Transcript for:
IT Fundamentals Module 1

howy folks welcome to module one of the compa Information Technology fundamentals course now this is also known as ITF Plus for short which is a heck of a lot easier to say quickly so I think let's just call it that from now on now for those of you that don't know this already maybe you did not see the introductory video to this course the course consists of six modules so if you covered all six modules you would have covered the whole course and you would actually be able to pass the exam so I'm going to make six dedicated Ed videos each of them will cover a whole module and if you go and watch all six of these dedicated videos you'll be able to go and pass the exam assuming of course you understand all the content in these modules now each module for those of you that don't know consists of various units I suppose you can call these sections the one we're doing today is module one which consists of five units so I suppose you could say five subsections in this module and every module have a different amount of units now just to give you guys a bit of an idea of what these units are for this specific module unit one so here's an agenda for you guys is common Computing devices this will be followed by unit 2 using a workstation then unit three using an operating system followed by unit 4 managing an operating system and then the last one folks unit five troubleshooting and support now looking at the list in front of of us this agenda that absolutely is not necessarily everything that's going to be covered in this module that folks is simply the sections or as compa now calls it units so if you want a more accurate list as to what is actually covered in this module and I'm going to be doing this for all the videos you can find that in the video description down below so if you look at the bottom of the video there's a video description section and um there I actually listed for you guys a more accurate list of what the topics is in this video with nice convenient time stamp for you guys so if you are looking for a specific topic maybe there's just something specific that you want to go and revise on maybe there's something specific that you want to go and troubleshoot on whatever your personal situation is if you don't want to watch the whole video and you just want to go and check out specific topics the list down below should give you a more accurate idea of what the heck there is and exactly where in the video you can go and find that so it's going to save you a heck of a lot of time guys it took me forever to make those time stamps so please feel free to go and make use of those time stamps it's going to make your life easier end of the day that was the idea all right so if you haven't done it already please do your homie here a favor and give this video a like so at the bottom of the video smack that like button it does help me it does help the channel and then obviously more people are going to be seeing this video which means we are all going to be able to help a lot more people out there that cannot afford to pay for their own training material and guys if you would like to know when module two of this course gets released or if I upload any other free training material maybe consider subscribing then at least YouTube will inform you of well when when one of videos goes live all right folks now that I've got all the mumbo jumbo out of the way I think let's go learn [Music] something you [Music] all right folks we're going to start things off by jumping into unit one remember there's five of them unit one was common Computing devices now within this unit the first topic we're going to be talking about is information technology in other words it for short so just information technology in general so let's start with computer systems so for those of you not familiar with computer systems in general this is gener what we will go and use to go and do things like process data do calculations store your information this can be things like your pictures your videos your games anything personal or important quite frankly and computer systems is also actually what we use to go and transfer data so if I've got something like a laptop or a desktop in front of me I can actually use that to transfer data to you and this could be while you're sitting at your office maybe you're sitting at home if I've got something on my machine I can use that machine to get information onto your machine wherever the heck you might be and whatever the heck this information might be now believe it or not when I say computer systems this is actually these days not just limited to laptops and desktops these days when we say computer systems it can actually be a lot of things guys this can actually be a phone it can be a tablet and much much more now moving on to what we call digital information so we've got an idea that when I do transfer from one machine to another it's probably going to be data or information now that information could be but is not limited to things like Words numbers pictures and of course we know it's going to be much more than what my list here has it can obviously be videos and games and a whole bunch of other stuff which could potentially even be illegal for all I know you know who am I to say what you can do on your machine and whatnot then when it comes to it systems to process data so you'll notice I did not say computers to process data I set it systems to process data you get a lot of things out there folks that can actually process your data and it's not always going to be a computer now starting this list off it the first thing that comes to mind obviously is computers since we literally just mentioned that so that is one of the main things we'll use out there in the world to go and do things like processing your data but just to add on to this list it can actually also potentially be something like your telecommunications networks folks so those phone providers your internet providers all those folks in those companies that is actually something it can be used to process your data and then I'll add one more to this list again just so you know what we're getting at programmable electronic device yep guys if you go out there in the world nowadays you'll find there are an insane amount of programmable electronic devices and um a lot of these actually use something called iot which is short for internet of things it's basically a special kind of operating system you'll install on all kinds of nonsense around you things you wouldn't even think about me if you go to the ATM now to go withdraw money that operating system running on that machine guys is usually going to be internet or things yep and then the last little subsection I want to add here before we move on to the next topic is information age guys what I mean by is we are currently finding ourselves in the 21st century if I can even call it that nowadays and you probably would have noticed we've got technology everywhere around us I mean if you go look at a one-year-old or a 2-year-old child nowadays you'll find that their parents probably bought them a smartphone yeah that is the information technology H everybody has got some sort of smart device maybe not the world's fanciest one or the most expensive one but somewhere most of us have got access to well Information Technology we've got access to devices that can do some sort of calculation it might not be a laptop or a desktop because some of us don't have money it might not be a smartphone but somewhere you've got access to Smart devices it might not belong to you but you've got access to it it's everywhere around us if you go look at how we used to do things your everyday things about 10 20 years ago a lot of things was well manual and it was analog nowadays everything is becoming automated it's becoming digital it's becoming remote it's moving into the cloud and it's just getting better and better and better so much so that actually a lot of people are starting to go into a panic nowadays thinking that computers are going to take the world over I don't really think it's going to come down to that but let's wait and see and see what happens I guess all right folks moving on to the next topic here desktop and workstation computers all right so you probably would have noticed by now we've got a lot of different kinds of computers the two main ones obviously being a laptop and a desktop so if you don't know what a desktop is that's the kind of computer that's got an actual screen that you put on a desk it's got a keyboard that's usually loose on that desk it's got a mouse that's lying loose on that desk it's got a case which we sometimes call a system unit and in that case if you were to open it you will see all the components of your computer at least that's what a standard desktop computer looks like now speaking of which I'm going to list something here for you guys and that will be computer case with peripherals so if you don't know what that looks like since I just mentioned it there's a bit of a picture for you guys it's not the best picture but it should serve as a more or less idea of what a computer is along with its peripherals so you look there on the right we've got a bit of a computer screen you can see it's blue the moment it's got a webcam on top of it we've got a mouse on the keyboard towards the front we've got a speaker there um in the middle and then on the right behind the screen we've also got a speaker um directly behind the screen we've got what we call the case which is also known as the system unit and then way on the left we've got the printer now that keyboard and the mouse and that kinds of stuff that guys is what we consider the peripherals of your computer and the actual case behind the screen well that is the computer the screen you see is not actually the computer a lot of people are under the impression that the screen that they're looking at is the computer now guys that's not the computer the screen simply displays what is going on on the computer but it's in fact not the computer well at least most of the time it's not depending on the PC you've got It's usually the box which is below the desk or somewhere on top of your desk that box is actually the computer guys now these desktop computers like the one we've got there in the picture guys they're very easy to modify and they're very easy to go and upgrade and to add on to that they're actually very cheap to go and modify and upgrade well at least when it comes to laptops if you compare a desktop PC to something like a laptop a desktop PC is generally going to be a heck of a lot cheaper for the same kind of specs and they're going to be a heck of a lot easier to go and modify and you can modify them a heck of a lot more laptops on other hand those things often cost up to twice as much for the same specs you know or very close to twice as much you cannot always go and upgrade them you cannot always go and modify them and if you can go and modify and upgrade them you're very limited as to what you can actually go and do and God forbid if that machine ever breaks it's a mission to go and fix it a heck of a lot harder to fix than when it comes to a desktop PC desktop machines very easy just slide open the panel of the box and it will immediately expose the motherboard along of a whole bunch of other components the ram the CPU the hard dri the power supply unit and everything else you can expect to find inside a computer case you've got a a lot of room to work with in there you'll find even the cheapest of desktop machines can generally be modified and upgraded laptops even if you buy the most expensive one that does not guarantee that you can always go and modify it or upgrade it guys then we also have something called an allinone PC sometimes these are just called aios Allin ones if you don't know what they look like there's a bit of a picture of you guys so at first glance you might think oh that is just another screen for the computer since previously I told you guys the screen is just a screen displaying what's going on on the computer now that screen guys believe it or not is actually the computer hence the name all in one so an allinone means everything is inside your screen now what you'll immediately notice about those kinds of screens is they're often a little bit thicker than your normal conventional computer screen a normal desktop screen it's going to be a little bit thinner because it is well just a screen but an allinone has got a whole bunch of stuff in it as well besides the screen it's got the motherboard the computer it's got the RAM and the processor and and and and since it's got so much more it's not uncommon to find that these screens are actually a heck of a lot bigger they're thicker they're heavier because while guys obviously it contains a heck of a lot more so it just makes sense all right folks I'm going to once again move on to the next topic which is now now servers if you guys are watching this video chances are you might never have actually worked on a server yet that's the keyword yet and you're more than likely you've probably never been in an actual server room now the funny thing about servers guys is they're not always found in a server room most of the time yes they will be in a server room due to how big they are and how expensive they are and because we need to keep them cool and because we need to keep them safe so so that's generally why you would find them in a server room it's not the only reason but it's also not uncommon actually to find a server room somewhere else this might actually be in your own home even for all we know but I've seen quite a few servers that will actually be standing around in someone's office it's not necessarily the biggest server or the most expensive server but it can actually be standing around in an office and these servers when they stand around in an office it might actually look like an actual server or in some cases it can actually be a normal normal computer a laptop or a desktop even which has just been converted into a server so on that note guys a server can be any computer that provides a service which is why I said it can actually be a desktop or a laptop so if you've got a normal desktop or laptop there in your office which is just being used by a normal office worker for normal day-to-day stuff but it's probably just a desktop or a laptop we call that a client if you take that desktop for instance and you go and install the server operating system onto it or you go and have that desktop PC provide some sort of service in your company or your network that could very well now be called a server so if that desktop PC is now being used as a storage location maybe everybody in your office is storing their information and backing up their information onto that desktop PC guess what guys that is kind of technically a server now because it's providing a service what service is it providing it is storing people's data or it's backuping people's data so as soon as a server provides some sort of service that's when we actually call it a server so if I now go and I take a desktop PC or even an actual server and I install the server operating system onto it because you actually get an operating system which is called server so if you install the server operating system onto a server or a desktop computer it's still technically not a server it may or may not have server Hardware in it but it's not technically a server until it provides me or my company with a service so if I go into that server and I go and configure it or tweak it to do something for me or my company to provide me or my company or my client's company of some sort of service yes now it's server guys so server class Hardware in case you guys don't know can support many users and it's very reliable if you go and compare your standard desktop PC or even a laptop to a server you'll find that servers normally have a heck of a lot more Hardware or a heck of a lot more resources should I say so if you go to look at the ram in a server it's probably going to be a heck of a lot more than your standard desktop or laptop if you look at the processing power the CPU in other words the brain of a server it's a heck of a lot faster it can do way more than your standard desktop and laptop and way quicker if you look at the average amount of storage available on the server generally it's going to be way more than what you find your desktop your laptop and all ways and senses servers are normally better but they're also more reliable if you go look at something like the ram that will be the memory inside a server it cannot go and encounter errors generally it's not going to happen if you run a laptop or a desktop You' often find a little flash of like a blue screen and this is known as a blue screen of death so maybe here you are working on a document or you're playing a game minding your own business not doing anything funky on that machine suddenly the computer crashes it shows you a blue screen for like a fraction of a second with a weird error and you've got no idea what's going on and then the computer just restarts now that is an example of a laptop or a desktop being unreliable that folks is a memory error not something you need to worry about at this point in time but I just want to make it clear that's actually a memory error and that kind of thing is something you would not encounter on a server because servers have got special kind of Reliable Hardware which prevents this kinds of nonsense from happening so yeah servers are way cooler way more reliable but trust me you're going to pay extra for that special Hardware the more extra special it is the more extra special the price will be if I can put it that way then we've got redundancy and Fa tolerance guys so on servers it's not uncommon to find us doubling up on everything and anything whatever we've got in a server environment we'll probably go and get get two or more of that something so that if the one fails the second one and the third one will basically just keep on doing what it was supposed to do in carrying on the load so if I create a server to provide me of some sort of service I'm probably going to go and create two or three of the exact same server they're basically going to be clones of one another twins they're going to do the exact same thing at the exact same time and God forbid if one of these servers crashes or fails or it's just down for maintenance the other remaining server or servers will carry on doing what they're supposed to do and the end of the day what's going to happen here is from the users perspective they will never even know that a server is crashed or the server is offline because they can still do what they would normally go and do they're none the wiser and ideally that's what we want the user to experience they should never know there's a problem we can then silently in the background go and resolve this issue now as for form factors regarding servers what do they actually look like where do we find them the beginning of this topic I did tell you this could actually technically be even just randomly in your office but it's more common to find these in server rooms and normally a server would be rack mounted it'll be a flat long kind of thing and you will slide these in a server room into what we call racks if I just say it like that that probably is going to make absolutely no sense to you guys so let me give you guys a picture here you go so that is the server room at the moment it's kind of empty you'll you'll see that those long things we've got there those are racks and I can slide a server into those racks if it slides into one of those racks we call that a u it's one U not something you guys need to know not something you guys need to worry about that's not something that's asked in this courses exam heck guys that's not even asked in the A+ or even the N plus exam so if you understand what that is well great for you because that's not even A+ or n plus territory that's beyond that that's server territory now if you go and take one of those flat servers you can slide it into one of those racks which is called a oneu and some servers and some device we slideing they take like two racks or they take like three racks so we'll say it takes two use or it takes three use now you know so that is what the average server looks like it slides into a rack now once it's done and it looks fancy and it looks clean it'll probably look something like this maybe not exactly like this this is probably exaggerating a little bit but that's an example of a fancy server room once it's complete it's going to be in racks it's going to be closed it's going to be neat they've got to go they're going to have air conditioning running there day and night the room is going to be locked that's generally what it's going to look like the final product once you are done guys now just to show you what other kinds of servers we get guys here is a tower survey so instead of having an actual server room like the ones you saw now just a moment ago and instead of taking a normal desktop PC or a laptop and converting that into the server you actually get Tower servers which look something like this at first glance you might actually think it's a desktop PC's case but it's not if you look closer in real life Guys these are generally a little bit bigger in size they're about I don't know maybe 50% bigger so the size of a standard case add about 50% to that that's roughly the size of a tower case sometimes it's literally double the size of a computer case so the picture you might think it's the same size it does the same thing but in reality trust me when you actually see it in life it's sometimes almost twice as big these Tower cases they can be anywhere they can be randomly in an office somewhere but once again it actually is more common to find these in Ser rooms as well but you'll probably find them in a smaller Ser room for a smaller company of 20 or 50 or 100 people it's not something