Transcript for:
Exploring Christianity and Islam Beliefs

so okay you said you're you are not Muslim right I'm not okay so what are you do you believe in a specific religion or are you I'm an Orthodox Christian Orthodox Christian okay so you've got questions for me about Christianity or you want to speak about Christianity and why is why is it that you have in mind go ahead my question is I feel a little bit nervous um that's fine there not no ISS nothing to be nervous about you know you're completely Anonymous right now you know okay I guess I've been um I've been looking I've been watching your videos so I've been looking into different things and the one thing that's I guess difficult for me is when I read the Bible it says that Jesus established the church and obviously the church is not here now in Islam and it said the Gates of Hell will never overcome the church so I'm just wondering what happened to the church if that I don't know if this question makes sense yeah what do you mean by the church though okay which verse are you referring to that you mean that Jesus established a church let's first get that understand do you believe Jesus Built a building that was called a church he had priest and that's not what he meant by the church at all so what did he mean by the church then I know I think I'm the the scripture that I'm thinking of is where um he ask Peter who do you say I am and he says you are the Christ and then he says on this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hades or Hell will never overcome it yes that's what that's what I'm asking you what did he mean by the church do you think he was saying I bu my church he a group of Believers yeah yes so so this is a a completely different understanding to people mean by the church he whatever ter this is the thing it all depends on what Jesus meant by this word the church but who gives this verse that much significance it's only the Catholics that are giving this this verse significance but in reality because they use it to say that Peter was the first pope exactly and then they use it to to make the argument that the church has Authority based on this verse this is this is the whole the whole Catholic argument is based on this verse essentially but this verse definitely does not mean a building like it's called a church where you have a priest that would forgive your sins and all of these teachings this something that they made up and fabricate this not what Jesus meant by the church otherwise he would have built a building that would be the first church built by Jesus or right that would be the actual Church in existence that we you would have you guys Christians you would have today it's not what he meant by the church but this is this idea is still anyways self-contradictory that like I believe Catholicism is self-contradictory because you ask you ask them why do you rely on the church they say we rely on the church because of the Bible you ask them why do you rely on the Bible they say we rely on the Bible because of the church true this is self this is circular reasoning you cannot keep going in this is you cannot go in a Circ this is a fallacy logical fallacy you have to prove both of them separately you have to prove the Bible to be uh authentic separately and then okay you can say I rely on the church because of the Bible but you've not proved it you cannot then say that because of the church I believe in the Bible and because of the Bible I believe in the church you know that's just a circular reasoning you know you just going in a circle there and you've you've not proved either of them so I think that is the biggest contradiction that is that is there in Catholicism so the question is for me for me to you now whatever Jesus said like because this verse for me is completely irrelevant as I said because it all depends on what he meant by the church did he mean a group of Believers did he mean the faith itself what did he refer what did he exactly was he referring to but definitely he was not referring to that building that was built later on age yeah so okay so now the question is why do you believe the Bible is reliable then you yourself right now today um I guess because it seems to answer a lot of the questions concerning Jesus why he came in the New Testament anyway how does that make the Bible reliable I guess it I guess it really doesn't just that just that thing alone I don't know I guess it's hard who do you believe Jesus who do you believe Jesus was um I believe Jesus was created by God okay um so he wasn't god um like God the Father no I don't no no God is just one God Bible says here Israel our Lord God is one God yes there's just one God this idea of the god the son God this God that this is not what the Bible teaches there's no God the son in the Bible you're not going to find this term you know you're not going to find this idea this is a madeup idea so when we say God God was always one from the time of Abraham from the time of Moses from the time of Adam was always one God was always the same God okay that one God you saying Jesus has created so the only one who can create people is God God is the one who creates when we talk about like ultimate creation creation from nothing right because humans can create shaping things from one object to another but we're talking about ultimate creation from from nothing into existence from nothing into being only God can do that yes so when you say Jesus is a creation of God then he's not God yes okay then he is what he was a messenger of God that God sent him to the people to teach him good morals about how to live the life what how to have conduct with each other laws of marriage Etc and and that he was also the Messiah meaning he was anointed chosen by God and and he fulf he was he fulfilled his mission by coming and giv the message that was needed to be given to the people and he's coming in a second coming to kill the Antichrist which is another mission that is given to him by God but he's the same as Moses in a way as as David as Solomon as any of the other Messengers I guess the thing that it's funny because all these things are in my head it makes sense what you're saying but then I'll always wonder but then why the miraculous birth like why he seems to be set apart or different than the other prophets and I wonder why if it's not for the Christian reasoning then you know why would I get what you're