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Common Phrases and Conjugations Lecture
Jul 16, 2024
Lecture Notes
Common Phrases and Conjugations
I, you, he, she, we, it, us, they, me, her
Basic Phrases
I want to
You want to
He wants to
She wants to
We have to
I have to
I can
I can start
I have to call
Doesn't want to
Action Verbs
Sentences and Examples
I want to start
I can start
I want to start
I have to start
He wants to try
He wants to try
We have to try
I want to see
I want to see you
You want to see me
I want to call you
I want to call you but I have to go
He has to find
He has to find it
I can try
I can try
She wants to try
She doesn't want to try
I don't have to speak Italian with you
Brian can't see you
She doesn't want to call us
I have to study so I can't call you
I have to study so I can't call you but if you want to see me you can find me at home
Modals and Negations
Can, can't
Have to, don't have to
Want to, don't want to
Doesn't have to, doesn't want to
Closing Remarks
We can study more later
Thank you for watching, see you next time
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