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Marketing Myopia and Consumer Needs
Jul 13, 2024
Marketing Myopia and Consumer Needs
30,000 new consumer products launched annually
90% of these products fail
Main reason:
Marketing myopia
Coined by Harvard Business School professor Theodore Levitt
Marketing Myopia Explained
: Nearsighted focus on selling products/services rather than understanding what consumers really want
Theodore Levitt's Example
People don't want to buy a quarter inch drill; they want a quarter inch hole.
Classic Case Study: Railroad Lines
Thought they were in the rail business
Missed broader opportunity as providers of transportation
Failed to branch out into cars, trucks, airplanes
Lost passenger and freight traffic to other companies
Other Examples
Oil and Gas Companies
Initially identified as energy providers
Majority of resources still devoted to petroleum
Risk of becoming obsolete without development of alternative fuels
General Mistake
Organizations overly invest in current operations
Blind to future opportunities
Misbelief of being in a growth industry rather than seizing new growth opportunities
Avoiding Marketing Myopia
Leaders need to ask:
What business are we really in?
Satisfy customers
Acceptance of product/service replacement by competition
Focus on identifying and meeting consumer needs sooner than competitors
Marketing myopia leads to failure in recognizing broader consumer needs
Success lies in understanding and keeping up with customer aspirations and potential market changes
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