saying I get what you're saying but this is the thing every prophet and messenger had a miracle unique to him like who else sped the sea the Red Sea or whichever SE yeah who who else thrown yeah were thrown into a fire and they didn't die who all of these Miracles that were given were given to specific prophets and Messengers because each Prophet me messenger has a a miracle unique to him they don't all come with the same kind of Miracle they don't all come with the same types of Acts God gives different prophets and Messengers different Miracles one of them given to Jesus that was unique to him was this idea of him being born of a virgin but the question is someone who doesn't he had a mother right Jesus has a mother do you agree yes Mary and and and what about someone who has no mother or father isn't that greater I would think so okay so who had no mother or father bze God I don't know anyone who has no mother and father oh he's created directly by God why is he not God because he's not he didn't create anything yes so we're talking about uniqueness now so just because someone has something unique to him he's even more unique than Jesus in this aspect not only him but you have people who even not prophets of God whatever you want to call them like m for example who's mentioned in the Bible and it says he is no father no mother no genealogy no beginning of time no end of days right this is the Bible says and he was a contemporary Someone who lived at the time of Abraham according to the Bible by the way that's what the Bible teaches so this idea that just okay Jesus has no father therefore he is like unique in some way there are people who are more unique in that way if you want to talk about birth and parents and these type of things there are people who are even more unique look what makes Jesus yeah yeah so what makes Jesus now different from any other messenger of God he had Miracles unique they had Miracles unique what makes him different from any other messenger of God I don't know yeah this is what I'm saying there isn't you this is what Muslims are saying we are saying look we instead of focusing on people created by God like you just agreed that Jesus is a creation of God focus on the Creator Jesus was here to to teach you about himself or God was he walking around telling the people uh worship me uh learn about me write about me uh pray to me was he teaching these things or is he was saying to the the people pray to God the Father alone worship him alone do not associate Parts with him know about God learn about God he's your God do his will is that what he was saying was he talking about himself or or is he talking about God I mean the things I've always read was I could do nothing without the father my God and your God so he seem to always have been pointing to God yeah so if he was then for always pointing people to God alone and not pointing people to himself okay and and clearly he uh he is not calling anyone to his worship did not teach anyone the Trinity did not teach anyone like the church is a building that has a priest that you should follow and and there is a someone called the pope who infallible who like and all of these stuff that goes on with children and stuff that we're not going to go into this was not nothing to do with Jesus has nothing to do with his teachings these are all things that came on later on that people innovated and made them so the thing is this right what you believe right now what is the difference between it between what you believe and what we just agree agreed upon and what Muslims believe because what you believe is not what Christians believe Christians don't believe these things absolutely like if you go to the church they they going to say to you you're not one of us you know they they absolutely going to say to you what are you talking about J creation of God is I'm sure you agree with me like you go to try to go to any church I do go I go every single um week like I'm very active and F like I'm I go every week most of the time twice a week oh I guess the GU the other um question is I guess what's happened after Jesus until Muhammad what happened after Jes yeah there is there is prophets there is always period between prophets and Messengers just like it's the same question can be asked what happened after Moses to the to the prophet who was after after him what happened for the prophet who was after him to the prophet who was after him like happened from the time of Noah to the time of Abraham what happened from the time of Abraham time of you know you can ask this question with any Prophet or messenger like prophets come in different periods they don't all come at one at one time and God sends their when they when the message of the truth is now uh corrupted Chang uh not completely clear for the people anymore God sends a different prophets or Messengers to clarify to bring people back to the truth so uh when Jesus uh was raised up uh the truth was there his teachings of connecting people to God which was was the important part was there and people were doing the practices that he told them until the Roman Empire adopted Christianity and then they started introducing all of the stuff like of the trinity of the hypothetic Union of the councils later on of the two Natures two Natures of Jesus Jesus eternally begotten and all of this stuff that makes zero sense it was all introduced later on none of it was there if you look at the earliest groups to follow Jesus they were people who are monoe believe Jesus was a prophet and messenger of God the ibites the nazarin these type of groups very early and they believe the that that Jesus was a messenger of God they didn't believe he was a uh God or or a trinity or God incarnate or any of these things I know it's like that's the I guess it's it's tough in my in my position because you you you've heard all these things forever and you don't it's hard to know how you feel about it and if you're correct no one wants to be wrong you know and you you just don't want to make you don't want to make a bad choice you don't want to be wrong you don't want to do the wrong thing on either side either way and I don't know there's C the it's the other thing I think is that there's have not read the entire Quran I've read some of it and I don't know it seems like this is I mean this is going to sound kind of I don't know maybe this is not the right way to say this but