Hi there, internet commenter. You've been sent a link to this video because someone is concerned that you might not be arguing your case to your utmost ability. They're concerned you might have used a fallacy to make an important point, thus defeating your own claim.
The fallacy they're concerned you might have used is the black and white fallacy. A black and white fallacy is where you present limited choices as the only choices, when in fact additional options do exist. Each time.
to choose. Sometimes called the false dichotomy or false dilemma, the black and white fallacy is a really easy way of eradicating complexity and nuance. The most common black and white fallacy is the old saying, either you're for us or against us, when in fact it's highly likely one might find arguments on either side of a position appealing, and therefore occupy some previously unannounced space on a continuum between the two positions. Much of governmental and gender politics, for example, operate on a very widely spread adoption of a black and white fallacy. Sometimes the black and white fallacy presents a dichotomy between two things that are not actually opposites or mutually exclusive.
No continuum exists between those two things because they are not related to each other in the way that the black and white fallacy presents them to be. For example. It would be nice to have more well-written, playable female characters in video games. If you want more playable female characters, that means you must want fewer male characters.
And those are the ones that I like the most. Are you trying to ruin games? In this situation, Straw Mike's black and white fallacy is that in games, either specifically or generally, there can only be male or female characters.
Having more of one. automatically means that there is less of the other. That is not the case. More of something is not always automatically less of its opposite.
And so this dichotomy is false. The black and white fallacy presents nuanced arguments as being, well, black and white, and presents only extremes as being available for further discussion, even when that's not the case. What are you doing? Are you backing down from a challenge?
That's not like you. I hope this description of the black and white fallacy has been helpful. Happy conversing.