Transcript for:
Arabic Grammar: Doer and Sentence Types

assalamu alaykum welcome to lesson three part two in part one we covered the verbal sentence we looked at the doer as a pronoun and the doer as an ism that comes after in this session we're going to quickly cover our what is a doer as a summary and then we're going to look at the difference between jum and jum we're going to look at some examples also inshallah so we're going to solidify our understanding of the doer in this lesson and cover all the essential parts inshallah in the next lesson we're going to look at the object in more detail so let's begin with the Blessed name of Allah oh my Lord increase me in knowledge two components of the verbal sentence that are essential one is the verb and then number two is the doer next lesson we're looking at the object so far we found that the doer can be a pronoun in that case they helped Zade and of course that they is represented by the wow here which means they representing whom whom the pronoun this wow is equivalent to that or we might want to say a noun rather than a pronoun did the action here maramu is in Rafa so we say maram and because it's feminine we have to use nasat maram helped Z maram helped Z so these are the basics of what we covered in the last session or first part of lesson number three this sheet now gives you the summary of where we are as far as the doer is concerned please note the of the doer will always be rer there is no exception uh because by default the doer is always raer whether it be the internal pronoun that's why we called it the Rafa pronoun or a noun that comes after the verb that's why I called it the external Rafa pronoun just to avoid learning lots of terminology now so far of course the doers that we've been dealing with have been single words for example it could be one teacher two teacher or teachers but the word itself is single so so far the do has been single we're briefly going to look at examples where more than one word can be the do IE phrases there are many other structures that can go in there but these are the most easy ones and it really follows on from what we studied in book one where we went through I thought if you recall I mentioned five constructs which are very very important and very very common we're going to see some of them now coming as doer so if you remember these parts inshallah you're now ready solidi solidified to move on to the next lesson which is looking at the object so please remember these few points Z went very easy for you now we have our verb and we have our doer so this is our doer and this is our verb and then we have the complete sentence who went Zade went now instead of saying Zade which is a single word representing the person Zade I want to say the new student went so please pay attention to this part the new student now if you've done all the lessons in book one uh now you're here then inshallah this should not pose a threat to you so the new student this is of course a descriptive phrase descriptive phrase and what am I describing student what what word am I using to describe the student new so not only the stud a student went or the student went the new student went so how do we do that in Arabic so now the doer is not one word but a phrase a descriptive phrase so the way to do that is very simple we have the same thing as before for example if you had that it would be the student went so that is my the do is but because I got here which you can see let me change the color so this is Rafa this is in Rafa so that is going to be becoming my doer I will no longer need H anymore so went the student went but I've got another word after it Al now you should easily recognize that Al matches with the four properties therefore is now my description of or the adjective of they are a together combined an adjective phrase so what is ALU now is the doer but it but it is also the M meaning the noun being described the noun being described and the description of the noun is CIFA and we have Al so technically I can say the whole phrase is now my doer the entire phrases of course the word who went the student went but I know bit more information about the student the new student went so exactly the same principle which we've been learning before in book one uh I think we started with descriptive phrase from lesson three or four and we learned them all the way through and we saw that the descriptive phrase will copy the CIFA will copy the four properties of the m so here ALU or ALU is copying the four properties of so again you can see here this is a descriptive phrase and the whole phrase can be brought under the or we can technically sayali is the doer and the ALU is Theif of the doer here in this sentence so the translation of it who went the new student went all of that went so again you can see alhamdulillah that what we learned in lesson uh book one we're now applying here also so this is an example where the doer is a phrase as opposed to just a single word whether it is a singular Durer or plural another example this time of a pointing phrase or if you can remember the original terminology we used we called it murar being the position of the doer so we have here now I hope again this's nothing here to explain let's move over to the phrase example now I want to say that that student that student of course I hope this is not again too much of a revision this was covered in lesson number 12 of book oneika is your demonstrative pronoun this in Arabic it is called the pointing noun SOA is pointing to something far if after the demonstrative noun we have Al then that is your sign that it is a descript it is a pointing phrase or M is or a demonstrative phrase because now that is the doer of the verb that has to be rougher and the that which points that thing that which it points to is going to copy the of the now is it does not change but here it will be Rafa why because it is the doer of the verb remember what I said earlier the doer is always rougher so the the noun being pointed to will copy the and of course the other four property other