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Overview of Human Brain Course
Aug 3, 2024
Lecture Notes: Introduction to the Human Brain
Instructor Information
Nancy Camwisher
9.13 Human Brain
September 13
Brief story (10 minutes)
Why, how, and what of studying the human brain
Mechanics and details of the course
Key Story about Bob
A friend named Bob stayed overnight before a conference.
Bob collapsed in the professor's home; ambulance called; Bob was initially unresponsive but began to regain consciousness.
Hospital Visit:
ER tests were inconclusive.
Professor had concerns about Bob's brain due to past strange behavior, e.g., navigation issues.
Mentioned a past brain scan during an experiment in her lab, which led to discovering a growth in his brain.
Discovery of the Brain Tumor
Found a lime-sized meningioma in Bob's brain.
Significant Find:
Tumor was adjacent to the para hippocampal Place area, related to navigation, a region Professor Camwisher's lab had studied.
Growth Rate:
Tumor was growing slowly, indicating it was less dangerous than rapidly growing tumors.
Surgery and Aftermath
Bob underwent an 11-hour surgery to remove the tumor.
Bob's cognitive functions returned quickly; however, he did not recover his navigational skills, relying on GPS for directions.
Themes from the Story
Brain Organization:
Different parts of the brain serve specific functions.
Specificity of Brain Regions:
Some brain areas are extremely specialized; damage can lead to specific deficits without affecting general intelligence.
Mental vs. Brain Processes:
The relationship between brain structures and mental functions will be a focus of the course.
Brain Change and Recovery:
Brain’s ability to recover from damage varies, especially with age.
Children's brains are more plastic than adults'.
Why Study the Brain?
Understanding Identity:
The brain is central to personal identity.
Limits of Knowledge:
Understanding the brain helps evaluate human knowledge limits.
Advancing AI:
Insights from brain studies can inform AI development.
Great Intellectual Quest:
Studying the brain is a significant scientific endeavor.
How to Study the Brain
Levels of Study:
Molecules, individual neurons, circuits, brain regions, and networks.
Course Focus:
Understanding how the brain produces the mind by studying mental functions and their brain bases.
Neuropsychology (e.g., studying patients like Bob)
Functional MRI (fMRI)
Connectivity measures
Course Topics
Key Areas of Study:
Visual Perception
: Color, shape, motion, and object recognition (especially faces).
: Understanding spatial awareness and navigation systems.
Number Understanding
: Cognitive processes related to numerical comprehension.
: Understanding and producing language.
Social Cognition
: Theory of mind and understanding others’ behaviors.
Brain Networks
: Interactions between different brain regions.
Grading and Assignments
Midterm Exam:
Final Exam:
Approximately two papers per week.
Written Assignments:
Short assignments based on readings.
Short quizzes at the end of class to check understanding.
Longer Assignment:
Design an experiment in a relevant area.
Additional Notes
Reading Scientific Papers:
Approach papers with specific questions to guide understanding.
Class Structure:
Emphasis on understanding mental functions and their brain bases rather than memorizing facts.
No Textbook:
Focus on the latest research articles instead of outdated textbooks.
Next Steps
Next Class:
Brief neuroanatomy overview, followed by a live brain dissection demonstration by a guest neuroscientist.
Open the floor for student questions and clarifications about the course.
Full transcript