Transcript for:
Dragon Ball Legends Summoning Stream

we've got nanogenix we've got me and we've got an ultra Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta and we are continuing these summons straight from my original summ video UL 2x yep now this is literally my direct next summon from my first there's no way there's no there just no way dude so same rule goes here I got you watch watch watch oh dude n of that is it rainbow is it rainbow please oh answer transmission thank you thank you oh oh my God okay all right didy do you remember what Gogeta did to Omega he made clones and then made party shots and then also made everybody like the video and subscribe for part three of the anniversary insane why have they not liked the video yet only been like 30 seconds but you should instantly watch a diddy video to like the video and then you get the invite to the party dude they're all invited to the party you guys are all invited to you guys get it you guys just know you're invited to the party Legends limited Vegito wrong Fusion Legends Limited put him on the t wait true actually if I do pull Gogeta then that's a pretty good that's a did you tell him it's you summon it you oh my God it's you summon it you use it so whatever we get we get to use at the end of this and when we verse each other I got an for an ultra oh no wait no wait no this one doesn't mean that I I don't know anymore blue Vegeta is too much of a who knows man who who who cares man it's just all it's all games you know yeah man I I didn't go to Twitter cuz I didn't want to be spoiled okay but after the amount of CC I've spent and the things I've seen I'm going to take a wild guess and say there are no new sum animations for free through ultr for goeta who knows I don't because I've only summoned once so I did one multi like what like what is what okay what is going on why like cannibalize one of the lfs and just put that effort into new summoning video or summoning videos I'm dude just hire Weber is at just literally just hire Weber like seriously I I don't know what they're doing over there like just just hire Weber it it's that easy bro bro can just make the animations for them by just reusing their animations like I I don't get why they haven't done that it's like the simplest thing it makes me so it makes me so sad dude I yeah they know they know that we want to see Gogeta vers merge they know we want to see it it would be so sick dude I'm just confused as how they haven't done it yet like how it's been what 4 years now over four years or yeah since true Ely actually new animations it has been since before second anniversary and we are wrapping up the sixth anniversary this is nuts man six six years of Dragon Ball Legend bro how how sick was the reveal though real talk I actually the car was actually sick I love the car now here's the thing is was the car cooler than the orchestra I really like the orchestra Because the actual like like song itself was really good like I I I I have that song on a playlist like it's that good I listen I love cars and I especially love like JDM stuff so yes yeah to me car is way cooler I knew to like for you that was going to be like your number one because you always talk about Fast and Furious Non-Stop and how much you love that and it's like it's like it's family it's yeah it's all it's dude I don't have friends bro I have family you know oh man that's why you're going to Evo right I have parties I have I have barbecues oh but you're invited to the barbecue is that your party it's a barbecue did that's your party though is what you're saying it's with the context that you're here it's you guys are you guys are all invited to the Nano barbecue it's a barbecue all right wait what what's going on in the Nano barbecue over there what's what goes on over there Hey listen man we you know we smoke some ribs some chicken oh okay brisket sounds like a lot of fun some debuts activities over there at the Nano barbecue smoking um literal hour like 12 hours 16 hours waking up like 4:00 a.m. to get it going you know that's like low temps crazy late why why are you doing that so late oh you're waking up at 4:00 a.m. before the barbecue to get things going damn you have to prep that much did classic so you've never smoked meat huh I mean who knows man sorry I wanted I wanted to make a y y I know exactly what you want to do I'm waiting to see if you're going to do it don't no I'm not I vote don't do it I vote don't do it but I support him I just want to say that right now the people were wondering I do support him that was oh man wait a the anniversary Up Wait way to end the anniversary Ultra Super Save for Gogeta sauce man and put him on the team I did just get him Zen Kai 3 also I I I wanted to say this I'm very happy that it's Gogeta and not Goku because I I'm opposite why I think I just kind of I I you know I listen did I want Gogeta yes but uh I think I did like almost do the self hype thing like I definitely SA myself wouldn't that just have made you more hype because it's like oh it's just going to be Goku and then it ended up being Gogeta and