you'll find in a big office environment a medium to a large siiz company this is something I would normally only see in small size companies if they even need an actual server like that all right folks moving on to the next topic which is laptops so earlier we did discuss desktop computers and then we moved on to servers now we've got what we call laptops so as you guys know a laptop is very much the same as a desktop computer at least when it comes to Performance however laptops are a lot smaller a lot more compact they cost you sometimes twice as much and as we discussed in the beginning of this course it's not always as easy or as cheap to go up upgrade these things so if I need to go and fix them as well not that easy it's quite a mission to go and fix them if you go look at a desktop PC something we discussed earlier if you were to go and open one of them it's basically if you've seen one you've seen them all they're very very much the same if you can fix one of them you can probably fix the other ones because they're very much the same laptops at first glance they might look the same but guys if you were to go and actually open a laptop like physically go and open the panels and start stripping apart and start troubleshooting you'll very quickly realize that laptops they don't look the same inside even if you get two laptops that are the same brand these going to be two laptops the same brand just a different model I'm telling you now if you open it up you'll find that the components are not always going to be in the same place so the first laptop if you flip it upside down and you remove the back panel it might be one panel it might be multiple panels it might first expose the hard drive and the ram if you know what that is as compared to the next laptop you might have to strip that whole laptop apart to get to the hard drive or the ram it's not always going to be the same now guys looking at the picture that we've got on the screen ironically the first topic I want to mention is the built-in screen so the screen of most laptops guys actually all laptops is builtin now that does not stop you from using an external screen you'll find that the majority of laptops have got some sort of ports on the site we call those IO ports the input output ports you can see that at the bottom left those ports can be used to well hook up an external screen this could be via a VGA cable so that'll be the one that's got like a little blue Port that's the old analog Lun it could be via an HDMI cable it could be via display port cable the point I'm trying to make here is you can connect an external screen this could be a computer screen could be a TV screen this can be a projector you've got a whole big variety to go and choose from so there's a lot of people I'm aware of where they actually broke the laptop screens and instead of having it fixed because maybe they don't have the money or the time or the knowledge or the knowhow all that they'll just close the laptop screen and they'll actually work on an external screen and they'll even plug in an external keyboard and an external Mouse and the laptop will just remain closed that the screen actually remain be remain closed but the laptop won't be turned off you can actually go and configur in laptop settings what happens when you close the screen some laptops if you close the screen it'll turn the laptop off other ones will just kind of pause everything on the machine you know kind of like going to a hibernation mode where the rest of them just nothing will happen the screen might be closed but the laptop is actually still on it's still running so you can go and choose to you know what just keep the laptop running if you close the screen plug in an external screen plug in an external mouse and a keyboard and it will run just fine now speaking of keyboard you'll find that laptops always have a built-in keyboard they don't all always have a numeric keypad so that will be there way on the right of the keyboard you'll find they don't always have a numeric keypad we just got a bunch of numbers there on the right we'll have numbers but I'll be towards the top of the keyboard but as for the numbers on the right of the keyboard those you'll find almost always on a desktop keyboard but on a laptop if you have that on the right consider yourself lucky because they don't always have that generally you'll find most laptops have a built-in Mouse we call that a touchpad but it's not limited to a touchpad if you look at some of the older laptops it's not always a touchpad it could possibly be a joystick I think that's what they call it and this is often located on the keyboard between the letters g and H so it's a very small little rubber kind of feeling little sticky that's sticking out between the keys and if you hold your finger on it you can actually you know integrate and move the mouse around with that little stick I didn't use those a lot in my life because you know now nowadays it's all just touchpads and mouses you know but when they were out I did use them just not as much as I would have like to I'm not a fan of it though so yeah and then lastly guys something I did mention briefly earlier the io ports so the io ports the I and the O stands for input and output so that will be things that inputs information into the machine something like a keyboard or a mouse maybe even a webcam or an external webcam that is an input device it provides the machine with input an output device would be a device that actually well outputs information something like a printer would actually be a good example an external screen possibly speakers these are devices that receive information from the machine and outputs it so if you look at speakers it'll output the audio that it's receiving from your computer if it's like a screen it's going to receive information from your laptop and it's going display of it on an external screen if it's a printer well it's going to receive information it's going to print it out for you now a printer could possibly be an output device and an input device because if you're lucky enough to have a printer that actually has the ability to go and scan then it would actually technically be an input and an output device guys all right moving on to smartphones and tablets so the first thing I'm going to mention is smartphones and tablets are handheld computers once again it's just another example for computer in the beginning of this module I did mention that computers are not necessarily limited to laptops and desktops Guys these days it can be anything laptop desktop tablet phone you name it it could be pretty much anything these days so these handheld computers they're actually derived from early personal data assistance which was known as pdas now I haven't actually heard that word in many many moons but you know maybe about 10 years ago or 20 years ago if someone had a lot of money you know and they wanted to be fancy and they wanted to show off you probably would have seen or heard someone with what they call a PDA at first La it actually looked like a smartphone but back then people didn't exactly have smartphones these were called pdas it was not uncommon to see them with like a little pen looking thing which we call a stylist and they could use that to while write on the screen and integrate and do all kinds of things on the screen so yeah that was a PDA that's what smartphones are derived from believe it or not now the average smartphone are actually most of these handheld computers these days they receive input via touch screens I mean when last have you seen some one with a device like a phone that's got an actual keyboard on it where you can go and press on the buttons and I'm sure they're still out there if you go look hard enough you'll probably find them but generally speaking the average phone nowadays the average tablet nowadays even if you go buy a cheap one which is an old one maybe you'll find that they all work with well a touch screen so you've got to actually touch the screen to provide input to this device now sometimes this touch screen works with pressure so if you physically press on the screen that's actually what allows the phone or the tablet to know that you're pressing on the screen and where you're pressing on it other ones actually work with heat guys so if you bring your finger Clos enough the screen without actually touching the screen you'll notice the screen is in fact actually going to respond to your finger because well it senses the heat from your finger now something that you may or may not know is these handheld computers pretty much all of them work with something called Solid State Storage same with flash drives so phones tablets flash drives these all work with solid state storage so in other words the little built-in storage in that device which is technically a little hard drive it doesn't have any movable Parts if you look at your standard desktop or laptop computer the hard drive storage is actually usually of such nature where it's got movable parts we call that a mechanical hard drives these days but back in the day we just called them hard drives because that was the only kind of hard drive you would get for a laptop or desktop was the kind where it had discs and spindles and it actually moves around nowadays however a laptop and a desktop it's a 50/50 it could have a mechanical hard drive or it could have a solid state hard drive where it could possibly have a combination of the two so if it's a solid state hard drive it doesn't work with actual spindles it's got no little arms there's no parts that actually move around um if it's a mechanical hard drive however it's got a bunch of discs it's got a little arm which we call an actuating arm it's got a whole bunch of moving parts and if you drop that hard drive it actually breaks so we don't want to drop those hard drives and they're actually very weak in many ways solid state hard drives however you can go and drop those suckers nothing will happen to them because well they're solid state they do have their own drawbacks though as well but that's not really something we discuss in this course that's more A+ territory you would like to know more about that maybe go check out the A+ course now as for different formats and sizes the actual sizes of these devices come in if you look at smartphones generally these would be between about 4 and A2 to 5.7 in if you look at something called a fablet for those of you that know what that is that's only between 5 and 7 in and if you look at a tablet that's generally between 7 and 10 in now before anyone goes and asks in the comment section down below I know some of the guys are probably going to ask me what's a fablet a fablet guys is basically the love child of a smartphone and a tablet if I'm going to put it that way it's a combination between a smartphone and a tablet it's the middle one in between it's something it's not that common me smartphones you find them everywhere tablets you find them everywhere now I want you to imagine a standard smartphone and a tablet and then imagine something exactly in between that it's a little bit bigger than a phone but it's smaller than a tablet it's almost like a note if you look at like an oversized phone some these oversized smartphones they call them notes it's very close to being a note in some cases a note actually might be a fablet so it's not a note it's maybe a little bit bigger than a note it's like a very very big phone but it's a little bit smaller than than a tablet I mean if you look at the biggest size of a fablet the biggest size they can go 7 in but if you look at the smallest tablet they're also 7 in so the biggest fablet might look exactly like the smallest tablet at first launch you might not even know whether it's a fablet or a tablet it's probably going to be a tablet version they're actually way more common as for the vendors that we get these smartphones and tablets and faets in there is many many guys I'm not going to mention them all in the scor of this video I'm only going to mention the ones that's covered by compa in this course because that's the ones they may or may not ask you in the exam although I've never seen this as a question in exam so if you look at smartphone market this is dominated by Apple and Samsung yes there are many other big names if you go to your local tech store or phone store yes you're going to find some pretty well-known names there but at the moment Apple and Samsung believe it or not is currently dominating the market you know obviously we know this is a very fragile market so tomorrow this might very quickly change other brands of vendors you might see quite commonly in your stores as well is LG HTC WWI Motorola Microsoft Nokia Sony and Amazon of course yes once again I'm well aware there's many other ones that I've missed but they're not covered in this course and it's obviously going to vary from country to country as well you might want to go and send a comments but hey in my country I see the following brand is probably the most well-known one but I don't see in this list yes I'm well aware you got to keep in mind the course is an American course and they're coming at this mostly from an American perspective and that's that's saying something because I'm not American guys for those of you that don't know I'm not American I'm actually not even English English is not my first language it's a second or a third language for me so pardon my English if I don't always say words correctly or pronounce them correctly as they say um it's not my first language now as for these phones it's going to vary from country to country guys but that is what you need to know for this course all right folks let's move on to the next topic which is internet of things now this is actually more commonly known as iot for short so you'll hear everybody just referring to iot some people might call this in of thingss if you don't know what it is which is actually very common it's actually everywhere around us believe it or not so if you for example now go to the average ATM these days I'm not saying this applies to all of them um that operating system running on ATM guys when you go withdraw your money and make a deposit and all that kinds of stuff that is actually in of things this is actually going to come across everywhere around I I mean we've probably seen by now technology is everywhere and a lot of that technology a lot of these machines we see around us those machines are actually using something called internet of things now we're going to approach this from a home automation perspective but just know that this does extend further than that so coming at this from a home automation perspective this could Poss possibly be something like a hub with voice control so if you're lucky enough to have one of these fancy doohickies in your home it might look like something in a picture or it might not but generally it'll be some sort of Hub in your home you can speak to it you can give it commands it'll do things in your home it'll do all kinds of things for you so this Hub could actually go and for example dim your lights this Hub could for example close your blinds open your blinds and lots lots more just to give give an idea now to add on to this list and I'm going to add quite a few to this list thermost stats guys it might look like what you see in the picture I mean it's just to give you guys a ballpark idea some of them are fancier some of them are less fancy but some of these newer fmost stats that you would come across you would find it they're actually quite fancy there's a lot they can do they can automatically go and increase the temperature or decrease the temperature you can go and set timers you can do all kinds of fun and fancy stuff with these F stats so it's not like any the old days we'll go twist a dial or press a button and it'll increase or decrease the temperature and that's that it'll stay on that until you go turn it off or increase or decrease it again um these days it's a little bit more than that guys we've also got security systems so security systems is actually unfortunately a very wide net that I'm casting here for you guys it includes a lot of things way too much for me to mention this course but it could possibly be things like your surveillance systems mean if you look at the picture it could be that so it's not just a camera some of these will be motion sensor it'll automatically inform you or a bunch of people maybe security company if it senses something it'll pop up possibly on your phone and show you something is going on in certain areas could be laser sensors which is a little excessive and much much more I mean if you look at the picture of for crying out loud you'll see that's just to give you guys a ballpark idea obviously it once again extends way further than what we see in this picture then we've got IP cameras I'm not sure why that's in the course because to me it personally feels like this actually falls under security systems if you're wondering why it's in the list guys it's because it's part of the course I've got to try and cover this course the way it was meant to be covered and unfortunately that's the way it was meant to be delivered if it was up to me I would have just added that on the security systems because well it's a security system but you've got IP cameras as well it's not just a camera nowadays now it's an IP camera that can do way more than just recording your standard video feed way more than that then you've got your home appliances goodness gracious um mean if you look at the picture there on the right it could be your TV that's probably one of the first things that comes to mind nowadays you can go and talk to your TV depending on how much money you're willing to spend on it you can go and integrate your phone with your TV and a whole bunch of other things in your home environment with your TV and it's not just a matter of you turning on the TV of remote and controlling of the remote I mean yes you still get that but it's way more than just that you get your home entertainment system you've got your tablets your lights your thermostat and much more all of this can integrate of one another or they can be environments of their own so I can now for example go and turn the lights off on my home or turn them on or dim them with my remote I can go and control them with my smartphone or my tablet I can give them voice commands I can go and clap my hands in the lights will go and do something same can be said about your TV same can be said about the temperature on your home you can control all of this from one convenient location which could possibly be a tablet for all we know I mean I really feel like I'm kind of selling you guys something here I promise you I'm not selling you guys something this really just is a topic in the course um now we can also try and approach this from a modern cars or drones perspective so we've just came at this from a home perspective home automation this can be in cars can be in drones mean earlier I even gave you the example of an ATM and it can be way more than that so at this from a car or a drone perspective guys you'll see these newer fancier models of cars you can actually talk to them some of them drive themselves now I unfortunately don't have a car like that it's way too fancy for me and way above my pay grade but if you've got enough money you can actually go and get yourself a car that can drive itself where it'll actually be possible in your country and whe it will be legal in your country it's a different totally different story in my country for example it's completely illegal to go and drive a car that drives itself not allowed in my country and some other countries this is perfectly acceptable perhaps so you can go and once again talk to the car give it all kinds of instructions it's got a pretty cool infotainment system and well if you go into that it's basically a computer lastly folks before we conclude this topic I think I'm going to add one more angle to this one more perspective to this and that would be medical devices not really something you guys are directly going to be working with because if you're looking at this course or if you're doing this course you're 10 to one going to be doing something in it this is more medical than it te and there's a bit of an overlap of course as you can imagine but there's going to be probably be more a doctor that's going to be implanting this and managing this you know instead of us I mean what do we know about medical I don't know anything about medical besides to go and take a pain killer if I've got pain or to go and see my doctor if I start getting really sick but if you look at the picture there's a couple of examples as to what this might possibly be if you come and get us from a medical perspective and like usual it obviously extends further than that all right folks and then I'm going to move us on to the last topic for this unit we are currently still in unit one believe it or not the last topic is gaming consoles now I think a lot of you guys probably know what a gaming console is even if you don't necessarily have one maybe you can't afford one we all know what they are and we probably all want one now if you didn't know they actually have the same sort of components as a computer it also has a processor or more than one usually there's at least one it generally also has storage which is a hard drive most of these if not all of them have some sort of graphics card and much much more now gaming consoles even though they're pretty expensive if you want to play a game on a gaming console and if you want to play that exact same game on a computer on average the gaming console will work you out cheaper if you look at the components you would need to go and play it no more specifically the price of these components so if I need to go and buy a pretty decent gaming console and a pretty decent gaming computer to play the exact same game let's say it's maybe one of the new modern games you able to play