Transcript for:
Maroons and Their Unique Sound Communication

in the colonial period in Jama there was a a kind of tribe called The Maroons and they used these horns kind of rams horns uh called the abang and the abang so they used to communicate with each other using just blowing into this horn kind of trumpet type sound and so use it to communicate in the jungle over you know secretly or not so secretly but what what became apparent is that the English colonialists in in Jamaica at that time were petrified by this high-pitch sound um because they they didn't know what it was and you know they're in the jungle they're from England they're kind of out of their home turf um and not only that but the these these devices were usually coupled with the planning of ambushes where you know they' be the Marin would basic early Guerilla Warfare they'd be camouflaged as the jungle and then suddenly like in the film Predator Like the quote famous sample from film Predator the jungle would just come alive and take take the the the English the British um so that that's kind of a a interesting example for the book because the book's about the way certain frequencies instill fear um the way you know it's kind of about uneasy listening uh or the way sounds used to create a bad Vibe which is not something I'm always trying to do as a DJ or a musician but it's something I was kind of interested in theoretically