we took our custom Monster Chopper and our hyabusa swap solo car to the biggest and most notorious motorcycle rally on Earth and on the very last day we went out to see how fast our monster Chopper could go the monster Chopper was ready to go and just moments before leaving to Sturgis the GU zip tied in the radiator and cut a perfect little hole for the one rear tire of the Hayabusa swapped solo car here we [Music] go well there they go are you as concerned as I am nah they good drive is pretty good Snappy wanted this is the first time ever that the monster Chopper and Hayabusa solo car have been past Ethan's driveway and we were just one construction zone away from seeing how these machines run on the road [Applause] h how is it so far oh you might have to pry our cold dead fingers off of these things to get us onto the trailers yeah this sucks that we cannot get these all the way to seris on the road good like if it was even remotely legal I would just send it this thing feels so granted also I don't know how fast would we go in there on the streets we got up to 55 dude okay I did but above 55 this thing hops all a time yeah so it would get like with a top speed of about 5560 it'd be a long ride to sturis there are a lot of roads that that speed though so we may you may see us catching some rollers whenever we get a few minutes cuz this is a great combo it is like this is amazing yeah you looked great stopped over at that construction oh yeah all right that said let's uh hit the road some more it is so hot in here I'm like sweating [Music] oh this thing is so much fun to ride dude it looked really pretty smooth honestly yeah I mean above like 50 or so or 45 I'm not sure I don't have a speedometer but at the higher speeds the tires get real hoppy just cuz they're so big and probably not balanced at all and also I cut them down with like a belt Band Saw and a grinder anyway this thing is amazing to drive like just the whole experience ridiculous but it has cooling issues because apparently the tire is blocking most of the air flow that's okay we did make it to the spot where we were planning on loading up on the trailer anyway so that we can get some miles on the highway and uh get to Sturges tomorrow I've got a bunch more space for more fans here too I could throw another fan on here so it's just constantly going cuz those fans are real small the guys wanted to ride these machines all the way to sturis but ultimately made the right decision to not drive unregistered homemade Contraptions on the highway there's always next [Music] year good to see it yeah it's been a couple years it hits a little different in person huh yeah these tires are like really big just 46 I sent a picture of it to the DMV guy and like vehicle inspector and he basically just told me had to have fenders and lights fenders that actually cover the tires and you have to have lights that I was like these ones you can see what are you talking about believe it or not it's not the first time we've camped in the goast campers showroom so we all got woken up at 4:00 a.m. by somebody like yelling into the shop hey anybody in there I don't blame him like Fair there a thief in here no just a sleeping homeless man [Music] I think it's safe to say uh we have arrived in the vicinity of Sturgis there's about 10 times as many bikes on the road as there are cars solidly 90% of them are Harley's we made it driving and they even set up a tepee for us to sleep in how cool is that some people in our situation or similar would show up with like a big old RV and air conditioning to stay in but that is really just not grind hard stock going up and sleeping in a random Tepee in the middle of the party right next to the minibike barrel racing that's where we are reverse gear engaged [Music] it's like we're moving up in the world usually we show up and sleep in the grass somebody referred to it as an ultra 4 track I don't know if that's true but it's a really nice looking track up on the hill and we're going to go rip around it with the colonel and Patrick's going to maybe follow in this until it gets Rowdy I just want to drive it man [Music] who who to guess Ultra for course is bad for a solo High abusive thing the Solo's hot and it was down a cylinder that broke but this is fixable I just straightened these out and he's bleeding the coolant in that so everything should turn out [Music] [Applause] [Music] while Ethan paraded around with the misfit bikes padrick was having serious overheating problems with the solo car we're going to use this nonpotable water it's available kind of seems like it's not wow we don't have any like dude that's nothing we don't have any vessel bro you got a drizzle you got a drizz we just got to do that like 11 times [Music] there you go dude you're a legend are you sure no no we don't need the there's water in here I I'll drink a little bit no no I'm good cars more important it's hot out here dude unable this is all we get out of there got the water shut off and with a couple splashes of water Patrick made it back to camp we met our Rowdy neighbors and got some sleep for our first full day of Sturges [Music] [Music] back at Camp it looks like Ethan might have been watching too much of the Olympics they pull up right front of [Applause] as you might be able to tell there's a bit of racing going on and um this is not exactly in the same horsepower class uh but it's extremely ridiculous most people wouldn't consider it a racing machine so I'm going to challenge some people to races for fun against whoever wants to race me we got mini bikes we got groms we got a with like a chariot thing over here so we'll see who wants to race it's not working out for you yeah I don't have much traction no I just have 830 lb a bike to get moving you know takes a second I think I had you me this far it was great it t SE like I was excited it's going to go now when it gets Tred that was fun but when Sturgess really wakes up is at night so we heard that like a sort of impromtu burnout contest just starts happening here late at night are you not entertained jumps are rubber woo all the burnouts from everybody else made it sticky enough