that game on both of these the computer is probably going to cost you twice as much if not three times as much generally computers are way more expensive when it comes to computer parts no this was not always the case computers used to be the cheaper one out of the two then they became more expensive and now lately it's as if computers are know I don't know it's kind of like they're closing the Gap again between gaming consoles and computers that's just my personal opinion you can ignore me on that topic there it's just something I've noticed the parts for computers are becoming more and more affordable again I'm not saying it is Affordable it's just more affordable anyway so as for vendors here's a couple of vendors for you guys as well keep in mind this is once again not all of them so you get something like Sony which is now obviously for PlayStations you get Microsoft which is for Xboxes and then of course we've got Nintendo which is now for things like Wii and switch man I wish I could have all of these that really sounds cool doesn't it right folks so that concludes unit one let's move on to unit two which is using a workstation all right folks the first Topic in this unit is going to be setting up a personal computer in other words setting up your PC the very first thing I want you guys to go and do when it comes to setting up your PC is to go and check the contents so if you just bought yourself a computer or you just moved it check if you've got all the components before you start because there's nothing more frustrating than trying to put a piec together only to come to the conclusion later but something is actually missing so check do you have the screen do you have the computer box the keyboard the mouse and all the cables you might possibly require this includes but it's not limited to your video cable so this could be an HDMI cable could be a VGA cable a DVI cable the point is do you have a video cable from the box to the screen do you have a power cable for the Box do you have a power cable for the screen um if this is a wireless mouse or a wireless keyboard do you have batteries in them that kinds of stuff check if you've got all the contents secondly read the instructions this is now assuming there actually is any and I think this will also depend on your level of experience at this point in time so depending on how much experience you've got you may or may not want to read the instructions assuming there are some um if it's a new PC you might be lucky enough to get some not a new pc then you probably won't have any that tells you anything thirdly guys position the devices and vo cables so go find yourself a nice little space where you can go and set up your PC preferably on a desk obviously when you set up this computer of yours you want to make sure you've got enough room to work with you know so that if you want to work on documents anything like that you've got enough room for that you also want to check air flow and trip hazards and usability and all that kinds of stuff when it comes to to setting up your PC so first of all check trip hazards so if you're going to have cables you know you don't want to have them just lying around you know underneath the table because there's a pretty good chance you might trip on those sooner or later maybe your foot will get caught in one of them and you're going to rip the cables out and you're going to cause some damage so check for trip hazards maybe you do a little Cable Management you can use cable ties get lots of other things on the market that will make your cables look neat and tidy secondly folks airf flow what am I talking about well guys if you look at the back back of your computer box and on the sides you'll find air vents some of them are sucking air in some of them are blowing air out now it's very important you make sure that these air vents are not obstructed so if there's an air vent don't go and put it exactly against the wall because that's going to prevent it from blowing air out or sucking air in so depending on where the air vents is that'll dictate how you need to go and position your box lastly folks the usability it doesn't help you've got a keyboard and a mouse and a screen and all that on the table but the angle is just G you know the angle is not so nice and the keyboard and the mouse is not a nice location you know so it is important obviously you need to be comfortable using this machine all right then you're going to move on to connecting these peripherals if you haven't done so already the good news here guys is the majority of these things work with cables that can only go in one place so you look at something like the video cable it can generally speaking only go into one hole at the back of the C case same can be said about many other peripherals so generally if it fits into a hole then it's probably meant to go into that hole if it's not meant to go into a hole then it probably won't allow you to put it into that hole as simple as that then you need to go and connect your power cables the last thing you go and connect is the power cables and then the very very last thing you do is to go and turn on the power you never do any work on a computer or go and Fiddle of any cables while the machine is on you always go turn it off you always go plug out the power cables and when it comes to putting it back together you just do it in reverse you plug in everything followed by second lastly you know plugging in the power cables and then very lastly turning on the power that leaves us at the last step which is what to turn on the power all right folks let's move on to the next topic signing into Windows now if you have just installed Windows you would find there's probably going to be only one account on that machine and you normally just need to click on it you may or may not need to go and type in the password you actually can have the ability to go and have a blank password if it's just been installed Windows this would be called a work group scenario and you would then log in now if this machine is in a company environment chances are it has possibly been joined to what we call a domain and what happens in that situation is you would normally be required to go and type in your username not to click on an account you're going to actually have to go and type in your company username it's probably going to be your name your last name or a combination of the two followed by a password and in a domain environment you must have a password it's not an option to have a blank password in that situation now once you log in that is called authentication something will get you inj a second now when you start your machine folks when you press the power button on that laptop or desktop especially on a desktop machine you're going to hear a very short beep at least that's what we want to hear is one short short beep a lot of you guys have probably heard this but you never really paid attention to it did you know that that short beep that your PC makes you'll especially hear this on desktop machines is actually a code it's more specifically called a bios code your computer is giving you a code it's giving you the all clear you want to hear one short beep if you hear anything other than one short beep let's say lots of Rapid beeps or long continuous beeps or combination of long and short beeps anything other than one short beep that is bad that is your machine telling you that something is wrong usually that something is wrong with the hardware this whole concept is called the power on self test most of us just call this post p s t it looks like it's one word but it's actually an abbreviation for power on self test so when you press the power button in a matter of like one or two seconds your machine is actually going to go and check if all the hardware is in good working order and if it's all present and if it's all there and that kinds of stuff so it's going to you can basically imagine a person of a clipboard saying hello Ram are you there and Ram's going to say yes I'm here I'm in working condition it's going to say okay check hard drive are you there hard drive is going to say yes I'm here I'm in good working condition it's going to say CPU are you there CPU is going to say yes I'm here in good working condition it's going to keep going on like that and you know obviously after one or second or two seconds everything's going to check out if the whole checklist checks out you're going to get one short beep which means everything is in working order and the Machine would start and you're going to land on the password sign in screen which is what we see on the screen right now now should one of these Hardwares not check in let's say it is missing malfunctioning then you're going to get some sort of code which we call a bios beeping code not really something that's covered in this specific course that's actually beyond the levels of this course that's more A+ territory which is the next course after this one but it's going to give you a code which indicates what exactly is wrong with the machine there are certain Hardware components however in your machine that would not give you a code if there's something wrong to give you an idea what this might be this could possibly be the motherboard the motherboard guys is the item that's got the speaker on it and if the motherboard is the faulty culprit it will not be able to make the sound that goes beep into tells you something is wrong because well that is the item that's obviously broken another component will that will not generate a beeping code is the power supply if the power supply is faulty that means you don't have power no power equals no sound you know so it's kind of a city to if you think about it all right so back on to authentication authentication for those of you that don't know is the concept of proving you are who you claim to be or you are what you claim to be in this instance I think let's just say you are who you claim to be you are the owner to this device or you are the owner to this account now the way you prove your identity is normally an email address and a password a username and a password you know if it's something you know it it could possibly be something you've got physically on your person which is the second category this could be a card of some kind bank card smart card fum card or a fum itself it could even be a device like a smartphone or a tablet because on this device you would receive an OTP which is a onetime pin or you would need to do some sort of acknowledgement on some sort of app either way the device still represents something that you've got physically on your person a third category I can give you is something that you are this is normally biometric this could be a fingerprint or a biometric eye scan maybe voice recognition facial recognition all that kinds of stuff it is generally biometric in nature so I've given you guys three categories but just know that there not just three categories so it could be something you know it could be something that you've got or it could be something that you are all of those are ways or means for you to prove you are who you claim to be and then obviously if you've proven your identity it's going to log in and it's going to give you access to this account or this device in question right folks moving on using the desktop and the task bar all right so for this I think it's going to be better if I don't just show you screen screenshots me yes I'm going to show you screenshots but I'm not just going to show you screenshots I think I'm also going to log into what we call a virtual computer and I'm going to show you guys actually where these things are and what they look like so virtual computer for those of you that don't know is exactly like a real computer except it's virtual it's not a real computer but you can log into it like a real computer and you can do everything on it like a real computer just doesn't have its own physical Hardware nothing you can see or touch so it basically idols on the back ground on your real computer and eats the resource of your real computer it's kind of like a virus actually if you think about it but it's not it's not a virus all right so with regards to your desktop and taskbar guys let's first talk about desktop shortcuts now if you look at the screenshot we've got in front of us it unfortunately doesn't have any real desktop icons in it not anything visible anyway so you look at the top left you can see the recycle burn you can see Microsoft Edge sticking out there so where it says number one basically that is well your desktop icons I'll show you guys that a little bit more properly in just a moment once we go to the virtual machine if you double click on one of these icons you have to click on it twice very quickly it'll open the component whatever that might be it's going to launch it now that folks is not the only way to launch stuff and you can also go and add a shortcut to your taskbar if you don't know what the taskbar is that is at the bottom so way at the bottom you'll see there's a search bar that is white the rest of it is black it's got the time and the date there that is your task bar the task bar will show you what you currently have opened so if you've just opened a program a document or a game in the taskbar it'll indicate what you've got open and how many of that certain item you've got open now you can also go and add icons for programs in your task bar so they're going to be pinned there permanently and if you click on it you don't have to double click on it just click on it once it'll open the item in question as for the start menu now if you look at Windows 10 which is about to be phased out sometime soon at the bottom left is where you'll find a little icon that looks like a Windows flag if you click on that it'll open the start menu and that is actually what we see in the screenshot by the way so the whole screenshot for the most part has got the start menu open it find we've got all those tiles and stuff and once again this is going to make more sense to you guys once I switch over to the virtual machine so I think on that note let me switch over to the virtual machine and show you guys this a few moments later all right folks here we are on what we call my virtual machine so this is a Windows 10 operating system machine the first thing I covered just a moment ago was the desktop icons so if you don't know what a desktop icon is that there you can see there it says recycle bin that guys is technically a desktop icon that there which is actually an empty folder also an icon so as time goes by you're going to be installing various programs very ious games you're going to be dropping various folders and various documents and stuff on your desktop the desktop is this this main screen which you land on by the way so all I need to do is I just need to double click on this you just click on it two times very quickly and it's going to launch the it item so in this case that was a folder if I go and click on that item twice very quickly which is known as a double click there we go it's going to open the item in question so that's if that was a program or if that was a game it was have opened the program or the game in question so that is the desktop icons now at my discretion I can go and pin some of these items to the taskbar the taskar is this item here at the bottom you can see if I drag it down here it says pin to file explorer or I can go and pin it here to task bar on M case it says Explorer but that's generally what's going to happen is you're going to go and pin it so you can see here they actually went and pinned this icon here that's the inter Explorer or Edge in in this case um it's it's basically just a shortcut way of getting to some these items so yeah there we go guys that is your taskbar shows you what's open on the machine shows you the date and the time here on the right hand side nothing too fancy there's a search bar allows you to search your machine and if I click on this icon at the bottom left that is your start button for the start menu so if I click on that and I open it up there is my start menu now all the stuff is organized alphabetically in the start menu these are known as tiles you don't actually get these anymore if you're going to be using Windows 11 Windows 11 it's got a startup menu which actually pops up here in the middle it doesn't use tiles it uses icons again but for now we're talking about Windows 10 let me just open it again I can actually go and drag these tiles and rearrange them I can go and resize them make them bigger make them smaller I can actually go and right click on one of these and unpin them from the start many if I need to now just because I unpin them does not necessarily mean they're uninstalled guys it's it's simply going to remove the icon for that item in question from this main menu but if I scroll in the menu here in the left you will still find it so the idea here is with the menu on the right is to pin the items that you use most frequently any game or program or document that you use a lot in other words very frequently that you would go and pin to the start menu and if it's something you don't use that often then you know feel free to go and remove it from the start menu so you can go and add anything else to your start menu you see what we call live tiles not actually something you need to know in this particular course a live tile is if you look at the picture of that tile which we call the thumbnail you you look at the picture it'll show you information about something without actually clicking on it and without actually opening that item so this could be for example a weather tile maybe on the tile it'll indicate the chances of rain for the day the maximum and the minimum temperatures expected for today the wind speed for today it's going to show you that information on the tile on the picture of the tile the thumbnail without you actually clicking on it and if I were to go click on the weather tile it's going to go into the application in question it's going to show me way more information so that's considered a live tile I'm only using the weather tile as an example but obviously it's not limited to a weather Town guys all right so hopefully that makes a little bit more sense let's go back to that presentation all right moving on to a mouse or a touchpad now they both serve the same purpose they both kind of sort of do the same thing it's just when it comes to using them that might be a little different from one to the next so guys there's a bit of a picture obviously on the screen as to what a touchpad looks like I'm not going to put a picture of a mouse because well we all know what a computer's Mouse looks like now with regards to the touchpad the idea is for you to put your finger on that and when you move your finger around on that obviously when the machine is on of course you're going to see the mouse cursor moving around on the screen pretty much much the exact same concept's going to happen when you go and touch the mouse or hold the mouse in your palm of your hand and you move it around you're going to see the cursor moving around on the screen now with a mouse if you want to select something you would press down on the left button at least that's the default setting you can go and change that same applies to a laptop so it's got two buttons one on the left one on the right and it's got a wheel in the middle if you press on the button on the left that's considered a left click if you press on the button on the right that is considered a right click if you need to double click something in other words click on it twice very quickly so you can open the item or select the item that'll be a left click that you need to go and do twice now with touch pads how this works is you're going to move your finger on a touchpad until you see the cursor over the icon in question or the the item in question that you want to go and select and you're going to tap on the touchpad quickly twice that would indicate that this is a click now alternativ what you can also go and do is you'll find often directly below the touchpad is a left click button and a right click button so that's for people that struggles with the touchpad I actually used to be one of those people so if you're struggling with the touchpad to do a click you just move the mouse cursor to where you want it to be and then using the buttons below the touchpad the left button is left click the right button is right click you can go and do what we call a click if you want to go and use a shortcut menu same story you're going to have to go and right click so on the mouse you right click someplace this would be something like the desktop something we showed you earlier you can right on click click on something like the desktop and this can be done with the right button on the mouse or the button on the on the touchpad will be the bottom right one so on your touchpad bottom right button you press on that that will indicate that it's a right click and that's normally going to go and open what we call a shortcut menu if you want to drag and drop something another let move something from one location to another location this this could possibly be a folder or an icon let's imagine for a moment this is on the desktop so if you're on the desktop like I showed you guys earlier you're going to hover the cursor with your touch pad or your mouse over the item that you want to drag whether this is an icon or a folder once you're satisfied that your cursor for your mouse is now over the item in question you're going to press down on the left click button so this if you're using a mouse you're going to press down on the button you're going to hold in the button and you're going to move the mouse and that's you're going to see it's actually going to move the mouse cursor along of this item and eventually once you release the button wherever the mouse cursor is at that point in time it's going to drop the item right there touchpad it's a little bit more