right I love it so so before we kick everything off today number one thank you all so much we know this has been a lot of work we promise well we hope that it's all going to be worth it it has been a lot of work for us as well two years almost of work of getting this setup and we're very excited to have this start rolling we have a couple ground rules today not everybody has played Dungeons and Dragons before I just want to lay that as an expectation so you know we understand we're playing with with a couple newbies um for the rules for today some of these are ground rules for everything and some of them are just rules for today uh rule number zero is that the DMS are always right always and forever you can argue your point but but we win um that's just to keep the game moving uh rule number one is that the ultimate goal of this campaign is to tell the best story possible and have fun while we're doing it uh you might your character might not always get what you want but we wrote the entire campaign around the stories that you gave us so we promise that by the end of it you'll get what you need at the very least um rule number two for today specifically we got places to be at midnight this game is over and we are going to be at a specific point in the story if that means we have to skip stuff to get there we will so there will we will be constantly kicking you along the road there will certainly be plenty of times for meeting the other players and role playing and everything and of course we'll take our time during combat because again some people are new um but any unnecessary Lolly gagging will not be happening today um rule number three I only say this for our more experienced players please remember your level you are level one you could very easily get yourself killed by pissing off the wrong person today so please do not get yourself killed we have a long campaign we're trying to play uh uh last rule that we have here um the veil of secrecy that we have has been such a headache to hold on to is not going to end the second you all see each other's faces um you might see some unexpected faces today I expect that um you'll see some unexpected faces today um there are a lot of people and players that are wondering and watching about how this game is going to go and I don't want to spoil any of it for them uh so please be sure even as the game is starting and going on only be communicating to this the group that you see in front of you about the game that is unfolding uh try to keep the spoilers uh to a minimum for everybody else including your involvement in the game and everything like that um until we give you the all clear any questions about any of that that was a no just so you all know well I I think with that we can roll the [Music] intro [Music] and we are live everyone hello can we all hear each other everybody speak up real quick I want to make sure you can hear each other hello H hello hello hello [Laughter] everyone good you're ridiculous oh that's awesome cool I think I peed myself is there time to change my pants oh wait I can't hear everyone I can't hear everyone you can't hear oh my apologies you should be able to hear them now I'm just okay thank you testing one testing one this you have no idea how complicated the setup on the back end to make all of that work was wow imagine I'm glad we're rolling amazing all right let's rock and roll first up your fear and sigh why do we got to go first my gosh the the elfers are also an incredible I love thank you thank you thank you I we'll send pictures of the full garment um yeah yeah Miranda also hand sewed everything she's wearing so incredible we'll need some photos for sure we'll send some photos um also I'm noticing Trevor I don't know if you've got something over your mic or if you switched your mic setup but it sounds a little different than it did a minute ago I had it a little further away from my face I don't know if that is better or not can you poke it real quick I don't think that's what I'm hearing right now I have nothing I made no changes interesting we're going to start rocking and rolling either way I don't know we can understand what you're saying okay your fear and sigh the thin sheet that covers the rickety wagon that you're riding on does little to Shield you from the icy wind of the Southern nebulin slopes however it is a wind that both of you are well accustomed to the dense fog though you are not if it were not for the sound of hooves of the horses pulling the wagon behind you you'd have difficulty making the mount a few dozen feet away this is the fifth day of this journey what was initially introduced as an exciting Quest and new opportunity to practice your skills as a warden outside the Realms of elesium has begun to devolve into a monotony of long uneventful errands outside of the warmth of the barracks the covered wagon you're riding on is packed to the brim with a dozen other wardens many of which are doing their best to sleep the day away the only Warden On Your Wagon that either of you recognize is your Commanding Officer Colonel Adrien whose watchful eye hasn't left your fear since his conscription the colonel is Vigilant and strict and absolutely demanding uh but the both of you know him to be an honorable man that is worthy of his title his focus and resolve hasn't wavered for a moment during the trip despite the ice crystals growing in his beard uh though your Caravan is a few hundred strong you hear nothing but the hoves and the howl of the wind what would you like to do uh so just to reiterate we're just riding along in a wagon right now you are on a caravan of other wagons uh your fair uh just he's going to kick back and just try to close his eyes a little bit the monotony doesn't bother him at all in facts he's fine with it he enjoys it um s's got her got her nose in a book but she is thinking about child labor loss at this point being only you know 16 and how much work she has to [Laughter] do so she's a she's a little a little frustrated yeah well it was your decision to sneak into the wardens at 16 that's that's not for not knowing that you're 16 uh is Sai sitting directly next to me S are you sitting next to me so I didn't clarify your fear you're in the far the very back end of the thing right next to the sort of the out wind and Sai is one seat in and Colonel Adrien is immediately across uh I notice size um leg bouncing a little bit from the frustration and without even opening my eyes I just slide my hand over and press down on her knee to just get her to freaking relax cuz it's annoying me and then I remove it um I angrily El your fear super hard um I don't even wise at it even though it did slightly bother me and hurt I I don't pay mind to it uh is there is there anyone sitting next to us or is it kind of two yeah you are sort of crammed it's sort of like two benches faced in towards each other and you are just shoulder-to-shoulder with other wardens all the way to the front of the the truck wag whoever's to my immediate left I'll uh just look at them and say how long you've been in how long you've been a warden couple months months we trainees um Colonel Adrian uh know anything about him is he I don't know you know where's he from and tell me what you know about him uh Colonel Adrian who's immediately across from you sort of looks back at you and talking about him friend him I I immediately stopped the conversation and put my head back in the book Colonel and looks back out the back of the wagon your fear shakes his head he still has his eyes closed and he just shakes his head wonderful uh after a few incredibly awkward moments of of that trying to pass uh you feel the um the horse on the wagon in front of you um stop draw to a pause uh which is uncommon you've been going this way for five five days and the wagon behind you also stops um and Captain Colonel looks back at the rest of you uh and just quietly says checkpoint keep your things in order you start to hear movement up ahead you cannot see in front of the wagon or anything other than behind the wagon right now um but you hear footsteps and sort of uh muffled conversation of people a few um uh uh wagons ahead uh as what's seeming what seems to be uh the carrot van slowly starting to make its way through a checkpoint of some kind um this carries on for 10 15 minutes until from the sound of things uh the guards that are going through the um uh the various wagons seem to be getting closer and closer to your wagon uh once they've gotten uh about to the wagon ahead of you you start to hear a bit of a commotion um a couple men starting to argue with each other um uh and eventually things start to get a bit heated Get Your Filthy Hands off me you dogs I will not be manhandled by a bunch of animal worshipping fools I come here to protect you from the dangers of the m and this is how I'm treated I suppose I shouldn't expect any better from a pack of willfully ignorant idiots I mean how else should I expect backwards people to act I told you hands off in the middle of this Ty uh you hear very quickly very suddenly uh the sound of a seemingly Long Blade become unath and in the same movement you hear the same previously tiating voice scream in pain and start howling um uh up ahead you cannot see what happened but you can infer um a few moments later as no other noise seems to be happening other than the sound of footsteps and the man screaming up ahead um two guards make their way their Shadow start to pass along the side of the wagon that you're on until eventually they peer out behind you um the Guardsmen are wearing sort of long flowing robes that are tied at a belt around their stomach with very wide brimmed pointed hats uh they both have uh are dressed in all black black and have a Long Blade at their sides uh that curve a bit towards the very end each in long sheets um one of them stands guard at the wagon entrance while the other steps up into the wagon and the center and begins to uh look around would any of you like to do anything is uh Adrian doing anything right now can I notice him doing anything what's his posture like what's his reaction to this Adrian doesn't seem to have moved a muscle and is looking out the back of the um wagon out into the fog do I recognize the hats is like a customary thing or robes give give me a history check first game first roll of the game let me grab this bad boy history okay hey that's not too shabby I got a little 18er Rooney 18 uh you don't know much uh but the uh these are definitely dexian um um and uh given you've been out of alium before once or twice um the uh you would be familiar with um the tongo checkpoints uh so this seems to be a member of the tongo clan um and they generally work to keep daxia safe from anybody who might be trying to cause them harm okay I look at your fear and I say um do you want me to take them or [Music] you oh my gosh uh the tongo standing now on the back of the wagon who hears this briefly looks over you um and looks down on the floor and S sees your uh sort of pack of supplies in front of your feet and picks it up and just flips it upside down and EMP everything onto the ground and starts sifting through all of the stuff are either of you doing anything uh I I want to I want to react but I don't uh I actually I'm going to offer them my bag uh in front of them and I'm just going to take it I'm going to hand it to them so they can do the same thing um he sort of quietly looks over his shoulder you know bent down while looking into Olive's eye stuff um looks at you up and down and then sort of goes back to what he was doing before um and you hear him mutter under his breath uh no one's worried about you old man and then he just keeps looking through the stuff um how many of them are there there's two that you can see that you can see um there's one behind the wagon and one standing to my right correct there's one like effectively immediately in front of you in the middle of the aisle and then one behind the wagon both of them with a hand on their swords I should what is Adrien doing I glance down at Adrien what is he doing he has not moved do I so I know I understand what these checkpoints are yeah they're TSA they're yeah they're TSA okay I pay no regard to the comment that was given to me can I just take yeah a few moments later the uh the guards finish searching the rest of the the wagon and start moving on to the next uh to the next uh car I whisper your fear I say go ahead I could have I could have taken him I could have taken them both of them hush now you actually uh at this point see Colonel Adrian's eyes look over to usai with just like like a disappointed father's daggers just just for a moment and then looks back out uh while this is all continuing to happen you still hear the sounds of like crying of whoever that was in the in the wagon up ahead after a good 15 20 more minutes um you feel the horse at the front of the wagon start to pick up pace again and you continue to move um a few seconds later your fear you can see easily out of the window um what seems to be the reason for the screaming uh you find um lying on the ground a arm uh fully intact with a dagger clenched in the hand um and just a pool of blood sort of spilled all around it [Music] um uh as um Colonel Adrien looks over and sees it at the same time you see him like stand up just a little bit and then spit all the way over and lands a few inches away from the arm uh and then he he sits back down and turns and looks over at the rest of you obviously frustrated um and sort of yells out uh no Warden has the luxury of choosing which side of the M's borders that we protect or abandon we hold the wall for them all the dexian the aluli and alians all have built Their Kingdoms with the bodies of wardens who protected them from that Unholy pit any Warden unwilling to give up an arm to protect any and all of eternis is unwanted isn't deserving of the title or the arm here here once we're past the tongo checkpoint we'll officially be in cian territory we've several days left before we're at the rendevu but I suggest that each of you leave any of your deal inhibitions at the border otherwise I'll be happy to take any of your limbs myself any questions in the shin I'm angry and afraid but I don't say anything fair enough good when we arrive you'll all be grouped up into troops with other wardens in training this will be our first ass assignment with the wardens outside of elesium so I expect each of you to show a bit more cooperation than what we've seen today I have your troop assignments with me here get used to these names as they'll be the closest you have to blood for the next few weeks and then he pulls out a notebook and starts folding through it and start hands out pieces of paper to uh each individual on the wagon with eventually the both of you get a piece of paper with the same list of names on it troop 33 uh with your fear ith right I said that right uh sa Coachella aora battle brand gandalfr iron hand wandering AIS and smoking Ember and after that moment uh the quiet howl of the wind over the nebulin mountains uh Fades as you you probably start taking another nap uh for many hours meanwhile [Music] theora the mist from the Russian Canal Beneath You fills your lungs with life you've never seen water so blue before so clear if the ship you were moving if the ship you were on were moving any slower you'd swear that you could count every fish swimming through its depths the distant Rolling Hills of daxia feel like an alien Paradise compared to the dunes of aluli you've seen pictures and you've heard stories but it's hard to imagine grass and bushes and trees and flowers so vibrant until you've seen them yourself the sun is so bright but it doesn't seem to burn the Birds seem to be singing over your head as you lean over the bow of the aluli barge every doubt you've ever had in your in your mind about your conscription to the warden Fades away there is no doubt in your mind that you've made the right the moment is immediately ruined by the unmistakable sound of Lucky once again vomiting over the side of the ship a few feet down from you before collapsing into a pile of life preser on the deck you're surprised he has anything left in him to throw up after a full week of constant seasickness it seems that the old stereotype about the dwarves and boats holds true what would you like to do um I'm going to walk over to Lucky oh lucky what am I going to do with you and I want to try to find I don't know a drink or something that I can get for him maybe like a cloth to pad his head just comforting him lucky I say why did we even get on the ship why aren't we just back at home oh don't you say that we're on an adventure such a great adventure have you been able to see anything around us it's all beautiful no just my vomit that's [Music] it Charming uh as you guys are having this conversation uh you hear the uh door of the cabin of the ship swing open and slam into the wall uh and you hear uh Captain Idris uh your commanding officer barging out from below deck uh yelling out allora lucky how many times have I told you to get away of from the bow of the ship um Captain Idris is mostly harmless but he watches over allora like a hawkk uh presumably at the command of her father uh if battle BR finds out I let his daughter slip overboard he'll have my head on a platter he walks up to both of you I mean you can't keep me from these beautiful sites come on I never get out of the Empire I I promise you you can see them just as well from the center of the ship please away from the edge I st back lucky do you crawl away from the edge of the ship I slowly roll right um Miranda I'm also getting relatively low levels from you I don't know if you have anything to turn also I hear I'm echoing in my at least in my own turn off the monitoring I did off oh I think we might be getting you through Trevor's mic I don't hear Miranda at all che check Che yeah I can still hear myself oh yeah we are I think we are getting you through Trevor's mic I don't hear you right now technical [Music] difficulties D and D's greatest enemies scheduling and technical difficulties yeah if you guys want to switch seats for a minute just so we can continue we can do that so Trevor can work on the text thank you hello your fear back in the picture all all right um you've both stepped Andor crawled away from uh the edge of the ship um is there anything like you'd like to do at the moment not me no nope okay and Phil would you like me to refer to you as lucky or gandalfr oh lucky is fine Luck's fine wonderful all right um both of you give me a perception check you give me a perception check on my R Le oh sorry Trevor can you give Miranda a perception check [Music] it's yeah perception perception Nat 20 and Nat 20 hey first 20 please tell me that one I'm looking through my sheet right now see what I need to roll yep it'll be in the long list of skills I don't know how far down it is um I think it's an alphabetical order so it'll be on the first page should be plus five plus five on what uh what type of dice the oh yeah I hear that hear you very [Music] loud 18 an 18 and a natural 20 wonderful uh that the two of you uh relatively quickly notice um uh sort of out the front of the ship and off to the right a good ways um you see what looks like a small rowo a fisherman's rowo with uh a single man inside uh that seems to be sort of frantically waving at at um the the ship that you are on uh and with a natural 20 I'll also give you that it seems that uh the ship that he was on uh that he's on does seem to be a bit deeper in the water than a normal ship of that uh size and shape should be uh Captain Idris is he still near us he is yes okay do you see that man over there uh he looks over and eventually catches uh uh eyes with the the man over off of the boat pulls out a uh lookie doodle not a telescope we have different names for these things um and scans the rise and it looks up close and immediately puts it away and starts walking off uh yells out absolutely not we were already several hours behind schedule and I'm not about to stop this ship to saves some fishermen the inconvenience of swimming 10 minutes back to Shore and then just storms off and and goes into the cabin and shuts the door lucky we have to help him I'm going to switch seats okay okay am I super loud or am I good no you're good you're good okay cool you're beautiful did you say anything lucky uh no not yet just trying to think the bobit oh you're right you're in you're no nothing I'm just I'm going to run to the end of the boat and I'm jumping off and I'm going to help this man okay just so you know there are like a uh uh when lucky initially vomited and fell over he fell over onto a bunch of life preservers would you like to grab one or two of those sure I'll grab one yeah okay all right you grab one of the life preservers and dive straight over the side of the ship uh down about 10 15 feet uh and hit the water um immediately several members of the uh uh crew uh sort of run over to the side of the ship to watch you diving over uh and a couple of them start running down below deck to almost certainly notify the captain of what you've just done um you starts swimming out in that direction and as you get a little bit closer uh you see the man uh a bit better uh now sitting in uh now standing in the ship uh starting to gather his things as he sees you swimming over to him with a life preserver um he doesn't have much on him a small backpack and what appears to be a large fishing net relatively large for a single person filled with about a dozen fish um he yells back out to you sir I'm here to help do you have everything you need uh yes yes I do um please hurry I don't think the ship will last much longer can you swim kind of I wasn't expecting to need to I'm coming and I'll keep swimming all right a few moments later shouldn't be too difficult you you manage to make your way over to the man and throw the life preserver over his head which he happily takes uh and I did not mention this life preserver does have like a long rope connected to it back to the ship uh so over the course of the next few minutes uh you and the man who seems to be like f fently clutching the net of fish in his hand um slowly pull and swim yourselves back to the ship where several member of the crew uh sort of start lifting you up uh back on um and you find a very frustrated uh uh Captain Idris up there uh to meet you however before he gets a chance to start scolding you for the ridiculous stupid thing you just did um the man you rescued looks just as frantic as he was when he was drowning in the ship please uh young young sister uh could you find me a barrel or something uh An Empty Barrel please it's a matter of life or death oh of course of course and I'll go look for a barrel myself yeah uh you run over lucky are you doing anything at this point uh just watching the world spin staying out of trouble very lucky um uh you uh run around and you go to find the closest Barrel um it is not empty uh it is full of cannonballs there's no empty barrels no can I take these cannonballs out if you had a little help you might be able to push sh over oh okay uh somebody come over here and help me I'm just going to address everyone that's in the vicinity I need help I slowly crawl my way over slowly lean up against the barrel to help try to push it over all right oh come on someone other than lucky look at him please somebody help me sorry Lu no offense to you give me both of you roll an Athletics check 16 16 uh this is strength so it' be a plus zero for you Phil plus zero all right dope 19 look at that very good roles all right both of you pushing together um just as Captain Idris realizes your what exactly it is what you're about to do shove over a barrel full of cannonballs that all start spilling out onto the deck and slamming into various buckets and people sort of leaping over them several of them sort of roll off the side of the ship uh but you get it stood up and the man immediately runs over and starts uh waving an incantation in the air and he pulls up a giant sort of chunk of water from the river and throws it into the bucket and immediately empties the entire fishing net of fish into the barrel who all seem to be swimming around but he is watching the barrel of fish now very carefully and the Very apprehensive crew and several other wardens that are with you like very slowly start making their way over to sort of watch what's going on um Captain Idris is fuming at this point thank you my my brother and sister this is you have saved their lives sir that was amazing how did you do that with the water uh it's it's it's a simple spell uh I I simply uh call upon the ancestors and they move the water for me oh that is astonishing and um what exactly are you looking at in the barrel I know the fish but are you looking for something particular as this is sort of going on there's a uh another sort of member of the crew a fellow Warden um not an especially friendly one uh sort of runs in and pushes through the crowd and says you know we've had nothing but biscuits for weeks at this point I imagine you know with the help that you've received from the wardens we deserve at the very least a tax on what the bounty we've been able to save for you and he reaches into the barrel and grabs one of the fish and then holds it up uh out into the air and this moment he does that with almost lightning reflexes uh the man that you rescued out of the uh water grabs onto his wrist and sort of holds it tight in the air none of that no there will be no eating of fish nor any other animals while you travel these lands but besides can't you see she's sick look at the green tinge on her scales and uh he uh sort of reaches out and puts his other hand on the fish uh and uh says ancestors Grant this little one your strength that she may fight away the disease that consumes her body and uh you see a a slight glow emanate from the fish and when it fades uh the green tinge has uh faded from the fish's scales wow just a moment later the man tosses the fish back into the river and slowly one by one heals this barrel full of fish all with seemingly the exact same disease problem and tossing them back into the river one by one oh sir is this a common problem in your land oh I don't know that I would say common but uh doctrina told me to uh come here and find these fish and heal them oh who told you oh doctrina I'm sorry you are strangers to our land uh doctrina is one of our Gods oh I see I see doctrina well that was completely fascinating I'm going to look over and see is lucky near me is lucky still sick Lu how you feeling not good I'm close though did you see that did you see that yeah healed the fish hav never seen like anything like that or read of anything like that before nor I that's all I have to say right now uh Captain uh Idris uh fuming but also not wanting to look like a monster in front of this man you just rescued um starts silently just begrudgingly handing out papers to every warden in the area uh he takes both of yours and shoves them in your chest um and sort of under his breath sort of murmurs I expect every Cannonball back in its place before we reach Shore and slowly starts fuming as he's waking his way back towards the cabin uh after he leaves you look down at the sheet and find a list of names troop 33 uh the same roster that I read off 15 20 minutes ago and with that uh the ship you're on continues to Sail Out uh into the uh Grand Canal of dexia meanwhile AIS and Ember that was a hard cut it wasn't supposed to be never mind all right agis and Ember though you have spent many years exploring the dread Marsh uh you've never had to do it with just so much weight on your backs it's only been a few hours of marching this morning being the third day of walking and you already feel like as if you're backs could give out at any moment given the treacherous terrain of the swamp the wardens have elected to minimize the number of wagons used on this Caravan preferring to burden its trainees with a much needed endurance exercise even as you struggle your experience in the marsh has definitely given you an advantage over the other trainees who are near regularly uh slipping into mud Thorn brushes and seemingly every mosquito swarm you've both kept your fur as reasonably clean as you can given your surroundings what would you like to do uh how many uh how many different um countries do we have present is it is it are we the only daxian your group right now is exclusively comprised of dexian oh Ember you think that they would have a better play of the land being from here would you not I think so I don't know this be Pack's really heavy you know I never I never uh I never anticipated armor being this burdensome but um I guess if it's necessary I suppose is hoba around can she carry some of this for me uh you see the white barn owl sort of fly down through the air uh does not land at this point but just does a couple spins around you um uh uh doesn't seem to be interested in carrying any luggage at this point and sort KOB can you take at least something oh never mind all right thanks uh friend well I guess it's up to us um can we like do we have like a field commander or is it just like just uh trainees you do have a commander that's on this sort of Caravan she she is not in sight at the moment It's relatively large you probably a couple hundred strong of this group sure do we know where we're going uh yes you are heading south uh to a REV Vu Point that's uh just a little bit sort of southwest of Mistwood um where do we come from where did we go um you came from sort of the northern edge of the swamp uh there is a a um Warden training ground out there that you've been sort of training at for the past several months cool can we see any of the like how present are is the Mistwood trees like the trees surrounding that region can we see them from where we're at or is it pretty marshy St no you you still got uh probably a full day's walk before okay you had managed to get there you know I have to be honest I'm excited for the uh the woods again uh this this Marsh just keeps getting in my fur I don't know if you have the same problem but uh you're a little bit more comfortable I think in the in the The Natural Earth than I am I think so um so I'm going to take off my pack because I'm tired and then uh I see like something in the marsh like a little critter or an animal or something and so I start just kind of checking it out and maybe following it a little bit I will grab her pack and I will shoulder her pack all right don't wander too far as this is happening uh you hear a very loud wooden crack uh behind you uh followed by a dozen little thuds uh and you turn around to see that one of the only wagons that the warden has brought along for this trip uh has a broken wheel that is sunk half in the mud um a few moments later you see major Arya a red skinned very hot-tempered teeling woman that you've been training under for the past many months shove her way up towards the wagon Gods we haven't the time for this I told command no wagons and every year it's the same song and dance all right recruits I'm going to need a few good wardens blessed by cipius to get over here and lift for this this good for nothing wagon out of the swamp on the double the rest of you take five how far does ember go uh away from this does does does she does she give any indication that she heard what the commander had just said I don't know do you uh I think she hears it but she's focused on whatever she's doing so she's not paying attention sure oh uh I guess I'll just say telepathically however please follow her let me know if there's any issues I will set her pack down I will set my pack down and then I'll go try to help with this okay wonderful so uh he just you move over to the wagon start trying to pull it out of the ground uh Ember uh as you start exploring the sort of edge of the path uh you actually do see something that catches your eye a little bit and sort of peering through the grass a little bit uh you see uh what looks to be a very small could be just a couple weeks old bunny sort of standing in the grass sort of looking around am I able to go pick up the bunny uh sure yeah you walk over to the bunny and it sort of catches your eye and immediately backs up a few feet um but there is a sort of a moment of connection where it sort of seems to see you and very slowly make its way uh back up towards you uh so I crouch down and I pick it up and I'm just petting his ears and just thinking about how cute it is it's a very cute bunny it seems very appreciative of the ear pants um uh you spend a few moments doing that and you uh eventually see the bunny sort of perk up and its ears start you know listening around and almost certainly your also relatively large ears start moving around um and you both catch a sound sort of just