Transcript for:
Opening Demat and Broker Accounts & Trading for Beginners

great so the recording is in progress kindly click on yes on your screens as well and we are going to share this uh video with all of you in case you all want to revisit it you all can always do so and for our friends who are going to miss it because they are uh busy utilizing their Saturday 7 to 9 somewhere else uh they'll get the recording as well today youall will get to have a Q&A with me as well on the chat box and uh I'm here to introduce markets to you I'm here to introduce the entire learning part to you as well and most importantly give you a glance about the various broker accounts out there dmat accounts out there and guide you through what can be done what should be done and in case you want to goe at the same path you all can go ahead and choose the options that I'm providing to you all as well right so once I get a doors open from everyone on the chat box I will start with my session can I have a doors open on everyone on the chat box yes doors open yeses yeses all right fantastic great great great doors open I'm receiving tons of replies very warm welcome everyone very good open the doors are open for you all to get insanely rich in share markets by opening your own demat account how many of you all here are beginning your trading Journey let me know know in the chat box by dropping in a beginner on the chat box beginner yes yeses beginner beginner beginners beginners yes beginners lot of people who are just starting off beginning of your trading Journey how many of you all who are beginners out here I have do not have a broken do not have a broker account do you have a broker account or demad account in place already if yes type in yes if no type not yet because after today you are going to all have a dmat account in place so not yet is what I want you to write not yet not yet not yet I do to the ones who do welcome on board as well have an insightful session because you can have multiple dmat accounts as well and what if whatever I speak today if it makes sense to you you can go ahead and understand and open your demat account as well yes I'm doing it through an agent not yet not yet not yet demat account here but not trading okay no problem great fantastic all right so a lot of people here who are beginners and who are not having a dmat account is it compulsory to have a demat account in place sir a lot of students have asked me this as well sir H yes of course right for you to trade in the market you need to have something known as a demat account and it is compulsory for you to have this in place in order to trade the market markets in order to have an investment as well right so I am teaching you something today which is not an option but it is a compulsion if you want to trade and invest in the Indian growth Story how many of you all here are confident that India is on a trajectory India is on a path of financial dominance for the upcoming foreseeable future just like USA Japan and China have rallied beautifully from $2 trillion economies to 5 trillion e economies India as well is on a growth story to move in the similar trajectory on a similar path yes yes is yes is confident I am confident yes yes tons of rep it has been rallying fantastic do you know why why am I so confident would you want to pick my brain out to understand why am I so confident about Indian's growth story yes yes yes so I'll I'll give you a very beautiful understanding of this before we get into what dmart is you need to know why is it important right uh India demographic age is at 27 to 27.5 do you all know what demographic age means what is demographic age no don't know don't know demographic age means the average person in India is of what age it's of 27 or 27.5 so right from age0 till age whatever infinite how many people are currently living in India and the cons the census of that comes up to 27 to 27.5 is the age even if I take a deviation of one year two year up and down we are still an age that is below 30 majority of Indians are around 27 20 years of age or 20 28 29 years of age if I take the deviation from what the result says and this is going to stay for the foreseeable future in case there is a major issue in the birth rate going down or the debt rates increasing I don't see it any other way where India will swiftly or quickly deviate from this 27 28 years of age and everyone who is 272 year of age puts in fuels in a major demand of consumption right you are 5 to 6 to seven years in your job right you are making good decent amount of money that is helping you survive and thrive in your life as well when you're 27 28 you are wanting to start a family at 27 28 so you're going to fuel in the marriage consumption as well as starting a family consumption right soon as the family is over the average person the average birth of of that usually couples come up with so far has been within 2 years to 3 years right very rarely do you see people who are who get children after 5 years 10 years of marriage right and that fuels in another young audience and another young closer to 30 crowd to come in rather than a later crowd to come in right this population this 272 8y old is Bor of fixed deposits he does not have the money to go and outrightly purchase real estate or invest in illiquid asset classes he is too scared from the volatile cryptocurrency Market out there and he has the foreseeable 50 60 years to live the perfect asset class suited for this person is stock markets how many of you all agree to this particular concept that I just explain that for a 27 28 year old who can take on risk his major asset class can be stock markets compared to the boring FD gold or other fixed deposits or a liquid asset class which he is not financially capable for right A lot of people make purchases of real estate after 35 40 45 that is the idal age where you accumulate a lot of money to park in a liquid but anyone who's 26 27 if he's taking a house it's on the loan but no one has the money to put put in the entire IL liquidity in 2 three in a house right they will dabble with 50 60,000 1 lakh 20 lakh 30 lakh in stock markets but the house yes agreed correct and what is very very important is this person is going to fuel up demand in the country for the next 30 40 50 years when he is going to start a family as well right schooling education classes vocation sports right imagine 150 CR is the strength of India imagine these 150 people recreating and that entire consumption to continue so the age consumption of 30 to 35 30 35 is going to stely come in right and India as a whole is so beautifully poised especially with Modi 3.0 that political stability is going to fuel in more liquidity from not just India within India but across the global different countries as well right and that is going to keep India on a very strong trajectory we have an external significance as well as an internal push to keep our economies up of course there will be ups and downs in the markets based on news events Wars epidemics pandemics whatever it is but the longer term trajectory the longer term average for India has been and should be if things go well would be very very upwards very very dominant right the demographic age is our in our favor the country's politics is in our favor external relations is in our favor we have a very good solid foreign exchange with us right and the consumption story will keep the demand up for everything your tourism sector your recreational sector your uh your basically your education sector all the sectors that are out there right will always go up and none of us are going to go back to the cage right no one us is going to go back to the caves as well we will maintain the level of technology that we have and it is very very important to write this entire bull wave that comes in the Indian growth story in the Indian markets and to do that you all need to have a demant account in place otherwise you cannot participate in the growth story right directly that is what I mean to say and here is what drives the entire micro structure of the market are you all aware about what the entire micro structure is about what is a bank what is a broker account what is a demand account how does it work no no right I'll give you an entire idea okay you need to have an understanding of the market micr structure and that is when you'll understand that how does this entire broking system work right you have your bank account you have your broker account and you have your demat account your bank account is something that I don't need to explain to you you are going to save money invest money put money in your bank which is going to give you interest that is the role of a bank correct you need to buy shares through a broker all right there is not yet a system in India where you can directly buy shares and put it in your dmat account you need to facil itate it through a broker so you need to open a brokerage account a broker account and whenever you buy and sell shares you are going to do it here from your bank account you will transfer funds to your broker account and you will trade the shares if you are trading the shares for let's say today itself tomorrow itself that is you buy today you sell tomorrow or you sell today you exit your PR today you buy today you exit today your transaction is within your bank account to your broker account or within the broker account itself so let's say if SEF is bullish on Reliance he is going to go and buy 100 shares of Reliance 3 lakh rupes worth for which he will transfer 3 lakh rupees from bank to the broker account and once the funds are in the broker account he will go and buy shares of Reliance If Today itself the shares of Reliance go up and save profit books let's say 10,000 rupees now SEF has 31,000 in the kitty which SEF can call back from the broker account to the bank account all right if the transaction is till today or till tomorrow even if SEF buys Reliance today and sells it tomorrow it is still with the broker all right and then when SEF withdraws it the broker sends it back to my account is everyone with me so far yes yes is yes is yes is on the chat box true yes is all right fantastic now once you are going to hold it for a longer period of time let's say for two days or more those same Reliance account those same Reliance Shares are going to be transferred to a vault your demat account is a vault it's a Tori okay which is different than what a broker is this is your depository you need to have a depository account which is known as your demat account your Vault if in case you are if in case SEF buys Reliance on a Monday and SEF does not share Reliance sell Reliance shares until today itself or the next day itself on the second day the broker is going to transfer the shares to the Vault all right and now the shares are going and staying in a safe in a Tor and it is not with the broker anymore all right when SEF want wants to sell off the shares after the 2 days of holding the shares are here if shares if SEF wants to sell off then after then from there the volt transfers the shares back to your broker account I will go and sell and the broker will then make funds available to me which I can withdraw to my bank account okay this thing that I just explained to you is called the t+ 2 settlement t+ 2 means today plus two settlement okay and for this you need to have the middleman in place because he is the one who's doing all the arrangements from you from two other institutions your bank and your demat account and he is the middleman so the broker is going to do the running for you for which he charges brokerage all right when will your shares get transferred to your DM account in t plus 2 days 2 days after your purchase all right and if you sell it on let's say Tuesday itself the the vault is quick enough to return it to the broker and then the broker is quick enough to return you the money that you need is everyone clear with the entire Market micro structure so far it is it is very complex I have simplified it to the very detailed level possible all right and for you to do this transaction of course there are charges that are paid you will play pay the broker some brokerage charges you will pay the depository some depository charges all right so those are the cost that get deducted from your profit and loss and you get the money Bank in your back in your bank account all right so I can capture 100 shares and 100 points on Reliance that 10,000 will come back to me in my bank account whenever I require that to comp in right and that is how the entire econ ecosystem is placed right now now is everyone clear why everyone needs a broker account yes it is not an optional it is not optional it it is compulsory you need to have it there is no system in place to directly go to the dmat account no you need your broker to trade or to buy money buy shares for the long term you need your broker to facilitate it all right now the question is who are the best facilitators who are the best brokers out there in India right and no googly no uh left right I am directly giving you a full toss these are the top five Brokers discount brokers of the Indian markets this is my pick right I can I have my own views and I personally feel that these are the top discount brokers in India there is zeroda which is number one there is up stocks there is Angel one there is grow there is Mira asset which is M stock right these are the top stock Brokers now what do I mean by discount brokers does everyone know what is a discount broker how is it different than a traditional broker do you know the difference between the two discount broker and traditional broker no all right I'll explain it to you all right discount brokers are the brokers who have made a very nice ecosystem of brokerage and they are providing a lot of services for a very cheap rate at a very cheap rate right they are the ones who are not giving any personalized service but they are giving Hightech services to their clients all right Z M asset your up stocks are the names out here now so it is one super cost effective your charges are very less it is at around 20 rupee or 40 rupee brokerage plus other charges 70 80 90 Rupees is your