tricky than the mouse so this is something you guys are going to have to practice to get the hang of it so a touchpad you're going to have to double click on it twice and then while doing so you're going to have to move the mouse using the touchpad now it sounds a heck of a lot easier guys than what it actually is once you get the hang of it you're going to laugh at yourself you know for struggling of this but in the beginning quite something difficult to get a hold of as for scrolling guys so on the mouse once again this is easier of using an actual Mouse so if you are on a menu that's a very long menu you can use the mouse wheel to scroll up and down menu pretty easy and pretty straightforward as for using a touchpad this can somewhat be a little tricky so you're going to have to look for what we call a little scroll bar so normally on the right hand side you're going to find a scroll bar you're going to have to click on the scroll bar and you're going to have to drag on the scroll bar to move up and down the menu so this is quite tricky with a with a touchpad which is why you'll find most people will go and plug in a mouse an external desktop Mouse into the laptop because it just makes working a lot easier but if you don't have a mouse near by maybe just because you're on the go maybe you don't have money for a mouse you lost the mouse you broke the mouse whatever the case might be when at least you've got a touchpad as a backup right folks let's talk about keyboards more specifically using a keyboard now the picture that you're going to be seeing on the screen is going to be of a desktop keyboard not a laptop keyboard but pretty much everything I'm going to be telling you is applicable to laptop keyboards as well I want to go as far as to say 90 to 95% of what I'm going to tell you also applies to laptop keyboards all right right so let's start from the beginning typing ordinary test okay so how do we type or where should you hold your fingers and your hands when you are about to go and type so that brings us to touch typing finger positions guys if you are about to type on a keyboard whether it be a laptop or a desktop keyboard there's a certain place you can go and hold your hand your fingers or certain places for you to be able to reach all the keys in question so for the left hand you're going to hold it on the left side of the keyboard and um your left finger your pinky is going to be be on the letter A the finger next to your pinky your ring finger would normally be on S your middle finger will be on D and your index finger for the left hand will be on the letter F as for your right hand on the right hand your index finger will be on the letter J middle finger on the letter k your ring finger on the letter L and your pinky will be on the two dots or dot comma you know that little icon there now that guys is where your hands needs to be that is the position for your fingers or the positions for your fingers and now you're ready to go and type you'll notice in that position your fingers are actually able to reach the majority of the keys on the keyboard this applies to laptop keyboards as well as desktop keyboards now most of us won NE won't necessarily go and hold our hands exactly like that but that is a good place to start to learn when you're still new to this let's move on to the keyboard layout believe it or not not all keyboards are the same especially when it comes to laptop keyboards laptops you'll find some of them have got what we call a numeric keypad so on the right hand side if you look at that keyboard picture we've got there on the right hand side you'll see like a divider a multiplier a minus a plus bunch of numbers that is your numeric keypad desktop keyboards almost all of them have that laptop keyboards no not all of them have that you're lucky if you've got that on a laptop it might have it it might not have it also regarding the layout of a keyboard you get different standards of keyboards and I'm not talking about having a num numeric keypad or not or the size of the keypad it's in general where you would find which keys so if you look at your letters the arrangement of your letters the very top very left letter on your keyboard right next to the tab key for the average keyboard will be the letter q and on the right of that you'll find the letter w on the right of that you'll find the letter e on the right of that you'll find R followed by T followed by y now if you read that out it spells or reads out as querty this is known as a querty keyboard the majority of us and the majority of countries use what we call a querty keyboard so that means the letters are where you would find them you know or if you go to different countries you would find letters in the same place so if I go from country a to Country B the letters of will be in the same place on the keyboard but if one country is using a querty keyboard is their standard and the second country is not that's going to be basically throw spanner in the work so for the person that's moving between these two countries I'm not saying they won't be able to type but it's going to be quite difficult to figure out where what is because it's not where you're used to them being now let's move on to what we call command keys these are for the most part special keys that does special functions on the keyboard so the first one up is enter which is also known as the return key but most of us just call it the enter key so that's probably one of the biggest Keys you'll find on the keyboard besides the space bar it's generally located in the middle towards the right you'll find a big enter so that is to enter your command so if you just type something and you want to acknowledge or confirm or enter your command you're going to smash the enter key then you also get something we call the control key and the ALT key now on almost all keyboard you would find is on the bottom left the one way way way at the bottom left on the keyboard will be your control key and then you're going to find one or two keys in between that and then you're going to find the ALT key at the bottom left next to your space bar now depending on how big your keyboard is especially on desktop keyboard you might potentially actually have yourself two control keys or even two alt keys so that's normally going to be on the right hand side of your space bar um on the left of your arrow keys now speaking of arrow keys let's talk about the tab key and the Arrow key so the Tab Key top left right next to the letter Q so it's going to be on the left of the letter Q so the Tab Key has got lots of functions mean you can go make big spaces in the Tab Key you can move different lines serves many functions and right below that Tab Key you'll find what we call the caps lock key so that is to convert your letters to uppercase if you're typing on a keyboard whatever letter you press will be an uppercase by default and if you go and tap the caps lock key again you're going to be in lowercase mode so every key or letter I should say that you're going to be pressing on the keyboard will be in lowercase if you hold down the shift key which is below the Caps loog key basically achieves the same result but you kind of have to hold that key down while pressing the letter in question so if I'm currently in lowercase mode so every letter I press will be in lowercase and I hold down the shift key and I press on the letter any letter that letter will not come out in lowercase it specifically will come out an uppercase as long as I hold down the shift key it's going to come out the opposite and if you're currently in uppercase mode and you hold the shift key down it's going to achieve the opposite result now the shift key is also what you can go and use to well obtain special characters so if you look on a standard keyboard right above the letter Keys you'll find a bunch of numbers from 1 to zero 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and then zero now on those same Keys you'll find special symbols above the numbers to get these special symbols or to make these special symbols the average person would hold down the shift key so if I just press let's say the number five I'm going to get the number five but if you look at the number five you'll find on most keyboards it's going to show you the percentage sign so if I want to get the percentage sign I would have to hold down the shift key to get the percentage sign pretty cool don't you think as for the arrow keys guys bottom right you'll find them on laptop and desktop keys they speak for themselves it moves up down left right that kinds of stuff um shift key I have explained that to you guys we know what the num loock and the keypad is on numeric keypad is so on the right of your keyboard if you're lucky to have this numeric keypad keep in mind laptops don't always have this you'll find a bunch of numbers on the right hand side as well with a plus a minus a divider and a multiplier now that keyboard is not always engaged the numeric one sometimes you need to press the key there in that area which says numb lock now that means the numeric key keypad is locked it'll either work or it will not work depending on whether you press the num loock key then we've got a key which is known as the start key it is also known as the Windows key you can find this on both laptops and desktop keyboards on desktop keyboards you'll find potentially two of these keys but laptops generally there's just one it's normally located at the bottom left right next to your control it's between your control and your ALT key the bottom left it's normally got the windows flag icon on it if you press on that it'll open the start menu then we've got what we call function keys more commonly you would find these on laptop keyboards instead of desktop keyboards I know it's kind of weird normally we find more functions on desktop keyboards but function keys is something it's actually more common on laptop keyboards the reason for that is because generally laptop keyboards are smaller there's less keys so using less Keys we've got to achieve the same result as a stop keyboard now to do that since we've got less keys or less space for keys we're going to use the same key to do two things or three things and to get the other functions out of that key since it can now do two or three things we would have to hold down an extra key which we call the function key where you find this key could vary you know from laptop to laptop but generally it's located somewhere the bottom left of most keyboards it's normally labeled as FN in most cases FN for function so this function key you'll notice quite often there's also a different color so where most of your keys will have white font on them or white ink on them you'll find a function key will probably be blue or red or purple some different colors to distinguish between the rest and in all of these other keys of yours which is now normally going to have white ink on them you'll also find there going to be a special symbol or something on them which is in a different color to get that special symbol or that special something whatever it might be that special function even you're going to have to hold down the function key which is going to well basically make that function engage and then the very last item I want to cover you guys with regards to the keyboard then we can move on is the backspace and delete so backspace is something you'll find generally right above your Enter key something we discussed in the beginning it's basically like an eraser if you type something and you made a boo boo you just press the backspace once it's going to erase generally one character now the back space is to delete one character where delete could entirely delete something entirely you know it could delete a whole folder a whole icon a whole document so be careful what you select when you're about to press the delete button because it might not even ask you if you sure you want to go and delete this item it might just outright delete the item in question so delete this generally the more scary one of the two it's the more risky one out of the two so use that of caution folks all right moving on let's talk about using a touch screen now I'm fairly certain the majority of you guys watching this video have worked with a touchcreen it might just be a matter if you haven't thought of it so if you look at the average smartphone these days which let's face it most of us have got these things those things for the most part work with touchscreen guys so smartphones tablets those are probably the most common devices you will be using that's got a touchcreen but in case you didn't know you do get computer screens that are actually touchcreen as well so if you've got enough money for a fancy laptop you might very very well be lucky enough to actually have a screen on that laptop which is also a touch screen so never mind having to use the keyboard the mouse or a touchpad you can actually in fact touch on the screen of the laptop I'm personally not a big fan of this because it always makes a mess on my screen half the time I can't see what the heck I'm looking at because of sticky fingerprints and whatnot but you know you some people might like that when you get those big computer screens which is basically an all-in-one kind of like those all-in-one computers that we spoke of at the beginning of this video so everything is compact in the screen the motherboard the computer the whole shebang everything is in that screen now you do get some of these screens that are actually touchcreen on some of these computers and this is most common in a place like um let me see maybe like a restaurant if you go to a restaurant coffee shop those kinds of places you'll find in some of these the waiter or the waitress when they place your order or you're about to go and pay your bill whatever the case might be they'll go to a screen it'll go and press on it and punch on it and do all kinds of things on it and that is usually a computer it is a touch screen computer now when it comes to these touch screens we've been talking about so much guys they obviously work with what we call gesture support and onscreen keyboards so gesture support means you can go and drag on it you can go and pinch you can go and stretch you can do all kinds of things on the screen that'll get it to do what you need it to do you can even open an onscreen keyboard if need B now with regards to these gestures in case you're wondering a couple of gestures you might get would be something like to go and tap pressing once is the same as using the left Mouse click button guys you can go and tap and hold which is the same as right Mouse click you can go and pinch and stretch which is something we do all the time on phone screens and whatnot so that will be pinched together to zoom in or move apart if you move your fingers apart that'll be zooming out or zooming in and then of course you get swipe I mean we do swiping all the time on our phones so swiping from a particular screen Edge performs different actions something you guys would have noticed by now on your phones most likely swiping within an app window can also perform custom actions and then lastly folks something you probably would have seen as well swiping down from the top of the app window usually refreshes the content this applies to a lot of apps if you are for example inside your email on your phone and you hold your finger way at the top of this app and you swipe down that'll refresh your email and check if there's any new email that you might have missed all right moving on to recognizing desktop icons now earlier in this video I did show you guys what a desktop icon looks like I showed it you guys in a picture we even went to that virtual machine of mine and on the virtual machine I showed you guys the recycle B icon and I also made random folders from the desktop those are icons now what we're going to have in front of us is just a couple of different icons you know it's not just a folder or recycle but it's a couple of different ones so the first one up is a file now here is an example of what a file may or may not look like now that guys is a Word document that's the one that comes of this course that's the one I've got to explain to you guys but I want to make it clear that in real life it's not just limited to Word documents if you don't know what a Word document is that's a certain type of application we use it's a Microsoft Office application and we use that for basic Office document compilation so yeah word is just one I mean you can go and use an Excel document this could potentially be a a normal txt document I it's a text document you get so many different kinds of documents but it's a file then you get a shortcut so a shortcut is going to look very much the same but if you look closely you'll see the icon is slightly smaller compared to a normal icon and it's got a little arrow indication at the bottom left so that is not the actual file or the actual document or the actual program icon it's a shortcut to it then we have folders something I did show you guys earlier in my demonstration when we went on version machine of mine so a folder will look something like this it's going to be yellow it may or may not be blank inside so the ones I had a little b blank but if there happens to be one or more files in there you'll find in the icon kind of like this one it'll show you an example of what might possibly be in there so in this case we can see there's a couple of Word files in there then we have what we call the applications there is an example of an application icon that is something I did show you guys earlier it might not have been exactly that one the one I showed you guys was the recycle bin so an application icon would look something like that and in this case if I were to double click on that it would launch the actual application which in this case is word then we've got random devices on the machine mean you get so many guys I'm going to give you guys a couple of icons here obviously it's definitely not limited to just this so the one on the left is an icon for a hard drive the one in the middle is an icon for your optical drive so a CD ROM drive a DVD ROM drive a Blu-ray Drive the one way on the right will be an icon for your printer right guys and then the last topic for unit two and then we're going to be moving on to unit three the last topic for unit two is working with Windows now we did very briefly do this earlier you know when I did my little demonstration on Virtual machines so we're going to take a little bit further than earlier so I'm going to switch back over to the virtual machine and we're going to work with Windows a little bit just the basics to give you a bit of an overview and then we'll move on to unit three all right so let's switch over a few moments later all right folks here we are back on our virtual machine from earlier you can see I still have the same icons and all that blah blah blah so in case you don't remember this is the desktop now obviously you can go and change this wallpaper in the background to whatever you want this is the default one that comes with Windows 10 if you need to find something on your machine and you don't know where it is you can go and use the search bar we've got you at the bottom this is actually known as Cortana on Windows 10 so not only will that search engine search your machine locally for what you've got actually on that machine but it will actually also go and search the internet if you happen to be connected to the internet so if I for example go and type in what is the temperature and I go and mention my respective area it will in in fact actually show you what the temperature is in your area this is now once again assuming you are connected to the internet now what you can also going and do if you're looking for something specific is you can go click here on the start button like we said earlier this will open the start menu depending on what you've pinned you may or may not find what you're looking for here between these tiles on the start menu alternatively you can go and browse in this little start menu so I can go here to all apps I can go to file explorer this will allow me to explore my PC so this is called Explorer another way to open the Explorer in case you're wondering let me just close this up for you guys again is if you go click on this little folder icon here at the bottom that opens what is known as file explorer sometimes we just call that Explorer some folks call that Windows Explorer the point is it's called Explorer now that is what essentially allows you as the user or your users in general to browse the machine so if I need to go into my pictures my videos my music my documents my whatever the Explorer is what you use to well explore the machine so I can now go and double click on the pictures folder and I can go and explore that and see what it is inside I can go and double click on any of these other folders or even if I made a custom folder there's my recycle bin this little navigation menu here on the left shows you little shortcuts to certain areas of your machine so various areas and I can go into any one of these areas now I can go right click here if I want to gives me a bit of a menu you would remember earlier we said if we right click it gives you a shortcut menu so this is a shortcut menu gives me a bunch of options one of the options you've got to your disposal here is this one here it says new and I can now for example go and make a new folder if I click on that makes a new folder at the moment it's currently selected which means I can change the name if I want to at this point in time or I can leave it on the default which is literally just the name new folder if I click here in the blank space it's going to accept that default name which is new folder and at any point in time I can always go back in there let's double click on the name and it's going to allow me to change the name you can also go right click on that sucker go