Crash Course Philosophy Introduction

Jul 7, 2024

Crash Course Philosophy Introduction


  • New set and props (including Nietzsche)
  • Exploring a very old discipline: Philosophy
  • Tackling big questions:
    • What is consciousness?
    • What is truth?
    • What is goodness?
    • Do we even know anything? And how?

Importance of Philosophy

  • Philosophy influences many sciences
  • Socratic method impacted the scientific method
  • Early universities considered all subjects as part of philosophy
    • Aim was to answer important questions about the world and our place in it

Course Structure and Focus

  • Less focus on memorizable facts
  • More focus on how you think
  • Emphasis on reasoning and logic
    • How do you arrive at your own conclusions?
    • Can you explain your reasoning?

Practical Applications

  • Reasoning and logic are part of daily life
  • Course aims to improve your reasoning skills
    • Understand strengths and weaknesses of your ideas
    • Useful in various fields (science, economics, history, etc.)
  • Goal to make you a better anything (including a better corn dog consumer)


  • Produced in association with PBS digital studios