Transcript for:
A Day in the Life of a Software Engineer

a day in a life of a software engineer you must have seen this video Once at least in your life must have seen a lot of fancy pictures on Instagram and nowadays on LinkedIn as well and seeing all of these things on the back of your mind you think that these people are the best of their life out there they get all the perks they get such high salaries no one shows you the other side what we go through so in this video I will be talking about that and a quick disclaimer whatever I say is not related to any single company or the current company that I work with this comes from my four years of experience this comes from the experience of my peers my friends are working in different organizations across the world so without waiting let's get started so the first point expectations versus reality a lot of you want to be a software engineer and you have certain expectations when you join a company one of the expectations that sets right at the top as you want to build cool products like you join as a software engineer you got a chance to build the most amazing products that can be used by millions of people worldwide uh you get to code and that is not the reality when you join you don't code always that's the first thing you need to understand on the outside world it might look like software Engineers means all time you know coding that doesn't happen as a software engineer I think the least amount of time goes in coding most amount of time goes in meetings planning designing and doing all the other things apart from coding then coding is probably the easiest part of the job so thinking that you'll just code all like 100% of your time that is an absolute wrong expectation to have most of your time would go across in meetings which is which is actually very tough because a lot of times you'll have uh people from us people from other parts of the world so you might be meeting them at night as well uh the expectation that you have of building amazing products that is going to be used worldwide that might not be true in most cases join a company you might be mapped to an internal team now what I mean by internal team is the product that you're building is only used by you know hundreds of people not by millions of people that you thought of you might be mapped to a project which is just done for the sake of doing it it might not be used by that amount of people and you cannot deny it if you want to get extremely rude okay I'm not going to do it that is something you could do but might not help you in the longer run in most of the cases you cannot deny projects you are mapped into and a lot of times you might not have a say in a lot of features as well if you're joining in recently is something that the higher management decides and you are a software engineer that designs like who designs supports product twice there's a whole lot different team that takes the decision so thinking that you're going to join you're going to take all the decisions you're going to code you're going to do everything that doesn't happen you're a small portion like small part in the company 0.00000000 some percentage of the company whose opinion May matter may not I'm talking about break product based companies over here just in case you're thinking of otherwise so before moving ahead in the video i' like to address one key concern that most of the candidates for preparing for interviews have that is they set a deadline of 3 months or so and they're like okay we'll be entirely prepared by that time and it never happens so for that reason I always recommend that you get a mentor for your journey in order to get a mentor what you could do is you could head over to pre-placed uh they have the best mentors in the industry people come from Google Microsoft Amazon from different domains like front end back end full stack what they offer is long-term mentorship so what you could do is you could get on a call with and they'll hear you out entirely they'll prepare you a road map weekly like whatever you need to do weekly and it will be for a duration they'll be giving you curated resources as well so that you don't spend time looking out and after that every week they'll be meeting you live they'll be checking out on you they'll be knocking you did you do it and when you have someone on the back you will be progressing in a much faster space once you're prepared they'll be taking your mock interviews once you're ready they'll be giving you job reference they'll be curating like they'll be ring your resume as well they will be with you throughout the journey so what you could do is you can go through all the mentors like get the mentor that is Idle to your domain or your company that you're targeting book a free trial session with them and get started the link will be in the description and you can use Tri th000 for some extra credits coming to the second thing which is the constant pressure to keep learning so throughout your college life or maybe in your previous job you might be doing a certain Tex Tack and you when you join these product based companies they usually have a interview where you asked some design questions some DSA questions in case of if you're a fresher and then you suddenly join a company and you're given a you know unknown text Tack and you'll have to ramp up and you'll have to ramp up super quick it's just not about the text tack you have to learn the text attack entirely by yourself maybe taking some help from here and there apart from that you'll have to get used to the internal tools internal practices that the team takes up so that's another learning they'll have to give in hours to learn to ramp up to get in speed with the team and that and this keeps on happening every now and that is not that this this will just happen when you join maybe you joined this happened after 6 months you're mapped to some other team so this will again happen you might be learning some other text tack maybe you picked up one more problem statement which requires another text St so you again learn so the learning never stops you will be learning you'll be learning over time because you might not want to take like put