contem of brokerage per lak rupe of trading or something right so it is very very super cost effective both compared to the other options out there all right now there is a notification that came in that every that the charges are increasing and so these these numbers will change but net toet on if you're trading well uh your discount brokers are providing you very affordable brokerages compared to other options out there right they provide you with a very beautiful user interface a very nice uh system to trade with you'll have chart swats opening of trading View and all as well on your same broker terminal and you will be very seamlessly charting and trading through this setup that the discount broker provides they'll give you apps for the phone right they will give you a lot of beautiful user interface things and you will be able to seamlessly buy and sell with the click of a button all right everyone with me so far can I get a WM with me on the chat box yes yes with me all right they also give you the service of lot of tools if you want to do mutual fund they have a tool for you if you want to do options Futures and options derivatives they have a tool for you if you want to run simulator on derivative strategies they have a tool for you if you want to check other data they have a tool for you if you want to do your tax planning they have a tool for you if you want to do fundamental analysis they have a tool for you so they are going to give you a lot of extensive research tools and applications to Aid your analysis they don't do it for you they provide you that entire ecosystem right they have customer support with a ticketing system right they will you will raise a ticket on the email on the message and you will get a reply from them right you'll have to be behind them to get stuff done and that is one of the drawbacks which I personally feel is of a discount broker that there is no person that I can talk to there is a ticketing system in place which usually takes a lot of time to solve not saying that they don't work well but uh it is something very suboptimal compared to an in-person calling right and it is very very good for super handy for your self-directed Traders to make informed decisions what do I mean by self-directed Traders traders who don't need advice traders who don't need anyone to tell them what to do right they are the ones who are going to make decisions by themselves right for example mwa participants you after 3 months 6 months you all should not be wanting anyone to tell you what to buy what to sell you all should be skilled to the level where you can directly go and execute trades at your own will for your own set of stocks for your own time frames all right so it is super handy for self-directed Traders to make informed decisions as well is everyone clear with the pecularity of a discount broker the they call themselves discount broker because they are working for very cheap for you and they are making a lot of things available to you they want to do this to gain more market share right uh Indians we we love free things as Indians right even I'm an Indian a proud Indian who loves freebies and uh we get naturally drawn to free things even if sometimes there are suboptimal in nature we get directly attached to it very quickly right so this is what the concept of a discount broker is all right what are traditional Brokers traditional Brokers are brokers who are giving you personalized Services right and these are my top two picks for your traditional Brokers Aran capital and M stock all right you who will find them providing you with a lot of services there are other names out there it depends on the level of bond and the level of relation you have with them cuz these are real people with real team of people sitting no automation or such there are real people helping you out with the entire trading fraternity like for example they can they will provide you with call and place order Services you can literally pick up your phone and give the trade and they will do the trade for you so I can call and I can say that I want to buy 100 size of Reliance and the person who's punching the audit will tell me okay bought at this level right and then I will get to see it in the app that they provide right they also provide you with advisory services so in case you are someone who's not starting out or someone who needs to be fed trades need to be fed advice they have a dedicated team out there who is going to give you professional advisory services that sir buy this sell that do this do that they have a track record which you can always ask them to provide and see if they are not just stupidly making you do this to one brokerage but they're genuinely making money for their clients right the more this happens the more they make their money clients uh their clients money the more the people the the customer is sticky to the entire business to that entire setup and the more brokerage they eventually generate in the long term right I rather earn 1,000 rupee from a person for one month rather than try to and do that for the foreseeable 10 years then try to make 5,000 and rim off and break loses confidence and let him go right so they provide very topnotch advisory Services they provide you very personalized call and place order Services they even provide you with customer support where you will be talking to a person and you can have your queries resolved you can talk to them and have their queries resolved right they provide you with a rot of realtime Updates this is something that discount brokers do not give right so in case there are corporate events of BuyBacks dividence coming to your bank account uh initial public offering should you buy or should you not buy rights issue offer for sale there are so many things that occur in share markets this these traditional Brokers are providing you with these Services right they can they even provide you with off market share or dematerialization of physical shares let's say uh you opened your cupboard and you got an entire uh you know an entire list of stocks in the paper format that you now want to convert to the dmat format right your discount brokers will not touch that these are your traditional brokers who will help you with that entire process to dematerialize and all how many of you all have heard the stories that uh here he has bought a stock in 1985 or 1990 Captain forget forgot about it now in 2024 they got it uh when the house was cleaning for Diwali they got it out and they realized they have so many shares of these these these companies and they are actually corais yes me mrf many stories crores of money yes yes yes right how are they going to facilitate this by getting their dmat account open so these these hard copies of paper need to be converted into the electronic format right that is what dematerialization means you materialize there's material which is hard you dematerialize it which is to convert it into the electronic format so for some reason they don't call it electronization they call it dematerialization all right and it is very very handy for people who are looking for personalized Services right someone who wants to get notified someone who wants to get told someone who wants to get a call from someone no discount broker is going to call you for anything these people take the effort to call you and make you feel very personalized and thus they charge you more so for each and every transaction that you do probably you must be paying 70 80 rupees out there to a discount broker these people will charge you 200 250 rupee but the services that they give you is something that that extra premium that you pay for is worth it right it it is a personal choice to go ahead with a discount broker or a traditional broker all right it's a personal choice the biggest difference that I personally feel the biggest pecularity of a traditional broker compared to a discount broker is a low frequency of technical glitches or crashes or data breaches or mishaps on any major events right that you usually have the company coming through right how many of you all here are Traders or who have heard stories of zeroda crashing or zeroda being brutally affected there is a tech glitch in zeroa there is a tech glitch somewhere right they face a lot of technical issues with the app with intermittent issues technological issues right by the time the broker is going to solve that for you through a ticketing system the game is done right you must have lost millions or crores of rupees because of a technical error that they come and this is the staple reply that these discount brokers will give you not just zeroa but any discount broker since they are working on such a huge mass on such a crazy volume they will mention that it was an issue with this a few Traders fa this the issue is now resolved we regret for the inconvenience cost right then you have to run behind them for compensation then they they'll take you to the court for that entire legal dispute happens and then however things happen it works out right this incident follows a similar technical grit experienced by users of grow the largest broker of India the last week this is 29 2024 article I'm not even get getting you something from Baba Adam zamana I am showing you 2024 article right these problems don't occur with your traditional broker it is a very po personalized thing so they are open they are on 24/7 right you can also have complex security oriented issues when it comes to your discount brokers right back in 2021 there was 25 lakh of his customers data breach at up stocks kyc and all other things were stolen and then that is auctioned in the black market for database and all right for people who do not want to get into all this hassle this magaj Mari of uh data breaches or accounts getting shut or technical issues occurring they are the ones who usually go for traditional Brokers right I have my traditional broker in place and I have my discount broker in place as well right it is always sensible to have both right it is very very important and sensible to have both of them correct so you you can have have these issues coming in and you don't want these issues to come in during your uh day right this is this is like a these are basically your hard on money right so you you don't want any chore katari to happen with you right so the major major thing is uh you have either a discount broker or a traditional Booker or like me you can off for both right now there are a lot of names out there which will come across there are more than 25 to 30 good quality Brokers out there whose name I'm not even going to mention today right I'm not here to give you a list of the good Brokers I'm here to give you the road map of how to go about it right so to the ones here who are looking to open your dmat account with any of the discount brokers or traditional Brokers right I'm going to give you a list of the ones that I can rely on because of me having an account there or because of a long lasting relationship with that particular account right and my two picks for Discount broking and for us which is going to help us for the mwa program as well will be these two you can go ahead with zeroa or you could go ahead with M stock which is mer asset how many of you all have heard me asset fund Mir asset yes m m money yes it is pretty famous out there one of the most oldest mutual fund provider out there and zeroda is currently the world's India's largest discount broker right this is my pick for Discount broking and my pck for traditional broking is either Aran capital or M stock right I am going to provide you with links to open your account and the idea is very very simple you all can open your account on zeroda that is a discount broker on mtoo which which is a discount broker or on Aran Capital which is a discount broker or mtoo which is a discount broker all you need to do is when you are clicking on that link you need to go and put in your AAR link mobile number right AAR linked mobile number whichever option you choose you will go and choose your AAR linked mobile number and that is going to give you the entire opportunity to sign up right I'm going to drop in the link of them on the on the chat and you all can go ahead and you all can choose whichever one you want to open or you all can choose a fourth or a fifth option also A fifth or a sixth option also I'm I'm not here to make you open an account I'm here to give you the Gan for the ones who are interested in opening an account I have dropped Links of all the four out there and I have mentioned the the types of links these are okay so there zero the discount broking link is provided your mtoo discount broking link is provided your Aran traditional account opening link is provided and your mtoo traditional broking link is provided I provided you with all the four links on the chat box once you open you will get screens like these all you need to do is put in your number click on continue right and you all will have your their their team connecting you shortly they'll be having you messaging you shortly and you can have the for the process starting off all right what all documents and all are needed I'll come to that later for now click on whichever link you want to go ahead with on a traditional broker or with a discount broker and fill in put in your number click on continue and you will be receiving emails from them with all the needed documents with all the further processing to do all right what is the usual time of an account opening it takes a day or two now unfortunately we have Sunday coming in tomorrow so this might get a little extended but by Monday or Tuesday everyone can have their accounts opened right this is not for nris this is for Indians who are wanting to open accounts all right Whoever has chosen whatever option let me know in the chat box if you are going ahead with something yes who has gone ahead with what let me know in the chat box gtt everything that I'm going to teach you in in mwa program is on all the platforms that I'm mentioning okay you all will be using trading view that is also integrated with all these platforms and gtt orders alert Setters everything is allow this is uh