Transcript for:
11 Plus Exam Tips and FAQ Summary

[Music] hello everybody and welcome all welcome back to my channel in today's video i am going to be filming a kind of like a part two for my original 11 plus video because i've gotten a lot more questions since then and i'm also going to be giving you some tips that are specific for like each area of the test which will literally like change the entire game i forgot to mention what the 11 plus actually is for people that don't know but basically it's a compulsory test that children do usually in september of year 6 hence the name 11 plus because most children are 10 unless your birthday is in september and the type of test you do depends on the area you live in here's a diagram i found online that shows you what test is for what area so you can check anyways let's get back to the video so i'm going to begin with the tips and i'm going to begin with like the generic tips and then i'm gonna go on to specific parts of the test tip generic tips include number one have something to look forward to i wanted to just like get in because it was like the feeling of a secondary school but you can also have something to look forward to so like if you are getting a foot if you pass or like if you're getting like some money if you pass or like a gift if you pass and you can also have something to look forward to after each study session so after you advise you can have like like a bit of a break with some tv that could be your award so that's why you're looking forward to it you can also be looking forward to like a snack or like so say after you do like a comprehension you can eat like a snack and that can be your reward number two is just to get a notebook and just do loads of practice papers in it i'll i can show you my notebook like at the end of the video and it's filled so just do a past paper and write the date at the top you know write what past paper it is like maths 2016 gl paper one or something like that and then just do the past paper and then check another generic tip is that this applies to like every exam but especially for the 11 plus when you're definitely like you're being timed quite strictly so because you're being timed the clock is always ticking so remember the clock is always ticking so if you're stuck on a question i think it would be a better choice to just leave it and then come back to it if you have time at the end i know for cem um it's like 45 minutes and then there's a break and then it's another 45 minutes i think the gl is 45 minutes all together but i'm not 100 sure since i didn't do a gl test but for the sake of this video i did take into account both of the specifications final tip that i'll give you guys is um if you're on the gl specification um if you're on the deal then there is a specification online that i found which i'll link down below i sadly couldn't find one for cem but if you can find one then do the same thing but basically just find like a specification so what specification is is just like the list of things that can pop up and things that you need to know so i would recommend printing off a specification so i found one for the gl exam and i'll link it down below but basically just print like print it off so there's one there's one specification for maths and there's one for english for the gl and for maths just print that off because it's like bullet pointed and then just highlight like after you do a worksheet on that like topic so for example value and place value that's like the first thing on the list so if you know how to do that just highlight it and don't just highlight it like subconsciously like without doing anything search up place value worksheets and if you find it easy then just highlight it and then move on to the other things things like indices indices might be a bit hard for people that in year five or six i guess so um indices is something that you can set up to just search up indices year five worksheet and then just do all of them if you find it easy then you know you can highlight it if you don't then you can highlight it in a different color or just don't highlight it at all and then come back to it after you've done everything next we're going to move on to specific tips for each section of the 11 plus a verbal reasoning or like the english section of the gl exam i recommend just learning loads of prefixes and suffixes don't like obviously someone can't memorize the entire dictionary and any word can come up if you learn a lot of words there might be a chance that one of them might come up but the bigger probability is that there's a word that comes up and you don't know what it means so that's why i recommend learning prefixes and suffixes so for example if it says what is the definition of autocratic and then let's say for example there's just like two options because i'm just telling you an example so the first example is leadership run by several people and the second answer is leadership run by one person if you memorize the prefixes and suffixes you would know that autocratic if you break it down auto means one so it would obviously be the option with one person if you were to go further and also learn like suffixes you will also know that kratic means power in greek so i guess you could also learn word origins but mostly just focus on prefixes and suffixes even if you don't know the word you can break it down and still find out what it means or like have a gist of what it means and that it that will literally change your entire vocabulary game number two tip is for non-verbal reasoning and that is to have a mental list of things to look for i know that non-verbal reasoning was definitely not my favorite subject and what i did to overcome that was when i did the questions i would have a mental list of what i needed to look for so for example it's all about patterns right so you have to look for whether the shape has changed whether the color has changed whether the angle has changed of where it's facing at whether the direction is changed whether it's moved to one place to another you really have to figure out the pattern in order to solve the question so when you do a past paper just make a list of all the things that are changing write it down in a post-it note and then just memorize it so when you're in the exam you can easily figure out what has changed from one to number number three is for maths and honestly maths are just about practice but um when you mark a practice paper for maths let's say you get a ratio question wrong then just touch up year six ratio questions or like year five ratio questions if you want to make it a bit easier and if you get a ratio wrong then just do loads of practice on ratios i remember i did this for fractions because i got a bit stuck on one of the questions then i just did loads of practice on fractions and decimals and percentages and when in the exam when a question came out for a fraction that's more than percentages i knew exactly what to do because i didn't like a whole worksheet on it so that was it for the tips for now and now i'm going to be answering some frequently asked questions that i got on my original video the first question is did you find revising for gl easier than cem i think i forgot to make this clear in my last video but i didn't really revise for the gl exam i did move from an area which did gl exams to an