Evaluation of S-Attributed Definitions

Sep 30, 2024

Bottom-Up Evaluation of S-Attributed Definitions

Key Concepts

  • S-Attributed Definitions: Only synthesized attributes; values derived from children nodes.
  • Stack Structure: Maintains two arrays:
    • First Array: Stores grammar symbols.
    • Second Array: Stores corresponding attribute values.

Evaluation Process

  1. Initialization:

    • Input example: 3 + 4 * 5 n
    • Stack starts empty.
  2. Push to Stack:

    • Move first symbol to stack, e.g., 3.
    • Stack: 3 (attribute value is - if none).
  3. Reduction Steps:

    • Reduce 3 to F:
      • Prediction used: F -> digit.
      • Stack updates: F with attribute value 3.
    • Continue Reducing:
      • Keep reducing F to T, then E as necessary to accommodate operators like +.
      • Replace E based on the grammar rules.
    • Next Symbol:
      • Reduce 4 to F, then T, and then E to incorporate +.
    • Incorporate Multiplication:
      • Reduce 5 similarly to be able to apply *.
  4. Handling Operators:

    • Whenever reducing, always check the remaining input.
    • Keep track of values through the stack:
      • E with value 3, + with no value, T with value 4, etc.
  5. Final Reductions:

    • Reduce from E + T to final E and print the result when reaching n.
    • Example Calculation: 3 + (4 * 5) = 23.

Grammar References

  • Grammar Rules and Productions:
    • E -> E + T
    • T -> T * F
    • F -> digit


  • The evaluation uses a stack to maintain grammar symbols and their attribute values.
  • Reductions are performed based on predictions, with careful consideration of remaining input.
  • Final output for the provided input expression is 23.