Transcript for:
Essential Personal Skills for Success

what skills have you been developing have the skills that you've developed in your life so far made your life like a dream life or like a nightmare life I'm going to talk to you about some skills that when you develop them they can make you a millionaire and more and so the millionaire skills which I call skillionaire skills in fact those who know me know the name of my business is skillionaire Enterprise at LLC in fact we just got found out that we were in the top 10 percent of the Inc 5000 fastest growing businesses in America right um number I think number 426 or 427 out of 5 000 businesses with a 1356 percent growth rate over the previous year so it's just it's just it's just crazy town anyway so when I'm talking about these skills I'm not talking about I'm not talking about Theory I'm talking about something that actually works so there are skills that skillionaire skills that can help you really just navigate life at a higher level so let's first talk about the personal skills and then we'll talk about the business skills the personal skills are you need to be trustworthy you need to be a person of character and see here's what's really interesting most people care more about who people think they are than they do about who they actually are and what we have to do is we have to become so consumed with who we actually are that we could care less who people think we are I love what the scripture says about Christ it says let this mind to be in you which was also in Christ Jesus what mind is that who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God in other words he knew who he was but then it says but he made himself of no reputation which means he didn't need you to know who he was in order for him to know who he was so when you get to the place in your life where you know you who you are so much that you don't need anybody else to know who you are you make yourself with no reputation something amazing happens that's when people start wanting to know who you are y'all picking up what I'm putting down and so when you become a person of character again no better example than Christ in the beginning was the word and the Word was God and the Word was with God the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him without him was not anything made that was made that's what it says in uh John chapter 1 verses one through three verse uh verse 14 says and the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory as the glory of the only begotten of the father and and the the interpretation of that is exactly what it says but an application of that is this when your word becomes your flesh you can dwell among the people you gave your word to when your word doesn't become your flesh you have to hide from those same people and so you told them that the check was in the mail and you didn't even have a checkbook or an envelope and so the next time you see them you try to hide from them you told them you were going to be there because they said they needed you and then you didn't show up so when you see them at Thanksgiving or the birthday party you have to try to avoid them because you don't want them to bring up the fact that you are not who you purported yourself to be and you don't want to have to think about the fact that you're not who you purport yourself to be but then again you're going to find out again anyway you're going to see yourself every time you look in the mirror and you're going to know that you are not a person of your word so so you have to be a person of character because you can't be a person of confidence unless you are a person of character people who don't have character don't have confidence unless they're sociopaths or Psychopaths right so a person who does not have good character they can lie as easily as tell the truth it is because they they're sociopathic which means they have a social disease or they're Psychopathic which means they have a psychological disease and they might be a sociopathic psychopath because they just don't care about anything but the present moment and they will lie in the present moment to get something that they don't deserve regardless of the consequences in the future and So you you're here's the reality you're not going to be able to build a million dollar business like that you may build you might build a six-figure business like that but when the people that paid you the money that helped you make the six figures found out that you couldn't deliver on the promise that you made to them for the money a bad reputation spreads faster than a good one it's so interesting people will ask me to do stuff and they'll ask me to participate in stuff and that doesn't match my brand I'm like I can't be a part of that it doesn't match my brand it took me 62 years to build this name I'm not going to destroy it by partnering with somebody who doesn't deliver on the Promises or that you deliver on the promises but your promises don't match my promises y'all picking up what I'm putting down so and so a lot of entrepreneurs a lot of business people are not confident because they don't have character now what is confident what does confidence have to do with character well the word confidence comes from the root word confide so confide the word confide means with trust that's what it means it means with trust so so when a person has confidence they move with trust in themselves right if I have confidence in an outcome it's because I I trust the principles that promise the outcome are y'all tracking and so it's it's really interesting um a good friend of mine Brian um um Ryan Bowman he and I were playing golf back in 2017 down in Northport Florida no I'm not in Northport in um Port Charlotte and we came up to the second hole and there are these guys on the Green and they said you guys can play on through which means they're going to let you pass them because there were two of us and four of them so Brian hit and Brian's a great