so so I I there was this other thing i' been kind of doing for the last about 2ish years okay where I've been saying when they finally make an ultra Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta they're going to make him the first LF Ultra for two and a half years you've been saying that oh man yeah yeah sauce now have a new Theory you know how he was the last of the fighters DLC oh oh you think this is the last era of Ultras yeah so what do you you think up next is an ultra laf uh-huh so you think the next Ultra slot which no no no no there will be another one that's a monthly the next celebration Ultra H UI Goku I no comment section you you let me know what you think about that take that that might be a little wild one man I I don't know that it might be one of the most farfetched takes I you might you might be reaching real far like am I am I reaching I don't know can I reach Mario no yeah you're almost looks like you can no I can't no he's pretty far he's pretty far even for my lengthy arms you like the perspective of your camera it kind of looks like your hand is Mak almost to Mario I just don't know what you're talking about man I'm just here to summon I'm here to get my ultra I'm here to not get shafted on an ultra banner I can't really say that as we getting him first multi I'm not going to lie I can't really say that at all someone in your chat just said Ultra cell please dud D Ultra cell would be awesome and that would be so sick I would love an Ultra cell cell cell's great bro if they can get another cell with the Finesse of the original purple cell LF oh my God the OG purple cell LF has like the craziest swag ever that one is that one is nice yeah agree he is he is hot almost as hot as a sunny day on a nano barbecue like it's just like oh wait a minute n n wait AE would be a fun video did yeah what would be a fun video is you know the thing that uh D and I did for Fighters but we do that for for lfs and Ultras like a like an IRL setup uh what did you do for figh for for Fighters you said oh yeah sorry a deep cut on the nanog genics YouTube channel but do and I in an iral setup uh ranked and reacted to all of the fighters uh intros oh yes dramatic intros and drag finishes but and we both cuz we both have ranked lfs in ultas so I think the next the next step to that would be we doing it IRL that would be sick and we do just a part two of it we just do we split it in half I think what we could do is like how could we split that somehow Would we not have to split up like half of the well actually I don't half the lfs so technically technically when when we were doing it and I don't know if D was just doing this cuz he thought he might make his own video at some point probably not that doesn't seem like a d doya video but he was saying that uh he every time he kept reminding people this is just my opinion and he's just he was just there to observe so we could almost do it in that setup where we do it back and forth but then I guess it wouldn't make sense no we I I I say we like butt heads on that that's like a a butt head thing also what's up ryuden welcome to the stream man we are streaming this live on the on the twitch channels Dy sauce and and wait you're not live D but is I'm not live I'm sorry this was this is going on the the personal um YouTube channel so yes very impromptu live stream here because I I decided to call Nano because he came into my chat saying how called you sorry sorry Nano called me after I told you to call or if you're down a call and you called me and then he said that he got shafted and said he got shafted by 80k Coral crystals yeah I was I I I was teasing but then you told me that you genuinely pulled in first multi oh the multi I didn't even tell you about the multi yet it was oh yeah and I got disty I didn't get to finish it either I was I was about to watch it and I did not get to finish it yeah so it was screen shatter so it was Broly Broly Vegito screenshot easy way to start on Ultra by the way yeah and then there the third unit is him then right after it's an LF Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta so it's like back toback Super Saiyan 4 goeta and then after that is a is a fake out that goes into an LF Super Vegeta and then after that is a full power Super Saiyan 4 Goku there was like a full GT multi with like fusions and stuff I was just like what is going on in here dude full power full power sa for Goku's aged like crazy though sucks but but you're doing yeah but you are you doing you summon you use it cuz you unironically could do you summon at you use it with that I could but no not with with one with I love I love this art the Art's awesome and also it's like green card's really cool too we are we going to get like an actual Super Saiyan God Goku you know or God Vegeta or God Vegeta yeah I was really expecting that to be oh Joo uh that to be what like the instead of the blue boys it was them mle mle mle no away father father Dano my father he's here noo my dad came back did you see that cool for you man thanks man thanks man are you ready for this Ultra in three two