hi today I want to show you how you can use Adobe Express to edit your videos a lot of people don't realize that with Adobe Express you can actually use it to create amazing looking videos and for most people this is all they need to edit their videos you can be doing your trimming you're splitting adding audio transitions text and then you can export it in high depth the great part about this is you can use it for free so today I want to show you how to use Adobe Express to edit your videos hi I'm Jamie and welcome to teachers Tech thanks for dropping by here today I'm really excited about showing you this Adobe Express and editing videos but also I want you to see all the things that adobe Express can do but I can't put it all in this video so make sure you stay tuned for more Adobe Express videos like I said you can get this for free I do have an account but I'm going to create a free one to show you how this is done so first of all I'll put the link Down Below in the description so you can get to the page where I am and all we have to do is go up to the right hand corner and sign up I'm just going to be using a demo account to show you how quickly this can be done so I'm going to continue confirm and it's going to just go in from there and I'll be ready to go so I'm all logged in here and you can see you have so many different options to get creative in what do you want to make today well we're focused on this right here the video so I'm just selecting this and it's going to give me some ideas where to start I do want to point out one thing look at this over here generative AI I'll do a different video on this this is connected with firefly I do have one on that some amazing things you can do uh with text image and generative AI over there but for video as soon as I selected this notice we have the popular came up so it's suggesting do suggesting do I want to start from a video so what this means is if I click this do I have a video on my computer that I could upload and start from do I want to start an Instagram reel do I want to start a Tik Tok video a YouTube video so I have all these different ways to start right away and they're going to get making sure that the uh the sizing is correct from there but you can still change things even if you start from scratch so today I'm going to start from this one right here create from scratch I could go browse templates and templates are amazing to use uh but so what I want to do is start from scratch and we can still apply templates after so go ahead and create from scratch here and I'm just going to give you a little walk around here of what you see over on the left what ones we're going to be using uh notice I said templates so I could go to templates here and these are all different templates I could be using so I could select these uh if I go to Media this is where different assets from my different videos could be pictures and I can switch back and forth so I have photo video videos and audio that I could bring in the thing I just want to point out if we're under video see this Crown here I created a free account here so what's going to happen is if I try to use that premium one it won't let me publish or export it I'd have to upgrade at that point but if you have a work or school account make sure you take advantage of that and log in and then you should be able to access these but if it's like this one that doesn't have the crown you can use it so that's on all the things from the photos videos and audio as well we have our text over here that we can apply very easily so we can go through and you can see all the nice designs and templates that they already have set up for the uh for these that we'll be able to click and drag over and we have elements that we can add to them so in this kind of beginner video about editing video in Adobe Express we're just going to focus on these four things and when we're all done we can download it up here and I do want to point out so this is the high depth that you can download it in you could go to 4K if you had the premum one so I just want to point out that all right so that's a little walk around of the layout of adobe Express let's go ahead and start adding some video pictures and audio let's start with the basic video editing inside Adobe Express rather than uploading it my of my own right now I'm just going to use some of theirs that they have so under videos I'm going to do a search and I'm going to type in actually I'm going to go with baby animals here here so we have baby animals remember which ones are the premium if you're on the free account I can see how long they are I'm going to take let's say this the draft right here I can if I just click on it it will go into this spot right here so watch if I click on it it puts it into here if I go contrl Z or command Z on the Mac it undoes that last step I can also drag it in and will place it in as well uh notice and I'm going to come back and talk talk about this later take a look at all the options that you see what you can do with the video right away uh these are they make it so simple to apply these to each clip but again I'll come back later and talk about those with these clips like this so some things that you might want to do maybe you just have a clip and you want to trim something or cut something out and be done with it uh if you want to do that to trim a video clip all you have to do is bring your mouse uh to the either end and notice how it changes and I can grab and now I'm trimming the beginning I can also do that to the end so if I hover over I can trim from the end so I've made this shorter but I can always go back to where it was uh if I keep dragging it uh you can see how I can place it all back but this is white because the clip is only so long I've made the scene longer I could put a different video in but the clip is still uh only so many seconds long long unless I change the duration of it so I'll bring this back and I could do the same thing on either side uh to stretch it back to where it had it before the other thing you might want to