet Peas Successfully
Sep 7, 2024
How to Grow Sweet Peas
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Overview of the process of growing sweet peas.
Steps to Grow Sweet Peas
Step 1: Purchase Seeds
Buy sweet pea seeds from garden stores.
Step 2: Moisten Seeds
Moisten seeds overnight to soften the hard coating.
Use a shallow plastic container and paper towel:
Cut paper towel to fit the container's bottom.
Pour in enough water to dampen the paper towel.
Place seeds on the paper towel without submerging them.
Cover with cling film and leave in a warm place overnight.
Step 3: Prepare Seed Tray
Fill a seed tray with compost.
Lightly press compost to remove air.
Step 4: Water the Compost
Water before adding seeds to prevent washing them away.
Step 5: Plant Seeds
Place one seed in each compartment of the seed tray.
Step 6: Cover Seeds
Cover seeds with a thin layer of compost.
Press down to remove air around the seeds.
Always plant more seeds than needed to account for possible failures.
Step 7: Germination
Keep warm and watered; seeds should germinate in about 7 days.
Step 8: Encourage Growth
When plants are 10-15 cm tall, pinch out the growing tip to encourage side shoots.
Step 9: Planting Outdoors
Sweet peas need plenty of sunshine; choose a south-facing area.
Step 10: Prepare the Hole
Dig a small hole for planting.
Fill with compost to improve poor soil.
Step 11: Cover with Topsoil
After filling with compost, cover it with topsoil.
Step 12: Build Support
Create a wigwam using 4 canes to support sweet peas (can grow up to 8 feet).
Place canes in a square pattern (30 cm apart) and tie tops together.
Plant sweet peas inside the canes, 2 per cane.
Step 13: Watering
Water thoroughly after planting.
Step 14: Initial Support
When sweet peas are about 30 cm tall, tie garden twine around the canes for support.
Ensure all plants are inside the support.
Step 15: Additional Support
When plants reach 60 cm, add more garden twine for additional support.
Keep plants inside the twine.
Step 16: Ongoing Care
Keep plants well-watered and add support as they grow.
Final Notes
After about 10 weeks, the first flowers will appear, providing beauty and a sweet smell in the garden.
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