three properties of andik being definite this is definite being masculine this is masculine etc etc so the whole phrase now that student and again this is and this is RA this one's is copying because is the doer and it is so what have we got here we have the and of course we get rid of the ha now in Translation we redundant because because of coming after and of course that is your doer now the and of course this we will say is the of the What is the so now we can see the whole phrase coming in as the doer of the verb doer of the verb and this type of structure is very common in the Quran in terms of the doer being more than one word and we will see it can be a lot more complex than that inshallah as we move on to uh forthcoming lessons but for now simple examples will help us illustrate what we are talking about so again all the things that we learned in book one about the demonstrative phrase you can see it here here that the demonstrative phrase the noun being pointed to will reflect theab if it's and you can see it here inshallah T so we have an example now of the pointing phrase being in the position of the doer so the pointing phrase is the doer in this example so again we have two examples the Sheik went the Sheikh went but then I have another example that the shikh of Iraq meaning the Sheik is from Iraq he went so if you wanted to see the between the two of course the doer is Rafa pointing the obvious to you now and we have our verb and we will ignore the ha because it is not required because there is a ruer noun coming after now the reason why it's lost is tan is because it is mud muda again go back to lesson number 10 and 11 if you're not sure it's the most important lesson in Arabic grammar of book one inshah tala so sh okay sh not shun okay not because the does not take the and so we have that is my doer and what is here it is jar of course without doubt so what is that that is my and which is also the connected to of course the which is acting as my mud please note there is no space between mud M they're always together and the mudf is always J if you remember this point and the mud does not take tan nor does it take Alam at the beginning and of course it loses it uh the tan because it is mud one of the few rare occasions when the tan is dropped so these are the classic signs so entire entire construct is now my doer so we've seen the phrases that have now come in of course we've done the now we done the is we done the all of them coming as our doer we have a little bit more detailed sentence here a sentence with a sentence in between and this may look a bit complex grammatically but uh inshallah tala those who we've done lesson 15 in book one this has been slightly covered for you let's quickly go through I'm not going to go to the detailed grammatical analysis as the lesson will be too long but just just as a find what can happen as the doer we have here of course you recognize this as the verb we have this as ra and of course coming after we have and again we have the whole thing from here to there is actually a sentence in its own right full sentence so that's linking to this and is linking back to this and that's how the translations work inshallah T once we've done the full set of verbs we will look at this structure in more detail as it's very very common in the Quran and used more than a thousand times so you'll find at least um one or two of them in every page uh of the Quran that we need to learn inshallah T so let's quickly look at what we got in terms of structure we got our and of course we don't need our ha anymore because is outside so we will say the doer ISU then we have which is another verb and then we have Ali which is in between and Ali is our noun okay relative pronoun in English in Arabic is of course it's a category of noun is a so this is connecting and that's what it does it connects Parts together okay I think in English they call this relative close so is now linked is giving you bit more information which man okay the man okay what about the man well the one and I think the rest of it should be easy for you is of course of J and we have our those two together is linking back is to this verb returned from Haj not just return returned from Hajj so again we have joining back to and that is why not so we have now and you can have the man who returned from Hajj went again just to illustrate to you that it not always be just one single word coming after the verb it could be a lot more complex structures which are all acting as the far or technically this and the rest is connected to so again example with now the uh the um relative pronoun type of phrase and it's a relative Clause so so far we've seen the relative Clause we've seen um uh the descriptive phrase we've also seen the um Etc just do one more inshallah and we will conclude we have now the teacher and the student went the teacher and the student went now this in English is easy in Arabic it's also easy inshallah T you'll see i' I've got wow here which is representing the end in the translation so who went okay Al the teacher went and the student went so this is now linking these two together and remember the uh the link part to to all the conjunctional phrase they it will copy the four properties of so again you can see exactly the same thing happening here so is my verb and we exclude the ha and we will see or the is and then we have when it is joined by wow which is our half of okay half of and of course and we have our Al meaning that which is connecting so basically this is conjunction and there are a few other words which are very similar to you should be familiar to you I should say is another one we covered a few examples with that uh and few others inshallah tal again we will be doing a full lesson on these um at the end of the verb study but these are very very important and I hope and pray inshallah all of this is just um uh a recall for you in as we are now learning to use the same thing what we learned in book one as the um in book one where we covered or focused only on the nouns and J but we see them working