opening on the account right zero Zer zero Zer zero yes I've gone ahead with M stock M stock using zeroa I have an account with uh kak Bank okay great I have a share count account is it okay to continue with it yes okay arihant I have Angel one Zer Zer I have kite great so Zer is done Whoever has an account no need to open this whoever does not have an account you all can go ahead with either of the links that I have provided what about NRI I'll come to NRI I already have a zero the account great I have a grow account great no problem don't open new accounts unnecessarily if you already have an account don't go ahead with it I am using my existing broker PTM great no problem I already have a zero account great matok traditional grade there are there are more than thousands of traditional Brokers out there okay I'm giving you the the link of the ones that have amazing user interface zeroda and arant is kite and zeroda same yes kite and zeroa is same how is HDFC uh i' I've heard a lot of complaints coming in from HDFC overall uh so I would not solicit that for nris and all I'm going to show you what's to be done for uh your account opening of discount either go with zero if you don't want to go do go with zeroa you can go ahead with m in case not M go ahead with Angel one you can go ahead with grow as well right it is your choice you all can go ahead with whatever you want to I am having zabu platform sir is it okay I have no clue what zeu platform is okay might be a scam might not be a scam I have no clue aera and arihant which broker to to should we open I'm confused I'm giving you two two options confusion two options right you can open one out of discount and not open traditional if you want to go with traditional use either Aran or use either M stock don't do discount broking if you want to do both you all can do both my VES tippy and something very logical you all will also agree it's always good to have a stepne tire in your car no matter how beautiful your car is you know you can't have a car a beautiful car functioning with a punched Tire right what you need to do is have a discount broker and have a traditional broker because what happens is often times during politics during elections during a crash uh during any event there are a lot of glitches occurring with discount brokers right so have a discount broker and a traditional broker both in place right often at times when one seems to fail the other one will come in and you won't feel helpless or stuck in a situation how many of you all have gotten stuck in any situation in the past where y all were clueless what's to be done youall just had to wait for a resolution to come in right and then you must have gotten a notification half an hour later that this is the issue the team is trying to fix it and your position of lacks of Rupees is open how many of you all have faced this issue yes yes got it yes yes perfect so you all should ideally have a discount broker and a traditional broker whichever broker you want to go ahead with you go ahead with my topics I'm telling you here two topics Zero D for Discount broking one of the best out there has a lot of features loads of features and there is M stock by Mir asset as well this also has loads of features and and this is a very young robust team I personally know the uh a broker out there who is with M stocks with arihan since its Inception right and uh the amount of effort that they are taking for clients is being is massive zeroda itself is the Pioneer of uh putting a good push to the entire industry right if I take you to my Google and if I just show you around just a second right if I just take you to Google and if I just log in my kite I am just sharing my screen just confirm if you all can see my screen guys yes indicator 781 789 you just go here and you just check the account you just go and you see your profile or the tools right uh you will have a lot of stocks a lot of things a lot of practices a lot of forums that you are going to get right you can have a lot of things directly coming in from your zeroda right you can go and make you can find your reports from zeroda you can have your portfolios sorted from Zera you have your dashboard also from zeroa where you can go and analyze tons of things right then they have ditto for insurance advises I'll go and we'll show you zero the products our trading technology so they have they have kite app for their trading they have console for all your reports your taxation for your visualization of your portfolio they have coin for your mutual funds right they have kite connect API if you are going to code and start your entire coding oriented Journey you have that option as well with zeroda there is a lot of warer oriented modules that is for education for self- learning you have these things and you have all these small case for directly buying and banking on ideas of other people for any thematic place you have streak for your algo testing back testing you have sensible you have zeroa fund house which is now going to come up with mutual funds you have thori for your fundamental analysis you have ditto that they've tied up with for insurance so it is it is becoming that one stop one stop Under One Roof that is providing you with tons of opportunities out there right so my personal choice my first choice is zeroa directly and then you can go go ahead and op for stock mirror asset in discount brokers in traditional Brokers you can op for anything all right there is there a account opening fee yes for for zeroa it is free but you will have an annual maintenance charge a charge that you need to pay each and every year for the maintenance similar structure goes for your Brokers as well you will have a minuscule at 200 300 500 rupee account opening fee and then after there will be an annual ual maintenance charge which is also in three figures or something right so those are expenses will be there to open an account but on the largest scheme of things when you're trying to become a Cora out of share markets these 200 300 rupees of account opening fee should not matter right so to the ones who are opening an account you all can do this once you fill in your phone number you will get an email ID with a list of dogs to come in right is everyone clear with me so far yes clear can I get a clear on the chat box how is shuna not used ideally so do not know about sh much there are so many discount brokers out there grow B Shar Khan how is how is icmat account it's good it's good I'll come to I'll come to IC direct account as well and some that is something that I need to cover for NRI account holders all right now the question is are nris allowed to trade in Indian markets what do you think guys are they allowed to trade in Indian markets before I give you the question the answer allowed not allowed no yes no yes no no no yes yes allowed but not day trading correct so nris out here to the ones who are non-residential Indians all right uh there is a restriction on trading you cannot trade intraday you cannot buy something 915 and sell it off that same day that is bad there are multiple reasons for that there is a femma act that is across a lot of people are doing that and converting money into white a lot of them are doing it for tax evasion purposes and most importantly that gives uh the foreign entities a power to manipulate or inflate or deflate the Indian economy the share markets on an intraday basis what if all of them suddenly come and dump all their Securities that they've bought for that day immediately everyone uh you know czes and does any manipulation it will be a very heavy chaos for the Indian economy to deal with right so there are multiple reasons out there where nris are not allowed to do an intraday transaction overall you can do buy something today and sell it tomorrow day after you can you need to let it go to your demat account before you root it out right so are nris allowed to trade in Indian markets intraday no otherwise yes all right uh the RBI Reserve Bank of India permits nris to invest in the Indian stock markets to the portfolio investment scheme the pis route so there is an entire mechanism out there what is the pis route how does it work for an NRI what is your suggestion for you to open your NRI account right there are multiple Banks out there which provide NRI account opening HDFC allows that so there's HDFC Securities ICI direct and kotak securities are my top three picks okay I personally love the ICICI direct NRI thing because they are uh directly allowing foreigners or nris I should say for opening a threein one account now what is this threein one account NRI 3in1 account is they are saving account they are trading account and their dematerialization account all open directly with ICICI Bank right and once that is done once you have that thing in place there is no headache of any further documentation to take place unless and until uh there is some uh you know some additional rules or additional things put in place okay so what is very very important is that nris here pay attention to the the screen that I'm sharing and I will send the link as well for direct account opening of ICI directly copying pasting the link from here to your chat box all right I have mentioned everyone on the chat box how many of you all are nris here who are looking forward to open an account yes is on the chat box satyaraj Gokul Annie Sati nagat swna Oliver VI sa Wilson now non NRI NRI yes Sunil sa pandan already have an account in modil losal even that is great but you you all would agree the ones who audited an account that there are more than 12 to 13 documents that you'll need to sign and present and there's a lot of hassle of signing and inperson verification to go on right IC direct has this beautiful uh portal out here which you all can directly go and analyze and just simply uh go and secure your entire thing from right so you're currently on my screen you all can go and see the NRI account and you can get a call back request also so a customer executive will arrange for a call back so once you click on the call back you need to put in your details your country your mobile number with the uh the code out there and your email address ensure that you're not a robot so do that enter your capture and click on get a call back you all will get a call back from the ICI team and they will get you on board of not just creating a a dmat account but having a threein one thing placed what is the threein one thing you will have a onetop go to for your savings account for your dmat account and for your broker account so all the shifting and all the overlapping documents headache gets done over there and everything is transferred within the same entity and you will have that one point of contact who you will go to for any queries that you have right it's a very hassle-free understanding of how this works all right now they have they have done a lot of marketing of them of what all is integrated in the NRI account right and the the best part of them is you get to trade a lot of things right Equity ETFs mutual funds IPOs derivatives bonds everything non inad all right so what what exactly it is you can have an entire three in one NRI account made all right by arranging for that call back there is a brokerage structure mentioned as well how much are you going to get charged how much are you going to get uh you know quoted for it and uh if your volumes are about this you getting charge 0.5% brokerage and all right uh there are various plans that they have right and this is an entire list out there which you can go and read right you'll can self explore the entire ICICI direct website and understand what is needed for the entire thing right for a lot of people who are wanting to open NRI accounts right you also need need to understand the taxation part of it right so you all can go and open you can go and read the NRI taxation part as well and understand how are you going to get taxed right you will be opening your dmat account your bank account and your trading account linked together for a seamless and paperless investing experience okay and you will be having all these directly integrated you there is no different different account opening right so you you have you need to have something in place called PS for buying and selling shares right and for IPOs mutual funds and other things you need to have a nonp account in place right so you can directly fill the application form by clicking on this you can directly go and start filling the application form and they have given you the guidelines for it of how do you go it fill the application form online upload kyc documents complete the digital in verification so you need to have a webcam and all in place you need to print and get it attested from your bank right what are the documents required right there are tons of uh q&as out here you can go and uh read through these as well right it's in the business since 27 years quite a few uh things there is an entire as per passport oriented filling that you need to do on the right hand side right to the ones whove opted for a non NRI account the Indians out here who want to open an Indian account you have logged in using you've signed up using the number you will get emails or you will get messages the links on text messages right now this being a weekend I don't know how quickly they do it but I have opened my father's account on zeroa through uh the entire uh e process the E kyc and it was a pretty seamless process take is everyone crystal clear with the NRI part as well right if you choose to go ahead with a non Bank okay NR is out here if you want to open account on zeroa right which is a nonbank there is an entire list of documents that you need to have so Zera NRI account opening open an NRI account on zero the and you will have an entire list of requirements out there right so you need to get in pis right you can you need to get in a lot of things in place right and uh you will be restricted with the banking activity you need to fill in a lot of forms there are more than 12 PDFs you need to sign and get your bank your the the country you're reiding it verified and gotten okay regardless I will send send you the link just