Transcript for:
Versus Show with Big Boss: Colognes and More

[Music] ladies [Music] man I'm crazy [Music] what's up with the tallest big Bowser welcome back to another verses hey look look for your top out man where y'all from man where we all come from the West Side hottest bar on the West Side most lip bar on the west side for the people that's new to the show we got four Baddies you know what I'm saying okay from starting from this side to this side can you just stay on Instagram say what you got going on you know I'm saying real quick real quick go ahead all right my Instagram is okay okay that's it come on what else you do what else you do currently trying to get my bed and breakfast Poppins okay okay y'all gonna see me real real soon okay okay let's flush it there's a lot of money and that's entrepreneur talk all right tell you man talk to him real quick one quick day my name is Tay I'm a bartender that's all I'm an entrepreneur I got about three full businesses I do bottom deals that's the woman shooting clothes apparels I do a cloud Patrol that's the mobile hookah business he self hates we come we come to you that's in my bio we bring about you um and then my newest business is precision prints you see the shirts lost it she made all these shirts also hit me up for everything custom everything that you want hacks cups Road trays hit you up poster boards anything that's me um as well as my stepping ground at home button with it say less all right Dave talk to him jhh underscore a bartender for it okay yeah okay but massage work when you go home with your little passion what you got going on I don't do nothing but Shake yes all right talk to us hey what we got going on okay so my name is say my Instagram is careless dot say um I'm a bartender at Azul I just started um I want to get in the bartending I like you know making drinks I like getting people drunk I like making people smile so I used to act I want to get into modeling a little bit and you know being kind of like an influencer I want to build my following things like that so well check this off y'all so you know what all the girls that had just shows all their Instagram you know I had it on the screen make sure you're gonna follow these girls you know what I'm saying like some pictures comment on some pictures and show them some love they got their own lives going on you know I'm saying we love the women that's what we smell good for who you smelling good for a dude I hope not his name is Sean Davis on Instagram Shawna Don yes he like dudes at the end of the day but he a raw ass [ __ ] and he a part of our team here in Jamaica right now if he wasn't here be here tap in we don't discriminate yeah who you feeling good for a dude you right because the audience and the crowd right here is women but at the end of the day we don't discriminate you know what I'm saying so we we but we brought we bought some baddies here you know what I'm saying and blue yeah don't forget don't forget the blue you know what I'm saying oh what's the what's the what's up Instagram can't tell them Instagram a little social kitchen oh [ __ ] all right Charles so y'all know with all these verses I gotta bring y'all three bangers three fragrances for women y'all ain't never seen it before man we about to get into it so first of all tell you know about this you know what I'm saying but we're gonna get everybody here azaro the Most Wanted okay this is called we can say like the versus Champion so it's only right to go against these other bangers okay another fragrance we got your Savage Elixir okay this is the most newest dealer Sebastian came out smells very different from the other three if you know you know excuse me sir hey what's up you gotta be quiet all right so uh y'all know D off camera y'all hit the D you know what I'm saying um yeah so I'll show you all the Euro subology Elixir okay so we got it's all the most wanted the original last but not least proud of you proud of black oh you know what I'm saying hey Prada black blah blah blah it's about that time stay less all right so I'm gonna start this way this way I'm gonna spray the stick sound oh hold on we're gonna start with days which one you want to smell the first talk to us is that Prada black that part of black you're speaking who's speaking for everybody that's good that's good let's get it going I'm gonna start from this way this way I'm gonna spread it stick let us know what's popping bro talk to it okay okay it's sweet it's more of like a sweet recipe I kind of smell it hold on now this might be what I was talking about you feeling it yeah I had to be buying I'm a sweet smelly girl but it's sweet but it's spicy too it is I don't like it you don't like it because of that spice I don't like the the African I don't like the spiciness of it okay I'll pass I will not buy this okay sorry y'all I'm gonna agree with Taylor okay it's definitely spicy at the end okay but it's definitely giving grown or wrong yes 62. yeah oh man I would say oh man okay so it's a boy because I was ready to like it but now that I'm smelling up here it's got a peppery type of yeah I don't like that