your office time into learning then when will you deliver so you might be giving extra time to learning as well while coding it's not an easy part to take you might be facing errors whose solution is not there on the internet you might think that seniors are like okay they're going to have just solve it in a whisker it doesn't happen they are also human beings they're also software Engineers there will be errors that that is going to take your day out and nights sleep as well it has happened to me there are errors which were fixed by such minor things it took my entire day took my entire night and I was thinking throughout the night as you grow in experience you'll have lesser experience in jors joining in freshers right out of the college people coming in from service based so some portion of your day will also go out over there it's just not about eating just not about cing just meeting you have to find time 1 Hour 2 hour for the new people who are so that you can get them onboarded so that so that you can solve their doubts you'll have to sit with them debug that's another aspect that you'll have to take care as you grow up and you'll have to do it you cannot deny it so these are the things that you'll have to keep on doing press pressure to keep learning pressure to keep you know ex like uh getting yourself as high as possible the third thing imposter syndrome yes now this is this happens in real I've been at biger organizations in in my four years like I have been at certain big organizations everywhere there has been some days where I felt I do not to belong here Al I'm good I know I'm good but there are days where I feel that you'll be in a meeting room and people will be giving ideas people will be solving problems and you don't understand anything things go going tangent to your head and you feel like do I belong here these people are extremely talented maybe I lack somewhere maybe I just cracked into you and I don't belong you this will come across and every now and then it will come across there will be days when you wake up and you feel like again I'm going to a place where I do not belong and there will also be days where you feel like on the top of the world you feel like I the best out here so there are opposites to this like you will be at the high and then engineering is such a beauty that it will take you down and you feel like I do not belong here these things will go on your back of your mind while you sleep in while you're on your vacations it's just not about the food these things do give you certain mental pressure as well which uh eventually affects your health and with time you'll have to increase your speed you'll have to code super fast people think that okay he's going to code this in 1 hour and you'll have to code it so you'll have to increase your velocity of delivering velocity of coding as well coming to the fourth point which is probably the crucial point and you shouldn't miss it that is cultural inclusivity and health issues in most of the software engineering jobs when you join a company for the first few months you might not feel inclusive because maybe you belong to a different region maybe you belong to a different country uh maybe you speak a different language it can be anything and you might not feel a part of that group now just imagine uh a office where you'll have to spend half of your day and you're not feeling inclusive over there just sitting on a table and doing your work coming back home how robotic is that how traumatic is that food on the table games have food okay game who will you play with so being inclusive and trust me this happens in most of the organizations it comes from my friends as well and people experience it so you might not be feeling inclusive which might affect your mental health a lot of people have severe mental stress over this job uh you have deadlines and you have strict deadlines because these are tied to business launches that might affect revenue of a company so there will be manages on you there'll be manages on you okay this is the deadline we'll have to code it and you're into a error you're into a bug that you're not able to Sol s you'll have to put extra time during the week and you'll have to sit back in the office and no one people do notice it but no one sees it on the internet people only see food games massage room fancy offices but no one sees this aspect there this other aspect that I want to talk about which is happening silent silently all over the industry that is the pep culture which is performance Improvement plan during Co lot of H hiring happened and now companies are looking to trim off or companies are looking to trim off those employees who were hired at a higher salary ban compared to that what they offer so what they are doing is they're just randomly picking up people who have a higher salary band or they feel like you know we need to get off 10 people out so they put them into a performance Improvement plan tell them three months you have you'll have to improve otherwise we just terminate you imagine the mental pressure you go through the 3 months you don't know you you'll have a job or not after 3 months do you prepare for interviews or do you improve yourself in that job and such dilemma you are continuously self-doubting yourself so there is so much of mental stress that we take and for this mental stress we do get paid paid highly do get paid really high salaries so I'll not complain but what I wanted to do from this video is tell you for those higher salaries there is something that we give mental Beast a lot of other things that I said in this video so yeah no complaints but I just wanted to tell you about the other side of software engineering as well so yeah that will be it for this video and if you haven't checked out pre-placed there will be a link in the description book a free trial session with a mentor of your choice and get a mentor for your journey and if you're still now watching please do consider giving us a like and if you haven't checked out takey forward please go ahead and check it out with this I'll be wrapping up this video let's me in some other video till take care your heart is broken forget golden I will find