click on the option says rename and that'll obviously allow you to rename the machine now once again regarding this menu here on the left which is a shortcut menu I can go click here where it says this PC and if I click on that there is the icons we saw earlier so that is my floppy disc drive mean God forbid if you still have one of those I hope not nobody still uses those there is an icon for my hard drive now you will normally have at least one hard drive on your machine whether you're using a laptop or a desktop if using a desktop PC or even a server you may or may not even have more than one hard drive so that means more space for you here that's an icon for an optical disc drive so the moment I've got a dis in there I can actually eject that so you can see what it looks like give it a moment and that is what an optical disc would look like so an optical dis drive so my DVD ROM drive my CD ROM drive I can go and insert a DVD or a CD into that would it be physical or digital all right folks so that's a bit of an overview of what it looks like when your browser on your machine more on that later all right folks so that is a bit of an overview of what it looks like when you browse around on your computer and you go and Fiddle of it now let's move on to the third unit in this module which is using an operating system the first topic I'm going to take you guys through in this unit is functions of an operating system so basic everyday functions um for example let's start with interface between the user and the computer so for those of you that don't know the operating system is an interface between you and the computer or between the user and the computer it's what allows you or the user to use this great machine which we call a computer otherwise if we don't have an operating system you would just have a bunch of Hardware which is well useless you're can to have no way or no means to control this Hardware now what operating system you or the user decide to install that's up to you there's many to go and choose from Windows just being one of them and even in Windows alone you guys probably would have seen or heard by now there's many many to go and choose from the two latest ones being of course winners 10 and winners 11 at the moment and going forward there's probably going to be more and more and more all right so the operating system is usually not always but usually a graphical user interface which we call a gooey for short now guys this was not always the case if you go back in time to the early '90s even before that we had operating systems yes we had them and they did allow us to control the machine and its Hardware but they were not graphical it was command based so you would basically back in the day see a black screen for lack of a bit of description and you would use only a keyboard and you had to know the commands to be able to well interact with this machine and to control this machine not a lot of people had machines back then because they were obviously very expensive you basically have to sell your sister to afford one and um you couldn't really do with them as much as we can do nowadays now we actually very lucky guys these days machines have become so darn gosh user friendly that you can now go and use a mouse you can go and see a graphical interface and you can interact with the machine and you can do a heck of a lot more than what we could do back in the day now like I said you also used to get a command line interface operating system back in the day fortunately for us yeah we don't really have to go and deal with that now anymore now do we all right so as for the interface between the applications and the actual Hardware itself so we we have a fair understanding of what the operating system now is but the interface between the application ATI running on the operating system and the hardware that there's a few things we need to discuss first of all guys this could be 32bit or 64bit I wouldn't worry about it too much at this point in time and we are doing fundamentals here after all but if any of you guys decide to go and take this further and you decide to go and do something like the coma A+ course I am going to encourage you guys to be familiar with what 32bit is what 64-bit is what the difference between these two are because they will ask you about that in the A+ exam as for the ITF plus exam don't worry about it if you know what it is you understand the difference between them great for you that's a bonus now 32 bit guys is old technology a lot of us call this Legacy technology which means it's old so up until about if I have to shoot out of the hip here up until about 2013 14 give or take a year or so um we we used 32 bit and from there it was basically a sh shift in the market where we started switching over to 64-bit because it's just better it is better in pretty much any way you can imagine and just to give you one example 32bit operating systems are limited with the amount of ram you can have that would be your system memory so if you have for example 8 gigs of RAM installed being your system memory and if you're using a 32bit operating system you would only be able to use about 3 to four gigs of that 8 gig the operating system would actually tell you only free point blah blah blah is usable out of that 8 gig me don't you think that sucks mean having 8 gigs and not being able to use all of it and that's just not nice if you've got just s for 64 bit operating system you're not going to sort of that nonsense of an issue now speaking of issues another issue we may or may not face and this is unfortunately a very common problem is application compatibility this especially takes place when we start switching over to newer operating systems so at this point in time you know when I'm making this video majority of companies are still using Windows 10 so I would say about 80% of the market are using Windows 10 if we're coming at this from a Microsoft perspective and only a mere 10 to maybe 15% are using Windows 11 there's a good reason for that but I'm not going to go into that now eventually when people decide to switch over to Windows 11 what going happen is there's often applications that only work on Windows 10 they were designed with Windows 10 in mind mind nothing new on the market they were not designed for anything newer on the market like Windows 11 and anything that comes beyond that so it's a bit of a problem so these companies sometimes they need that application there might be nothing else on the market that they can substitute that application with but at the same time they need to switch over to Windows 11 so there quite a bit of a pickle of a situation to find yourself in and there's quite a few things we can do to remedy this this situation not going to go into it too much because once again this is fundamental but one of the things you can go and do and this actually does not just apply to Applications is you can go and right click on the icon of that application so if it's on your desktop you right click on it you go and choose the option that says run compatibility mode for so it's a drop down list in this drop-down list folks it's going to give you a list of some of the previous operating systems that us there used to be you know before the current one that you've got right now and if this application of yours if you know for a fact it used to work on let's say Windows 7 or 8 or 10 and you're currently running 11 well you just choose the operating system in the list which you know it used to run on and then if you're lucky it'll run the next time you launch it this is not set in stone that it's going to work guys Microsoft will probably like you to believe that it's going to work every time I can tell you guys now it's not going to work every time it's only about a 50% success rate but you've got nothing to lose I mean if the application already not working then you might as well go and try it mean what do you have to lose right all right and then guys let's talk about system health and functionality it's very important to keep your system healthy and functional now what we mean by that is you need to keep your system up to date guys it's extremely important to always have the latest updates for your machine the same applies for any security software you may or may not have installed so if you've got yourself an antivirus installed you absolutely need to make sure you keep that thing up to date and if you get any weird funky software installed on this machine some sort of malware when you ideally want to try and remove that as quickly as possible before that does some sort of damage there's many tools you can go and use to check the health of your system guys besides something like an antivirus and some of these tools we are going to discuss in this course and ironically they are discussed later in this very module we're in right now and when it comes to data management so that will be the safeguarding of your data making sure it's not lost or stolen and all that so one of the things we can go and do to help with that is to go back up the data how you do that that's up to you it's going to vary from company to company and from person to person but it's very important you're always going to back up any data that you feel might be important it's also very important you make sure that this data is secure so wherever possible go and put passwords go and use encryption go and use the concept of least privilege now that means you never give someone or or something more privilege or permission than what they need to achieve a task or a goal it's not just because we don't trust these people but it's also in case their accounts get compromised so in the event of someone's account getting compromised maybe they got hacked then at least we know we're going to limit the amount of damage that hacker can do and we're going to limit the amount of things that hacker can see with that account we're not saying we're going to stop them absolutely not but at least we can make it very difficult for them you know we don't want to hand to them on a silver platter now do we all right moving on workstation server and mobile device operating systems okay so I'm going to start you guys off with workstation operating system so that will be your laptop your desktop what you personally would be using or what the user would be using on their own personal machine so on the workstation operating systems the ones that comes to mind will be things like Microsoft Windows probably the biggest and the most well-known one in the Market at the moment and this does come obviously in many different editions and versions we're not going to go into that just now we also have something called Apple's operating system or Mac we've got Linux some people pronounce this Linux you know depends on which country you're from I suppose we've got Chrome operating system I'm not a big fan of it but it's also not bad I suppose it depends on what you want to go and use it for so that's a couple of ones I can give you guys with regards to workstations it's not limited to those you do get other ones out there as for mobile device operating systems we have what we call Apple's IOS operating system a lot of us just call it iOS but this is an operating system that's provided by Apple and then we have Android so this is an operating system provided by Google so Android is Google's operating system for mobile devices iOS is Apple's operating system for mobile devices now that's the only two that's actually mentioned this course and covered in this course but you do get many many other ones out there I mean for example if you go look at H hope I'm pronouncing that correctly they used to run Android on their phones and tablets and stuff and then there was a bit of a dispute between America and China because hwe is a Chinese company and now WWE had to go and while get their own operating system instead of using Android they went and made one um I'm not going to promote it or demote it but I am impressed by it I've got to say it looks actually very close to Android so at first launch you might very well think it is Android that is just one of many many other kinds of operating systems you get out there when it comes to phones and tablets as for Server operating systems we of course have Windows Server once again it comes in different editions and different versions you have Linux or some people call this Linux we've got Unix and we've got a few other ones as well but those are the three main ones guys all right I'm going to move you guys on to the next topic virtualization now unfortunately virtualization guys is a very big topic it's a very wide topic it's like saying Cloud you know how big cloud is how many things Cloud could be or it's like saying it it is such a vast vast vast field of so many things that it consists of so me to say virtualization could literally mean anything but in this instance I'm only talking about what is known as virtual machines that is just one of many forms of visualization get that's the only form of virtualization you need to know at this point in time in this course so if you intend on writing the exam that's all you need to know when it comes to virtualization I did actually briefly touch on virtualization earlier when I had to explain something else I believe I wanted to demonstrate to you guys how Windows looks and icons and that kinds of stuff so in case you don't remember a virtual machine is exactly like a real computer guys except does not have its own actual Hardware it does have its own operating system though so when you go and create a virtual machine and I'll show you guys in a moment what this all looks like but when you create a virtual machine you can choose what operating system you want to install on that virtual machine you can choose whether this needs to be Windows or Apple or anything else and if it's Windows you can choose any version or addition you want keeping in mind the architecture of your host operating system as well and the limitations of your host operating operating system if you don't know what I mean by host operating system the host is the actual laptop or desktop or server on which you're doing this so if you are doing this on your desktop computer at home the actual physical computer in front of you would be the host it also has an operating system and once you log on to that machine then you can go and use what we call a hypervisor hyperv would just be one of many examples of that you can go and use a program called a hypervisor and this hypervisor is essentially what allows you to create what we call virtual machines and on each and every one of these virtual machines you can go and install its own well its own operating system you've got to keep in mind vot that these virtual machines don't have their own Hardware so they need to get that from somewhere where do you think they get that from they get that from the host so if that in mind guys you need to make sure this host is a very beefed up host it needs to have a a lot of resources a lot of ram a very fast CPU a lot of free space in the hard drive because you are going to be sharing that with the virtual machines all right so virtualization is running multiple operating systems on a single computer you be running one on the actual computer itself which we call the host and then you'll be running at least one on every virtual machine that you've got how many you've got that's up to you and it's obviously limited by the amount of Hardware you've got the host computer just to recap is the actual machine on which this is all running the actual machine that you can touch the actual laptop or desktop or server the hypervisor is the software we use to well create these virtual machines run these virtual machines and manage these virtual machines you get many hypervisors out there folks one of the on that comes built into Windows most of the time these days is something called hyperv micros was not exactly creative the name they literally took the word hypervisor and shortened it to hyperv and well that is their hypervisor that's the one I'm going to be demonstrating to you guys you do get other ones out there as well though I mean you get virtual PC virtual box oricle VMware and much much more the majority of these ones I've just mentioned you've got to go and download them and install them and some of them do have licensing involved hyperv on the server side you just add it as a rle if you guys know what a server operating system is and what a role is you don't need to know that though on the client operating system so this would be something like Windows 10 or 11 you need to go and add it as a feature not something you need to worry about at this point in time in the course I'm once again just mentioning as an extra to you guys and then the guest operating system guys is the operating system you would install on the virtu machine so if I have one virtual machine I would have one guest operating system that would be the operating system system that you install on the virtu machine if I've got three virtual machines running on a host you would have one host operating system that's the one running on the actual machine that you can touch and you would have three guest operating systems any operating system installed on the virtual machines is referred to as a guest operating system all right folks just very quickly to help reinforce all of what I just said I'm going to quickly switch over to what is known as hyperv in the background so that's Microsoft's version of a hypervisor just to briefly show you what this all entails and what the heck I'm talking about so switching over a few moments later all right folks here we are on what is known as hyperv and if you come in here for the first time it'll probably look something like that it's going to be blank not that it matters you click on your computer's name it's a random generated name that I've got because I pretty much just installed this operating system and then here you can go and create any amount of V machines you want keeping in mind you are limited by the amount of eSource you've got so I can create a 100 virt machines but I will not necessarily be able to run them all because well they all do need RAM and they all do need CPU power and the question here is do I have enough to run them all probably not so I've got two here at the moment one has got Windows 10 installed one has got server 2019 installed and I can go run both of these operating systems at the same time and that's actually what I did earlier when I did my demonstrations for you guys with regards to Windows 10 I started this virtual machine up early and that v machine is running in the background and it's got it all its own operating system in the background so yeah let me start this up for you guys just you guys can see what it looks like so I'm going to start the sucker up and since this is going to take a while I'm going to speed this video up just for a moment so let me just click on connect here give it a moment can open a new window you can make basically go and change this thing so it fills up the whole screen anyway guys so this is going to take a while to start up so let me just speed up the video quickly one eternity later all right here we are on the log on screens you can see this is a whole computer on its own so it's not full screen at the moment I'm doing that on purpose you can see it in the background there's my stuff and you can see it says it's running there it's running at the moment how much RAM I've assign which is for gigs there it says burning Ice uh or my Channel's name is burning ice dech it doesn't have a POS at the moment so I'm going to log on to this thing and let's just speed up a couple of seconds again a few moments later and there we go folks we are on the desktop so that is the Virgin machine I was actually using earlier in this video for my demonstration so just earlier I was zoomed in more or this thing was full screen so you guys can just see that to avoid confusion because at that point in time I did not fully explain yet what a virtu machine is and that would just cause confusion but now you can see so I chose to install Windows 10 on this virtual computer it's an actual computer it's got its own operating system its own documents I can go and install its own applications on it I can do what whatever the heck I want on this I just need to keep in mind it does not have its own Ram so if you could check in the background it's taking 4 gig from my actual host computer the actual host operating system now coincidentally on my host machine I actually also have Windows 10 installed at the moment so the host has got Windows 10 installed this virtual machine also got Windows 10 installed that just happens to be a coincidence anyway folks so that's virtual machines for you guys let's move on to the next topic next up we're going to circle back to the topic of Microsoft Windows we're going to somewhat do that with some of the other operating systems as well because it's very important so quickly regarding Microsoft Windows guys this is estimated to run on about 90% of desktops and laptops so in general across the globe up to 90% of desktops and laptops are running Microsoft Windows now it's important to keep in mind we're not talking about a specific version or addition of Windows we're not talking about Windows 10 or 11 we're talking about Windows in general as a whole now granted this figure is going to vary from country to Country in some countries it might be 100% and some countries might be 50% but on average it's about 90% across the globe scary thought right and earlier I told you out of those people running Windows about 80% of them are still running Windows 10 yep the number is that high and only a mere 10 or 15% of running win is 11 and this has got to do with a bunch of variables that you guys don't know about one of them has got to do of the requirements to be able to run Windows 11 so it's not that people don't want to run they want to it's just they