you don't like that yeah so everybody I don't like that at all okay it's at zero yeah but if you up close to the girl's face I'll see what to do all right say talk to us what we doing should be all right so you picked it so we gonna start from say down this way I like this you like that this will make me stay up under a [ __ ] oh yeah all day [ __ ] wet yeah just one hey baby oh yeah you want something to hug anything okay I ain't gotta say [ __ ] [ __ ] is fast and she doesn't know you like it for real yeah man what period that [ __ ] go get you some y'all better come and get one of them as [ __ ] grab it it's different all right it's like a little revolver or something yeah and that's what you're gonna do oh yeah all right so that's all the Most Wanted made it past the first round okay yeah last cologne you're about to smell uh today is the your Savage Elixir elixir Elixir this is the highest concentration y'all okay so this is a little trivia when y'all walk in the cologne store y'all might be like what the [ __ ] is a toilet what the [ __ ] is a powerful toilette is the weakest concentration okay that's the least last thing of all of them sometimes it might not even last that week you know what I'm saying but it's just it's just not that many not that much perfume oil in there then you got eau de parfum people sometimes they call that EDP that's the next concentration then you've got regular parfum that's even stronger than the other far from elixir all right now this is the most highest concentration version of any cologne yeah I mean but it's up like this little ass bottle 150 but that big ass bottle with Dior 150 you just you already kind of okay are you about to see right now boom foreign it it smells clean like it smells like about the shower okay okay I mean I I like the fresh smell but I still want to smell this I'm like I smell it that's why I don't like that they smell like Pine sauce that's more like Pine sauce smell it I'm done with it she pissed off it does it do give like yes I'm good on that based on how strong I think all the survives that's what it smells like two because it don't stink but [ __ ] like this because it cover up the weeds yeah all that [ __ ] you know it covered because it's so strong don't get this y'all do not get this okay get it no I don't like the [ __ ] just don't get it because don't piss me off with that [ __ ] do you wear that I don't wear this alone maybe sometimes maybe the funerals we're into a funeral because they need to be distracted right if you're going to work keep that [ __ ] in your car it's like blunt effects that's what that's for so y'all y'all always say it's all the most wanted one yes for sure that's that [ __ ] they call it that [ __ ] yeah I like it yeah yeah hey that's that floss [ __ ] y'all so look out of all these colognes out of all these verses we did we got the beautiful woman right here with that product like a product black Lofts no y'all been talking so much [ __ ] about this product like y'all know the product life is terrible famous out here y'all smell like dead people and y'all know that you're a survived and you also feel like you're trying to cover up dead these lost in a winner is a sorrow you know I'm saying we're gonna close along oh yeah I'm gonna talk I'm gonna talk to the people y'all know for everybody who've been watching these verses that's all it's just one and it's been winning okay that's just what it do I put Zorro against anybody is kicking everybody's ass you can just kind of call this the king of verses that's just kind of how it is probably the best cologne you will ever [ __ ] have bro every girl that come up here they love it and now I'm saying if you love a girl man or you just like smelling good and you want to trust a pan that's a fly [ __ ] he's in the right place man there's almost one all right so yo I want to talk to you all a little bit before we go for y'all here man so there's a couple of questions my dudes need to know with some turn offs in the bed start with me will it just give us one turn I was turning you off in the bed what a dude got to do before I just [ __ ] the whole game up he lost can I take a shot okay so we were talking about like you know some people like your ears lit whatever you can't do the ears like I can but like too much is maybe if something comes along just say that I mean hey like what you what don't you write you saying what you don't like you know what I'm saying I'm not opposed to anything I'll try it but it's just you just like nah all right you know yeah ear wax you're not even clean bro dirty ear [ __ ] man all right so it was a turn off my hot [ __ ] [ __ ] it up like you he was he was about to hold on I got it and it's just like oh thank you [ __ ] with it like so oh so you basically saying look at that stink baby no I said I said a funky ass bro cause the [ __ ] think but the ass would be fresh because the dick in the ass at the balls between a funky booty gonna [ __ ] up the whole thing above and it is like so sweet I'm like and then I go to the other ass things no they just want the water to run down you gotta actually get it yeah