Transcript for:
Cultivating a Lifestyle of Honor

Proverbs chapter 3 verse 9 and verse 10 and if you will stand with me for the reading of God's word I'll be reading today from the King James Version. Honor the Lord with thy substance and with the first fruits of all thine increase so shall thy barns be filled with plenty. And thy presses shall burst out with new wine.

And all of God's people say amen. I'm going to just speak to you from a lesson. Just a few moments.

You can be seated from the topic. Choose honor. Choose.

Choose honor. The culture of believers, believers of the way, believers of the Bible, believers of Jesus, our culture is a culture of honor. What does it mean to honor?

Honor means to speak well. Honor means to esteem greatly. It means to bestow privileges upon. To honor something or someone. Honor is not just what we say and do in front of people.

The book of Philippians Apostle Paul says, I know you honor me not because of the way you operate in my presence, but even how you operate in my absence. I want all of my note takers to write this down and so we could move with intentionality. Honor the seat even when it's hard to like the person that's sitting in it. Romans chapter 13 tells us that we are to honor individuals that are in leadership. And when it talks about leadership in this text in Romans chapter 13, it's not talking about bishops and pastors.

It's talking about... governmental officials. It's important that I take an opportunity to have this discussion with you as we are approaching November.

It is always very funny to me how people always talk about honoring the people in authority when it's their favorite candidate. It's ironic to me that you believe in praying for the president when it's the president that you voted for And I want the church to know that the world is watching us The world is watching our speech the world is reading our posts And I want you to be passionate as much as you want to be passionate about your political stance. But don't be more passionate about a political candidate than you are your savior.

Your platform should magnify God more than it magnifies your political persuasion. And if you believe the principle of the scripture. that we are to honor those who are in authority then that scripture is still the same when the person you don't like is in authority I'm not hooping with an organ behind me but I want to say this soberly clear because many of us abandon biblical principles by getting in our flesh and voicing opinions that cause the world to look at us differently hallelujah we vote and we are patriotic and we serve and we're community minded but please remember that before you are a citizen of the United States Please remember, before you represent your color and your culture, remember, before you represent your political party or stance, our kingdom is not of this world. Oh my God. And some of you are nervous.

You are anxious because you've been watching YouTube videos and you've been watching dooming. gloom prophetic voices that says if the wrong person get in what are we going to do what are we going to do how are we going to eat if they overwhelm us with taxes if our borders get overwhelmed with immigrants what is going to happen to us what is going to happen what is going to happen to us with the standard of pollution and perversion you Promoted from different political voices what is going to happen to us? Well, if we are be concerned for anybody I'm concerned for the sinner but for the Saints The Lord shall preserve thee The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in.

Y'all done got tight on me. From this time forth, even forevermore. Some trust in horses.

You forgot what you said? Some trust in chariots. But we. In the people of God, we put our trust in the name of the Lord. For the name of the Lord is a strong tower.

And the righteous run in and they are safe. I know I got some people in this room. I got plenty of Republicans in this room.

I got plenty of Democrats in this room. I got plenty of independents in this room. I'm not ignorant concerning the plethora of political stance in this room. But I want to remind you that before you represent anybody else, you got to represent Jesus.

You got to represent Jesus. So you got to be careful how you handle people across the aisle. You got to be careful what you say about somebody else's candidate.

Because even that candidate is a bearer of the image of God. We are owners of the image of God. And if we only honor those who think like we think, then the Bible says we're no more than the heathens. If you only love those who love you, you're no better than...

folk that are not saved. What's different about us is that we can honor those who don't like us. We can honor those who talk crazy.

We can honor those who act crazy. How to look at people who don't Look at your neighbor and tell your neighbor, find something to honor. I learned to honor the seat even when it's hard to honor the person in the seat. I honor you because you're in that position. I honor you because you're in that place.

Because what some of you, I'm finished now. I went a little longer on this point that I anticipated. But what some of you forgot, you keep trying to find out, hallelujah, whose side the Lord is on.

Whose side the Lord is on. No, no, no. That's the wrong question.

It's not. Not whose side the Lord is on. It's who's on the Lord's side. Who's on the Lord's side. You got to realize this.

The Bible said when he looked at Elijah. He says when you leave my presence. You have an assignment. You need to anoint the king of Israel. And the king of Syria.