one oh sorry that's not an ultra that's an ex sorry an ultra in three 2 1 that is an ultra yeah oh my God noo that's an ultra Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta do you see that F oh my God now have they liked the video have they subscribed because surely they have for this oh oh oh my god oh look at that oh dude this art is so clean man it's so clean it's just so cool dude it's so good it's so so I'm so happy thank you man thank you thank you watch this back to back though did you imagine you imagine hey you've done it so many times n wow done it twice D count stop with the propaganda count it twice you've done it twice that's that's twice as many times as me you haven't done it never huh yep ah oh yeah the back to back back I'm going to hold my boy right here the blue Bardock the infamous dude could you imagine it be on on this that would be crazy brly Oh Come onose dude I I listen this is UL 2x it is yes oh okay okay we're we're spicy dragon balls space blue UL 2x man come on come on now make my dreams come true Toshi come on man wa what what I'm looking at the art I hadn't realized the bits that are going in front of him the Sparkles yeah look at that going in front of him right there they look so cool the ones going like really fast across the like white oh wait wait yeah I've never even noticed that either look now that look how cool that looks dude this art is just the best art in the game like his o his actual art the aura this man is Aura like this is just full on Aura like I that's crazy oh my God uh what your turn um your turn so yeah no it's my turn um yep so all right anything you pull from this I get yes I I I'll give you that I'll give you that cuz if you get the bad man well hey bro we didn't we didn't make any rules but surely to god you're letting me use that Gogeta right because like like what is my yellow yellow trans Goen going to do over here uh have type advantage for at least 20 seconds like look at him what support type cool man mhm how you how about you support these nuts bro link to the description you say 10% off of his nuts with good [Laughter] we are recording this at 2: a.m. by the way so this is [Laughter] [Music] some oh man let me just let me just get a really quick this is a week old I'm putting this back I need to clean that bro you need to clean that out that's probably almost grown mold man you know I don't want to I don't want to say this live but I will dude so some of these I make protein shakes in right oh no and one time no one time and even right now actually uh I'm not going to show that that one's pretty bad right now but one time I did leave it out for a very long time after drinking a protein shake let's just say that you know uh I wanted a little bit of greenery in my home and uh maybe I wanted wait wait oh we're going together um and that you know we produce life like I made life in my house you know came to life eating off pretty gross thanks man I've definitely done that before but okay all right all right do you want to do the thing Chromecast us picture picture us throw your your your Chromebooks your MacBooks your stone tablets your reg tablets all those things why need you to hop in and join say on this group someon pull back count of stop 3 2 1 go some together here we go 3 2 1 go oh dude we're fully synced oh my God we're just so fully right now and you're not we're just so fully I'm blue no but no but uh yeah I'm probably going to win this one right here yeah I won oh yeah you won my bad hey Legend but too what dude Topo clears see I don't agree with all this and everyone's like well super and but GT canonically if it ever were to continue over into GT Super Saiyan 4 is stronger oh we're doing this it is stronger yeah I'll get with you woo it is stronger GT is stronger kinetically I actually don't know though this oh or gt you're talking about ice versus uh super Vegito yeah oh my God I just threw all my gift cards and it just they just went all over can I get a Minecraft one uh anyway it would definitely be Pyon thank you man I needed to I needed that to start my server up dedicated serve yeah I won that one yeah that's you I mean if you want I believe I won that one what I hav seen it yet I won that one it was super saiyan it was Super Saiyan Goku versus Frieza you did not no way did you get backed by Super Saiyan Goku's it wasn't back to back the last one was Pon man you're tripping no it was Hercule versus Super Saiyan Goku Pon was vers was Bas Goku no yes no this is you have a Krillin you didn't have a base Goku yes I did is a base Goku with a zro in the background versus your Pon and you won and then you won Super Saiyan Goku versus her and now I'm winning Frieza versus freaking actually no I'm not Krillin is actually Krillin Krillin is actually destroying first from Frieza I recently looked into power levels Krillin is actually unironically destroying him really yes damn yes my go my goats hey they got into an Ultram man put him on the team [Laughter] what oh [ __ ] I I got distracted I started pressing buttons I I wasn't expecting a a nanogenix wolf in my [Music] video that's I'll take that off of a bucket list that I didn't have I listen bro I'm making my uh I'm making my character real you know yeah what does that mean dude you got to have a bark in every character real H I'm I'm a I'm a versatile uh voice actor I thought you were about to say you a barker I mean hey man hey man don't don't record when my wife Bo die okay you know oh okay is she like giving you treats or something like w whoa did you plant cameras when you were here h it's been over a year since I was ining out damn dog how much footage you got all right it's UL 2x Diddy here we go let's lock in Diddy yeah yeah oh by the way you got to lock your door [ __ ] okay yeah yeah speaking of I'll do that in between uh this part and the part that we're about to film you can find link Down Below in the description on his channel it's crazy over there I'm telling you now Nano Jennings I'm telling you right now it was insane it it was insane Nano here we go let's get an ultra super saiyan4 goeta go what are you doing over there and maybe this is why my my video was restricted last [Laughter] time I was hacking into the main frame what did it look like I was doing well uh it look like you were you were shaking a cup or something I don't know what really I was using both hands though oh okay I mean you yeah I was using both hands good for you I'm I'm not able to even do that so you know damn I was trying to hack into the sis in pool Gogeta man uh no it's great I mean even the chat say the ASMR was awesome they're calling you freaky genic or like I'm really going to show up at your barbecue so it's like I mean congrats man you got people showing up for the barbecue everything listen man as long as your family you're always invited to the barbecue yeah people like that subcategory so you know pretty popular is there a barbecue [Music] [Laughter] category I wasn't referring to the yes yeah there's a barbecue category okay yeah that's so crazy but more importantly don't let this distract you from the fact that Hector is going to be running three Honda Civic with spoon engines and on top of that he just went into Harry's and bought three T6 t66 turbos with NS and a motch exhaust system okay what stop smiling you stupid ass smile bro ah it's not anything man nimus means nothing but garbage in despair I'm kidding I've actually gotten I think every good dude off of nimbus [Music] you don't even walk in bro it's a guaranteed LF I think it's it's a guarante featured units so I don't I so I don't know if that counts like the that are featured that I I don't know if that counts the other SPS I don't know we can confirm right here no I I pulled green SSA 4 full power Goku in my video with a this so well too bad so unlucky super Vito put him on a te can you double layer my voice from with that all right Joo double layer his voice and make one really deep and make one normal hang on wait let's do it together oh true are you ready wait what are we saying super Vega okay three two one super Vegito that was pretty cool dude that was sick sick virgins man we're yeah I know you got proof and everything but that honestly you got your card right back like it's like your your C has been returned to you after that one like your kid just vanish like a Thanos stab that never happened it's um it's [ __ ] it's uh it's one division what happens I never watched One Division actually oh did you not you can spoil it I don't care she she creates like a whole like town right cuz she's like super powerful and she creates her own children huh they're not real oh yeah and so yeah anyway you dude One Vision while kind of slow is actually probably I I'd have to think I'd have to think about all the different MCU shows but it might be my favorite one oh my god Loki had a season 2 oh wait no Loki never mind Loki exists never mind Loki season one season 2 are definitely better but after that I forgot they had a season 2 I need to watch watch season 2 no I forgot they did that dude it was so good it was actually so good did he one more rotation in me one more okay all right I'm locked in for you that's normally how kids are made she created her she creates her own children in quotes but she like like with magic you know like she I would you not say no like it's usually the same magic no like n I'm just speaking facts like the same thing that you just did is the same thing that normal magic is you know what the whis the animation's real I wasn't even looking I didn't know what the hell the sound was I was like what happen whis or me [Laughter] whis wait dude I'm about to get a double goeta multi oh my gosh yeah we're about to see the whis animation for the first time in years for a sparking trunks kid and then a sparking uh go D nah dude you know what I'm going to call this multi when we're done the W multi no okay sparking zero because it's two Ultras hey hey you got him I got him you're hey hey do the thing man do the thing put him on the T so I can die like one hit from your Ultra super oh no trun kin I called that I actually called that that was the exact one I was thinking of