Machine Learning Lecture: Clustering and Applications

Jul 16, 2024

Machine Learning Class: Clustering and Applications


  • Topics Covered: Clustering, applications of clustering, clustering as a machine learning task, example of identifying a professor for a machine learning subject, types of clusters.



  • Purpose: Finding subgroups or clusters in a dataset based on object characteristics.
  • Process: Raw data (unlabeled) -> Clustering algorithm -> Subgroups or clusters.
  • Effectiveness: Objects in the same cluster are similar; objects from different clusters are different.
  • Labeling: After clustering, each group or cluster gets a label.

Example: Movie Promotion

  • Use Case: Advertisement company wants to target movie promotions to specific groups in a country.
  • Data: Includes age, location, financial condition, political stability.
  • Clustering Analysis: Based on browsing patterns, likes/dislikes, frequently visited sites.
  • Outcome: Produces targeted promotions to specific groups (e.g., youngsters for sports movies).

Applications of Clustering

Text Data Mining

  • Tasks: Text categorization, text clustering, document summarization, concept extraction, sentiment analysis, entity relation model.

Customer Segmentation

  • Parameters: Demographics, financial conditions, buying habits, likes/dislikes.
  • Usage: Retailers/advertisers promote products to specific customer segments.

Anomaly Checking

  • Use Cases: Fraud detection in bank transactions, unauthorized computer intrusions, suspicious movements on radar.

Data Mining

  • Purpose: Extracting required data from large datasets (e.g., terabyte-size datasets).
  • Process: Grouping features from extremely large datasets.

Clustering as a Machine Learning Model

  • Purpose: Discovering data patterns instead of predicting single outputs
  • Nature: Unsupervised machine learning task that divides data into clusters/groups.
  • Process: Analyzes unlabeled data to identify internal patterns and groups data based on characteristics.
  • Output: Produces new data and labels objects with class labels based on analyzed data patterns.
  • Effectiveness: Measured by homogeneity within groups and heterogeneity between groups.

Example: Identifying Professors for Machine Learning

  • Criteria: Professors should have knowledge in both statistics and computer science.
  • Data: Research publications of professors in various subjects.
  • Clustering Analysis: Groups papers into three buckets: Statistics, Computer Science, Machine Learning (combination).
  • Outcome: Identifies professors capable of handling machine learning based on research areas.

Types of Clustering Techniques

Partitioning Method

  • Algorithms: K-means, K-medoids.
  • Cluster Center: Based on distance from data points to cluster center.
  • Shape: Finds mutually exclusive, spherical or near-spherical clusters.
  • Dataset Size: Effective for small to medium-sized datasets.

Hierarchical Method

  • Structure: Creates hierarchical or tree-like structures via decomposition or merger.
  • Distance Measurement: Based on nearest or farthest data points in neighboring clusters.
  • Correction: Erroneous merges/splits can't be corrected at subsequent levels.

Density-Based Method

  • Shape: Identifies arbitrarily shaped clusters based on object density.
  • Guiding Principle: Dense regions of objects become clusters, filters out outliers.


  • Covered Topics: Definition of clustering, applications, clustering as a machine learning task, types of clustering techniques.
  • Next Class: Detailed discussion on partitioning method.