Human Resource Management: Key Insights and Trends

Jul 10, 2024

Human Resource Management (HRM)


  • Presenter: Erik from AIHR
  • Topic: Human Resource Management (HRM)
  • Overview: Definition, origin, key activities, impact, and current trends in HRM.

Definition of HRM

  • Definition: Management of people to maximize their performance and achieve better organizational outcomes
  • Stephen Covey Quote: An empowered organization where individuals succeed collectively
  • Terms:
    • Human Resource: Individual employee
    • Human Resources: Workforce in an organization
    • Human Capital: Economic value of an employee’s skills and experience

Origin of HRM

  • Initial Phase: Began as personnel management during the two World Wars
  • Workforce Changes:
    • Women took factory jobs and served in armed forces
    • Introduction of assessments like IQ testing
  • Post-War Era: Focused on compliance and efficiency; involved in hiring, benefits, collective bargaining, salaries
  • Mid-1980s: Shift to HRM focusing on business impact and strategic issues
    • Example: Citibank, Hewlett Packard integrated HR with corporate strategy

Evolution of HRM

  • Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM): Integrating HRM with business strategy
  • Modern HRM:
    • Integral to organizational success
    • Focus on strategic positioning and long-term benefits

Key HRM Activities

  1. Recruitment and Selection: Attracting and choosing the best candidates
  2. Performance Management: Improving individual and organizational performance through feedback, reviews, and succession planning
  3. Culture Management: Developing an organizational culture aligned with business goals
  4. Learning and Development: Building employee skills for current and future needs
  5. Compensation and Benefits: Rewarding employees with fair pay and benefits
  6. Employee Relations Management: Managing relationships with employee groups, collective bargaining, labor unions
  7. Information and Analytics: Managing HR data, HRIS systems, and utilizing dashboards for strategic insights

Challenges and Trends in HRM

  • Administrative Perception: HR is often seen as non-strategic
    • Hygiene Factors: Maintenance tasks (e.g., tracking employees, handling labor unions)
    • Strategic Differentiators: Value-adding tasks (e.g., culture optimization, effective onboarding)
  • Current Trends:
    • Aging Workforce: Sustainable employability and upskilling
    • Globalization: Access to a global labor market; remote work
    • Gig Economy: Flexible employment contracts
    • Data and Analytics: Increasing importance of HR technology and data-driven decisions
    • Automation: Digital transformation and administrative task automation
    • Task and Industry-Specific Human Capital: Matching people to assignments based on specific skills and experiences


  • Summary: Definition, history, key activities, and trends in HRM
  • Call to Action: Comment on future HRM trends, like, and subscribe
  • Additional Resources: Academy to innovate HR courses (link in description)