let me find a very appropriate link and and another account yes yes how to open update y you can you can go through this particular link as well in case you want to go ahead with zero the only then you can go ahead and you can go ahead with this particular link that I'm providing all right but if you don't want to get into the entire uh you know the hassle of so many documents and so many things you can have your threein one account open whatever is needed you will be asked to provide for opening the bank account itself the demat account itself and the the broker account itself all right there are loads of features out here I will provide this particular link as well for nris to open their account support and any any NRI has an icsa NRI saving account will it be easier to open an icsa direct demat account yes so get in touch with your uh point of contact for your ICI savings account of NRI and tell them that I want to open uh demat account with ICICI direct uh they will be more than happy to do it right the the crowd the entire idea is that the space of brokerages is so cluttered that uh just like credit cards that a lot of people are just climbing on top of each other and providing a lot of services uh and there's a major prize War out there as well right so they will be more than happy to get you on board all right I've have shared this entire link to my Foreigner friends out there to my uh people out there of Indian origin or non-residential Indians who are currently abroad due to work or some other reason you can go through this website and you can go through the entire plan you you can go through the account opening or the best is if in case you are wanting to talk to someone click on the get a call back and fill in this thing and you will get a call back during their working days Monday 9:15 a.m. 9:00 a.m. is where uh the India as a whole starts working again so uh await for a call till then all right Equity derivatives mutual funds is also allowed except residents of US and Canada youall are not allowed mutual funds IPO except residents of USA and Canada So currently India has a very stringent treaty with USA and Canada citizens right so there are FAQs as well read these FAQs as well this is n account yeah so you will have an N nro account in place right so n also you have n account NRI you have n account and nro account right so the IC direct will directly open an nro account for you uh that you will require with the pins and the non- pins as well right if they ask you tell them you want to do everything and open whichever account is needed you will require the same docs if you do not do that what can happen is they'll open the account for you and then the next time there will be an entire uh hustling of Sir send this document for nro you need this also right so NR is out here open it one together all right what who are pios person of Indian origin oci overseas citizenship of India right so you'll can go through this there's a customer can number there is mailing as well but I would suggest you get your assistance from here all right the link I've given to you you could it could be a simple Google search as well all right clear everyone NRI accounts yes all right I have a very funny question for you what if my broker turns to vij Malia mode do you all know what vij Malia mode means VI Malia mode VI Malia has uh take he has frauded done a fraud in India and he's gone in London and he's sat okay so anyone who's running away we call it vij Malia mode yep B bankrupt y running away so okay the answer is very very very simple you did not worry about your broker getting into VI Malia mode your Shares are not with the broker after two days time it is with the Vault remember the Vault there is Central depository of central depository SEC Securities limited of India and there's National Security depositories limited of India these are the two volts out there you will be allotted one volt when you are opening your account okay cdsl or nsdl alongside with your broker account this this will go in handy your same documents for opening your broker account will be used for opening your demat account the broker will do it for you all right your Shares are safe in that Vault even if the broker runs goes into VI Malia mode the vault is still there Malia cannot run with the Vault okay the vault is a different entity altoe right also so the broker is gone but you can claim a compensation up to 25 lakh rupees so with the money that you have right as per your trading balance the funds with the broker okay sir I had 2 lakh rupe margin with the broker I had 10 lakh rupe margin with the broker sebi has established an ipf investor protection fund to safeguard the interest of investors in case of broker defaults that is I don't have the the money or does engages itself in fraudulent activities or runs away right if a broker were to run away close down or engage in misconduct investors can claim compensation from this fund which fund investor protection fund up to what amount 25 lakh rupees all right so the max your trading Capital ideally if you want to be as safe as possible should be 25 lakh rupees not more because that is your risk that in case broker runs away then I'm in a deep trouble right that's why you can have multiple brokers in place multiple discount brokers in place and have 25 25 lak two accounts a lot of students here would also want a suggestion that sir is it sensible to have a different account for investing and a different account for trading how many of you all have this question yes yes is yes is right A lot of people yes it is always advisable reason being that it gives you mental accounting and mental sanctity right it is it is very important to be sane when markets are going up and down especially during red days you will be in a very grumpy mode in case your portfolio is red your mutual fund is red your trading account is red you might be suspectable to take suboptimal decisions it is very very important to not fall prey to that and it is very important to have two separate accounts right it is important to just focus on your trading account and the investing account which you have there for two for 10 years 15 years 20 years you let it ripe for 20 years you don't see it every 2 minutes you don't SE seeds in the soil water itate and the next minute sit like this to see for the plan to come right everything has time takes time right you need to be on board and give it the necessary time it needs to do and if your vision is right for the long-term investment that thing will grow you need not worry for a about a short-term hiccup when it comes to the long-term investing right I'll take you to a chart and I'll give you a very simple example I'm taking you to my screen of let's say trading View and let me show you a chart of nifty itself just confirm if you all can see my screen yes is yes is on the chat box all right this is Nifty guys all right this is monthly chart I'll deactivate all this noise of my currently just a second yeah this is co LW guys this is the covid fall if you look at this in the large SCH of things this is the covid fall that came in right how small does it look if I show you a weekly chart this is how this looks the co fall right and then you see from there where have you rallied now anyone who has made a loss in trading and who feels that I should sell off my investments also I I decided to buy it and keep it till 2040 but now I'm going mad I want to close everything he'll sell off his mutual fund he'll sell off his Investments everything that he has accumulated all this while he will sell it off and he will miss out on this beautiful rally to come right I have seen and I have experienced the best trading the best investing is When You Believe in a company for more than 10 years 20 years to come right people who have bought shares and forgotten in the cupboard are the richest people out there they they no they don't have the time but with the technology out here you everyone who has an Apple Watch can see stocks on their watch also when they see the time right data has become so accessible that we are always looking at Investments mutual funds and short-term trades as well when the focus should be only to keep a track of short-term trades and let Investments and mutual funds do their long-term oriented averaging right uh 2 25% fall here and there will not matter on a f ex story 10 years down the line so it's best that you all can you'll have both the accounts open you can have a you can have a dmat account dedicatedly you can have a broker account dedicated to trading that I will just buy sell Buy Sell byell Here no taking Investments here that will keep you in check also for your Uno rans in your portfolio something you took a trade for the shortterm which has become a long-term holding right so very important that you mentally allocate B for these two for your trades you have a separate account and for your Investments you have a separate account does this make sense can I have a make sense Ms in the chat box if this makes sense yes mental bifurcation is important yes fantastic the next question is sir I am a minor or I have a kid can I open an account in his name can he start trading sir I want to give my kid one lakh rupe I want him to get into markets can I do that right or I'm a minor sir I'm I'm 16 I'm learning mwa I want to get acquainted to share markets very quickly in my life I am a minor can I open my own dmat account directly no you need to cross the age of 18 indirectly yes how you can have your guardian in place documents of your Guardians as a co- applicant in place and you can have your demat account opening okay so the guardian is going to take care and be your uh wellwisher your uh Guardian Angel all while until you are 18 that is when you get the keys of the car to yourself all right all the miners out here or anyone thinking that I will open an account for my children and ask them to start trading no that is not feasible you will have to provide your details your documents as well and everything that they do is going to get mapped against your name as well okay so keep that in mind the next FAQ I'm I'm going to do a lot of FAQs with you because I see chats where there are things going to come up and on a bulk level if I can solve a lot of questions then the task goes on easily for us for the pending time that we'll have right is pan card mandatory sir for account opening for share market is pan card mandatory what do you think the answer for this would be yes yes is yes is correct yes pan card is a major major yes it is mandatory it's a non-negotiation able dmat account will not open without a pan card right your pan is where your taxation is filed your pan is where your Investments and your income is also filed right so it's very important to have a pan card in place for my Indian residents for nris check yall might yall might not have a pan or yall will have a certain set of other documents in place the oci or other things that you have or whatever documents that you need check that list right there's a list of 12 to 13 things that will come when you click that zero the link of mine and you will get the entire list of there so you check the list of your documents required and besides pan what do you need to present is what you'll have to present mostly they'll go ahead with passport uh that's the the most generic document which floats around but pan is mandatory for Indian citizens will I be required to present bank account proof do I need to have a bank account how anyone year who does not have a bank account in place I don't think so I think everyone here has credit cards debit cards anyone here who does not have a bank account in place no right okay bank account is also compulsory you will need to present any one of the following when you are giving your documentation for account opening a cancel check or a bank passbook copy that is scanned and attested right it's all ekyc right so everything is electronic so cancel check photo Bank passbook photo or scan copy and or your latest 6 months bank statement a PDF of it as well one of the following will need to be submitted as bank account proof all right thus my Adar number need to be linked with my phone number how many nawabs out here who still don't have their Adar number linked with their phone number how many of you all any nawabs I have here no no Nikita is laughing no me R Jordan as well no Jordan's laughing as well okay guys whoever the the nawab's here what are you waiting for the thing is everything here is going to get slowly systematically transferred to Adar being linked with phone number and everything right get on board you cannot open a bank account uh you cannot open a dmat account without your phone number not on Adar it will get rejected the way out here is to open uh the the account in the physical format so you will have zeroda corer you stuff and then you will corer stuff back to zeroa that is the only technique in which uh having a AAR not yet linked works the last time I checked now I don't know if they got away with that as well okay so your Adar needs to be linked with the phone number my naab's here kindly listen it is yes it it's a non-negotiable before opening your account kindly go first to the Adar KRA and get your phone number linked to your Adar all right very very important will I be required to present income proof how many of you all had this question sir income proof then yes yes is yes in case you need to do derivatives futures call option put option if you want to do derivatives you will need to present an income proof what is allowed in income proof last 6 months bank statements 3 month salary slip or your it statement either one of this following will be asked for do pay do upload that and you will be enabled for derivative segment as well if you do not present an income proof they will bar you from Trading derivatives you'll only be restricted to trading on the cash segment that is trading with the margin that you have trading with the money you transfer from your bank account to your broker account clear everyone can I get a clear on the chat box sir what about people with no income uh you will have a bank statement with