Hear me. He says I need you. to anoint both sides my goodness I know some of y'all you can't handle this I say I need you to anoint both sides somebody said that's complicated because I thought God would only be on one side God is only on one side God is on God's side hallelujah God is on God's side agenda to the point God will raise up one and raise up another my lord and you will find him somewhere in the middle hear me hear me what I'm trying to tell you today when you find when you get a revelation of how the kingdom of God works he will take even the miscellaneous pieces the diabolical pieces the good pieces he'll put it all together and all things work together for the good of them oh my goodness he will raise up a pagan king hear what I said he'll raise up a cusser he'll raise up a backstabber the bible says he raised up Nebuchadnezzar and called Nebuchadnezzar his anointed yes the Nebuchadnezzar that put Meshach Shadrach and Abednego in the furnace God says I call him my anointed because God can use whoever he wants to use I need you to look at your neighbor tell your neighbor you don't get to choose you don't get to choose who God is going to raise up you So, we're going to vote, and whoever wins, we're going to say what we've always said.

Let's pray for our president. We're not going to say stuff like, your president. Uh-oh.

Uh-oh. I didn't know it would be so much tension in the atmosphere. I preach like that no he's our he or she is our president and then if this is my issue that holy ghost feel people I have an anxiety attacks and stand on social media and Twitter going back and forth in venomous ways because you have this righteous indignation that the right person has to be in the White House. hear me I want the right person there but this is what I know about the power of the saints if what you think is the wrong person getting there all it takes is for a handful of us to get together and start making prayer and the bible says that the heart of the king i thought y'all believed in this the heart of the king is in the hand of the lord and he can turn the person however he wants to turn them Somebody shall honor them.

That's what makes us different. This is what makes us different. That we can sit at the table with individuals who disagree with us and we can honor their opinion.

And I will see you beyond your statement and your position. Ephesians chapter 6 verse 1. You already know this verse. If you don't know it by memory, you'll know it when I start it. Are y'all ready? Children, obey your parents in the Lord.

For this is, it's the right thing to do. Do it because it's the right thing to do. Don't do it because they always deserve it.

See, some of you don't want to honor your parents because you feel like your parents don't deserve it. The Bible says honor them because it's right. Now, this conversation can be a little complex because some of y'all said, all right, I hear what you're saying, but can we have a conversation at the church?

Because you don't have my mother. You don't have my daddy. The other day, I was watching a video and this man said, he said, y'all not going to believe it. This, uh...

This taxi driver looks just like my daddy. I mean an identical twin to my daddy. And so I'm just watching the video. I can't wait to see what the taxi driver looked like. And when he turned the camera around, it was one of those self-driving cars.

Look just like my dad. How do you honor someone who never showed up? How do you honor someone who didn't claim you? How do you honor someone who made promises to you and they never made good on them?

How do you honor a mother that's jealous of you? How do you honor them when they got bills in your name before you ever turned 18? How?

Really, how? How do you honor them? Well, this is what the Bible says in Philippians, because I want to help you with that, because that's a real question.

The Bible says, whatsoever things that are pure. Whatsoever things that are honest, if there be any virtue, think on those things. So what I thank God for, if you had an absent parent, Lord, I thank you that you use them to bring me into this world.

Lord, I thank you. Lord, I honor my mother who did not raise me, that she had enough sense to put me in the hands of somebody that would. Lord, I honor.

I bestow honor upon the seed bearer. And the womb that carried me, even if they only were able to carry me to the water and drop me. Because a lot of times, we judge our parents. But don't forget, before they were your parents, they were a person. A person with fears.

A person dealing with their own demons. A person who was dropped themselves somewhere in their journey. And they did not know how to be to you what was never for them Honor!

You got to learn how to honor Even when their speech is aggressive And they didn't say it right Glory be to God Even when they were hard on you And they were more hard than they were nurturing Honor their desire To take care of you I honor them for their for their attempts because you got to be very careful because if you don't learn how to honor it you won't be sober to learn from it if you just stay in the position of being the victim and don't learn to honor see honor makes you sober so you can see the patterns glory be to God if you don't take the time to be sober and honor you will become what you hate I need you to look at your neighbor and tell your neighbor there's some things that stop with me learn to honor your parents my my mother did the best thing she could have ever did for me when it came to my father she always told me pray for him she said make sure you pray for your daddy did you pray for your daddy tonight My grandmother did the best thing she could have ever did for me concerning my father. It's that she would take Christmas cards and says your daddy sent you this card. She would write his name on the inside. After I got older, I realized he wasn't writing in those cards.