also in J so we've seen all the phrases that I wanted to share with you there's one phrase which does does not link or cannot be the doer I should say and that is the jar Maj J it can come in verbal sentence but it comes as and again we will cover that later but just note that so most of the phrases that we learned in the previous uh book is are all coming again as revision for us then this is what I tried to explain in book one that anything and everything that you're learning you're going to see it again and again and again so if you get stuck somewhere and something's not making sense don't stop studying carry on you'll see it again and again and again and inshallah T when it comes to your act of your study of the ayat of Quran all of those phrases will be repeated many many times so inshallah tal after completing this course or even while completing this course uh please do take the time to study the ayat of Quran do it one ayat at a time don't worry if you don't fully understand it there are many websites you can go to where you have word for word translation and you could try to make some sense uh and inshallah tal as every lesson goes by your understanding will get clearer and clearer all you need is some effort from you Dua to Allah and continuously asking Allah's help and his mercy and inshallah tal this will become easy for us so this sheet has a summary of all that I have shown you so far inshallah tala and you can see where we are I have underlined for you uh the bits just to highlight the fact that we have many many different ways that the doer can come and again in this lesson of course we're looking and focusing on the doer in the next one we will look at the object so the examples here just an illustration uh what they are and how it's working and provided you've revised or know well the topics that I covered with you in book one all of this these phrases should be second nature to you inshallah tal so this comparing with in Arabic it is incorrect to have two explicit subjects meaning doers in one sentence you just can't have that so you can't have a doer inside the verb another one out outside the verb this is not done so you have a single verb here and if you look at this Illustrated example I have of course the wow is my doer the wow is now the doer of the verb they went I hope this is very easy for you they went so the is the internal pronoun wow it is not hidden it is expressed it is not must it is expressed with by the letter wow but then I put okay meaning students but it is rougher so this is now telling me that this is also the doer this cannot happen in Arabic so this is not permitted to have two doers uh in a sentence so this is incorrect so the basic principle is that we got two doers here then therefore it is an incorrect one doer being wow the other being of course and this is a very important principle it will help you avoid confusion uh when translating correctly or understanding sentences and in particular we're going to see now the difference between J and J now again the thing that I told you repeatedly possibly hundreds of times throughout the videos that the J is begins with an and begins with a or and that is the basic principle now what happens when a sentence begins with a verb is completely different than what happens when a sentence begins with an ism and this is unfortunately very difficult to translate into the English language because in English every sentence that you've come across is likely to start with a subject and that's where the confusion comes and correctly understanding it especially the nuanced differences between the two so we have here three sentences the first one is Incorrect and I explain to you why because it's conflicting with the wow already here so that one is not allowed but this is fine the students went that is nothing wrong with that is perfectly fits our J Rule so we have the singular s number one or we could have S number four for feminine because this is masculine we have sea number one so we have now the doer the doer can be definite indefinite singular dual or plural it does not matter because it's coming after number one or if it's feminine after number four so the students went is perfectly correct if I wanted to convert that to a jum is all I simply do is I bring the bit first now it's no longer going to be grammatically analized as jumla it will be jum is why because it begins with a noun and you can see it is RA so this is my therefore the and theab now is a complete sentence we have covered this that theab can be a sentence on its own a verbal sentence or a other types of structures but here it's a complete sentence they went so this is my the has to match the m in number and in gender and therefore I cannot say here now that will be completely wrong because it is not matching with the gender and the number of the and that is why we have to use here the students went and inshallah if you can remember that order J has it own set of rules J has his own set of rules and this is right from the beginning rather than calling them both subjects the doer and the uh and the um Mt as doer doer I always calling both of them subject I should say I've called the one in the J as the doer so that this confusion does not occur in your mind inshallah tal now of course you will say that I've translated both the same way and this is the reality of the English language structure that very rare you can express what is meant so what is the difference there are many and we will look at some of them in balaga Advanced courses but here just to understand the verbal sentences tend to give us a meaning which is fixed in a Time ter of time past present or future whereas uh the jumla isia gives us more of a permanent meaning so again this is how the subtle differences are and again we can Allah gives to in the future we can look at this but for now please note to avoid confusion why number one is wrong why number two is perfectly correct and why number three is also correct to illustrate I've got two sentences on the screen for you the first one of course you