at least 10,000 rupees in it to the ones who don't have any income right if you don't have 10,000 rupees in your bank account you should not be doing derivatives firstly if you have that kind of money and you want to dabble into derivatives you can do uh you can you need to upload your income proof for cash segment I don't think they ask for your income proof they ask you for your pan Adar and your uh bank account proof you need to have a bank account for sure right because your demat account is linked to your bank account how will you transfer money to your broker account and back from broker account to your dmat account or uh to your bank account in case you don't have a a bank account right uh there's no black transaction occurring so you cannot you won't be able to do that right will I be able to required will I be required to present my address proof how many of you all have this query address proof address proof yes right right how will they know how will the government know that you actually a citizen of India right address is the most basic thing that serves as a no-brainer that I am staying in India this is my house or this is my rental agreement whatever it is so there are a lot of documents that have your address written on it your Adar does your driving license would have your passport your voter ID right your 3month old utility bill your pan card right so your pan card will serve as a lot of documentation right right from your tax filing as well as your address proof clear all right someone just told me in the chat box I'm a homemaker for you is the next Q&A I am a homemaker can I have a demat account as well right and my answer is yes right right so anyone and everyone can have a Dem account right even minors can have a demat account with a guardian 18 plus you are independent Souls male female everyone can have a dmat account in place all right can I have a co- applicant yes you can have a co- applicant I want my husband to tag along feel free yeah I want to be independent feel free okay the world is yours you all are free to do whatever you want you all can have your own demat accounts as well all right hom makers out here clear yes is yes is are what do you mean by two different accounts is it like having two accounts on zeroa or two different platforms have two different platforms right one is where you're doing Investments one is where you're doing trading all right in case one crashes and you still need to make some adjustments of trading you can do it in the other account right you never put all your eggs in one basket right so don't do everything on zeroa right or don't do everything on MTO don't do everything on Aran you can have different accounts for different things okay clear can anyone remove money from my broker account in his account how many of you all are very worried for the money that the add money that you all have made and you all have constantly this fear something or the other is going to come and I'm I'm going to get ripped off how many of you all my mother would raise both her hands when I asked her this yes a lot of people have this query right it is the answer is very very simple no okay only the ones who have their bank account linked to your broker account can transfer or withdraw funds so when you are opening your broker account you will be asked for Bank details through which you will transfer funds and you need the funds transferred back in so while you open your account be mindful of the selection you make ensure that it is your account ensure it is not someone else's account right be be very mindful be very Vigilant in this particular selection because I don't want you to convert your 2 lakh 20 lakh 30 lakh into cor of rupees and then someone else take it and for go in vij Malia mode okay I want your money to be with you so you will put in your bank account and only through that bank account which is linked to your broker will the funds transfer be allowed you can't make Mone money transfers to another GP number another UPI number another scanner another code another QR no it will only come to that particular bank account okay once your account is made your your GP is linked with that bank account your funds can easily go through via your net banking via your QR via your rtgs neft that's fine but you you cannot tell your friend transfer What fail request so only your money can go in and only you are going to get your money out through your thing you cannot say you cannot command zeroa to transfer money to some other account all right and thank God this rule is in place a lot of frauds are not happening this is one robust rule which I have not yet seen breach that my money got transferred to someone else that is something that I've have not yet seen I have seen cases where someone some hacker logged in and and he sold all my Holdings he made my account zero that is something that has happened yet okay but uh nothing has happened where he sold the shares and he took the money out and he ran away when linkages of different accounts will occur that will prop up and that is why The Brokerage industry is not yet ready for it they are only keeping it pertaining to one person can have his bank account attached can you have multiple bank accounts yes everything of the bank that is linked to your broker will be authorized so as long as you are authorizing it it will work any unauthorized transaction will not go through am i crystal clear on this point guys yes yes is all right fantastic someone's asking for the accounting account links to be shared again I'm going to do it very quickly I have sent you the link of the four account openings as well to the ones who are left or the ones who want to open it on zeroa or M stock or Aran or M stock traditional broker click on the right link and you all can go on board okay to the ones who've opened it's fine not an issue is it is it necessary to open account both on traditional broker as well as discount brokers as I mentioned it is highly recommended what do I mean by highly recommended is because I don't want you stuck in case one does not work and one works see understand there were four accounts operational that 4 CR since covid has spiked to 8 CR 12 CR we are now about 12 CR right there were times when uh we at leapup were catering to students in six to eight people crowd now the number has 5x 6X right even uh 10x at certain batches the people the number of the quantum the sheer force of people wanting to trade the markets has gone up especially after covid right how many of you all had this sense of working or had the sense of getting into markets postco because a medical store and the markets were the only two things open during covid yes a lot of postco freedom a lot of postco syndrome has come in right and everyone is having their accounts opened on discount brokers because it's cheap and it's user friendly you all can have apps on your phone also right not like traditional Brokers will not have their apps but traditional Brokers are not focusing on giving you a beautiful app with a lot of 20 things that you can do by yourself they are focusing on five to six Niche Niche things that they will do for you right so a lot of things are done for you even your tax reporting and all is done by the traditional Brokers they give you the exact numbers you need to file for taxes right but Zer will not do it for you right so Z will give you the portal you need to figure it out yourself right so very very important that you'll have a split of two it is this session is not for me to make you open account it is for me to share my Gan and that is what I'm doing now after this session you open all the four accounts you don't open a single account you go ahead with either you go ahead with a fifth or sixth or eighth selection it is your choice okay but I want these FAQs and this entire mentality very cleared that what is in store for us and what are we supposed to do what are the major questions out there great where were we we were on Homemaker H we were on can anyone remove my money from my bank account all right how much time does it usually take for an account to open as I've mentioned if you are going the online route that is something known as eek kyc electronic know your customer ekyc the account opening online is usually it takes less than two days two around turnaround time is what happens so the last time I had a weekend free I opened my account for my dad and it got opened by Tuesday everything is communicated via email even the documentations they have their entire portal where you will be filling stuff right offline if you want to do the time period is higher there's a lot of burnout time in the cering and all right so 7 to 10 working days is what is required Crystal Clear everyone any other questions that you all have for me you all can let me know firstly to let me know if youall have gone ahead with any of the options or what option you have gone ahead with let me know in the chat box yes mea asset is the same uh credentials yes they have a team who will contact you Aran z z open Z how does tax get paid you will have to file the taxes can we have personal broker for Investments they have multiple Services your traditional Brokers will have an array of services and they will then try to upsell you those Services cuz sir you opened an account with us we are going to provide you advisory of this this this these are our charges if it works with you go ahead if it doesn't work you can choose other options as well created zero than Aran account I'm there in Aran what demat scheme to select that is your choice I'm not I'm not going to uh baby you here uh in what's to be done I've given you enough Gan enough detailing okay I've gotten you till the door that is why the course is called door the the session is called doors open I've got you in the door year onwards you have to walk and go ahead with the onboarding process I cannot choose for you a free 200 or a freedom 3000 or an LMT or a freedom 7K it is your personal choice of what you want to go ahead with I have an account opened earlier now I'm living abroad do I have to open a new NRI account or I can continue to use the old account VI use the old account uh yes anupam I'm a beginner for now so do I have to open dmat accounts for more than one discount broker have one discount broker account opened and have a traditional account open as a backup that is my suggestion you all can just stick to have a discount broker as well sir what about Alice blue a good broker you can go with Alice blue as well do we need to have four accounts investment versus broker and discount versus traditional or four combinations uh Shashi that would be too much I don't suggest that have one uh broker where you're doing trading it could be a discount broker have one broker where you're doing Investments it could be a traditional broker so only two Brokers is what you should do right sir how many bro how many demat accounts can I open very good question there is no number of of dmat accounts that you all can open okay any number of dmat accounts is what you all can go ahead with and uh in case uh everything is linked to the same pan so while tax filing you will have to present a lot of data from various accounts various Brokers so don't open 10 accounts and keep your tax filing may you need to put in for each and every broker the net net pnl the net capital gain the net capital loss the net short-term capital gain loss the net capital gain loss on the long term right so ltcg STG net so don't open 20 accounts and keep go ahead with one or two accounts so the consolation of that is pretty simple all right clear clear clear clear clear lot of people mentioning clear on the chat box all right uh Team WMA will also be replying to you on chat as panelist uh teamw May kindly help me out with any queries that can be given a simple yes or no is dmat account separate from the discount and traditional account these are your Brokers right so as I mentioned your dmat account is this entire thing combined so what happens is this is your dmat account your your cdsl or your nsdl account which the broker opens for you all right so it is it is like uh one Arrow one one one gunshot is killing two birds kind of thing right and uh you are having a broker account opened which is opening your dmat account as well okay you will have one dmat account for whichever how many other Brokers you have okay you cannot have multiple dmat accounts you will have only one dmat account which is linked to your pan card so whatever you buy with whichever broker gets assembled in this Vault you cannot have multiple vaults okay you can have one Vault with multiple Keys okay so your broker are your keys and this one vault is the one Vault there's one log there are multiple keys out there sir will you share this PDF yes I will be sharing this PP uh on with you all as well as the recording will be provided M stock traditional service discount section B there will be different charges for it account opening for M St is I think 500 500 rupees Aran I think is free and uh or I think even Aran would be 500 zeroda was around 500 on 29 June you guys are very lucky 29 June 2024 onwards uh they have gone away from 500 Rupees to opening a free account sir please explain about capital gains in shares uh Jinan capital gains ideally when you are doing short-term capital gain it would be 15% charged on your net capital gain long-term is charged at 10% fno is charged as per your slab okay more details about taxation in detail in your week 11 week 12 with your personal finance coach yes amolia noted later can we change the banker in demat account uh deila you need to ask this with your broker for now I think that will be allowed as far as my knowledge concerns it will be allowed uh but since money is involved they will be asking you for a lot of authorizations a lot of letter of consents etc etc all right I have PTM money broker account can that be used for trading yes got it SBI account which wants to provide I have two mobile connections one linked with p one link with Adar is there any problem Adell no go ahead with it how can the demat account open please share link here I have shared the link I'm sharing the