it seems I guess you it's easier to identify with God that's promoted in Christianity than in Islam it's harder to I guess see God in this way you're talking about relating is that what you're talking about no not necessarily relating but just what he would want from us how he sees us I it's it seems almost scary to me um okay you you tell me now that you you kind of give me an understanding now so from your understanding of Islam what is the what does Allah want from people and in comparison you're saying it's much easier to to understand like what God wants from you in in Christianity so you give me the comparison now why do you think it's easier like give me the difference between the two um because it seems like in in Christianity the I guess basically you're supposed to be like like the goal is to be like Jesus to kind of love like he loved um you can't live exactly like he lived but try to I guess have the characteristics that he had um in Islam I'm not sure I don't I know about um you know you're supposed to worship God but there's a whole lot of other things that sound scary fighting people um have you read the Bible are you sure I know the Old Testament there's a lot of fun look like if you want to talk about fighting and and like like like a aggression or or these type of things the Bible there's no comparison between Islam and the Bible the Bible like precedes any other text when it comes to these things from the religions that that that relate to that relate to Abraham and look you cannot say what Christians do is they wipe it they put it under the carpet by say it's the Old Testament there's no such thing as the Old Testament is it the same God or is a different God was given this comment see that's the thing that I think that's the thing that makes it that's I I guess that's what's causing my confusion because it it does seem like if if God doesn't change then he's the same he's not going to become one way in one period and become another in another way in another during another period but the way it was the way it was explained to me when I asked this question was these were the things that were needed at the time but once Jesus came it was needed way that way of I guess behaving or Warfare those kinds of things were no longer needed it was needed at the time to smash babies and rocks no I don't I don't told people to do that people did it but no this these These are laws in in Deuteronomy and other parts of the Bible like like when it when it's spoken about as laws these are God's laws that people applied like this is the law in the land that was applied that is coming from God allegedly this is not just like oh people telling you to do this this is scripture don't you believe these These are aren't Christians believing these are the words of God who saying these laws laws coming from I guess I've always thought that always told that these that the Old Testament are the it's kind of like history these are things that happened not necessarily that God told people to do these things but they this is what happened not everyone acted because God told them to that okay have you have you read yourself is what I was asking you have I because the Bible says God commands it doesn't say people saying anything it says God commands literally it says this is the command of God for example Ma you can open right now the Bible if you have it go to Samuel right 1 Samuel 15:3 where it tells you to to kill babies infants and sucklings and sheep and and it say from God God is commanding you to this now now God your lord is say go has nothing to do with the people this is the command from God directly but I told you look this is what Christians do they brush off the parts they don't like under the carpet and then they try look they live in a glass house and they want to look at Islam and say look Islam has this one verse about war when it's talking about war like and and it's talking about treating people with giving them safety if they ask for safety it's talking about not oppressing them killing not about women not killing women not killing children not killing workers not monks not priests not mutilating bodies not killing livestock or animals or destroying places of worship these are War Fair rules are given by the prophet himself and and when the the the calipat when they commanded when they had uh like Army leaders they told them they told them okay these are the rules these are Islamic Rules of Engagement in war we're talking not talking on a daily basis like talking in war you cannot do these specific things now you look compare that to Christianity right would have clear scripture allegedly from God telling you to kill babies and infants and that that that slaves are your property and and all of these different things I don't need to go into but the thing is like if anyone wants to talk like you bring the like the most like gracious the most like you know scariest verse you could find in the Quran go ahead tell me about it let's let's discuss it now I'll show you how how there's no such thing in the Quran you said you were reading okay give me the like the verse that shocked you the most go ahead um I guess towards the end where kill the Infidel kill where you find him I don't know it verbatim but it has something to do with so you're quoting quing chapter 9 verse 5 specifically quing chapter 9 verse5 Now can do you have the Quran with you right now um I maybe I can grab it grab it yeah grab it no problem let's actually read these verses yeah okay so let's go to chapter first go to verse five just to make sure this is the verse you're referring to you said chapter 9 chapter 9 verse 5 H so when the sacred months month have passed then yeah go ahead um it says but when the Forbidden months are passed then fight and slay the pagans wherever you find them this is what you're referring to yes that yes okay so let's read from verse one let's start from the context what does verse one say it says it says that Allah is is free from the polies regarding the treaty those who broke their treaty okay that's the first verse so now the first verse is giving you the historical context now right it's telling you look there is a treaty between Believers and nonbelievers and you have non-believers breaking their treaty and then that's what what makes sense when you read verse five starts when the sacred month have passed which was the a period of time that