do is cut something out of the middle so if I bring this uh playhead I can do this in a couple different ways I A lot of times I just rightclick it will get me to the same place as these three little dots here so if I click on them where this is it's going to split so if I hit split notice it made a cut I wouldn't notice anything if I go ahead and hit play right now um as it goes over that part I'm not going to see any difference because it's the same video now what I could do I can do a couple different things I could change the order of this I could just drag it around and remember if you don't like that you can go contrl Z to put it back or command Z the other thing I could do is make another clip somewhere so if you just want to take something out of the middle and then I this time I'm going to right click and I go split now I have this Chunk in the middle oh I could go to this click this and hit delete scene I could also duplicate here too so I hit delete now I've taken a chunk out of the middle so you probably notice a slight jump cut this way as it goes through this space here over to the other one like that but if you were done now you could just go to download up top what do you want it to be as probably an mp4 and keep it as the highest one the 1080p here because the if you're on the premium you could go to 4K but here you can only do the 1080 and then you hit download and you're all done now as we you could keep adding more videos and images and audio to this so if I was going to add another video I could just have my scene if I if I'm selected my scene I could go and just click that's a premium one so I don't want that one so I'm going to click on the monkey and it gets added so maybe I don't want all this one of the monkey I could go and right right click on it right where I have the playhead split it I could go to this one right click and delete scene so now I have a much smaller chunk between now not only videos does this work with so you can see as I go through one from the drafts and it will go over to the monkeys here just like that I can add photos as well so if I go to photo photos still has the baby animals in the search I can look for different animals that I want and then let's say I take these horses if I click and add the scene notice where I clicked it so I clicked it here it added it as a layer on top and I can click on this and notice it's talking about generative fill and everything this is from the Firefly but I'm not going to get into that now I'm going to go undo undo because now if I click on the scene that I wanted to be added to and then go ahead and pick which one I want to add so if I pick this bunny it gets placed in here on this scene so depending on where I want it to get placed the other way as I mentioned before if we drag it over we can drag the uh picture and then it goes into the whole scene like that so different ways we can bring bringing these media uh media over so we have our images we have videos we have images that we can bring in with the pictures we can make it as long as we want because it's a picture can stretch it as long as short as we want and the other thing you might want to bring in from the media is maybe some audio so if I go to audio and I'm not going to have baby animals as the sound but if I let's type let's go to happy so now they give us some results for happy music I can Prevo it and I could say Okay I want this I can click on it it added down below so if I was just starting my little video now I have the drafts I have a cut that I took out I have another video I have some music and it starts to change things very very quickly to this now again if you're all done you can hit download and you're going to have a highdef video already from doing some basic trimming and adding some audio but there's still a lot more we can do with editing video with Adobe Express in today's tutorial I'm demonstrating from the media that adobe provides here for most of it but if you do want to upload your own whether it be photos videos or audio just click right here upload from device so if I go to a folder that I have on my computer this is a mixture of different things MP3 JPEG and even a video here I could select a few different ones or one at a time so if I was going to go and pick a video like this one and hit open then this gets applied to this part so that easy to to upload any of these and I can upload multiple at a time too so even if I was going to uh add a scene if I go and select uh this time if I go and select maybe uh This MP3 and just this picture here if I hit open notice that here is the image right here that it uploaded because this is where the um my uh playhead was and this is the music that just got uploaded at the same time so if you're uploading any of this stuff you can do that option but most of the time today I'll just be using the Adobe Media provid it it makes it easy for you to follow along as well all right let's go ahead and just grab some more videos and I'll stay with my animal themes here I'll just go from animal and I'm going to go and grab this one here so I'm just going to click on it gets added to my scene uh you can see as I play there it is and all the trimming I can do what I showed you before if I click on it notice that this went away all the editing if I click on the video again it opens it up so sometimes uh at first I was like how do we open this again but you just click on the video clip and all this editing comes right back up uh so what I want to show you here is just layers so if I go uh and wanted to add another video on top of this take a look at how easy they make this so if I go to media and let's say this bare here is actually I'll go with this one right here so if I just click this once and I'm on this clip already clip it click it it just added it here on top so let's see what it looks like right here so if I go and just hit play notice I have two videos at once playing here just like that so I it's like picture in picture really quick to add and if I have this one selected I can move it around I can make