a little bit further off the path in the other direction um and you both see at the same time uh what seems to be uh a relatively small but not compared to the bunny uh orange Fox that is sort of stalking through uh the grass and at the same time that you see it um the bunny Le leaps from your hands and starts darting straight into the forest um and the Fox starts to give Chase I just instinctively run after the bunny okay about this time can I look through hobe's eyes like I'll do a quick check on her before I help with the wagon uh sure that you look through hoba eyes and um uh it's sort of seeing a lot of treat tops for the most part throughout the swamp uh but you as you're sort of pulling up the wagon you see little glimpses of orange fur whipping through um the Treetops very well off of the path at this point at this point I'm just gonna go son of aitis and I'm gonna drop my wagon and just book it after her I'll leave the packs and everything I just need I just know exactly what she's doing okay uh Ember uh give me a uh dexterity check so wherever you see the uh dexterity at the top or uh we'll do a AC actually we'll call it an acrobatics check so there's the SK the skill list it's one of the first two at the very top you just click on that one nice 23 23 20 for you good job that's the first roll of the game that's pretty impressive um Miranda got out 20 but oh sure sorry steps first Embers First Steps first the game um all right uh you give Chase to this bunny well to the fox chasing the bunny um and are running as fast as you can behind it and gaining on it uh you're very accustomed to these swamps you've been here uh many years and are sort of jumping from root to root to stay out of the dirt and just as you are sort of reaching head and manag to get a hold of the tail of the fox and you hear it sort of Screech out uh your left foot hits the ground and goes through it and all of a sudden you are 18 inches deep with one foot in quicksand and starting to sink uh I immediately start looking around for AIS because I need him to save me sure uh at at this moment you are still holding on to the fox who is starting to like furiously sort of turn around uh and trying to bite it your hand to get it to let go uh is the is the bunny far enough away that I can let go of the fox or is it's it's been at least a few seconds you're not quite sure where the bunny is at this point okay I'm going to trust that the bunny did what he needed to do and got his little fury tail out of the way and so I let go of the fox and try and push P myself out of the quick sand okay uh you just so I understand do you let go of the F or do you toss the fox uh I just let go of them okay the fox you let go of the fox and all of its little legs sink about three inches into and now it is desperately sort of pulling and trying to get out of the mud itself about this time uh AIS you arrived to see your sister now just a little bit above Waist Deep um in the quicks s amember what the mall I'm sorry there was just a cute bunny and I needed to get him and then the fox and I just can you just help me out I just need help out by the ancestors I'll just kind of like take my staff which has this little blue uh something in the top of it I'll cast guidance on myself and I'll try to yank her out um can I have hobo give me a help action um sure sure I'm not exactly sure how the owl is going to help you pull her out but maybe he grabs onto your shoulder and starts pulling with you yeah okay what do you need uh give me a athletic check okay that's going to be uh dirty 20 oh oh plus plus hang on plus D4 if I'm GNA do guidance might as well use it 22 sure cool uh yeah you managed to pull uh Ember so hard out of the mud you nearly dislocate one of her shoulders um uh with one sort of full throw Ember you are now like on your face at this point uh but no longer sinking in mud and covered in dirt and it's about this time that the uh uh many other members of The Troop who watched Ember and then AIS Sprint out into the Wilds uh start catching up to you including uh one major Arya uh can I put my staff I don't even care she's out but I need to get this fox out can I put my staff out to kind of like scoop the fox that's still in the quick sand sure sure I won't make you roll for that you managed to scoop the fox out all right come on Brother come on and you I'm assuming Place It On Solid Ground and immediately starts scurrying away into the Tall Grass I think I'll give a humored but Stern glance Deber and he goes oh we're gonna get it um uh major Arya sort of walks over to the two of you hands on her shoulders um and looks down at Ember specifically um says if I were you I'd be praying for doctrina and to knock some sense into that head of yours I told every one of you that it was dangerous off the path and I didn't think I was going to have to reiterate myself to the clan of the roaming swamp um uh major please uh we I simply said I saw something in the woods we went to check it out and I was just making sure that she was safe I we both apologize I look down to Ember for the inconvenience we were just trying to make sure that the troop was safe and secure especially while a some of our team was repairing the wagon don't need to be defenseless I don't have the time for this we don't have the time for this pick your sister up and let's get moving I will literally listen to what she says I will pick her up yes major and she starts flipping through a couple of of pages in a book that she's holding and rips ones out and and sort of throws it in your chest agis and turns around uh and starts walking back and yells out God's bless troop 33 apparently they're going to need it I will fully drop uh Ember as soon as the major is out of sight oh sister come on you know we can't be doing that not not with this kind of you don't need chastise listen we need to just continue to stick to what we are assigned to you understand that correct yes brother all right come on and I'll just smack her with the very gently with my U with my quarter step smack right across the CRA more like a gentle paddle yeah yeah um okay a full days of marching uh both especially Amber but definitely AIS your back is hurting uh from the weight that you've been carried uh and eventually you make your way back to very familiar land uh just outside uh Mistwood uh where you grew up um there is a full Warden camp set up there with dozens and dozens of rows of tents uh each one of them marked uh with a number out the front um after a few uh moments of searching around uh you eventually find one labeled troop 33 all right Ember you remember this is a big deal we're here we're going to do what we need to do whether or not we want to um and and I'll just kind of laugh cuz I feel like I'm being more serious than I should be listen I've told you before I'll tell you again the water is big but your heart is bigger we have to focus that heart on the task at hand you understand yes brother listen I understand like you're being a little sassy but I will let that slide as your older brother Jesus let's get you our T come on um all right um uh your fear and sigh you are both in the middle of uh unpacking some of your things inside this tent uh as the flap whips open uh to reveal uh two toacy who seem to be walking in apparently uh the first uh couple um meeting outside of troop 33 yes why don't uh the four of you give a brief description of your [Laughter] character go for it Ember kick us off oh not me first someone else go first no thank you all right I can I can start up uh your fear you see your fear he is um very much salt and pepper all of his hair he is uh got a real nice beard going um he's aged not old let's not say he's old but he's withered he's been around um uh although he uh seems gray and salt and pepper there is a gentleness to his face he is a woodland elf you can kind of tell uh he's pale to the skin um he has elf ears uh he um is dawned in uh a cool like Trapper fur coats he's got leather jacket he's a cool guy all right that is corol he looks pretty cool all right um and yeah so that's your fear he's he's looking a little salt and pepper he's seen some things gentle face an elf guy uh saigh she is a little firecracker uh she's a human girl uh very young she's 16 but she is also she's pretty book smart um she has very beautiful flowing red hair she's got uh lots of freckles uh one distinct kind of visual thing about her she has one blue eye and one Hazel eye um so that really sets her apart uh she's always got a backpack with her and uh she's always has her nose in the book and kind of smart Aly smart aliy um but in general I say her her normal demeanor is curious she's a very curious person um she's not not too afraid of anything so she can kind of you know get an attitude pretty easily EAS do you want to go for last step I'll go now yeah go for it okay uh so Ember is toxy um she's got like Auburn spotted fur uh she dresses pretty modestly um she's very she's very trusting and a very curious person and so she's often just head in the clouds unaware of what's really going on and relying a lot on her brother to help keep her safe cool so then uh kind of right alongside of tall broad shouldered another tooy fur is like a nice uh gray with some Speckles of black throughout uh his right eye is a is a sky blue his left eye has a massive scar across from it the eyeball is clearly missing um he holds himself uh just protectively uh his his armor is very much daxian it's kind of a blend of like the metals of arm but then also like the wooden nature of uh of materials um he's got a like a wood carver almost crafted Quarter Staff it looks like it used to be just a regular one but he's kind of modified it a little bit there's a little bit of blue uh in the very top of it regular Mas it aside and then finally he's got this uh Shield this wooden Shield that he's holding the shield looks like it's like half broken uh but it's kind of like one of those things where you have a really old t-shirt that's stained and dirty but like it was like one of your first ones so you just can't can't convince yourself to get rid of it uh so he comes in alongside and I think immediately he goes well hello um troop 33 I presume that would be [Music] us my name is uh smoking Ember of Clan gentle Thicket and uh this is my sister uh this is or sorry not smoking Ember that's her name uh my name is wandering Aus her name is smoking Ember we're both of Clan gentle Thicket the last um you can call us AES and Amber if you would like um I guess we have to uh work together as it were yeah the the cot in the corner is uh I call dibs on that one all right uh as this is happening another two figures appear in the doorway as um the tent uh swings open once again um and you see Elora and lucky oh my everyone's already here and I'm gonna just like throw my bags on the ground and just head towards them hello I'm Aur and this is Lucky hi everyone welcome to the tent of troop 33 oh I'm so happy to be here and you are uh I'm wandering agus this is my sister smoking Ember we have yet to get the other two's names um we were right about in the middle of it and uh you too I look at sigh I'm my name is Sai this is your fear and we keep to ourselves that's that's really not true my name is your this is Sai and uh we are from alium and I reach out my hand and uh uh to what was your name uh oneeyed cat uh toi actually AIS you can call me Aus AIS Aus one of those two I understand that not everyone can pronounce the daxian names um so what do you want me to call you Aegis is fine I look at Ember and disregard shaking ais's hand and hold it over to Ember and just say and your name smoking Ember and I shake his hand Ember thank you and AIS correct yes that's fine I shake ais's hand and then uh please forgive me what what was your name and I look at aora um I'm not looking at him I'm looking at AIS and I'm looking at his missing eye and how did that happen we are getting right to it aren't we and why don't do we finish introductions uh uh uh honestly I'm actually pretty interested as well so how did that happen I don't mean to be rude I I'm just curious of course it's it seems as if you and Ember probably would get along quite well um uh it was a wolf attack unfortunately the woods that we're outside of right now we were attacked um years ago um unfortunately it was um well I don't know how much you know about daxian culture um but animals are important to us and wouldn't you know it your adopted Clan doesn't take it too kindly when you kill one so it was either my eye or my sister so I chose my sister w wow A Brave effort I'm glad you got away with your life yes we are as well now uh names names oh I am aora mhm and this is my friend lucky mhm friend you're looking a little green are you [Laughter] okay no not really the room is kind of spinning still but I might be all right uh I reached to my side and hand him a uh a flask oh that that better not be anything hard oh I'm sure it's fine it's a nice gesture it'll be okay I want to take it and I want to like sniff it and see what it is uh no I don't let her take it actually I'm going to try to take it I hand it as she reaches for it I slip my other hand in front of her hand to shake it and say your Fe in your name well I've said it about three times now but it's Aura thank you I want to bat his hand away and I want to try to grab the flask again well you're saying that I grabbed the flask me three tested um slate of handshake to see pulling away with the FL uh contested you said okay yeah give me three yeah each of you one slight of hand check oh wait can I roll with Advantage with my uh my special thing my tides of chaos sure absolutely hang on didn't help very much so all right okay hang on I got a 12 a 12 okay I got a 22 oh gosh lucky all right so I got a 16 okay so everybody grabing at the the same time your you manag to get it away from the both of them what would you like to do with it what what does tides of chaos look like does it look like anything oh I don't know let me look if it uh if I end up with it I'm just going to I'll just take a sip myself and I'm just going to say it was only water and walk away of course it was I'm mostly curious if it was a physical like if we if we saw yeah if we saw something cool yeah I don't know it doesn't say anything maybe there descri a bit of a a bit of a just a a small flash of light as her hand sort of tried to reach out and grab it her hand sort of blowed for a moment but I lean down to Ember this could be [Laughter] interesting uh I look at the group and I say uh to everyone one uh yeah my name is Sai Coachella that's probably all you need to know about me and then I look at uh ember in AIS and I say I've never I've never met a toi are you are you afraid of water I look at Cy like that was out of pocket uh I guess I'll just look at Ember I guess I'll shrug yes we're terrified thank you and I write it down on my uh I'm going to say uh I look at AG it's ages correct all right uh forgive me of my ward uh she is uh she's curious about life you and me both brother we might get [Laughter] along uh is there anything else any of you would like to do before we need a description of allora and Gander though please yes give give us some description um I am a young human I'll say woman I'm in my early 20s um a little bit shorter like around 52 pretty slim and skinny not very strongl looking um I'm dressed in very colorful flowing Rob um I have some very long white earrings and just like a pretty regular dagger at my side nothing [Music] special I'm G here I am a a hill dwarf I am like 5 foot4 so I'm oddly tall dwarf um I'm very well kept I'm very well dressed um see what else I've got although you are covered in puke right now yep um yeah I got a staff and a um a small dagger so you said your name was lucky is that uh is that a trait of yours that you specifically exhibit or just a nickname I got from my family wonder I hope to see that luck in action I hope so [Laughter] too I will say there is something I forgot about yar's description on his back there is a sword uh it is a short sword um bigger than a dagger but shorter than a long sword and the hilt is mixed of a very polished steel and a glowing blue uh all throughout it kind of a crystallized hard shape throughout it you can see it on the hilt itself would I recognize the source of the glowing blue to be similar to my glowing staff every single one of you would every single one of you probably that glowing okay cool um also uh next to me is a um you can also see right uh this little floating a geometrical rough shape um is floating by me the whole time and kind uh just kind of hangs out it's blue you suspended it oh my God that's awesome uh it took me about a week what is that the next to you what is I look at Sai because I don't know what he's referring to actually sorry what is the blue thing floating next to you oh um this is uh this is Finch uh my my Omni you aren't familiar with omnis um not a phrase I've heard used before uh all right well anyone else here know what Omni is or do we have to teach you s put your hand down I know you know um from what I understand your land has uh held very in high esteem for your engineering of omite and this is something amazing omite combined with some amazing intelligence I presume I'll tell you what it is it's a little [ __ ] it does whatever it wants whenever it wants this is sure you can think it's amazing it's a piece of [ __ ] and uh its name is Finch and it follows me around it it talks to me all day long it tells me what I need to do and when to do it I tell it to shut up shut up uh Finch bumps into your head roughly it's sure it's a piece of a faint little whistle as it does just little sort of quiet magical beeps and whist yeah yeah see it's annoying it's annoying does does it speak our language not does it speak your language it beeps and boops and whistles no it was a curse given to me technology I don't stop it I don't you don't need to put it in my brain now it's fine I'm not asking them that as's having this conversation I want to walk closer and like look inspect it it said that your garments are nice allora oh thank you it it appears to be a sort of a bright glowing chunk of omite that is carved and has all sort of like magical runes like SC like engraved into every face of it and it's sort of floating around you could hear a very soft hum when you get close to it please I I I do not mean to make you uncomfortable by speaking out about your little [ __ ] you cannot make me uncomfortable what what is the nature of his existence is it does it have the hell if I know it was given to me years ago it said it would help me all it does is give me advice that I don't need uh it you know what it does it it tells me no no no I'm not okay anyways um yeah it's Finch it uh it can go and do things for me if I want it can put things in my brain if I need to understand a situation or what whatever I don't know everyone in alium has them this is a well can't you just get rid of it if you don't like it I've tried it keeps coming back do you know how many vaults I've put it in at least five it keeps coming back I don't know how H uh you know we look at these and you obviously want to be more learned is Aur still like up close to it yes I am I'm inspecting every crevice and corner I'm looking at all the runes on there yeah um I lean to Laura and I whisper in her ear it's kind of perverted excuse me like I said it's a curse not a blessing everyone in aium has them they told us that it would help us all the you know the the Wizards up there in Von NOA yeah supposed to help us make us better citizens I don't know if it's actually true it's been with me forever it's like a marriage thing I don't know but I can't figure out how to get rid of it oh please I go up to Aura and I say look he's a cranky old man Finch is fine don't don't listen to a word he's saying trust I just stare at you speak the truth and I kind of mumbl to myself and Ember and I we have an honored friend who is an owl named hoba uh he seems to be not exactly a similar situation but um it seems as if yours is certainly more undesired than honors does it understand us no no no no no no hoba is more of an honored friend somebody say brother but um is hoba in the room he's not current I'll say in general hoba at night is hunting for food all right I will say I'll look around and I'll be like well at least ioba is not always around you on that note if any of you are Hunters uh I believe I said it briefly on my way in um please avoid um killing or hunting any animals um especially in these lands that's deeply important that you respect those rules um hoba of course is our priority he's a snow white barn owl but in general uh avoid killing any animals you'd be surprised what good kind of tasty dishes you can make from uh Natural Things of the ground like plants and potatoes and bark you should you should try barkk one time sandwich did you say bark bark no it's like it's like bark jerky essentially it's like you take bar AIS there's one jerky I know and it is not bark it is from an animal I will do my best to respect um your wishes but I'll be honest I actually have real jerky in my bag I can't speak for Ember um I believe there's a there's a point to which it's it's more important that you do this for those that are part of the land the traditionalists of the region than anything else uh if they find out that you are harboring any like that or especially if you kill something actively on your duty here that's where the real problems might come I can tell you that firsthand the eye well y I guess to get down to Brass attx yes certainly that was more of a wolf that took it and then I got kicked out of my CL but like that's you know you know same situation I mean kind of like Loosely but Ember Ember here actually has a has a a beautiful appreciation of the world and the animals and she's a little bit more connected to the land than I am um so she could certainly tell you the same thing um I don't need to here twice all right not at all very well I guess it's with housekeeping while we're all here what classes are you all playing housekeeping I'm a cleric I'm a rogue sorcerer sorcerer wizard yes a dwarf wizard Rogue is a Miranda's a sorcerer okay and S is a sorcerer Emperor what were you Druid Druid okay cool cool cool cool cool yeah and and lucky is a wizard wiard you're a wizard Harry I just have to know did you take the did you take the Lucky Feet I'm just curious no that would have been perfect oh that would have been glorious a good feat it's a good it's great okay um so uh Sai is uh noticing allora's um like she's dressed very nicely and is kind of going over to her and say look um I've never w a dress before but that looks pretty and then kind of walks away oh how sweet would you like one S I do have extras um yeah let's sure but let's talk don't let your fear see see that let's let's just uh don't tell anyone oh of of course of course we'll talk later yes can I wait can I hear them we're in a tent hang on after this I have elf ears I can hear everything snitches um uh I'm gonna yeah I wanna I wanna yeah yeah go ahead I'm want to hear if I hear that give me a perception right were you trying I'm assuming you were trying to keep it a secret sigh from your fear all right um give me a stealth check versus perception so Mir roll Moll perception correct ction and siing stealth 19 all right a dirty [Laughter] one Sai is doing that kind of whispering where she's not whispering the next tent over kid here this coming perfect perfect um DM I can't well I think so so do correct my history check omnes can converse with other humans correct if I tell or other creatures if I tell them to correct and they can only project into your mind and in other omnis thank you perfect okay um they can whistle out loud but it takes time to learn how to interpret those generally that's fine um I'm just goingon to say so I I legitimately don't care if you wear a dress I'm not sure why you would think that Laura if you have an extra dress let the girl wear a dress I don't care I look at him a little shocked you surprise me you're looking at me like that yes I just okay we just met well with the show you just put on I was expecting something a little more negative you assume a lot I once again lean down to Ember yeah this is going to be fun uh I'm just going to be like uh yeah okay so that's fine I just start unpacking my things and uh oh go ahead no go ahead finish out as I turn to unpack my things I'll just be like does anyone else want to explain why you're all here in the Wardens while people are talking can I use Bean to grab the flask give me a slight of hand my Bo all right and your fear and allora give me perception checks okay I'd say actually use your um use your intelligence for this instead because because it's the uh Mage hand yeah so intelligence and then if you're proficient in SL of hand you would add two 17 for my perception 17 for mine i r the one with so sort of appears in the room and you slowly start moving it you just knock over like six boxes along the way and you're still just no one could see every in the room is now staring at the Mage over to the CL I'm GNA look at I'm going to look at lucky and and just say you can have it it's just water and I'm going to toss it to Aur first oh nice I'll catch it and I want to check it and make sure it's water you smell it is it water it is water okay thank you for your kindness and I will hand it to Lucky thanks Laura um I want to turn to Aegis and I want to ask um are you a skilled cook I would love to learn the dishes of your people um how hard is it to cook bark well I mean you just doesn't cook much and you Amber do you cook I do I would love to learn from you I would love to show you wonderful I wouldn't love to eat it see the thing is that I always overseason or under season there's never just right season the amount of the amount of bark jerky I've messed up is [Laughter] exponential you wouldn't think bark jerky is that hard to do and it's really not literally jerky off the tree hey you didn't even know what it was five minutes ago I know what bark is though he doesn't like so he just feeds it to Finch anyways so wait Finch eats no no Finch does not eat no no Finch does not eat sorry forgive sigh I have a j and and listen what a I'm I'm I'm intrigued uh we have at least some kind of magic coming from Aur and Gandalf here at least what is the what is the source of your magic uh as far as my Ember and I have never left uh D this region we've never left daxia but I've always had extreme interest in uh every other philosophy that I can get my hands on and I I'm just deeply curious where does your magic come from well if there's more than just the two of you by all means oh yes well honestly I have no idea where mine comes from and that's one of the reasons I'm here to find out more about the world around me and see if I can figure out the source of this well no that's great and lucky did you stumble upon your magic luckily or your fear snorts a little bit [Laughter] actually actually been studying for many years uh in allora's Father's Library H so studying gives you magic is that well I haven't been able to figure out how I've stumbled across having magic but I've been able to read and study spells and uh test a few things and try to become a better Wizard or become a wizard something that my family is not uh a part of I could say absolutely fascinating uh DM question did Hagen have a class or did she did she probably would be something between a wizard and an artificer that's what I was wondering yeah interesting that sounds like someone uh Ember and I both know that's really really interesting wow I love this this is this is intriguing so uh lucky do you uh do you study often uh back home yes I was in the library almost every day uh I I love libraries I'm at at one practically every day um what's your what's your favorite type of reading material oh so there is this one specific book I can't I don't know if we have it with us or not um but there's like a green leather B book has a ton of spells and ancient writings I I could say you have't with you that's fine you yeah uh yeah I'd love to uh I'd love to look at it with you at at some point yeah absolutely I love to go over that stuff it's it's fascinating it's a lot of fun to actually explain to people so we've got we've got um the uh Ali you you've come to the wardens with the wardens to this place for knowledge uh Ember and I have come to this place well kind of as a consequence kind of as a expansion of our own existences and then our um our brothers from uh brothers and sisters from Alisia you seeking something similar or how's we're doing our patriotic Duty good good yes patriotism wonderful we love patriotism in aium you keep the [ __ ] that comes out of that hell hole down [Laughter] there wow send it back to where we came from like I always say what came from the mall goes back to the mall you're known for saying that you trly poetic wow interesting so anyone know what we're doing here we sending [ __ ] back to the mall man well I gathered that keeping our world safe one [ __ ] in and [ __ ] storm at a time sir you have the mouth of a sailor I've never sailed before none of you have any details specifically on uh what your job is necessarily other than you are to report uh at Mistwood proper at uh early in the morning do we know uh do Ember and I know what tomorrow is yes uh conjunction day is tomorrow Steph I don't know if you remember reading about that I do but I don't remember what all of that entails conjunction day did you say that out loud like I think I would say like sure I mean it's interesting that we're coinciding I'm probably more to her than like just passing it out but I'm not hiding it it's interesting that we're coinciding our return to miss wood with conjunction day of course the once a year event that you're very aware of in which we can see the the lines thin between the spiritual Realm we see the beautiful sky so excited I don't know if you're excited but I'm reading give me one second I love when the Mist Fades between the Realms of real life and Magic love looking at the love it see the tone by which you're saying that gives me the impression that you're not really excited I thought I thought I saw about excited it sounded kind of like sarcastic passive but I mean if that's how you talk then I will I love magic I love it once again that sounds really sarcastic I think he's I have I have a magical orb next to me if I didn't you hated him so it's that it's like a LoveHate relationship it's uh he loves to hate him I love to hate him love to hate him love to hate him look hey Sai she's real big into magic uh call right that's in Magic right book you well yes I it sounds as if everyone's kind of listening to a conversation anyway tomorrow is conjunction day which for us is a big deal kind of a big deal I don't know sound like it I'll be honest if the if the nor you guys work on that day or the no uh presumably yes uh now there there are usually celebrations and excitements and and it's just you celebrate while you work certainly I mean work can be worship as well can it not you worship while you work yes exactly something along those lines I mean there again there are traditionalists that are I'm not trying to speak for Ember here they're more traditionalists that confine to the the the the de deific element that is conjunction day and I I know for myself at least it's just a reminder of the power that is inherent in this land and the connection to our ancestors and of course being able to if the ancestors do cross down into the sky it's it's a comforting thought knowing that um even when we die we will always have a place uh in this land I'll be honest if one of my ancestors came down I think I'm haunted from what I'm gathering the blue ball is haunting you anyway so doesn't seem like brother you're not wrong shut up uh is it conjunction day for you guys too uh lucky and Laura uh no sir it's not I have never heard of this before well why don't you write it down I I did thank you so does the does the sky the lights of the sky does that not cross over to other lands is that not something you see have you ever been into alium no you haven't you already told I have not left a land I would love to one day it snows about 90,000 of the time it's a high percentage we get about seven days of uh sunlight everyone's pretty sad all the time uh but I don't I don't know I don't really in the city but we're proud and we love it there right your we love we love it there that's patriotism that's why we're here we love our country we love our nation we do anything for them anything anything what's this Dynamic this is this is an old an old grumpy guy and a young lady who is intrigued which I love both if you have to know I don't have to if you don't want you