Allah gave if you read the verses before for them to leave the land Allah said leave the land or you'll be killed if you don't leave the land you broke your treaty and Allah did didn't punish them straight away he gave them a period of time to leave you can read the verses before not only that let's read now verse six we're not done let's read verse six okay if one amongst the pagans ask you for Asylum Grant it to him so that he may hear the word of Allah uhhuh so if one of the polies seeks protection seeks Asylum SE seeks safety from you in war we're talking about now after Allah's given them a warning they they leave the land and later on after these month have passed and you come and you find one of them saying give me safety what do you do Allah says give him Safety Not only that then then finish the verse after hearing the words of Allah then and then escort him to where he can be secure that is men without knowledge imagine in war now we're fighting look Allah you broke your treaty number one Allah number two Allah's given you a period of time to leave you didn't leave we came we found you you ask for for safety so Allah says give them Safety Not only that take him and escort him you know it's time for escort him to a place of safety okay is that it no no no we're not done let's go to verse 13 now 13 so let's so the Quran can tell you exactly what type of people are are we talking about here verse 13 will you not fight people who violated their Oaths plotted to expel the messenger and took the aggressive lead let's take it a step by step first it says people who violated their or broke their treaty as we said so number one the people here Allah is talking about fighting them or killing them this or that number one what did they do they violated the treaty number two what did they do plotted to expel the messenger plotted to expel expel the messenger so they were trying to expel the prophet from where he was trying to attack him and then after that and took the aggressive lead by being the first to assault you and they first assaulted the Muslims so now having now said all of that a group of people look broke their treaty started attacking the Muslims first were plotting to kick the messenger out Allah did not punish them straight away he gave them a period of of of time to leave and they didn't leave and even though if they didn't leave and you find them in war then you give them safety and you not only give them safety but you take them from the place and you escort them into into a safe place away from more now can you tell me like how can I read this verse now and say there's any issues it sounds different when put in context yeah okay so and this context is the ver like I didn't bring anything exter just reading from the beginning until few verses later that's it just bringing things in context now we can compare that to to First Samuel now let's go to the Bible now let's do a a head byhe head comparison let's go to the Bible now in I can't grab it I only have the New Testament with me right now you only have the New Testament we like the Old Testament okay first Samuel I'll I'll get it here for you okay and then we can can we can read it right right I'll I'll read it for you here okay this this is the new international version verse one now 1 Samuel chapter 15 okay uh the uh the title is the Lord rejects Saul as king it says Samuel said to Saul I'm uh the one the Lord sent to anoint you King over the people of Israel so listen now to the message from the Lord the message from who the Lord so not people in the time not culture not history not this is God's words now this is what the Lord Almighty says who the Lord Almighty himself I will punish the amalekites for what they did to Israel when they way lay to them when they came from Egypt this happened 400 years before this this this is talken right now so this 400 years before the amalekites laid kicked the Israelites from Egypt killed them this and that persecuted them so 400 years before now Generations before now go God allegedly says now go and attack amalekites all of them and totally destroy them all that that belongs to them them do not spare them put to death men and women children infants cattle sheep camels and donkeys okay M now so when we talk about context here the context because we we did the context with the Quran now we're reading the same context here with the Bible now what is the context the context is the people 400 years before kick the Israelites out of somewhere so now 400 years later imagine you and me are are born or a great example for today is the Germans now people now want to completely annihilate the Germans for what an know individual did in history so he did it like let's say a few hundred years before so now we're going to annihilate all of the German people because of what the ancestors their ancestors did how is that in any way she perform moral this is the context now so the context makes it even worse the context it even worse true imagine being slaughtered for something that happened 400 years ago now don't imagine that only but imagine on top of that the the people the not only slaughtering the male adults but slaughtering women slaughtering infants you know infants and cyclings people are still still breastfeeding babies like two 2 years old one years old like babies slaughtering them who have no clue for even what is going on not only that but what did the camels and sheep and monkeys do this is our question honestly like okay the people they did okay the ancestors didn't even listen what did the donkeys and the sheep and the cams do this is like my my like genuine question right what what did he have to do with this like situation so look this is a no one can read the Quran honestly and I'm saying this with all due respect to any Christian no one can read the Quran and try to pretend that there is violence or or something related to it in the Quran uh reading the Quran in context and being honest with it and and pretend that they are they are a Christian and say that you know what our Bible is like all peace and love and hug and there's no such thing it's true even the New Testament you'll find things like this you'll find Jesus saying that you should honor your parents and if you don't honor your parents that that he who doesn't hate his mother or father or even his own life yeah yeah yeah and you'll find the second coming in Luke in the end of