link once again uh Amit please check will there be any objection by broker a second will there be any objections by my broker account to withdraw by money from my broker account no objection my daughter is currently studying in Canada can I trade an invest on her dmat account if uh you have all your documents here currently and she presents herself uh in the personal verification then yes of course not an issue is share count a traditional account or a discount account uh you'll have to check that I am not aware of the services they are providing uh I've been using zeroa and other Brokers that I've mentioned how about access security is good sir AAR card Papa number link so you will have to put in that number okay you don't don't put in your name and your papa your your AAR number put like have an account open on your dad's name and trade in his account is broker account and Dem account different if I go with iccr nrr direct account arifin you can get in touch with your ICI customer care they will let you know if that is fine for you to continue trading as an NRI or will they be asking for more documentation to go ahead SEF if you are learning from you do we still need to have traditional Brokers no sabii uh good that you asked this my my goal is to train you so well in the mwa that you will not have an issue all right so youall can go ahead with discount brokers but it is always good to have two separate uh Brokers a traditional broker or a demat account SBI demat account good yes good can we give shares to our relatives and siblings yes you can do that you can go and search for what is the rules for gifting shares all right any queries pertaining to what I've spoken I seeing people asking me questions about uh gifting or taxation or uh uh about uh support or xir and returns and all ask me questions pertaining to the concept we are going to meet for uh two more three more months where you can ask me generic questions also use this time for uh asking me questions pering to the questions 25 lakh limit means do we have to open multiple Brokers account for each and every 25 lakh Sonia if you have that kind of money then yes do that then how are people managing their 100 crores investing amount on in money like platforms uh they are risking right there's no limit on the number you can do but uh your investment protection is going to be till 25 lakh R like just like your interest in banks are safe till 5 lakh rupees right your interest and principal is save till 5 lakh rupee five if you if you are making principal and interest 6 lakh rupe that 1 lakh rupe is risk right I'm sure you will have more more than 5 lakh rupees in your bank account so that's a risk that you are taking I have up stocks open long time back I did not operate now please tell me if it goes to dormant now if so how do I revive it get in touch with the up stocks team harara they will revive an an account they will do a verification and they can go how sir what is the minimum amount to start with sir you can start with one month salary also uh you can start with 1,000 rupee also you can start with 1 lakh rupee also it is your choice you can go ahead with whatever amount you are required to all right SBI sir is acument traditional or discount broker bu uh simple Google searches will give you these questions use my expertise for any uh in-depth question that you need to have please clarify if I need one more dmat account is i' already credit created sometime a d account with access bank but not actively using it Whoever has a dmat account who have not used it so far you can call them up and tell them that you are aware that the account might have gotten dormant that is shut temporarily kindly revive that account kindly retrieve that account bring it back to life they will ask you for whatever documentation is needed once you fill that you all will be taken on board I an NRI having account in Canada bank and I open demat account in caner bank to reduce the hle of opening another account uh pranan kindly get in touch and check if caner Bank has a three in-one account and are they Prov are they doing uh brokerage share market services are they providing those services and if yes you can go ahead how does one transfer shares from one person to another Clifford there is an entire process out there very mechanical a simple Google search would help you answer this all right anything that requires I'm skipping questions that are simply googleable I'm going to answer with any uh question that that is requiring my expertise okay zeroa discount signed up okay open zeroa account eav just came to India I was in NRI how to open a dmat account uh BM Krishna you can you you are still qualified as an NRI right so you need to go through the NRI route unless and until you want to do something uh out of the box you can go ahead with uh having an Indian account open as well if you have the documents that say that you are an Indian account SE sir I went ahead with Aran below is my question Aran application is under review and did not ask me to make the payment for account opening uh the once the procedure is in place they will have a payment option uh you will get the details thereafter would second account get deactivated use no uh every each and every account is in place once you are not using it for a period of one year or or what whatever the latest requirement time is that is when your account gets dormant I cannot trade as per my company Norms unless I inform them about what am I trading and take prior approval for those shares what is the hurdle in online trading if I go go by company Norms correct submania this is known as having a compliance issue with your company you have to ask them so there's a there's always blackout periods and these timeout periods that your companies will give you uh you need to uh communicate your trades uh with your companies of course uh you will be restricted to do intrade day so that is out of picture for you anyone who is a working-class employee here who has an entire compliance issue or a compliance list of stocks youall cannot trade be mindful of trading that uh while your yearly audit or your your appraisal and your taxation is filed those things do come into okay so be very mindful of trading keeping in mind your company Norms your country's Norms as well all right discount Ed dmat is broker account required as I have account in HDFC if you have a bank account in HDFC uh it has nothing to do with your dmat account you need to open a dmat account I've gone ahead with zero the okay I have kak should I go for any other DEA no stick to kak what if I have to open deat in my wife's name Naim go ahead thinking between Aran the M St okay go ahead created Created SBI sir can you suggest a good broker for opening an HF dmat account uh see for uh HF dmat accounts on Google uh currently uh I don't have the expertise of HF account I don't want to Bluff to you any name uh just simply Google and get that open how many demat account can you have infinite everything is going to be linked to your pan card though keep in mind and you have to tax file for every demat account you have open unsure about traditional broker versus discount broker this was an eye opener thank you so much never thought of this ever thank you which segment to choose while opening account for Zera equities and mutual funds depth Futures options Commodities choose everything choose everything sorry I joined a bit late could you please repeat uh you have to watch the recording Whoever has come late you need to watch the recording when I provide it okay Zera already have it m stock created today kotak already have it longterm fantastic great planning lit have zero the opening through arihant okay I have up stocks but went with zeroa also for easy understanding value te chiranjit that's a smart decision how much time if you reach bank to open I direct account uh Mohammad arifin you'll have to check this with the ICI usually nris they will have the account open within a week's time I think that should be the turnaround time should not be an issue right they are looking for a business as well should not should not be an issue what is nhdl and cdsl these are your depositories these are your Vault holders the people who are depositories where your Shares are stored these are your agencies okay your depositary agencies sorry I joined late is there a portal for dummy trading I am going to introduce dummy account trading in week two sessions agnelo all right so I'll be opening your dummy accounts as well Sira gave me tpin what is this tpin is the pin that you'll need to uh login with and place your orders through so keep that handy don't tell me what your password or your tpin is I have no knowledge about automated trading system I'll be teaching you that any traditional Brokers reference I just pointed it out in the entire session today I am suggesting you to go ahead with these two I have shared the links for you as well on the chat box I'm posting it again for anyone who wants to open any account through any of the Brokers out here all right can I link bank account how many Brokers account okay is it compulsory to open Dem yes should I open demat account now during the mwa yes ideally that's the plan you all can do that or if you want to open it later you all can open it later as well truly this was excellent knowledge thank you SE G thank you kalpa I'm glad you had a great time in today's session please provide the recording link r g I'll be able to provide with you with the recording link once the session is done so wait for the session to get done thank you yes it's 8:36 anyone who wants to bounce wants to leave for the day I do not want to keep you waiting for for a Saturday night I'm just doing Q&A and then I'll wrap up as well so for the ones here who want to leave the session you all can leave as well I didn't use Zera for more than a year does my account get dormant yes superna is it possible to transfer shares from one demma to the account yes Rahul uh I'm not taking technical analysis questions right now sorry Harish you can ask it on the WhatsApp group we have a dedicated team to reply to your technical analysis questions all your accounts here are broker accounts and they will open your dmat accounts as well they will they will do the entire transaction with cdsl as well you will be made to fill a form and that form will say that open my account on the broker as well as the depository as well the demat as well okay so you can call it broker / demat account it's the same thing okay okay great so will you teach us about rights issue yes we'll do that I have Dem account taken from moila losal whenever I want to sell they ask me to sign a checkbook like document what is this ask ask them to give you ask uh you firstly need to give them uh the authority the power of attorney to sell it on your behalf and they'll they'll stop making you sign each and every time you sell all right uh M stock charged me 2500 K I don't know 2.72 I don't know why is that did you choose any plan or something uh beyond what uh the beyond the account opening having Angel broking will plan for zero that as well you just need to open an account I don't know why were you charged uh at the initial how to close a demand uh account belan we are here to open you asking about closing you can go and uh give like you can raise a ticket for the same and your uh broker will close it to you is broker and demat account different no it's the same thing okay these are two different directions of a same Journey okay so uh you are just going in two different Lanes of a very big road your broker account is going to help you in your trading your deand account is your Vault where your Shares are saved if your trade till one days or two day or one day your Shares are within the broker they don't use the demat account at that time once the two days are done your Shares are transferred to the dmat account is it compulsory to open a dmat account now or can I do it after learning from you you can do it any time sir I already have zero the account for the last 8 years of investing shall I keep Zera for trading and Mir for investing yes P you could do that abishek I answered sir you are awesome in teaching easily understandable thank you Hima can we skip TP and when we sell Sager yes you can do that you need to sign off a document saying K uh you need to authorize your broker to do that on your behalf and that is when the process will get shifted since NRE has not allowed for day trading uh will I benefit from the course of course yes why not you are going to learn about trading uh not just on intraday basis but on one year one one day two day one week 10 days 15 days 20 days 1 month 6 months one year time frame as well right this is not an intraday course it's a swing trading course right plus personal finance so be have no doubts about this particular thing sir will you teach rights issues yes we'll be covering those as well all right great can we link multiple demat accounts with one broker TK yes you can do that will you teach how to operate trading app yes VJ in week four I'm going to take you to the broker terminal as well how is not East broker suchin no clue is Insurance amount of 25 lakhs applicable for each broker amount uh yes J uh rupali you'll have to have your account open in your spouse's name in case you want your account you need to get your Adar link thank you for your knowledge sharing in this thank you sukumar another great session thank you B and tal can I put trades to be done for morning and nights itself do all Brokers provide this facility yes lit uh there's something known as order placing that I'm going to teach you in the upcoming session and um we'll be covering these areas also yep how to transfer present shares from Sher Khan to MTO platform J J there'll be there's going to be an entire uh you know document out there right you will have to go through the entire process of transferring shares so just simply Google how to share how to transfer shares from one broker to the other and you will have an entire session okay can we drop Sunil yes in case you are done with the q&s you all can drop from the session as well thank you so much for your