who are you no really who are you what do you believe what sets you off what motivates you what makes you feel the way you feel and why do you feel like that these are tough questions that we don't always have the answer for but with the little self-awareness we can get to know ourselves better and thrive at home in school and in life yeah that's right life but what is self-awareness you ask well let's talk about that i'm elvis this is rocket kids let's get this started [Music] you might hear people talk about self-awareness as an important skill but what exactly is self-awareness simply put it's the ability to tune into your own feelings thoughts and actions it's about recognizing that how you act and what you say affects yourself and others it lets us know that we are good enough have value in this world and helps us achieve our goals i know that's a lot to take in but let me try to make it simple here's my five reasons why self-awareness is so important for all of us number one we can self-reflect when something bad happens or something good we can take a step back and really think about the situation see what we did right and see what we did wrong we can see how we might handle that situation differently then we can do more of what's right and less of what's wrong so think about it learn from it number two recognize our strengths and weaknesses what are you good at and what are you not so good at when we realize this we can begin to achieve greater and greater things we can focus on those things we excel at and get help with the things that we know we aren't so good at it's how we can reach our goals but here's the best part when we know our capabilities and strengths we have the confidence to leave our fear of falling behind and say hello to the confidence to go for it number three manage our emotions understanding and recognizing your emotions is vital for your well-being they are your body's way of communicating with you about what is going on for example if you've been let down you may experience anger fear sadness so take notice because people who are good at noticing how they feel can calm themselves down or just their behavior are more likely to do well in life have healthier relationships manage difficulties make better decisions and overcome setbacks we can communicate how we feel in a way that others can understand who doesn't want to be understood number four we consider others once you are skilled at recognizing your own emotions managing them and communicating them you can help others do the same when we are really good at understanding how our feelings affect mood performance and communication we will be able to tell when the people around us are feeling a little bit off and we'll be able to respond in a way that is helpful not hurtful be helpful people and number five we can take criticism in life there's gonna be haters we can't control what others think that's just how it is we ignore haters but when people have constructive criticism about what we do how we act or what we say in certain situations we should listen maybe we can gain a new perspective and open our eyes to things we overlooked were never considered it's not always easy but learning to receive feedback with an open mind helps us grow into better people becoming self-aware is not easy and there is so much more to know so practice understanding you and you will learn to self-reflect manage your emotions know your strengths and weaknesses consider others and learn from feedback so who are you hopefully you're someone that smashes that subscribe button and likes our videos until next time i'm elvis this is rocket kids and remember to be your best self because it's the only way to be you