golfer and he had his shot and then I got up and hit my shot and my shot landed like three inches or four inches behind the flag and then backed up and went in the hole and those guys on the green went crazy um which has nothing to do with trust or confidence um it was just a good memory it just kind of made me feel better about being here um so um my greatest fear in life by the way is to have a hole in one when I'm playing golf by myself it's like it's like uh uh so anyway anyway if but if it ever happens I'm gonna frame the ball and I'm gonna name it my greatest fear in life okay so um but anyway Brian Brian Brian is a brilliant businessman and he came to me one day he said Myron I gotta ask you a question I said okay cool he said you have more of a sense of certainty than any human I've ever met in my life is that something you teach hey thanks for watching this video I hope you're enjoying it but I want to take some time to invite you to join us at the make more offers challenge the make more offers challenge we do it once a month where I invite a bunch of entrepreneurs or would-be entrepreneurs to come and have me teach them in detail the poor moves that can scale any business I want to invite you to join us on the make more offers challenge click the link in the description below you will be glad you did join us at VIP and make the rest of your life the best of your life and now back to the video You're watching I said no I can't really teach it but I can tell you where it comes from he said okay where does it come from I said I already know what's going to happen like what does that mean he said I have this book and it's filled with principles and promises and precepts and practices and prayers and prophecies that give me the ability to predict outcomes in the future so I can position myself on the path of prosperity so when the flow comes I'm there buckets in hand and so I don't trust and Trust I trust in the principles that God established and woven to the fabric of the universe as God's automation are y'all tracking and so I don't have to wonder if I drop this pin if it's going to fall if I drop it not 10 times is it only going to fall six and a half times it's going to fall 10 times if I drop it 10 times why it's a principle principles aren't going to change because you're you right principals don't care who you are don't care if you're a man or a woman they don't care if you're black white hispanic Asian polka dotted pinstripe they don't care because they're principles which is one of the reasons why by the way I have to say this in a way that is is more accurate so which is why by the way that over the entire span of your life you don't have to be a victim unless you decide to be victimhood happens when you allow contributing factors in your life to become the determining factors of your life and I'm not saying that you're not going to go through hardships and you're not going to face opposition and you might even face oppression but it's not none of those things are a determining Factor because had they were they a determining Factory Factor like slavery in the United States would still be a thing no slave would have ever been able to get free right no no no poor people would ever have been able to come rich if if contributing factors were determining factors how can you tell the difference between contributing factors and determining factors all contributing factors are outside of you and determining factors are inside of you where character lives where trust lives where confidence lives where honesty lives we're keeping your word lives the determining factors are on the inside where perspective lives contributing factors are on the outside are y'all tracking and so so the word confidence means to confide well here's the problem the reason you don't travel with trust in yourself is because you are the only person in the world who's heard every lie you've ever told yes you broke your word to this person and didn't keep your promise to that person and then let that person down and this person down but guess what you've broken your word to yourself so many times in the past you can't believe a word you say so one of the skillionaire skills that's absolutely essential to building a long-term successful business into the millions and tens of millions and hundreds of millions of billions whatever your desired objective is you have to be a person who is trustworthy you have character okay that's one character is one of the skills but I'm going to tell you another skill communication you must become a better communicator but I'm going to give you an Insight that you may not have until you become better at your internal communication it's virtually impossible for you to become better at your external communication so if the things that you say to you are off base the things you say to other people can't be on base it's amazing how powerful words are words are so powerful that they are both the material and the tools that God used to make everything out of nothing and God said let there be light and there was light and God saw the light that it was good I am telling you your ability and willingness to communicate will determine the quality and perhaps the quantity of your life but you have to get better at internal communication your internal communication is going to be either leveraged or Limited by your vertical communication what does that even mean well God told Moses who was a stutterer so he had a communication problem March into Pharaoh's office and tell him I said let my people go Moses when I first read this I thought this was the most ridiculous question I've ever heard Moses said who shall I say have sent me I every time I read that I wanted to coach Moses say bro that's not a good question this but it was a good question I was confused Moses was not confused like what kind of question who should I say something really that's it that's what you got I would have said what can I tell Pharaoh you said you gonna do if