all right we are done with week three of the LCS coverage brought to you by all of you uh I'm joined right now by Jensen uh and also not my video person so if this is uh blurry or weird looking I apologize uh Jansen you guys just played fly quests and uh sort of yeah oh that was a rough one yeah what happened uh what happened um I think we had a bit of a wrong meta read in a way we had like pretty bad priority and then we just kind of drafted losing lanes and they kind of just rolled us over and I mean it's just the combination of having like losing lanes and then making mistakes is very punishing against teams who know how to play aggressive and punish so yeah I mean we just kind of got punished for poor Drafting and bad play yeah what do you what is the story with flag Earth D toss because I think a lot of people were like all right these guys should be good then a bunch of information came out that you guys just suck and scrims yeah then you guys do well on stage but now we're 3 weeks in and people are kind of unsure of what their thoughts should be so you're on dignitas yeah you should know more than anyone if dignitas is good or bad so please let me know if you guys are good or bad if we're good or bad um I would say somewhere in between right now I mean I think our scrims are bad because whenever we're like in good positions we someone just tends to like die or like make a mistake and it's very punishing against teams who know what they're doing so we just end up like throwing a lot of games in scrims um and that wasn't really what happened on stage on stage we played more consistent and didn't die as much randomly but I think it kind of showed again against flly today we just had a lot of really stupid deaths and you play against the good teams and you [ __ ] up the game is going to be really hard and yeah that's kind of what happen so I think we're like somewhere in the middle like we have potential to be good but I would say right now I don't know I mean I thought last week we were kind of good at least on stage but today I don't know maybe it was an off day I think everyone didn't play well today um so we can definitely be better than this we're not as bad as we look today um yeah all right so you're better than you look today but you guys are still you it doesn't sound like you would say you're good yet I mean to be honest it's kind of like one of those things where I'm not sure I mean judging off scrims were definitely not like good but you know I thought of games against C9 and 100 theves 100 thieves we played good for the most part we just had a few oopsies but we're better than average I would say but we're not like top top right now above average okay so like fourth fourth is like fourth f a good day yeah yeah you have like TLC 9 fly Quest and then you guys are kind of like hanging out yeah somewhere all right is the five-week break going to be good for you guys um I hope so I mean I think we had a lot of drafting issues that made it hard to play so I think it'll give us some time to work on that but I mean to be honest I [ __ ] hate breaks like this but I don't know maybe it'll be good but it's like you know you can say the same for every other team right it's like yeah like we can work on our issues but it's like you can do that anyways so you I mean even though you have all this time you actually don't like it yeah I don't like it okay why not I don't know it just feels like the thing I enjoy about scrims is like it leads up to something but it's like if it's three way three weeks away for a regular season game it's like it's hard to like feel excited about it um if it's like a big tournament and stuff it's like yeah like you're really like locked in and it feels like you're playing for something big but it's like yeah um no stage games for 3 weeks and you're going to be practicing the whole time it's just like it's not like there's going to be like a big I mean maybe there will be a small meta shift but I don't know I feel like when you practice one week is like enough to figure out stuff um as long as you know what you're working towards well and this is kind of strange too because you're going to have a uh like two patches right essentially cuz we're skipping a patch you guys do not choose the patch this week cuz you're cowards I believe is what I heard that was the behind the scenes chatter was that the teams did not want to switch to the new new patch I know anything about they were cowardly and terrified okay yeah I mean I guess people are saying okay so I guess that that must be like the managers and and stuff like that no I don't I don't know what the story was there I just know that cuz nor cuz this is the only time you guys have not been on live patch I think yeah so yeah I mean we do play skip two patches so I guess in that sense it's like yeah we get extra time but it doesn't really matter it's not like it's such drastic changes it's just you just got to figure out what you want to do as a team okay so uh you how are you going to spend the time during the break besides screaming because you guys have like seven weeks of downtime between now and this next start yeah besides scrimming I don't know I mean I would like to go to Vegas like maybe gamble a bit but I don't think that's happening um so I'm probably just going to be playing League of Legends yeah yeah I no big plans I might go to Vegas actually but it's going to be like the first week There's person honking hard yeah that's I would love to go but I think I might get judged for it so I think I'm just not going to go yeah yeah well you just don't post on social I mean I could sneak away right there was a player who did that right yeah swart back in the day was it I think well there was that I I know crumbs went to go see his like girlfriend that was a different one yeah yeah there's been a lot of times people have played hookie yeah so but that's probably not going to happen yeah okay so I'm thinking about going for Evo but unfortunately Evo is like the first week of what is that when we get back Evo yeah I don't you don't know what Evo is it's like another big convention gaming convention or something it's uh like the biggest fighting game tournament fighting game okay yeah yeah so it's so crazy to me how is like Evo is like such a massive thing it's going to have some like crazy amount of competitors like it's the biggest event to ever have this many competitors or something in but it's just fighting games yes but fighting games are like a lot of games there's like a lot of people who play fighting games they're a big deal that's true yeah yeah I I to play Smash a bit never got really into it but yes yeah yeah but I'm thinking about doing that but that would mean that I'm missing the first week back but you would so you wouldn't do that right I think I might do it I mean like these interviews people don't people don't watch this people don't care yeah yeah so we need to say something really controversial yes yeah what's a controver talk your split talk your split I mean I don't know you have to like set me up or something okay uh uh what who's the worst midlaner in the league right now worst mid laner in the league um I I don't really know too this is why I'm going to Vegas yeah understandable that's I'll make more money at the tables there than I intervie you know whenever people you can't say anything uh no I'm trying to think okay who if you if you were Mark zerman and you and I think this is true I think he gets to like literally decide who are the two teams that leave are which two teams would you remove from the league um we get rid of dignitas yeah okay I'm kidding I mean I don't know I mean if you have or something yeah I mean IM modals is like an obvious one yeah they don't really seem to care much from what I can tell sure um and then I mean I don't know who's the next one I mean I I have an idea who it is I think everyone have an idea who it is but I don't want them to go I think they're good um I mean who else would you remove Fly Quest let's get rid of fly Quest get rid of fly Quest okay because of all the drama exactly Okay cool so fly Quest and Immortals the two teams that Jenson would remove if he could from the league okay good to know well anyway it's kind of hot out here hey there goes licorice I need somebody gave me a magic the Gathering card that I'm supposed to get him to sign and I forgot to bring it but they gave it to me last year in July and you still have it and I still have it cuz he disappeared so maybe you should sell it yeah I don't think I can sell it that's that would be kind of weird almost the anniversary almost the anniversary I'll get a sign on the anniversary yeah hopefully they still plays magic anyway uh anything you want to say to anybody out there um anything to say I mean I don't have anything interesting to say I think today was disappointing going to Vegas but yeah Travis going to Vegas nothing interesting to say thanks for watching guys I said see you all when LCS returns in 37 weeks hello there loyal viewers your friend Travis wanted me Drew faucet of TGI Fame to wish you a happy out out Ro that's right I'm recording this Cameo to let you know that you should click the links down below Now I Know Travis is a busy guy but doesn't it say something about him that he's not too busy to hire me Drew faucet to give you a nice little outro at the end of the video thanks again and uh happy 4th of July