Luke for example where he put He makes everyone his foot stall and all of thesee things they will tell you this is a a metaphorical or okay so a metaphor for what is he going to like pat their backs of course he's he's going to do it's a metaphor for what he's going to do to them right in the second coming so that in the end like it's not all love and rainbows and as people try to put it whether it's the New Testament or all the Old Testament so if you now you said okay the the example of the Bible is to is to follow the example of Jesus or the message the Bible the Quran teaches you to follow the example of prophet Muhammed it says Allah says you have in the prophet sallallah alaihi wasallam a great example for whoever Wishes the last day so we have an example that that he was practicing Quran in his life practicing God's command and we are supposed to imitate and try to do as much as we can the way he was doing but we don't focus on him this is the thing like like Christians would do we would okay learn and and do as the prophet Alam did to worship God so the ultimate goal is God right the ultimate point of focus is God now The Message of Islam is very simple like do what the Quran teaches you right which is the prophet they try to imitate him and do what the Quran teaches you and and this life is a test and if if you do as good as you can as best as you can and God sees you and you die upon giving God his rights you you go to paradise now in Christianity if we try to compare you want to talk about like confusing and not confusing okay let's Okay God the son is the son the father or the Father the Son or the son the Holy Spirit we do not know they're the same but they're not the same you know God God sent himself to the world and then he killed himself and then he forgave the people after killing himself and then he he forgave the people because he killed himself like and and God became a baby you know and but he wasn't he wasn't God he was a man but he was a man but he was also God so when he didn't know something he was a man but when he knows something he's God contradictions and confusions right and and three is not three is actually one so the father is not the Son and the son is not the Holy Spirit but they're actually one one but they're not one but they're three okay so are they one or they three right if we talk about like confusion and and the idea of the message and this and that like honestly there's no more confusion when it comes to the tenants and the Creeds of Christianity no one is even more confused and my my challenge is very simple you know and I might do this as a social experiment one day you know if I go to every Christian walk industry every single Christian ask him what the Trinity is every single one will give me a different answer an answer every single question you know I encourage people to do this social social experiment you know the Trinity social experiment right go to any Muslim ask who God they will all give you the same answer God is Allah Allah is one the Creator that's it they all give you the same answer there's no confusion about the identity of God there's no confusion about what God wants for there's no confusion about what you're supposed to do and what you're not supposed to do there's no more confusion than than than than Christianity I would say for the teachings and what people are supposed to do and they're not supposed to what scripture should you read to begin with you don't even know like what which version are you reading you know we read the ni you go to another ver say something else yeah I usually read the new King James yeah yeah so so this is the thing like if we talk about like now when you saying you read the Quran like you read the Quran the message is completely simple as Allah is telling you to to worship him to obey him to do good in this life and to follow the example of the Prophet do as much moral good acts as you can and God through his Mercy you will enter Paradise not through your acts because no acts will take you to Paradise you're always in depth of God the fact that you in existence you're already in depth you know every time you're taking a breath you're already in depth but the thing is you do your best and through doing your best God sees the goodness in you and and he bestows his mercy on you and that's how you enter paraly I'm sorry I'm clear my throat it makes it makes sense to me yeah so this is a thing like tough I know I know as you said no one wants to be wrong as you said and and also difficult when you you say about yourself for example you go to church every every week this and that and then you want to change that the community people around you start thinking about all of these different things but the thing is the truth is clear sister like you saw it doesn't take me long to show you the truth because the truth is clear evess is like the sun it's very simple now the question is are we going to follow that truth of God or are we going to make things uh put things worldly things as a barrier for us to do that because if God is in my corner God is in my support I don't need anything else this is what matters what matters is that I'm doing this for the sake of God okay God commands me to follow him to obey him yes I will look the message of prophet mamm is the same message of every other messenger that came there's no difference the message of Jesus is the same as the message of prophet mamm when Jesus said sh when he said that Prophet is the same thing right is the same exact thing when Jesus said be good to your neighbor Prophet said the same thing when when Jesus said give charity the prophet said the same thing when Jesus fasted the prophet said the same thing when Jesus prayed to God by falling on his face the prophet said the same thing Prophets The Message of all the prophets is the same however the message of the Church of the Trinity and this and that is not none of the prophets came with it or known it or heard about it CU it was invented later you're not going to find a single messenger coming to you the Trinity father son Holy Spirit ghost 314 no one comes with this stuff I so I guess I have one other thing unless I don't know I'm probably running out of time I feel like I'm taking a lot of your time no that's fine okay goe um I guess the other thing would be Miracles like there are there are Saints or people who have died who M streams from their bones