he say no that's what I'd have said right that's what I'd have said but see Moses understands communication better than I understood it how's that because Moses understood that Authority Authority is always based on identity are you picking up what I'm putting down that's why that's why if if the FBI comes to your house they have to show you their badge and their ID that's why that's why that's why police cars look like police cars and police officers wear uniforms that's why people in the military wear uniforms right because the The Authority that you have flows out of the identity that you have but see here's the problem most people don't know their identity because they don't know the identity who's the identity the I am that I am I when you think about that what does I am that I am say it says everything I don't I don't there are not two more powerful words in the English language than I am why okay I have one more thing I want to share with you all about the skills the people skills and then we're gonna have to do the business skills on a different day because if you all would listen faster I could talk faster so so there really interestingly enough the um when we talk about when we talk about I am why is it so so how can those words be so powerful here's why because in the realm of time there's no such thing as the present there's only the past and the future as soon as I say now it becomes then so in the realm of time we only have now and then or we actually have been in then because now can't exist it evaporates too fast it exits stage right too fast now then now then now can you let me finish the word now then [Laughter] but in the realm of Eternity there's no such thing as the past or the president there's I mean the past or the future there's only the present which is why God is the I am because eternity is the forever now which is why God knows the end from the beginning because the end is the beginning and the beginning is the end and because we're made in the image of God we have the ability to replicate that on a small scale inside of time but God did it on the on an infinite scale outside of time like for instance if you wrote starred in directed and produced a movie and you edited all the shots you'd be a tired dude or lady you'd be tired but let's say it's a dramatic action comedy that's what mine would be anyway every time it looked like you were going to die the people in the premiere needs to be there all calm why because you know the end from the beginning they're worried about you dying but you're not worried about you dying why because you wrote the whole thing you produced the whole thing you directed the whole thing so what's outside of time what's inside the realm of time for them is outside the realm of time for you because you know how the movie begins in the middle you know the middle and you know the end so so because in the realm of Eternity there's only the present present is powerful I am as powerful how powerful as I am it's so powerful that I have to be hyper-intentional with every word that I say that follows I am that's why I can't afford to say I am so stupid because when I do I'm infusing my stupidity with the power of Eternity I'm such a loser don't do that you're infusing your limitations with the power of Eternity when you say that I am broke you can't afford to say that because you're infusing you here's you don't I promise you I promise you if there's an area of your life that's not working it is an area of your life in which you do not understand and are not applying truth period and and by the way when I say working that doesn't mean all hunky-dory because ezekiel's life was working when he was laying on his side for hundreds of days and did wasn't allowed to get up to go to the bathroom or to eat or do anything as a sermon illustration which nobody was going to respond to his life was working he was his life was working when his wife died and God told him not to mourn for her so don't make the mistake of thinking that working means everything goes the way you desire to go that can only be true when you are in alignment with your assignment and you are yielded to the king of Heaven then and only then will you be okay when things are going the way they're supposed to go even when they don't feel good are y'all tracking so we have to make sure we understand when I say I am I have to say something powerful after that I am an entrepreneur I am successful I am made in the image of God I am therefore I can are y'all tracking that's how this really works and so if you're if your vertical communication is not correct then your internal communication is not going to be incorrect if your internal communication is not correct your horizontal external communication is not going to be correct lastly we talked about character we talked about communication I would be remiss not to talk about compassion there are people who believe you have to be this hard-nosed Cut Throat I'm only in it for the money and I don't care about the people kind of person to become a successful entrepreneur fewer things can be further from the truth I believe that the master key to building something enormously impactful and profitable is you have to love the people you serve so much that you never sell them anything that would harm them you have to use the money and love the people don't use the people and love the money in fact take it a step further and use the money to love the people are y'all tracking I am telling you these are personal skills that can make you a millionaire but they're they're more personal skills but if you get those three right oh you're gonna be on the right track their personal skills but there are also business skills we'll do a video in the future on the business skills that can make you Millions I hope you enjoyed this feel free to like it comment on it share it do all that stuff you know that YouTubey stuff y'all know how to do it do that thing all right stay blessed by the best peace out