obviously are intrigued I will consume any information that's in my way if you have to know I have to know okay all right she has lucky do you need to know yeah why not it's more information I was hoping you were GNA say no uh Sai here is uh how do I explain this okay everyone prepare your pens okay Sai is my 13th cousin twice removed Mar carried in on my sister's side okay I didn't know she even existed until one day at a family gathering she came walking in and from there I don't know she's kind of a fiery little [ __ ] and I kind of thought she was cool so she came said hang out with me Uncle yor for you're here so we've just been chilling ever since and I'm like yep yeah y w what time of night is it is it like I assume we'll probably continue this back and forth for a while yeah is there anything any of you would specifically like to know or talk about before you eventually go to B uh I I I do want to ask uh one thing um lucky uh you if I remember right you said you you lived in ur's you studied in her father's uh Library correct uh so you like a servant to Laura no actually uh my father does uh uh sculptures for uh her father so your father is like a servant to allora's Dad no not a servant at all more like a contract worker owns a business good man uh all right I'm standing next to Lucky right now like looking very seriously at you my hands are clenched my ears are a little red why are you so manad you do not need to talk to him like that he's my friend my oldest friend I was just wondering just wondering what I was just wondering you assumed he was a servant that his father was a servant you assumed I was a cranky old man who wasn't nice that's because you are I hardly am looks like we're both making asses out of ourselves I think you can cool it with the language sir how old are you what are you like 12 I am 21 years old not hit a growth spr huh I'm not that short I mean how much taller are you than me not that by that much I'm looking I'm looking down at you right now I'm a foot taller than you right now if you know math Are you standing next to me uh I mean I'm mildly close we're in a small tent okay I want to stomp on your foot uh give me well sucks to suck cuz I have steel toes on so Trevor you're giving me serious Ron Burgundy energy right now yes just a unarmed strike and attack rooll uh is can I is this like well hang on versus your AC you said D20 plus strength is what it is yeah against wait can I counter this no attack roll this is how it I mean she's a sorcerer how much how many points did she spec in this Str two I rolled a two she lifts her leg up as high as she can breaks it down you have like three seconds to react I slowly move my foot away and as she lunges forward I'll just say uh was that like a a dance did you want a dance or something dance you are infuriating starts whistling a tune I thought I liked you Finch and I'm going to go to the corner of the tent I just fist [Laughter] bump all right all right I'm going to go start furiously unpacking my things in a corner by myself cayb before bed I would like to just call for hoba to take a quick I think this is probably a nightly tradition just do a little once around the camp and I'll just see through his eyes just kind of like a meditative state to see through his eyes um can I tell he do like meditative State uh you probably sense that he's sort of staring at the the sort of tent wall for when he does that I look at Finch and I go and Finch starts circling just the inside of the tent not the outside just the inside and I also go into a meditative State all right you very clearly see all from slightly different Ang yes um yeah hob ISM once over over the area you are in the middle of a giant Warden camp and you have nothing to worry about do I get any kind of like idea of like the number of so like if we're troop 33 like are there 33 troops here or are we is it just like a random naming convention it's just kind of like we we're a large percentage but maybe not that large there there are probably a couple thousand Ward in total in this jez cool all of which well not all of which the vast majority of which are in training okay I think kind of once I probably take a bit for this just to let hoba do his thing and make sure I feel comfortable especially being in a place where probably has more people than we're used to and I'll just come out of this the the state and I'll just be like all right Ember as I said earlier there are a lot of people out there a lot of people we don't know a lot of people UNAM with our customs we need to make sure that we don't do anything rash curiosity is always to be valued but rashness is not I look at Sai and I go curiosity kills the C I'll just kind of like do a little side glance once again not intending to include anyone else in this [Laughter] conversation I give you a fist bump because I was thinking the same thing y any others before we go to bed no okay what what are the bed situations is it like a comfy bed I got the C in corner I think I'm just G to sleep on the ground then standing a little you're you're GNA sleep while standing I'm standing how do you well like don't worry I'm going to just roll out this kind of like custom like moss bed roll and just like stare at him just absolutely can't decide whether I like this or not really judgmental and then you spin three times and then roll yes exactly exactly like the the whole time I'm spinning I'm watching him as I'm like walking around a circle yeah right um I go over to Lucky uh just because I want to read a little bit of his book uh with him before bed and I kind of tell him like Hey hey just so you know like I have I have lucky I have that [Laughter] feet I have all right you all go to bed that's enough we all go to bed uh some of you standing some of you uh um sleeping on the ground some of on beds all right R ini morning yes though you've all been awake for several hours the uh uh unmistakable shout of the alian colonel Adrien immediately jols you all to attention wardens he scream dreams uh you spent the morning traveling about an hour Eastward to to Mistwood your assignment for the next few days as you've all learned in your training the horrors of the ma need just a crack to break into Amnesia they're also drawn to Arcane activity and divine intervention such as the upcoming conjunction taking place later tonight your duty is to keep Mistwood and its inhabitants safe from any and all danger during the celebrations should you need any information on the nature of the festivities I'm confident your daxian uh brothers and sisters can guide the way any questions and it's currently you there's a couple other troops around but there's not many good uh you'll be needing these if you head into the processing plants don't breathe the fume wardens the near medic nearest medic is a few hours away and he starts handing out these thick uh handkerchiefs to each one of you uh and then sort of stands back up in front of you and yells Hold the Wall Bens and then does the warden salute which he holds his fist to his chest to all of you do any of you return the salute yeah we I do yeah all right I do good that's probably a good idea uh he uh walks away uh is he the big the big head honcho Colonel Adrien he's not head honcho as in terms of like the entire wardens or anything but our camp he he was uh the one that uh your fear and sa rode in on and it was just one of the sort of directors sort running this excursion and then Idis is is he here as well or is he just the captain for the boat no Idris and Arya are nowhere to be seen they seem to be assigned to other cities or towns in the area Okay uh all right you are in Mistwood uh Mistwood is an odd little town the unmistakable scent of fungus lingers thick in the air and it's not hard to see why looking around you see that many of the houses and buildings in the city seem to be built around and underneath giant mushrooms acting as domed roofs villagers travel back and forth carrying out their morning chores and errands but it's obvious to all of you that it's a holiday small bright blue lanterns hang from every hook in town children dance back and forth through the streets with blue streamers in their hands even for the characteristically friendly taxans they seem to be in good space though you can't help but to feel all of you that something is off maybe it was just the harrowing speech from the colonel maybe it's the burden of protection that many of you are shouldering for the first time maybe it's just in your heads can I lean down to uh one of the children like just kneel down I think I'm all smiles um sure because I like the tradition of this um can I see if I can get like a little party favor one of the kids hello there Young Brother sure yeah the the young boy doesn't seem to have any reason to fear you and is holding a handful of streamers above his head uh that he seemed to just grab an entire fistful at some point and it's running around like Hello Brother hello could I have one of those I'd love to trade you what do you got I've got and then I'll snap my fingers and this little puff of like fire just go and as I cast a little can trip in my hands little show for you as you do that he drops some of the streamers and tries to catch the fire and which he does not um again all right two more times and then you give me a streamer three more deal you make a hard bargain he tries to catch all of them and is obviously unsuccessful um but then he quickly picks up the mess of streamers now on the ground and hands one of them to thank you safe happy conjunction have a safe and wonderful day gonna walk over to Ember and I got this for you as he comes back so you wouldn't run off I got I it to you uh as she as he hands it to Ember we're all are we all kind of around each other yeah I kind of like would like to make a motion to kind of bring everyone into like a little huddle okay do people follow that or reject my are we like marching or are we kind of like loose formation right now you're just hanging out yeah as long as Ember does I'll do it ember's twirling streamers somewhere you need to call her in she's out I make a larger motion am come here come here amember what oh okay uh look last night uh may have gotten off on the wrong foot a little bit but I want to bring everyone in together today just so we're on the same page here look we're the warden made it clear this is not about us being different people we are wardens now we are not separate countries trees those things are behind us and moving forward we have to be a group that is tight it to stick together to protect all of the countries that we admire back home and the people that we love so moving forward we're going to focus on the goal at hand and protecting this conjunction day from anything awful happening sound good sounds agreeable to me great um can I eat steak S no and I hand him a piece of bark jerky you just picked it up that ember made Ember made it fresh yeah it's Ember made this fresh this morning it's fine just eat it okay I eat it and I'm like it's it's a bit tough it's a bit tough it's a bit Barky it's a little earthy oky [Laughter] afterbirth yeah uh you guys start walking through the town for the most part everybody seems really Pleasant and you know having a good time uh um the children are playing most of the adults are still working they've got errands to do they've got you know uh places to be you said there's kind of like an uneasy feeling in the air maybe and we're not sure um is there and I know ear speaking to aesus a wait wait well this is going to be a problem again another campaign I'm not going to name anyone properly a Jesus a Gus what was it a ages AES AES I'll take a Jesus hey Jesus Jesus over here speaking to my cat friends last night um there was conjunction day is like uh a day where the lines thin and you can see like the Magic in the air that they were saying is that like uh is that something that someone like uh who doesn't use magic can see as far as I'm aware I mean if it's always been a tradition that everyone in the in the Clans could see and participate in conjunction day even that small child that I was just connecting with it still matters to him um do I see any am I connecting with anything around me the conjunction is something that happens uh this evening so right now definitely when you when it happens keep your eyes to the sky and you should be able to see um it happening in our culture ancestors are super Central uh when we die we become connected to the spirit world we serve the gods and then our Spirits kind of become a collective you were talking about the greater good so kind of a collective of the greater good that serves the gods and our ancestors some of them get the chance to connect next day of conjuncture they all regain or the rumor and the legend is that they regain elements of their individuality again at least for a night kind of a reminder of their existence on this plane and some of them certainly exist on our world but that kind of is the reminder of the day and again very traditionalist understanding um but that's more or less what our culture believes a gesus can I put my arm on you how tall are you 6'2 okay we're the same height yeah all right cool I put my arm around you and I say you know how allians got their individuality back um well if the we murder our that's what I was building up to we literally drove a sword right through the bastard so whether right wrong or indifferent alians don't really care about Gods too much I don't doesn't say much to me but hey good for you guys I'm just saying s probably doesn't care what you're saying but hey conjunction all you want as this is going on um you uh sort of hear behind some of you in the subtle um movement just outside um the group and you turn around to notice what appears to be a small little old lady carrying a basket um sort of gingerly walking up towards you hello wardens could I offer you some biscuits on on conjunction day yes please I'm hungry oh I would love some too thank you absolutely biscuit for you biscuit just meat in them by the way but they're good your fear that's I I'll just get your name mixed up too and just continue to get I I take a biscuit as well and I also hand uh the old lady some coins oh no no no no I I wait why do not handle the coins I I'm not the mother the mother besides but B besides uh I I would not accept payment for this anyway but I could use a hand I have a few things that I need done okay are we allowed to do this kind of stuff are we allowed to do that was it specified I'm helping her what do you have to do what what hand workk do you need uh well uh let's see uh uh you you my good brother uh speaking to your fear uh you look handy my my door has a bit of a squeak in it could you could you go back to the shed and get an oil can and and and uh fix that up a bit and uh let's see you too uh Ur and lucky um you you look like strapping Young Folks uh could you go up to the attic and and bring down a couple boxes there for me and just set them in in the uh in the entryway I uh lady uh what's your name uh uh lilac beautiful name lilac lilac that's beautiful growing up in the Southern Pines of alium there were lilac everywhere absolutely everywhere it was actually one of my favorite things as a child was to go through the Lilac I'm kind of slowly moving into frame of just my mother mother off you're you're your fist we can help this sister listen I'm not saying we weren't what I was going to tell liac here is that we would love to help her I would prefer that our group not split up as 33 you see you see it's fine because you're all right here all in my house excuse you won't truly be split I I whisper to your fear is this worth a biscuit is all this worth a biscuit uh sister what else do you need done we' happy to help you you're saying we're in your house lilac she is like you you are essentially standing outside of her house oh okay I thought she just walk up toward in the street I'm like oh so she's crazy we're going to have to kill her cool all ini this old woman oh okay uh okay perfect I'm sorry I misunderstood the situation lilac um again beautiful name um um when you when you say lilac she Squints a little bit and looks looks mildly offended s sister lilac we we will absolutely help you we will be happy to assist you uh sister lilac I I bow a little bit just like a quarter bow cuz I'm not sure really what the heck I'm supposed to do but I'm just like sister lilac I will say sister lilac the brothers and sisters of our party will be happy to help you with what you need we're here to assist and support this amazing day and offer you a show as well cuz I look at a Jesus cuz he just offered that brother a show and I go I reach behind lilac ear and I pull out a coin oh my goodness magically oh the show and I just it goes it disappears and you don't know where it's God do you you have an ancestor helping you yes he does he is special uh just like so many of us Mother Teresa my great aunt reaches down from the the stars above alium she over you said there were more tasks to do yes where's the oil can sister in in the shed in the shed just over I start making my way back to the oil C you you all spend the next half an hour doing a seemingly endless list of chores for this lady the biscuits were fine um I don't know if they were worth 30 minutes of the work but she is incredibly thankful as you are all a little bit tired now heading out of her house I will uh on our way out I'll kind of like pull Ember up and we'll both kind of do a bow thank you sister happy conjunction day I see the bow conjunction day I also thank you sister happy conjunction day thank you brothers and sisters I then also triy to hand her a coin as well no no no no no I I I'm not the mother if you if you yeah if you insist I could get the mother and and you could sister please excuse him he is learning he has learning it's okay I will take it for you and get it to the mother you you managed to pull away uh from the old woman's house um so by the way only refer to people as brothers and sisters unless if they're the matri Arch or patriarch of the specific Clan and then they are fathers and mothers that is that is there's no specific family is a unified Clan not necessarily blood Ember and I were born under the same household and I believe we have a bond because of it however that is not the normative part of our culture but as guests I would once again strongly recommend it H is there a way to differentiate between brother sister father mother is there something that signifies the fathers and the mothers it usually is fairly clear based upon the respect that is given to the fathers and mothers often times some will have more extravagant clothing some will have some kind of you know Rod or or or signifier of the position and most often they will be surrounded by others of the clan making sure that they are protected and safe it will be usually fairly easy to determine who is who uh especially in a clan size that is not much larger than a village I see they're also always the oldest uh member of the clan so yes mother and father okay and yes look look to see how old they are respectfully respect wonderful all right let's keep moving around and all right keeping our eyes peeled uh you keep moving through Mistwood and eventually hear uh the sounds of of work taking place uh a little bit further up and around the bend um as you round the corner into uh sort of further deep into Mistwood uh you see a wide open field that's dug a few dozen feet into the ground just off of the main strip it's filled to the brim with equipment and workers processing various giant mushrooms large carts packed with stocks no less than 3 or 4T in diameter line the northern Ridge you see workers Wheeling the stalks onto giant cutting plates a few men with thick gloves pull a long bright red metal wire out of a nearby furnace and use it to cut through a nearby stalk like butter releasing a fine Mist into the air all of the workers in the immediate area take a few step steps back and hold their masks tightly against their face as they wait for the Mist to dissipate before going in for another pass the processing plant is busy and full and obviously isn't taking any breaks for the holiday you know I've been told that the mushrooms when cooked right taste just like meat but I've never had meat so it's only secondhand information but you could probably make mushroom turkey if you wanted to AIS um question for you why are these people working when the other people are partying what's wrong with this system here I felt like I said it pretty articul yesterday I we worship through our work that's just we are all part of the unified cycle and it's it's like breathing okay we have roles and responsibilities and we are all equal um even the mothers and fathers play roles in the the communities certainly not as strenuous for the younger folks but still we are a unified people cool what do you do for do do you take vacation do you take breaks your whole life is a vacation what do you know about vacations um ad just what is the Mist that's going off in the mushroom there like I don't know for certain but presumably it's I mean mushrooms and other various FAA of the land are poisonous or problematic or you would you would know this living near uh Mistwood this is information that we gave you but uh I was seriously searching through my notes musom musroom mushroom mushroom musroom there are uh various kinds of large mushrooms that grow in the dread Marsh um and many of them have spores some of which are very helpful some of which can be dangerous um uh and when cutting them up through the stalks and the heads and everything they release those SP fores into the air um generally they're slicing the some of them are used for homes many of them are used to be like packaged up into cubes that are then shipped off for various purposes um and the actual name Mistwood came originally from the Mist that would be released from the wood of the uh mushrooms as they're being cut open I think as we're walking I'm just sharing that information giving Ember the chance to share about what she's learned about it that kind stuff as we're right you know just walking along this will be poisonous some of it will be paralytic some of it will be like antiseptic it sort of depends on the mushroom I know you said they're like they're not breathing it or whatever they have their mask on is um are they also trying to like capture the spores that are coming out for the most part not really they're just trying to cut it up into manageable cubes that they can package up and then ship off is is there like an apothecary or something where I could actually get a couple vials um there doesn't seems to be any immediately in front of you but if you do a little bit of digging in Mistwood you might be able to find it okay no um meanwhile uh a few moments later as sort of AIS is explaining the function of the mushroom fields that he definitely knew uh more than 30 seconds ago thanks for that reminder Ember what a great L dump you you look out into the field and and see a small commotion sort of occurring at the far end of the field uh a young what appear to be uh gnomish girl seems to be running from worker to worker in the plant trying to get their attention she seems frantic but each of the workers seemed to scold her in point aware as she seems to be running through the plant without any mask or protection at all uh the moment she's close enough to see the tears streaming down her face both Aegis and Ember both realize they know the girl her name is sister lizlin of the roaming swamp and she is an adopted sibling of yours um we can see this she's like crying basically how far away yeah crying and sort of running from person to person down in the camp probably 50 ft away or so em is it it can't be it looks like her I think I just instinctively run over to her and give her the little cloth thing that they gave me and put it over her and take her away from all of the bad smells and things to where we are sure oh sister Ember it's you oh I'm so glad you found me sister what are you doing here here it's it's my brother Ed you you have to help me he's he's trapped where is he uh he's not far he's he's in a uh we were playing in some some old ruins nearby you know once and he got trapped let's go find him so I grabed AIS and we go and we follow her wh uh we've got to go uh do what you must uh if you see high open in the sky we are there we have to we follow we're already gone I'm running after I am booking it cuz I'm fast as F boys just so you guys know I am Naro running just straight up which gives me an extra 30 to my base feet yeah you guys thought I was old but I'm just n running so fast right now oh my gosh eating my dust wonderful uh lizlin who goes by sister Liz uh for short um seems to be a bit of a mess um uh very like desperately and shakily um guiding you uh off towards the east uh she's also uh to clarify uh agis and member you would know that uh Ed is her actual twin not just a another member of the clan how I do kind of like as we're kind of running like I look at a Jes ages Jesus a Jesus that's G to come every time ages uh you understand where these ruins are how far are we talking you have no idea where ruins she's talking about yor and I have no idea where we're going we're just helping okay okay uh I mean we should we are leaving our post right now our poting our responsibility is help these people this seems to be well within that perview it seems like you we helping this person not these people we're saying this as we're running too the clan is the people the people as your run 0y old okay all right listen you can stay but Ember and I are going how old are they Liz and Ed uh probably like six or seven they oh okay all right yeah no they're they're cool yeah we're running we're booking yeah Liz leads you Eastward over a small bridge and towards a uh Forest uh after about an hour of trudging through the rough terrain she pour she points towards a relatively well-hidden large Stone ruin up ahead okay can I see it's like a stone ruin is there like an entrance way in can I see if there's sure yeah sister are you staying here would you like to come in we can take care of this if you want to stay safe out here oh no I I have to show you where is really needs to show us brother all right then why don't you at least get on my shoulders we don't know exactly what's here thank you brother he her up on my shoulders can I like uh tap on Finch and make him get a little brighter sure telepathically I'll ask kyoba to just keep me posted if anything comes around sounds good uh after getting a little bit closer uh you all very easily recognize that this is definitely not dexian architecture uh the thick stone walls stretch up towards what you think used to be a point uh now broken Away by centuries of neglect you see small slits in the walls obviously intended for an archers defensive line dense moss and Vines grow up the side of the abandoned Fort threatening to break away bits of the foundation as it grows a tattered wooden door squeaks on its hinges As the Wind Blows By on its face is a seemingly ancient carving of the unmistakable Elian pressed does anyone uh yeah does does everyone know what the crest looks like everybody would be familiar it's that little Watermark that's down next to yeah in the corner of their things um I would I'm going to kind of stop and uh she's leading us Beyond this point right she yes pointing like into the door I will continue if Ember continues while he stops I'm going to look at the rest of the party and say we are leaving our Duty right now and if something happens to mwood we are held responsible were we the only troop position there no I think we will be fine to do this if we are crossing that border there could be not favorable people there to us to be clear you are not traveling into elesium you are very thoroughly into taxia but this is an alian Fort this is an alian Fort okay all right I retract that um I'm just gonna as long as we're clear as we're running I would like to just take my staff and kind of spin it in a circle uh as this kind of blue pulse eminates out I'm going to go ahead and do a protective Bond on Ember and I as long as we're within 30t of each other we get D4 to everything for 10 minutes lovely very cool okay uh I see that that's pretty cool um I'm gonna just Naruto run right behind him okay uh you head inside the door the door squeaks very loudly creaking open uh as it doesn't seem to swing open fully very often uh the inside of the fort seems to have been very thoroughly picked clean a few broken pieces of furniture lie up turned on the floor and walls Broken Arrow shafts lie half buried in the dirt that's blown in through the windows and doorway the wooden floor Creeks heavily uh under each step um I look at uh your fear and I say um I don't really want to move forward I'm going to look at science say you stay behind me and we continue moving forward I am not Naruto running though okay I am just uh I'm assuming no one's actually kind of running because it seems like it's kind of a tassled mess in here um instead I would kind of like to look around um to see if there's any way is there like Rafters in the ceiling uh there are rafters in the ceiling sort of holding up what appears to be battlements or whatever um but the stairway that sort of would have led up there has been thoroughly rotted away at this point can I tell U because I I do have dark vision so um like pretty far in front of me is there like can I kind of tell where she's leading us is it like a hallway or is it gaping whatever uh actually at that point um she gets uh climbs down Aegis and uh uh scampers over to a what appears to be a trapo in the floor um and starts tugging on it okay sister Liz is Ed down there yes yes he's down here okay can uh I tell the trap door can I tell by looking at it uh the mechanism for which it caused to trip just just seems to be it's a trap door not necessarily a trap it is a hidden door oh hidden door okay can I I I would love to just insight her real quick this I'm I'm surprised they got this far into a mess of a place not they don't trust her I'm just trying to see if she understands fully what she is asking us to get into sure roll an inside check sweet oh that's not good can I assist with that yeah yeah a deception check or something well just would just roll twice okay that's worse so that's the total of 10 gosh okay we don't know wait wait hang on hang uh that's also I didn't add my insight so Seven 8 10 11 wait 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 ha 14 okay Stephen does she seem to be uh honest as far as you can tell she's being honest she she seems frantic wants to wants to go save her brother good enough for me all right all right I'm going to help try to she need some help with the door yeah I'm want to lift the door up okay as uh Liz and your fear sort of lift the heavy wooden door up with a sort of a large metal clasp uh you throw it up into the wall and the same moment it comes up uh you see four or five large mice all dash out from the uh sort of Cellar all at once and all just run out and Sprint out the door I'm not faced I would like to start uh I can I see anything below yeah you can see a relatively speaking compared to the rest of uh the ruins a well preserved staircase leading down um into a basement I'm going to quietly start descending the stair case nice and sneakily um can I can I light uh a like a piece of wood on fire and drop it down the staircase to see how far down it goes I would like to try to stop that from happening stop that the wooden staircase you like I would like I'm literally piing Stone like okay I would like to stop whatever that was and also I'm telling Finch to stay above the staircase cuz I can see into the darkness I think seeing this Aus is just like I am so sorry some of us has dark vision does anyone need a torch I have multiple of those in my pack I can cast um produce flame can I cast produce flame I would like in my hand okay so I cast produce flame and with that we can see a bright light that shines in a 10ft radius and additional 10t be a little stealthier next time when we do something like this everyone okay next let's talk a little more about that next time team um so I no longer am sneaking down I'm just walking down now because there's a bunch of torches yeah does anybody here have tail Spire yes no okay uh I will send out an invite to the two of you and for the rest of you load up tail spider oh my goodness our first map all right oh my goodness so cool look at those minis can we get a zoom yes oh yeah of course oh W oh I love the pixeling to be clear I think that not here right now hoba yeah hoba is not here I think I would probably be closer to the front personally okay yeah we were the ones that open up the yeah if Direction