by the way that's crazy what the hell you got to bring him on a team now I called it what color is he I don't even remember he's like yellow too right green I was thinking yellow too but green he die in one strike yep one strike yep yep hang on this is UL 2x which is a lie UL 2x huh yeah yeah a 7% chance instead of a 35 we all we all know about that uh that that fraud of a uh step it's not good I'm bringing Goa by the way I hope you do he's actually really hey look that's like UA's release guy oh look at that sparking I don't know why but you the way you said that felt so condescending oh look at that like it felt like you just spit my face basically you want to treat what sorry I you know we were talking about like I just was thinking about the conversation were having earlier with like get your Rainbow TX and get your bag man like come on let's just let's just let's just get this rolling you know Broly no broes dude I I really dude in terms of CC SP you are like beating me by so much right now is insane yeah no I I'm very aware hey by the way you have gotten an LF every single nimus just want to state that out right now [Music] cool St out the thing that we were trying to figure out that like it's been the left every time oh you know how like I wasn't trying to you weren't trying to what say that like oh it's not the ultra haha I wasn't trying to do that I wasn't trying to put that in the face but it wasn't the ultra but but the ultra's right here this my last multi cuz the ultra's right here this is this is where it is it's like this is my last multi in dragon all legends ever oh sick I can have that in the title yes yes yes dude n's last summoning video oh my God okay come on man it's going to be blue ooh Vegeta final comment [Laughter] bro come on oh Nano's to do we're cooked dude I I'm so cooked dude I'm so cooked bro I I'm like well done bro serve me up let's build a team man let's build that Team all righty Nano it is time we have built our teams uh mine's pretty interesting let's uh let's go ahead and dive in let's see it team reveal in three 2 one I like how you let me do it when usually it's you that does it okay O Okay damn okay wa wait a minute hold up someone cooked over there on your side God damn man the pan is annoying why did you pull pan dude yeah I did get pan I not working not working not working it's so dumb all right um I have a theme Here did he I do too they have a theme all right would you appreciate it please I it's pretty cool yeah super saiy look at that cuz I'm like they're fusing together I have both the um the girl supports that's my theme I hate you yeah F the hell out of this D oh yeah he is when they so good did he when they both die it's going to be over for you D here we go all right I'm locking in Boop PV all right oh I didn't know that if that would turn to me I wasn't I didn't know if that was going to work or not okay no oh my God I was so nervous man I dude I hate the oh God you mean to drw I that's why I went silent you knew you knew that I did not mean to do that wait I wait this this old ass unit is defending pretty good right now I mean I know that he's not not type neutral or anything yet but oh no not working not working not working oh my God Pam bam God Almighty no no psych Bop oh no oh I forgot man I forgot I forgot I forgot I forgot all right here we go let's see can you live Boop oh I think you're dead buddy I think I think you're dead I think you're dead I think you're dead I think you're dead I won't lie I did I did actually you dead no it's not working oh [ __ ] yeah it is Ser oh no dude this guy is so dumb man oh my oh wow oh damn okay we're both kind of cooking today okay Hy come on not working oh my God hey not working please tell me this is dude freaking all these units bro no you're lying you're lying you I caugh you you son of [ __ ] not working not working oh dude that's wait you n you're a [ __ ] dude what you nullif I would have I should have gotten out of that what is happening I didn't know I didn't know I didn't know oh no it's not working dude that no dud no not working oh no please just give me this oh I gave you that I gave you that all right wait let's just see the AOE green for the one time it is a very beautiful Green Card even though it's going to be the most annoying thing in the game for a while all right n GG's that was uh that was not working well your reverse is going to cook oh no you see you got Synergy there I do not I don't have ener Synergy here okay okay okay all right there's a best of five by the way this is a best of fun this reset and then and then assuming that we're not at oh well Oh Nana Oh Nana you could have just oh no how much you hard lock there oh you could have just went in cuz I did a mid-range strike oh damn wait how much HP do I have oh my God go tanks damn damn dog I'm okay oh right okay F that was in chain that doesn't do it I no I know I wait I waited I waited I waited I know it doesn't chain that's the difference between him and and the new one I keep on forgetting that the new one actually pulls the blue so I just keep on like pressing a