But what they were doing, they were keeping the ground fertile in me. They was keeping the ground soft. Because that absence can start making the ground hard.

See, if my mother had been venomous and says, where's your daddy? I said, I need a pair of shoes. Ask your daddy.

you know that ground would have gotten hard you got to be careful that you're not sowing seeds of poison into the life of your children you got to be very careful you got to speak well you got to find something to honor she kept the ground soft if she hadn't kept that ground soft and fertile i wouldn't have been positioned to receive him when he came because he did come And I wouldn't have been positioned. And then this is what, when my father came into my life and I remember doing my first sermon. It was very awkward.

I want to tell y'all, relationships are complicated. And we shout about, oh, I got the victory. But victory sometimes can be messy. And some of you, yeah, you got the victory.

But to be honest with you, you weren't on a technical. You weren't that strong and you weren't that talented. Come on, don't y'all look at me in that tone of voice.

Be honest with me. Come on. You didn't always do things right.

You stumbled across the line. And our relationship in them first years of reconciliation were hard. Because reconciliation costs somebody.

there's a price that comes with reconciliation and when i did my first sermon what i did i had to honor you know everybody i had to honor my pastor that's why you saw me run out just a moment ago because my pastor called me and when he calls me i run and i answer because that's my pastor That's honor, right? And so after I honored my pastor when I preached my first sermon, I made sure I honored my parents. Now my mother raised me in church. She raised me in holiness. But before I honored my mother, I honored my father.

Now somebody said, now that was just dishonorable and disrespectful. But no, it was the way my mother raised me. She raised me about honoring in the proper order And my father that was hardened Although he was trying to reconcile with me Sometimes men express themselves in pride Because of insecurity Some men will not come back to their children because they're covering it up because they are afraid They are afraid of being rejected by the people they rejected And so that's that I'll come and I'll reach out to them next month the next month comes I'll reach out to them now some years Because they don't want to face the fact that they feel like a failure.

So my father had this hardened wall but when I him tears began to come down his face he says how is it that you honored me and i don't deserve to be honored how are you honoring and celebrating me and i was absent and my father is now a preacher and he stood in the pulpit on memorial avenue and he says i want to thank god for my son because he fathered me until i could become his father what are you saying bishop you can honor somebody into their place you so busy going back and forth trying to be right i want us to be right it's not about me being right i want us to be right but what if your story is not my story what if they never come back what if they're dead and cannot come back you You honoring your parents, you honoring your father, elongate your years. Not just for the sake of having long years, no, so you can not only fulfill your dreams, but also fulfill the things they forfeited. God said, I'll give you time and years to make up for what was lost. Honor, honor your parents. Bishop, they stressed me.

One conversation. One cup if your parent is not here it's okay to go like us yes if your mom and dad is in the room this room just wink I didn't say keep putting yourself in the place to be harmed But you don't even know where you are in the process of your healing if you're never in the atmosphere Now this is one not one of those messages that everybody gonna like because we shout But this is a message I wanted to get in your spirit so you can't unhear what you're hearing You don't know, well I'm good, I'm good, well go to Thanksgiving dinner then. I mean I'm past it, I mean I'm past it, I don't really talk to my siblings like that, but I'm good. You're not as good as you think you are.

Until you can sit at the table and they say, you done gained a whole lot of weight. Until you sit at that table and say, ah, where's the one you was dating? What happened to him?

And it don't trigger you anymore That tells you where you are. See when you get in a whole place They can pick They can tease They can say little things and it don't have the same effect. And you know what?

I didn't already made up my mind I have I now have power over me. I have power over my emotions I have power even over my time so I didn't already decided I'm coming and I'm only staying for 45 minutes I'm making an announcement when I get here. Hey y'all I can't stay long, but I wanted to make sure I came How y'all doing?

How's the kids doing? and a lot of times when I talk about honor we talk about honor culture somebody shout it's a whole culture somebody shout it's a whole culture where if there's a whole culture that means honor just don't go this way it's not just honor to parents but it's also honor to children because we read that obey your parents obey your parents oh but that's right but you got to read verse 4 it says fathers don't provoke your children to rap if you expect your children to honor you be honorable if you tell them to say please and thank you you say please and thank you you can't keep speaking they bad over them and expect them to produce good fruit you got to learn how to celebrate every accomplishment celebrate they took out the trash celebrate they wash the dishes because you can never expect them to continue to produce what is not being celebrated some of our children feel unseen by the people in their house You so busy on the phone talking about everybody else's business and your child is in the other room drowning and finding somebody online to confide in. There your 11 year old girl talking about she got a boy.

and you in somebody else's business you do not have a boyfriend at 11 years old I'm the bishop of this church and I'm establishing the standard an 11 year old does not have a boyfriend or girlfriend y'all think it's cute you better let them slow that train down slow it down Slow it down! When I was growing up, we didn't have cell phones. We had a house phone.