area which did cem exams um but i mainly just revised the cm so i don't really remember anything for the gl what did you pack for your test well i did the test through my primary school so um i didn't really pack anything they just gave me two sharpened pencils and an eraser um but if you are going from one like school to another to actually do the test in the school i recommend just packing a bunch of pencils and maybe an eraser do you think a tuition would have made you get a higher mark possibly yes it would have given me a higher mark but at the same time your mark really does not matter like i really need to emphasize this your mark does not matter it's just whether you pass or not that gets you into a grammar school um i know that people in my class have a big range of scores uh some people might just have passed and some people might have got like 170 something so it really does not matter like your mark doesn't matter as long as you get in um but if you're looking at like higher marks for some reason then yes i guess a t-shirt would have made me get a higher mark i personally didn't get one but um if you want one i guess you can go ahead can you leave a vocabulary list or a link to one in the description um sure i'll try and find one and link it down below but as i said just mainly focus on like getting the prefix and suffixes learnt because that would help you a lot what's your favorite topic out of the three or four topics so in the cem there's three topics nonverbal reasoning verbal reasoning math and i did the cem by the way so my favorite topic would have been either maths or verbal reasoning i think probably math because it was like the most logical one out of them all and i really like subjects with like a logical you know step-by-step method to get the answer but like for verbal reasoning it was just like a sense of like memorizing things um i guess you could like make flash cards for verbal reasoning um but honestly like math was probably my favorite if you were to have any regrets while studying what would it be if i gotta be honest i didn't really have any regrets because i feel like i just did everything in one month of august and i just crammed maybe i could have started earlier but i again i just practiced for a month and i still passed so that just goes to show you don't have to start from like year three or like year two like you don't have to start preparing like ages ago because i know people that started going to tuition then started buying books in like year three and they still didn't pass how did you not get distracted i didn't really have a phone back then so i didn't get distracted at all like back then like it was like 2016 and you would usually get a phone when you're like in year seven maybe i mean i got my first phone in year seven so i didn't really have a phone that i could get distracted by um i only watched tv in like the breaks that i had plus like yeah i only watched tv like after i did a lot of work honestly i didn't really get distracted a lot because i would just sit at my desk and um i wouldn't use a lot of technology if i had to then i would use it just to like print books out or print resources out but i didn't really use a lot of technology which allowed me to stay focused when did you start preparing as i said i started preparing in the summer holidays between year five to year six and i started preparing like a week after summer holidays had started so like basically just the entire month of august in that time did you follow any type of a routine if so what is it i didn't really have a routine but this is literally what i did so i'll go through it so what i did was i would wake up at like nine ten ish because it was a summer holiday so i did get my sleep so i woke up at like nine ten ish and then i would just you know get changed eat breakfast brush my teeth order that and then i would just sit on my desk that's i would just sit on my desk i would just do loads of past papers and actually sometimes after breakfast i would watch a bit of tv if i didn't really want to do much or like it feels like a friday and i don't a lot in the week but usually i would just sit on my desk and just do loads of past papers and like practice and like just literally 11 plus is just all about practice i'm telling you now it's just like if you practice then you then you'll pass like that's that's the main objective for most people but yeah i just practiced and like did loads of past papers until like my lunch time and then i would just eat lunch and then i would say my desk again and i would just practice until 4 5 p.m and then i would just stop like i didn't want to do i didn't want to overwork myself obviously so i just did it in those two chunks every single day and like after 4 pm 5 p.m i would just spend time with my family you know play with my brother and that's pretty much it it's good to have like a balance basically did the 11 plus help with your sats i guess like the vocabulary and like the suffixes and prefix of the event helped with like comprehension sometimes if i didn't know what a word meant um and like in the spag section of sats it kind of also helped and like the maths of the 11th class helped with the math of the sats but things like verbal reasoning where you have to like figure out the alphabet like work out what it was and like non-verbal reasoning it didn't really help because like you wouldn't do that on stats like sats is very different to lem plus what was the hardest most challenging thing that you had to learn um out of all the sections i think nonviolent reasoning was a bit of a struggle at the beginning but that's why i focused a lot more on it and eventually i actually like in the exam i only had like i don't know how long you have the nonverbal reasoning but i had a lot of time left over because i finished early like i can tell you now that practice is the main tip that i'll give you because i practice so much for the non-verbal reasoning test that i literally had like extra time in the exam so that's like my main tip in terms of books i bought all the bond books that you have so here's my verbal reasoning and i just did everything like as you can see like everything just filled out i bought all of these and yeah i highly recommend getting bond books because they explain how to do things and there's loads of questions like all of these i like filled in as you can see the cgp 11 papers because this contains like two full tests you can also time yourself but some i bought this one here this is the one that i'm showing you and i bought all the study books and then i see my iclick as you can see i did all of these and i got some of these wrong for example like that one and then i corrected myself and i wondered why this you know it's just trial and error and if you get something wrong and go back and look on it like think about why it's wrong and then figure out why it's correct answer so that was the cgp book i recommend cdp and bond as the main um like textbooks i guess if you want some extra practice i recommend getting like a specific math book so i got this like key stage 2 math book and i just did all of these as you can see if you have any questions do tell me down below and i'll try my best to reply to them and all the resources that i used i'll try and find some and i'll link them down below so i'll see you guys later bye