hey guys welcome back to and there's something in about five minutes today we're continuing our cardiology talks here in february all about lisa the girl that you never forget from paramedic school if you don't know lisa you're gonna learn today so let's get started so guys with lisa who the hell is she well she's the girl like i said that you'll never forget from paramedic school she's either your best friend your worst enemy or someone that you hooked up with and wish you hadn't um but you will always need to remember lisa lisa is an acronym specifically for uh knowing what a wall of the heart is infarcting in a myocardial infarction on your 12 leads so here's what lisa actually looks like on broken down on a 12 lead okay so i've broken it down lateral or your lateral wall mi okay is going to be shaded in your light baby blue here and that is leads 1 avl v5 and v6 those are the those if those all have elevations st elevations you can say there is a lateral wall stemming okay moving on you have inferior and that's going to be your purple here inferior is 2 3 avf right inferior bottom of the heart okay that's your big one the widow maker if it's really uh really those those elevations uh are super super drastic okay then now in blue we're going to move into the septal wall or the wall that divides the left and the right side of the heart okay and there you're going to be looking specifically at v1 and v2 okay moving on you're going to get into the anterior leads and this is these are the leads in green here and that is going to be your v3 and v4 leads this is where you're going to be looking for st elevations for your anterior i now guys don't just think that if it's you know only in one spot it can't involve another right you can have maybe one lead say you have um you know an anterior septal so you got uh you know v1 v2 uh maybe some minor elevations or even some uh depressions that are going to be flipping towards elevations or maybe only v1 is elevated and not v2 but you have you know three millimeter or four millimeter elevations in v3 and v4 so we can have combinations of these two uh there's inferior lateral there's all sorts of different kind of variants that we can get so don't always um you know just think that lisa is a cut and dry hey it's got to be all inferior it's got to be all you know lateral this is just a guideline to help you guys remember which leads are looking at which sections of the heart okay the last thing i want to get into here is just the uh the arteries of the heart that feed the certain walls of the heart okay the coronary arteries that feed different walls of the heart so the lateral infarct remember that leads one avl v5 and v6 that is going to be a blockage in either the left anterior descending artery or the left circumflex or a combination of both okay both feed that lateral wall okay moving down the inferior that's gonna be your two three avf leads that's gonna be your right coronary artery your septal infarcts that's your v1 and v2 leads remember that the left anterior descending artery feeds this septal wall okay and lastly your anterior infarct your v3 and your v4 leads is going to be your left anterior descending uh coronary artery as well so guys that was quick down and dirty with lisa remember she is the girl that you will never forget make sure you're aware of her make sure that you study her and know her front to back back to front okay till next time guys i will see you in my next video