for my front tire to not slide plan is this water is only going to get dirtier through the week if you want to swim this is kind of the time to with the socks and shoes and everything I don't trust the bottom that's fair it doesn't taste too bad oh that's good the Chain's not rated for that kind of power not even the masterink no not the master link I knew I should have left it at one burnout for the night it was so successful I should not have tried to one up it or top it or even try again so Yeah I broke the chain so we're pushing it back hold on I want one piig too go for [Music] it oh look we're in the right place we have found the right place so we came to the hardware store to get some uh to try and find some chain uh Master links chain yeah that's what we needed did you see how oh my goodness okay that is like a lot more degrees than it was yeah probably another 20° of rotation on that twist so we pieced together our chain met up with some fans and sold one of our coolest shirts ever we have a handful still left at grindhard Plumbing code.com so check it out before they're all gone at first glance this may seem to be just like a ice chest with three wheels that you sit on or drive but but this is the only power control I'm not understanding yet speed one touch that Bolt speed two these two bolts speed three I will run over people so we got to go out to the road woo full power mode hit you know after seeing what happens when I drive my own machines I really don't know why anyone lets me drive theirs clearly the best gadget like look at this it all woo a I told you it was a bad idea for people to let me drive their stuff I welded it I welded it till it broke the owner of the trike was a good sport about us breaking it and then we proceeded to watch some even sketchier Shenanigans go down at camp [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah so we need to get the chopper going again because we're still here for a few days so we're going to go down to the nearest larger Town there's also some trash to be cleaned up that way so we're going to go out with the Gambler guys oh zero turn baby I'm almost oh wait a minute hang on this thing's a hog dude I don't know we might just have to take one of these home we get this set of more chain dude we could solid axle swap or long traveler or both oh my goodness I've wanted to build one of these for a long time I know and this is like we actually fit in it it's still ridiculously small 31s would be perfect no one knows what chain is tow chains and then he took us to winches you know maybe they're new but how does no one know what roller chain is [Music] we found it it is really beautiful out here and way too beautiful for that kind of trash time to see if this uh drags onto the trailer or just disintegrates into into a million pieces firing the [Music] hole she's going now there's a that's good that's [Music] good look at that was made for it CH there that's not going anywhere [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I just pulling this sprocket off real quick just so I can kind of look at some more things and then uh going to throw another chain on it and then see if I can't straighten some things out just enough for it to work for a while and uh then we get home we'll make it way stronger I can't complain here I got uh some live music while I fix the chopper I mean can't get that very many other places [Music] after Ethan added a new percussion instrument to the band's lineup he did a quick test of the monster Chopper and good news he finished it just in time for the barrel races [Music] [Music] the problem [Music] [Music] amazing holy come hell [Music] yeah you guys expect them to do that well oh next up was the hot dog on a string contest and I think we did it wrong pretty sure it's supposed to look more like this the inance come [Music] on Slow Race go the objective of the slow race is to be the last to cross the finish line and this is normally really hard on two- whe vehicles but when your tires are 19 1/2 in wide this is actually pretty easy you can just kind of hang out [Music] w [Music] [Music] where you look from almost as big as yours it's really not quite quite a few inches smaller also the front tire tiny amateur no that thing's actually really cool [Music] wa [Music] up all your hopes and dreams it but you can now tell exactly by how many degrees off it is from plum because the left side is bald and the right side is not quite Bal we got we got one more small one after we got a heat cycle [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] dude discount 99 bucks mounted they tried to balance it but it'd be an hour so I said just give me that thing dirty mounted no balance we don't need balance where we're going no sir this one's not quite near as cheap of a tire so it'll probably last a lot longer this is a 21555 and we had a 2540 so it's probably 2 and 1/2 in bigger overall so the Hayabusa solo car got its new rubber just in time for the drag races [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh got the [Music] a yeah think so well that might not be a fixable there is a welder over there I knew that second gear start probably would end it but you know it was worth it for the [Music] race oh yeah sheared it off the rest of the way [Music] I thought he had you but no I knew something went wrong with his I was like dude this thing it was only a matter of time yeah I like my God that thing's made for drag race [Music] he's fixed Min of bikes in a slightly smaller Barn looking thing but not a true Barn well also a bar a bar [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I think that we'll have to see when I get it actually tight but I think the chain is actually more consistent than it used to be like it used to be like really tight really loose really tight really loose so yeah we'll call that a win and I'll actually be nice to it this time immediate cut to it being broken 5 seconds later [Music] [Music] he beat you by a front tire again back to the same thing again no way oh yeah that weld was nothing fine it'll take 5 minutes to fix it now that we got a good welder [Music] [Applause] [Music] when