Quiz for:
Valid Sudoku

Question 1

How is a sub-box identified for cell (4, 4) on a Sudoku board?

Question 2

What representation is used for empty cells in a Sudoku board?

Question 3

How are boundaries for 3x3 sub-boxes identified?

Question 4

What is the space complexity for storing seen numbers in hash sets and hash maps?

Question 5

What happens if a number is seen more than once in a row during validation?

Question 6

What key operation is used to find the sub-box index for a given cell?

Question 7

What data structure is used to track seen numbers for rows, columns, and sub-boxes?

Question 8

What are the three main rules for a Sudoku board to be considered valid?

Question 9

What is a clear indicator of a valid Sudoku board after applying the algorithm?

Question 10

Which concept is primarily used in implementing the valid Sudoku validation algorithm?

Question 11

Why is the valid Sudoku validation simplified using row/column integer division by 3?

Question 12

What should be returned if any duplicate is found while checking the validity of a Sudoku board?

Question 13

What would be the index for the sub-box that contains cell (8, 8) on a Sudoku board?

Question 14

What is the time complexity for checking the validity of a 9x9 Sudoku board?

Question 15

Which cells need to be validated according to Sudoku rules?