it larger if I want and then I have all the options over to the left what I want to do if I wanted to slow this down or speed it up I can go ahead and do that but what I really like is the crop I just want to point out the remove of the background if you're on a premium you'll be able to remove the background uh but on the free version you don't have that option so if I go to crop though if I want a design around it it's very simple to use if I was just picking this oval one and then and I can select where I want it to be and if I click off of it now I have a video on top and it's cropped to that shape so just like that and I can still go back as soon as I click on it I can edit it and move it around I if you want to make it more see-through I can change the opacity here bring it down also take a look at the different effects now this isn't anything uh this is on all the video clips here but we can can go to the effects if you wanted to color something so I've noticed if I hit it green it will be green crl z i can undo that as well or go back up to none we do have uh different effects even if I wanted to have it walking the other way so notice I can click it and now it's flipped the other way I could make it large and fill the video there's adjustments so if you wanted to change how bright the color uh all the detail on here you can make those adjustments they are just making this so easy to make changes even with animation how do I want this to come in so on in I can say do I want it to bungee and then on do I want it to be looping or maybe on out I just want it to drift so now if I go back and hit play there it bungees in and then at the end when it leaves if I go right to here where it ends it should just kind of move and fade away so just with a few clicks I'm adding these things on top of it and again if you have the the premium you're going to get a few more options this closes it this goes back to the last step as well the feature I really like is how you can see layers with this as well so if I select this and it opens up my editing look at this show layer timing so if I just select this it opens it up here now I have some more options I can trim this clip separately uh from the other clip and I can also place it somewhere else on the timeline so I can move it forward so now if I just click off of it it's going to appear at the different spot where I moved it to so again everything is just so simple with drag and drop then you can really let your creativity Just go with it if you uh make these changes to anything and you don't want people or you don't want yourself making a mistake and changing it after you can go ahead and lock it then it kind of takes away all of these as well so I'm just leaving this on because we're just demoing it through this let's go ahead and just add another clip to here so I'm just dragging it it added that 15sec clip after I don't need to show the time on the top here so it's just the one clip I just want to point out with a couple other options here so if you have this playing through uh all those things that I showed you you can apply just to those normal Clips as well but we can also do transitions between any video to picture and they're they're right here so if I hit so if I just go back to my playhead here and I can use the space bar to play it just does this jump cut hit the space bar again and it stops I kind of like doing it that way instead if I hit the plus right here I can add a scene but I can also add a transition so here if I just want to do a dissolve I'm going to select it now if I just go back and hit my space button bar and it will do a nice dissolve between them and I can change if I click on this again it always brings me back to the editing here's my preview but do I want the duration shorter or or faster I can just adjust it uh on it and I can also remove the transition but transition's very quick to add and we're getting um all these different options here so the last few things I just want to show you are going to be the text and the elements how quickly again you you can add them to make your videos much more powerful so I have a little sequence of Clips here just a video picture and another video with some Transitions and some audio down below uh I'll just give you a little preview here now I want to add some text to this so if I go and to text over here they make this so incredibly easy I do have some kind of pre-made ones I can use but first I just want to show you how easy it is just to start from scratch add your text so since my playhead is over here this is where it's going to be added to uh add to your add text starts off pretty basic I'm just going to type animals in here just like that now if I uh click on off and notice that now I have all the different options I can move this around as well I can go with the recommended so if I click the recommended they it changes the font based on what they think um I can go back to what I had before but I can start making my own customizations too is there a certain font that you want again pay attention to what has the premium on it and which one's free so I'm going to choose this free one right here uh I can make some changes if it's first of all to the color The Fill is right here so I can go and pick a different color so if it was going to be of these ones recommended or maybe a custom I can start making some changes from here but I can also use the uh this right here the Picker and and if I select well maybe I want it to be the color of right here and it matches that one or maybe I wanted to be the color of this screen so you can see how you get close to a certain area on it I'm going to go contrl Z just back to that last one in white I can also put an outline around it right now it's transparent so if I go and click a different color uh maybe I again I want to custom I could go to a yellow here or maybe even a red we'll see it doesn't really matter uh I'm going to just go choose that I can make it wider oh I have it on the wrong color here so if I go back I'll just change it to this one right