Next.js Overview and Implementation Guide

Jul 17, 2024

Next.js: Create Fast Search Engine Optimized React Apps with Zero Configuration

Client-Side Rendering (CSR)

  • Traditional React apps render client-side.
  • The browser starts with a shell of an HTML page.
  • JS file containing React code is fetched to render content.
  • **Drawbacks: **
    • Not reliably indexed by all search engines or read by social media link bots.
    • Longer time to reach the first contentful paint.

Next.js Overview

  • A framework to build React apps but render content server-side.
  • Benefits:
    • Fully rendered HTML seen first by users/search bots.
    • Best of both worlds—rendered content for bots and interactive content for users.

Project Structure

  • pages directory:
    • Each JS file here exports a React component representing a route.
    • File structure mirrors actual URLs user navigates to.
    • Next provides its own router for seamless navigation.

Data Fetching Strategies

  • Static Generation (Pre-rendering):
    • Render pages at build time.
    • Uses getStaticProps to fetch data and render HTML.
    • Ideal for data that doesn't change often.
    • Example usage: Blogs.
  • Server-Side Rendering (SSR):
    • Builds HTML page on user request.
    • Uses getServerSideProps to fetch latest data at request time.
    • Ideal for rapidly changing data.
    • Example usage: Auction sites like eBay.
  • Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR):
    • Combination of static generation and SSR.
    • Uses revalidate option in getStaticProps to regenerate page within a time interval.

Running a Next.js Project

  1. Setup:
    • Run npx create-next-app <app-name> to create a new project.
    • Open project in VS Code.
    • Use npm run dev to start the dev server on localhost:3000.
  2. Styles:
    • Supports CSS modules.
    • Define global styles and module-specific styles.
    • Import styles as JS objects.
  3. Pages Directory:
    • Defines pages and routes.
    • _app.js is the main entry point.
    • Each page must have a default export React component.

Creating Routes and Dynamic Routes

  • Create files in pages directory for each route.
  • For dynamic routes, use bracket notation (e.g., [param].js).
  • Use useRouter hook to access query parameters from the URL.

API Routes

  • Special api directory for server-side routes.
  • Does not increase client-side JS bundle.
  • Useful for back-end work or exposing APIs.

Implementing Static Generation

  1. Fetching Data:
    • Use getStaticProps to fetch data from APIs or databases.
    • Return props to be used by components.
  2. SEO Optimization:
    • Use Head component to add titles and meta tags for SEO.
  3. Dynamic Routes:
    • Use getStaticPaths to provide all available paths for dynamic routes.

Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

  • Implemented using getServerSideProps function.
  • Fetches latest data on every request.
  • Suitable for frequently changing data.


  • Next.js combines the best features of CSR and SSR.
  • Flexibility in choosing static generation or SSR based on use case.
  • Recommended tools for full-scale React and Next.js development.