button right away and it's dumb of me I got to I got stall out okay jesz Christ man Gotenks damn bro Gotenks is he is not joking around okay what oh dude no no what happened cuz it it it lagged or something man I don't know that was uh okay I'm going to lock in okay lock in all I was trying to drop but that's cool that's fun I guess no God damn it no go yes we live ow yeah know I know what you pressed I know who you are did I it was a green it was a green but I pressed blast yes you got it I I knew was a green I realized Su cuz you had not used AG green the entire match and I was like I pressed blast I was like wait okay okay D that that was unfortunate damn right it was watch this not my bull here I go going to be pissed about this unless I'm of course dead in which case I will dude that's so sick wait what the hell wait that was awesome what yeah it uses it uses your um you didn't know that I didn't know it was like that though oh oh Gotenks pop off oh my God no Gotenks okay go that sucks I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you so much you stupid ass passive players man oh my God you know actually no yes he over ta he over tapped I don't think I got the juice man you do not have the juice but I do car yourself uh maybe I got the juice oh you got the juice you got the juice all right you got the juice all right I'm coming back bro I got the milk boys let's go man I'm back today I wasn't sure okay I wasn't sure the store was the the store was looking real nice today I thought about staying away but guys dad's home you being a real father and saying that makes a different yeah maybe I shouldn't say that maybe that joke only works before I was your father like 7 years ago all right very nice that's a reset man that's a re you've actually got a pretty decent team right there that's like an actual real team I I mean yes and no because I am heavy countered my Gogeta does nothing yeah Gogeta that is true you're you're you know what sa man piece of [ __ ] you know that yeah I know that you know I'm actually not doing any damage uh yeah this is uh semi surprising okay maybe this Goa was ass and everybody was wrong not working oh God not working I hate you man she I just can she just go away please like I actually do genely just want her to like try blocking this sh oh God that sucks it's not working holy hell my key you're lying my key my key my right there I dude I don't I was feeling a little ignorant today geared dude no I I'm throwing watch this Fain bro watch the Fate doing it's not what is the chance on that it's not 100 but it's really high it's something I don't know it's not working come on Gogeta what sucks is I haven't really got to use G4 like at all yet that is actually true yeah cuz you died oh you didn't actually overt I didn't oh dude don't not working dude I dude dude it's even selected right now how does that even happen bro that is so sad okay all right oh no W it oh wait I forgot that's what that does wait you Advantage worked out so well though no wa you have cover all okay okay ow I mean what I can literally do like nothing nothing works there is that so stupid I guess I should have popped it though shouldn't have I least yeah you definitely should have popped it cuz now I can't start damn all right yeah it's just crazy that it's everything you know like it's literally everything he's just him he actually unironically is just him oh no yeah I mean you're going to kill someone I might as well let you kill the one that has Type disadvantage that is that's fair does Super 4 go do to the green one not go type neutral on Main oh he did die what the hell he does how did he not die actually no I actually hate that I actually wait wait saes that's huge yeah for you it's huge yeah not working I hate the position I'm in right now no let's [Music] go oh you realize after her you you Midway realizing that is going to be the funniest [ __ ] [Laughter] ever oh that was so good you're lying right now I'm not lying right meow oh man D just say meow bro what year is it man bro you barked earlier in this video what what you what are you talking about like Hello what are these double standards huh my about to start parking again bro going like this good God man I am really impressed with the fact that Gogeta survived the freaking yeah that's insane wait was that a PB I was kind of no it just a mid-range strike so you could just do anything not working oh manab Pan's still being around in like a meta like this is just so nuts she's 2 years old man what is happening bro I know it's always blast man like you're just too predictable I I don't think you actually picked blast I think you're getting in my head damn oh you actually did damn it dude his his blue is so cool it's so good that that s shape for Goku still is actually a really cool unit oh I don't know why I didn't just I actually don't think I kill here I don't think I have the juice you don't have the juice I don't I think so you're not coming back from the store today didy all right I don't think I am um okay dang dog new man new uh nice I'm waiting on your my what my gug