I have some of this m there's different things that happen that kind of I guess I've always felt like okay Christianity is true because of the miracle surrounding it can you tell me one miracle that just Christianity's true um Saints would mer flow from their bones after have you seen that I have M I have a physically seen it or I've seen a icon weep before no no so what can you and me see now as evidence for Christianity being the truth because these stories exist in every Faith by the way if I bring you some Hindus now they'll tell you the best stories you hear stories right they will tell you some stories that would blow your mind but about their gods and all of this stuff right okay stories is very easy to say now what evidence are there that you can show me right now for Christian give me one one I just want one I'm not going to ask for many you know I would ask for something that that shows that Christianity is the truth one evidence um well I can't say that this is I guess phrased that way I can't say that it's evidence for the entire faith of Christianity but um I have seen an icon other than personal experience um because look every Christian comes with the same story look I was depressed I didn't drink I was drinking alcohol I was sleeping all day no not that kind of stuff I mean but it's the personal experience is what I'm talking about is is the thing it's something weeping is not personal experience no no personal experience mean means that something you personally experience that I cannot see today if I were to ask for it as proof to to observe it's not objective for everyone something they you encountered at some some point of History like for example if I were to come and tell you look uh the prophet he he I was when I was in in Medina not too long ago last year I was there so when I was in Medina Prophet came out of his grave he shook my hand and he gave me a hug you know and he said and he said you know you're going to enter Paradise to when you die okay you going to be with me in the highest level you know and you're going to marry a beautiful wife and okay all of this stuff okay and then you come and say to me but but but I say look are you doubting my personal experience now yeah I was in Med just last year you know so like this is I have no experience like that that's personal in that regards yeah so I'm asking for evidence what evidence is there right for Christianity as a faith right as a religion like for people to observe and see and okay accept it and then follow his teaching the answer is no by the way but I'll let you in case you in case answer is none but in case you got something I'm I'm happy to hear but I guess I don't know the only thing I can think of is the mer streaming icons and things like that look you ask um let me ask you like an honest question if you stop someone in the street and you say to them look I've got evidence for Christianity and you tell them about this do you think they'll be convinced and they want to become Christian not if they didn't see it themselves no yeah okay and and can you show it to them if they if you if they want it to see today um you'd have to find where it was it where it is it travels around to different places if they wanted to see it they could yeah but but that's my point exactly if it Travers to different places that you can already P point a place like come here and you can see and this and that and also this icon how does it prove Christianity is the question like does the icon says Jesus is God the Trinity is true follow the Bible or how is that to Christianity because it's a Christian icon it's Mary and Jesus so Mary and Jesus and what does the icon do it it it cries merror from the from the I think it just kind of falls down the I I don't know where it comes from it's just there it just kind of there's water dripping no it's myr it's some kind of oil liquid o yes it's like a sweet smelling so so can I break the icon and check if there is a tube that is bringing the oil or they're going to kill me if I try to do that is it possible is it just like hypothetically you know look how easy it is to break this this miracle right is it is it possible for someone to have put a tube or a specific thing that has in the holes when it comes to the eyes and then you start the oil coming or a specific place in the in the in the icon and then this oil starts to come out when people are there so when I saw it it doesn't look like you can do that but it has to be hidden so or or people will see isn't it so the hole or the place where the oil comes in and all of this is it possible for me to do this or maybe okay so like like honestly I want to be like I want you to think about these things is that really am I going to be Christian because there's some oil on some icon some somewhere that I saw one day like is that really convincing like for me to accept a faith and follow a religion or I mean not from that alone okay so what is there to prove when I say evidence there something miracle that shows okay this religion is true there's no doubt I don't know if there's any there's I don't know if there's evidence to prove that anything is true Beyond shadow of a doubt or everyone would believe it I think every religion is that way no but this is the thing that's what Christians would think that's what Christians are told and that's what Christians would think Muslims will say we've got multitude of different evidences if you look at the life of the Prophet you look at the information in the Quran for example that precedes it time it is things that the prophet could not have known that it describes whether it is first the prophet describing what we see today in reality or whether it is the natural world like the Quran speaking about the the universe the Quran speaking about planets Stars galaxies water anything and these things today we are discovering just discovering its accuracy discovering its truth a day by day fine right even the bees being female or something like this things similar to that yeah things similar to what you've heard like this like for example the development of the the embryo the stages that literally the baby grows there's a Christian embryologist he was in in 1900s he was called Keith Moore and he di died as a Christian but he said this description of embryology when he looked at them using the microscope he said it could not come from the prophet he said that he's