Understanding Software Requirement Specifications (SRS)

Jul 11, 2024

Understanding Software Requirement Specifications (SRS)

What is SRS?

  • Software Requirement Specification (SRS): A document detailing what the software will do and how it will perform.
  • Describes functionality needed to meet stakeholders' needs (e.g., businesses, users).
  • Typical SRS includes:
    • Purpose and overall description
    • Specific requirements
    • Interaction with hardware/software
    • Real-life user scenarios

Why Use SRS?

  • Describes how a software system should be developed.
  • Provides a roadmap for the project.
  • Basis for all project documentation.
  • Facilitates clear communication.
  • Enhances development standards.
  • Covers risks at each development stage.

Five Steps to Create a Good SRS

  1. Start with Outline
  2. Clarify Project Overview
  3. Understand Users and Project Risks
  4. Detail the Project Requirements
  5. Get SRS Approval

SRS Outlines

  • Key Parts:
    1. Introduction
    2. Overall Description
    3. Detailed Features and Requirements

1. Introduction

  • Content:
    • Project Purpose: Describe what the project is built for.
    • Project Scope: Define the business goal and value of the project.
    • Glossary and References: Explain terms and show references.

2. Overall Description

  • Understand Users and Project Risks:
    • Analyze user needs and define end users.
    • Address assumptions and dependencies (e.g., reused software components, external factors).

3. Detailed Features and Requirements

  • Types of Requirements:
    • Functional Requirements: Describe what the software will do and how it will function. Include acceptance criteria.
    • Non-Functional Requirements: Address usability, performance, quality, security.
    • External Interface Requirements: Include user, software, hardware, and communication interfaces.

Getting SRS Approval

  • Ensure accuracy and mutual agreement among key stakeholders.
  • Reduces risk of time, effort, and money wastage.

Final Thoughts

  • SRS is crucial for managing requirements in the software development process.
  • A well-structured SRS ensures the project runs smoothly and meets objectives.


  • An SRS lays the groundwork for successful product development by defining clear and detailed requirements, ensuring all stakeholders are on the same page, and reducing risks.