Introduction to C Programming Concepts

Aug 21, 2024

CS50 Lecture - Week 1 Notes


  • The focus for this week is on learning C, a traditional programming language.
  • Reminder: Concepts from last week (functions, loops, conditionals) are essential for this week.
  • Today's goals: Solve problems using C and understand limitations of programming.

Introduction to C

  • First Program: "Hello, World!"
  • The transition from Scratch to C includes:
    • Functions: printf in C vs say in Scratch
    • Source code: What humans write vs Machine code: What computers understand (binary)

Development Environment

  • Using for coding.
  • VS Code interface:
    • Code writing area
    • Terminal window for commands
    • File Explorer for managing files

Writing Code in C

Basic Commands

  • Creating Files: code filename.c
  • Compiling Code: make filename
  • Running Programs: ./filename

Example: "Hello, World!"

  • Basic C structure:
    #include <stdio.h>
    int main(void) {
        printf("Hello, World!\n");
        return 0;

Functions and Variables

  • Functions are blocks of code that perform tasks.
  • Variables store data values.
  • Example of a function that prints multiple "meow" outputs.

Parameterized Functions

  • Create functions with parameters:
    void meow(int times) {
        for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) {

Control Structures

Conditional Statements

  • if, else if, and else to control flow based on conditions.


  • While Loop: Executes code as long as a condition is true.
  • For Loop: More succinct for iterating through a range of values.

User Input and Error Handling

  • Use get_string, get_int, etc. from CS50 library for user input.
  • Implement loops for validation of inputs (e.g., ensuring positive integers).

Memory Limitations

Integer Overflow

  • Integer types can overflow when limits are exceeded (e.g., counting past 2^31 - 1).
  • Example of how programming errors can lead to bugs in software (e.g., Pac-Man, Donkey Kong).

Floating Point Precision

  • Floating point numbers can have imprecision due to limited representation in memory.
  • Casting integers to floats for accurate calculations.

Final Notes

  • Use comments to document code and improve readability.
  • Practice working with commands in the terminal to manage files and run programs.
  • Be aware of potential bugs and correct design in programming.


  • This lecture set the foundation for programming in C, focusing on syntax, functions, control structures, and common pitfalls.
  • Upcoming problem set 1 will allow students to apply these concepts.