a Christian he said and he died as a Christian but he still admitted that this could not come from a desert bedin Arab because I'm looking with a microscope the same description that is there is the description in the Quran right so these type of things yeah these for example the Quran talking about the universe expanding and we discovering it using the Hubble telescope the Quran talks about clouds and that clouds are heavy no one says clouds are heavy you look at Clouds you think they're light anyone yeah but clouds weigh tons and the Quran uses the description of the heavy clouds and he creates or Fashions the heavy clouds this a description that you're not going to find this in other scriptures because always in in literature and this and that you'll find them describing it as as light because it's flying in the sky but the Quran gives these types of descriptions talks about like I can go on and on and on basically right when it comes these things when it comes to the physical world other than that the prophet speaking about the future as well of the things that happen today he said for example that you'll see the Barefoot BN Arabs competing in building construed in tallest buildings where's the tallest building in the world today duai yeah and you know how they're able to do this 50 years ago it was a desert they found oil and after discovering the oil they have the money they're able to construct the buildings the prophet he said the Earth will be puking a Treasures it will puke his treasures and that money will become abundant within the Arabs Prophet spoke about interest in Usery and how the interest in user will become globally widespread that even the people who try to avoid it will still be influenced and affected by it m and you can only do that if you have a form of paper currency so you can Lear large amounts to the people that time there was no there was gold and C interest I'm sure back then of borrowing money the way we are now yeah because there was no you cannot print and just lend and then ask again you you need gold and silver so you need to mine and find it in order for you to lend larg amounts this and that so you couldn't do that the same way you canot do it in a a scale no one no no one could avoid it and I can go on and on right now and give you evidences these are just some even the Quran speaking about the past given the scriptures of things to do that neither the Bible mention or any other SC scripture that we discover today to be true for I'll give you one example that the Quran talking about Pharaoh like Pharaoh is described in the Bible and interaction of Mo between Moses and Pharaoh but nowhere in the Bible does it say that Pharaoh at the time of Moses claimed to be God doesn't say that anywhere in the Bible right doesn't say that in the pr script that that I've read or heard yeah it's not there you can research it you're not going to find but the Quran has that description it says that he claimed to be God now we know that to be a fact today and this is something the prophet Muhammed could not have known because the her the holographic language was dead we we discovered the Rosa Stone like 200 years ago and through the Rosetta Stone translated from demotic to Greek uh and then we can read from the halographic demotic and then Greek so then we can translate the the language of the H graphics and we can read what they're saying so in the temple in Egypt the Temple of Abu sble for example the Pharaoh at the time of Moses which was rames II he was crowned to be divine by hor set to Egyptian God made him God basically he was elevated to be God so he was a person who claimed to be God and this was not common before him in in Pharaoh's law anyways it was not that common for a pharaoh to claim to be God but you can see that happening you can see the Quran mention these these things Quran talking about Abraham and what the people at his time worshiped for example the gods that they worshiped the Quran is very specific that they worship the Sun and the Moon and and and a planet which was isar and today we know that's true suian language was dead at the time of the Prophet but then it was revived and we found a temple called Zug of UR where we found an artifact which shows that the gods that the people in Asian Mesopotamia at the time of Abraham used to worship all of this information was not there this Temple was under the sand the language was dead Prophet could not have access this information essentially M and and is not in the previous scriptures so now the question is is like look the prophet given these descriptions these things in the past talking about these things in the future that we see talking about all of these things that we're we're describing in the natural world and all I'm just giving you a few examples by I can't give many many more not let alone to mention the things the prophet Alam did that people saw and and that the Quran itself today is a living miracle that is Cann of be imitated in the Arabic language is a challenge for the people today so it is not no it is not that every religion does not have evidence it's that other religions do not have evidence that's why they make the excuse for every other Faith but the truth is Islam is the only religion that will actually have objective evidence to demonstrate that it's from God so what excuse would I have for not following Prophet M after all of these evidences how can I still reject the truth I don't know okay I know as I said I know it's difficult to leave something that you don't want to be Prov and all of these things I mention but look the afterlife is important and you want to die on on the truth you don't want to die on a in a position of of falsehood you want you don't want to be punished the afterlife you want to be good you want to be good when you die and I can see sincerity of course in you so uh my advice is this is if you see the truth you accept the truth I'm not going to necessarily tell you to do it right now is do it whenever you feel like you're ready to do it but understand okay this is the truth and if it is the truth then I follow it it does not matter what anyone else is doing what anyone else says to me what this is irrelevant if this is true then I should follow it simple as that I mean I know I know that that it makes sense what you're saying and I've had these thoughts um this over the past few months this has been going on