matters or like marching order matters sure at the moment it doesn't really but um we will generally assume at least for the two of you that have tail Spire uh where you move your character you move yeah so just be aware of that oh wait am I Jo oh wait hang on we need a link to that yep I'm sending you okay when you jump in you you can use this as an invite code um and where is neither of the decaan have one but should you ever decide to get tail spayer you can use it with that um not necessary obviously uh but it's always an option all right uh you enter down into the seller uh how do I I'm sorry hang on how do I addit the code oh there it is sorry my bad um the air in the cellar is cool and dry but several of you hold back a cough as the musty air fills your lungs a small staircase leads into what appears to be an untouched ancient Elian Barracks you see makeshift bed frames Cs and hammocks still in place the though some have definitely rotted away shelves of boxes and supplies line the walls and floor with every step you can hear the skittering of mice in the darkness uh and I will move I'm just waiting for for oh I see some players to this board thank you nice oh and now that you're the game we can actually give you guys control of your characters give me control of the character I will just start spreading people around a little bit I need control I would like to remain within 30t of Ember wherever she goes of course okay the two of you now have control of your characters uh I'll also give you control of your uh [Music] partner each of you okay that's done all right if you if anybody in or out of tail Spire would like to move or ask about anything or whatever feel free I think I'll just ask our young friend um hard where's Ed is this room further in uh uh he he's further in through through that door up to the right that seemed a little suspicious sorry that was that was me okay changing what I was doing okay I was your fear was like uh kill it now um all right we we'll move toward that I guess and I will at least um Aur you will notice um sort of appearing over on the left side of the room um that there does appear appear to be a very very very old skeleton that is still wearing ancient Elian armor lying on the ground uh does someone want to come look at this maybe someone from alium yur y yor thank you excuse me I think it's yuy oh y that's my middle name uh I'm looking at the the armor um I pull out a book that I have in my bag no need for that I know everything see the armor I can see the armor and like oh this is from this is from dozens of years ago for our DMS for what it's worth I do not think we're stopping so as dumb as it is I don't think we're stopping for this as they do okay we'll do the history check I understand what you're saying um yeah hisory check barians give me give me a history uh I got a 18 uh I have a 10 I've been around the block I know some things yeah looking at this uh armor and the skeleton and the architecture and what's around you this obviously of Al lesian make um um you can think of only one time in recorded history about 800 years ago or so uh where alians would have needed to build a fort like this uh during their invasion of dexia well for our dexian brothers and sisters this is uh awward from a time when we invaded you guys girl we gone oh they're not with us anymore anyways um so for uh uh Ember and AIS and um um it was a war that we lost you drop a Liz on here somewhere as well uh Ember and AIS as you sort of move to the far end of the room even in your quickened pace uh you uh as you approach the back wall you find something rather unusual uh the entirety of the back wall is filled with small metal cages each no longer than a small shoe box can we see anything inside uh yeah do you want to take a second to just peek inside one of them I guess I'll Glen the Ember should we take a look or should we keep going I think we should look all right okay yeah you just take a peek inside a couple of them and you see um mostly dust and occasionally very tiny um skeletons of what seem to be mice H weird is there any signs can I tell any signs that people have been here recently like dust moov besides our own Footprints anything yeah I give me a perception check I've been waiting for one of these we'll say investigation I've been waiting for one of those too dirty 20 dirty 20 um when you look very closely you you uh see what appears to be a couple of very small Footprints uh uh with a little bit of intuition you could probably uh sort of Intuit it that it's Liz and Ed's Footprints but other than that uh this Cellar seems to be remarkably well preserved and untouched for okay seemingly you know could be 800 years are Ember the only life that you can sort of see or hear more is the sound of mice skittering around is AIS and Ember following the footsteps that I see uh well they're following Liz correct oh yeah I thought you said Ed Liz and Ed had come down here previously right sure I just want to make sure that they're following those footsteps that were down here previously yep okay cool so I think my objective is to keep going but would I have any like like historical knowledge of this Invasion like what what my mind automatically goes to is that they captured what they presume to be animals that actually have the spirits and just let them rot would I have any knowledge of them using tactics like that in that war or is that Beyond me uh the knowledge you have of the war is what's written in the history section of your so no history roles or anything like that not not not on this one unfortunately okay sounds good uh as you get to the end of the room there are two doors one to the right and one to the left um and Liz is pointing towards the door on the right feels like a trap but I'm all in man like to open it can I use detch magic instead absolutely you can love it do we get to see any Flare from that what's it look like um sure yeah what's it look like Phil yeah what does it I don't know yet ly throws his hand to the air and speaks out a small incantation and you can see sort of a a soft blue light sort of start to emanate from his hands and fill his eyes um lucky as you look around in the uh room now illuminated with sources of magic uh it is not illuminated anym than it was before as there is no magic that seems to be uh in the vicinity nice cool cool I'm going to open up that door baby and I would like to as I'm left or right oh uh I'm going to she's pointing to which one the right door I'm going to trust her and I'm going to open the right as I do that my hand is drawing my sword from its sheath okay you open up that door Stephen if you wouldn't mind and the large metal doors swing open to reveal an abandoned laboratory tinctures and evaporating dishes and glass vials line the tables shelves and floor you see barrels and buckets stacked along the walls their contents emptied long ago you can find a couple scattered pieces of paper along the floor and desk seemingly full of notes from the researcher's work uh I motion to allur saigh and Gandalf and say I think you all would find this interesting I also would like to be on uh juran's heels it's your fear again Aegis are you Aegis actually I Aegis yes I'm no are you Aegis because I'm old you're getting my name wrong do you hate age people people that are old you can call me aist you find more um armored skeleton bodies in here I will ask sister once again where we're going this seems pretty suspicious now where where is she oh there she is uh she guides you all over back here to a door in in the back corner I'm there I'm right behind your fear at this point I'm trusting that Insight check so you know I'm going to motion to CU Sai is right behind me I would like the motion to S to kind of slide back a little bit further okay yeah I'll also mention just because uh one of the only two people who's controlling their characters managed to step right on top of it allora you trip over what seems to be an open-faced uh Journal oh I would like to look at that please you can is do we have props visual props Caleb goes go check your mailbox yeah exactly she's gonna get to look at it we won't I I sent you a message on Discord oh there is of journal entries the equivalent keep them to yourself or read them out all right I'm trailing ahead I'm gonna follow I'm right behind AIS now I'm just gonna hear aist every time thank you I'm right behind a Jesus where's lucky lucky can you come here for a minute yeah I'll be right there and I want to show him the journal this seems a bit concerning lucky I'll send you all right [Music] o for what it's worth how much time has passed since we were at the top of the stairs uh probably two minutes okay so we're still good yeah I put Liz in this box here and then I I seal up the lid and I go well she died everyone let's go [Laughter] back where she taking us yeah I don't know yeah I'm just waiting to see a moment I'm I'm assuming that lucky in game can read way faster than Phil can out of game so if if you guys want to say anything based on on what you're reading I want to allow you the opportunity yes I'm going to continue to move forward questions for the DMS is there anything worth looting in this room o loot loot loot give me an investigation check you do like experiments station [Music] C eight eight uh you quickly glance over a lot of the uh sort of vials and uh bottles that are on the shelves on the walls and desks and everything um you see a handful of labels um you see uh although most of the bottles contain basically dust uh you see the label of belladon you see the label of uh blessed thisle uh you see a label of monks Hood um but they seem to be effectively bottles of dust at this point okay I would be weary friends there is something going on here and I want to share I mean as quickly as I can this information um sure that the Army was experimenting on rats so 4211 19980 initial finding suggests a mix of herbs and some alchemical ingredients May stimulate the subject's growth a combination of ground fenugreek and blessed thisle seems to Quicken the rate of reproduction we've observed an increase in litters and a hasten maturity rate 429 199 ad we developed a brew of ginsing and green tea leaves preliminary tests show increased activity in our subjects it's truly wondrous our rats move with such Vitality more so than ever seen before they could easily outpace and outnumber the local rat population 512 19980 after countless trials we finally arrived at an infusion of monks hood badana and a rare mushroom from the Mistwood for phase three the rats consume it readily when mixed with honey the rats show no distress for several days moving about with their usual Vigor they're hardly aware of their Affliction the results are fascinating 526 199 ad the the combination of ingredients monks Hood it was monks hood badana and a rare mushroom from the Mistwood it doesn't say what it is though okay um the breeding Chambers are nearly full the first field test is nearing its final stages the rats are all readily consuming the poison theyve no idea how important their role is how important our work is these experiments could save the lives of tens of thousands of alian soldiers we will prevail we will endure and the last entry 61 9 ad a grand success thousands of prime vessels for ancestral Spirits have been released into the fields of daxia so full of life and energy they'll be irresistible the perfect trap if we can scale this operation we can rid the world of ancestral influence altogether we've already begun filling the breeding Chambers again our recipes have been sent back to high command it is a glorious day for elesium dominari Novas terce I think for the first time ages will stop what in the name of the ancestors so they were poisoning as quick as I can sister hang on one second uh ancestors will inhabit the bodies of animals which is why we cannot eat them as a culture why it's dangerous to kill them they were poisoning the vessels for ancestors in order to harvest them or capture them is that is that Abomination technology that exists looks like they were trying to they said it was a success too so it must have happened at some point hey uh Liz you guys see any crazy rats down here we I mean there are rats you guys see anything like an Abomination like a thing like a monster those rats that escape before do they look problematic they were they were large they were very big rats were pretty big I think if we continue down this road there's probably going to be a bigger rat and by now little Ed has become giant rat food so I mean shut up we are not here to make assumptions we are here to help we've assumed a lot already that's fine sister we are here to help Let's Get Ed out before he becomes suspect anything else that's happening down here listen you can Retreat you can go back that's fine they are still part of the mission that I have prescribed to I'm not retreating do we hear anything obviously it's pretty I mean besides just scaring mice regular hear scaring mice and rats yeah do we hear any voices like I'm going to yell out Ed I want to yell out Ed what happens you hear your own voice echo it also seems to be echoing much longer further into um sister Liz how much further are we talking here uh through through this hole and then through a tunnel through this hole and through a tunnel I mean how many feet are we talking Liz I don't know I have two good here allow me allow me in first in this tunnel sister this is where we're going allow me in first everyone else those that are helping and staying with you can follow me can I send Finch ahead of him to see sure I'm gonna I I I'm gonna tell Jes gosh what is it Aus Aus okay I got you I got you Aus this time all right uh Aus let let me send fch in first right but quickly you send Finch up and inside and uh you see uh what seems to be the um ruins of this encampment end and a Cave System begin I call him back um there is a Cave System up ahead how much further into the cave system is Ed Liz I don't know ways are we got get trapped are we close to the m at all I mean you're further than the ocean or you're closer than the ocean but you're a couple days away okay thank you that being said the the idea it's definitely deep and centralized but there are always sort of like tendrils that reach out okay uh we will continue but I will not be chasing this rabbit for much longer we also have a duty to the people in Mistwood I continue to go I'm going to go through the tunnel sure I don't care if I'm first or whatever I'm just going to go through the tunnel because I know Finch has already checked it out uh as you climb up over uh those crates uh your foot does uh crunch a bit on something um and you see what looks like some kind of grain or or uh some kind of old old food source um spilling out of a barrel uh can I pick up the food source real quick and sniff it see if I can tell what it is uh give me a nature check can I assist him uh I got a natural 20 you don't have to assist me it's seems to be uh a mix of things um all of it very old at this point nearly fored you know that was an OP um uh you smell a combination of ground vreek blessed thistle uh you smell uh ginsing and green Che I look at Aur and say well whatever they were doing in that book of yours they had a lot of it to do it with and I would like to continue uh sigh uh kind of more out of immaturity grabs some of that food because she does have a pet mouse and she just puts it in the back oh my gosh does anyone see this probably but does anybody know that she has a pet mouse wait yeah do I know I don't know that you have a pet I did not know you had a pet mouse uh it's in my like uh urchin's kit from his background yeah background yeah yeah yor didn't know that so as you're sort of lifting up the the stuff to smell it and hiding some of it in your pouch apparently yeah uh you start to hear more and more skittering behind you oh my gosh this is uh do I hear it yes you do and it's uh a bit deeper than you're used to for uh a small little mouse is it behind me in the tunnel or behind me in the room behind you in the room can you uh can you do a deep skitter for me is that a skitter SK uh can I can I Whistle to Finch and have it check out behind us like as far as it can go sure yeah you release is hang on is there the floor is it like the bricks that are broken is can you see through them at all or is it like dirt underneath no it's just dirt okay I'm GNA send Finch behind me I want to see what's coming you sends Finch back through the uh lab and you see a a small army of large rats running in all of your direction I yell we have company behind us there's a Red Army love it all right uh one two three I have 15 all right so oh my gosh so Steph you can push the initiative button at the very top of your character sheet yes okay please hold so everybody roll it and then once everybody need to take a break in a second yep not a problem and then with initiative with ID roll uh it's a just a D20 and then add whatever that initi if you just click the Phil if you if you're in D and D Beyond if you click initiative there oh you're not okay no but that's all right yeah just roll D20 okay I got a 10 okay anybody get between 20 and 25 22 nice nice Laura anybody between 15 and 20 yeah hang on uh that is a dirty 20 for Aus I'm sorry nice uh Aus can you roll another D20 yeah sure uh do you want me to add anything to it nope just flat uh flat nine okay okay um so that'll be the rat swarms in front of after in front of them in front of okay all right um 10 to 15 14 for Sai uh 15 for Yar uh 17 for the smaller of the giant rats all right five to 10 Ember has a six G the fury has a 10 welcome to combat the boring uh the big boy is at three it's only boring if you make it oh I didn't roll Liz sorry how yes uh four oh we're gonna she's a fifth level wizard right love that for us all right first up in initiative first combat of the campaign is Aur nice wait is one of our members outside is that what we're looking at now lucky is standing by the fire by the lucky why are you there okay um I am going to say that out loud too I'm going to shoot I don't want to hit anybody I'm going to turn to the big boy and I'm just gonna hit him with my dagger okay cuz I don't want to hurt lucky oh you got some range 21 to hit that hits is that a subtle squeaking in the background that I hear yes it is oh my gosh that's four damage for for that guy got that St yep lovely anything else um and then I'm going to move oh wait there's more over there I'm not going to move I'm just going to stay right there okay everyone remember you are a level one okay yeah all right the rat swarms Stephen alrighty uh this one is going to skitter over uh and swarm onto uh aora uh and uh that is a 17 to hit yep that hit okay ooh that was a good roll uh that is 11 points piercing Dam oh my God on the Flor I am on the floor yep I'm already guys this is going to be another one of those rooms oh my God D the other runs up on Ember oh God I'm rolling really good tonight guys 19 to hit so compare that to your AC step help what do I do top middle left of your core character page Armor class yeah so it says 14 plus two so do you have your sh I assume you probably would have pulled up your Shield once we started to hear noises so that would be a 14 plus two you said yeah so 16 AC okay and I rolled a 19 which beats 16 uh and I rolled three points of piercing damage okay could have been a lot worse so you need to take three damage off of your total hit points right now okay so we're going to keep that hit point maximum at the top the same but the current hit points you can reduce got you okay and like once you're done with those you did you down you get to make saving throws to come back up or to die so hopefully we don't have to worry about those but we'll see yes we're gonna don't worry we're gonna get you out of there Laura is in trouble oh my God I'm immediately of course going to run back to Ember oh I'm right there yep okay um magic here so I think what I'm going to do is I'll start by casting Sanctuary so I'm going to like uh place my hand on her chest or wherever her I don't know what her holy symbol is or whatever uh and just kind of send this pulse of magic energy so that she there's this kind of like extra U magical or floating around her um and then I don't have many spell slots guys and then I'm going to go ahead and uh do we have rats within 5T of are they sharing a space how does that work they are sharing a space swarms can occupy the same space as God so if I were to attack them I would how's that work no you can still Target just the person or just the RAS that would be fine yeah okay so if I have a spell that leaps to another uh character am I able to yeah these are with within 5et I'd say Okay cool so then I will with my staff as soon as I kind of like Empower uh this protective Force around her I'm going to whip out my staff and then kind of Slam the ground sending out this like green flame emanating from my staff uh and then I'm going to attack the Swarm immediately on Ember and then it it should let's see if it if it hits first come on baby uh 16 plus four so that's going to be a dirty 20 uh and then that's going to be standard Dam oh wait um IIT Target suffers normal effects and then green fire okay so that's going to be four damage on the first uh group and then fire this green blue flame is going to engulf the rats and then spread to the other form of rats and they're going to take um nice three two two points of fire damage okay uh the uh uh first swarm of rats that you hit with your staff uh uh they don't seem to react as strongly to your attack as you would have hoped the F however does work as intended okay uh be careful they the're resistant to uh to to at least smacking damage as it were um really really like to take her out of this but that's pretty much all of my uh is there space between uh Ember and the giant rat is there space there for me to get between them yes I will for sure get myself there um did the did did I seem to do a decent amount of damage or was it just kind of standard like is the Swarm still pretty big it's still pretty big okay all right good to know all right then I'll hold my shield up in front of me and that's my turn next up is the small boy oh the rat sorry small rat boys Small Boy Rats uh I'm so worried all of our squishy characters are in the back uh yeah these two are definitely about to bite gandur uh okay Shield that is a 13 oh no uh against your AC your armor class I have no armor class what okay so it's 10 plus your dexterity armor class is 11 okay uh I've already forgotten what I rolled but I think it was above that I think you said 13 yeah that sounds right uh the second one was an eight so that does not hit cool cool cool um one point of damage damage nice thanks cool just yeah uh no that's actually going to be six points of damage oh no Jee these rats are nasty all right they are I'm rolling really well uh next up is your fear your fear uh sees the trouble shakes his head and would like to do a sweet heroic Iron Man jump into a landing off of the box that he's standing on all right give me a acrobatic check sweet oh man I love all of it tonight boys and girls we got a 18 on that 19 with a minus one full sumers salt as I do it though you guys see me whip out a sweet collapsible short short bow and I am going to shoot um um let me get into my range here let's see if my measurements will work yeah as I do my somersault I would like my I forgot I got to get this thing here I would like to move here okay I think that's good movement one yeah okay cool um with my short bow I'm going to shoot the Rat Pack that is uh on uh elur okay let me roll that for you 19 to hit sure that is uh yes I apologies no you're good uh six total damage for the r pack okay this is piercing damage piercing damage yep okay so once again it does not seem to do quite as much damage as you'd hope however uh you it does seem that between the fire and uh your shooting you have cleared out about half of the rats in the storm okay um what what's the Rat Pack looking like on Ember right now uh it's doing pretty fine it's doing pretty fine I'm gonna I'm gonna use my sneak attack and I would like to shoot the Rat Pack on allora again uh it should it's my bonus action correct so okay so so the way sneak attack works is um you can deal extra damage as part of your attack um so this would actually you would just roll the damage you don't have to roll an attack for this Okay cool so I just have to do a one D6 then okay um also you can't do it on every uh attack to be clear um there are certain uh circumstances that have to be satisfied which are in this case a finesse and ranged weapon correct which and also you have to either have advantage on the creature or have an ally within five feet of the creature yep okay all right um and that was oh I just hit shoot it was a four for the extra damage so okay so two so what two it's looking pretty rough but not down okay cool um and then I still have like 10 feet of movement um let me remeasure that how many feet down for my jump uh your uh ruler is uh not in the right spot um that's just 20 feet to where you were okay so I have 15 more feet of movement yep all right I'm going to do right there okay okay that's the end of my turn on sigh where is the closest rat to me probably the Ember one bur can I make it uh there I think my movement's 30 ft oh yeah yeah you'd make it oh yeah okay I would like to uh do a fire bolt uh okay you will want to do this from back where you were yeah yeah gotcha okay I S don't get too close this is this is size first battle that's fine size first battle I I yell to size stay stay back oh I got 120t range yeah yes Firebolts dope and it's you actually it's harder for you to hit if you get in close gotcha with range well I rolled a three oh good what plus you should have a Plus on the hit DC um see plus one so four okay that's great to be higher than that even if it plus five total Fireball misses all right bummer you'll get him next time sigh yeah I'll just yell you guys got it you guys can do it all right lucky your first round of D&D combat what would you like to do all right I do have a quick question when it says for my spells says creatures does that include other players too yes yeah oh Bo every living being including yourself is a creature what were you about to Fireball I know where that's going we're all I've got like I got Thunder Wave I got Thunder clamp I got burning hands I just Scorch everything so the nice thing is that you're not within five feet of any of your allies so some of those things might be effective yeah yeah you might be okay because I know if I do burning hands it's a 15 foot cone and any creature within that has to do a dexterity saving throw yeah you could you could you could hit the two rats in front of you if you move over here you would take one attack of opportunity yep um but if you move over here you could hit all three of those rats oh great I'll do that burning hands now if he survives the attack of opportunity yeah you just risk it them attacking you for your movement well the attack of opportunity that's before I even attack correct correct corre correct attch on opportunity what do I have to roll for that they're going to roll a hit hit you that's Ste you want to try to hit him that wasn't that 20 oh no Sten stop it stop it Sten this isn't Fun take the dice away too only we're supposed to get Nat dice this listen he's using those 3D printed dice he has the weight yeah they're waed they just so happens to be a 20 on every [Laughter] side I I do actually have yeah they got mixed up tonight yeah but says on it all right what's the damage I I actually rolled relatively low um that's a total of four damage yeah he dead nice yeah I'm down I only have two hit gosh no oh no the big rat hasn't even gone yet big rat hasn't gone oh my gosh we're all going to tpk in this room that's awesome did you guys do the math right did you guys do the math right on this one this is like that time I had to kill y's Uncle no we all agreed that never happened that's right that's right jeez man it is your turn oh wait did the big rat go big rat's last they spent two two years on lore five minutes of math on combat five all right so so se you can do anything you can do any of your spells you can do any of your attacks you can try to talk to things probably not most effective option here each round of combat you get to do one action one bonus action you have movement speed if you want to take it and then you have a free action so action and bonus action are probably going to be your main options unless you'd like to maybe run away or something like that which you can do to some extent is there a spell on your list you think might be helpful at the moment so I have the Misty step spell but does that allow me to get away from yeah you can get taking opportunity attacks okay I'd like to do that Misty step is fun so you can teleport uh I think it's up to 30 feet away if I remember with that spell you could probably Bop up here on this box if you wanted to it's a pretty safe spot um but then I so can I still attack something on this turn then or no you could attack and then run away yeah you could do that okay or if you'd like to teleport first just go somewhere that you still have line of sight on the ra okay so I have produced flame in my cantrips I used that once when we first came in can I use that again or is that like done now yes you can no can trips you can use as many times as you want okay so because the that can trip I can use flame up to 30t so can I get away from them and then use produce flame and attack them with the flame okay I'm going to do that and what's good to know about this is this is a range spell attack so if you try to do a ranged attack within five feet of something you have disadvantage so what you just did is a really smart move yeah get away then shoot yep yeah okay cool let's do that all right so is it is produce flame like a it's an attack roll okay so you're GNA do an attack roll you're going to uh uh I guess a D20 plus I don't know how you do that uh so on the left hand column you'll see at the very bottom a little dice option on the left you can push that and it'll bring up a dice roller table so you just got to hit that D20 icon once okay and then add your spell attack modifier uh which should be uh on the spell page your wisdom modifier plus two or on the spell page on the spell page yeah so let's start with that D20 okay nice a 13 so then you go to your spell page and on the top it's already calculated your spell attack bonus oh that's four okay so 17 all together awes that does hit very nice move yeah now what damage does produce flame do one d8 all right so now you just have to roll a d you can do that through the same method as you okay nice four four damage this is looking a bit rough but not not down something that's good to know Steph is with your feet you get to cast Misty step for free without C without spending any of your spell slot okay so you've used that so make sure you mark that down and then you still got the rest of your spells then like Mark it like make it on red like turn the color yeah so at our little section there uh let me pull up your sheet real quick sorry guys just want to make sure she is learning as we go yeah absolutely good on your core page you have the you wrote The Little Misty step in that middle section above Beast Bond you see that yes and then you can just push the down arrow to take that one Misty steps down to zero okay and you'll get that back tomorrow I believe it's once per long Rest Long rest yeah okay cool very nice and the cool thing about can trips is that you can cast them with a bonus action spell normally you can't cast two spells in one turn but in this instance you did it the correct way so you did a a beautiful move so yay cool all right yeah that actually was a great turn overall yeah next up is Liz is she going to transform into a rat oh my God she's like seven right just running up on she's just going to stand in the hole go in the hole okay cool yeah uh last is the big boy oh gosh Big Boy gonna Big Boy Bring It On Come On uh okay Liz is kind of in the middle of the wall at the moment that's fine go uh all right no not the magic ThunderBolt from the rats V what did you do uh Aegis does a 18 hit ties so yes yes okay come on uh that's going to do uh seven points all right oh my gosh not good get out of there brother all right run back up to the top of initiative at allora I need a death saving thr oh my God do we want to do private or the open private private private so Steph when you go down your character is trying to stabilize so if you roll three death fails you're dead dead if you roll three saves you're just stable but you're unconscious and when you're rolling those saves it's you're just rolling a D20 if it's 