you think of movies and you think like biker games in the back of the Hills this is what you think this is exactly what you think like a little little flux cor wether in the back little corner shop one little AR Freight [Music] light we are a chicken rotisserie for Monster Bikes [Music] [Applause] so this is dizzy she does Harley stunts so I figured if anybody here can ride this it's going to be me exactly leaning and stuff I you're going to want to lean a lot it's you have to lean yeah probably more than you think oh my God that's weird yeah it's really weird I might fall that's okay right getting up getting going a little faster will make it a lot easier just you know like 10 mph or something will be a lot easier than 1 mph okay got [Music] it heavier on this side like it's going to feel like you're going to fall over that way if you're not try that [Music] [Music] this thing done okay we're turning I'm not a bre to ever not crash it on driving it including myself that was awesome that was dope that was so dope great so like oh oh my gosh that's how much heavier it is on that side that's why it's so weird to ride yeah yeah that's it that was my whole vision for it like cuz I looked at those two wheels just sitting there on something else and then I visually Iz the whole bike being on the other side so you just see it going down the road and be like how is that attached I told Patrick to wait a couple minutes and what did I so this is why we never do anything without cameras because Patrick was like oh I'm just going to go rip around in the field a little bit just you know have a little bit of fun he came out here went prop silence rolled it I'm so disappointed in myself oh I'm so upset how broken is it oh every panelist oh bro like mechanically it's fine mechanically great every panel is actually no this door is not smashed and this panel uh that one is oh man here let me fix this well now there's only 19 of these left on the road I don't think that helped Stephen it does still run though we'll find out if it still drives [Music] before my wife uh she just now found out because Ethan drove up and the solo talk [Music] it's all good buddy we have all rolled our fair share of grindhard [Music] machines look who showed up at Camp zero C boys are here and they brought a lot more toys than we did they got the off-road R1 they brought their Hayabusa mini truck couple of Harley's Harley with a side car most of our stuff breaks so we're bringing like backups and back the backups yeah all of my stuff breaks I haven't broken anything in a while so we either on a good stretch or on Bound for failure yeah all you got to do is be nice to the throttle because the the the drive shaft does not like the amount of torque that's going through it I can imagine uh with all that gear reduction it has somewhere around 2,000 ft-lbs of torque at the rear wheel in first gear so yeah no clutch drops you probably can't break it it's pretty be pretty beefy that's not a challenge I don't know if i' say that that sounded like a challenge look EV Evan's licking his chops [Music] dude it rides like a dream right yeah no you you figured it out right away yeah honestly I wouldn't be opposed to like just the slightest pad that's in the that's in the works it's in the works dude it it goes I'm surprised I thought you would have like that part dude it this thing Scoops it looks like for some reason with the big wheels like it might be slow it's not slow no [Music] [Music] we've been making this thing all Sturges Evan is an expert at finding the weak point to something and clearly you found it again don't worry so oh I can get it going again in another like half hour or so I apologize you're good I knew it was going to happen you want to go wreck my R six [Laughter] yes important thing when off-road in the r six is it picks up speed much quicker than it slows down that's a good time game recogniz game there's not lot of traction out here I tried to wheelie it doesn't like it he's a rider he can handle it he's got her [Music] oh it's t too strong [Music] [Applause] if you put some longer Forks on the front you bring it back you get more rake you get more stability cuz like street bikes have the least rake out of any style of bike so like on the track there's a couple spots where you hit them and it just goes but yeah like just a little bit of work and it could be really fun Offroad but also I think it's just cool it's better to just do it stock because then you're just taking a crotch rocket in the mountains Ken rolled out in style and we went to fix the chopper one last time because we wanted go through the wall of fire and see once and for all how fast this thing can go [Music] Legend it just got hot they got really hot jeez I'm can go up here I know you s your balls off how's it feel [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] uh also not that it helped much but I'm going to put my pants back on for this ride and obviously a helmet because um the chain guide here or chain guard got uh got yed we found a long clear road just outside of Camp so before we pack up and head home let's see how fast this thing can go [Music] m [Music] [Music] we go huh oh that was a great success yeah I didn't even die you got to feel it out you got to learn where its limits are you scared the hell out me 60 mph into a turn is pretty brave got you got to find out what it can do you know know the only thing was your back tire was so slippery from it just being like you were laying down rubber driving it was no literally you're just laying down rubber while driving so like you're I was like dude his back tire is so slick he probably doesn't even know it that's hilarious but yeah your back tire was slick I was scared it was going to slick out it was pretty spooky no even when it started wobbling like it didn't feel like it was going to suddenly amplify and kill me it was just a little wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle and then I just straightened out it looked very spooky yeah I mean it was a little spooky obviously I'm glad it's all good yeah as long as it only wiggle Wiggles and doesn't fold precisely [Music]