for me since November like this internal I guess battle between what makes sense what doesn't what's true what's false um my my family I'm married I have kids we're all Orthodox Christians and sometimes we'll talk and debate about these things believe it or not and it's funny and I thought if I if I ever had a chance to talk to him I would ask him my questions and I I just happen to go on YouTube and saw the and thought you know I'll click today cuz I I've never seen it before like I've never seen the live or had an opportunity to um ask questions or talk I know I know I know a Muslim but he converted to Orthodoxy um so it's kind of are they from Iran reasons H are they from Iran um no no where are they from he's American but I'm not sure where he where he was born so how do you know that he was a Muslim um he told me I was there at his conversion when he no no you were there when he accepted Islam you mean oh I don't I don't know I wasn't no no that's my point is how do you know that he was a Muslim to begin with if he's American you know what they do he wasn't B he wasn't born here yeah no no how do you know he used to be a Muslim is the question from him telling me like I he's like I it's someone I trust and believe I believe when he tells me you know that he was and do you know how many fake stories that we have we exposed uh like in countless of number of people who come and claim and I used to be a Muslim we asked them the basic questions I'm sure people do that on YouTube to try to I guess dissuade people from the faith I'm sure there's a lot of that that go on but he's not public anywhere I just you know I know him personally yeah I don't know that person specifically but it's not just YouTube they do this in churches as well so they can increase the faith of the people in the church church because they they've got no evidence from the scripture so what they have to do is this oil icons and bring in someone that he had an experience that he speaks about his story of what happened in a dream his amazing story that happened in his life how of how Jesus like had the sign in his life this what this is what happens in Christianity in churches people come talk about their personal experiences and you you speak about these certain things and some guys say that I used to be a Muslim and this and that and become not in Orthodox Church is a little bit different okay it's like Orthodox Christianity it's like ancient Christianity I would it's not like protestantism or Catholicism or it's it's very different there's no one speaking about anything it's it's lurgical so you come there's a liturgy so opportunity for people to kind of talk or share it's not set up that way it's not that kind of thing why do you think you mention that person though what what's what's the like what what does it prove that person used to be assuming that he was it doesn't it doesn't it doesn't prove anything it's it's just that there's no one to really talk to and ask questions to say that I know in my life because the only person I I do have a it's just I guess everyone has their own kind of thought but yeah so so look when it comes to like generally asking questions this live is always there publicly open for anyone to ask questions and there one for Muslims and there is one for non-muslims always open for people to ask questions and and the Muslim communities are as well like the mosques are there they'll be open for anyone to come and ask a question if they had a question they will they will gladly answer your questions the IM and the MOs they're not going to say to you don't come in for example they will answer your questions and and yeah and when it comes to support when someone becomes Muslim that's that's something we give like we connect them with people Muslims who are in surroundings and in their areas if there is someone around them or or minimum online that would always keep in contact with them teach them answer their questions teach them the important things so we always do that as much as we can so if you're thinking if you want to become Muslim or something if you're thinking about that in the future that's something that we can help with and if you're asking generally I mean I feel like whatever I don't know I guess once I know I have to know for sure what I'm doing but obviously you have to do what's right you have to you have to seek the truth and on the truth when you find it but you also need to be sure so you know what I mean absolutely so I can't dispute the things that you've said um I'm so I'm not going to try to you're welcome to no no so what you can do is not try to dispute them right now you don't have to do that what you can do is if you have questions about anything you have my email I'll put it for you now one of the mods will put it I'll highlight it for you you're welcome to send me an email and ask about that specific thing wait you said it's I said if anything I said for example that you had a question about later on you investigated and wanted more clarity on or wanted to find the sources of it or anything related to that you're welcome to send me an email is what I'm trying to say so you can you can get more like uh uh Clarity on that specific issue you're welcome to do that but in the end here is the email if you can see it from the screen right so but in general anything I said is a fact you know that's why you you're welcome to go and come back and you realize that just it is a fact and then then you realize that there's no other choice this is the truth and and if if what I was saying is true then does that doesn't that make Islam true then if what you're saying is true then yeah I mean yeah it would yeah so the next step is for you to make sure that I was saying is true that's it you yeah and the email if it's there it's Muslim Lantern so it's without the it's it's the name of the Channel without the just Muslim Lantern okay uh yeah you can just send or any of the social media platforms just mentioned that it's you and then uh yeah any question you would have about what I said you're welcome to kind of do the investigation but yeah and this I think it's the best step for you to take right now and once if these things are true then you should become muslim okay okay okay it was it was nice talking to you nice talking to you too no problem no problem okay I'll I'll bring the next person on okay I'll let you go than you bye-bye bye-bye