can't because they need certain requirements that needs to be met and there just things like having a TPM chip on the motherboard it's short for trusted platform module it's an actual chip on the motherboard that does encryption now normally in the past we would use this for encryption for things like bit locker but now we also need this to be able to run winners 11 so it's a bit of a snag in the works all right folks and then you also get clients and server additions of the operating systems and you also get different versions so there's been many different versions released over the years so regarding additions and versions so on the client side you get things like Windows 7 8 8.1 10 and 11 on the silver side you'll get 2012 R2 you'll get 2016 2019 2022 so these are the different versions and stuff you get of server now as for additions and stuff when you get server you get client additions you get Enterprise you get professional addition um education additions for some of these things especially if you look at this from a client's perspective something we'll talk about in a little bit um but before we do that I think let's just mention a couple of versions to you guys so over the years I did mention some of these to you guys just a moment ago but over the years we've had many versions of Windows I'm going to start you guys off with window Windows XP and yes I'm well aware that this is not the first one when it comes to Windows there was many ones before XP that I have not mentioned this list but we're coming at it from a Windows XP perspective because that's what's included in the course anything before Windows XP is not included in this course folks you do not need to know that if you do consider that a bonus so wi is XP folks this was released in 2001 can you believe it has been that long then around the end of 200 7 mid2 2008 is when we got Windows Vista or Vista you know depending on the country you're in you'll pronounce that differently then around 2009 I think it was in October 2009 winers 7 was released then in 2012 we got winners 8 literally year later we got winners 8.1 in 2015 we got winers 10 so winers 10 was released in 2015 and then winners 11 folks this was released in 2021 during Co over times whoa we've come a long way haven't we now as for additions like I said earlier so versions is what I pretty much explain to you guys now um then you had even on the server side we had 2012 R2 2016 2019 2022 additions wise that would be things like Enterprise professional that kinds of stuff so each Windows version is made available in different additions guys not all additions are going to be discussed in this course this is just to give you guys a ballpark idea of what the heck we're talking about so coming at this from a Windows 10 perspective keeping in mind that Windows 10 is not the L operating system window 10 for example comes out on home so that's what the average Joe would use at home for office work and gaming and stuff and that's more than enough what you need at home then you've got Pro Edition you've got Enterprise Edition and education or Pro education Edition now the education editions folks is not something I see often you know the the idea of these Edition is they're supposed to be used by training institutions like schools and colleges and universities and so on but if you go look at these schools and colleges and universities and so on you'll find that normally are running things like Windows Pro Enterprise maybe home but they're not running education editions you I've seen them but it's it's very rare you'll find that then we also find good old 32bit versus 64-bit something that was discussed already earlier in this video so 32bit that's Legacy that's all all technology that's the architecture of your operating system and that's the architecture of your CPU so ideally if you have a choice here folks you want to go 64 bit that's the better one that's the newer one it's going to give you more performance it's going to give you more benefits it's just benefits benefits benefits it's just better in all senses and ways and moving on to a bit of a different operating system something that was mentioned briefly earlier Apple Mac operating system all right so there's a bit of a picture for you guys it's not necessarily the latest operating system for Mac but nonetheless that's a bit of a picture for you guys as to what Mac looks like so for those of you that's only been using Windows you'll notice this looks quite different doesn't it the icons looks different the menu the bottom looks different very different than what the windows guys might be you know used to as for you guys that's been using Mac to this to you guys will probably seem like old stuff you know anyway so Mac operating system can only be installed on Apple Mac hardware isn't that interesting guys it's not a very important thing right now maybe to you guys but the exam that's going to be important they want to see if you guys know or if you can remember that apple or the Apple operating system can only be installed on Apple Mac hardware you know go figure right now speaking of Apple you also get Apple's IOS operating system something we did mention earlier and I mentioned to you guys the IOS operating system is something we normally install on a mobile device something like a phone or a tablet so there's a picture for you guys more or less what it looks like you know keeping in mind that's obviously not what everybody's looks like you do get different versions and additions for different phones depends on how up to date the phone is how new the phone is and and and so this runs on iPhone and iPad Hardware only so there's Apple again you know forcing the operating system only to work on their hardware version updates can drop support for old the hardware models so there's going to be a point in time when one day you're just using your phone and and you're going to find that no longer it's no longer supported by Apple you're not going to get any updates anymore no support from Apple anymore and that's not just an apple unique thing guys this applies to Microsoft it applies to all the other vendors and quite frankly just products in general never mind operating systems for phones or whatever at Point there's going to be a point in time where support just stops and this is a real snag in the work for most of us of all operating systems you get yourself a new device and a new operating system after a couple of months or a couple of years suddenly you don't get updates anymore and then very soon you don't have support anymore and God forbid if something happens to your device then well you're going to find yourself in a bit of a predicament other operating systems I just want to briefly touch on because I did mention them earlier but I didn't really explain anything about them is UNIX Linux something's called Linux and then Chrome's operating system right so as for Unix hoping I'm pronouncing that correctly depends on the country you're in this folks is developed in parallel by various institutions so there's multiple institutions that work it's not a single place or a single entity per se as for the Linux or Linux one so this gu is derived from Unix but is fully open source now if you don't know what open source means it means it is free free to the public you can go and get yourself Linux or Linux completely for free an open source means it's not just free but you can actually go and tamper the code and it's not legal to go and do that you can go and alter this or change this in any way you see fit assuming you know developing and all that and and that's completely acceptable it's not illegal it's allowed and guys this operating system is actually more widely deployed as a server operating system than a desktop one I'm not saying you won't find this on desktops or laptops I know plenty of people that use this on their desktops or laptop some people exclusively only use that and it's generally because this is seen as a more secure and more stable operating system but you'll more commonly come across this operating system in the server World As for the last one Chrome operating system this derived from Linux can you believe it to run Chromebook and Chromebox Hardware it was originally designed to work with web applications rather than locally installed software who knew right and then folks we've got Android so Android is Google's operating system which is predominantly used for phones and tablets obviously not limited that when you do get this on TVs and other platforms as well so this is for smartphones tablet and it's derived from Linux who knew I mean you know up until not too long ago even I did not know that believe it or not often this is customized by vendors so if you are using Android on your phone and I'm using it on my phone but we're using two different venders if I'm using a Samsung phone and you're using a Huawei phone just because we both have Android installed assuming you have Android installed even does not mean it looks the same or that it's got exactly the same functions and functionality and features and stuff the vendors themselves will go and change this and alter this sometimes to we be customized for their specific phone or platform and even if we've got the same brand of phone and I can have a Samsung and you can have a Samsung you'll find it still might not look exactly the same it might still vary so yes this is often customized by vendors um some of the vendors is things like Acer Asus HTC WWE LG Motorola OnePlus Oppo Samsung Sony zomi and and I don't know what else there's many many other ones and I probably pronounce some of these incorrectly as well but there's a bit of a list for you guys now there's going to be times when you're going to see major and minor version updates unfortunately these updates are something we normally can't really avoid if you do not get updates you're going to find the phone just doesn't work or very soon after that will stop working and if you do get updates then often you'll find the phone also doesn't work specifically because of some silly update that took place and there's not really much we can do you might say hey let me go and reset the phone factory reset it and remove all the updates it might work it might if you're lucky enough to get it to work it'll work for a very short period of time until it goes and downloads the L updates again then you're going to be stuck in the same predicament basically right folks next Topic in this module is file explorer also known as Windows Explorer some folks just call this Explorer now this is actually something that was covered earlier in the video so guys guys feel free to go check that out earlier in the video ear in the video when I did my demo when I was browsing around on Windows showing you guys Windows around there I did not just explain it but I actually even showed it to you guys so in case you don't remember there's a bit of a screenshot for you guys so Explorer is what allows you to browse around on the machine it's what allows you to go into your videos your pictures your documents it's what allows you to go and browse on the machine and integrate your files and find your files and that kinds of stuff so I'm going to go on ahead and go on to the next topic which is control panel now control panel is something that we currently do still find on Windows even the latest version of Windows which is version 11 it's still there but over the years there has gotten a bit of a makeover here and there they might have changed an icon you know the look or the feel for some icons but for the most part still the same thing you for the most part still have the same functions however you would have noticed if you're running Windows 10 that Microsoft has ever so slightly started removing certain functions and features and goodies from control panel things that used to be there which is just no longer there so every time Microsoft decides to go and do those big fat updates not the normal one those big ones which they called feature updates whenever Microsoft does those which is like once every 6 months or 12 months they sometimes add stuff to your operating system or remove stuff to the operating system sometimes so much so that it's a whole new Opera operating system all together and when they do that you would have noticed they sometimes remove things from control panel now it's not because it's removed from your operating system as a whole no it's just been removed from control panel and it's been moved into what is known as the settings app which brings me to my next topic here now the Windows settings app is technically the new control panel there's a bit of a screenshot for you guys as to what it looks like so that's what it looks like on Windows 10 you also find this on Windows 11 so on Windows 11 it looks different and what we see in the picture here but it's still there so on Windows 10 and on Windows 11 you just go click on settings looks like a little gear icon like a little sprocket it'll open what is known as the Windows settings app it will just say Windows settings like in a screenshot and that is technically the new control panel so at the moment as I'm making this video both the old control panel and the new one still exist on both Windows 10 and 11 but I'm saying it like that because Microsoft will remove the old control panel when exactly we don't know only Microsoft will know but they have gradually started removing some of the functions and the features and the goodies that you would find normally on control panel they've moved them to the new one they can only be found on the new one now this is probably a sneaky ninja trick way of getting us to use the new control panel to get comfortable and familiar with the new control panel so that when they remove the old one you don't go into a panic and be like I don't know where this is I don't know where that is because you've actually already been using the new one for quite some time at least that's the idea folks so if you don't know what the control panel is in the settings app is this is where you'll find the majority of your computer system settings you can go check system overview you can go check your networking settings or go config ning settings you can go and customize the computer's look and feel change pretty much anything about your machine I mean the word settings should tell you everything you need to know it's to change settings about your device or your machine machine so if you go in there you can change pretty much anything you know unless you're going into control panel because they've removed some of settings all right folks let's move on to the next topic which is the last topic for this unit using a web browser now if you don't know what a web browser is this is software that you would install on your device this is not limited to a laptop or desktop folks this could also be a tablet or a phone or lots of other devices you even get these on TVs for crying out loud a browser is what we use to browse the internet to view web pages this could be the comp's web page this could be YouTube the browser that you're using now to view YouTube well that's an example this could be something like if I have to choose a browser this could be Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer which we call IE for short I'm hoping you guys don't use one of those two because those two don't I don't know they suck uh this could be Mozilla Firefox it could be Google's Chrome browser it could be Apple Safari browser and you get many many other ones as well which are less known but they're not necessarily bad browsers either way it is what we use to view a web page like where you're viewing this video right now if you look at the picture on the right most browsers nowadays if not all will have tabs at the top so you can actually be on multiple Pages at the same time you will have a URL bar and now that's if you go to look at number one you know on the screenshot where it says https certification. that is a URL that is where you put the URL so the URL is short for uniform resource locator you don't need to know that but in short it is the address of the website and you'll find the majority of these browsers will allow you to go and bookmark a page sometimes it's literally just called bookmarks other times it'll be called favorites depending on the browser you're using they've got lots of cool fun functions but it all depends on the actual browser you're using all right folks so that is it for unit three moving on to unit 4 managing an operating system right folks so with regards to managing an operating system first thing up is management interfaces so this could be something we have actually covered earlier control panel or Windows settings so that would be called the settings app which is basically the new control panel I think we've covered that like three times already already in this video but the fact that comp is covering it multiple times should tell you something that it might be in the exam so control panel you've seen the picture window settings you've seen the picture both of these have been covered multiple times in the video if you want to see that just scroll back to um that part of the video now something else we can also go and use is something called a Management console there's actually multiple ones we can go and make use of and these sometimes they do something as a whole they've got a bunch of functions and features other times they do something specific now one of the first management consoles I'm going to mention to you guys is something called computer management this is the default console there's a bit of a picture for you guys if you look at the left hand side of that picture in the navigation menu you will notice there's actually multiple tools for you to go and choose from now that multiple tools can actually be accessed via multiple ways computer management is just one of multiple ways you or the user can go and use to access some of those tools and the tools we see in that list guys that's not all of them there's many many other computer management tools which are not even in that list even computer management itself how do we access that guys there's multiple ways you can go do it via control panel you can go and do it via running a command multiple ways to get to your goal the other management consoles you guys can go and make use of and this is one of my personal favorites is custom consoles with selected snapins now this custom console they're referring to is actually something called MMC for short which stands for Microsoft Management console so if you go to your run command on your computer if you know what the Run command is and you go run a search for MMC MSC so it's MMC MSC if you type that into the Run command you're going to see it's going to open up the MMC Management console and in the beginning it's going to be blank I'll show you guys that just in a moment what it actually looks like and it's up to you to go and add various snapins the snaping you add will obviously allow you to go and do certain things on the machine so on that note let me show you guys what this looks like on that virtual machine I showed you guys earlier but before I switch over I'm going to make that virtual machine well full screen for the most part you guys can see a little bit better what the heck is actually going on I'm not going to zoom out like I did earlier of hyperv when we were covering virtualization anyway so switching over to the virtu machine for MMC a few moments later all right folks like usual we are back on at virtu machine again for the how many of time now I don't even know anymore so what we can do is we can go here to the bottom we can try and type it in but I've seen quite often it will not actually pop up necessarily if you just type it in as is we might get lucky maybe it will so I'm going to type in MMC let's just see if we get lucky today no it's not popping up let's say if I type it into search oh there we go I didn't even type in MSC and I didn't even type it into the Run command I literally just typed it into Cortana the search engine here at the bottom and it starts piing it up already so there it is MMC Microsoft Management console I'm going to click that and open it up asks me if I'm sure I want to this is user account control I'm going to say yes and there we go folks so in the beginning this is what it looks like it is blank so you can see it says console one it's blank we haven't done anything yet we have not added anything yet so we now need to go and add what is known as a snap-in to tell this thing what it needs to well allow us to go and do the snap-ins we add are for the most part administrative tools and yes you can go and add them a snappings but once again this is not the only way you can go and access those administrative tools so the way you add a snapin is to go to the top left where it says file and remove snap-in you click on that and it gives you a fairly decent list of a lot of admin consoles or administrative tools and so on and even though that's a lot that is still not all of them guys so I can now go and add let's say Disk Management as an example to allow me to manage my hard drives and things like that Event Viewer to see what has happened on my machine so this is basically logs I'm literally just adding random things here folks so let me just go and add a couple I go click on that it's a bit slow so I'm just going to go and add a couple here we go let's see if they've got resource monitor in here they've got performance monitor I don't even see resource monitor mean for example you get another one called resource monitor I don't even see that listed here anyway so let's go click on okay so you guys can see what this looks like now it looks very similar to computer management which we saw on a screenshot earlier on the left we once again have a navigation menu of all the snappings I've added so I've added two of them but you can go and add a whole bunch it's up to you and if you click on