Understanding Chest Tubes and Their Function

Sep 29, 2024

Chest Tubes Lecture Notes

Purpose of Chest Tubes

  • Chest tubes are used to drain fluid, blood, or air from the pleural space of the lung.
  • The main goal is to re-expand a collapsed lung by restoring normal negative pressure in the pleural space.
    • Pleural Effusion: Fluid in the pleural space.
    • Hemothorax: Blood in the pleural space.
    • Pneumothorax: Air in the pleural space.

Functionality of Chest Tubes

  • Inserted into the pleural space to remove air, fluid, or blood.
  • Functions through a closed, one-way drainage system.
    • Important: The drainage system must be kept below chest level to assist gravity in drainage.

Key Interventions

  • For clients with a chest tube for pneumothorax, ensure the drainage is below chest level.

Chambers in Chest Tube Systems

  1. Suction Control Chamber

    • Ensure gentle, steady, continuous bubbling.
    • Vigorous bubbling indicates too high suction.
    • Memory Trick: Like a child gently sucking a milkshake.
  2. Water Seal Chamber (Air Leak Monitor)

    • Acts as a one-way valve to drain air/fluid and prevent air entry into the chest cavity.
    • Titling: Steady rise and fall with breathing indicates correct operation.
    • Continuous bubbling is bad, indicates an air leak.
    • Memory Trick: Like a seal in the ocean, rising and falling with the tide.
  3. Collection Chamber

    • Used to measure output.

Important Notes

  • Titling should naturally reduce as the lung re-expands.
  • Remember, no continuous bubbling in the water seal; it's bad for the system.

Additional Resources

  • Consider subscribing to our educational YouTube channel for more information.
  • Thanks to our team of experts for their contributions.