And we had more than one. And if you took that phone with that cord and went all the way to the other room and you shut that door and mama saw that cord going down the hallway all of a sudden you'll hear an echo on the phone. The echo means somebody else picked up the phone.

Well, I want to respect their privacy. They're not old enough to have privacy. I am your pride to see.

You are batting under the shadow of this almighty. Come on. Will you all please go to your seat because I got one more thing to talk about and I don't want you to run back to your seat when I say it because I don't want it to expose you.

Honor your spouse. Come on, even the single people, you ought to be clapping. This is good practice. This is good training. Honor.

Because your level of honor can affect your level of receiving. What does honor look like? It means preferring them what they would like, what they want to do. it's preferring that's that's honor it's preferring them and some some of some of us are too narcissistic for marriage not for a wedding because the wedding is all about you it's that marriage i was talking to one of our church mothers one time i told her i says i'm not I won't be upset if you want to marry somebody and she looked at me married I don't want to be married I said why she said it's the first time somebody asked me to fix them a plate or give them a glass of water something rides up in me I said well you know what mother younger don't you stay single and i do say that if you're not willing to die stay single now there's a life on the other side of the death but you won't experience that life in marriage without being willing to die If you are making yourself the center and not your relationship the center of that joy then you're going to always be frustrated because you now want to use somebody I'm gonna say it again you now want to use somebody to be a pawn in the mission of your life's fulfillment Alright, so I need the kids to look like this.

And I need my husband to do this. I need my wife to do this. And I need my job to do this.

There are people with their own desires. With their own ambitions. With their own pet peeves.

It's not a machine piece you can just drop into place. That's a person. That's a person you've been called to serve. And the way you serve them is by honoring them.

Don't let the world set the standard for our relationships. That's not a weak woman that fixes her husband's plate. that's not a weak woman that is a that is a god-fearing woman that's a woman of honor he even came in he's not even talking hey babe everything good i'm good He acted short. He acted awkward. He's acting strange.

But instead of you getting in your feelings, you said, hey, I fixed something to eat. Let me know. Come on, you don't worry about it. I'm going to make your plate.

You just sit down. Because you're going to discern, hey, right now, it ain't about me. Before I get in my feelings, I'm called to serve him. Come on, somebody. Brothers, don't you let the other guys at work make you feel weak because you get down and massage.

your wife's feet those are the that's the that's the feet of the woman who carried your babies that's the feet of the woman come on because most of our sisters they don't sit at home and prop up their legs most of them are taking care of home they taking care of kids and some of them are even going out helping you pay the bills yes I'll massage your feet Because when we go to the bank, we go into the bank together. Somebody asked me one time, would you be offended if your wife make more money than you? Absolutely not. This is what the anointing does, it brings us together. we honor spiritual leaders first timothy 5 and 17 says let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honor let me tell you something one of the most awkward things for me in church is when people clap for me that is very awkward for me you know let's thank God for our bishop whoo thank God for Bishop that's very awkward for me it puts a spotlight on me especially when I got to walk up here right um sometime my my knees act a little strange that's why one of the brothers there helped me come up and then i'm just nervous i just feel like you all are clapping and you're looking at me and i'm walking up the steps i just feel like there's a greater chance that i am going to trip and fall and i've already played out in my mind man i shouldn't even tell it i've already played in my mind how i'm gonna make it spiritual if it happens and be like hallelujah you but i already know some of y'all gonna be like he failed he tripped that was but our culture is a culture of honor it's important that i don't silence you from honoring me because you're not honoring me as a person you're honoring the place of the pastorate hear me now let me let me be honest Don't keep from honoring your leader because there's somebody who takes it overboard.