that component it'll open open that tool as if you opened the tool and you'll have full functionality on that tool like you would normally do all right let's quickly go back to our list all right so we've covered MMC next up is registry editor if you want to open this bad boy you're going to have to go and type in what I've typed there in pink R edit and if you don't type that in it's not going to open it up guys do not go in there unless you know what you're doing if you don't know what you're doing if you don't have experience right ask someone else to do this for you and then eventually when you gain more experience and obviously this applies to all of us then you can go and Fiddle in there so all of us in the beginning start out by not knowing a lot and then as time goes by you gain more experience and then eventually you'll know what you're doing so there everything you install and for the most part most of the stuff you do on a computer they go and make what we call registry edits or registry entries so I'm going to show you guys quickly on that virtu machine what this looks like once we open it so let's quickly switch back here we are again I'm going to go to the search bar and I type in red edit you can see there we go R edit I'm going to click on that once again yes I'm sure I want to open this and there we go so that's what the registry editor looks like folks anyway let's go back to that list again all right and then the last thing I'm going to mention here to you folks regarding management interfaces is command prompt and Powershell now these are two different topics but they're both command based so I'm going to first show you guys command prompt and then I'm going to show you power shell so before we switch over to the next topic let's quickly go back to that virtual machine like usual folks here we are I'm going to go here to the bottom I'm going to type in CMD which is for command prompt there we go so that's a command line interface this has actually been around on Windows since pretty much the beginning of time and you can go and type in various command prompt commands here it actually does accept a few programming languages as well I've happened to know that it accepts HTML and C++ and a whole bunch of other ones as well I'm not a developer but I do know that it does accept a couple of programming languages as well now you can actually go and convert command prompt to Powers Shell by typing a oneline command but we're not going to do that right now so you can either go type it in there if you want to access powers shell or I'm going to close this and you can go and type in Powers shell to access powers shell normally it's blue but that's not set in stone there we go when this power shell going to open that sucker up and there we go so normally it's blue but you could actually access this openness via command prompt it's going to be a black window then but you'll see in the beginning it's going to say partial so you actually typing in power shell commands then so there are a lot of similarities between power shell and command prom but they're not exactly the same so in power shell yes you can go and type in command promt commands but for the most part we are going to be typing in what is known as power shell commands into Power shell now a lot of ID guys make use of this even though they might not necessarily know any partial commands or scripts now how we do that is we go to our trusty friend Google me you know how it is in it if anyone in it ever tells you they don't use Google or YouTube they're lying to you let me tell you that much so if you don't know what you're doing you go to Google or YouTube or any search engine or you ask a friend or a colleague it's going to take you to a forum online most likely like techet GitHub Microsoft learn and there you will find the script you're looking for often it'll be exactly what you're looking for it'll come with instructions most of the time that tells you how to go and use it what to go and change with what to go and change that something why you're changing that something how to go use this command everything you need to know so basically this comes down to why reinvent the wheel when the wheels already been invented anyway folks let's go back to that presentation Al righty folks next up we've got task manager now the chances are the majority of you guys have at the very least heard of this tool maybe not used it but at the very least you would have heard of this tool now most of you guys probably have actually used it as well you don't have to be a technition to use this tool this is one of the very few tools that the majority of people have used even though they might not necessarily be in it now the way you open this would be to go and press the control key the ALT key and the delete key at the same time so it's control alt and delete by holding down all three keys that will allow you to go open task manager and another way believe it or not you can also go and open this this is actually a way that a lot of people are not aware of is you go and press control shift and Escape so once again three keys say instead of control alt and delete it's Escape shift and the control key by combining those three keys at the same time you'll also be able to open Task Manager alternatively what you can do but it depends on your operating system you can go and right click on a task part at the bottom and you'll find one of the options there it says task manager now if you guys don't know what task manager is used for it's actually used for multiple things it consists of about six seven tabs if not more you can use task manager to Monitor and control processes as well as other performance indicators so you can go into the processes Tab and if there's anything that's consuming an enormous amount of resources if it's just timing out or it's faulty you can go and do what is known as killing that process that is not responding or if something is just not behaving the way you intend maybe it's not a matter of it's not responding it's just a matter of this thing is being a pesky little creature you can also go and kill it there you've got the performance tab so if you look at the screenshot there's a performance tab as well so if you go there you'll be able to see the four main counters CPU memory hard drive and network respectively and you can actually go and see them in a lot more detail if you go use another tool called the resource monitor app history speaks for itself shows you which apps you've used recently startup tab shows you what backend processes starts up with the piece in the background as time goes by you'll find your PC is going to get slower and slower and slower it's not necessarily because the hard drive is full although that might be one reason it's not necessarily because you've got malware something like a virus although that's also another possible reason it's often just because you've installed a lot of stuff and these stuff are starting up with Windows in the background so it's causing it to be quite slow the users tab will show you all the users that's currently logged on so for the most part that tab is pretty useless unless you are doing this on a server and there's multiple people logged into the same server at the same time then it can actually prove quite useful the details tab very much the same as the processes Tab and a Services tab way on the right is actually probably the most useless one in this case not that we don't need to access the services we absolutely need to do that and we absolutely need to go and control them but that one there gives you very limited functionality so if you ever need to go and access the services if you know what that is my recommendation would be to just go into the actual Services concept itself not to use that tab since the tab is quite limited now speaking of services that brings us to service management so if you were to actually go and run the console or open the console for services the main one you'll find you've got way more functionality and features and all that you can go and configure way more stuff kill way more stuff um configure things whether they should start up with Windows or should they start up manually you want to disable them you can go and choose a lot of settings so services in case you have no idea what that is services are the processes that run in the background on windows so if you go and look at the task bar at the bottom you might very well see absolutely nothing very at the moment but it does not mean there's nothing running in the background an example of a very well-known service would be something called The Print Spooler it's always running in the background it always starts up automatically whether you've got a printer or not yes it's got to do with printers it's kind of in the name now the purpose of The Print Spooler is it kind of acts like the queue for your printer so when you or someone prints one day whatever that might be the document in question will go into this magical queue which we call The Print Spooler and then after that it's going to go to the printer and it's going to get printed so that Print Spooler needs to always be there it needs to always run otherwise well people are not going to be able to print and then what we can also say about service management is it supports functionality of operating system and many applications folks and like I said earlier in the ser Services console you can go and start stop and configure Services you can go and choose when they start manually automatically are they enabled are they disabled and much much more now moving on to another tool which is called the task scheduler this is one of my personal favorites even though I don't actually always get the time to use it it Still Remains one of my all-time favorites now the majority of the tools I've mentioned so far including this one are available on both the client side as well as the server side so if I say client side I mean you can find this on like Windows 7 8 10 and 11 and if I say server side I mean you can find this in all the server operating systems like Server 2012 R2 server 2016 server 2019 and so on and so forth now if you don't know what it's used for the name kind of tells you what you need to know it's used to schedule tasks you can go and automate just about anything you can think of guys so the description is you can go and automate execution of processes but it's not just limit that and you can also go and choose between multiple triggers such as schedule so if I go into task Schuler in case you guys don't know how to open it you can literally just go to your search bar on your computer to type in task scheduler and on the top right hand side if you look at the screenshot you'll see there's a button that says create task there you'll be able to give it a name and you can go and choose between various triggers triggers would be something like a schedule so this event would open or get triggered on a certain date or a certain time you can actually be as precise as to the second so I can go specify years in advance months in advance weeks and days hours and minutes and even seconds in advance as to exactly when something would happen does something need to be displayed should it launch a script should it launch a program or a game those are examples of schedules you can choose if this is a once off occurrence or if this needs to happen daily weekly or monthly if it's daily is it every day or just certain days if it's weekly is it every week or just certain weeks and so on and so forth you've got fullon flexibility folks um now schedule is just one of the triggers me you can also go and choose other triggers for example like when the PC starts up when a person logs on logs off or when the PC is idling when something gets changed you know and much much more so yeah you can go and use your imagination as to what you want to go and schedule on the machine all right let's move on to something called memory and Disk Management now folks in case you don't know you get many kinds of memory in a computer but in this instance when we talk about memory we're for the most part talking about system memory which is more commonly known as RAM in a laptop or a desktop or so so that's system memory it's called Ram it is volatile memory now if you don't know what volatile means it means that if power is lost on this machine anything in the ram being your sister memory would also be lost now for that to make sense uh let's give you guys an example if you are in front of your laptop or desktop right now anything that you've got open on your laptop or desktop that is in your RAM so when you open a browser or you open a program or a game or a document it loads that from your hard drive into your RAM your RAM is temporary memory but it's very flip and fast memory so anything you see open on your computer at the moment that is currently in your RAM but now if your laptop or desk toop happens to restart or it loses power let's say the battery runs out on your laptop or you just yank out a power cable on a laptop or a desktop and the machine turns off would you agree with me that everything you had open would be lost now when I say lost I mean it's just closed I don't mean it's lost lost so if you were to go and dig on your machine let's say it was a browser You' be able to open the browser again and browse back to that page if it was a document or a file was open you can just browse to it again and open it again if was a program or again was open you can just go and reload launch it again so as soon as you open that file or document again or relaunch it again it's going to load it from the hard drive back into the ram so once again Ram is volatile because whatever is in the ram is lost if power is lost if you look at something like a hard drive which is quite slower than you know RAM chips it's way slower that is an example of nonvolatile because when the power is lost whatever is on a hard drive is not lost you can always go and reopen those files anyway so system memory is provided by Ram modules some people call these RAM chips you know it's got lots of names and then when we move on to MH storage which is something I did touch on just a moment ago that would be something like a hard drive folks and this is nonvolatile memory because whatever is on that hard drive if you go and yank out the power cord yes it's going to be closed but it does not stop you from double clicking on it again and opening it again so yeah anyway hard drives these are generally fixed hard drives in the old days you only got one kind so we just called all hard drives a hard drive nowadays for the last 10 years or so you get two kinds of hard drives well actually three but we only talk about two of them the one is something we just call HDD which is a normal hard disk drive that's a mechanical hard disk drive that's the old school technology and it's got a spindle with movable parts and all that there's benefits to it there's drawbacks to it then you've got what we call an SSD solid state drive that's the new technology it's a heck of a lot faster than a normal mechanical drive it's got a couple of benefits and a couple of drawbacks as well so one of the obvious benefits is obviously speed because it's a heck of a lot faster but there are a couple of drawbacks to that as well unfortunately that's not cover it in this course quite frankly folks that's actually not even covered in the A+ course if you're curious what those benefits and drawbacks are feel free to drop a comment down below and ask and then I'll just elaborate on what that might be speaking of which people if you are still watching this video up to to this point in time well done because it's probably over the 2hour mark by now clearly you guys are very dedicated and there's normally a game I would like to play with the people at this point in time um it's basically in the comment section so if you are still watching the video at this point in time drop the word in the comment section Cookie Monster the idea of this is anyone that's reading through the comment section will have no idea why everybody's commenting Cookie Monster Cookie Monster is going to confuse the Daylights out of them now obviously if you have a legitimate comment you want to go and drop or a legitimate question that's fine you can still drop it down below and I will answer your questions but just for fun and gags you can go and drop the phrase Cookie Monster or you can go make a new sentence with the word Cookie Monster you can be creative about it just stick to YouTube's rules um don't swear and do anything like that and then we can have a couple of laughs about it so anyone that's actually watched the video up to this point only they would know what it's all about and um on that note folks if you haven't done it already please give this video a like it does help me it does help the channel more you like the video the more it's going to pop up in front of people's faces which means we get to help more people out there that does not have money for free training material on out so you're not just helping me you're helping lots of people out there anyway let's move on so we've talked about system memory we've talked about mass storage now what the cheese is virtual memory virtual memory folks this is sometimes also known as page file memory I don't think they call it that in this course or they don't even mention it in this course but virtual memory is also referred to as page file memory now that folks is when you use a very small portion of your hard drive although you can change this value you use a very small portion of your hard drive as if it is Ram now the ram as I've said earlier is way faster than the hard drive so anything you have open on your machine would normally be loaded into RAM because that's a heck of a lot quicker than the hard drive if it has to go zigzag between the hard drive and the CPU nothing would get done it's going to feel like your your computer's just freezing all the time so instead anything you open would be temporarily loaded into RAM and between the RAM and the CPU is going to go zigzag zigzag zigzag as it gets calculated and processed which gives you a smooth feeling and just feels like things are actually getting done now there are times when your RAM Runs Out believe it or not so let's say maybe you've got eight gigs worth of ram now maybe one day you've got so much nonsense open to the point where you've actually filled up all eight gigs not something that happens often this is very rare but if and when that happens normally the machine would crash you would experience what is known as a blue screen of death for a fraction of a second you're going to see a blue eror flashing on a screen you're not going to have time to read it you're not going to have time to um take a photo or a screenshot anything like that you're going to have to go and check it afterwards in the logs which is quite an annoying process so now you've got no idea what just happened meanwhile it's because you ran out of memory now to avoid this from happening you can actually go and dedicate a portion of your hard drive as if it is Ram now obviously it's not nearly as good or as fast as RAM but it's the next best thing if you actually run out of ram I mean it's going to be slower but at least the the overflow will spull over to the hard drive and it's not going to crash on you until that space obviously runs out again right folks next up we've got something called Disk Management now this is a tool that's built into both the client and the server operating systems it's Windows is tool that we use for hard drive or well should I say discs it's not just for hard drives you can actually go and use this for external drives flash drives any form of storage really there are other ones out there that you can go make use of which are non Microsoft ones you'll have to go and download them and install them but for the most part Disk Management is what the average Joe would go and use it's what the average technician would go and use it allows you to go and create what is known as partitions and file systems on fixed discs to make them usable by the operating system you can also go and format removable or external drives any kind of Drive can be formatted here so to formatt it is to get that drive ready to be used when you put a blank hard drive into computer you can imagine it's basically like an empty parking lot at a brand new Supermarket I mean theoretically cars can go and park in it but it's going to be Anarchy So to avoid Anarchy and Chaos what we can go and do is someone maybe me or maybe you can go to that parking lot and paint a couple of parking lines so that the cars will know where to go and Park Park themselves now why am I talking about a parking lot because folks hard drives work very similar to that when you format a hard drive for a file system you can imagine that someone is digitally speaking painting some parking lines on that hard drive or in that hard drive and Veta now which is technically the cars in this example would know where to go and park themselves so it's to create order it's to create structure and dis management allows you to achieve that it also allows you to go and subdivide hard drives speaking this is called partitioning so if you look at that picture on the right um if you have a hard drive maybe it's dis one so you look at DIS one it's one hard drive in this case it looks like it's a flash drive but you can go and subdivide that into two virtual hard drives or partitions should I say and if you go to your computer and you go and open you know your computer via Explorer it's going to look like you've got two hard drives but in reality you actually just have one it's just partition or subdivided so you can go and organize stuff right folks and then moving on to the next topic command line interfaces I'm just going to scheme across this one because we did actually cover this earlier and I did actually even show it to you on that virtu