time sir grow will do now okay go ahead with grow love life repost your question intraday trades Salman is restricted to only intraday does not go to your demat account stays within the broker account uh mahes yes in case uh sorry for the loss firstly and in case uh the account is retrieved you can do that get in touch with zeroa customer care tell them the uh the particular uh issue and you can have uh your account linked and removed as well all right thank you sir it was a nice session thank you BNA earlier I was in India and had zero the account now I'm an NRI what should my right path be I have to ask need moan on this P Harsha you can continue using your zero the account all right and and in case you are wanting to Plate extremely clean extremely safe uh declare yourself as an NRI in case you have an NRI status and uh you'll can then you can freshly open a new NRI account and go ahead with this if you want to play risky like Ries you can go ahead and trade on your current zeroa account thank you for the insights good night good night all right scrolling downwards will we cover crypto in later everything I'm going to teach you is going to be applicable across all asset classes okay great great thank you thank you I'm getting thank you messages SG what should we respond to our preference for running account settlement quarterly or monthly uh you can choose either what is this running account settlement means that every quarterly or monthly they will refund you the cash balance you have in your account back to your bank account by default right so you can choose a quarterly option instead of a monthly option or a monthly option company doesn't allow for trading if I open demat account from my sister who a high wife whether I can open the account and do the trading a very risky mun in case your company finds out you will have you will face legal action do not do any Joel japat here uh stay in the right direction all right don't use siblings accounts parents accounts wife's account what is the charges option for opening broker account it depends I it's it's uh between 400 rupes to 500 rupees if not free uh sapna no you can stick to your HDFC account Mahindra thank you so much for your kind words is monthly charges for demat account based on transaction or amount we have it is per transaction shim Anand thanks s for an enlighting session for demat account thank you Surendra uh yes sa pandan you can do that as well uh you can have an NRI account or a request for I your IC director give you a call and in the complex questions you could raise over there thank you for the answer welcome Gina thank you so much multiple dmart accounts how to close account get in touch with them and they'll close it for you can I do intraday by grow yes do we require to go with cdsl and nsdl you will be alloted one directly I do it I have a cdsl one right so in case you're given an option go ahead with cdsl uh it's something very familiar and in case you encounter doubts of cdsl uh I'll be helpful in answering those queries so if you get a choice to choose between cdsl or nsdl go ahead with that great session lots of knowledge gained thank you so much thank you for the session such an informative session you have taken me along the stock market ways and made me understand the Nuance of trading thank you so much thank you Sajid thank you Mohammad g go ahead with choosing from the links that I've shared where to see my demat account number in my broker account sir on the right top you can get that number okay Aron noted can I link One bank account and another bank account to zero the account yes you can have multiple accounts link Buu uh just be mindful with what you are authorizing for sir for different broker different dmat account is necessary uh you'll have to go through the process every time you are opening a broker account okay so you can go ahead with Aran MTO grow zeroa Angel one right every time you'll open an account you'll have to go through the formalities again yes is yes is okay great replies have a great weekend good night okay any rules for during intraday no sir for Investments discount broker is preferred a traditional broker anyone TK I have PTM money demat account does it suit for good for trading along with that I have Zera as well Pana Zera is the best option out there sir I do not have other card and pan card nor Indian bank account is there any avenues for me to get a demat account or a dummy demat account I am from Nepal currently working in India bishnu uh um ideally you will need to have some Indian proof and that is when this will go through or you can open through an NRI account all right uh so you or or you can open as a foreigner uh and that will come under the scope of an fi or a foreign direct Investments That itself is a very complex thing all right so uh get in touch with probably uh a good Agent who can solve this out for you uh there are a lot of traditional brokers who would want to open this for you so get in touch with any traditional broker as well any transaction fees for buying and selling securities of course Prashant uh that's a no-brainer Nothing in life comes for free you will be charged for buying and selling yes poai noted loaded I've open an account can we add more party from third party bank account in zero no what is the procedure for NRI going in and out of India can we do intraday no what is block trading it is when a big block is traded between two parties directly not one one share but directly a bulk share that is what bulk trading is Sir why Z the transfer available margin back into bank account every month compliance issue Sonia yes mun correct you need to give income proof I've covered it in the Q&A as well in case you missed it reiterating it now preference for running account settlement which should I settle zeroa yes yes guram correct great great scrolling down uh t t all right L covered did that the difference between trading account and dmat account your your dmat account and your broker account for the 10th time today you have something known as your bank account you have something known as your broker account and you have something known as your dmat account you need to open your broker account for which links have shared they will open your dmat account for you okay now whenever you are wanting to transact things will transfer from your bank account to your broker account if the holding period crosses 2 days it will be transferred to your demat account if the holding period does not cross two days it will stay within the broker account if you want to withdraw anything you will transfer from your broker your demat account to your broker account and from your broker account to your bank account all right so within two days everything goes around in the first two once more than two days are involved the chain continues for 3 Days time ly I hope I answered your query what is insider trading when you're trading non-material public when you're trading material non-public information think is not yet out there in the public all right all right great thank you so much thank you so much I am not an NRI and my wife has a dmat account will the three in one be available for her also uh if you're not an NRI you can open a dmat account directly Paul SEF if he invest in mutual funds for a long term will this also need to be informed to my company if compliance issue Supra have a word with your compliance if they need you can disclose right compliance is to prevent any unsolicited trading occurring based on any news that you possess they are not out there to kill you but they are out there to protect their own firm from getting into legal action based on insider trading so do have a word with the the compliance officer and go ahead sandep G I'm a government employee can I trade directly in my name yes thank you thank you so much all right great great can same demat account be used by two Brokers no thank you good night nice and informative thank you so much sir how about bgsc financial limited rames no clue about this great uh Vishal G let me know your query how much transaction kodu it's a simple Google uh click I don't want to get into numbers here just quickly find out what is the commission charge for trade and all it is uh usually out there for many Shashi I salute your patience with the same question appreciate it thank you most welcome all right Vishal G you've gotten an email from Team uh kindly check on the email you could raise your query out there so regarding the support that question you've asked okay sir I have access direct account can I use Angel one and access direct both link with one access demat account uh no yashika these are two separate entities is Swing trading different than no I'm not going to answer trading oriented queries sorry later on you can ask them on the WhatsApp group we have it opened chats lots of information thank you thank you thank you so much please share the link all right I dropping in the link once again for you all to open your demat accounts in case you still want to do it from where can I access the video recording LMS Anan G repost your query please I must have missed it in the list C same as zero the yes while creating demat account on M STS is asking for 2172 payment is it right cuz you said it's around 500 account opening is 500 as it your account maintenance charges will be 2172 uh do one thing just put in the the number out there and ask for a call in return and and then have it cleared with the MTO people as far as my knowledge concerns your account is open in 500 rupees itself all right chak kindly post your query once again I must have missed it in the queries how is vul no clue I have no clue about vul thanks for the information welcome all right to the ones whose query have missed kindly repost it I have many trading accounts open for my previous how to know which one Brokers I K this is something we'll have to figure out all right thank you for your guidance can I leave yes Arin G kindly please do leave thank you so much what is ddpi uh you need to provide that as well yes Ain do provide it it's it will go it will help you to uh you know have a very seamless experience with all the automations out there Sagar repost your query please I've missed it in the chat nuron thank you so much for an eye opener thank you so much all right account open waiting for the approval can you share the link for the LMS as well will be shared on the WhatsApp group thank you so much see you tomorrow okay D account is okay yes prmo g d account is good as well sir thank you for your time very useful which catch up next week thank you thank you for all the insights I have the account in grow okay is okay M asset traditional account similar to IC direct account uh if they're similar or not I don't know M asset traditional account will help you to have personalized Services W thank you so much sir as a beginner it's a bit tough but your ways of explanation is really amazing loved it thank you once again thank you love the kind words LMS access mango LMS access WhatsApp if you've not yet received it team leapup will send it across be patient like you have been for so while we'll be sending you all the information do not worry TK we will open it not an issue in case you have any queries email on the WhatsApp that we've given you email or WhatsApp on the number we have provided earlier we'll be sending you personal messages tomorrow as well pertaining to other details of the course should I have to open again Zeno chakri G if you have your account dment just reopen it you don't need to have an open session again SE G thank you for the session my NPS contributions happen by ndl can the demat account stay with cdsl yes SOS G in money good yes in money is good sir which segment should we choose by opening zero choose all Commodities options yes rad definitely yes Manish you can do that sir what is the concept of having two demat accounts in case one does not work one will work Amish it's for a backup perspective you can have two different accounts or you can just go ahead with one but in case that one does not function your trades will be stuck yes Prasad the answer your queries yes uh Krishna yes there are various apps out there which provide that information uh but uh your broker is someone who's maintaining it to the level finest so you can do that yes Sati definitely do all Brokers offer gtt VTC order placements uh no lth it's a very high-tech so all the discount broker there are a handful of you that do that uh zero is one of of the best providers out there which I on which I've traded taken a trade and benefited a lot using automation when will the recording be uploaded let the session end that is when we'll record we'll upload the recording you should get it by tomorrow give us at least 12 hours time to get that upload done thank you so much for your time I'm glad that you had a very great experience today everyone all right fantastic thank you SE sir you are you are a great teacher fantastic okay demat account yes okay yes yes all right fantastic how to get mobile app code to login kite application sukam you need to download the app via app store what is account settlement time and zero Vias as in I did not get your query thank you so much Mr SE for having complet Clarity love your energy thank you so much Satish uh TK yes we'll do that brokerage charges Google I'm having hold old physical shares with me in my father's name now he's no more I want to transfer it can you help me what the procedure is yes a traditional broker will definitely help you out with that Ganesh G uh kindly uh kindly raise this with the mwa support and I'll particularly guide you through what what can be done okay ganes G thank you uh munay I read your message it's a personal choice you can go ahead with whatever you deem appropriate I've given you my view can I go ahead with HDFC dmat account yes it's good which app is good for us talks uh ideally there there's a lot of Buzz about us talks apps uh you can go ahead with the discount brokers out there as well right so you can choose interactive brokers or others out there or you can go ahead with traditional Brokers as well the big companies of US Stocks uh that are into trading