Oh no, there's always some cult followers everywhere that's going to make their pastor synonymous with God. We are not them. but never be ashamed of honoring your spiritual leadership and i'm not just talking to you all in the church i'm talking to you all this online because october is pastoral appreciation month don't ever be embarrassed to honor the people who prayed for you and covered you who walked with you down the aisle of the funeral when you lost one of your loved ones who stood beside your hospital bed who supported you when you were going through school and you felt like you were going to flunk out the one that God kept up all night one Saturday night and changed the message because there was a particular word you needed to hear and when you got to church you knew it was the lifeline and it's almost though God has said everything you needed to hear in his ear and he spoke it don't ever get to the point where you get ashamed of honoring because you know why? the world honors their own oh yes they do oh don't ever be don't ever ever let them downplay us because we thank God for our pastors and they think that's strange well I think it's strange for you to go stand in a line for hours and pays three four five and six hundred dollars to go hear an artist That if you get sick, they're not coming.

If your mama die, they're not showing up. Now you think it's extreme to clap for a pastor and give a preacher $50. But how much did some of y'all give in the Renaissance concert? Wonderful entertainer, but she's not coming.

Somebody asked me the other day, they said, it's pastoral appreciation month, how much should we give our pastor? And I told them, I said, well, you know, that's free will. You know, you seek the Lord about, you know where your finances are.

They said, well, just give me an idea. I said, what are you thinking? They said, I'm giving a hundred, I was thinking about a hundred dollars. I said, okay, that's good. I said, but now, is that what you've given them for the year?

They said, yes. I said, okay, well, add that up. How much is it? $8.33 a month. In other words, you're giving the person who sows into you, spiritual, and minister to you, less than you would pay for a McDonald's value meal.

Come on, we got to have these conversations. What does honor look like? Honor looks like praying for them.

Praying for the people who are always praying for you. Come on, clap your hands and give God praise. I said I was going to make the sermon short today and I did not. So please forgive me. I want to always be standing integrity.

It was my intention to be finished 15 minutes ago. I'll cut through to this. Honor the past. The language of dishonor concerning the past reveals that you are not healed.

Honor is the language of the healed. Honor your ex. Hey, hey man, have you talked to Melissa? How's Melissa doing? I ain't talking to that girl.

That was three years ago. Let it go, let it go Honor, honor the experiences Before you totally make them the devil Remember, you chose them You chose them Charlie Ugly, you chose them Honor the experiences, honor the gifts, honor the laughs, tell your neighbor it won't all bad. Now honor it, I didn't say go back to it, just honor it. Even honor their bad decisions. Honor the fact that they didn't choose you because if they had not done what they had did you would not be where you are.

It just means you're not in a good place if you can't honor it. But I need you to look at your neighbor and tell your neighbor I'm on the other side of it. People will start bringing up stuff trying to get you stirred up again and you're like I ain't mad at nobody.

Listen, when I see them I speak I'm not upset. I learned to honor what it was. honor the past scripture says honor the lord with your substance and the first fruits of your increase When you honor the Lord, now I don't have to now preach, honor the Lord is my first point and my last point.

I read the scripture, honor the Lord, and now I'm ending with honor the Lord. Now somebody say, all right, now I'm ready to write down the points on how I honor the Lord. It's everything I just told you.

When you honor your parents, you're honoring the Lord. When you honor your children, you're honoring the Lord. When you honor your spouse, you're honoring the Lord. When you honor your spiritual leadership, you're honoring the Lord.

When you honor your government leadership, you are honoring the Lord. and he said just don't honor him with your song honor him with your substance those who trust the lord with their substance I mean those who put what's valuable to them in the hand of God when you honor God hear me hear me when you honor God God honors you when you trust God it opens up for God to trust you like he blessed you so that's the whole principle of tithing see the whole principle of tithing is not really about money it's about trust It's the principle of honor that God blessed me with the job because you prayed about it, you prayed for it, he blessed you with the job and now he says now the principle is I'm going to give him 10% of what I made from the job that he gave me. Here you go. Then the Lord said you really going to do it huh?

Well you know I'm not going to let you out give me. oh for real then oh well i'm gonna give 10 out of all my increase here you go god you're really gonna do that now you know you you know i'm not gonna let you out give me the scripture says and your barns will be filled and your wine press will be overflowing when you trust god on the level that you're on you can't be trusted now listen my desire has been It's to give people vehicles that need cars. To give people homes to live in. That has been my desire. I've always spoken it.

And guess what? God tested me on the level that I was on. So when people needed somewhere to live.

No really. I want to give away houses. But how is God going to trust you to give away houses when you won't give away a room?

Really? He'll test you. I said, Lord, I'll never forget the day when Oprah Winfrey started giving away cars and I was in college and I saw it and I started crying. I really did.