uh you're dang I really wish I was confident in my in my Char setting right there I was just like I I can literally no that's that's what I was waiting on right there let's go but guess what you're such a cheap ass character I can't even do anything about it wait what what where' you get your Vish back hello bro where no yo dude stop with this Dam Gage it's actually ass you win you time neutral so you win there's nothing I can do that was a good match oh that was a good match oh my God that gagee was screwing me over a bit there man yeah actually I I you know I didn't think about the fact that it would it goes when you're striking through a blast start it's it's so dumb I don't like that I really don't like that that's uh that's probably some level of balance to it right yeah cuz technically it's not a good it's not actually a good thing unless like the only way it would be good is If You Were Striking through a blast and like you would die like die from the blast and then it cancels the blast that's that's the only situation and that's like very situation that would be yeah that yeah that's going to be so rare for that you I at least for a while anyway yeah that yeah the reset there that's not what you want right you you do not you do not want the re oh dude no way why are you what what what why are you doing just so on top I feel like that uh less damage than I should have oh [Music] right no I got all my cards back too how just do a lot still does a kill oh man oh man oh man oh man I wanted to give him some screen time you know you're a piece dude n get out of here AR is a piece of a good father wait actually the all color for that Vegeta is pretty cool dude 17 man your disrupt is crazy dog your disrupt is crazy hey to cheer you up you locked me up for three timer counts sir did I you did that's like his whole [Music] thing no let's go oh man I'm so glad you're getting rid of my 5-year-old man you must feel so great I would have left that didn't kill I really if that wouldn't have killed I would have been no way you just catch me I did no way was that to nice dude you're so stupid and silly I'm talk to myself at long last I've ascended let's see it oh you're killing him yeah I I mean I feel like bullet do more I should just earlier cute little devil you destroyed my dragon balls my not ball wait from nanogenix AKA Tyler AKA nanogen let's take this to the final round sauce man oh man you know I actually love this so it's fine I got endurance I allies endurance not ultimate Gohan's endurance I learned that today oh does it really not yep what ultimate Gohan can tank us what he has the one unit he is the one is is really the answer there he is the one he is all right Diddy we are in a finals match in your video dog we are you know this is really rare actually it's been a while something tells me something tells me that my video is not going to be anywhere near this interesting that makes me sense ass is your hang on is your is your team for my video better or worse than this team you know I was going to say better but honestly use having pan and bua like I think this is just better like pan and bua which I assume is who I'm about to see yeah yeah yeah pan and bua are crazy dude a really devilish little combo here I don't know it's I it's really tox buffing the hell oo this is a really nice map for this yeah this is a really D this is like I messed up wait did you mess up you messed up let's go you have the priority for just one more attack now it's my turn [Music] n no n guess what not working guess what damn it that's my dad oh damn that F kind of go crazy for Vegeta there I'm being so aggressive right now what that doesn't have BL what was it's rocks isn't it no actually oh that does go crazy ah not working okay oh oh no not working about to say you you there's no way and this probably doesn't even kill her she has like 3.2 million HP oh I'm already ta bro I'm getting does a lot of damage you guys know if you tap early it it boosts the thing it's actually like a times 10,000 if you tap early oh never mind she's dead okay let me do this here we go wait you know I just realized the difference with that green card from Gohan you know how it's like you can't switch for 3 seconds just like gohans yeah gogeta's is different I'm dead I lost no how's gogeta's different what do you mean his just blocks the chain like the change while Gohan raises sub count so like with sub count manipulation you can still kind of like screw over Gohan Gogeta straight up blocks you from changing you can't change after the green card it's not a sub count 3 seconds it's like a block like you cannot change that's crazy it's even crazier you guys are watching this like this is this is day one this is like first like 10 matches with this Gogeta period so yeah hey I can't remember if you have I know you fool uhoh I should have just let a hit I should have just let it hit godam Dam it oh man but there we go Nano wins oh my God GG's man that's the video like com subscribe you guys can see more over on Nano's Channel Link in the description and we'll see you guys tomorrow bye