and advisory Sun G you could go ahead with the top four as well yes Rajiv I've been doing only mutual funds in last 10 years hope there's no demat account no no uh you don't need demat account for mutual funds uh but for trading stocks and all uh you you definitely need demat accounts uh yes Niha we'll be have to we'll have to provide this uh CNU you can do that will not read your question but you can do that thank you for a great question NGK kindly repost your question thank you see you tomorrow okay okay Whoever has my session with me tomorrow I'll see you tomorrow it's cool learning thank you thank you NGK let me know your query is automation works with icsa direct yes siaj if I have demat account in zero same demand can be used for M stock no these are two different you cannot order from zato and expect swiy to deliver it you are a great job totally worth the time and money invested thank you Rashad kind words can you please explain and tell what to choose as well registering Aran Capital there's an option coming choose for the scheme uh scheme sag check whatever scheme they are offering to you and then you can go ahead with whatever you want to choose okay there will be different prices for different schemes based on the services they are providing so kindly check thank you SE sir for this wonderful session simply amazing your analogy is great you explain in very detailed manner thank you Anish thank you for the session thank you thank you so much for ETF trading we need different accounts no you can use the same zeroa or the same broker account for ETFs prain G can you repost a query yes munja definitely thanks open what what about upstock broker can go ahead with which trading platform you training in upcoming days tips and tricks fona patience my child patience we will be covering everything LMS login and password will'll be shared on the WhatsApp group I'm from Dubai zeruda cannot be traded zeruda has a lot of restrictions NGK uh your Dubai as a country has a lot of restrictions try VPN that's the best thing I can tell you or you need to find out which is the stock broker that Dubai allows to trade or try the VPN method yes Arc go ahead with HDFC account in case you would want to thanks F sir you have been incredible I've been fearful about investing in stock markets for all these years now with your learning and classes I can adopt a discipline investing in stock markets all right fantastic all right great fantastic thank you so much thank you so much all right uh I hope I've not skipped out on any queries to the ones who do not have any queries you all can leave the session thank you so much for being a lovely audience it's past night to the ones whose queries I miss I'm here for another 8 minutes 910 we'll wrap up uh kindly ask me your queries in case I missed it all right uh MW team kindly help me as panelist whoever is out there kindly help me out as wellan yes kindly get in touch with support how much tax we have to pay per transaction uh kodu taxation will be covered later on in the course for now long-term capital gain 10% short-term capital gains 15% and fno as per your tax lab trading in foreign currencies uh Dr kishori there's been a notification where trading in currencies is currently on hold so do not get into it uh when Clarity emerges I will myself let you know when you can start if I open dmat account in past but I forgot where and where which broker account can I submit by any account uh rupes G I did check for your cdsl account so download the cdsl app click on forget password it will reroot you to the old email ID which you've used and then you'll able you'll be able to see which broker account are you using and which stocks do you have I have IC direct account can I continue with the same or open another account uh you can continue amol thank you Paul good night I created zero the account verification done how to login now into the site Sur you can open uh you can download the kite app or just search for zeroa login on Google vami is asking me which segment to choose vami I replied to you already choose any segments choose all the Ms below options depth options and features commodi stocks derivatives choose everything is DF dbfc do Bank Financial Service a good broker yes AIT definitely you are simply mindblowing se you have so much knowledge thank you thank you SE I've gotten my answers thank you sud thank you VI Zera provide capital gain tax statement yes himad HDFC is good yes HDFC is good create account on zero verification done great thank you for the lovely session sud thank you thank you Manish G for ETF trading do we have a session P shall cover it in the course Dr Kishore thanks I do not I do have accounts with moal is that enough yes enough I have IC demand do I need as broker no asman IC is good thank you for the time good night Sabby okay rajes what is the difference between shortterm and longterm rajes G we'll cover taxation at a later date thank you so much for the clarity dmat yes see you tomorrow 11:00 okay Guardian noted good night CA pandion kindly check the NRI account that I've given you the link I've given you for ICI direct simply Google ICICI direct NRI account opening you'll get the details thank you so much thank you Dr kishu vami thank you no problem Vang once it opens you can uh redo more selections I have Dem account in integrated Enterprise any reviews uh Nisha uh no reviews in case they are providing you with the features you can go ahead with them otherwise not an issue on one can pan card how many demands you can have rupes unlimited there's no there's no notification for that the vault is out there which has multiple things stored I have done the seven step for zero pry thank you great thank you for the lovely session I'm leaving the session thank you so much good night good night Rock others as well thank you for the clarity can we trade in foreign markets rajes no we cannot do that uh there are Brokers which do provide services of creating online uh brokerage accounts for trading International stocks kotak Securities being one of them so you can explore more of kotak Securities foreign stocks trading okay Raj D thank you so much for the informative session thank you good night see you tomorrow good night night good night a lot of thanks coming in sir I've opted for I direct demart account if I open zero the account will it lead to a new demart account or can I link to IC uh masu jaka do not go ahead with zeroa use IC direct it is good is it advisable to close any demat account not is news yes you could do that I have some paper share can I move to zeroa uh Santos you'll have to do it via a traditional broker demat account lies with the bank or with the broker like zeroa Samuel Zera uh dmat account is a third entity Al together so your bank is different zeroa is the broker and the dmat account is cdsl or nhdl good night good night thank you thank you all right thank you so much for the session okay receiving tons of replies although the multiple Dem accounts the VA is same yes correct all transactions are happening in one account only right respect for the broker yes Ajit G correct thank you for Shing the knowledge fona most welcome thank you sir integr interesting session good night thank you masaka do dmat account has any charges of trading apart from brokerage charges yes a lot of them I'll take you to zero the calculator just a second you can have zero The Brokerage calculator I'm just sharing my screen just confirm if youall can see my screen out here brokerage calculator zero the you all can see the various charges that are there besides brokerage as well stt exchange transaction charges GST sebi charges stamp Duty etc etc all right so if you trade worth let's say if you buy something at a lak and you sell something at one1 if you just make one rupee and if you do a th000 quantity of that your turnover your turnover is of 20 lakh rupees you're getting charged 400 rupees of every 20 lakh rupees so every every 10 lakh Rupees is 200 rupees approximately you could do the same math here I'm dropping in the link as well uh keep dabbling and playing in case needed dropping the link on the chat box all right thank you so much thank you thank you good night fantastic all is answered in case you have your query has not been answered you can raise it in the personal stock quot session coming ahead or you could ask it in your session coming ahead with the head coaches uh we will cater to those queries as well uh or you could raise it on the WhatsApp chat as well team leapup will be happy to reply love life nilam upad kindly repost your question I have skipped it in the chat very sorry please repost your question I am NRI I have zero the account broken open in my Indian address can we do intr as a state in India alternate myi yes how is taxes apply on us and how is how to file TDS you will not be filing TDS you'll be paying taxes on it directly at the end of the year ntin G repost your question please sorry for skipping it out apologies I have my mother's account in AIS Bank uh is it okay yes it is fine trade using her account it is fine not an issue uh the taxation part will be paid by her just be mindful of that sir demat account is with broker or with nsdl Dem account is with nsdl broker account is with broker okay government does not have anything okay great great whoever is who question I've missed don't tell me I missed the question please repost the question right I'm catering to a lot of students please be cooperative repost your question I'm here to answer it take if you don't the question will not be replied to so whoever wants their question answered needs needs to repost it a copy paste would not kill uh yes vak noted you could go ahead with that yes amol no mul no rajes your vault is the same your broker is different zero the account my camera verification can one saving account be linked to both traditional and discount broker yes s under upcoming sessions in personal finance this is a major agenda s session s sir session is good thank you so much for sharing knowledge thank you P Raju G thank you so much yes pael uh credit card question Shas you can raise it with jutan s and team in case you are wanting credit card questions they they've given you an entire selection of burgundy or idfc first bank or other cards you could choose whichever floats you'll have to check a lot of things thank you vayak what is derivatives I'll cover in the upcoming session what future is and uh I'll give you a vies tipy of what fos is in the upcoming sessions pry uh this Q&A is for questions pertaining to doors open uh kindly refrain from asking questions of the portion stick to the topic for the day pravin G is asking me sir if you have two platforms and one on discount broker and other with traditional then we will have different portfolios at these two platforms yes yes rupes you could do that what is ddpi uh Google what is ddpi tmat debit and pledge instruction okay uh to the ones who ask me what is ddpi check the link that I've shared on the chat box instead of asking me this a simple Google search would have helped thank you all right good night thank you thank you sir very ative thank you nilam venkatesh download the kite app or just simply search for zeroa login and you'll be able to login thank you so much thank you thank you home as well how to select all segments now choose on all these segments home uh TTI will be starting trading soon not an issue any treeview of trading can be shown for information regarding the verality of trading uh rajes G did not understand this query thank you for your valuable time most welcome Wes G uh nitin G your query I'll have to search for it how should we go ahead please suggest suggest for what how about tax filing for corporate employees nitin G tax filing is a personal finance concept which will be covered in week 11 and week 12 of personal finance okay sir take most welcome I I have physical shares which is not converted to demat account and has gone to government how do I get it back now belal G raise it with the government uh you could have you you would have your agent who helped you out kindly rooted through the agent again keep up the good work I will drop off tonight good night thank you a uh yes mohindra you could do that as well you could do that as well CH B fantastic I hope you all had an insight full session in case you have any further queries you can raise it with your PSC sessions in the upcoming times with your head coaches with my in my after my three-hour sessions or you can simply post it on the WhatsApp group as well we'll be happy to discuss our today's session on the WhatsApp group as well do not repeat whatever question you've asked in case there's something else that crops up uh please feel free to raise it on the WhatsApp group all right an no problem you can do it later no problem sashida you can go ahead without thatt as well thanks for insiteful session thank you Diana R moan thank you so much uh ragunath canly raise it with the zeroa team they'll be able to handhold you through the entire process going forward I've gotten you till the door exploring thereafter uh will be zeroda and between you so kindly go ahead with that all right FS Auto Select settled to the primary bank account with reference number uh it means that your main uh bank account is used for settling ragun G in case more queries you can trace it with zero the customer service very informative session thank you Dr kishori thank you SE sir you have Boundless Energy yes I keep sipping on Red Bull it gives me wings thank you so much thank you explaining time really usual sir thank you so much thanks a lot thanks F sir thanks I'm appreciating everyone who's dropping in a thanks right now nitin g zafur g anoj as well ra as well thank you so much I will see you guys in your respective sessions I hope this session was super helpful I will be dropping in the recording as well thank you so much guys thank you so much for giving me your 7 to 9:00 p.m. on a Saturday back to your families or whatever interest you I'll see you guys in the upcoming session I'm going to stop the recording and end the meeting for all thank you so much guys thank you really appreciate it thank you so much