Because I said, Lord, that's what I said I want to do. And I had this little altar in my house and you all that was in college with me, y'all knew I had a little table with crosses on it from the family dollar with the mirrors on it. And I went over there and I wrote in my prayer book. I said, Lord, today Oprah gave away cars. And Lord, I'm trusting you to do the same for me.

I want to give away cars. And when the Lord blessed me with a car and I had an extra car. And a man came to my door and said, hey, my engine went in my car.

See, you got a new car. Are you thinking about selling your old car? I was like, uh, yeah, I was just going to keep it for an extra car. Maybe I don't know. I think about it.

And I heard the Lord say. Give it to him. and I was like I rebuke you enemy the enemy is trying to trying to trick me and I'm gonna tell you why I was afraid to do it y'all can y'all can y'all give me one minute to finish the story just one minute one minute I'm gonna tell you why I was afraid to do it because we who grew up poor we are always afraid of being poor again and it'll start making you a hoarder It's like uh-uh, nope.

And so and then at the same time I had people in my family that needed a call. I don't know this guy, he's a neighbor. Right? And then I said, you know what? I got this new car and I do want some rims on my new car.

So what I'm going to do, I'm just going to sell it to him at a discount. So whatever I sell it to him for, I can take the money and buy some rims and put it on my new car. Ain't that somehow we start compromising? and the next day when that young man came and knocked on my door and i heard the voice of the lord says give it to him and i was wrestling let me tell you something the devil is never going to tell you to give And I looked at him I said, um, you can have it. And he said, what?

I said, you can have it. I gave him the car. I gave him the car.

Six months later my new car was demolished. all right oh oh i'm sorry you thought it was a magic trick no god will test you up the posture of your heart i lost my new car and now i was riding the rusty church van while i'm watching the guy drive by my house in the car i gave him but I just rise to tell you my barns are now full and my wine press is overflowing look at your and tell your neighbor when you honor God he will honor you I remember I came down I came from out of town preaching and it was y'all stand it's the time where I was taking every dime I had to put in the church Digging Shanita sometimes would take money from the offerings I got from preaching in other churches. And she would give me gas money out of it.

I would give her the envelope and she said, what you? She said, I said, take this money, pay the light bill of the church. She said, how much money you got?

I said, don't worry about it. She said, well, do you, uh, you got money for gas? You got money for food? I said, don't worry about it.

And she would go in my envelope and give me $20 of my money. She said, no, we're going to make it work. Get you something to eat.

I was riding that rusty church van. I'll never forget I came home one day and there was a couple from the church came to me and said, said pastor said I want you to look at this car and I saw that car it was a beautiful silver Mercedes Benz and I looked at him I said go ahead y'all look at this car go ahead y'all because you know the Lord was really blessing them and I said go ahead so they were showing me that car they said no it's not ours. This car is yours. I said, I can't afford these payments. They looked at me and says, you don't have any payments.

I want you to pull on your name and say neighbor God remembers when others forget just keep honoring honor and keep honoring just keep honoring keep speaking well Don't let your mouth be polluted with evil Speak well Honor And watch whatever you send out It's coming back to you a hundredfold Give and it shall be given unto you Good measure Press down Shake it together And run it over Alright I'm going to give you five seconds I want you to honor God with the best praise you have come on more than for a government official more than for your parents more than for your pastor more than for a football team I want you to give them your best praise I honor my spouse back into that place I honor my children back into that place Think of the goodness of Jesus and all he's done for me. My soul cries out, hallelujah. I thank God for saving me out of all the things that I've experienced in life. Nothing compares to accepting Jesus as my Lord and my Savior.

If you are not saved and you have not experienced the saving power of Jesus Christ right where you are, ask him. Ask him to save you. and he'll meet you at the point of your need.

If you need to connect with someone or someone to pray with you, send your prayer request or call the number on the screen and we will be there to share Jesus Christ and the message of hope with you. I want to thank all of you who have been supporting our ministry down through the years. It's because of you that we've expanded this YouTube channel. We've expanded all on the outlets that you're hearing of this message.

So what I want you to do is make sure you share, make sure you subscribe and send this message to someone who needs to hear it. And for all of you who desire to support our ministry, there are ways to give on the screen. And remember when you sow into our ministry, you're not just helping us do ministry domestically, but you're partnering with what we're doing all over the world.

The seed may leave your hand, but it will never leave your life. This is Bishop S.Y. Younger saying, go with God, who's already with us.