Cranial Nerves Examination Tutorial

Jul 24, 2024

Cranial Nerves Examination Tutorial


  • Presenter: David, medical student
  • Task: Cranial nerves examination on Yousef Smith (DOB: 1st Jan 1993)
  • Objective: Assess the function of the cranial nerves in the patient's face

Preliminary Checks

  • Confirm patient’s identity: Yousef Smith, DOB 01/01/1993
  • Ask for consent to perform examination
  • Check for any pain: None reported

Examination Procedure

Visual Inspection & Initial Questions

  • Any changes in sense of smell? No
  • Do you normally wear glasses or contact lenses? No

Vision Tests

  • Visual Acuity: Read the lowest readable line from a chart using one eye at a time
  • Pupil Assessment: Shine light into each eye, check pupil response
  • Accommodation Reflex: Look at a distant wall, then at a near pen
  • Color Vision: Identify numbers on color plates with one eye at a time
  • Peripheral Vision: Point to where fingers wiggle while looking straight ahead
  • Field of Vision: Cover an eye, say 'yes' when side wiggling finger is seen
  • Fundoscopy: Perform fundoscopy (not detailed here)

Sensory Function

  • Sensation Testing: Use cotton wisp and pin for tactile (soft and sharp) sensation
    • Ensure sensation is equal on both sides of the face

Motor Function

  • Facial Muscles: Clench jaw, resist mouth-opening
    • Masseter and temporalis muscle check by palpation
  • Reflexes: Jaw jerk reflex by tapping chin
  • Facial Expressions: Raise eyebrows, scrunch eyes, puff cheeks, show teeth, purse lips

Hearing Test

  • Whispering Test: Whisper numbers, ask for repetition
  • Tuning Fork Test: Place near ear (Rinne test) and on forehead (Weber test)
    • Identify where sound is heard (middle, left, right)

Balance & Coordination

  • Balance Test: Arms outstretched, eyes closed, march on the spot

Additional Checks

  • Voice & Swallowing: Check for any changes in voice or swallowing difficulties
  • Phonation: Say 'ahh'
  • Cough and Sip: Turn aside and cough, then sip water
  • Shoulder Strength: Shrug shoulders against resistance
  • Head Movement: Turn cheek against hand resistance
  • Tongue Movements: Stick tongue out, push against cheek resistance


  • Examination Findings: No abnormalities observed in cranial nerves 1-12
  • Next Steps: Perform upper and lower limb neurological examinations
  • Additional Resource: Geeky Medics, practice OSCE stations