11 to 20 it's a success it's 1 to 10 it's a fail you add nothing it's a actually 10 and up is a success it's a 55 % chance oh my gosh I didn't know that tror just take a look over her shoulder as she doesn't I I cannot okay we're trying this has been the hardest month and a half of our marriage I'm so guys I might go down if they attack me so we'll see don't worry the one on Aur is going to uh crawl up you and I hated that statement yeah I didn't like that one at all you uh oh my God that was another 18 are you serious y I am okay that was only two points of damage oh I'm still up oh my gosh all right we got you rice mice rats oh man other cannot get on you at the same time as the other swarmer rat so it's actually going to try to move away you can take an attack of opportunity if you would like yeah for sure um get it oh I don't have Fireball it let's all just kill us all I'll just take a smack okay come on baby smack okay natural 19 so it's going to be a I mean it doesn't really matter yep yeah um and then that's going to be I'll just roll damage in here I'm anxious oh that's an eight bludgeon damage nice very nice and with that you smash all the remaining rats in one good job I think there's a weird moment uh because this is another set of like this is not just like one animal I killed but once again if I'm going to choose animal over sister I'm going to choose sister every time so I think there's a weird trepidation but I I I don't hold back so okay can I can I uh sidm something these technically like they don't have the ancestors in they poison the ancestors right inside them that's what they're trying they released rats Into the Wild and the ancestors have the ability to inhabit live animals okay um but if an ancestor this information wasn't shared if an ancestor is inhabiting a live animal when it dies the ancestor is destroyed for okay I think I would tell you that probably after this if I survive I'll just I'll yell they're not real friend that makes no sense don't worry as I'm like smacking rats off of me that makes no sense they're not real it's your turn screw you I'm going to do the exact same thing we're going to go ahead and green flame blade again come on keep rolling High baby love it that's going to be a 12 plus uh plus plus four plus four uh sweet um so then I'm gonna go ahead and do my primary attack at The Rat Pack um okay and then I'll do the flame attack at the big boy so the big boy takes two fire damage uh and then the Rat Pack takes five bludgeon damage apologies uh they took five bludgeon damage five bling damage to the rat pack and then uh two to the to the big boy okay The Rat Pack is there's like one rat still crawling around you of course okay um shoot this really sucks okay we don't have we were not given any healing potions by our Reserve crew were we nope no but we were given weren't we given like a medic pack though I mean I don't have a I don't have a medicine pack on my I believe so A Healer kit I mean I do not have one so I have stuff that I can help sorry I probably should have done something to help our down friend um son of a gun yeah I can't do anything and I am not going to take two opportunity attacks so I'm just going to stand here all right the small boy turn oh my God okay also does anyone else have any healing nope oh my God we are on our own boys is someone peeing yes that's my dad peeing in the backgrounding watching some dishes so guys for what it's worth for those that are new we can do what's called a medicine check to to help our friends which might be necessary after I go down sorry is on the front line that's my bad first one roll of 15 to hit uh bash bash it with my shield it does not nice okay second one roll of 14 to hit nice not H I'll block it with my staff okay nice very dextrous of you all right uh your fear all right uh you said there's still like one rat underneath uh agus yep yes all right I'm going to draw my short bow and I'm going to aim right at that rat and hopefully just take it out okay uh let me get my number on that 17 to hit hits nine damage jeez you obliterate this rat into a fine Pace I mean there's literally smoke there's smoke coming off the the Helm of the arrow love it I don't know how you guys handle talking in combat but am I able to shout out and ask sure uh um uh let me get our names uh lucky and all need help medical help someone I can't help you with that but I can shoot stuff so I well then keep me alive God damn it I think I just did brother look at your feet there's an obliterated rat underneath it I feel extremely mixed about this three other very very much larger rats at I would like to do a little bit of movement real quick um yeah yeah yeah I'm going to think right back here okay and I want to kind of like sneak uh like slink uh kind of shoulder [ __ ] myself off of this box kind of mildly trying to blend in with it um and you going for like half cover essent half cover because hopefully once I get done with my sneak attack I would like to use my um my uh mask of the wild and try to obscure myself with this box so the rats don't know where I went the sneak attack was an option you could do when you shot at that rat which you oh that's right so it would have been extra blood uh I'm not going to do that right now that's right I forgot that is wait there was nine damage without sneak attack that was damage without sneak attack oh my gosh uh cool so I'm just then um let me see if I don't think I have any other bonus actions for fun [Music] actually yeah no I don't gosh hold up This One S so fast all right no yeah did um two years and everybody dies to rats all right I'm good I'm just gonna try to to hide myself uh with this box next to me okay make a stealth check uh dirty 20 okay good to know sigh all right give another try Firebolt Firebolt yep get it baby okay so Road of three plus 5 is eight can I I'm going to use lucky yeah you absolutely can let's go baby all right is this a redo or is this an advantage redo to redo yeah yeah okay you have to take the roll 10 uh wait wait wait I know it hits the Swarms oh five do so 15 plus five so it's oh you need a new dice my guy yeah holy cow what send me your address I'll mail you mail you a good one all right do you want to move it all or uh let me see if there's anything I can do dude do you have do you have any healing or anything does her does does the sister does she have any does a sister have a bandage so she of a single bandage oh my gosh this is gonna be brutal no I will I will stay right where I'm at all right that's fine uh lucky I need you to roll a D20 oh my gosh if you get a if you get a natural 20 it's a good thing SC that out if it happens speaking over you okay it's not natural 20 just messaged me that number thank you anything above a 10 is good Ember what you got um I'm just GNA do the produce flame again and okay aim it at one of those guys yeah burn them burn them so take them out bow bur them so I roll a D20 yep yep uh I got a 17 nice nice we love that number we're in big trouble if that number doesn't hit uh four for damage Four Points okay he's looking a little rough but still up oh man all right um Liz she have good Beres or something girls bandaids she ain't got nothing to eat she didn't have any big boy here we go oh man do screw you can't your owl pull you away uh my 's upstairs rolled a 12 oh I I I push my shield up into it pinching mouth get it I'm good he he's stuck there for a moment just trying to bite down crunch The Shield love that old stury Shield keep it [Laughter] up that's his all right aora oh my God that's saving for o please Nat 20 come on baby Nat [Music] 20 not a Nat 20 oh boy I don't like that tone the rat swarms are both dead oh my God all right I'm immediately gonna turn and I'm going to with my I'm just gonna kind of like almost slam not slam press the top of my staff into uh into our friend on the ground there and I'm going to go ahead and pump my last spell slot into cure wounds uh so it's going to be um 1d8 I'll do the space once nice uh six seven eight eight hit points back nice good that's you have returned to conscious watch let's go on the ground brushing brushing myself off cuz I think there's rats still all over me which In fairness there are probably a few rat bodies on you I I just want to say I have never played D and D in which I don't know the death saves and it is absolutely terrifying it is it's rough absolutely terrifying okay so that's my action um and there's these two guys here still right that was your last spell slot right that was my last spell slot I mean I can still do green flame blade but I mean it kind of is what it is at this point um I don't think I would move uh I'm not able to push myself between Aura and the rat am I no I don't at this okay that's fine guess your Shield has hold so far but it held once more Aus just looks back at you like absolutely decimated like bleeding from everything that's my turn that's gonna be my turn love it small boys small boys you know what small boys gonna do wait is it is it small boys yep [Music] okay uh one of them got a nine the other got a 22 okay 22 hits there's no way you can't down me I don't think unless he has a negative to attack or damage no he does not he rolled a three okay I think I just pulsed this healing energy into her as as I throw my body in front of the rat that jumps at her oh man wow yfir um sees Aus in his kindness that he watched the magic leave his hand and uh watched him drop and he released a uh a fiery yell from his his gut uh and draws his short bow again um DMs I want to ask something and I don't know if this is possible can I shoot two arrows at once from a short short bow like uh no split damage sadly no no okay all right o split damage that's what I was thinking is like if it hits I want to kind of do like legless style double arrows I would give both of them a bonus to AC so if you're willing to take that risk uh how are they looking right now how are the small boys looking one of them is untouched the other is pretty close sorry pretty close to down I'm going to I'm going to trust the die I've been good so far we're going to roll with it I'm going to I'm going to try it I know you're going to do a bonus to AC I want to split damage and I'm probably going to roll two damage and that's a piercing shot also we cannot promise that this will be a mechanic going forward no okay that's fine I just think it's cool in the moment all right roll 2D2 a 2D2 all right so the first one was a 17 and a a dirty 19 on the other one okay they both hit all right so let me hit some damage here yeah just have your damage roll for each and have it can I use sneak attack to add to the damage on what i' say yeah you can do it on don't roll your eyes at me Break The Rules it's for flare we're making the best story actually you can only do it on the uh the one next to allora because AIS is no longer AIS is down all right you're right okay you're right you're right all right all right so have okay so the first round of damage is have five is that what the sneak attack that's not with sneak attack hang on because I was only sneak attack is for one of them right yep yep yep yep okay yep okay okay so five Habs to two uh four for the sneak attack uh is that already haved that's not haved so two so four sorry you rolled a total of I rolled I rolled a four on the sneak attack have to two and the five was already haved or no five was haveed oh apologies sorry five was haveed the second one is is have to two so seven total damage on that thing on that one okay understood it is down okay lovely and how much on the other one just a normal damage divided by two that's just a two yeah just a two okay two damage on that all right you guys are being kind s thank you DM daddies okay two questions for the DM go for can I can I use a as a bonus action after I've attacked no not well it depends on the spell but generally not if it says if the in the spell description it says bonus action cast then yes otherwise no okay all right and then another question can I use false life for somebody else sadly no I believe it does explicitly say self only for me also temp HP would not get somebody up right got barrier on top of okay all right Firebolt it is let's see what we got all right going for small boy or big boy I'm GNA go for a small boy and just get go get it finish [Applause] him uh four + 5 is nine so you got to get a new dice that that dice loves a four dude oh my God I just rolled 16 do you want to move or stay still oh my go I'm gonna move next to your fear I get still behind the box yep I'm gonna look at sigh and say what's the point on all those books if you can't hit anything all right lucky please roll a death save message me the Roll come on lucky you can't go oh God and Ember you are next okay um can I hit the little one from where I'm at y okay we'll do produce flame again okay um roll to 12 all right and then you're gonna add your never mind no what okay what doesn't matter you you would add your spell attack modifier but okay yeah and then a two for damage love it two points of damage okay still up looking rough yeah they've been on monthly doses of trt they're ready to go there was something else in those barrels listen to Jo screaming through the hole I'm sure that she is big boy big boy Laura leave me alone hey leave me alone uh that's a 12 to hit that hits oh 12 12 is my AC no guys I'm really scrawny okay Sten matching our AC I'm really good at it uh okay that is a total of four points of damage okay thank you all right allur is still laying down on my screen oh I put myself back up yeah weird oh now she's up cool uh okay allora it's now your turn oh kill them all yeah B I'm going to um back up just a little bit here you are in melee range with this big rat so it am oh oh that makes sense okay never mind I like the the figure deciding not to walk away second thought never mind oh boy okay well um I'm still going to do burning hands oh nice but I need to see let's see here if you cut around yeah you won't hit him over here well you like if I still stay next to him but just move around him you might be able to hit both of them yeah that yeah around back here then let's do that yeah okay get that tail come on come on so we need deck saves from the rats okay [Music] yes um big boy gets a sorry uh 14 ah okay small boy gets a 10 so he still takes half damage okay so big boy gets five small boy gets 10 good damage Dage like boy is very toasty oh man that burning hands is clut and big boy not too far off either um and then do I need to roll for my wild magic yes you [Music] do I love wild magic and I got a 16 so I'm okay okay uh no no sorry oh wait no you're good you're good because you long rested since your your uh oh my tides of you used your tides of chaos or else I would have had to roll right the D100 I forgot then you would have had to roll on the table right uh this actually um I don't believe we mentioned this to you um aora uh there's an optional rule that you can use if you want uh where every time you succeed on the wild magic uh role the DC goes up by one so now if you do it again uh it it goes a wild magic search happens on a two or a one oh okay yeah let's do that I think that's so fun I want to use it yeah let's do it cool it's so much fun until it's not yeah until you cast The Fireball on your right that's the only one I'm a little concerned about yeah that would kill everyone yeah I need a uh death priv stepen you want to blow my dice with the high rolles you've been having oh go I didn't like that sound at all please never do that again I didn't I didn't like that small boy dead your fear you're up all right your fear you said the Big Boy's not looking great the big boy can you do anything can does anyone have any medicine for no not at all care about medicine uh um let me see here oh my God cool Phil's first time playing D and D he hasn't got new attack once and his character dies yep um I'm gonna move right here okay and I'm GNA pull out my sword you gonna shank him in the butt I'm going to shank him right in the butt and I'm gonna also I'm gonna do a butt piercing attack with uh immediate pucker immed uh with with my Bon with my sneak attack as well all right so so you get advantage on this hit as well oh oh yeah because you are you are flanking is that just a roll yoll 2 D20 the higher okay uh so to hit it's a uh 12 go that just hits okay cool all right um up the butt most butts have an AC of two I think uh I'm sorry where where am I oh there it is uh that is 14 for damage 14 let's go okay I just want to point out this rat had 14 hit points Max oh okay so can I can I can I do this how do you want to do this yeah how do you want to do this okay no one saw me move through the Shadows but suddenly from behind the anus of the Rat your fear slinks from the from the darkness and all you hear is a shink and a silver and blue glowing blade goes straight through its spine and up through the other side and he brings it right back out and flicks the blade clean of blood and slides it back in that sheath it's poo poo but it's a lot of poop and blood and the the rat uh sort of scrunches up into a little ball and slowly whimpers as it dies love it right in front of me and I like that was scary um I would immediately like to kneel down to Aus and just check for see what he's doing cing up blood probably I don't know oh gosh yes still alive uh or am I where are you I want to run over to him as well and see if there is anything that I can do for him I don't have anything but we'll leave I will point out lucky is also down Lu also down oh luy I'm just going to die in the cor that's right see see he is a servant okay I'm telling you he is a a straight up slave that guy all right iin catching on to you can you blame me I just just saved my life yeah I don't know I think there's some racism so it's worth pointing smoking Ember still has my D4 uh oh even when you're down yes as far as I can tell all right medical checks is there do I see any medicine around these parts in this laboratory no uh well not that and he has expired by 800 years or so but over the next several minutes I'll say that each of you managed to stabilize the members of your ownc conscious party they are not K goes I'm not gonna risk them rolling to this right close them um um they are uh UNC right no the help when you get helped you're at one right no if you're just stabilized oh you're just stabilized yeah you still still are stabilized so it would take a short rest and if you would like them to come back H you need to take about an hour rest uh 100% it is very much worth it I whatever it takes I would like Finch to watch our backside okay um but yeah we need to rest and I look at Liz and I tell her we are not moving forward until our group is back up off the ground um she looks conflicted uh but nods and just sort of perches in the hole okay uh if you're in t Spire you can leave love what a great round of I just want to say Stephan Phil welcome to D sorry Bill you got knocked instantly we are very much sponges right now on the ground we all encourage you just take the attack of opportunity it's going to be all right also it's worth noting from this combat we learned that the tankiest character is the cleric um the only one with healing abilities yeah we're going to need to work on s you're gonna need to read some books tonight about yeah I gotta read also get a better aiming eye okay all right about an hour later uh several of you um come to Consciousness do you want us to roll hit dice for that then Kaleb yes so we we can roll hit dice so each of you have a hit dice expl for the new players associated with your hit points um I don't know what it is for a druid uh for Wizard pretty sure it's a D6 uh you can roll well exactly one of them and recover that many hit points um that plus con right that plus con right yeah so you still um it's a d8 for um you step it's a d a D6 for you uh Phil and St you can hit the hit dice button in the middle of your character sheet it'll Auto add it together and you could recover that many hit points and all of you are also welcome to do that even if you weren't unconscious um if you took some damage so then I just go back up to like my maximum yep if it if it was more than your maximum if it would have resulted more the max you go to your yes okay you are all conscious maybe not feeling fantastic having almost being slaughtered by a gang of super powerered rats um if I can I immediately look at em just like you did so good you did so good I I know that um you did not kill the wolves and that this officially puts you in the same category with the rats so I'm sorry that you had to do that I think Ember is just like shell shocked and speechless just it's okay taking it all in we're okay all right would you all like to continue Liz is very much interested in continuing she's she's bouncing up and down at this point yeah so I feel pretty good physically honestly pretty great I'm out of spell slots for what it's worth as in like on a scale of like 1 to 10 I feel like a Ted I'm going to be honest with you guys I know I would like to save the small child but maybe we should get some reinforcements or something because we barely made it out of the first room and we almost died to rats um and maybe the wardens would like to know about the things that are happening down here I mean I could send Finch ahead and see if we can even hear the kid yelling but I mean uh I don't want to sound not Noble here friends but this has not been great well can we advance until we see danger we didn't see the janer that just attacked us so let's just send Liz on ahead oh my gosh Sor now's not the time for jokes um uh how's the rest of you feeling right now olora how are you after what you just witnessed oh uh a little more scared of rats but honestly I feel great thank you thanks to Aus I owe you my life agus thank you anything for a fellow Warden he also got knocked out pretty sure you allow all of me your lives I'll be honest this old man over here killed everything so yes yes you you did fine hey guys I'm going I'm going to find uh my brother I will come with you Liz sister Liz oh my gosh okay listen how much time is separate but we could at least take it safer that was about an hour of you guys yeah I mean like so the how close are we getting to conjunction time uh you've got a few hours okay okay with that a knowledge I will say this this is probably like like 2 in the afternoon maybe we are going to devote a few more hours to this Escapade I am willing to save this child but conjunction time is approaching we also have other duties the conjunction extends fairly late let's continue we're skipping out on the one go ahead and I start going towards the tunnel and send Finch in front of us let's now that we know what we're facing let's take it safer let's take it slower I do apologize I know I was running in you're fine I understand your concern I now that we're taking it safe would like to stay in the back to watch our backs that's fine Sai you will be right next to Aus I'll be right in front of them yeah thank you and I'm just gonna I'm GNA head first fch is out in front of me okay and I would like to continue you you're the front of the spear I'm already walking in front of everybody so all right uh as you head up uh on top of the rubble and through the small hole in the wall uh you enter a small crawl space um after a few feet the crawl space opens up into what appears to be an abandoned M shaft the air is moist and every surface seems to be covered in a fine Dew an old derailed mine cart lies near one of the walls still full of thick building Stones a couple pickaxe heads pierce the walls their handle handles long rotted away a set of Rusty rails still somewhat intact delves deeper into the distant cave that's lit with the unmistakable aquamarine glow of omite Crystal outcropping and right as we get there I'm just gonna go what did this little and I look at aora turn get us into that was much better Liz continues up on ahead do you follow her uh yeah I'm gonna follow Liz I would like Finch to go still be our eyes and ears yep uh you continue moving forward following the uh rail tracks uh as you move up ahead you find that the rail rail cariously continues over and across a sheer Cliff face in the cave about 30 ft across your small Nish guide steps carefully across but you can hear the Deep creaking of the wooden rail ties under each step is she already gone is she already across she made it across oh my God GNA try to talk to her real quick I would like come on guys quick I will tell them I'm going to go first uh I have rope that's great let's let's put a little bit of uh wait actually okay hang on um how far across is it 30t how far is your rope uh 50 feet uh what's the ground like over there we can get one across yeah if we can get one across I would like um who by looking can I tell who's the smallest of the group I believe that would be or sigh are they dexterous SL have the ability to be athletic Sai are you pretty athletic um not necess not particularly no okay I'm going I'm going oh my gosh not again and I I squat down slightly and you hear some Pops in my knees and I just kind of like shake them a little bit and I grab the Rope and uh I just look at Aus and I say hold on to it wait wait I'm going to put my hand on your shoulder you see this you feel this energy running into you as I cast guidance cool take a little bit extra help all uh I take that's a D4 added to any to the next skill check or ability make um there is a cliff wall next to the it's basically the rail goes like like there's a wall a cliff like this and it goes straight over a giant hole okay so there's okay that's fine all right cool is anyone else here strong it would not be a bad idea to Lucky looks pretty tough yeah like a a port guy at least have one other person if not more people do we have something we can tie it to just hold on to it don't worry about it uh so I just start Naruto running uh across yeah okay I'm gonna just I'm Naruto running across and I have my sword out all right I just want you to explain to me how you are running across not the Naruto run I understand that yeah so details you'd like to give me about how you're moving across I am you you see my feet and they are landing directly in front of each other on like the metal rail they are just in like a straight line it looks like the most dangerous sketchiest stuff you've ever seen in your life but he looks confident doing it like he's done something can you grab the back of this rope so we have two of us on it yeah it it looks he is moving with pure confidence in his step can you give me can you hope that you don't have any more T rolls left in you can you me a acrobatics check please oh I'm so glad you called acrobatics oh plus the D4 so I got a 19 nice with the acrobatics and then plus D4 I don't know where my D4 went oh you know what I have that that's fine I'll I think I have my four here no I don't uh two so 20 21 you very uh uh expertly managed to Nar run across uh the railing uh careful only to step on the the metal uh Edge uh and gracefully land on the other side cool once I get it across I I am going to like take the Rope because there's plenty of extra rope there's like there's 50 I'm going to wrap like a good hunk of it around my waist but behind me I take my sword and I pin it into the ground so there's extra okay all right cross so one of you is holding it on one side one of you is holding on the other and the rest are using it as sort of a I yell to sigh do not do what I just did please okay who's next okay so both Ember and I can get across safely uh thanks to our claws um we will support you on this side until everyone's acrossed okay I'll I will guide every person that lines up yeah yeah fine and Ember and I will hold the Rope Laura you go next now that you have the Rope I'll give you advantage on the acrobatic shank plus a D4 that rope came in clutch thank you so much for having that got got to be aware what's in your backpack 14 you said plus a D4 plus a D4 all right 17 you manag to get it across without too much of a problem okay next Laura a fist bump sign uh guidance oh for me yeah yep okay so Advantage D plus4 swap that dice out please what is this tomb of Horrors yeah I know all right 12 okay that's two digits and plus one and what's your acrobatics acrobatics is minus one sorry oh oh my goodness is that a 12 12 + one yeah so it's 12 yeah okay minus one uh as you are moving across uh the uh rail uh you feel your foot slip uh for a moment and you start falling back uh against uh the away from the rope and manage to land uh your butt on the other metal railing on the opposite side but you hear the whole thing sort of groan as you feel it sort of like twist back your weight can we gently pull him back up with the Rope carefully yep you can you you slowly both of you tighten the Rope on opposite sides and S you manag to lift yourself back up and slowly and carefully move to the other side goodness such a liability all right lucky you're just one all right and I'll give you guidance so so you're GNA roll an acrobatic check twice you take the higher number and then you add a D4 to that okay so what do I roll for the acrtic what dice D20 okay so I roll that twice yep okay so a nine plus one oh okay A N plus what make sure n was after two rolles right yes that was the higher of the two and then your your plus one is your skill uh the plus one is the D4 okay okay cool because I don't get anything for acrobatics wonderful all right you slowly start uh moving yourself over um and being the heaviest of those who have crossed so far without Naruto running of course that's the real uh you you feel the creaking followed by uh uh bits of splintering wood that you hear cracking away um and after a few moments before you have time to react full ties crack away uh and you start falling can I have Ember hold the Rope can I dive in you're gonna dive in I have uh I'm going to drop my shield and my my my staff extend my claws I have a climbing speed so I would like to try and catch him and stab into the wall with my climbing speed give me an acrobatics check okay pretty high DC and then I still have the D4 from oh no it's gone isn't the bonded blessing yeah it's been a little bit you said acrobatics I don't have I don't know if I have anything in my okay that's going to be a 16 okay uh you run towards the hole and leap out into into the darkness claws yeah claws out you manage to grab a hold of Lucky and sort of reach out your claws past hoping to uh grab onto the wall on the other side um you find the floor before the wall though um and the both of you uh take 14 points of damage as you slam into the ground can we see 20 ft deep Yep they're about 20 ft down oh my so my claws don't help negate that at all I guess you didn't find the wall that's fine I'm down then unconscious bodies at the bottom of the pit oh my gosh I need to get down there can I take the rope and go down there we allora yes we all need to get down there message me a death saving throw please okay uh does anyone have anything that can help this oh I'm I have another rope you have another Ember yell out that you have another rope I have another rope okay uh do how close they're just 20 feet down correct y'all so we can see him okay yeah uh Ember do you have anything that can fasten that rope to the ground his staff can you jam it in there never mind uh I'm going to I'm going to tell I'm just because you're not you're just holding on to the Rope well he let go of the Rope so we're good save that rope for now I'm going to take that rope that I have fastened around my waist save boys oh my god oh wait I have a what is it called a a piton piton is that how you say that yes yes let's use that yes we need to do that I'm going to put this piece of metal into the wall and we can fasten the Rope on it and go down jam it in there and I start sliding down because it's already around my waist okay sweet I I would like to reach them as fast as I can who do you run over to First can I follow him down after is that okay yeah okay I'm going to Lucky okay okay I'm gonna run to agus okay because I know I know Aur is coming after me all right medicine checks medicine check what does that mean uh it's I got a one where what is it under can I use my advantage though after the do I need to do that before I roll my gosh 13 for me not much better a five that's a success five is not going to cut it can I get to Lucky in time sure I will allow you to give it attempt on lucky run over I see allora is frantic I need help I slide in as fast as I can and I roll I don't even can you get an advantage I got a 12 oh that's a success it I didn't know what the number was I was very afraid which is really good because lucky was down to oh my God okay this didn't die we need to get out of here this kid is the I look at I'm lucky man I'm lucky was