then you can see it around the thickness I changed it here if I go back up to the some of these other options these are pretty self-explanatory but we can do some quick things like if we wanted to Arch it and I can move this around on here or put it back default lots of different things you can play with we can change how SE through it is just like with any of the other videos plus we have all these text effects uh that I've showed you before where we can add it to photos or videos we can add all these things quickly by a click so this one actually is through the AI uh creating text effects that again take a look at the different video I have on that one but we can add a shadow there's a shadow added we can try some different ones to see um what we like from it and if you want you notice that there's the color recommendations there as I just turned it to White so you can see it we can go back so all these different options here that you can quickly add your text uh another way uh I just want to point out we can edit how long it plays for so since I have the show layer timing if I don't want it to play for the whole uh clip of the first video I can make this much shorter so it's only going to appear right there and then I can still add uh different animation to it as well just like I showed showed you before with the clip so if you wanted it to bounce in or fade in or different things like that so I'm just going to close this I want to add one more text really quickly if I just I'm going to bring my playhead over here take a look at all these different ones that they have that you can add so I'll just pick this one right here world's best M I'll click it it gets added to this but you can still make changes to it just like before so if I uh was going to just add I'm going to select in there and just typee animal and I can go and size this to make it fit as well I can uh move it so it's in alignment I can size this a little bit better so it fits in there so all these different things that I can do uh to and I can go through and make all the same edits that I showed you uh uh before and then all these different options here that they have that these were already set up through uh the different animation so if I go and just play this again I can shorten this a little bit from either end and then it comes on like that so simple ways to add uh text to your video I'm going to close this and last thing I just want to show you before we export this is to go to elements so elements and I'm not going to spend a lot of time on this these are just objects you can place in them so if we wanted to look uh let's say just for this right here uh organic forms if I go view all and I'm just going to pick this one and you plop it in you can move it around change the size pay attention to any of the effects that you can add if if you don't want it you can just simply hit delete and it's gone go back and look for different objects that you might want uh to put on so lots of different ones that you can place on here and then you can edit for how long you want to play with now that you know the basics of editing in Adobe Express try playing with the templates and this can save you a bunch of time if you go to templates take a look and again make sure if you're using the free version to try to stay away from the premium ones and just take a look at the different ones available so what it does for you if I was going to go ahead and let's say this template and uh just add this one here so it went and added uh different text on it I could go and edit this so I could go ahead and just hit play and see what it is maybe I like the way that the text comes out so I could go through and make uh changes to the name so if it was if I was going to put my name here I could go ahead and do that very easily and now I could change the name down here the color all those things I showed you before and I could actually put a different video here as well so if I had a video of myself I could replace this one so you could use the templates just just to speed everything up and you can take a look at all the different layers that you can kind of Select in this one so if I was looking for a certain uh you know this one is the text in here if I selected this one this one is the logo up top and this one is the video so just different ways to speed up your creation using the templates especially if they already if you know the project that you want and you take a look at these and you have one you like why create why reinvent the wheel on it so let's say you're all done your video we have some transitions in this one we have some text and I just want to export it uh we can go up to our download and uh so just so you know if you had any Clips in here that was part of the premium ones it would not let you download it so you would know it by if it had the Adobe watermark in it but you wouldn't be allowed to download it so if you're having problems downloading it you probably put a premium clip on it so I'm going to go MP4 1080p hit download and then it's just going to go ahead starting to download from there it won't take too much time so it downloaded I'm just going to look up top here it only took about a minute here it is Untitled MP4 I forgot to actually even change the name on this if I go over here prior so if I was just going to uh change this to something else I could change it up here and now it's called demo uh so I just wanted to make sure that if you want to change the name it's that simple but if I go ahead and open up this one that we created here and I'm just going to let it play we have our lion we have some text that comes up we're going to have a little bit of transition uh between the different clips and we have our music playing in the background too so it very simple to use all of this here in a matter of just dragging and dropping uh lots of fun to play with and I'm using the free version let me know what you think about this as a video editor thanks for watching this time on teachers Tech I'll see you next time with more Tech tips and tutorials