in the season finale of the boys Ashley is put on the list of people working at vote to be killed due to knowing too much after refusing to flee with at train her contingency plan was the compound V in homelanders apartment we do not know what superpower she is going to receive but we can speculate the superpowers people have in the boys may seem randomly chosen at first glance but after four seasons of the boys and one season of gen V we can see there is a clear correlation between the powers given and the person themselves at least when it is adults taking the compound V but first we must go over the way soups are created the first is with the perfect compound V that Fred rech vout concocted that soldier boy in Stormfront used then there is temp V that lasts around 24 hours and will kill you after repeated doses unless you give into the Beast of Darkness I mean symbiote I mean Cancer tumor manifesting as your dead War buddy just look at butcher before and after giving in BO then there is the normal compound V that every other soup is Created from that serves its purpose but not as well as the original we see this with homelander jar of gray hair is growing larger and when sister Sage mentions his enlarged prostate showing that he is aging and then there is Stormfront and soldier boy pushing 100 years old and look younger the type of compound V definitely affects life expectancy but the superpower produced is more than likely the same regardless of the type of V taken look at huie and his dad even though huie took temp V and his dad took normal compound V their powers are similar of course we have Ryan in homelander as well where Ryan has pretty much all the same Powers his dad has and was born with them then we have Andre and polarity from genv who are also Father and Son and both basically have Magneto's power where they can manipulate metal however it's important to note that Andre was dosed with compound V as a child so he grew up with his powers so it seems genetics play a major part in what superpower you get until you look at Victoria Newman and Zoey Victoria can manipulate blood and Zoe turns into alien the difference here is when Zoe took compound V when she was already an adolescent and developed her own identity it seems that when the subject is an adult and they take compound V or temp V they powers are more influenced by a combination of their identity and a psychological need this is evident when hu's Dad was injected and he's describing how his ex-wife made him feel his powers Flicker and you look through me like I wasn't even there you ruined my life he felt invisible and his power is literally turning invisible and phasing through objects huie and his dad both had feelings of abandonment due to Daphne running away on top of huie being conflict avoidant and running away from his problems explains his teleportation power also huie just wants to protect his loved ones so he gains a power that would have enabled him to save Robin and he uses it to try and protect Annie later Jesus Christ all butcher was turned into a weapon against homelander by malerie and his powers mirrored homelanders perfectly besides the ability to fly allowing butcher to affect acely fight homelander another example is Kimiko who was trained by Shining Light to be a Silent Assassin to not make a sound and kill and after taking compound V as an adult she's a perfect Soldier unkillable for the most part due to her healing factor and is super agile strong and durable another case of identity affecting Powers is Annie after dealing with identity issues the entire season and resolving them by facing herself as The Shape Shifter she has her the blade is me moment where she takes accountability and accepts herself and what she has done becoming stronger for it we have never seen her fly like she did in the season finale which honestly looks cooler and just as fast as homelanders flying I have a feeling she will be much stronger in season 5 after looking at all the other cases it seems identity and a psychological need is what influences the power given when Ashley takes the compound V we see her brain and skull start to change shape but a similar thing happened to Zoe with her spine when when she took it I think that is the side effect of taking it as an adult when we look at her identity and needs we can see that she is scared powerless women who lost her hair to stress and she craves control and safety SAR survival in her work life in her more personal life she is a dominatrix boss now who wants their balls crushed me shown with Cameron or at Tech nights she assumes control something she lacks heavily in her everyday life to even get a little bit of power she hires another Ashley that she bullies the way the seven does to her so she is constantly flipping between submitting or dominating I believe her power will be control related she will be able to nullify another soup's Powers temporarily or it could be survival related like Darwin in X-Men she adapts to the situation to survive gaining a resistance to whatever threat is at hand or maybe she can duplicate and will be able to control her clones and as long as one survives she can survive maybe she can control those that she sees as lesser than her perhaps her power revolves around a safe word when she says it she is super durable but deals low damage and when she says it again she can do damage but has low durability or maybe it's just a crowd control effect where she can incapacitate those around her using her mind one thing is for sure the boys need help going into season five with only Starlight Butcher and a train being free and Ashley gaining powers that are actually useful isn't out of the question what do you think her powers are going to be let us know in the comments below