dying I look at I look as lucky comes to I go I guess you're lucky after all and then I hand him another flask and this one smells different than the water one and I don't even stop it yeah I take I took half of it hey guys are we able to take a quick bio break yeah for sure yeah let's go five take oh my gosh oh my go this is the Tom of hor down here jeez when when you said his claws didn't stick to the wall I was like oh no are dead yeah dude oh my gosh actually it's funny you mention the tomb of Horrors because when we played that uh my character did fall down a 50 foot hole yeah that was hilarious it was 100t cuz they had to do 25 foot climbs right I had like 96 points or something yeah chamber in a small hole the the ceiling Stone stealing slid back over him and he used pittan in climbing equipment over the course of several hours to slowly crawl up the hole and then he had Mason's tool that he used to mine out the stone floor above him what an inredible inventory thing he gets back out the part's gone he has no idea where he is he goes through one of the only doors that he has open to him which leads immediately into an orb of Ali Annihilation that evaporates him into D oh my God I was like you couldn't write that as a comedy oh my God died like four times that need to be an animation oh my gosh no one else died the entire thing and I died four times yeah the very the very end as they they're like approaching the boss room one of the last things the last thing before you get into the boss room you put a key into a door and you turn it and the whole ground shakes around immediately in front of the door and everybody's trying to figure out where to run and everybody runs away and Steve's like no I bet you it's a trick you have to stand right here and the floor slam it turns into Pace right before the final you're like the toring of twoo Horrors oh my God it was so I ALS I also earlier in the uh in the dungeon I got turned into a woman yes by some magic mist and then multiple times and then I I went back into the mist and turned back into a man and then I went back into the Mist a third time turned turned back into a woman and also teleported to the beginning of the dungeon without any of my stuff completely naked I would have quit right then oh my gosh I'm gonna go oh my go that's funny that was great oh I didn't realize so many people would be so close to death so often yeah oh my gosh I was rolling so good this has been rough like almost all of my rolls at least for the first half of that combat were like 16 and up it was crazy it's level one that's how I'm just worried at someone is going to have to pick up healing or something someone's got to pick up healing man I wouldn't worry too much about it oh man I like how post that last fight you didn't even you didn't even let us roll for a medicine you're just like I'm not gonna risk it just I I freaking risked it on that one though what was the DC what was the DC for the catch 18 to catch the wall to catch the wall uh yeah I was thinking this could be 18 yeah I mean that's pretty to catch someone and then maintain enough momentum to get across it you know I appreciate the the well what I should have done is I should have done either the bom blessing or guidance beforehand and that would have pushed me over but you make decisions you know y that's what this game is about yep oh we're about to get into some fun stuff though been good so far I think everyone's doing good yeah the the uh the precursor the uh the the puzzle pie or the uh the stages set yep I love the uh I both love and hate the implication of what is happening in this room I was like it's not gonna be that big of a deal and then you're just like casually like oh yeah they're just poisoning rats to possess the the spirits of ancestral deities like what the freak I remember coming up with that idea a few months ago I was like oh this is brutal we gotta find a way to put this in it's a war crime what you think so far Steph this is awesome this is so fun good this is so great I love this I literally ran upstairs and I was like heating up food and I was like okay like is Eric's watching TV and I'm like there's this dungeon and then there's like rats and stuff and they were swarming all over us we had to kill this is so great yeah and if you if there's anything that up that you want to do you've been hearing us freee it so if you see a skill and you're like I think this could apply right now go for it you're doing great though or if you just want to LEAP try to catch someone and grab the other side I guess you can try that as well just know that I will set the difficulty at whatever ridiculous level you set the the task what did you say I just didn't realize how much room there was to be like legitimately creative in this like just coming up with do whatever you want do whatever you want be crazy cool there's more rules in combat right but other than that absolutely and generally speaking we're as you saw with your's double shot we're willing to work with you if if it's a cool idea so always add an Iron Man drop in to every attack you do okay Superhero lands are great slide across every table you see Dukes of Hazard style yeah sometimes definitely won't ask for acrobatics checks on those and have you trip over the table sometimes that's how Zach about the stunt he tried to pull during the final boss fight of two ofor by throwing all the potions into a cape and swimming them swinging them around like a mace I I I heard about that that's hilarious I missed so very creative I spent like three turns begging and borrowing like Caleb what can I do with a free action and a bonus action so much lead up and wildness that's literally how how torig my last character was created was an acrobatics check was because he was supposed to be this super Noble wannabe like up in the front Warrior but every time I tried to roll it failed and he was just a baboon and a buffoon and so I just played him like an idiot the rest of the time it was great it's really funny all right once lucky gets back we'll keep going we got some some fun I just feel bad that didn't get to do one thing in that fight no his name is perfect he's lucky he survived every time oh it's so it everything about that fight was so luy's whole character it it worked out it was fine yes totally it is on brand for the character love man you wouldn't think that a bunch of metal with holes in it would be hot but it is you don't that I do have toate the commitment my ears hurt so bad from my headphones being on top of these El ears right now they're glued to my ears and every time my headphones touch them now it's like agonizing pain but it's fine but it's worth it it's worth it guys I want to share with you a gift that Caleb sent a while back and I can never show anyone because it's never the right time because we're not going to bring this on the black bar podcast but oh my gosh this my penis pillow I get so many ads for those yeah it's like someone's whispering to my phone that's what happened that's what happened is I was just like we were on Destiny one night and I was just dying laughing because I was just like I just got an ad for a penis pillow and kill goes cart for Christmas why would you guys not put that on the black bar podcast no huh you know I don't know I like I like having clients wait isn't this streamed yeah are you guys streaming this is being recorded oh okay not not streamed we'll cut this part out oh my God guys all right we've been so much closer to death than I anticipated yeah I did not anticipate this much almost death over the next several minutes um you we spent our hit dice does that mean that at a short rest we only get one hit point uh I don't think you get anything I could be wrong gosh that's what I'm wondering yeah oh oh apologies we're gonna need to do another I I think Caleb would you be fine with just saying that they're up at one yeah that's fine okay so so the two of you are are at one hit point okay but I feel a lot worse yeah so this has not been great for troop 33 I don't know how you want to proceed but um if we're this far already this far and I I bet I would imagine if we go further there's probably maybe maybe hopeless optimism an easier way out than coming back the way we came in Ember have you crossed over yet I don't think so because I was holding the Rope oh okay my guess is she probably She's Got Claws as well she probably climbed down to us by now yeah and has worked over the course of the next several minutes I'll say you all make it past the whole cool Liz just as impatient as ever on the other side Li I'm G to look at Liz and I'm going I'm a little mad now and I'm going to kind of grab her by the arm and I'm going to say how much further until we get to your brother uh it's it's not far now it's no that's what you said a while ago okay it's it's down a tunnel and then a room and then one more small tunnel that's a lot of extra tunnels than what you said back in there it's not you said through the hole and then there's a tunnel yeah I I would like something is not right here I look at everyone else does this seem right I can do a deception check I am surprised that you got this far down before Liz St let's cut to the chase here this does not seem right I would like to do some type of deception check I think Insight check Insight can I come alongside of him and say sister are you telling us the whole truth and can I give him the help action uh sure so with advantage on your fear okay n uh natural 20 what is the role yeah we need the total for both of them no I got I got add add your Insight to the KN 20 we we do need know plus zero for insight no man I got a 21 oh son of a sister Liz so we have entered into a space in which it's called being meta in which we know that but our characters do not know that so so this is this is something that uh some some of our old older players would probably know uh the way we run it is if there's ever an Insight check made there is a deception check made that way the meta is uh like you don't know yeah you don't know just by the fact that I rolled that there was a lie told so yeah basically just you didn't get any extra can I can I use identify unless you can that would tell you that she is a gnome girl um or I suppose uh if if she is not a gnome girl and is something disguised as identify as just an object I believe also says no it says if I instead of if I touch a creature throughout the casting you learn what spells if any are currently affecting oo I didn't even know that was a thing can you ritual cast I don't believe can can I okay yeah as a wizard you can ritual cast you know what that means for free it just takes 10 minutes to do so uh let's see is that under yes give minut boys so you don't have to spend any spell slots for that right so as we're talking and as I'm thinking about what we're doing and lucky pulls this off and you see that she is actually affective by nothing oh my goodness hey smart move Phil smart that was clutch something I I look at the rest of the team and I'm gonna say all right it is it's it's vote time do we continue down this path or do we work our way back up all in favor of continuing down this path raise your hand those who oppose put your hand down all in favor raise your hand oh gosh I do whatever dolor says I kind of like look at lucky like Aus I look I look at Aus I say Aus this is your sister I understand the emotion I I do not feel comfortable going forward if there is majority my brother he's just if there's a majority we can continue you are all not well am what does your heart tell you oh it looks like you're mut M I feel like we need to go but I am terrified that something is going to happen to you Liz is giving you the most hopeful eyes right now aora what pulls you deeply into this cave what pulls me I mean we've come all this way already and she's just a girl do you really believe she's deceiving us I don't believe she's telling us everything like you said earlier pretty surprising they've made it this far down and why the heck would they want want to be down here I look at Liz why were you children down here to begin with this is not your average Playhouse we thought it was cool there's a big hole in the ground it's cool both agis and emper would probably be familiar with the fact that these twins often would go off exploring okay okay I think I would just share that okay worth this is not out of character for them when we were with the tribe that they're a part of I'll vote to move forward son of fch whistles in like a Happy tune turd all right move forward okay not to demand anything of us lucky you and I should probably be toward the back agreed agreed I mean if the we are so screwed all right uh let's go I Whistle at Finch I send him out ahead all right I'm gonna K you guys down a little bit as you continue down the cave you find an unexpected surprise standing out from the characteristically blue light of the omn night you see the faintest bit of daylight spilling out onto the cave floor rounding the corner you realize that the daylight is likely the least of your concerns you seem to have stumbled on a large ritual chamber at least 40 feet across the chamber is dominated by a large magic circle that's been drawn on the cave floor intricate runic shapes and symbols span the ground in a language you most of you aren't familiar thick Vines stretch down from the walls and Floors along with a few rays of sunlight that pour through a small hole in the ceiling at the center of the room the sunlight is poised over a pedestal with a large ritual Bowl holding sorry with a large ritual Bowl holding standing water at the center of the circle metal sconces hold burnt torches on the wall wooden crates are stacked in the corner of the room a small table and chair are set up next to a particularly large onite crystal jutting out of the wall the table covered in small tools what would you like to do well this doesn't look like a happy place um I'm going to walk down there wait are we elevated above it or we're walking into the space I'm sorry walking into it we're walking into it okay before we we walk in can I can I see like it's been like the Torches have been uh lit recently uh yes uh as you approach the uh torches on the wall uh they appear to be very fresh I know I make that known Caleb as soon as I get that information am I able to reach out to hoba if he is within 1,000 ft of me I can telepathically sorry 100 feet of me I don't know how close he is see this hole okay probably not at this yeah never mind 40 feet in diameter right can I send Finch around uh I would like Finch to look around to see if there's any other exit or entrance points to like see if any any sign of recent movement has been there yeah uh Finch finds uh the same hole that um Liz points towards another crack on the opposite side of the room what tools are on the table Yeah you head over to those yeah I would like to look at the table I like to look at the tools and the Giants lucky could also help us identify whatever this is yeah um lucky even without casting anything you are immediately able to identify these as Ali make these are uh seem to be jewel craf tools and whoever was sitting here seemed to be very slowly and very carefully carving off a uh a piece of omite from the wall it doesn't seem to have finished yet seems to be sort of half finished the tools are fine you guys use this a lot don't you om night stuff yes don't you doesn't everyone I look at Finch [Music] um interesting they look like aluli made underneath an elesium Fort and there's a ritual and there's a language right there like the ruins are in like a language I don't would I know those words who recognizes those anyone recogn allora a bit and gandur definitely does anybody understand what this stuff is saying um the language uh is obviously Arcane it's it's written in runes uh it's not necessarily spelling out uh words but um intentions uh it is uh a magic circle for communication and you see lots and lots of uh markings in reference to um the lunar enclave and specifically the goddess of the moon do they share that with any of us or what are you guys sharing with us say that it's up to that I mean none of those things mean anything to the rest of you so right um it is saying something about one of our goddesses the goddess of the moon I'm not sure exactly what but it is referencing her can you explain some of the information about this Moon Goddess this is my first time hearing about her um yes I can if you give me just a moment yeah um as you do that like what's the does the table look like they were carving like the gems on it or it it see so uh if you just break off a chunk of omite typically it has a finite amount of power but if you do it very very very carefully um and you know what you're doing you can theoretically pull off a gem that is able to replenish power over time and it seems like a expert Jewel crafter was down here trying to do that also there are a bunch of like Supply crates and stuff behind the tables find it awesome that uh we got some people moving in other people's territory here Wonder so we didn't get to talk about it that much um but it's worth noting um the experiments in the last room uh in our culture if if an ancestor inhabits an animal's body and dies that spirit is then ceasing to exist so whatever experiments they were doing in the room sounded like they were trying to trap and potentially either kill or siphon off the power of ancestors which is not something I've ever heard of so I'm not sure if this connects at all to this Moon Goddess but that's at least information I felt necessary to share before we jump down any more holes something that I I'm not sure has been fully communicated um uh the uh daxian believe in reincarnation um and that there are a finite number of souls uh so an ancestor spirit being destroyed means that there is now one less uh in the total pool of finite souls okay interesting okay um interesting okay that's very interesting uh I'll be honest I'm sorry that was being happened to your people Aus and Ember that's it's not great um well either it is in the past or we're about to to find out how to stop the present execution of this I could probably tell you it's in the present yes that's what I was worried about I know not whether the um it's very difficult to automatically tell if a spirit is in an animal um but even still that was not easy in that last room but you do what you have to interesting is there anyit in this room oh yeah there's like wasn't there I'm sorry s perfectly like like perfectly shaped on night yeah no there are uh obviously chunks in the wall and there seem to be like a small handful that are like sitting at the bottom of the water in the ritual bowl of the center but they're not Laura again what was the information you could tell us about some of your Gods this Moon god um yes in short in the beginning there was the Sun and the Moon and they had a son Amnesia and from him sprang life but he fell in love with the first woman human woman that he created and was uh cast from being a God or rather I guess rejected I don't know why so Mo I don't know why lucky do you have any ideas of why the moon goddess would be mentioned here worth so you saw reference to obviously the moon goddess specifically and also the lunar Enclave might be worth doing a control on that one as well okay so let me I've I don't I'm gonna be honest with you guys I don't care for any of this bull crap all right I don't care about uh what politics you believe I don't care about the gods you serve I don't care any of it I'll respect you whatever as long as you understand all of it's bull crap understand it it's all crap and everyone's vying for power and everyone's got these good intentions mother nature mother we can be our own people n we're all come push come to shove you're going to save your own life okay and uh all these yes that's exactly what I we just saw me doing five minutes listen here brother I'm saying the power the levers at B all right individuals were different but the people in control they're always going to tell you one thing but they're doing another what did we see just in the other room what are we seeing here do you have any information yes um this I presume is a cult The Cult of the lunar Enclave this is where they practice their rituals so they uh why would they be practicing their ritual underneath an an old elesium hideout in aian City from a in a dexian from a long lost War I mean obviously it's abandoned that's probably a good place to hide but why do it under the cian rule well for what it's worth after the war was settled it's not like our people are frequently monitoring uh things from our past Wars you know you don't exactly go to the place of extreme abuse if it's been cleared so NE our people don't necessarily have an established force that go around checking old sites it's not it's not how we work we we're agricultural we're centered on the advancement of a of a clan and generally speaking this is a generalization um we don't look into these things now of course there's another clan that is a part of our culture that is a bit more proactive in defense but to come this far in land would be well that would be risking their own safety as well um but I guess we got to figure I mean we we don't know the whole story is there any other things like do we see any like letters or any journals things hidden around you see some some Supply crates behind okay I would like to open one of the supply crates and see what's in it okay uh you find a lot of food okay um anyone hungry you also find uh chalk for drawing magic circles okay um spent on night crystals uh and three small potions of healing I'm gonna toss them to my people in need of healing and I'm gonna say whatever this cult's doing they've been doing it recently and I think they've been doing it for a long time and they plan on continuing doing it so real quick let's be smart about this why don't we make make sure people that are not me have these when they're needed I can hold off lucky if you need to take your people people who are on crutches right now and one hit you need that you take that you drink it all brother allur wait who else Laura no you're good is at one hit point as well AIS that's very kind of you but you literally are bleeding from your ears right now please drink it I know you're trying to make it I get it you're making the statement people are good I get it but drink it all right well let's at least keep one keep that's not on my person can we do that sure that's you don't want to carry it I don't why do you not why why would the only person that can heal anyone else carry the only other I forgot you could do that yes you have to understand I understand you're old but the things work a certain way now listen here you little turd 2D 4 plus two 2D 4 plus2 yeah so who wants to carry this healing potion 24 Ember I feel like you should carry it that's how many you got that Misty step that's pretty clutch I think you can get to places already used it you already used I used it but it was a like I didn't she didn't use it I don't know the right words to use but I can still use it again it was a free casting y free cast oh okay so she can is a second level spell so unfortunately you cannot cast that all right I'll be honest just kid I first level spell swe uh I don't mind holding on to it if need be but I I think I have the fastest movement speed so I guess I could probably I'll hold on to it I'm sneaky I can get places where is there anything else you'd like to look at in this room um no but I'm going to take a few little rations of food stick them in my my pouch and I think detect magic sure just in case I think lucky should uh take um you want to do that as a ritual it would take an extra 10 minutes but um means you don't spend this is screaming at us right now list there's a c here your kid doesn't matter yeah we'll do a ritual cast we found a secret political uh Alliance we need to not about your seven-year-old rner luy lucky you you use the spell um and you sense it's a bit latent at this point but uh you find the whole magic circle just glowing softly as well as the dish in the middle is the hole above it is the hole directly above the ritual Circle the sunlight the hole yep it's directed it's sort of streaming down specifically they're here in the evenings then y'all lunar call moon comes through let's wait for I have a mechanic question my God I have a mechanical question um I have my free casting of fine familiar does that work with hoba or would I essentially be able to teleport him to us is that a thing sure we can have like that that's because I know my fine familiar with him is a little wonky so um I would have to wait an hour 10 I don't know if you're gonna get Liz to wait an hour for that yeah yeah I I could try and get high over here magically um and send word back to our camp to let them know exactly where we are however we would have to wait quite a bit of time for me to cast that ritual Liz would probably be screaming that her brother is in the Next Room over yes whatever voice that is that's fine but I did want to put it up to the party I could have a back with something unless if you would like to continue it's that's quite quite a lengthy process can hoba bring us some healing potion that's pretty Advanced um kyoba we could tie a message High over's foot and send it to our team that's probably about the extent of what I would say I feel comfortable promising okay good thought but question can we turn hoba into a portable Health machine and we brok it already um all right all right so okay so it sounds like the contens is to continue I think we continue but I I think we should take some evidence with us so I can uh I want you to take those tools lucky well I mean technically uh um Finch can basically take a photo that's true uh can we dis should we disrupt this ritual in any way is if we destroy elements of this should I use identify and touch the dish in the center and see what that dish in the center does since it's also magic oh have we not done that yet can we just physically touch it is it glowing is it glowing it was glowing I'm gonna walk up to it and touch it the the the should do that I nothing happens you touch it cool nothing happened guys magic it's it's a metallic dish and there's like a little spike in the middle and what seems to be a uh almost like a little model of a moon like at the top of the SP okay for what it's worth uh him casting the spell will take a lot less time than my option so if we're here I mean we could just check it out R just touch it identify it's only 10 minutes right I mean that kid's probably already he's under all this Rubble we've already spent an extra hour you understand sister we have to do what we can to be safe you saw what happened in that BL room but he's he's just in the Next Room just do it lucky just I don't walk up I touch a dish you almost sister Liz you're losing credibility you have lost the credibility it it is a I mean for all intents and purposes it is a bowl right it's a metal Bowl um it's used to do things for sure but no spells on it nothing no are like why are you there are pieces of omite inside that are so they're harnessing powerite for something you would also get that um from I would say probably from the detect magic the uh type of magic of the magic circle would be transmutation transmutation oh yes I don't know what that means but all right let's keep going Finch keep going moving Finch moves in interesting question for AIS does uh your agus or agis agus this your uh Conjuring party uh whatever's happening tonight does that have uh is that tied in any way to the Moon my gosh um in at least in our tradition there's no specific specialness of the Moon uh our our planes are more spiritual plane and Mortal plane more so separate entities and the moon technically I've never thought about it but I guess it could be considered This Plane um unless if there's something we don't know about that's connected to the Moon hey does omite play into that conjunction stuff I mean omite is certainly a gift in which we can channel uh Magic that's how I do what I do um to some extent I mean I I guess traditionally the ancestors would give us power and then we Channel it through the omn night some schools of thought would think that maybe it's not necessary to gain through the ancestor we don't need to get into that but regardless it's more so a tool than a central element um that's fine aora lucky what what do you know about this cult a little bit um well in our Empire we have 18 Gods is that right 18 my God I would love to learn about all 18 of them make that Pantheon you have no idea the uh the woman that is ahead of this particular cult believes that we all should be able to choose one God to follow if we wanted to or you know however many instead of worshiping all 18 I don't think her intentions are harmful disruptive sometimes yes but you think she wants to kill the other gods kill them I don't know how she would oh I mean believe can tell you how to kill a guy we know how to do that let me tell you got a sword so anyways I you all have a surprisingly blunt approach to the death of gods you should try it listen brother may not agree with all of them but I don't want them so this Hang on we're going to keep going but this this is interesting I do think whatever is taking place here is going to be connected to the con the conjunction The Conjuring conjunction tonight and uh I think we might want to hang out here like we can the kid is in the Next Room but we we have a few more hours till conjunction right I will say if we can get through here and get back we can get a larger group to come and inspect this I don't think we're going to have enough time for that I think we're going to need to get the kid come back and Survey what is happening here tonight because these torches were lit a few hours ago they're doing something with powerful omite they're going to line up that that moon with a hole in the sky there's something going on with the conjecture night and we're going to be here for it because they're harnessing powerful L night I think whatever the case we should continue with the child and then decide them I'll let you make that decision later we got to keep moving let's go all right and you're for your leading again yep okay so I will take the back uh Liz herly at this point she's basically a a complete mess um is running ahead through uh you know a gap in the wall that you all slowly follow um you squeeze through the small Gap in the ritual chamber wall uh and you find yourself uh plunged into a deep Darkness uh the daylight from the room behind is quickly obscured by the twisting walls and each of your bodies even the omite crystals along this path seems seem to be dimmer than the room before I just want to point out Caleb is slightly smirking and that just worries me a little bit yeah super dark in here Liz seems to excitedly and nervously pick up the pace nearing her destination mhm slow down child but he's he's just up ahead is Finch out in front of her yeah M matching Pace yeah can I can Finch I want to whistle and I want to see what finch is seeing okay yep and you have dark vision also too I do have okay you you and me both have dark vision so can at least see 60 ft in front I'm going to uh pull out my sword and uh like be ready for anything okay well this Darkness does not have any kind of like magic suppressing does it can I test a can trip to make sure that we're not getting like okay good call that's great that's very good good thought all right uh is do I see anything suspicious coming from Finch so uh Finch and by extension your fear uh as you around uh the final Corner uh you see Liz running over uh towards a figure standing along a cliff Edge barely illuminated by the onite crystals that dot the cave it appears to be an older human woman but it's difficult to make out any details in the dark Liz immediately runs over to the woman and hugs her around the waist uh the woman hugs back I brought them just like you said now you can help me right not happy son of a God I told you got to go I'll hold her down kick her off the edge kick her over the of you suckers we could have ruined their whole campaign if we just walked the other way the the old woman responds uh oh dear you've done so well but I I told you we only needed a couple youve you've brought so many new friends do we have any visuals on her yeah do I have anything on from Finch yeah you are you all sort of turning the corner and seeing I think so at this point do we see is she like an old woman or do can I like is she kind of like a demon woman I don't know her do I yeah your fear she looks like an old woman ages uh I'm letting them know what I see yeah hear Round the Corner and look over and see um Liz talking to a young man I told him that