Transcript for:
Understanding the Essence of Communication

What is communication? We use it every day, but can we specify or define what it is? We define communication as the transmission, interpretation and exchange of information. Now, if there is an exchange, it means that there is more than one party involved. Typically, these parties are two human beings and a classic example to describe a communication is an eye-to-eye conversation.

You know how it used to be. Back in the day, when we sat around a bonfire, telling our buddy how we spectacularly chased down that sable-toothed tiger to feed the kids in the cave. But even before, when spoken language was not yet developed, we knew how to communicate. Just imagine the cavemen painting their experiences on the cave wall. So clearly, we can communicate verbally and non-verbally.

But since we now live in the 21st century, and globally connected companies as well as high-tech machines are part of our everyday lives, there is more to say about communication. According to our definition that a communication consists of the transmission, interpretation and exchange of information, then how we interact with our computers might just be a communication as well. Well of course, as of now, the conversation with a computer is just not that, let's say, vivid.

The mechanics, however, are similar. You push a button on your keyboard and the computer perceives, interprets and reacts. So what do you think about this?

Do you consider the interaction with a computer or even a company a communication? Let me know in the comments or a personal message. Let's communicate!