will say that the first one is a verb who entered this is your where is your this is your because it's coming after and it is RA so what does that tell us this is the doer of the verb so we have a very simple J the starting with the verb the same when telling us who's done the action it is so the Believers entered here I'm putting the AL first so that is my no longer is the is the and the here itself on its own right is a so the itself is a the same way why because within it is the verb and then we have our doer there are two components we need for a sentence so Al the Believers entered and the wow is my doer which is representing whom okay and then we have of course that is now the of the Mt of the J so plus gives us our jum and this is like a nest structure but very commonly used in the Arabic language now you're going to ask me why can I not translate the wow as the Believers they entered technically English I suppose you could but that is not what is meant here in Arabic it is simply M and the and uh of course you'll translate according to the rules of the English language when you translate into English and when you translate into any other language you will use that structure of that language but as far as Arabic is concerned it isab and we have our M so we have our complete sentence the Believers entered and the first one of course is the same translation but the other one is made up of the and the and insh T if this is making sense to you then the most important complex things are now being covered and the confusion will soon be removed of course I'm sticking with very simple sentences after after that you could have lots of things and of course you could have lots of things here also after that but the main principle being the same and right at the beginning I told you there are only two types of sentences and it's very important that you are able to recognize the two types of sentences that are only three types of words it's very important that you're able to recognize the three types of words so in Arabic really the secret isn't just learning endless vocabulary more important for you to is to understand the structure and to understand how they came about so that you can trans correctly in the English language even if you didn't did not know the meaning of the words here you should be able to work things out for example you'd know that this is definite uh this is Rafa uh this looks like a verb so it's a verb and the doer of the verb is this and then you can go look up what the three root letters mean and that's how you'll develop inshallah tal because you know once You' studied one Surah very well of the Quran then you should be able to in theory study most or if not all of the text um one after the other long as you know the principle how to look up the vocabulary and nowadays vocabulary is very easy it's uh you can get uh mus qurans printed with word for word meaning you can get them online apps Etc so anyhow Allah give us toi but these are the few principles guiding principles that will help us uh inshallah tala navigate through uh our study of Quran so on the screen I've got three examples I'll do three more after this one inshallah which will give you all the different variations and hopefully the subject will now start making sense it will be part of your knowledge base inshallah so on the left hand side we got the English translation I'm going to focus on these two if you need to look up the English of course is there for you but let's quickly go through how we will understand it first of all we got to hear which means he entered I got Al afterwards so this is RA okay because Al it is raer and I will say the teacher entered now here Al madasa now you may be confused you saying oh what is this well Al is got a on it so it is is the object we're looking at that in the next lesson inshallah so entered the teacher the school so the teacher and the teacher entered the school the teacher entered the school exactly the same in we have jumla is I bought early so it becomes the so we have that he entered the school so again you can see two opposite in the middle so you can play around with words in Arabic and that's the beauty inshah tal you will see now if I wanted to say two teachers entered the school the verb the version will be please not this is dual lesson number four book three book one number four book one so the two teachers entered the school the J is version will be this is RA then this is my this is my this is my if you read it together so you can see here the two teachers entered the school English translation the same Arabic completely different instead of is why because I'm matching the number and the gender with the subject or in this case the M let's quickly now look at the third example this is covered in lesson number four this is the sound masculine plural and it is RA if it was it be again please go back and refer to that lesson so we have who entered the teach teachers entered teachers we can see the S here for three or more three or more teachers entered what did they enter the school the school okay now we're going to do the jum is isia version I will put the first try to guess what the verb will be not why this is my d okay so this gender and number is plural and masculine it must match this here would be completely wrong will be completely wrong it has to match and that is my this is myab in itself is a sentence is a sentence is a sentence what type of sentence verbal sentence so you can see here what what did the teachers ENT the teachers entered the school so I hope inshallah these three examples will uh cement this rule uh please please make sure that you write them down because just watching the video on the screen is not going to help you get the knowledge inside is when you do them again and again and you can really understand what's going on between the two this inshallah tala will become second nature and you will be able to see which verb to use when or when you see it in the text you'll be able to recognize where the jum isia begin where the J begins Etc because in the Quran