it's a wait wait hang wait you see him I see a young man a young man but I'm telling them she's hugging an old woman an older woman that that I go know I see a young man do and I see the same thing it is an old man it is an old man or an old woman you seem you see a an adult tling male of some kind an adult oh my gosh then what do I see you see a young woman okay okay what do I see uh a a short Dwarven man okay and me although I I'm a human am I able to see still like without you're Aid I think uh we have there is also some some okay this is not great yeah uh go yeah you this is not great a tling woman okay um immediately do I see I would like to in the room that they're in do I see anywhere that I can assume cover there's omnni crystals anding around you okay uh does she look uh of any particular country of origin or he or whatever what he where he is from I guess we have already been seen probably yes yeah yeah yes by by what the person said uh yes I think I would just Shout Out Sister we that's not are here brother of unknown whatever you are what is it you want from us that's no brother that's a sister or mother uh sorry you uh well she she said that if I brought some people she'd she'd bring my brother back your brother gone as he as he joined the ancestors yes son of a I'm sorry to hear that now to the to the being that joins us today what is it that you want we here um well okay you those those two are my siblings everyone else yes is fine but you can't have them when she says that I would like to whip my sword at the tling sure like I want to Chuck it like it's going to go right through its face you getting rid of your only melee Noe don't worry about it y'all what you guys see is the beautiful blue and silver glit of my sword and I'm just going to dagg or thr it just to be clear like you are looking at a cliff face you do not know how like if it misses you probably are not going to see that ever again do do you want me to use Mage hand first no no touch see actual physical no no that's good thank you for telling me that cuz I didn't know what was behind it that's great thank you okay I'm not going to use my fancy sword I will continue to try and talk to the being if you're not going to attack she she's gonna speak real quick okay she can speak I'll let her speak I was gonna let her I'm GNA throw an attack but I'll let her talk could I could I move already could I like move away from uh from Yambo over there uh to try and get her to look at me while he's preparing is that something that I can do I will just like with both hands up she's going to do she's gonna kneel down and look into lizz's eyes sort of face to face uh I'm afraid that's not how any of this works my dear a Bountiful Harvest Demands a greater tithe don't you think sister step back from her sister but a sister sister step back from it you've brought a full goblet uh I I remove my short bow I think I will drink it whole uhoh can I send out a fireball as soon as I see your fear release something so I'm gonna let so if you guys if the two of you want to send and I don't want everybody to to do it if the two of you have a prepared attack I'll let you go this off I'm describe what you see as this is happening pleas go ahead describe as you see and then I will I will send the release I think I'm going to your fear would be faster than I would because I'm kind of like that's fine trying to put one of my hands up but I will probably turn that into a cast so all right the old woman's facade fractures her wrinkled skin stretching unnaturally tight against her bones eyes once clouded with age now Shimmer like molten silver their gaze piercing and predatory the stooped frame straightens and as it does her flesh begins to melt away like Wax beneath a Relentless Sun from her back raven black tendrils unfurl writhing and pulsing with malevolent energy they snake around her each one seeking and reaching and hungry the scent of sulfur permeates the air as Inky viscous sludge seeps from her feet spreading and swallowing the ground beneath her the transformation leaves behind not an old woman but a nightmarish entity a living Shadow ever an Ever shifting mass of Darkness tendrils and suffocating smoke the room grows colder as if the very air around the shadow is being consumed by the void itself roll initiative as goodness as we uh as we do that I re as that is taking place in front of me I see the shadows and everything I rip off uh an arrow and I just say the Shadows belong to me you have tail Spire you're welcome to open it once again and that is a 21 one to hit wonderful Caleb do I get to do mine as well yep go ahead that's a natural 20 watch it's going to be I love that you got to have equip in there though brother okay and the Damage for that I have yeah okay uh yeah 13 13 okay nice I got open up tail oh beautiful landscape I'm fully um anticipating that my arrow just goes through it and none of my attacks are going to work but it's fine I think just one more time as I release mine I just say step away from her and uh unfortunately on a Nat 20 I only rote a one on the damage dice no we so that's going to be a big old two good I think I'm just thrown off and I'm trying not to hit the little girl and I just kind of whiz her shoulder yeah shoulder whatever Liz is now like like stumbled onto the ground and backing away okay terrified yeah I look at sigh and say I say I look at s and say this time do not miss anything all right Stephen you've got the damage or hits in I do okay all right initiative uh 25 to 20 Ember has a 23 let's go that 20 love that love that for you 15 to 20 uh I have a a 30 20 I got a 19 nice look at these numbers 10 to 15 10 for Sai 13 for y incredible job on The Story So Far everyone DM beautiful job six for allora uh six for uh the being as well rol one no H all right Ember you got a 23 right yep okay um Ember you are up first get it remember everyone play smart play smart this ain't a game how far away am I from the thing you are where are you uh about 25 ft I feel like it's going to have advantage in the shadows are you moving it or is it moving on its own see me in the shadows it is it's moving on its own that's so cool love it that's wild uh I'm gonna cast produce flame go ahead face love it rip [Music] [Applause] it I got a nine maybe it put us in say nine does not hit I'm going to I'm going to like just it it won't do any good but guard your minds may be able to put us in a trance all right uh Stephen initiative 20 oh no yikes I'm afraid for what they can do the shadow uh my Game just crashed so I'm not going to be able to do it um okay the shadow uh begins to undulate and uh coales into uh what appears to be a basilisk oh gross get out of here oh it's not a basilisk on my screen bumer yeah we don't have unfortunately everybody know but it didn't turn into a turtle on mine I don't know why yeah the ch this isn't working I can see it in uh I vid ninjja whatever it's okay continue sweet do not look into its eyes I'm yelling that out all right uh AIS okay um yeah I'm going to look at um I think lucky and aora you guys have a bond so I'm going to look at you uh and kind of emanate this magical Essence stick together stay within 30 ft you're more powerful together and I'll go ahead and use my last protective Bond on the two of you basically it's a D4 to anything attack saves um so on so forth um do I see anything I guess I just want to kind of get a lay on the land do I see anything above it that looks I mean I see a bunch of spikes on the wall and stuff anything that could be like sensitive to damage like a stacer or stalactite or whatever um above these this creature that we could potentially Target or no it's a completely smooth surface you can't drop anything on it to kill it okay l you you can't you can't uh I love it I love it and then this omite we're in range of a lot of it uh there's not any chance it does anything to in its raw form to support us okay does it look oh go ahead go ahead no you're you're in you're it's your turn um uh what would it take to pick up the girl oh my gosh um I would uh I'd allow that to be a bonus action although running with her you'll be running at half speed yeah gosh dang it I don't I feel like he would want to do it it doesn't make any sense to do it how how far away am I from it uh you are um you're about 25 feet from the girl and probably 20 feet from the vist dang it shadow um okay [Music] I gosh dang it Steph would I do this would I get the girl I think you would okay um so with an ability called um uh feline agility I double my movement speed uh when I'm in combat for a turn um so I'm going to book it to the child uh and I if I go to the left of the child on the opposite side of the bass Lisk am I out of its attack of opportunity range I don't know what reaches technically so does it seem like I might be safe uh yeah I think you could do that okay I'll run there pick her up um and then I'll pull her back to the party so I can move 30 ft total so I double that to 60 um so that's my total speed for this turn with my ability um so so you said 25t if if if something is dragged out of uh melee range no it does not trigger an attack of opportunity it has to be under your own power okay so at half speed now you have 20 more feet of movement okay then yeah I'm going to pull her back I'm going to not not to hurt her but forcefully shove her against the wall I look her in the eye and I say stay put uh that's my turn Shields back up so yep all right um next stop is lucky um let's see so I got burning hands that's a 15t cone so I have to get closer correct uh yes that is true okay so if I'm what roughly 20 feet away I need to move my my movement speed is 25 you are about 30 feet away actually 30 feet okay would that trigger an attack of opportunity no attack of opportunity is only from moving away from a creature not moving into their range so have to be within 15 ft in order use ber right anything else I have is gonna just hurt every and cause other problems you can move attack then move back if you have enough speed okay yeah move me within 15 so you have to be within this sphere yep and then I'll uh well yeah all right yeah and then burning hands yep then burning hands okay that's a dexterity saving through right I believe [Music] so oops come on fail yeah that's a uh what's my oh good uh yeah that's a three come on Lucky okay right so bur is 3 d6s nice dude 3 D6 all right very nice so with all three D6 that's a total of 14 great let's go lucky I'm screaming out way to go Lu and that should be burning damage it's not the first time this man has faced out of basist Basil Live to Tell the tale it's true interesting can't wait to hear about that later it's also worth if it's not your turn and you're looking for some light reading you can find some more information on the Shadows at the bottom of the Amnesia article also says fire ignites any flammable objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried I don't think the rocks are flammable unfortunately do you want to stay here or do you want to run back I will run back okay and what's your movement speed uh 25 all right and already moved all right 10 yeah okay your fear sorry I was trying to go invisible on Steam I don't know how to do that anyways okay uh let's see how if you hit shift tab go to the social tab at the bottom where when where it says friends and then click on your name and you can switch it to Invisible instead of online U it's not doing it hang on let me just take my turn I'll figure out a second sorry uh yeah I mean it's the same thing over and over again for me right now so I'm going to uh yeah I'm going to use my short bow okay um and I'm going to't be able to get sneak attack on this that's fine yeah because no one's in it in the range um actually let me see something real quick here me see let me try to be a little yes sorry meter measure sweet I'm going to what's attack of opportunity within five correct Mele range yeah if you can hit him he can hit you do you have [ __ ] action yet no not yet dang yeah level one Rog that would be real fun yeah I'm not going to risk it right now don't risk it for the biscuit I'm not goingon to risk it for the biscuit no all right um I'm sorry if you guys already said this does a 16 hit uh 16 does hit let's go it does hit 13 total damage that's without sneak attack without yes great um maybe what are you using my short bow I got I got some abilities because uh I'm cool um I'm going to kind of like do what I did with the Box earlier I'm going to break line of sight with this hopefully with the shadow thing and then I'm going to peek around for my next turn okay cool sigh all right the old College try Fireball let her let it go baby let's go sigh that's nine okay whatever I four God another four yeah like what's get a new die you got a I'm going to send you the one that Miranda bought me all right I'm going to switch the online after this one um could I still GNA roll forward could I um move without um instigating initiating a pack of opportunity where are you trying to go I want to move like further away but more where uh I can't see who the characters are yeah down more yeah yeah how far movement do you have I have 30 yeah you can you can get back here that's not a hole back there is it yeah it's a that is a hole M oh okay just be careful get popped off y all right all right it is the Shadows turn no we're all dead okay the shadow um H okay I total I I thought that this happened on this on its Turn It was supposed to happen on other people's turns so it will happen going forward uh if a creature starts his turn within 30 feet of the Basilisk and the two of them can see each other basis basilisk can force the creature creature to make a constitution saving throw dear God to be petrified de God jez all right yeah so that's my fault for misreading that however it is going to uh run forward just right up to the whole group bring it on come on and uh we'll go for luy's front and center nice oh lucky he did do a lot of damage to him okay well that's good cuz it's a nine to hit okay good the tides are turning okay that is its turn uh before the end of its turn AIS you start to hear a voice in your head no go guard your what does the voice say pain your heart SS of the gentle fot so much senseless blood so many questions at your SC I know the answeres I hold the power you see the P to the Vengeance you deserve his clear before me allow me to reveal it we can make those responsible for their death TR we didn't hear any of that correct no correct okay cool do I have to make a save or is that just there just just conversation you could respond if you'd like just conversation just talking over coffee I don't want to say anything at the moment cool okay aora get him well this is all feeling very familiar I'm going to throw my hands up in the front of my face and throw a Firebolt at it there it is there it [Laughter] is 18 to hit 18 hits plus A4 doesn't need it three damage three damage would you like to move um yes I think I [Laughter] would don't know [Laughter] why oh I can't see my distance um you moved I'll let you know oh thank you that's 29 ft okay I'm going to go there turn turn in face there we go okay uh if you hold alt you can just turn without um actually moving very nice nice thank you it is lizz's turn oh Liz Liz throw her off the edge don't dare kick her off the edge is going to stand up and uh just sort of stumble away in in fear and and uh I'm going to kick that K off the ledge when this is probably for the best watching Tik Tok in the cornering Zoomer all right she's doing the floss in the back alley she she's also uh just constantly saying I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry shut up um okay so you said the produced flame thing is better from further away yes yeah yes Advantage so right which means you roll twice and take the lower um yeah so you can still do it but uh moving away would uh involve an attack of opportunity meaning that the Basilisk in front of you would get to try to attack you so it's better just to attack from where I'm at probably probably an option you have any like closeup spells um no not that nothing that's going to help me here it's really cool you guys have spells well so I have I don't know how helpful this would be but I have like the fog Cloud one I don't know if that would be helpful in the scenario that stop its petrification thing it would it needs site do we have enough knowledge is that two meta well would Anora I think aora and lucky would know allora did also yell out do not look into its ey the second that it transformed so fog Cloud would basically obstruct this effect however we wouldn't be able to see in it so it's kind of a positive negative okay well because it's within 20 fet so the people that are further away they wouldn't be affected by it but they would be able to see where the Basilisk is right well the the the Basilisk would be in the middle of the cloud so you will be obscuring the target not the not the people shooting you know so we can still attack we'll just have the disadvantage thing we were talking about before okay okay so I'll just do the produce flame oh all right uh so you'll you'll now roll two d20s and you'll use the lower of the two okay well the first one was a natural 20 and the second one was a 13 so then add your spell attack bonus spell attack bonus so that's a four so 17 nice 17 hits nice no that 20 very nice and now d8 right yes prod yep yes okay so three three damage nice three damage very good all right Steven initiative 20 is it going to change creatures the giant oops not what I meant to do the giant basilisk in front of you uh Fades back into Shadow and reforms as a griffin of course it does I was going to tell us riddle is great that's no that's a sphinx that's a right as it came out I was wrong yeah uh all right ages um kind of being this close to it does it seem like it still retained its damage or does it seem as if the Vets shifted this CR creature is pretty alien to you even as it takes the form of these different animals it is still mostly like a mass of black sludge and tals in the shape of these things uh so it's hard to tell for certain okay um what would it take what would it take for me to get on top of it no oh my gosh why heck of an acrobatics check I love it will that cost me an action to do so we could call this maybe a a grapple actually yeah how about that we could do a grapple so Athletics versus contested Athletics I don't know if it's worth it because that's going to be an I should probably just attack um is it flying or is it still on ground level with us it is just a couple in above the ground so it's still within 5T of me yep okay um I think I'll just uh I think I'll just hit it with my omite Quarter Staff um okay go ahead that's going to be a 14 plus 4 is going to be an 18 to hit hits all right and it's uh6 plus [Music] two uh four bludgeon damage non magical okay um and then I'm going to can I move around behind it at least sure yeah CU I don't know if it has any kind of like cone effects or anything but I'll be here so okay that's my turn lucky am I able to sorry am I able to move not in luy's range is that a thing seeing what he could do with burning hands am I able to move I mean lucky can reposition over here okay cool I just wanted to make sure I didn't stop him from doing his thing so yeah I'm thinking I'll probably just do burning hands again I have a quick question though I don't know if I ruined the mechanic with this one so I do I roll a D20 first and then I roll my 3d6 for damage correct or do I just roll this for this one it it rolls a DEX check to try to avoid it however I want to make sure that you're um you have the spell slot to cast burning hands again I have one more spell slot nice cool all right yeah so some spells will have a save so it's up to the creature that's being attacked to Avid it yeah gotcha so I just roll the 3d6 and then that's it right Y and then depending on what it rolls it either takes that full damage or half of it so and there's some versions of it where it takes no damage so yeah what's it roll for its deck it rolled an 18 oh man so do you know what your spell save DC is it'll be on the SP it'll be on your third page page you see top of the third page 13 okay it's only going to take half of the damage that you roll on 3d6 gotcha all right seven and then take half of that okay so that goes down to uh three because you goes down to three and a half you always round down round down Y and then with that can I move back so I move 5et can I move 20 feet back behind me uh you like this way um or this way way if you're running out of the melee range of a creature it does get a chance to swing it okay never mind nope we know what happened last time uh your fear all right cool um I'm going to shoot it again with my short bow and this time because Lucky's next to it I'm going to do sneak attack okay does a is a 24 hit uh no actually do all right perfect we're in trouble everyone go home that would be the highest AC out of anything I've ever seen eight for damage please eight points that's with sneak that's with sneak yeah I didn't roll didn't roll super high for my damage that's okay um yeah let me see here real quick I am going to move back here okay cool all right Sai get them Sai all right I'm going online to sigh aim with your other eye I think you might be left dominant okay roll one dice 20 sided and all right don't say it don't say it don't let it be four 13 y 13 hits y 13 actually it's technically will be 18 so yeah anyways okay I'm so excited I don't know what to do yet roll damage so that is uh 1 d10 nice fireb yep okay great can mhm two we'll take it good job good job you did your first damage uh okay the shadow H the Griffin is going to uh spin around and uh come on Peck at uh uh what's your name Aegis nice birdie that is a uh 12 to hit not going to hit no Shi up uh it's then going to spin and attack lucky this time with its claws uh oh that one is a 21 to hit does not hit all right what do I need to do now uh take some damage suck it you're be get your eyes pecked out take it on the chin have to roll D20 right no no no not yet you just wait you don't roll anything um math sorry uh that is nine points of damage oh my gosh oh I'm down yep I got some hits in my god well at least I have the healing potion so okay that is its turn Aur all right smoke it um let's going to move up a little bit I'm going to do burning cans as long as I don't hit anybody on put out of his misery how can I can I do yeah yeah I uh if if you move it's close that's close I rolled a natural one on my it's a giant Griffith it would it would take it off can you aim it up can you aim it up get down yeah if you aim it up you'll be fine you up fine wave all right your damage you very successfully hit it sweet eight wait but did you say you you not one is that what you said but it doesn't double it unfortunately oh wait right never mind that was 3d6 all right yes nice we're Ching away we like it you stay in there I'm going to go smart over this way smart Liz freaking jump off the cliff is going to keep saying I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry shut up Ember uh I'm just gonna stick with produce flame while we're here love it so we try it and true 12 so 16 sorry yes that is nice nice then two for damage two damage every Point counts mm as her turn ends can I just like look over her be careful it's trying to promise me things in my head I oh I forgot to promise someone something on the shadow oh I like that y your fears uh elf ears perk up when you say that uh okay initiative 20 we can promise on initiative 20 but first the Griffin the shadowy Griffin uh collapses and reforms again into a black dragon worm oh my gosh yuck oh no oh yuck B gross oh that's sticky boy and well okay uh sigh you hear a voice in your uh the vastness of this world a drift and pledge yourself to me and the void of shall be more never again shall you the always there will be vo keep Spirits surrounding you inal f and loyalty and companionship the desires the very best for yourself where do I sign up I hear shut up loud S I just did you actually say no I did not I'm sorry okay I'm like no would you like to respond oh I would not like to respond okay I will not respond AES be careful about that breath uh and then I guess I'll just am I I don't I don't want to mechanically Clump up with anyone can I get a different view of our of my position okay thank you I am going to go over to Lucky um I'm going to um do something similar that I did last time but a little less effective I'm going to spare the dying as an action um which basically pulls you to zero you're no longer rolling death saves but unfortunately you are unconscious okay um sweet and then I'm just gonna I'm just gonna use the rest of my movement to get away from what the a lot of movement for unconscious guy I'm gonna use my movement to get back about to stop about to where I was okay it's worse than being on the ship but like let's go a little further let's go a little further uh to the right yeah there you go as long as I don't leave yeah that's good that's my turn Shield up all right lucky you are useless your fear all right well my guy just got my line of sight so I'm gonna have to move no I'm sorry it's all right I'm gonna move here okay uh just don't stay [Music] there okay um can I I I know you said it's foreign we haven't seen anything does it does it look like it's wearing down at all has it made any different shape like shifts and movement to give any indication that it's hurting uh you can see that the the tendrils and and sort of sludge and skin seems to be like warping more than it was at the beginning okay cool uh I'm I'm going to this time I'm going to use my short bow again cuz that's I don't have spells so that's what I got uh does the 15 hit it does not hit oh my goodness all right that's the first time um oh is it AC changing that sucks AC is changing that sucks okay okay um at this point uh Aus did you actually tell me not not to stay there yes I will don't line up spread out if we can all right I'm going to use the rest of my movement let me check my measure here looks like about 30 I can do 35 all right that's where I'm at and that's I think all uh Lucky's unconscious right yeah unconscious but stable okay cool okay go ahead s um I'm going to use uh Mage Armor on myself oh okay um so my AC becomes 13 plus my deck modifier so my AC is now 12 okay great and that's it all right thank you the Shadow the shadow is going to uh let's see do some measurements I know the shadow pulls out a [Laughter] ruler the shadow is going to tail whip walk over here uh you can take an attack of opportunity Aegis yep take it light that up wait can't Ember hey can't Embers take one as well uh no the dragon stayed within her oh got you I missed this is going to be bad that's not good this going be bad okay that's not good I would like both uh Ember and AIS to make a uh dexterity saving throw okay you literally did what not to do be yep the saving throw column oh my gosh there'll be it's sort of up into the leftish usually yeah top left saving throws and then inside it's above your skills above my skills why can't I find it oh saving throws okay which which one Dexter dexterity 13 i r a 16 you both succeed yes I should have rolling my damage light him up this could be bad even still we'll see it's not going to feel good it's probably good that we took a potion for what it's worth I'll give that you both take this is already haved Bo eight points that's exactly my health that's exactly my health how are you Ember I'm still standing nice good very nice I'm still standing okay what is the what is this like breath this is ass in breath nice yeah the shadow um reaches out to gandala and hears nothing back so he hangs up uh lucky for him he might take it noise he's had a bad day we've been trying to reach you about your car extend warranty all right my go a Firebolt at the dragon yes come on come on come on no 14 to hit oh it's not going to hit is it uh you have a plus four you have a plus four well is Lucky's down though does it still uh that's how close are you to him I am 20 ft that's the works oh okay the thing doesn't say anything raw about being unconscious okay okay 15 to hit 15 does not hit TR man all right all right Ember have we H inititive 20 not yet okay cool I don't like where that's going uh if I move they can do the attack thing yes okay so we're not going to do that you can do what's called a disengage which would let you get away for free but it would cost an action so you don't most of your most of your attacks are actions yeah okay I mean I don't know I'm down to only two HP so I feel like I need to move but I don't know I would probably try to move okay but you're also pinned like yeah you're between a rock and an OM Knight oh wow yeah you could attack words you could attack uh now you you're at you're a disadvantage because you're right next to him or you could run away and keep fighting next turn uh yeah I think I'm going to run away okay so you spend your action to disengage and what's your movement speed uh I'm going to I'm going to yell out to Ember if you can get closer to me I have a potion okay so I mean I'll get as close I've got 30 so all right as close as you can get that's as close as you can get all right oh young Sai you're initiative 20 hate that you're far away at initiative 20 the uh black dragon uh gets even more black oh no uh becomes a giant spider I like a spider better than a worm Dragon wait what spider FaZe spider I don't know what that is but that worries me it's scary okay AES that's safe please rolling it at that's sa baby is not playing right now your fear uh your fear is it an action to hand someone a potion uh I'll let you have a bonus action hand it off all right so yes to to hand someone a potion yeah that probably bonus action if you're talking about feeding someone a potion that would be an action yeah I'm going to hand a potion to her so cool so I'm going to walk past her slip the potion to her I'm going to I'm going to go here oh man no one's in range nice wait how close is the girl uh she's too far they need to be within melee all right that's right uh I'm going to BL blah I'm going to short does it still is the like it's uh tendrils waving anymore or no still the same uh I don't know if it's taken any damage since last you ask okay never mind took like two uh there a 18 hit uh 18 hits eight damage nice eight damage okay okay so moved here that's 15 it is uh by the way looking relatively uh goopy at thisy oh I like that word I see that it's looking goopy and I'm going to use the rest of my speed I think that's here and go right here that'll be the end of my turn uh by the way real quick um if you uh go into the bottom right corner uh and press the rulers thing and then click on the little person icon um that will start measuring when you move a token okay thank you yep dope right okay uh Firebolts let's go ahead and roll firewall and rolling boom all right 6 + 5 so it's 11 to hit 11 does not hit no oh my go it's all right s I'm experien we're gonna get you there you're nervous we can see you shaking you're missing you're kind of dropping your books okay the shadow is going to uh yeah it's gonna go after sigh it didn't like that last attack oh kick her uh okay is [Music] Sparta uh no instead it's just gonna sink its fangs into you kicks kicks ey eight times over the edge uh that is a 12 to hit uh my AC is that is your AC he dang okay can I oh can I use um uh lucky oh for when an attack roll to give you disadvantage yes you can you can let's do that he will have to take whatever he r lower it it got a oh take one off yes okay good Dodge sigh nice dud you learned it all from Lucky yep let's throw another Firebolt do it don't get that D4 hit that hit that high damage so I can do the cleanup kill 23 to hit 23 hits goodness let's go and seven damage all right seven damage how do you want to do this yes I throw my hands up and I'm going to aim right for its head and let the fire flow out and it explodes nice and it bursts in a cloud of goopy Shadow uh Little Bits hit each of you but you don't feel anything you just see it on your bodies before it slowly uh smokes away we need to get a Aus up ASAP you can spend once again the next several uh minutes getting the rest of the party up I'm gonna walk up to Aus do a little medicine check on him do you want medicine checks from us or someone can help him sure sorry I'm dead uh I rolled a 13 for my medicine check for Aus that's enough to stabilize okay cool save that potion yeah we're going to save that PO yep okay stable nice um so I guess we wait another hour can we the can we split the potion three ways just kidding okay typically not but I will allow it if you're okay with all receiving one hit point and just being up Z says no you don't think so no no let's