hey guys in this section we're going to talk about the different abdominal pelvic divisions these are different ways that we can divide the abdominal pelvic region into different areas we'll see that we have four abdominal pelvic quadrants or nine abdominal pelvic regions here you see the abdominal pelvic quadrants quad meaning four right so these are four regions that we're dividing up the abdominal pelvic area so the abdomen and the pelvis to get the abdominal pelvic quadrants you just draw a plus sign and the lines intersect at the umbilicus or the belly button we call the belly button the umbilicus because this is where the umbilical cord attached when fetus was in the womb so you draw a plus sign right a vertical line and a horizontal line and they cross at the belly button and then you can see that that divides the abdominal pelvic area up into four different regions and naming them is really easy we just name them right and left upper and lower the only way you could possibly get messed up here is if you mix right and left it's not my right and left it's the patient or the subjects right and left so crisscross so looking at this guy up here this is the right upper quadrant and then the right lower quadrant the left upper quadrant and the left lower quadrant we use these really frequently like when charting for example if you're working in the emergency room and a patient comes in with abdominal pain in order to note where that pain is in the chart you could use the quadrants also when you read up on different disease states they'll say you know for appendicitis for example it will say lower right quadrant pain that tells you that when somebody has appendicitis you know the general area of where the pain will typically be these are so much easier to use than trying to describe a location in way for example say that the person had a whatever a stab wound that was right here you could try and describe that by saying it's you know 2 inches above and 2 inches to the right of the bellybutton but if this guy award a different size say it was a child 2 inches above and 2 inches to the right would be in a completely different place in a child right it would be way further to the side because they're their stomachs smaller their abdominal regions smaller so it's difficult to describe a specific place or location when we're talking about the abdominal pelvic area dividing the abdominal pelvic area up into these quadrants or regions as we'll see in a second makes it a lot easier for example if you look here I'm showing you the organs that are present in the abdominal pelvic area if you draw a line down the center and then the horizontal line is harder to draw without the skin because you can't see what the bellybutton is but it's right about here that gives us our four abdominal pelvic quadrants and again just right left upper and lower so this is the right upper quadrant the right lower quadrant and then over here is the left upper quadrant and the left lower quadrant now you can see the organs that are present in each of the quadrants this big brown organ right here is little liver you can see that the majority of the mass of the liver is in the we change colors is in the right upper quadrant now if you go online and research any type of liver problem so like hepatitis inflammation of the liver you'll notice that patience will typically present with right upper quadrant pain okay right upper quadrant pain right away sends bells off that tells you something's wrong with the liver the appendix the appendix is right down here you can't really see it it hangs down here and it kind of is going behind the small intestine but the appendix you guys can see is in the right lower quadrant so if somebody has really sharp severe pain in the right lower quadrant immediately I'm going to think appendicitis the stomach this is the stomach right here you guys see that it is mostly up in the left upper quadrant some organs stretch between all of them the small intestine for example this tightly coiled tube here in the center is the small intestine it goes everywhere the same thing with the large intestine the large intestine wraps all around like this so it's present in all of the different quadrants as well but some of these are very specific so we can associate pain with each of these quadrants with the specific organs in them also if there was a wound here so somebody say somebody had a stab wound in the right upper quadrant you would be worried about damage to deliver right so these are really useful we can also divide the abdominal pelvic region up into smaller areas we can divide it up into nine abdominal pelvic regions now in order to do this we just draw a tic-tac-toe board across the abdomen the vertical lines go just inside or just medial to the nipples so right here and right here and then the horizontal lines go just under the ribs so like the bottom of the ribcage and then just above the pelvic bones or just above the hips and that will roughly give you the abdominal pelvic regions now naming them these names all kind of makes you guys haven't learned all of the word routes and prefixes and suffixes yet so you might not be able to like decipher these words yet but we'll talk about them a little bit as we go so right and left are self-explanatory again criss cross so the patient's right and the patient's left hypochondria hypo means below right hyper is above hypo is below pend REO or kanjuro refers to cartilage so this word is literally telling you below the cartilage when we look if you pull the skin in the muscle off you'll see that the ribs at the bone ends and then we have cartilage that comes like this and connects the ribs to the sternum so there's it's called costal cartilage but there's a bunch of cartilage that's present here so this is kind of saying it's below the cartilage so we've got the right hypochondria m-- on the right and the left hypochondria on the left in the middle this is the epigastric region epi means a pawn and you guys already learned that gastro refers to the stomach so this is the area over the stomach remember this stomach does sit right about there moving down to the next three regions the right and left flank four on either side which that the flank is the side these are also sometimes referred to as the lumbar regions and if you if you grab like right here around the back that is the lumbar region of the back lumbar because the five lumbar vertebrae are there in the lower back but the current lab manually uses flank so we're gonna go with that the right and left flank the umbilical region should be pretty easy because that's right where the belly button is right and we said that the technical term for the belly button or navel is the umbilicus because that's where the umbilical cord connects the bottom three on either side we have the right and left inguinal region this crease right here where when you fold the leg over the pelvis that little crease is the inguinal crease this region is also up to the name comes from that the inguinal region it's also sometimes referred to as iliac so if you see right iliac and left iliac it's the same thing as in oil finally in the center this is the pubic region the pubic region is typically down like in the pelvic area so that makes sense that the bottom central region would be the pubic region now these are more difficult to use as opposed to the abdominal pelvic quadrants and not just because they're harder to name or there's more of them to memorize it's because frequently they're they're almost too small they're too precise and the organs will frequently stretch between multiple of these regions the liver for example let me show you here you see you see your tic-tac-toe board in pink and it's divided up into the different regions and then you see the organs underneath so look at the liver right delivers this big one right here the liver stretches between multiple regions so you can't just say one region is associated with you know hepatitis whereas with the quadrants we can we can say right upper quadrant and that's that's very common to do even something tiny like the appendix look at the appendix right here even that kind of goes between a couple different regions the stomach the same thing it's in multiple regions so sometimes these are just too small or too precise especially on a really small little abdomen but I do want you to be familiar with them because they do exist and we will see them every once in a while alright that is it for the abdominal pelvic regions shoot me an email if you have any questions