there is no comma full stop paragraphs as such each Ayah has his own Beauty and Miracle we have to understand it within the context inshallah tala in the next three examples we're going to look at the feminine version just to illustrate what is going on inshallah T the verb that I've chosen is Jala which means he sat and the fourth version jalas number four which is feminine so if the doer is feminine we need to say jalas as we seeing here of course this is got a KAS why and this has been explained jalas and then we have Al so of course is not R so they meeting up two sukun in order to uh ease the pronunciation the is changed to a so we have okay so we will read this at otherwise grammatically speaking there is no change so the translation the believer single female sat in the mosque and of course if I change that to an again this is the the now is going to match in number and gender so we have so the believer sat female in the mosque both translations the same the structure is completely different so what we have here now fil can I mention to you all the phrases this one I said it was not a doer or canot can it be an object it's actually linking back to the verb it's called and so it gives us the place of sitting where she sat she sat in the mosque but because this is the we'll translate this now as the believer sat in the mosque and again this is to do with the English structure that's how we translate in English so I want to say two female Believers sat in the mosque so again the ver verbal uh sentence is the same okay again sound sorry feminine dual so is the ending this structure Remains the Same so the two Believers female sat in the mosque if I want to do the jumla ismia version I will bring this first so I'll P this is RA and of course if it was be uh refer back to lesson number four now here we have to say Jal this is the Dual version of number five which is the Dual female hum version okay so it's the two female Believers sat in the mosque as for the plural you should be already guessing by now what that is is inshah tal it should be please note the sound feminine plural is I've got here so it knocks thean off so the Believers female sat in the Masid so jum isia version of course this will come first now and that will become my M here this is now the so verb f is okay so we have now here definite okay mup and it is feminine is plural jalas jalas that is the matching version of the Jala verb that we need to match the subject and all of this is the okay so technically the female believers sat or they female sat Phil m in the mosque so insh T these six different versions that we showed you and the six before one with masculine one with feminine will show you that what happens to a verb in J and what happens to a verb in J it will all depend on the position of it in the sentence so if it is the verb of the verbal sentence meaning the sentence beginning with it it will be simply treated as a the verb and we'll have the doer either inside or outside object coming uh either after can come before we see that insh next lesson and the M Mt comes first and theab comes after generally speaking and the Mt and theab they match in gender and number so going back to this slide now you can see why this is correct this is correct and this is wrong and inshallah all AR is is to follow follow the stepbystep rules for stepbystep rules for J provided you and I are able to follow these Simple Rules insh T we should be able to correctly understand jum uh sentences correctly translate them and understand where the mup is where the is where the is where the is and insh in the next lesson we're going to look at the so again as a final reminder for you inshallah t this structure should now be very familiar inshallah T we have the the making the J we have the and we have the making the J and that is the basic essential principle of the two types of sentences in Arabic and you can convert one to the other and vice versa provided you know the basic rules alhamdulillah we have reached the end of lesson number three of course we've covered in part one these two points and inshallah T in this session in part two lesson three we've covered the doer jum and versus jum is went through the basic rules and again insh what I'm trying to tell you is don't worry about trying to remember all these endless rules is when you come to practice you'll see it and as I showed you with Illustrated examples uh that uh these rules how they apply how they work working uh this becomes lot easier and inshah T very easy to manage very easy to follow but if you don't do examples and all you do is read Theory Theory Theory very few people uh can follow just endless Theory so may Allah subh grant us to continue with our lessons we are just at the beginning of s and as I mentioned to you next lesson inshallah we're going to look at the object the ma in some detail and then after that we will look at how to work with J IE meaning changing and Etc some more details some particles that are used with it then we will continue our self study with al- mud in the next coming lessons we can speed through that a lot provided we get these few lessons inshallah tala uh in um and again please see the description a lot of you asking for books and so on all the details as soon as they're available I will update the description with that so you can follow the links there inshallah tala in the meantime do continue with your studies do continue following the lessons inshallah tala and may Allah subh grant us and the ability uh to continue with the Zeal and determination with a good intention that is required in order to learn the very basic and the most essential aspects of the Arabic language to begin to appreciate the Quran uh when we read it when we hear it being recited or when we listen to it in our prayers may Allah bless you and reward you and thank you for your feedback and your positive messages in your duas and your support may Allah Grant you the very best in this world and the year after continue to like share and subscribe and insh tal I will see you in the next lesson