let's we'll wait the hour I don't know how rare potions are in this world but potions are pretty close we have been dying a lot so we might need it let's wait the hour you you wait the full hour uh and eventually rise from your Slumber um your wounds already bandaged for the most part uh and you awaken to see your friends and the sound of sobbing coming from around the corner oh yeah she by the way has not stopped the entire hour not stoping I'm going to walk over to the girl maybe you shouldn't do this quiet now okay I walk over to the girl can we do a can we do a a tenderness check please I will maybe ask amember to come alongside me you can do that but as I walk I'm going to just kind of pull you back that's enough out of you I am in so much pain but she is in much more emotional pain and just you again assume everything and I push his broken hand away and I walk to the girl and I gently put my arm around the stopping girl and a hugging fashion she immediately latches on to you I squeeze tighter I reach into my pocket and the ration that I grabbed uh the ration that I grabbed earlier from the other room I hand it to her and I pull a flask from my side and say drink child and she gets wasted it's water it's water forgot it was water remember remember lucky already drank my flask with whiskey oh right right uh she drinks and starts slowly nibbling on the the hard attack of the ration um and slowly her sobbing begins to subside um I would like to walk her over to the rest of the group with my arm around her uh is there does there seem to be any exit at this point or does the exit the way we come through unfortunately it's the way you came through um I can give you a DM's promise we be much quieter than the way in that's fine how many I mean combat was pretty quick so do we still have like an hour or so before Conjuring happens yeah if if youin you can make it you can make it well I mean depending on where you want to go you can you have enough time to make it back to Mistwood you also probably have enough time to make it to uh lizz's Clan if you'd like I um would like to kind of uh get the group together allow I I set Liz down so she can eat and drink and uh offer a suggestion that we get Liz out of this cave send her back to uh her uh what was the city Miss she is the Roman swamp Clan okay the Roman swamp we know where it is for what it's worth it's it's nearby I guess would would you be willing to send your owl as a companion to get her back to her clan because I do think we need to be just to see if something happens in here tonight I think she should not go alone I agree same Ember and I could take her but that is a risk I could send hoba with a message to give you backup we could wait with her here with us tonight there's a couple ways we could take this I think you're right you're right let's let's get her back safely I would rather not split the group let's get get her home and we will worry about the rest of this later when you all are ready let's pick our things up and get Liz home I think I shoot Ember a knowing glance knowing the clan we're going back to not once kind of Liz is I don't know if you pass her off or you just stick with her I lean over to you not bad for an alian we all have surprises the long Trek back up towards the surface is carried out in relative silence save for the occasional whimper from Liz uh the unnaturally cold air of the depths of this cave have left along with the Deep darkness that shrouded your view a few hours later you find yourselves a couple miles north of ask real quick if I can can I either bury or burn all the rat remains sure yeah you probably only have time to burn them but that's I saw there was a fireplace in that room so we can just kind of push them there and as long as their corpses are like you know we're taking that journal with us correct sure not a problem I would also like to take cuz I didn't know Sai just fed its pet mouse uh I would like the old uh tea and crumpets that were at the tunnel I would like to take a little V love with me as well yep I just have them in my bag I didn't feed them yet oh okay all right well I'm sure that's coming don't worry word yet I'm sure it's coming I can't wait for that moment hopefully we'll be after that are we able to meet up with hoba up top or oh yeah he rejoined you okay then I think since we're going to go to the other Clan I'll quick tie a little note to his foot just kind of letting our our crew know details and directions and Loosely what happened um and send hoba back to our our crew okay you reemerge out of the um uh the tunnels uh as Twilight is beginning to sort of come down um a few hours later you you find yourselves a couple miles north of Mistwood um at the makeshift campsite of the nomadic roaming swamp Clan I would like to stop outside of the border of the clan oh for sure sit down with my back to it and look up at this at the sky and wait yep am you can do what you need to I will be here I sit down next to ages the sun has set and every member of the tribe seems to be sitting out under the night's swirling auroras excitedly awaiting the beginning of the conjunction uh children some that you recognize uh seem to be dancing to the music that they're singing uh Sparks of magic are thrown into the air in celebration Liz upon seeing familiar faces immediately breaks away from your group and runs towards her clan oh on the walk can I retroactively just say something to her sure um I think Ember and I both at some point take over foren over there um we both know it is hard to lose brothers and sisters but I hope you can take soless especially tonight and the fact that you'll one day be with him again he's watching over you he sent you know in many ways we were there because we were supposed to be there to rescue you you have a whole life ahead of you regardless of this loss so feel it don't let it control you I just wanted to see him again M and I understand that fully we do we do it's okay we're okay you made a mistake mistakes don't Define us what you do after you heal is what matters I guess em but do you have that streamer from earlier I do and I pull it out of my backpack and I give it to Liz she uh holds it uh uh close to her chest and then lunges forward and grabs you both in a hug sister the world is yours but tonight we'll get you back to your family okay several of the last paragraphs that I said over again I guess I'll let the crew know that we're just going to stay right here sure did we did we overhear all of that yeah I was going to ask the same question is that something we overheard were you were you trying to hide we were trying to hide it just doing it as we traveled I I think you got so we got her back home and you guys are going to sit and watch the we're going to not pass into the bounds of the Clan okay and I'm going to have my back turned to the clan got you all right so I'm going I see this and I'm going to walk Liz a little further into the clan to make sure she gets back safely as that is happening um the the clan is sort of pressed up against the tree line more or less um and the rest of the party as as your is walking away with Liz um you see a figure from a different part of the tree line sort of like pass out not pass out that come out of the tree line and start walking in your direction um the figure of not the same one but ironically an older woman with a cane walking toward who old women I guess I poke Ember on the shoulder is that a sight for S eyes as she gets closer and the uh Moonlight illuminates her face uh you recognize the renowned Hagen the Healer mhm I think I'll Stand and bow um sister um I don't know is she mother she's not mother sister is that a yet or does she care she probably use those terms at all okay I think I would probably be about that awkward justan mother Pagan em help [Laughter] me I'm glad you both know to leave Sleeping Dogs lying no good would come with that of that reunion quite yet you just know it everything don't you yes yes the sooner you understand that the better I am sorry to say um I it's been a long time since we've seen you yes um many months the girl's brother there Ed fell to a fever a few months ago entirely preventable but you understand they would not let me see him I understand it's a Pity we did the best that we could to take care of her your Gods Know best after all far be it from me to understand the wisdom of letting another child die while waiting for a Wandering Sage to appear at their doorstep why is interesting of you to say it that way your Gods I trust your training has gone well that they obviously are feeding you it looks like you've gained 20 lbs she looks closer at Ember and 25 that's kind of rude I mean power of course I I don't know I know I saw you more than Emma did back in the days um but I was wondering did you did you send hoba to us on that day we were fleeing for our lives was that you you I know everything but I don't do everything ioba wasn't mine I had nothing to do with it interesting we always assumed it was you ironic you end up back at your well adopted clan for the conjunction for one more year well as you can see my guil back is clearly to it so you know I wouldn't say that and Ember has kindly decided to stick next to me even though she would probably be welcomed with uh Open Arms maybe I don't know honestly um she was part of a similar heresy today which remember I don't know if you've gotten the chance to process but of course certainly between Hagen and I we understand the intricacies of this tension I think I would be welcome if I were to go in there today but my allegiance lies with you and you're better off without [Laughter] him what do you what do you uh you just came for a chat no I despite me knowing everything I didn't quite expect to see either of you here today and certainly I have no new interest in your superstitions but I even I cannot deny the importance of nights like tonight what do what do you feel about nights like tonight I believe that all the tonics in the world can't save the life of a man who's lost the will to go on and nights like tonight give us a good reason to keep going there's so much we don't understand there's so much to wonder but the beauty even Beauty we don't understand is one of the many blossoms on the Tree of Life its evidence we're alive I am alive today maybe not tomorrow though the darn ticker keeps skipping out on me and she pulls a small vial out of her shirt and throws the contents down her throat um and at the same moment uh you hear the excitement of the children behind you starting to Screech as you see the fields around you lit from above I I was wondering if you were getting soft for a moment you know you're not your life uh you turn around I just wanted to say I don't know if you're going to do that thing where we turn around and then you just disappear and then we turn back and you're gone as one does um I do want to thank you for for helping us as you have think he tears up a little bit now I'm getting soft but yeah if you do for others what I have done for you then there is no things necessary now come we have a show to watch oh you're not disappearing when we turn around I can't promise that I can't consider a greater company than the two of you on a night like tonight that's good you don't have much [Laughter] else uh The Horizon starts to Shimmer and the first light emerges as a delicate azour glow before long the sky becomes a canvas of blue orbs each radiating an ethereal light they dance with Grace their paths weaving patterns of intricate beauty though each orb remains abstract a pul Rhythm emanates from them conveying stories and emotions that span eons Whispers fill the air from the camp beside you a tapestry of awe and wonder some murmur prayers others merely watch in silent reference the sensation of countless lifetimes of memories both joyous and sorrowful seems to envelop the crowd it's as if the very essence of generations past mingles with the present uh a bridge between the mor mortal and divine would any of you like to do anything during this have I made it back from dropping Liz off sure and you probably can't even you keep your eyes off the sky as you move back towards the CR yeah as I come back I think what would happen is I think um your fear would just be in awe at the sight that he had seen and even though he's seen the springtime festivals of alium this is something even more dramatic and I think he would uh take a seat and just gaze at this this guy next to SAI I think Sai would kind of have her should her head on your Fe shoulder a little bit both looking up at the sky and she's saying to him that I want this the people here the community the family this is what I want um I'm definitely finding like a comfy null of grass and just like laying sprawling out and watching the guy like this is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen I think uh with your fear hearing sigh say that I think [Music] he Embraces saigh and then stands up and walks a little further into the woods okay the Ethereal Souls begin to spin among the clouds like specks of blue sand in a cyclone they spin faster and faster as the clouds at the center begin to Glow AIS and Ember this is not normal a an begin to pick up speed until each becomes an arked streak of light across the sky the epicenter glows blue then white then a fiery orange the sight meets your eyes before the shock wave hits your chest a bright Comet Ablaze in orange flame blasts through the atmosphere while radiating divine energy it spirals through the Open Sky as the ancestors are tossed from its path like insects even from a distance you can see the Shimmer of the metallic rock reflecting the blue light of the Aurora it is coming down fast it's I'm gonna pick up Aus or Ember and is coming straight towards you what would you like to do do do we like there's an audible sound at this point oh yes it ising through the air in your direction I there's you feel it it's not just hearing it you feel it so the moment I feel it I immediately turn and Sprint towards sigh I'm running away from it like if I'm looking at it yeah I'll go left far away okay make sure lucky is behind me lucky as I'm seeing others run I get up and I I turn not quite running yet but I'm turning getting ready to run okay yeah I'm getting Ember up and I immediately cast resistance on her and then make sure that she is not that you can get between a thing and a person but I'm putting myself in in the way of her yep I yell out to sigh it continues falling faster and faster and faster until there was a flash you feel a sharp pain the world begins to fade your limbs feel numb your vision is blurred the sky is dark but you can feel the Flames of the Comet burning the ground around you your head tilts in its Direction broken glass a field of debris figures you don't recognize right on the ground and then it all goes dark and that will be the end of the first [Music] session love it what a heck of a first session wow at the beginning of the next session you will all be introduced to the second half of the party what oh my goodness what oh my God oh my gosh my computer is going to explode my graphics card is going to explode oh my gosh is crazy their session zero is tomorrow evening which extremely careful not to to spill who's been playing or how many people have been playing up to this oh my gosh what and they are from a place that none of you knew even existed oh my goodness know the half of what's going on oh my gosh did they come from another planet did they come give you any I know cool oh my goodness that's crazy pH you will you have been you can never have a session one again in your life amazing amazing great job guys wow wonderful wonderful work DMS wonderful yes Caleb Stevens this is awesome everyone did a great job very fun very fun gosh that was fun you almost killed us so many times tonight so close oh my God I was getting real nervous when I kept rolling high with those rats my gosh if we died by rats that would be the worst a party D hey do we get to level up to level four or something now because we oh come on come on we'll let you know when that happens jeez man we got to at least get to level 10 now we had all that great combat absolutely you did take out a shadow at level one yeah Lev that's true yeah it was a small one but you you knocked it out come on oh man we're tanky no we're not we're not tanky at all not hopefully the other hopefully we need someone other than me to be on the front line I hope someone else is a Healer and I hope there's some other people cuz yes wof wow 12 people in a party is going to be crazy in yeah that's going to be uh it's G to be long combat oh yeah it'll be something I wonder if they're they might be splitting us up again different sessions intentions they might really gosh oh that's gonna be fun RP is gonna be people talking over each other I love it you guys have no idea how hard it has been to keep this this secret just clear my gosh yeah they are not from aluli or alium or deax the the sum total of everything you have received is only 50% of the world we have created oh my go come on that's awesome so it was a heck of a fun session guys we got secrets on top of Secrets some great RP too guys episode one in that RP go great job everybody great good job man we had character development in the first session more than like months of a normal D&D game yeah very well W well Stephan Phil what do you think first D it's awesome yeah I'm a lot less nervous now I was really nervous about tonight I was terrified I was like I don't know what I'm getting myself into but this is great hey us too this is is only Miranda and I second campaign so we're still we still new I'm new sort of this my my second campaign I think yeah your last one did last like three years it was a threee campaign yeah yeah took a couple couple years off so yeah it was a great session one because I think everyone rped really well people you get to understand like how creative you can be I mean you jumping off of a cliff to barrel roll save someone falling absolutely legendary absolutely legendary if only I mean it works you just both got knocked out oh man yeah it it was fun worked out and and hearing you know having bits of the world explained by members of the party to other members of the party is such a cool Dynamic that I've never seen done before um and that was definitely one of the goals that we had in mind from the beginning and D DM that was own oh yeah oh yeah we we did get a practice run with our last campaign though uh with right Caleb being the BB yeah although there was still some information I didn't have and this way in this one we're on equal footing in that regard jeez guys but it's still good to have one primary DM so we'll be swapping on know tomorrow will be swapping uh so Stephen will be running wow oh very cool so he be the primary DM yes that's awes supporting which is good because I don't know how we would have been able to pull off six um or 12 hours and two days worth of D&B otherwise right yeah dude scheduling it oh my gosh what a that's the whole nightmare I have no clue there were 12 people that we were trying to get the schedule around and all of you were only available on Sunday like if we could have had the whole thing on Sunday it would have been great but we can't do two games on Sunday we almost did we almost did had a morning game and then an evening oh my go that would have been one person in the other one couldn't do morning so had to Shi it oh man originally we were going to do Saturday Sunday and then Monday was going to be the combined game now next Monday will be the combined game very cool so what's the time next Monday 9 o00 8 or 9 oh 9 9 o'cl so from now on it'll be 9 to midnight copy okay we will try to make sure our children are in bed by oh man geez guys we'll try is there any questions that any of you might have that we reasonably actually can't answer in the moment can we see that intro video again cuz that was awesome that was I got goosebumps yeah spent hours on it am the hair was even moving I mean so cool remember there are two parties they got their own video oh [Music] my [Music] [Music] e [Music] next uh episode I'll actually use my accent that I have for your so heard it go back and for there was like a southern draw thing going on for sure well you guys made me get all sassy so then I was like well maybe I'll be Southern with them cuz he you guys are going to get me all worn up yeah yeah I I was hoping to go for a Marcus Aurelius approach but then I just I don't know we all started going I just started talking normal and it went whatever hey you don't have to do an accent I wanted to this was what happened with toric too toric was supposed to be Russian really when I just started talking normal cuz I was laughing too much hold it it's hard to it is really hard I very much appreciate you your accent Zach it's very great very it's great I love it yes I love it now I got to figure out I feel like when it comes to Accents in character I have to have a trigger word uh to like get into the accent so 100% yep I had a trigger word that I used to get into the shadow when I was setting up that voice a trigger word was it a buttoning turned that was the first thing I said very funny I told him if if he does not do that during the session I'll be very upset I'm so glad I didn't post a picture of our costumes into D and D chat oh yeah good you did oh yes I'm so glad I almost did it all right I will say one one person uh figured something out tonight so we'll we'll one one person from from the other grou group figured something out oh oh they may have SE did they see me in Steam they they saw some people in Steam I I wish you guys would have told me I totally forgot totally forgot they don't know anything yeah they don't know anything they don't know what they they they don't know what they don't know they have no clue they have no clue what they don't know they have no clue I I am uh um in the next little while it might be tomorrow I'm going to send out invites to the official Amnesia Discord server that you'll all have access to so you can uh all message like in a group instead of doing these stupid private messages all the time that are impossible to keep organized um um so you all I can't imagine the number of direct messages you have now knowing the information you shared with us like we had 18 oh my gosh yeah was stupid geez wow what a what a crazy night we're gonna have to definitely dress up for episode zero then you will have to dress up if if you want to do it you're going have to do it again one I feel like I might need to but a red a red wig me let's go let's go langon come on I am not dressing up as a cat let's get you let's get you a voice mod you know let's get you a voice modulator Langston so you actually sound like a a little girl I feel that do I definitely do I think this group needs to see photos of the the costumes though in their entirety um if you make the I don't do we have a I don't know you could add us first to the Discord yeah add us to the Discord that was cool guys I I feel like every character got to have moments too which is really cool yeah it was a lot of fun starting with still throwing up the best awesome intro I'm I'm glad we uh did a longer session today this just would not have worked well as a a couple of three hour sessions yeah I can't believe that was what 5 hours 6 hours six hours it didn't feel like it at all yeah see all right I'm sending out the invites in Discord sure not to any of the wrong groups the amount of times I almost did that um I will add pictures of us Omnia wait we're not group one we're uh shoot what's it called or troop 33 troop 33 33 I'll change the name 233 they're going to have to take on our name there's no way around it whoever joins us no way those are awesome look at you guys so cool sweet that's good man I can't believe we have cosplay of our d dude I told I told Miranda like I don't know about a month ago I was like I think I'm going to have to cosplay for it she's like yeah I was like yeah I think so I think I just got to go full nerd I've always wanted to and then she's like I don't know how I'll do mine I don't know how I would do it and then I came home one day and she's like I'm going to do it but I have to make everything by hand and I was like it was just the colors cuz you can't really find like bright color colors in the you know medieval robe looking stuff so yeah right yeah so she so now we're just going to have to assemble everyone for a r fest and now no now everyone has a week to get their cosplay in order so we can make everyone in group number two be miserable that they missed out on it I need full cat costumes from Ember and Aus yeah you guys got face paint everything do face paint yeah get like the headphones with the caters it'll be [Music] perfect listen my wife tolerates D and D if I were to show up in a costume same here Phil I need you holding a shaky torch I can do that I can do that oh my gosh I added in the shaky torch and the animation I was so so good are you like are you just like a scaredy cat oh yeah yeah dude I'm super like super timid with yeah next session you just have to hold it the whole time next yeah I really we really need you to be really scared the whole time so I can just this will be good this will be good I like where troop 33 is head yeah it sounds like a Boy Scout Troop it is we are I mean we essentially are we just have weapons and we beat hellish hell spawns back to the hole yeah who knows if that was your job yeah I don't know it might not be our job anymore jez I kind of felt like the uh the meteorite was going to bring about a new God or something that's what I thought it's exactly you know I mean yeah it could be yeah we still yeah I think all the things that we're laying around on the ground are the other troop or whoever they are I think they're from the other like spaceship and we'll have to stab them all before they get up maybe spaceship we to stab them all spaceship we'll stab him in the butt cuz the AC only AC get him right in the stin next session that's like our signature troop 33 move that's how they know they were killed by us in the butthole we go right for the oh no tro 33 was here so horrible tro 33's been here all their sphincter are decimated it it it is worth at least one very famous amian um um um yeah God Prophet oh Prophet came to Amnesia writing on a comet yep which one was it you guys try to remember who that was mhm wait isn't it wasn't it the one that we killed K we kill all of them he goes no he he was a traveler but he did not come out on the traveler what is this Destiny a traveler well we Al we do have Finch here yeah I was gonna say as soon as I heard Finch I was like dang look at that look at that reference well you know what after I named him Finch I was like oh my gosh that is a that is a name from Destiny I I assumed it was intentional it was not intentional 100% I was like what's like a cute kind of like sidekick name I love it that's great I was like oh is like kind of a classic and then after I did I was like wait a minute that's a Destiny Ghost name that it isch oh this thing was so stupid to print I'm not going to lie I have a second one upstairs too I'm working on my sword I almost have it uh the hilt all done so nice well you can uh show it off next week yeah I'm hoping to have it done next week so so for to answers Caleb's question we didn't get into it wait am I allowed to say this sure if you have lore information yeah uh daxian culture is named after the prophet daax oh yeah so the God sent a comment to end a war but on that uh Comet which was the first omite um the prophet da came in riding the landed and then began to teach the Remain the remaining people about spirits and all that jazz so the War was between The Mortals and the ancestors y okay but you don't want to give like too much lore there there's so much can you're right you're right you're right yeah I'm just saying you you you should uh re read the last part of that uh that section too oh right so when the people of daxia watch the skies both for the conjunction and for a new Comet carrying daax to change their world again Dax has promised to come back and reunite the mortal and spirit world interesting that's interesting so this might be Dax we're GNA kill it the all we need is a couple days journey up to elisium they got the sword up there go right up the butt it's a goder sword you win how you win three right up the butt is if we make a logo the threes can be butts like they're on the side with a sword going up the center of it oh yeah that's pretty hardcore let's go I'm going need you to design that logo for us might be able to get some patches made I see I promise you I will wear it I will wear it at work wear on stage Langston I okay okay all right yes do we have any do we have any Community fans here oh yeah the anus flag flag anus flag that's our flag actually yes here you go I'll post it in oh look you posted dax's picture mhm nothing like dacx and then the anus flag there it is yes that's that's it all because one finishing move created it all and I've already ruined another Campa tomor tomorrow the other the other crew is going to come in and see this and be like absolutely what the hell is this right now just so I'm curious what channels can you see in the Discord troop 33 just 33 that's it okay good to know I will very briefly let's see man that eyelash makeup really is I probably want to like go under the shower for a minute I've already got ripped it off there we go gang well played great job every I definitely teared up once that was cool I was surprised to see yeah you're getting in there I can't wait for more I that's my favorite part of role play the sensitive parts yeah yeah and your character with the character development out the gate guys just just give me a chance all right give give the old no you're an [ __ ] we all know this you made that very clear yes now have access to one other um uh theya a text group text and voice yeah okay well you know what the first post says to be butts but so now should should each pair need to communicate with each other abandon your direct messages and move here okay perfect I would delete we want to we want to stop dealing with them cool cool are you guys going to delete them so like if there's information in there should we no we'll we'll leave them we just don't want use them they will not see access of any the other man oh I love it I love it oh I've been so excited for this us too jeez guys thank you for all you guys years in the freaking making I'm glad it's finally working incredible and next week we'll get to the cool part stop this was already Prett cool what are you talking about no we haven't hit the cool part yet oh it's oh my gosh yeah it's going to be crazy definitely a lot less trauma than I thought you'd have as have trauma you know you guys almost died 14 times in one session we got plenty of time for trauma how youell how do you spell TR t r o p or t r o u p e t r t r o o p not a troop well it is yeah TT r o u p is uh usually used for dancing troop yeah like a performing performing group I'm buying new die as we speak right now nice also I don't know how uh you know a young Shell Shocked girl making a deal with a demon to Res direct her Dead Brother by sacrificing a group of six strangers to which are not strangers is not enough trauma for you that not enough nobody took its deal though gandala didn't even get the option no I was out I was taking a nap I was tired used those two spells and that was it that's true you spell you did get your spells off yeah yeah that's how uh um many many warlocks are born in caves like that I was going to say that could be a really cool track if someone had taken the deal to like survive or something yeah by the way uh you guys did I want to say it was 32 points of damage in the first round and 90 points overall Dam hey all right good job everybody that's that's good for level one that is a lot for level one that's a lot damage Trevor are you I'm trying to think what your subass is is the one where you get bonuses on the first round of combat is that how you did so much damage on that first round uh sub class doesn't get three oh it's um oh was it a feet well I get the sneak attack feet um but uh I have with being the type of Elf that I have I have a profic proficiency with all the weapons that I have so I have a I don't know pretty much all of my like my short bow my short sword they're all 1d6 plus three okay okay I may want to go over some later night so everybody I don't need to say please head out to your things uh again you now understand the importance of not not talking about this with anybody keep it quiet um and uh come ready for some hell next week we got lots of fun geez looking forward to S say bye to the camera bye bye [Music] byea uh bye bye