foreign hello [Music] foreign that means regular so regex is specified for in London specified for l and m that is yes nothing but L of language of R plus s so Union and minus concatenation concatenation suppose by definition of or operator using [Music] Cartesian products using foreign so Q Sigma Delta then Q naught F1 F1 on the other final States R Sigma Del m is Q naught q1 is q1 or not q1 R2 it is foreign start state so transition function first start statement so start State on the union union start state is for example States foreign if one partition product Cube Union F2 Cartesian product r uh so transition functions are not on foreign Dell one that is in first d a failure is are not on a is nothing but Del 1 of Q naught on a angle comma Del 2 of Q2 on a angle so in the specific example so transition function number foreign