I can't [ __ ] with it so [ __ ] don't wipe their ass girl [ __ ] with it all right hey Snickers they got four swipe rules that's disgusting hey bro so look y'all man y'all got funky asses bro I don't know what to say hey the most I can say is do a big boss though get you some wet wipes if y'all feel like tissue rain really you got to think about it man somebody slap your face with some [ __ ] you're not grabbing some tissue or being like exactly you go grab something right now I feel like you didn't do a good job you're not confident go hop in the shower no wet nothing wet to clean your ass in the tub maybe I don't know talk talk to us what's the turnout what a [ __ ] that did man it'll turn off to me is like not telling me what to do and what I mean by that is like be assertive exactly don't tell me to be like turn around turn me the [ __ ] around um like throw me around [ __ ] like hey you gotta figure it out all right uh what's the turnover I don't like [ __ ] who be nervous I need somebody who's like out there and like because I'm shy but at the same time I could be a lot so like if you nervous or acting like you don't know what to do or I don't know what do you want to do or what do you like to do or I don't know what to say I don't like that like just do it just do whatever whatever you want to do just go ahead and do it you know if you keep asking me what you want me to do or how you want me to let me know if you want to spit on my face is Big exactly if you want to put that thumb up in there put it because if we already at this point that we add more points and nicely if we at that point we're at that point do what you got to do oh wait a minute because I know you got to edit I gotta keep okay that's why I wait until she stop talking about it all right let me close it out there so that was the last question you probably was like getting ready hold on all right y'all so look man there was some turn off you feel me I'm saying in the bed you know what I'm saying you might you might close in the first night and now she blocked you or she ain't saying hey you up no more and you feeling like that's what we do what the [ __ ] I do wrong man wash ass yeah uh uh days and say she was like basically baby it's basically saying just be assertive be a [ __ ] man you know what I'm saying at the end of the day and make it easy for them you know they just spent all day thinking about the aphas getting all cute overthinking and they gotta think about the date to it like they gotta think too much bro can you just [ __ ] you just you just do what the [ __ ] you gotta do but my father did all this to come here I already I don't even don't know you I had to make myself mentally get comfortable with your eyes too much mental power man so all [ __ ] Gotta do is just say what the [ __ ] you mean don't be nervous nonsense out of ten females are very understanding they don't not give a [ __ ] about what the [ __ ] you could be like let's go canoeing but they say yeah think about anger they're going canoe today something exactly man so I feel like y'all ain't got to overthink it um oh wait what you say what you like your point was what it will turn off you say um so some some of your ears brush your teeth I think what she I can kind of sum that up some of y'all be having this Kink [ __ ] going on hey man certainly you know what I'm saying yeah you got you gotta make sure you can't be too freaky especially not the first time now I feel like you [ __ ] everybody me now with me ain't no too freaky too kinky say ready for everything the first night a [ __ ] been at the time come eating ass come doing all that okay so I'm doing all that so so you're right we're dealing with three Freaks and one humble Christian uh yeah say less man you don't say enough to turn off make sure y'all go shout out that's natural blue make sure you follow all their Instagrams you know I'm saying they fly they got some good ass food they told me some salmon tenders a lot of [ __ ] y'all ain't never had it before come try it I'm gonna have to give me some songs believe it um I'm gonna go down the Easter I'm gonna test it out y'all gonna be back one day yeah if they want us to come back say less man comment below man if this was a good entertaining show you know I'm talking about and make sure y'all like the video hit the notification Bell just so y'all can get notified when some fly [ __ ] happening y'all you don't want to miss subscribe to the channel we blowing up we almost 10 000 subscribers this is a channel yeah fly [ __ ] give me clap real quick for that yeah I'm saying it's flashing yeah like that's an accomplishment but it's no big boss I'm striving for the Stars so I'm at ten thousand I'm like all my millionaire so you know Big Boss gonna keep working we don't get to this million subscribers that's gonna be the next goal but in the meantime let's celebrate the small accomplishments you know what I'm saying yeah huh [Music] all right though but make sure you like comment and subscribe over here with the ladies and we go [Music] on top but I'm calling your days came to the party with no guns left the party with