machine I've been using so much so this is used to type commands to operate the operating system instead of a goey interface so the gooey interface is what most of us like to go and use even most technicians like to go and use it because it's quick it's easy it's user friendly but there are times when we don't have access to that yes there are times like that or where you might not be able to go and use it for some apparent reason now in those situations you can go make use of something called command prompt or Powers shell both of which I showed you folks earlier so the commands you have available depends on the environment so in command prompt you'll have to go and type command prompt commands for the most part but it's not limited to that like I said earlier you can go and type partial commands into command prompt if you convert command prompt to partial like I said earlier it does also accept a couple of programming languages like C++ and HTML and if you go to partial it does actually work with command promp commands as well never mind power shell commands all right folks and then we've got something called access control and protection so Access Control Systems ensure authorized use of computers networks and data resources now that that's quite vague I mean I think you guys have got a fair understanding of what that entails but it's quite vague it can be a lot of things I mean this could literally be a security guard at the door it could be a boom gate it could be an actual door that's got maybe a keypad or you've got to go and swipe a card or go enter a pin all of these are examples of access controls that the examples I just gave you will physically limit someone from entering a certain space but digitally speaking you can also get different kinds of access control so if someone wants to access a certain resource he or she or it might be prompted to provide certain credentials to authenticate themselves to prove they are who they claim to be and to prove what level of access and privileg they've got this could be most commonly done by something like a username and a password email address and a password maybe someone has to provide some sort of Biometrics they might have to provide some sort of card and the list goes on now users are identified via accounts and obviously the accounts itself is not just limited to a username and a password this entails everything I've just mentioned use this AIS an account by authenticating with credentials which is known by them or held by them so these credentials we're talking about would be something like using them in a password once again or it could be something that the person's got physically on them like a smart card a bank card some sort of access card or it could be something that they are as a human being which is not even mentioned here so that would be a form of biometric authentication fingerprint Ral eye scan voice recognition faal recognition that kind of stuff and accounts folks are assigned privileges and rights to do things so that refers to what we said earlier in this module you never give someone or something more access or privilege or permissions than what they need to achieve a task or a goal it's not just because we don't trust them it's also in the event of that person's account getting compromised so now we'll at least be able to limit what the hacker can see and what the hacker can go do and there's also the situation where if someone just goes off the rails maybe someone goes Rogue they're upset we call these disgruntled employees and not if but when that happens we can limit the amount of damage that the scrt employee can do and what they can actually see all right folks and then on the actual machines themselves your normal standard Windows machine you know Windows 10 and 11 there's different kinds of account types you get now I'm mentioning this to you guys because it's part of the course but in reality we don't we don't really use these anymore folks we don't so you get your administrator account which is the main one we use and quite frankly these days the only one we use you get an account called a standard user account and then you get an account called a guest user account now if someone is a standard user which used to be the average employee he or she would for example not be allowed to install stuff uninstall stuff do certain changes on the machine whenever they try and do any of the things I just mentioned it's going to pop up of a prompt it's going to ask them for administrator credentials and that's when they need to call an administrator which would normally be you or someone in it now the reason why we don't use those accounts anymore is because now cloud is a thing these days people are constantly using domains these days that's not new this is actually something that's been around for quite a long time and the average person these days guys they all at some point in time need to install stuff uninstall stuff and configured stuff now imagine for a moment you've got a TH or 10,000 users every day during the whole day a lot of these people are going to want to or need to install inst stuff and uninstall stuff do you really want to be that guy that's going to be walking up and down up and down the whole day you going to type in your password and it's not as simple as hey let me just go and type in my password you first need to go and check what is it that this person is trying to do what are they trying to install or uninstall because maybe they're up to some sort of shenanigans so you need to go and double check it first and this all takes time so you are effectively going to be wasting your whole day on a bunch of nonsense so instead we are going to go and do something else which is what we do these days and a guest account guys is what you would go go and use if someone needs to have temporary access to something on your server or your computer and um if I need to give you access for example to a certain file of document on my computer but I want I don't want to give you a full-blown admin account I could go and temporarily turn on the guest account because it's actually turned off by default I can temporarily put a positive on it if need be I can give you a credentials for that account you can temporarily log into my machine with limited credentials or limited privilege and you're going to do this probably remotely via the network and you can only see what I've allowed you to see and you can only do what I've allowed you to do all right folks moving on to the next topic um this is actually the last topic for this unit I to switch my mic there for just of a second creating and managing user accounts all right so with regards to this guys you get different kinds of accounts that you can go and use to log on to your machine the first one I want to mention to you guys is an account called a local account this is the account that your machine comes with when you just installed the operating system so if you have just installed Windows 10 or you have just installed Windows 11 it comes with one account that you can go and use at least by default and that guys is called the local account that's the type of account that is the actual name to the account could be anything it's probably going to be your name because in the beginning it's going to ask you to type in some sort of name and it's probably going to be your own name you're going to go and typee in but that account is a local account it checks locally on that device if you are the owner to that account or that device this is normally done by comparing the password to the username so if it's got a password and you know the password that would be authentication there are other local accounts which are more buil-in accounts and anything else but they're disabled for the most part now the second kind of account I want to mentioned to you folks is a Microsoft account these are also sometimes known as Live accounts and they're also sometimes known as online accounts so Microsoft keeps changing their mind about what they want to call this they can't seem to make up their mind but at the moment for the time being it seems like they're calling this in a Microsoft account now for that you can go to where you can go and create yourself a new email account this will be seen as a mic account or Live account online account whatever you want to call it and it's going to end up the extension or the main Handler which is an it's going to be at or at something in that sense now you can actually go and create yourself a 365 account as well so if you have a 365 subscription or if your company has a 365 subscription believe it or not those accounts are actually considered to be marks accounts as well but your personal capacity if you need to want make one you're probably going to end up going to and instead of authenticating locally on that device to check if you are the owner to this account the device it's going to check online so it's the same concept authentication it's just going to go and check well somewhere else if you are who you claim to be now to be able to check the different kinds of accounts you've got on your machine you can go and use something called local users and groups this is a snapping most of the time it's not the only way you can go and access this but most of us including my myself I like to go and add this as a snaping now the word snaping should sound familiar to you guys because earlier in this video we showed you guys something called MMC Microsoft Management console and when we had that topic I showed you guys you can go and add various snappin one of these many snapins that you have available there folks is the users and groups snapin if you go there and you add that snap in you're going to see it's going to show you all the local user accounts on your machine and all the local groups and there's probably going to be only like three local accounts it's going to be the main one that you're using the one that theyve got when you just installed Windows or when you bought the machine it's going to have the administrator account it's going to actually be called administrator and you'll notice it's disabled it's going to have one called guest which is also disabled and if you would like to use guest or administrator at any point in time you can just go and turn them on give them a positive if they don't have one and voila it is that simple so yeah if you want to use this snapping folks just follow the steps I showed you earlier with regards to MMC add a snap in and then you just go look for the one that says users and groups all right folks moving on to the last unit in this module unit five troubleshooting and support now folks in this unit there's pretty much just one main topic I'm going to be discussing with you guys but it actually entails a lot and that main topic is the troubleshooting model also known as the troubleshooting methodology now depending on what course you're doing they might show you four steps they might show you six steps in this case I'm going to show you guys eight steps but I think the actual way is about six steps at the moment so if you have a problem that you're are facing and let's imagine for a moment this is someone's computer that's being a problem the user complains the machine for example does not want to start something pretty common Ian this is GNA happen all the time so I'm Farm sucking this now literally guys I'm literally Farm sucking this making up a scenario as I'm going along and that's just to kind of make this thing make more sense to you guys so if you've got a use a now complaining that their machine does not want to start what is the first thing you need to do the first thing you need to do is to identify the problem and this is besides the user telling us what's wrong so the user says machine doesn't want to start we don't know what the problem is yet this could be anything it could literally just be as simple as the machine is not plugged in maybe it's turned off by the wall socket or it's turned off behind the PC by the little power button at the power supply it can be any amount of things maybe there's something physically wrong of the machine maybe the voltage is too high or too low the list I can give you of what can cause that is longer than a Christmas list we would never finish if I had to go through that list so now how do we identify what the problem could be well guys there's many ways you can go about it my personal favorite is to ask questions by asking questions assuming you're actually able to do this you can very quickly actually come to the conclusion of what the problem might be so if you ask them questions like sir ma'am when did you first start experiencing these problems and they might say something along the lines of well Sunny it was working fine yesterday afternoon when I was still working and then ever since yesterday afternoon it doesn't work anymore so basically from this morning doesn't work so now we know we've got a time frame something happened to this machine somewhere between yesterday afternoon and this morning so they might say something along the lines of you know ever since we had that lightning storm last night the machine doesn't want to work ah okay you don't say so now as an ity person because of your experience and all that kinds of stuff you might come to the conclusion you know what I think that lightning storm might have had something to do with it maybe just maybe there was a power search and maybe it blew something in this computer maybe the power supply maybe the motherboard n out of 10 times in real life the power supply would kick the bucket but if that's not the case it might be the motherboard if that's not the case it might be the power supply and the motherboard and if that's not the case it'll be something entirely different but I can tell you now 90 to 95% chance it will be the power supply so yeah there you go identify the problem is the first step the second step is actually to establish a theory well that's the A+ way which is actually a little bit more advanced in this course but in ITF plus they say the second step is to research knowledgebase and the internet so that that kind of technically forms part of identifying the problem guys in my opinion so identify the problem is the true blue First Step here and the real Second Step would be to establish a theory now researching you know the knowledge base if you have access to any form of knowledge basis to go check Google to go and check YouTube all of that that technically is part of identifying the problem so I'm going to list it here because it's part of the course but I'm telling you in real life that's not really the second step in real life that actually forms part of the first step the real second step is the third one they mention here which is establish a theory so now what is my theory my theory is I think it's a power search and I think it's because of that lightning storm that's my theory and I think the culprit here is the power suppliers kick the bucket I'm not saying it is I need to confirm it first but that's my Theory then step four well at least here according to them it's step four and real life this will be step three is to test your theory and if it turns out not to be that then well you go back to the drawing board just all over again so to test my theory I in this case need to go and unplug my old power supply plug a new one in that I know is brand new or one that I know is still working plug that sucker in check if the PC starts which it probably will and if it does well there you go theory has been confirmed and you you can move on to the next step if it does not work well then you need to go and establish a new Theory and start the whole cycle all over again now assuming this machine starts which it probably will then you need to move on to the next step which they say step five but in reality this is actually step four establish a plan of action what are you going to do about it now the most logical CA of action here folks would be to go and replace the power supply before anyone says in the comment section but what about repairing it yes it can be repaired but specifically of power supplies this is not actually part of this course but specifically of power supplies we do not repair that it costs way too much money it's way cheaper just to going to replace them you'll find it cost about 10 to 20 times more to fix it versus just to go and replace it so sometimes you need to go and check which is going to be better is it more economical to repair something or to replace something power supplies it's always better to go replace and because it's way cheaper 20 times if not more it's way safer and it's going to last you way longer normally if it's a secondhand power supply and you do go and fix it it's probably only going to last a couple of months if if even that much if it's a new one it's going to last you a heck of a lot longer cost you 20 times less if not less and um it's a heck of a lot safer because power supplies generally are very dangerous you might not notice but if you have a power supply which is not plugged in that little silver box inside your desktop PC even if it's plugged out it retains a High Vol volage for very long this can actually last for years and if you open it up the capacitors inside that device which retains the voltage it can actually either put you in ICU you know give you third degree burns and all that or it will kill you so you should most definitely never ever try to open a power supply unless you're qualified electrician but even if you are one I still wouldn't recommend it because it's just a heck of a lot cheaper just to going to replace the darn thing so why not anyway folks so now we've got a plan of action we've established a plan of action the next step after that would be to implement the solution to actually go and do it then you go and verify full system functionality now before you go and say hey but I've done this a million times I've done this my whole life I've done this more times than I can count I do not care if you've done this more times than you can count you always test you never assume one day is one day and you're going to assume it's working and it's not going to be working another thing I want you guys to go and do in this in this phase is never mind testing it get the user who this machine belongs to get them to come and check it with you and when you test it you show them that you see here sir or ma'am it is working and you make them sign for it because normally what happens is these users have got this pesky habit of breaking something again afterwards the exact same way even sometimes and then it'll blame it on the technician being you it's always the it guys fault it's never their fault even though they're the ones that breaks it they'll even go and break it the exact same way literally day afterwards they're going to blame you and say no you didn't fix it properly the first time so you make them acknowledge that it's working you make them sign for it that it's working and this is often what we would use to go and build them if you're working in two different companies and at least afterwards if they want to say it's not working you can say uh-uh look here you confirmed that it was working and then the very last step folks is to go and document your findings I wouldn't say that's compulsory in real life but it is advisable it really is going to help you so whenever you fix something it's good idea to go and document whatever um you did so whatever the original problem was what your original steps was you took to go and troubleshoot the issue what ended up being the problem what ended up being the solution so that lat that down the line if you or one of your fellow colleagues have something similar you can always go through your notes and just check oh you know what this is what it was last time what if the poop eats the fan and someone wants to come back afterward and say no you didn't do this or you didn't do that then at Le you well you've got all the documentation to prove otherwise all right folks believe it or not we have finally reached the end of module one wowza what a mouthful now before any of you guys disappear on me if you have not done it already yet like I said in the beginning of this video do your hom me a favor give this video a like you're helping me you're helping the channel more people will see this video when you go and give it a like and if you find this content interesting if you would like to know when module two comes out or when I release other content maybe consider subscribing then at least YouTube will inform you and then before you guys disappear still I just want to give a shout out and a thank you to all the sponsors of this channel I've got quite a lot of patreon and PayPal sponsors not to mention all of those of you clicking on the thanks buttons below the video and just buying me coffee and milkshakes so guys if you'd like to sponsor the channel you can find that information in the video description down below so feel free to sponsor the channel if you'd like to do that and um as for the sponsors special thank you to all the patreons sponsors there's a list of them on the screen at the moment thank you very much guys appreciate all of you guys there's a list of the PayPal sponsors on the screen thank you very much guys appreciate it and um obviously there's lots of people that click on the thanks button below the video and that also do other things in the background all right guys and in case you guys don't know there is a Discord server so if you know what Discord is and if you'd like to join my server there's a Discord server called free IT training it's a very large it community of people such as yourself that is stud studing a course like this one amongst many other ones like A+ and N plus and many other vendors and whatnot so if you are struggling with your studies feel free to ask a question there maybe you just want to study in 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